

August 19, 2024

大家平時製作廣東話影片時經常會遇到一個問題,為了照顧更多非廣東話地區的觀眾,擴大自己的觀眾群,我們會為影片添加普通話字幕,就好像大家常看到的香港電影一樣。 Screenshot from the movie "Infernal Affairs" featuring a tense confrontation between two characters, with Cantonese subtitles. This image serves as a tutorial header for SubEasy's blog on generating Mandarin subtitles for Cantonese videos.


首先選擇你要上傳的影片,我們這裡選擇了電影《無間道》的一個精彩片段作為例子,接著選擇音訊語言為廣東話(書面語),然後點擊「開始轉錄」。 A screenshot showing the language selection process in SubEasy for Cantonese (written) output. The interface highlights the audio language option as Cantonese (written language), providing guidance for generating accurate subtitles.

稍等片刻就可以看到转录的结果,如果出现句子过长或者过短可以使用重排功能,再对转录出现的小错误进行调整。例如這裡的可卡因變成了可家印,可以使用 查找-替換 功能批量修改。 A screenshot showing the completed transcription interface in SubEasy for Cantonese (written language) subtitles. The interface displays synchronized subtitles alongside the video, with options to customize subtitle effects and positioning.

如果輸出的內容是繁體想轉為簡體,或者簡體想轉為繁體,可以使用免費翻譯功能進行轉換。 A screenshot showing the interface in SubEasy for translating subtitles from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese. The interface highlights various translation platform options and allows users to select the desired target language for accurate subtitle conversion.

最後,可以調整字幕樣式後導出完整影片,或者選擇導出字幕文件,然後自行進行編輯。 A screenshot showing the export options in SubEasy for videos with subtitles. The interface allows users to export the video with embedded subtitles or export the subtitles as separate files in formats like SRT or TXT.

SubEasy 不僅可以轉錄廣東話,還可以翻譯成全世界任何語言,讓你的作品觸達更多的觀眾。點擊這裡開始吧!
