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Kamala Harris and the black woman effect on white male voters

2024-07-31 00:58:08

America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

Speaker 1
[00:04.40 - 00:47.04]

Thanks for tuning in to After Dark with Robin Andrew, which is available on America Out Loud's iHeartRadio channel, along with streaming on the America Out Loud podcast network on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn Radio, wherever you listen to your podcasts. Please be sure to search for America Out Loud. In addition to that, we're available on americaoutlouds.news, which has thousands of podcasts and articles updated daily, and we always appreciate it when you share, share, share on social media. We face the same social media censorship that many of you do, so we appreciate it when you share on social media, help keep independent media going. Rob, and I appreciate all the support.

[00:47.18 - 01:07.86]

I know everyone over at America Out Loud appreciates the support. Well, Rob, it's good to be back. It's been a couple of weeks since I've been able to join you, but I am thrilled to be back. Certainly a lot to talk about tonight, as just about every show in the past few weeks. I mean, this news cycle is just all moving.

[01:07.86 - 01:53.76]

so, so fast. We've got tons to get to tonight. Going to open up with our vice president, Kamala Harris, the latest in the New York Post Harris campaign, creating space for white dudes to be honest about role in history. And her game plan for this is to have Pete Buttigieg go out there and speak to white guys about how representing Harris is a good idea. You know, Rob, this is obviously just pushback, because, let's face it, if you're a white guy, if you're a black guy, if you're a guy and you support Kamala Harris, they should revoke your man card.

[01:54.24 - 02:23.88]

I'd say you're a certified beta male if you're out openly supporting Kamala Harris. So that's just the way I feel about it. I think the Harris campaign feels this pressure that men would be embarrassed to support Kamala Harris. But then the answer to that is throwing out a gay man and Pete Buttigieg, which is only going to get the other beta males excited about Kamala Harris. They don't get it.

[02:23.94 - 02:43.34]

They're still not appealing to the alpha black males, the alpha white males, the alpha Hispanics. They're still just going for the same Democrat class of males. And they know she's going to get hammered against men by the men on election night. It's not the first time Kamala Harris has heard that.

[02:44.90 - 02:58.84]

Anyways, Rob, what are your thoughts on recruiting Pete Buttigieg to get the white guys to support Kamala Harris? And I did not mean to make that joke there, but it just kind of led into it.

Speaker 2
[02:59.24 - 03:11.34]

It comes with the territory. First of all, welcome back. I want to say welcome back to you. I know you've been away for two weeks taking care of some business. And I also want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in while you were out.

[03:11.34 - 04:12.06]

As you are aware, we had a number of guests on, one of them being Heather Robinson of the New York Post and Trisha Tremogli of the Washington Examiner, and a few other guests. But to your point about this whole thing, with Kamala reaching out to the white bros to get them to support her in using Pete Buttigieg, I agree with you that these men that are listening are definitely beta males. But we can't be fooled by this, the effort of her to reach out to men. Because, as we discussed on a previous show on social media, there is this, I don't know what you would call it, but some type of thing whereby they're seeing the black woman effect and how they're telling black women, well, black women are marrying white men and they're selling, literally selling black women to white men, putting them up on a pedestal and say, hey, you should consider all these attributes. You should definitely date one, because when you do, they'll change your life.

[04:12.12 - 04:42.68]

They'll change the way you dress, the way you eat and all this other superficial stuff, which, to me, I find extremely racist. I also find it demeaning, akin to back in the day when they were selling black people to whites, they would put them up on a pedestal and say, these are all the qualifications. And this is a reason why you should buy this particular person, be it the way they look, they were strong, built, big bones, teeth. And I mean, just really derogatory things. Fast forward to 2024..

[04:43.30 - 04:56.98]

We see the same effect. It is the exact same thing. But people are confused and they're lost because of the media. And yes, I'm going there again. The media in its current form is a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

[04:56.98 - 05:03.12]

And it is a threat to democracy. They are a threat to our way of life and they need to be taken down.

[05:04.64 - 05:43.66]

I am not ashamed of saying that and I will consistently say it until something happens, because we know that it is true, because we look at what happened with Joe Biden. We have known here on After Dark for three and a half years that Joe Biden is cognitively and physically challenged. And we were told that there was misinformation, cheap tricks, or from Carine Jean-Pierre, the token DEI White House press secretary, we're told that it's not true, that he's a smart man. But we saw this day in and day out. Now they have done a coup and kicked him out of office.

[05:44.68 - 05:59.20]

With the help of Barack Obama. And now they're now trying to sell us on Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris, who never won a primary or caucus when she was running back in 2020.. People did not like her. They found her repulsive.

[05:59.88 - 06:27.38]

They found her background, how she deliberately put black men in jail. There was one black man who she withheld exculpatory information, had him in jail, was about to be in jail for life. And had he been in another county as opposed to, I think, San Francisco County, he would have faced the death penalty. Thankfully, an attorney looked at this, his case, and it was overruled, overturned. And they filed a lawsuit and he won.

[06:27.38 - 06:46.12]

three point one, three point five million dollars from the city of California due to her prosecutorial misconduct. Now, the media won't talk about that because they want everyone to think that she is the latest and the greatest. But I will remind you that she is not. She's a failed candidate. She's a flawed candidate.

[06:46.90 - 07:08.24]

And albeit when she became the prosecutor district attorney in San Francisco, Barack Obama even made comments about her looks and say, wow, she looks great and she's going to be a superb person. Michelle Obama didn't like it. Fast forward. She started to run for the Senate and she got it. And all this came about because of Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, who slept with her.

[07:08.24 - 07:21.38]

He was having an affair with her. He's a married man. He was the mayor of San Francisco. And she was chaperoned around San Francisco on his shoulder. Now, I see all this just to give you a composite as to who this woman is.

[07:21.80 - 07:37.16]

Does it make a difference? Unfortunately, Andrew, it does not make a difference. And I hope my listeners are hearing me when I say this. does not make a difference that this woman got to her position the old fashioned way, on her back and her knees. And you know what I mean by that.

[07:37.26 - 07:47.84]

Some of the things that she was doing. It does not matter. Hear me clearly. It does not matter. So all of you who are putting these posts on Facebook and other social media outlets.

[07:48.14 - 08:04.08]

Yeah, it's funny and it makes us feel good, but it does nothing to stop her. You know why I say this? Because this is 2024 and in 2024, young women are OK with this. They're OK sleeping their way up to the top. They're OK having loose morals.

[08:04.08 - 08:17.20]

It's open game. They don't care. They don't care if they're dating an old man just to further their career or to complete their college education. It does not matter. Now, some of you are saying, oh, yes, it does.

[08:17.28 - 08:32.06]

No, it doesn't. You look at the top rappers, female rappers, Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B. Look at her song by Cardi B, WAP. You know what it stands for. And you look at some of the other music that's out there, Foxy Red or Sexy Red.

[08:32.66 - 08:47.36]

These women have no morals and they look at this and say, this is fair game. This is OK. We can do this. So fast forward to Kamala. If we think that bringing that up is going to have a hit on her, you're terribly mistaken.

[08:47.70 - 09:07.26]

It is not going to. We're going to have to hit her on the issues. And that is the reason why she's coming up with this invitation to white man. We can hit her on that, because what if Donald Trump were to make a play for black man and say, hey, bros, what do you have to lose? They would say that it's racist, but she can come out and say, we're talking to the white man.

[09:07.38 - 09:31.02]

It's OK if you vote for me, a black woman. It's game on. And we shouldn't think that this is going to be a cakewalk, because it's not because they're going to use everything that they've been using against us, against us, to keep us from going after her. So the whole thing with her being having low morals, throw it out the window. It does not matter.

[09:31.14 - 09:46.02]

They're OK with that. This is a party of no morals. We're going to have to attack her on. are the issues, the fact that she's OK with the illegals coming here and taking the place of American citizens. She's OK with us giving them money.

[09:46.36 - 09:51.24]

She's OK with them lying and cheating. The fact that these illegals cross the border.

[09:52.84 - 10:09.30]

They broke the law, and the fact that they don't care about that is dangerous. When they came here uninvited, they came here illegally. They broke the law. They're not entitled to any of our services. The only thing they're entitled to is a jail cell.

[10:09.90 - 10:17.80]

Some of them are saying, well, I'm, this is asylum. I was fleeing persecution. No, you weren't. You were coming here for a better life. I get it.

[10:17.86 - 10:26.30]

I understand it. And a lot of people are trying to hang their hats on that. But that doesn't count. You know why? Because those days are over.

[10:26.58 - 10:41.08]

That happened back during Ellis Island days when people were coming here from Europe for a better life. But the rules have changed. We have laws now. Don't be deceived. The media is trying to tell you, oh, well, we did it then.

[10:41.12 - 10:51.16]

We can do it now. No, there are laws. There are standards. There are qualifications to come into the states. And I know that some of them want to say, well, they robbed and they cheated.

[10:51.16 - 10:59.12]

And that's how we got it. Doesn't matter. We have laws. We can't forget the laws. And these are the laws that Kamala Harris wants to forget.

[10:59.60 - 11:08.20]

These are the laws that Joe Biden has forgotten. Joe Biden is still the president. OK, no matter how they want to say that he isn't, he's still the president, Andrew.

Speaker 1
[11:09.40 - 11:28.12]

Yes, unfortunately, that is the case. And Republicans really need to push for getting him to step aside. because go ahead and get Kamala in there and let her make some mistakes. Because she's going to be a disaster as president. And that brings Trump's chances up even further, as far as I'm concerned.

[11:28.90 - 11:51.96]

Also, I think there's a lot of validity in the talk that Trump's campaign is going to sue because all the money that they've spent on opposition research against Joe Biden and ads and everything like that. And it's all pretty much worthless now. But you do have to attach VP Harris to the Biden administration. I mean, she is the border czar. The border is a complete disaster.

[11:53.18 - 12:18.28]

Kamala Harris has just had one embarrassing moment after another as vice president. And they're trying to shine Kamala Harris up like she is not the most hated, one of the most hated politicians in America. All of a sudden, all of a sudden, Kamala is great. Just ask any Democrat. But she's got a long history of making a lot of mistakes.

[12:19.26 - 12:43.36]

If she's going to go into hiding, like Joe did last election cycle, they're just going to have to keep playing ads of some of the things that she said in the past. Hold her accountable for the border and some of the other things. Jailing people and black people when she was an attorney general in New York. Just her cackling, her unlikable personality. You could do that.

[12:43.84 - 13:05.80]

I do think it is a mistake to go after her sexual escapades from a Trump campaign standpoint. I mean, I know Trump supporters are going to do that. I did it at the top of the show. And honestly, it wasn't on purpose, but it does kind of fall right into your lap. But certainly have to watch out how you appeal to women as far as that goes.

[13:05.82 - 13:35.16]

But it is a completely different strategy running against Kamala Harris than Joe Biden. I mean, she got a huge bump just from the fact that she doesn't have dementia and 80 percent of voters don't think she's too old to be running for president. So she is a more formidable opponent than Joe Biden. And I think President Trump will end up debating her, even though he's been playing a little bit of hardball. But he's just trying to stir the pot because he's right.

[13:35.34 - 13:49.04]

They're saying that Kamala is going to be the candidate, but who's to say that they're not going to try and switch it up once again? I mean, they already disenfranchised 14 million of their own voters in the primaries and replaced Joe Biden, Rob.

Speaker 2
[13:49.62 - 14:01.82]

I agree. And but something else you mentioned, Andrew, you said that they should go ahead and make her the president. I don't know about that. At one point I was on board with it. As of last week, I was saying, yeah, make her the president.

[14:01.90 - 14:19.38]

He should step down because if he can't, if he can't do his job. And that is to run for the presidency in 2024.. Why do we think that he can do the job now? And he hasn't given us a reason as to why he's stepping down. Now, notice, they're trying to carefully weed into.

[14:19.38 - 14:32.84]

he's saying that, well, it's time for a younger generation. And by saying younger generation, they're saying, well, Trump is too old. Yeah. But when Joe was running, you guys said that age didn't matter. Now you want to make it an issue.

[14:32.84 - 14:47.18]

You see, that is something that the right media has got to focus in on. They've got to change that narrative because they're falling behind the eight ball again. They have flipped the script. They're saying, oh, well. He's giving it to a younger generation.

[14:48.10 - 15:01.44]

By default, they're saying Trump is too old. So they want to make a case that he's too old. It has nothing to do with age, as I've said before. It's the cognitive ability. Joe did not have the cognitive skills to run the country.

[15:01.90 - 15:18.26]

That's the reason why he's not running in 2024.. And if he didn't have it in 2020, if he doesn't have it to run, why do we think that he has it to be the president now? But that's right. Unfortunately, it's water under the bridge and a process. It puts us in a precarious situation.

[15:18.74 - 15:35.66]

But if he were to, let's say, step down, she were to come into power. That's going to give her more power, unfortunately. Now, we on the right know that she's not capable. We know that in 2020, the American people rejected her resoundingly. She didn't win a caucus.

[15:35.78 - 15:54.36]

She didn't win a primary. But they're trying to rebuild her personality. They're trying to rebuild who she is. And because the media has all these tentacles that can far reach and go out there, that's a very dangerous thing. unless the right is ready to fight.

[15:55.06 - 16:11.40]

They've got to be prepared to fight. And I don't know, Andrew, if they're ready to fight, if they could fight this. Now, we know that Elon Musk has said, hey, I'm going to support him. We know that Jeff Zuckerberg said, wow, seeing him, get shot, take a bullet and stand up and say, fight, fight, fight. All that sounds good.

[16:12.12 - 16:22.88]

But we still have to take into consideration the left media. They're extremely dangerous. And the right is always following. They won't lead. Now, I will say that.

[16:23.16 - 16:35.18]

What is the woman's name on Fox? I almost said her name. Oh, gosh. Blonde haired. She has been on her A game and calling all this out ever since Trump got shot.

[16:36.60 - 16:51.58]

She has been making it. No, Dana Taylor McInerney, Dana Perino. She has been out front. I mean, she has been strict and just like going in at them. I know we had our reservations about her initially, but she has been calling this out.

[16:51.82 - 17:02.02]

She has been saying what's happening here. It should not happen. The president was almost the former president was almost killed. Someone should get fired. Joe Biden is incompetent.

[17:02.32 - 17:21.26]

The country is at risk. I mean, she has called this out and she's even gone against a lot of her colleagues. So that speaks volume. But to have Kamala for her to come in right now, I think that would strengthen her. And I don't think that the right media is posed to go after her here and after dark.

[17:21.46 - 17:37.94]

We are. we're calling it out, but we need more people to call it out and to tell people this is who she is. It's almost like the camera effect. People are afraid to say anything because they don't want to be labeled as being a sexist, a feminist. No, not a feminist, but a sexist or racist.

[17:38.50 - 18:04.42]

They're afraid of that. They've got to get beyond that. And I'm going to go a step further, to say, if they want to counter that, they're going to have to get a black woman who is strong enough to call this out, to go head to head with her, because the white man is not going to work, because you're going to have these suburban women and you're going to have these beta males saying, oh, you're attacking the black woman. Oh, she's oppressed. That's the reason why they're reaching out to them.

[18:04.70 - 18:22.04]

That's the reason why they're saying, hey, consider us. Why don't you vote for her? Harris campaign's creating space for white dudes, to be honest. This, this is the script. And I am warning the I'm firing the warning shot right now that conservatives better wake up because they're not going to play fair.

[18:22.50 - 18:38.22]

And they are going to cap you at the knee so that you can't counter and you can't say anything about her. No, Trump will. But they will turn it into this whole thing with all those races. Oh, and it's not racist, but they want people to think it. And what people think is their belief.

Speaker 1
[18:38.34 - 19:03.12]

It is their perception, Andrew. You're right. And Harris isn't any more popular than she was when she ran for president in 2020.. But the difference now is that, well, on the last week or two, she's gotten the entire Democratic machine behind her, not the entire one, because we know that the Barack Obama wing of the party definitely was resistant to join along. And all of a sudden they're trying to rebuild her image.

[19:03.82 - 19:26.52]

But it's just too late for anybody who's been paying attention. She is more of a formidable opponent than Joe Biden at this point in the game, like I said. But, yeah, definitely. The Democrats have their work cut out with her appealing to men, particularly white men. They just are not going to see the appeal in Kamala Harris, if we're being honest.

[19:26.52 - 19:43.24]

You guys are tuned in to After Dark with Robin Andrew, which is available on the America Out Loud talk radio network, available on iHeartRadio Monday through Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern, 8 p.m. Central or 6 p.m. on the West Coast. You can also go to AmericaOutLoud.News.

[19:43.72 - 19:51.68]

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[22:33.52 - 23:16.10]

We are back here on After Dark with Robby Andrews, continuing talking about our vice president, Kamala Harris, and her run for president here in 2024.. Obviously, President Trump was looking pretty unstoppable against Joe Biden. I mean, he absolutely dominated him at the debate. After the historic RNC and seeing how the country was coming together, the Democrats just went into full panic mode, and they pulled the coop on sleepy Joe Biden. He was the last one, him and his wife, Jill, that figured out that it was time for them to step down and be replaced, just because his campaign was a complete disaster.

[23:16.86 - 24:00.04]

Even though Joe didn't see it that way, he still thinks he's the best guy to go forward. But nonetheless, we're stuck with Kamala Harris against President Trump now, and that does lead to a lot of things. Now, the Democrats seem to maybe have that thing going for them that their conventions coming up had a fantastic convention. It was the best Republican national convention that I've ever seen. But they spent the convention talking about Joe Biden, and now the Democrats get to talk about their new candidate, get to put Joe Biden on the back burner, and try and act like they've got a positive message going forward and make us forget about this disastrous four years.

[24:00.20 - 24:13.58]

I mean, obviously, our listeners aren't going to forget, but this is what they're going to attempt, Rob. Do you have any concern that maybe the momentum that Trump and his campaign had is going to swing back in favor of the Democrats?

Speaker 2
[24:13.94 - 24:32.12]

Well, Andrew, you raise a good point. Trump is now going to sue them for misinformation that they lied. They now have Kamala as a candidate. And I think that's a fair thing, because he spent, like you said, all this opposition research on him. when Kamala is a person that they'll be running against.

[24:32.12 - 24:52.60]

I don't know how far it will go. If we had, I guess, a fair justice system, they might admonish them and say, you know, this is wrong and something to that effect. But I don't think it'll go much further than that, because it is a race, and what if Joe had died? Then what? It's unfortunate, but it is what it is.

[24:52.68 - 25:21.60]

And I do believe that the Trump campaign had an idea that Joe might not be the candidate. That being said, they need to start going after her and focus on her record, which she doesn't have. You see, now that they're trying to say that she wasn't the border czar, and she was, well, all you have to do is just go, pull the tape. What Biden's saying, he's making her the border czar, with her standing in back of him. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that.

[25:22.02 - 25:37.76]

You go pull the tape and you run it over and over again. They're saying that if you say that she's a DEI hire, that's racist. Well, you go and you pull the tape, what Biden's saying? that he's going to select a black woman to be his VP. I mean, these are simple things that you can do.

[25:37.76 - 26:02.06]

that, I think, would go very far with the American people. You have to show who she is. Don't allow them to create her. Now, this whole thing, that, oh, she's getting in the polls and she's doing this, Trump came out of the convention and everyone was saying he's going to win because of what happened, the assassination, which was horrible. We got to keep that out there, also, because Trump has got to have surrogates to talk about that.

[26:02.28 - 26:14.76]

He doesn't need to talk about it. He needs to focus on the policy. Focus on the policy. You can't run the campaign that you ran in 2016 or the campaign that you were running prior to Joe stepping out. It has to be something, you have to tweak it.

[26:15.14 - 26:34.80]

I would allow the folks on my team to go out in surrogates, to go out and attack, make the issue about her sleeping around, or whatever. You can have them to do that. Okay, he focused on the policy. Focus on the fact that she was a horrible candidate. Get Tulsi Gabbard out there, of all people, put her out there.

[26:35.06 - 27:18.62]

Get her out there and say, hey, look, I exposed her for who she is, because if you don't bring that up, she will appear as being the savior, that she's for law and order, and we know that she's not. We know that she tried to get people off and to get people to donate to the folks who were rioting and tearing up things during the 2020 riots. These are things we've got to bring up. We've got to also bring up the fact that she was silent and continues to be silent, with the anti-Semitism that was on the college campuses when they were threatening Jews, when they were trying to, when they were holding hostages at the college campuses, the workers, holding them hostage, didn't want to leave, setting up camp, terrorizing them. These are the things that you have to highlight over and over again.

[27:18.76 - 27:30.32]

The name-calling doesn't make sense. You can forget about it. It's not going to work, okay? This is a different ballgame. And the more you do that, people are going to say, oh, we don't like it, you're hurting her, you're attacking her because she's a woman, because she's black.

[27:30.70 - 27:57.86]

And again, it doesn't make a difference, and when I say it doesn't make a difference, it doesn't make any sense, because who cares about that? If you're going to get into the kitchen, you're going to get burned. But they will make it an issue, and it is easy to make it an issue when you're dealing with Trump, and they have tried to define him. And we have Republicans who are weak, who won't stand up, then you've got to change the game. And, as I said before, you have got to get a strong black woman to come out and attack her.

[27:58.06 - 28:04.14]

You've got to get it. You've got to use that surrogate. You've got to. It is crucial. I say this as a black man.

[28:04.22 - 28:22.84]

You have got to get that. If you don't, she will win, okay? She's an empty suit and heels, but she will win if you don't counter those attacks. Plain and simple. Because they will hide her away in the basement, they won't discuss her issues, they, being the left, they will make this about.

[28:22.84 - 28:42.02]

you're making personal attacks on her, people will feel sorry, play with their emotions, and the next thing, you know, you have her in office. Then people will regret it, but it's too late then. So you need to focus on the substance. Focus on who she is, who she is not. She's an empty suit, and that is the reason why she dropped out of the race in 2020..

[28:43.34 - 28:52.62]

And now she's coming to the convention. Mark my words, it will all be attacks on Trump and his personality and J.D. Vance. And I also hear the people saying, oh, second reservation by J.D. Vance.

[28:52.74 - 28:56.30]

Oh, Trump shouldn't use J.D. Vance. Oh, J.D. Vance said this about Trump. He said this about Cat Lady.

[28:56.52 - 29:10.42]

Well, Campbell said that Joe Biden was a racist, and our side is saying nothing about it. The right media is saying nothing about it. They said that he was a racist. She said it during the debates. That is the reason why Jill Biden does not like her, because she said that he was a racist.

[29:10.84 - 29:21.12]

Why aren't we talking about that? Democrats are so into racism politics. Why do they talk about that? You can attack her on that. Those are the issues that you attack her on, that.

[29:21.12 - 29:45.76]

she said that he was a racist. And the fact that she said it, and the fact that Jill Biden got Joe to hire Kim Cheadle, who used to work for Secret Service for him, got him to promote her to be over the Secret Service, do you actually think that Kim would have protected Kamala had she still been at the top? She couldn't protect Trump. And we know how they feel about Trump. Yes, they wanted to take him out.

[29:46.12 - 29:53.88]

Yes, they've been lying about a lot of this stuff. And we should assume this until they show us. otherwise. Why shouldn't we? Why should we believe anything that they're saying?

[29:53.88 - 30:11.34]

because they're saying it? Christopher Wray came out the floor yesterday on the Hill, before a congressional hearing, and he said, well, we don't know if it was a bullet that shot Trump or it was shrapnel coming from the placards that were there when he was talking. Okay, but the placards weren't destroyed. They weren't shattered. So why would you even bring that up?

[30:11.40 - 30:23.00]

Well, he brought it up because he wants the media, he wants to give the left media something to run with, to create, oh, it was. Trump staged it all. It was all set up. A man lost his life. And you want to say that's set up?

[30:23.42 - 30:36.12]

Why aren't the folks on the right calling out their brothering on the left? Call them out by name and say, you guys are lying. And see, that's what Dana Perino is doing. She has started calling them out. And we here on After Dark will call them out.

[30:36.34 - 30:50.76]

We're going to call out the Joy Reeds. We're going to call out the Rachel Maddows. We're going to call out the Whoopi Goldbergs and the Joy Reeds, and the Sonny Hostins. We're going to call them all out, the Anderson Coopers, the Jake Tappers, Dana Bash. We're calling them out by names because they're liars.

[30:50.98 - 31:12.72]

They are a threat to democracy, and they need to be called out. Lawrence O'Donnell, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, they need to be called out because they lied and they told us that Joe was fit to serve, and we know that he wasn't. They kept telling us he was going to, and they kept telling us that Trump was a threat to democracy and that Trump was lying. Trump almost lost his life. Joe didn't.

[31:12.88 - 31:22.96]

Joe had COVID. Maybe COVID was about to kill him. I don't know. But they lied to us and they said that he was okay. Now that story has disappeared because they don't want to embarrass him.

[31:23.72 - 31:41.32]

Plus, and I know this is something that you guys haven't thought about, they're now trying to say, well, he's stepping down for democracy. He's doing exactly what George Washington would have done. George Washington did this when they wanted to make him king. George Washington did this when they wanted him to serve a third term. He said, no, I'm going to step aside because I want someone else to continue the tradition.

[31:41.98 - 31:59.90]

That's what George Washington did, and Biden is doing the exact same thing. He's stepping aside for the good of the country. Really? Well, this is the same political party that said that George Washington was a racist. This is the same political party that said George Washington should have his name removed from all buildings.

[32:00.30 - 32:16.22]

George Washington's image should be removed from the dollar bill. There should not be a George Washington University. These are the same people who are now trying to say that Joe Biden is the equivalency of George Washington. Please make it make sense. Why isn't the media talking about this?

[32:16.54 - 32:40.10]

Why aren't they saying, but wait a minute, you guys said this about George Washington, so now you're trying to raise Joe Biden up to the same level and make it seem as though he's a great person like George Washington, when only a year ago, you said that George Washington was a bad man. Please make sense of it. These are the things that the right fail to realize. These are the things that they will not call out. They let it go completely over their head.

[32:40.22 - 32:50.30]

But here on After Dark, we're not going to. And you know why? Because maybe we're taking healthy cell, Andrew. Maybe we're taking it. We're taking Reduxacilla.

[32:50.54 - 33:07.84]

Maybe we're visiting AmericaOutlaw.shop and we're using all their vitamins so that we can stay in tune. Maybe that's what they need to do. But apparently they're not doing it. And apparently the right, the reporters on the right, aren't doing it. They're sitting there and they're allowing the left to dictate and narrate the script.

[33:08.12 - 33:20.70]

But they can't. So when I hear them saying that, oh, Joe Biden, he's stepping down, just like George Washington. I'm like, put the brakes on it. You guys said that he was a racist. You guys said that he should be removed from the dollar bill and from the quarter.

[33:20.88 - 33:41.74]

That he's not the father of our country. He's an interloper. But now, all at once that you've managed to stab Joe Biden in the back, you've managed to stage a coup, now, all at once, you're going to raise him up to be this great hero. Because you want to soften the blow with Joe Biden. You want Joe Biden to think that, oh, no, we stabbed you in the back.

[33:41.88 - 33:51.44]

It was a coup. But we don't want you to go out feeling good. We know what we did was wrong. We know what Barack Obama did was wrong. But the American people won't realize all this stuff.

[33:51.50 - 34:12.62]

They'll forget about what we said. But I'm not going to forget about it. And I'm going to constantly bring it up. And I would hope and wish my brethren on the right would do the exact same thing, as opposed to constantly trying to raise Kamala up and say, oh, she raised $200 million as soon as they announced that she was going to be running for the presidency in 2024.. Well, you know why she was able to raise that amount?

[34:13.02 - 34:26.28]

Because, if you recall, a lot of the donors stopped giving to Joe. That's the money they were going to give to him. It was on the sidelines. Once they staged a coup, they stabbed him in the back and said, get out. You're too old.

[34:26.64 - 34:34.88]

You're too feeble. You're cognitively challenged. Then they said, release the funds. That's how they got the money, folks. Stop believing the hype.

[34:34.88 - 34:47.14]

This is what the right won't tell you. But all you have to do is just sit back and go, wait a minute. This doesn't make any sense. No one liked this woman. She was a failed candidate in 2020, and now, all at once, they think that she can save the party?

[34:47.58 - 34:58.84]

Why do you think Barack Obama was standing on the sidelines and waiting? he and Michelle? Well, you know, of course Michelle doesn't like Kamala. That's obvious. But then they're going to make a phone call and say, hey, we back you.

[34:58.84 - 35:16.12]

You got what it takes. Why don't they appear face to face with her? Appear on the same stage. That's not to say he's not going to happen later on in the campaign season, but why did he wait so long to do it? These are the things that the right, they won't bring up there, but they'll follow along with the left and say, oh, well, he didn't do it.

[35:16.14 - 35:22.02]

He didn't do it. Oh, now he did it. Okay, let's move on. She raised a lot of money. Oh, she's gonna, she's gaining in the polls.

[35:22.40 - 35:42.18]

They can talk about that. But the obvious as to the mechanics, why didn't he endorse her right away? Why didn't Joe Biden come out and say something? This is where all the money came from. Why are they now trying to say that Joe Biden is the equivalency of George Washington, when they had said that George Washington was a racist?

[35:42.48 - 35:58.44]

We all know that Joe Biden is a racist, but hey, that's neither here or there, it seems. Connecting the dots. And this is how you win. By countering what they're saying. We can't do it if we have a media that's complicit and is always following and not leading.

[35:59.12 - 36:16.68]

Here on After Dark, we're gonna give you the truth. And stay tuned, because we might be going, spreading our reach. Just stay tuned. You'll find out about it. But in the meantime, we need to start pushing back and challenging the folks on the right.

[36:16.68 - 36:33.02]

that's giving us the news and tell them, why aren't you giving us more? It's okay to make fun of her. Yeah, we get it. But that's not how you win elections. It's by putting the truth out there and countering what they're saying, making them eat their own words, the same way they're trying to do with J.D.

[36:33.12 - 36:45.78]

Banz. Oh, J.D. Banz said at one time that Trump, he didn't like Trump, that Trump was a liar, and Trump this and Trump that. Why is the right constantly talking about that? As opposed to coming back and saying, yeah, but Kamala said that Joe was a racist.

[36:46.70 - 36:59.64]

Jill doesn't like her. She said, F Kamala. You see all these little nuggets that they can be going with, but no one's talking about it. But they can always come out with things to make the right look bad. But never the left.

[37:00.98 - 37:21.82]

And that's the reason why it seems as though, oh, people love Kamala. Oh, she's just out there. But we know the truth. And I will submit to you that a lot of people don't know the background story. It just happened three and a half years ago, but they are completely oblivious as to why Kamala did not win in 2020..

[37:22.08 - 37:30.72]

And if she's so great, if people love her, so, and if you have all these people getting behind her, why didn't they do it in 2020?? What changed?

[37:32.30 - 37:40.30]

It's just four years ago. What changed? I'll tell you what changed. The media is reinventing her. It's the Kamala effect.

[37:40.50 - 37:54.24]

They want you to think that she's the greatest person. But she had an opportunity to win it all. And she didn't. Because people didn't like her. And the same people that didn't like her, a lot of the white men, now they're saying, oh, it's okay.

[37:54.32 - 38:13.58]

And they're using a gay man, Pete Buttigieg, to be the poster child. Reject it. Call it out. He's supposed to be the Secretary of Transportation. People in Delta who were flying two weeks ago are still stuck because of the bug that they had that downed a lot of the planes.

[38:14.28 - 38:32.48]

This is the same man who messed up with the supply chain. The same man who messed up with East Palestine, with the train derailment. The same man who won a so-called maternity leave when we couldn't get supplies in the States. And you still go to the supermarket and you still don't have supplies. He's a man who's going to go out and say, oh, yeah, vote for her.

[38:33.22 - 38:42.70]

Why are they using him? A guilt trip to make you feel guilty? If you don't listen to him because he's gay, oh, you're homophobic? Look at the Olympics. Look at how they messed up the Olympics with what they did there.

[38:42.98 - 38:52.04]

Having drag queens perform? We're supposed to be okay with it? What does drag queens have to do with the Olympics? And then they tell you it's not indoctrination? Folks, wake up.

[38:52.14 - 39:03.44]

They're lying to you. They have been lying to you the same way they lied to you about Russia collusion. Andrew, these people have got to wake up. And this is where we can take the fight to them with the truth.

Speaker 1
[39:04.30 - 39:30.74]

Yeah, very well said, Rob. Well, guys, if you're looking for a great product, try out Malcolm's Healthy Gut Bundle over at americaoutloud.shop. You can save 20% with the code OUTLOUD. After two weeks on this bundle, Malcolm said his gut is feeling amazing. It's a factor-formulated, zero chemicals, 100% herbal formulas.

[39:31.34 - 39:43.26]

Save 20% off with the code OUTLOUD. Guys, go check it out. That, along with tons of other great products over at americaoutloud.shop. We'll be back with more After Dark with Rob and Andrew.

[40:08.34 - 40:23.56]

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[40:24.06 - 40:40.38]

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[40:40.86 - 40:44.78]

HealthyCell.com. Code OUTLOUD for 25% off.

[40:49.88 - 41:21.82]

Guys, just remember, if you're voting for President Trump, just remember some of the companies that you support. Just recently, Netflix, their co-owners donated millions and millions, over $7 million, to Kamala Harris and her campaign in a bid to help her get elected. As we already knew, Netflix is a woke company. Barack Obama, of course, is heels dug in deep, along with Michelle. at Netflix.

[41:21.96 - 41:31.72]

They call a lot of the shots. It'll probably only be a matter of time before they pull J.D. Vance's movie, Hillbilly LG, off Netflix. I'm kind of surprised it's on there right now.

[41:33.28 - 41:51.66]

Leading up to this election, Rob, I'm not supporting any companies that support communism, which is basically where we're headed. if we elect Kamala Harris. Do you still have Netflix? What are your thoughts on them giving up so much money to the Harris campaign?

Speaker 2
[41:52.12 - 42:12.56]

Well, I think what we have to take into intense consideration, people can donate to whatever cause they want to donate to. You're going to see that across the board. We could end up boycotting a lot of companies and then just doing absolutely nothing. That being said, you can write letters and you can say, hey, what the heck are you doing?

[42:14.20 - 42:33.56]

I go back to the policy. Donating to her, that's fine, but why are you donating to her? What is the reason? So many people have gotten in their mind that Trump is the devil, Trump is evil. It just goes back to the media being able to control the narrative.

[42:34.74 - 42:59.56]

I've got to say, you've got to think about what you're doing. I'm looking right now at this thing that I just received. Hold on a second. There's a scripture in the Bible, Revelation 17,, 4-5.. It says, and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication.

[42:59.84 - 43:33.40]

And upon her forehead was a name-written mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. Now, I read this to Christians who are perplexed, or seemingly perplexed, and not knowing who to vote for, because the left has made Trump the devil. And they will go and they will quote scriptures, and I will say to them, after Trump was almost assassinated, the scripture in the Bible that says, no weapons formed against these will prosper, I think was in Isaiah. And there was definitely a weapon formed against Trump, and it didn't prosper. And look at all the other weapons.

[43:33.66 - 44:02.14]

And Heather and I, we spoke about this on a couple of shows back. I would encourage you all to go to AmericaOutloud.podcast and look at it, and listen to it. And then there's so many other biblical references that you can use. You know, people believing not wanting to listen to sound doctrine, but listening to everything else, which just has no bearing, biblically, with what we're supposed to be doing. Now, Trump is the most holiest man, he's not the most religious man.

[44:02.82 - 44:26.38]

But who are we to say who God chooses, especially when his policies align with Christianity? And one of the things, biggest beef that I have with Kamala, is her idea that men can be women. And she can't define what a woman is. That's dangerous. And the whole thing with abortion, having an abortion when the baby is born.

[44:26.56 - 44:59.42]

Now, I know some people say, well, that's going to be the losing cause for Republicans, abortion, and the suburban moms. And I'm like, well, who out there is just living their life to have an abortion? No one is saying that if the mother's life is at risk, that the child, if you've got to choose, that you have to choose accordingly. But this other stuff, with just abortion on demand, I got pregnant, I want to kill it, because it's not a baby. I mean, we have lost all sense of reasoning as we open the show saying about morals.

[44:59.42 - 45:09.82]

There are no morals, they've gone out the door. But we need to wake up and realize what's happening. Because the Bible speaks to that, that there will come a day in time.

[45:11.60 - 45:15.28]

where the sound doctrine is just off the window.

[45:16.94 - 45:20.28]

And the most elite are being deceived.

[45:22.06 - 45:33.64]

And there's so many in the church who think, oh, no, no, Trump is the devil, and we're not. But when you look at it and you say, but who's telling you this? You have a left-wing media who's pushing a narrative.

[45:35.76 - 45:49.88]

of gayness and kids can change their sex, and killing babies, and lawfulness nonstop, and you mean you're going to support that? That's what you're going to support? Because you can't go back and say, well, this person is racist. Well, according to who? Who's telling you this?

[45:50.58 - 46:08.02]

Give me the facts. Because you're not getting the facts. And it's unfortunate, Andrew, that a lot of people don't have these facts. I put on social media the other day, Katonji Brown-Jackson, saying that she can't identify what a woman is. A lot of people never saw that clip.

[46:08.44 - 46:32.20]

I put on social media a clip from a Black woman saying that it's time for Black people to stop voting with emotions, to start voting on policies. A lot of people did not see that. I put on social media a video of Bill Clinton saying some 20 years ago, we can make America great again. A lot of people didn't see it. They're running around saying, that's code, that's code, that's code.

[46:32.62 - 46:37.30]

Code for what? Making America great again? And see, that's how the media has been so.

[46:38.88 - 47:03.50]

successful in their indoctrination, by not having information out there. that needs to be out there. That's how they've been so successful within the last week or so reinventing Kamala Harris, a woman who never won an election. And now they're about to go to the convention, the party who says, we're saving democracy, they're going to the convention and saying, here, this is the person you're going to vote for. Really?

[47:03.98 - 47:15.06]

I didn't vote for her during the primaries because I was told I couldn't vote for her. I was told I had to vote for Joe. No one else could be voted for. They've told, this is a person. Really?

[47:15.28 - 47:33.90]

What about democracy? What about us choosing? And then they've twisted the arms of the delegates and said, you better get behind her too, or your political career is over. Really? The party that's supposed to be saving democracy, the party that said that George Washington's a racist, they're now saying that, oh no, Joe Biden is right up there with him, the father of the country.

[47:34.64 - 48:14.16]

See, these are the things, Andrew, that people are completely unaware of because of the camel effect, and the media has lied, and they've twisted the narrative, they've changed the narrative, and we need people out there to come out and tell the truth, which is what we're doing on After Dark, day in and day out. Our reach isn't as great as some of the others. So I wish some of the others would get on board, Andrew. We're going to pivot just a little bit and talk about a little bit of things that are happening at the Olympics. I don't know if you guys have been watching it or not, but, Andrew, you wanted to share with our listeners what you saw with this whole Last Supper, and how the media is now trying to change it and say, oh no, this is a picture of damn Nazis and Bacchus.

[48:14.16 - 48:22.78]

and, you know, there's a bunch of queer folks out there, a bunch of crazies, trans people, I don't know what trans, what do trans have to do with the Olympics, Andrew?

Speaker 1
[48:24.10 - 48:32.84]

Yeah, it was blasphemous. Did you see in that photo, someone zoomed in on social media, which I don't know why you would zoom in on this, but nonetheless,

[48:34.52 - 48:42.24]

at that fake Last Supper at the Olympics, some guy had on some kind of BDSM.

[48:44.10 - 48:45.06]

bondage type.

[48:48.74 - 48:56.66]

underwear on, and his testicles were hanging out the side of it. Sorry, I was lost for words trying to figure out how to describe this.

Speaker 2
[48:57.42 - 49:04.50]

Andrew, don't, Andrew, that's okay, that's okay, you were having a biting moment. I had one earlier when I was trying to quote the scripture. That's okay, take your time.

Speaker 1
[49:06.30 - 49:25.72]

Right. And just a couple. in the opening ceremony of the Olympics, they also had this guy who looked like a mix of like a smurf and a genie from Aladdin. He was painted blue, a naked, fat guy with like a G-string on. It was just terrible, the opening ceremony to this Olympics.

[49:25.94 - 49:49.96]

It was the 2024 Woke Olympics, and we already see a lot of Christian companies pulling out of this, because it's an embarrassment to even be associated with what we saw in the opening ceremony. And it just goes to show you that Paris and France, they're even more woke than we are over here, and it's sad news.

[49:51.56 - 49:57.64]

Liberalism is in current society, not just in America, but all over the world, Rob.

Speaker 2
[49:58.62 - 50:10.38]

It's all over the world, but it's mainly in Western culture. And I remember some people were telling me once, they said, Western culture is so dangerous. And I didn't agree. I'm like, oh, what are you saying? Don't say that.

[50:11.22 - 50:28.54]

But I understand it now. I understand where they're coming from. I see what's happening. And it is true. Western culture will be the downfall of the world if we don't get it under control, if we don't stop with what's happening to keep it from happening.

[50:29.16 - 50:44.14]

Because we see this on a larger scale, with some of the things that they're pushing. And one of the things, as I mentioned, is the whole idea that men can have babies. And we know that's just not true. These are women having babies, and they're trying to say that they're men. We have to call this out.

[50:44.30 - 51:02.44]

These are the things that we have to call out. And we can't be afraid to call it out. We have to stand on principle. We have to stand up and say, look, this is wrong. And I know that once at the Olympics, they got caught with this image of the Last Supper, and they had these trans individuals, drag queens, pretending.

[51:03.96 - 51:23.66]

as if, though, they were having the Last Supper, and then they came back and said, oh, no, this is a feast of Dianases. But even if it was a feast of Dianases, what does it have to do with the Last Supper? I mean, I just don't get it. Or, if it's a feast of Dianases, what does it have to do with the Olympics? Why is that?

[51:23.66 - 51:28.04]

at the Olympics? No one can say anything about it. No one can call it out.

[51:30.84 - 51:37.58]

They'll just sit there and go, oh, well, oh, you're reading too much into it. Okay, if I'm reading too much into it, why even have it there?

Speaker 1
[51:38.16 - 51:39.24]

That's art, Rob.

Speaker 2
[51:40.20 - 51:57.80]

Right. It's art. Remember some time ago, about, I think, 20 years ago, with Giuliani, they had in a jar a crucifix, and some man, artist, had urinated in it, and they called it Piss Jesus. And, oh, that's just art. Yeah, but would you do the same thing to Muhammad?

[51:58.72 - 52:05.94]

To that religion? No. It's the destruction of religion. They want to get rid of it. They want to end it.

[52:06.10 - 52:23.40]

And the Church doesn't see it. I had Pastor William on to talk about that. We're going to bring back on Pastor Frank Stewart to get his thoughts on what's happening. Because a lot of folks in the Church have been deceived. They don't see what's happening.

[52:23.82 - 52:49.04]

They're looking at the personality as opposed to following the Scripture. Look at what the Scripture says. We had on our show once Cynthia Garrett, and she said that the Bible is a blueprint to life. Stop trying to look at the person and read the Bible, and it will tell you what's happening the last days. But see, the media has got us focusing on the individual that we can't see what the Scripture is telling us.

[52:49.26 - 53:06.40]

I'm not saying I'm the most religious person. Okay? But I do read the Scripture. And it does tell us that in the last days, perilous times will come, and how people will be deceived. They will think that the person who's saying, follow me, is the person to follow, when, in actuality, that's not the person to follow.

[53:06.78 - 53:08.76]

You. look at how they shut down the churches.

[53:10.30 - 53:18.54]

I was going to church. Oh no, I'm going to keep going. I'm going to always go. Then they came up with COVID. They said, you can't go to church, because if you go to church, oh, you're going to get stricken, you're going to get sick, you're going to die.

[53:19.56 - 53:41.60]

But yet and still, they kept open the pool hall and the strip joints and the liquor store. Now, why would they keep that open and shut down the church? Now that the church is open, although the church was already hemorrhaging members or people attending, no, people still don't, people really don't want to go now. But if you were trying to point that out, people would say, oh no, no, it has nothing to do with that. Okay, maybe it doesn't.

[53:42.30 - 53:50.82]

But why did that happen? Why did they keep open the pool hall and the strip joint and the liquor store, but not the churches?

[53:52.48 - 54:10.28]

You see, you just can't make this stuff up. But the way they have managed to massage it and to present it, people will believe it. And it goes back to the Kamala effect. This woman did not win one primary in 2020.. If she was so good, if she's so good now, why wasn't she good in 2020??

[54:11.12 - 54:25.90]

Why weren't people running out the door to vote for her? They weren't because they saw through her. She was an empty dress in heels. People saw it. But now they've created this person who's supposed to be Wonder Woman.

[54:26.26 - 54:46.10]

And we're supposed to all go and we're supposed to vote for her. When we knew that, when she was a prosecutor, she was very hard on Black men. We can't escape that fact. If she were a white woman or a white man, they would be crying, oh no, look at what they did to Black people. We've got to use the same measurement with her.

[54:47.48 - 55:01.92]

Okay? The exact same measurement. You look at Alice Johnson, who was in jail for 20 something years, trying to get out because of the policies in New York City. that said, if you were caught with marijuana, you're going to get put away. Who did it impact?

[55:01.92 - 55:07.80]

Black people. Who created the laws? White people. Who were the white people? The Democrats.

[55:08.34 - 55:13.84]

Alice Johnson was a Black woman. She reached out to Barack Obama and said, please get me out. And he refused to get her out.

[55:15.74 - 55:27.08]

I mean, it's just a fact. You've got to look at the facts. I know the facts are hard to look at, and they're stubborn truths, but we have to look at the facts. That's it. That's all I'm submitting.

[55:27.44 - 56:02.24]

Look at the facts. Know what you're doing. And if you've been voting for a particular group who have promised you the promised land, and you haven't gotten it, it's the same thing over and over again, and the only thing they will use for you to vote for them is racism, then we've got a problem. Because how is it? you've been here for centuries, and you have no equity, whereas they're letting illegals to come in, and they're giving them free health care, free insurance cards, free cell phones, free places to live in, luxury apartments, but you can't get that.

[56:02.32 - 56:22.54]

They've got you stuck in the ghetto. I mean, you've just got to just accept the fact that the party I've been voting for, yes, I want to be loyal to them, but they haven't done anything for me. Kamala's not going to do anything. I hate to say it, but she's not. She's only looking at being the first, and sometimes, when you're the first, you fail.

[56:24.04 - 56:34.76]

Barack Obama was the first. He gave rise to all the gays, but nothing to blacks, and we're still at the door. We showed overcoming, singing kumbaya. I'm sorry, folks. We've got to do better.

[56:35.32 - 56:51.02]

We've got to do better. If there was a better candidate, you'd vote for that candidate, but there isn't. The choice is obvious. So you can get stuck and continue doing the same thing, and then, if she gets it and says, oh, well, you know they weren't going to let her do it. Let her do what?

[56:51.56 - 56:57.46]

Come on. We've got to stop this. The choice is obvious, Andrew, to me.

Speaker 1
[56:57.90 - 57:17.90]

You're right. The choice is obvious, and we've got to keep letting people know. Rob, I ate at a restaurant earlier today, and every single time I eat at a restaurant and I leave a tip, I leave on the tip. I write a note, no tax on tips, and then I put hashtag Trump 2024.. Let's keep doing things like this to keep the message out there.

[57:18.50 - 57:37.88]

Let people know the great policies of President Trump that will put more money in the average American's pocket. Don't let people fall for the mainstream media BS. Let's keep the momentum going. Trump 2024 to save our country. We've got to get it done, guys.

[57:38.38 - 57:57.86]

Thank you all for tuning in to After Dark with Rob and Andrew. It was great to be back tonight. We'll be back again tomorrow night. Be sure to check out the full archive of shows over at America Out Loud dot news, along with tons of great articles updated daily. We'll see you guys next time, and remember, stand for something.

[57:58.26 - 57:59.94]

Don't fall for nothing.
