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John Rich: Donald Trump, the Darkness of Eminem’s New Album, and the Song He Wrote Through God

2024-07-16 01:27:31

The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.

Speaker 1
[00:00:07.56 - 00:00:26.54]

Welcome to the Tucker Carlson Show. It's become pretty clear that the mainstream media are dying, they can't die quickly enough, and there's a reason they're dying, because they lied. They lied so much, it killed them. We're not doing that. TuckerCarlson.com, we promise to bring you the most honest content, the most honest interviews we can, without fear or favor.

[00:00:26.88 - 00:00:27.50]

Here's the latest.

[00:00:29.26 - 00:00:32.96]

So when you texted me, when was that? When did you text me about this?

Speaker 2
[00:00:33.10 - 00:00:36.50]

I texted you. probably, I sent you the audio of it probably four months ago.

Speaker 1
[00:00:37.06 - 00:01:04.16]

So I'm not a musician or a musical performer or anything like that, so I have no idea what the market wants or anything like that. But when you said you'd written a song about Revelation, I was like, well, it's a legitimate book of the Bible, but it's the one that preachers don't teach, that no one really wants to read. And I'm thinking, that's so great, I couldn't wait to talk to you about it, but I didn't.

Speaker 2
[00:01:04.16 - 00:01:07.70]

think that anyone would want to hear it.

Speaker 1
[00:01:08.28 - 00:01:15.22]

So tell the story, I've never heard of anybody doing something like that. First of all, what is Revelation?

Speaker 2
[00:01:16.98 - 00:01:37.74]

Revelation was written by the Apostle John at the end of his life, when he was basically a castaway at that point, and he started receiving visions and prophecies, and he wrote down what he saw. And a lot of what he saw, you got to remember, he only had his life experiences to try to describe what it was that he was seeing in these prophecies.

Speaker 1
[00:01:37.86 - 00:01:39.12]

He was on an island, as I recall.

Speaker 2
[00:01:39.40 - 00:01:40.38]

Yeah, Isle of Patmos.

[00:01:42.60 - 00:01:56.64]

So he was writing this out as it was coming. Can you imagine what he must have felt like? What is that? What is that? He's seeing all these things that are going to happen thousands of years in the future, and he's trying to describe it to us in the terms that he was familiar with.

[00:01:57.32 - 00:02:19.38]

So I mean, the book is absolutely incredible, and it's not just Revelation. Revelation ties back into Daniel, which was around thousands of years before John. It also ties into Matthew 24, and 2 Thessalonians 2, and 1 Corinthians, and a lot of other places. People think that the whole end times discussion only resides in the book of Revelation, but that's not true.

Speaker 1
[00:02:19.38 - 00:02:23.50]

So the book of Revelation tells the story of the end of history. That's my read.

Speaker 2
[00:02:23.52 - 00:02:36.32]

Tells the story about the return of Jesus Christ. It says, it's telling you what is going to happen prior to him coming back and what's going to happen after he comes back. Lays it out.

Speaker 1
[00:02:37.24 - 00:02:45.20]

So how did you decide to write a song about a book of the Bible that most Christian preachers don't want to talk about?

Speaker 2
[00:02:45.48 - 00:02:53.18]

I did not decide to write this song. Huh. Because, first of all, how do you sing what's in Revelation? Think about it.

[00:02:54.98 - 00:03:11.48]

Last November, I'm at my house in Nashville, was not thinking about writing a song about anything. And out of nowhere, it felt like a hammer hit me in the back of the head, boom, like that. Like, what is this? What is going on? What's this feeling?

[00:03:11.48 - 00:03:25.48]

And this melody and these lyrics, oh, revelation, I can feel it coming like a dark train running. Oh, get ready, because the King is coming. The King is coming back again. Just I'm talking like that. And I went, where were you?

[00:03:25.52 - 00:03:27.04]

Okay. I was at home in Nashville.

Speaker 1
[00:03:27.22 - 00:03:28.14]

Just sitting in your living room?

Speaker 2
[00:03:28.38 - 00:03:50.38]

Just being, just chilling out. And I said, okay, I hear you. I grabbed a guitar off the wall, a pencil, a notebook, went and sat in a quiet room in the house. And in about 60 minutes, the entire song had come out. I sang it into my little voice notes on my iPhone, put my earbuds in and walked around the house, just pacing around the house, listening to it over and over.

[00:03:50.46 - 00:03:52.32]

And the hair is raising up on my arm.

Speaker 1
[00:03:52.44 - 00:03:56.88]

Is this how, pardon my ignorance, but is this how songwriters write songs? Has this happened to you before?

Speaker 2
[00:03:57.54 - 00:04:20.88]

No, nothing's ever, the only other song I ever wrote that felt like this was one called Earth to God, that I wrote a few years ago. That was the same experience with that. But this one was more intense than that. Um, you know, when he hits you, you know, it, it is, it is, you cannot mistake, uh, when the Lord slaps you upside the head with something, you have a physical reaction to it. I do.

[00:04:21.08 - 00:04:44.80]

I have a physical reaction to it. It does not happen very often. It's a very rare occurrence, but when it happens, listen, what I'm built to do is take a pencil and put the words on the paper, put music to that, and then project that out. I've spent my whole career getting to a point where I'm pretty good at that, except this message, this message is beyond, and it's incredible that it hit me when it did in this period of time.

Speaker 1
[00:04:44.94 - 00:04:46.30]

So you felt like you were channeling this?

Speaker 2
[00:04:46.70 - 00:05:14.86]

I felt like he slammed it right through me. And as I'm walking around listening to it and the hair's raising up on my arms, I remember looking out the window and I looked up and I went, what do you want me to do with this? What is, what do you want me to do? And the message I felt coming back to me was take it all the way to the mat. That's the phrase that hit me, meaning make the audio as great as you can with your skillset, make the video as compelling as you possibly can.

[00:05:15.14 - 00:05:25.58]

And, when you get those things done, tell as many people as you can, slam it out there with no fear, as hard as you possibly can, and let, let this thing be heard. That is your job. Go, do it.

Speaker 1
[00:05:26.18 - 00:05:32.14]

So you're describing a creative process in which you're kind of like not driving the train at all? At all.

Speaker 2
[00:05:32.54 - 00:05:52.94]

No, no. Cause I didn't come up with the song. I did not lay out some marketing strategy for the song. I was given instructions as to what to do with it. And listen, uh, it's, it's an unnerving thing to write a song like that, to sing it and then put it out there in front of God and everybody, especially in the way the world thinks and operates today.

[00:05:54.22 - 00:05:57.86]

That's, that's not what a, that's not what a popular artist would do.

Speaker 1
[00:05:58.14 - 00:06:12.08]

I mean, well, what's again, I don't know anything about this world. Um, but when you told me that I didn't even think about, you know, would anyone download that song? And then, as of this morning, it's one of the top downloads in the country.

Speaker 2
[00:06:12.58 - 00:06:31.08]

It's in all genres. It's, it's in the top five ish right now, of all genres of downloaded songs. It's battling people like Eminem, who I looked up his record just to see what Eminem's doing. One of the titles on his record is just called evil. One is called Lucifer and one is called Antichrist.

[00:06:31.50 - 00:06:46.76]

How crazy is that? And so I see Eminem and revelation, of course, he's got the entire machine behind him. I don't have anybody. I don't have any, you know, any physical machine behind me. And so to watch those two songs sitting there, uh, coexisting was a pretty striking machine.

Speaker 1
[00:06:46.76 - 00:06:51.30]

to people who weren't in the music business. Like maybe they don't know what you're talking about. What are you talking about?

Speaker 2
[00:06:51.50 - 00:07:00.96]

Massive record labels, massive radio play, massive budgets to to push and promote and manipulate media and get, get his, get his song out there.

Speaker 1
[00:07:01.06 - 00:07:03.16]

What is your record label doing for you?

Speaker 2
[00:07:03.58 - 00:07:08.16]

My record label? Yeah. My record label is a P.O. Box called Rich Records, LLC.

Speaker 1
[00:07:09.52 - 00:07:17.06]

You don't have the president, founder and employee, so you don't. you don't have anybody pushing the song?

Speaker 2
[00:07:17.94 - 00:07:23.74]

Nope. Just the people that hear it. And if the song strikes them, they they push it forward to whoever's following them.

Speaker 1
[00:07:25.16 - 00:07:39.66]

So, before we get into what the song is actually about, um, will you just describe, like, how do you, how do you roll something like this out if you don't have publicists record label? if you don't have the machine? How do you do that?

Speaker 2
[00:07:39.72 - 00:07:49.94]

I do have a publicist. So Jules has been with me a long time. So when it's time to roll, she'll call people and go, hey, John's got the song Revelation. Would you interview him about it? So we do do that.

[00:07:50.02 - 00:08:03.54]

We go out and talk to people and, you know, come talk to you. But beyond that, nothing. You just post it. I posted it on my ex account at John Rich. And I went up there and I said, this is the most important song I've ever written.

[00:08:04.02 - 00:08:21.92]

It's called Revelation. I hope it brings courage to the saved, conviction to the lost and absolute fear to the truly wicked. That was the post. And within about 48 hours, it's now battling some of the biggest artists in the world. That's all I said.

Speaker 1
[00:08:22.88 - 00:08:26.74]

That's just absolutely incredible. And that's it. There's nothing else.

Speaker 2
[00:08:26.96 - 00:08:36.22]

That's it. Then the song and that video does its thing. You know, it's got the boss's hand on it. He gave it to me. He told me to write it.

[00:08:36.28 - 00:08:40.16]

So I did. And he told me to go put it out there. So I did. It's on him now.

Speaker 1
[00:08:40.64 - 00:08:45.70]

What do you? what do you think? the message? So you basically have said that you didn't write the song. The song came through you.

Speaker 2
[00:08:46.06 - 00:08:57.88]

That's correct. And that may sound like some kind of weird thing for people to hear. But that is exactly what happened. I'm not capable of writing lyrics like that. And first of all, they're not really lyrics.

[00:08:58.04 - 00:09:11.18]

They come right off the pages of the book, man. I mean, I just made it rhyme. I just made what John talked about in Revelation. I just made the crafted them so where they would rhyme and become a song. But, you know, the the.

[00:09:11.18 - 00:09:50.18]

the entrance of the song says, stand dancing in the flames. The people cursed his name, talking about Jesus, and bowed at the altar of the father of lies. But there's a number to their days and all their evil ways. The Lord's going to turn away from all their cries, meaning at the end. And what that's talking about is when you watch the Super Bowl halftime show, or you watch the Grammy Awards, or you watch some of these big concerts and music videos where they are putting satanic symbolism right in your face, they are, they are practicing witchcraft on the stage.

[00:09:50.18 - 00:09:59.22]

right in front of you. You're watching a football game or an award show and with your kids. And now, whammo, straight evil coming straight at you. We've all seen this now.

[00:10:01.08 - 00:10:20.64]

Somebody has to counter that. You know, these guys have all these massive budgets, the entertainment value, the ability to produce those things at such a high level. It's impossible to look away from it. You know, it's like, boom, pow, huge special effects, all this stuff, and everybody's just mesmerized and it's going right into them. So on, Revelation.

Speaker 1
[00:10:21.36 - 00:10:22.32]

Can I just ask you to pause?

Speaker 2
[00:10:22.42 - 00:10:22.92]

Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1
[00:10:22.92 - 00:10:29.40]

I actually haven't seen any of that because I don't write, but I've read that this happens. Yeah.

[00:10:31.12 - 00:10:37.68]

Why? Why are they putting? why are they pushing Satan worship on television?

Speaker 2
[00:10:37.88 - 00:10:42.18]

Because they're doing the work of their father. Just like I am.

Speaker 1
[00:10:45.40 - 00:10:52.88]

Wow. And there's. there's kind of no denying. I mean, there's. they're not getting richer by pushing satanic symbols.

Speaker 2
[00:10:53.10 - 00:11:05.40]

Sure they are. Yeah. Yeah. Because the industry, you know, the way that the way those movie industries, music industries, all of that. Now, not everybody in those industries, obviously, is, you know, some kind of a Satan worshiper or something.

[00:11:05.44 - 00:11:28.70]

But there's a lot of that in there. There's a lot of that in there. And they have spent decades programming us from a young age to think those things are fine and normal. And they get rewarded for that. You know, that people, that people that really serve the father of lies, they get rewarded by him when they, when they proclaim his word and do what he tells them to do.

[00:11:28.88 - 00:11:50.28]

And so revelation is the other side of that. That's why I went to such extremes with this video, because I wanted it to compete visually with what people are used to seeing. I didn't want it to be like some one dimensional looking thing. I wanted it to be up to the level, to what people are used to seeing. If we're going to combat, we're going to present both sides, play at a high level, bring it at a high level.

[00:11:50.40 - 00:11:51.94]

And that's why we went so far with it.

Speaker 1
[00:11:52.88 - 00:12:05.98]

It's just. it's so interesting to see the way you're framing this. So it's it. you're framing it very differently. It's not just that the the media and entertainment businesses are liberal or in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

[00:12:06.14 - 00:12:12.98]

You're saying that they're pushing a theology on the country, 100 percent, no doubt about.

Speaker 2
[00:12:12.98 - 00:12:37.04]

it. But, you know, the devil, he's scared to death of Jesus Christ. I mean, it says in the scripture, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Flee, like wet his pants and run out the door. If you deny him, if you go, no, of course, with Jesus in you, you go, get out of here.

[00:12:37.18 - 00:12:57.38]

And he will. He'll take off running. And so you're not supposed to have fear of him. The only one you're supposed to fear, if you're a Christian, is not the ones who can kill your body. It says, don't fear the ones who can kill your body, fear the one who can kill your body and kill your soul, meaning the creator, the boss, Jesus Christ, the Trinity.

[00:12:58.20 - 00:13:21.38]

And so I look at this situation as, man, if he's going to hit me with this song and trust me, it makes me nervous. I'm a little nervous right now, just sitting here talking about it. But if he's going to task me with that, someday, when I go see him, I'm going to have to answer for a lot of things I didn't do right. But I hope this is one where he goes, but you did a good job on that one, because I gave you the song. I told you what to do with it.

[00:13:21.48 - 00:13:23.04]

And you did it. You put it out there.

Speaker 1
[00:13:24.54 - 00:13:33.06]

So when you say these things, you're not saying them as someone who's guessing. I mean, you've been in the entertainment business your whole life, over 30 years, since you were a kid, I think, 19..

[00:13:35.46 - 00:13:53.54]

So I mean, you know how it works. Again, this is not something that you read, it's something you've seen. When did it become clear to you that this was a theology, that these people were working, knowingly or not, on behalf of evil, actual evil? When did that dawn on you?

Speaker 2
[00:13:53.88 - 00:14:23.22]

Well, they got so arrogant with it, it seems like in maybe the last less than 10 years, I don't know what happened on their side. I guess they got the green light to go all the way in. And that's when you started seeing, for instance, Grammy Award performances where people are literally coming out wearing satanic symbols. They are carrying out, I guess they were mock seances, but I mean, it looked pretty real to me. And all of this stuff started happening.

[00:14:23.34 - 00:14:40.42]

Even some of your biggest artists in the world, during their live concerts in full of giant stadiums, full of people, are doing these things out on the stage. In between their hit songs, they'll come out as just part of the production of the show. It's art. It's just art. I mean, go look at, there's a rapper named Lil Nas out there.

[00:14:40.70 - 00:14:59.06]

And trust me, everybody watching, you won't know, but everybody watching this, most people will know what I'm talking about. When you see him giving a lap dance to the devil in his video, straight up. And they are not ashamed about it. You look at Eminem's new record where the titles are Lucifer, Antichrist, Evil. This is out right now.

[00:14:59.46 - 00:15:12.70]

So I don't know what happened on their side to go pedal to the metal with it, but they absolutely did. So. on the other side of that, what are we supposed to do in response to that? Just yell at it, scream at it, be disgusted by it. You can do all those things.

[00:15:12.82 - 00:15:14.80]

Well, the first thing you're doing is naming it.

Speaker 1
[00:15:14.84 - 00:15:27.04]

You're naming it, which I think is so interesting. You're calling it what it is. You're not falling for the lie, which is this is just art. It's more than that. I mean, maybe it's art, we can debate that, but it's certainly more than that.

[00:15:27.14 - 00:15:31.56]

This is a theology. You're pushing a religion on me, and it's a religion of darkness and lies.

Speaker 2
[00:15:32.24 - 00:15:42.72]

Right. And they're pushing their same theology, because it is that, on our kids. They're pushing it in schools. They're pushing it in pop culture. They're pushing it everywhere you turn around.

[00:15:42.78 - 00:15:48.62]

You can't get away from it. I mean, we're inundated with it. right now. We are swimming in what these people have put out there.

Speaker 1
[00:15:50.32 - 00:16:05.42]

Again, it's just really important to know what you're dealing with and to say it out loud. Yes. I think if you had said that to me five years ago, I would have thought, well, you know, really like John Rich. A little far out, but now.

Speaker 2
[00:16:05.76 - 00:16:11.52]

Nothing I'm saying right now, anybody that's had a TV set on in the past year knows what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1
[00:16:12.46 - 00:16:21.10]

It's just beyond. Thank you for saying that. So tell us about Revelation. You said Revelation is the story of Jesus coming back.

Speaker 2
[00:16:21.40 - 00:16:21.68]


Speaker 1
[00:16:22.72 - 00:16:31.66]

What's in it exactly? Because I think even a lot of Christians haven't read it carefully, don't understand it, don't want to confront it. What is it?

Speaker 2
[00:16:32.76 - 00:16:39.34]

So, in this song and in this video, what it is talking about is what the real war is.

[00:16:56.34 - 00:17:09.42]

Oh, get ready, because the king is coming. The king is coming back again. The real war is not Trump and Biden. The real war is not left and right. The real war is not culture war.

[00:17:10.32 - 00:17:39.84]

It says in Ephesians, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers and the rulers of spiritual darkness of this earth, of this world. That is the battle. That's the real battle. And they say, you know, in the Bible, it says you can't see that because there's a thin veil between the physical and the spiritual, what's going on just on the other side of the veil. But when you read Daniel and you read Revelation, it says at some point that veil will be torn, which my song talks about that.

[00:17:40.54 - 00:18:02.72]

And when that veil is torn, you'll be able to see what's going on, on the other side of that. And so in the video, you see the devil come blasting through a fiery portal out in the woods of Tennessee, on one side of a little country church, on a black horse, and he starts running and he looks nasty. It's Nick Cersei, by the way, the actor, my good friend. He plays the devil. He's one of the nicest guys you ever met.

[00:18:02.76 - 00:18:31.02]

So it's funny that he's the devil, but he plays a good one. And on the other side of that church, out in the woods in Tennessee, this massive beam of energy comes crashing down to the ground and the trees go like this. And out of that blast comes Michael the Archangel, and he pulls a broadsword out of his sheath and he grits his teeth, and this guy's got muscles. That's Hollywood Yates, my buddy from California. He comes walking straight towards the devil, and they're coming like this, and I'm standing in the middle.

[00:18:31.34 - 00:18:59.22]

I'm humanity, and here's evil, and here's righteousness, and they are about to clash. And the point of that is to put into people's mind a representation of what is spiritual warfare. I wonder what it actually looks like. Now, I did the best job I could trying to depict that, but when you see those scenes, I think that's one reason why this song is doing what it's doing, because, to my knowledge, nobody's ever even approached this subject in the world of music or video.

Speaker 1
[00:18:59.98 - 00:19:09.46]

Amazing. So why is it, why is Revelation so hard for people to grasp, to read, to understand?

Speaker 2
[00:19:10.20 - 00:19:44.46]

So for thousands of years, the prophecies in Revelation and Daniel and other places seemed like such science fiction to people. They just couldn't understand how these things were even possible, including my own dad, who's been preaching since he was about 19.. He's in his early 70s now, and he said, yeah, John, you know, just never could understand how some of these things were possible. For instance, the mark of the beast. How is it possible, we would all say, that you could track every human being in the world and know where they are and how they get their money and where they spend their money?

[00:19:44.46 - 00:19:59.74]

I mean, that's just impossible. And here we sit going, oh no, they're tracking us right now. They know exactly where we spend our money and where we get our money, because it says you won't be able to buy or sell unless you have the mark of the beast. You could replace the word beast with system.

Speaker 1
[00:20:00.18 - 00:20:01.14]

Revelation says that.

Speaker 2
[00:20:01.24 - 00:20:02.48]

Oh, yeah, without the mark.

Speaker 1
[00:20:02.50 - 00:20:04.08]

You won't be able to buy or sell.

Speaker 2
[00:20:04.32 - 00:20:15.38]

Unless you bear the mark of the beast. And when you go back and look that up in the Hebrew, it's talking about the global power that's in place at that point, the system that is in place.

Speaker 1
[00:20:15.84 - 00:20:55.50]

Traditionally, think tanks do a lot of thinking, and the Heritage Foundation still does that, but it also, thankfully, has begun doing. Heritage has built a massive investigative and litigation operation out of its headquarters to save this country from the corruption that is taking it over, both actual, literal corruption, financial corruption, there's a lot of that, but also ideological and moral corruption. And to fight back, Heritage is engaging in almost 50 separate lawsuits against various government entities to try and pry out information, to bring a little sunlight to the process that even Congress can't get. And it's been working. They produced documents exposing the Biden crime family to the rest of the world.

[00:20:55.88 - 00:21:20.28]

You've read those stories and helped kill the sweetheart deal that Biden's DOJ tried to make with his son, Hunter. Biden. Heritage has also developed a comprehensive plan to dismantle the deep state, the swamp, by staffing the next administration with people who know what they're doing, thousands of Americans who, on day one, can start to make this country better. So it's important work. Again, it's not just thinking, it's doing.

[00:21:20.56 - 00:21:22.48]

And if you want to support it, go to heritage.

[00:21:22.48 - 00:21:48.48]

org slash Tucker. Hey, it's Kimberly Fletcher here from Moms for America, with some very exciting news. Tucker Carlson is going on a nationwide tour this fall, and Moms for America has the exclusive VIP meet and greet experience for you. Before each show, you can have the opportunity to meet Tucker Carlson in person. These tickets are fully tax-deductible donations.

[00:21:49.02 - 00:21:50.32]

So go to momsforamerica.

[00:21:50.32 - 00:22:37.00]

us and get one of our very limited VIP meet and greet experiences with Tucker at any of the 15 cities on his first ever coast-to-coast tour. Not only will you be supporting Moms for America in our mission to empower moms, promote liberty, and raise patriots, your tax-deductible donation secures you a full VIP experience with priority entrance and check-in, premium gold seating in the first five rows, access to a free show, cocktail reception, an individual meet and greet and photo with America's most famous conservative and our friend, Tucker Carlson. Visit momsforamerica.us today for more information and to secure your exclusive VIP meet and greet tickets. See you on the tour.

[00:22:54.10 - 00:23:23.46]

Hey guys, Josh Hammer, here, the host of America on Trial with Josh Hammer, a podcast for the First Podcast Network. Look, there are a lot of shows out there that are explaining the political news cycle, what's happening on the Hill, the, this, the that. There are no other shows that are cutting straight to the point when it comes to the unprecedented lawfare debilitating and affecting the 2024 presidential election. We do all that every single day, right here on America on Trial with Josh Hammer. Subscribe and download your episodes wherever you get your podcast.

[00:23:23.58 - 00:23:25.20]

It's America on Trial with Josh Hammer.

[00:23:28.66 - 00:23:30.12]

What is the beast?

Speaker 2
[00:23:30.72 - 00:23:57.50]

The beast is going to be, whatever entity, a group of nations that speaks of that will set in the motion. We always talk about globalists and the globalist agenda and all these things. It will be a a globalized stranglehold on the human population. that they will know where you spend your money, where you get your money. Reminds me of central bank, digital currency.

[00:23:57.50 - 00:24:00.20]

If something like that happens. So I've read, I'm embarrassed.

Speaker 1
[00:24:00.40 - 00:24:05.88]

This is being recorded. I probably shouldn't admit that. I've read Revelation. actually. I tried to understand it last year.

[00:24:06.64 - 00:24:14.68]

I didn't realize it. How did I miss that? It says you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast. Without the mark. Yes, that's right.

[00:24:14.72 - 00:24:19.42]

John, the Apostle John, on some Greek island 2,000 years ago, said that.

Speaker 2
[00:24:19.56 - 00:24:29.60]

Yes, he did. Yes, he did. And so prior to technology showing up where it's at now, in 2024, these things were impossible. How's that going to happen?

Speaker 1
[00:24:29.68 - 00:24:32.42]

That's a pretty specific call, though. Very specific.

Speaker 2
[00:24:32.90 - 00:25:02.10]

Yeah. So now all the things that need to exist physically are all here now, so that the prophecies that have been laid out could now physically manifest. Now, I don't know if that's going to be today or a hundred years from now, or a thousand years from now. I don't know the answer to that, but I do know this is a new era. So when you read Revelation and you read Daniel and you read these other prophecies, it now doesn't sound like science fiction anymore, because we see it every single day.

[00:25:02.76 - 00:25:07.04]

That is absolutely crazy. Is that a light bulb going off or what?

Speaker 1
[00:25:07.92 - 00:25:28.82]

Well, yeah. Yeah. And I also don't quite know how I read the whole thing and didn't catch that. Because that is one of the central questions. I mean, that's like top three question of our current moment is will we allow technology to take our autonomy away and, for example, control what we buy or sell?

Speaker 2
[00:25:29.98 - 00:25:42.58]

Well, I mean, you know, with the advent, we've got AI now in the mix. We've got all these things that, I mean, we already know they track us. We already know they know where we spend our money. We already know those things. I wanted to talk about, you know, spiritual warfare.

[00:25:42.58 - 00:26:06.82]

We just saw President Trump almost murdered on stage and everybody I've heard talk about it, even his detractors, say that was an act of God, that he did not die. Yes, it was. It was also an act of God that the situation was allowed to happen in the first place. Don't forget that part. It's all an act of God, all of it.

[00:26:06.82 - 00:26:14.16]

So the Lord allowed the situation to happen, and then he allowed Donald Trump to survive the situation.

[00:26:15.72 - 00:26:23.10]

I wonder, I had this thought this morning before I came and saw you, and I was reading and thinking, praying about it, and I said,

[00:26:25.14 - 00:26:59.36]

I wonder if what just happened to Donald Trump, this near-death experience he just survived, is not an analogy for what's about to happen to the United States of America. Is America at some point going to have a near-death experience, but survive it, but nevertheless have a near-death experience? You know, if you look at America, nobody's ever been more blessed than America. Nobody's ever been more prosperous than America, more free than America. We've been given every possible thing you could ever want, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

[00:27:00.06 - 00:27:17.60]

And what has our country done with that? Not every person, but as a whole. What have we done with that? How much blasphemous things have come from this country and exist unchecked right now in our society? And I think to myself, well, is America immune from the wrath of God?

[00:27:17.72 - 00:27:47.56]

Are we immune from it? Because I'm pretty sure he's really upset with a lot of the things we've done. And I think the only way people ever truly repent and come back around is to have those, what we call a near-death experience. Those experiences have happened throughout the Bible, where Saul, futurely known as Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, his whole job was to go out and hunt down Christians and cut their heads off. That's his job.

[00:27:47.72 - 00:27:53.38]

He was good at it. He was ruthless. Town to town to town. Oh, Saul's coming. Hide, hide.

[00:27:54.14 - 00:28:12.96]

He cut their heads off, cut their heads off. And then, on the road to Damascus, he gets knocked flat on his butt and is blinded for several days. And in those moments, he realized, oh, wow, he's real. I've been cutting the heads off of his people this entire time. And he had a near-death experience.

[00:28:13.66 - 00:28:34.80]

And when Saul came out of that, he then became Paul. And then he wrote half of the New Testament. This is not new in God's MO. When God says about himself, I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, my word does not change. We change, culture changes, the world changes, but he doesn't.

[00:28:35.42 - 00:28:52.28]

So, however, he dealt with things all the way back to the beginning of the written. word is exactly how he's going to deal with them now and into the future. And that is something people don't want to come to grips with. America likes to make Jesus into their own image. A lot of Christians like to make Jesus in their image.

[00:28:52.44 - 00:28:59.38]

They want the version of Jesus that they like. They like the Savior part. They don't like the Lord part. It's Lord and Savior.

Speaker 1
[00:28:59.66 - 00:29:00.30]

What's the difference?

Speaker 2
[00:29:01.08 - 00:29:22.26]

Well, the Savior part is the part that saves your soul. And you get to go be with him when you die. The Lord part, he refers to his people as bond slaves, bond slaves. We are supposed to be bond slaves to Christ, meaning you are a piece of property. He owns you.

[00:29:22.98 - 00:29:34.16]

You don't have, your will does not matter. What you want to do does not matter. He owns you. That's what it means to truly become an actual, real Christian. as you turn everything over to him.

[00:29:34.16 - 00:29:35.20]

It's like the,

[00:29:37.18 - 00:29:52.22]

what does it mean to repent? What does that mean? Repentance is like if you were driving your truck out here and you saw Jesus Christ standing on the side of the highway. You go, holy cow, Jesus is standing on the side of the highway. He needs a ride.

[00:29:52.28 - 00:30:01.74]

So you pull over. You roll down the window. You go, hey, Jesus, you need a ride? And he goes, yep. And he walks around to your side of the car and knocks on the door and says, move over.

[00:30:02.32 - 00:30:17.30]

And he sits behind the steering wheel and turns a U-turn and goes the other direction or wherever he wants to go. That's repentance. Repentance is not, I like the Savior part. I don't like the Lord part. It's just like belief and faith, the difference between those two things.

[00:30:17.40 - 00:30:26.24]

The devil himself believes in Jesus Christ. He knows all about him. He's been fighting with him since the beginning. Belief, listen, what is this? It's a chair.

[00:30:26.42 - 00:30:42.16]

It's a nice chair, good, strong chair, made well. Before I sat down in this chair, I look at that chair and I go, I believe that chair will hold me up. I really do. It's a nice chair, strong chair. But until I sit down in the chair, I don't have faith that the chair will hold me up.

[00:30:43.40 - 00:30:51.70]

I have to trust and have faith in this chair that I will not go crashing down to the floor when I sit down on it. That's what faith is.

Speaker 1
[00:30:52.94 - 00:31:06.40]

The Jesus that exists and whose words and deeds are recorded in the New Testament, how is that Jesus different from the one that we hear about in a lot of churches?

Speaker 2
[00:31:08.08 - 00:31:40.28]

You know, there's a verse, I actually printed it out. I know it, but I just don't want to misquote scripture at all. 2 Chronicles 7, 14, very well-known verse, gets quoted all the time. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Okay, that gets read all the time.

[00:31:40.60 - 00:32:26.90]

Here's the part they missed, Tucker, the very first line. If my people will repent, if my people will turn from their wicked ways, not the devil's people. He's not saying, yes, if the devil's followers will just repent and turn around, I'll come heal your land. No, he said, if my people will, mine, the ones who have my name, who bear my name, Christians, if they will repent and turn from their wicked ways and humble themselves, I will come heal their land. So the answer to your question is, for a very long period of time in this country, we've not had any type of persecution or horrible things happening that would humble a Christian like that and refocus them to understand who he actually is.

[00:32:27.70 - 00:32:38.16]

And so because of that, all these bad things are happening. Now, that is not going to be preached in a church. I promise you, Tucker, no preacher is going to say, it's our fault that this is happening.

Speaker 1
[00:32:38.32 - 00:32:38.78]


Speaker 2
[00:32:39.56 - 00:32:58.88]

Because it puts the onus on them, on me, on you, on Christians. They don't want to have to take that. It can't be my fault. This is all the devil's work. Well, it says right here, if my people, if my, it says it right there, if my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways.

[00:32:59.58 - 00:33:32.52]

Dude, read what it says. I mean, for too long, preachers have gone in and sanded the edges off of these very literal and very powerful verses to suit the narrative. It's not unlike what they do in the media. We always talk about how the media will take a story, about how a war started or some big thing that's going on, and they'll twist it around to fit the narrative that they want to have to accomplish whatever it is. Well, the same thing happens with scripture all the time, and it's been happening for a very long time.

[00:33:32.64 - 00:33:34.92]

I would say even hundreds of years. it's been happening.

Speaker 1
[00:33:36.42 - 00:33:55.20]

So it is interesting. The, I mean, they replace, the White House, replaces Easter with Trans Visibility Day. They put an old lady and many others in prison for praying in an abortion clinic. These are obvious attacks on Christianity. Putting Christians in prison because they're Christians.

[00:33:55.20 - 00:34:14.74]

That's an attack on Christianity, and you haven't heard a ton from preachers on that. I mean, some, but you'd think they would be rising up as one and saying, no, no, not allowed, but they're not. And so it does feel like, if there is pushback against this, well, you're a country music star and you're pushing back. Why is it falling to you?

Speaker 2
[00:34:15.40 - 00:34:31.34]

That's a great question. I mean, trust me, I'm going, I'm asking the same question. But if you read back through the history of the Bible, some of the people that came forward and brought messages forward were the most unlikely human beings you would have ever picked from.

Speaker 1
[00:34:31.34 - 00:34:32.38]

Almost all of them.

Speaker 2
[00:34:32.38 - 00:34:46.06]

Like the 12 disciples. I mean, bunch of sailors, a tax collector. I mean, random people that became the 12 disciples. are Saul going into Paul. I mean, the guy that's murdering the Christians.

[00:34:46.16 - 00:34:50.74]

We're going to have him write most of the New Testament, guys. That's the plan. Really? I mean, who would have thought that?

Speaker 1
[00:34:51.16 - 00:34:52.24]

No, you're totally right.

Speaker 2
[00:34:52.58 - 00:35:01.72]

Go back to Moses. You know, Moses did not want to go. tell Pharaoh to let my people go. He goes, it says that Moses basically had a speech impediment. He couldn't speak.

[00:35:01.72 - 00:35:01.98]


Speaker 1
[00:35:02.00 - 00:35:02.20]


Speaker 2
[00:35:02.42 - 00:35:08.96]

He goes, you want me to go. give this big message to Pharaoh? I can't even speak. very well. He goes, yeah, but your brother Aaron can.

[00:35:09.06 - 00:35:20.10]

So Aaron's going to go with you and Aaron's going to help you speak and tell, but you're going to be the one delivering the message. Moses is like, I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. He goes, you're going to do it. And he goes, okay, fine.

[00:35:20.14 - 00:35:21.56]

I'll go do it. I mean.

Speaker 1
[00:35:21.70 - 00:35:28.60]

And Moses doesn't even have, like, he's so mad at his own people that at one point he says to God, just kill me. I can't deal with these people. They're horrible.

Speaker 2
[00:35:28.82 - 00:35:30.20]

Right. Exactly.

Speaker 1
[00:35:31.28 - 00:35:32.90]

Why did you pick this guy?

Speaker 2
[00:35:33.48 - 00:35:57.22]

David is a great example. So David is the only man in the Bible that God said is a man after my own heart. It's got to be the greatest compliment ever given to a human being for God to say, David is a man after my own heart. But let's think about who David was for a minute. So David, when we first really start learning about him, he's a shepherd boy, probably a teenager, and the Israelites are facing off with the Philistines.

[00:35:58.70 - 00:36:15.08]

And they refuse to take on the Philistines because of this giant standing out there named Goliath. We all know this story. And David goes to visit his brothers out there in a field. And he's like, why are you guys not, why are they still over there blaspheming us? I mean, why haven't you taken these guys out?

[00:36:15.10 - 00:36:24.02]

And they go, well, David, don't you know they've got a giant? He goes, oh, that's why you're not doing it? Because they got a giant? Well, yeah, he's 10 feet tall. He goes, oh, okay.

[00:36:24.02 - 00:36:30.14]

I'll be right back. And David runs down to the creek and he picks up a few rocks and has his sling on him. He goes, watch this.

[00:36:31.90 - 00:36:45.92]

Wham! And he lets the rock fly, hits Goliath right between the eyes and knocks him down. People think that that's what killed Goliath, but that's not what killed Goliath. That's what knocked him down. And so when he knocked him down, there's Goliath laying there, dazed and confused, like, wow, what just happened?

[00:36:45.92 - 00:37:08.80]

And as he's in that state, David pulls Goliath's own sword out of Goliath's sheath, which was probably heavier than he was, raised it up over his head and cut Goliath's head off in front of the Philistines and the Hebrews. And then he turns around and looks at the Hebrews and goes, you ready to fight now? And they went, wham! And here they come and they destroyed the Philistines. They ran them completely out of there.

[00:37:09.20 - 00:37:28.22]

So if David's a man after God's own heart and that's how David operated, I would argue that's how Christians are supposed to operate. There's a difference between, you know, the scripture that says pray for your enemies. You know that one? Of course. There's a difference in our enemies and God's enemies.

[00:37:29.14 - 00:37:42.28]

It does not say to pray for God's enemies. Matter of fact, it's the quite opposite of that. In Proverbs 6, people that say, well, God loves everybody. Nowhere does it say that. Proverbs 6, it lists the people that God hates.

[00:37:42.42 - 00:37:48.32]

It uses the word hate. And one of the first thing he lists is those whose feet are swift to shed innocent blood.

Speaker 1
[00:37:48.58 - 00:37:48.78]


Speaker 2
[00:37:48.84 - 00:38:05.68]

He hates them. We are not supposed to pray for them. And you go into Psalms 139 and David says, I hate your enemies talking to God with a perfect hatred. That's what he wrote down. So there's a lot that Christians are confused about right now.

[00:38:05.76 - 00:38:29.06]

It's all kind of mangled up and mished and mashed together from all the centuries of preaching this stuff that they have lost their edge. They've forgotten who they are and they've forgotten how Jesus operated, how his people operated, and where we're supposed to land when this is all said and done. Especially when you were taking on the absolute evil that runs the world, like we talk about in Ephesians, the spiritual warfare side.

Speaker 1
[00:38:29.08 - 00:38:37.32]

It's interesting. I learn most by sort of negative assessments. In other words, if you look at people who you know are doing the wrong thing,

[00:38:38.98 - 00:38:56.48]

what do they hate? What are they opposed to? And that tells you a lot and they're so focused on Christians, who are the most peaceful, law-abiding, decent. Even if you think they're insane, they're definitely not mugging anybody. Why are you mad at them?

[00:38:56.66 - 00:39:09.64]

Right, but they are, and they feel very, very threatened. Christian nationalism. Yeah, you know what I mean? Do you really think that those are the people you need to worry? No, you want more of people like that, but the people in charge don't feel that way.

[00:39:09.64 - 00:39:14.90]

They're very threatened by the Christians. And I just think that that's the most revealing of all.

Speaker 2
[00:39:15.34 - 00:39:30.20]

Yeah, because they know who dwells within the Christians. The boss, the ultimate, the Alpha, the Omega, the one whose blood was poured out on a tree. for us. That's who lives inside of us, the one who created the devil himself.

[00:39:32.46 - 00:39:33.88]

That's who they're afraid of.

Speaker 1
[00:39:34.46 - 00:39:40.42]

So you said a minute ago that history will end, time will end, Jesus will return. You don't know when.

Speaker 2
[00:39:41.12 - 00:39:42.98]

Right, it says we don't know exactly when.

Speaker 1
[00:39:43.00 - 00:39:44.04]

Okay, so can you.

[00:39:44.04 - 00:39:53.86]

. And I get at least once a day someone coming by my house and leaving me something about the end times, which I appreciate, of course. And no, I'm actually serious.

Speaker 2
[00:39:53.86 - 00:39:54.28]

Sure, sure.

Speaker 1
[00:39:54.46 - 00:40:12.24]

And every single day. And that's great. And I met a lot of the people and that couldn't be nicer. But in some of the stuff that they leave, which I read, actually, there's a sense that, like we can predict through numerology, for example, like the day, this is history's ending. And you're saying we can't.

Speaker 2
[00:40:12.70 - 00:40:22.76]

No, the Bible says we can't. I'm not saying anything. The Bible says no man knows the time nor the hour when Jesus will return. And that's correct. Nobody knows.

[00:40:24.22 - 00:40:29.06]

Can I back up 200 years with you real quick? I know you love history. Yes.

[00:40:30.86 - 00:40:48.20]

200 years ago, basically in 1830, a very wealthy, very charismatic preacher named John Darby, D-A-R-B-Y, came with this doctrine. that's now referred to as the secret rapture or the pre-tribulation rapture.

[00:40:50.56 - 00:40:59.32]

And that message took off. Why wouldn't it? I mean, who doesn't want to hear that we'll all be out of here before anything bad happens? That's a great message. That'll pack the pews right there.

[00:40:59.56 - 00:41:10.86]

I love it. And it allowed them to say, for all we know, the rapture could happen before this church service ends right now. So you better move. And I guess to that end, it had a great effect. A lot of people got saved over that.

Speaker 1
[00:41:10.92 - 00:41:27.24]

Who came up with the idea that you only vote in November in elections? No, you vote every single day. with your time and your money. You show your preferences. You put your support behind things you believe in and you withhold support from things you don't.

[00:41:27.30 - 00:41:43.80]

You can do that with your cell phone, by the way. There's a wireless company that, if you're not on board with what's going on in this country at the highest levels, you can make your preference known. It's called Pure Talk. It's probably something you should consider. It is proudly veteran-led.

[00:41:44.22 - 00:41:57.86]

It is led by veterans of the US military and it supports American jobs by their customer service team. All of them are right here in the United States. What other company can say that, by the way? Not many. It proudly supports great charities.

[00:41:57.86 - 00:42:15.84]

Charities that you would support yourself, like America's Warrior Partnership. Every dollar you spend, some of that money goes to those charities every single month. When you switch your cell phone service to Pure Talk, you know what you will not be sacrificing? Coverage. Because Pure Talk puts you on America's most reliable 5G network.

[00:42:16.38 - 00:42:44.20]

And with plans starting at just $20 a month for unlimited talk, taxed lots of data, you can literally cut your monthly cell phone bill in half, while doing something that you can feel good about and believe in. The average family saves almost $1,000 a year. So no contract, no cancellation fee in a 30-day, a 30-day money-back guarantee. It makes switching easy. Go to puretalk.com slash Tucker, and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month.

[00:42:44.68 - 00:42:47.04]

Once again, that is puretalk.

[00:42:47.04 - 00:42:53.58]

com slash Tucker, to switch your cell phone service to a company you can be proud to do business with.

Speaker 2
[00:43:07.04 - 00:43:09.68]

A few decades after that, a guy named C.

[00:43:09.68 - 00:43:13.16]

I. Schofield. Have you ever heard of a Schofield Bible? Yes, I have. Okay.

[00:43:13.80 - 00:43:14.32]

So C.

[00:43:14.32 - 00:43:33.10]

I. Schofield was basically a student of John Darby and he adopted that part of the doctrine and he incorporated that into the Bible. It was the first Bible ever made that had study notes with it. We have all kinds of Bibles now that have, you know, concordances and study notes and all kinds of stuff that go along. But this was the first one that was ever made.

[00:43:33.42 - 00:43:49.32]

It became so popular. Every Christian was reading it. Every minister was reading it. And this continues today to this exact second. My own dad, when he went in seminary and was, you know, wanting to become a minister, they said, make sure you have a Schofield Bible now when you come to class.

[00:43:49.40 - 00:44:08.54]

Have your Schofield Bible. Schofield Bible also adopted that entire John Darby philosophy of Christians will not be here when the bad stuff starts to happen. And most Christians still believe that. Matter of fact, a lot of my friends that are Christians are going to watch this interview are probably right now going, hang on a minute. Now, hang on.

[00:44:09.28 - 00:44:35.98]

So this is pushing back against a doctrine that's been in existence now for coming up on 200 years. The problem with that doctrine is there's several places in the Bible where it talks about what's going to happen prior to Jesus Christ coming back to the earth. When he does come back, that is when what we call the rapture happens. The word rapture is nowhere in the Bible. It talks about us being caught up with him and pulled out of here.

[00:44:36.14 - 00:44:47.08]

And then the ultimate wrath is poured out on this planet. That's what we call the rapture. But so that's not in debate. The question is, what happens leading up to that? It's a good question to ask, right?

[00:44:47.28 - 00:44:57.48]

For some reason, nobody ever preaches that. They don't want to talk about what all happens prior to it. So, if I can, can I just read, if we have time? That's why I love the thought of this interview.

Speaker 1
[00:44:57.74 - 00:45:03.54]

Just, oh, I do too. But just to be clear, what you're saying is the Schofield Bible, its theology is deceptive.

Speaker 2
[00:45:04.64 - 00:45:25.42]

I'm saying that, the same way, the media takes a factual situation and twists it and gives you a version of it, which we all know we're force-fed every single day. The same exact tactic was used in 1830 by John Darby. And guess who he was connected to, by the way, the Rothschilds.

Speaker 1
[00:45:26.34 - 00:45:26.78]


Speaker 2
[00:45:27.10 - 00:45:47.48]

Yeah, he was connected to the Rothschilds family back in the day, that he did the same exact tactic and twisted that. I don't know why he did that. It worked because it took off. And I mean, there were churches popping up everywhere right after that. I'm saying that, including me, including my own father, for a long time, that's what we believed too.

[00:45:47.80 - 00:45:59.74]

But when you start actually going back and reading line by line by line, what is said, that will be leading up to Jesus coming back, which is when the rapture happens, it's the inverse of what John Darby put down.

Speaker 1
[00:46:00.54 - 00:46:04.42]

I didn't know that, but somehow I'm not surprised, even a little bit.

Speaker 2
[00:46:04.96 - 00:46:05.72]

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1
[00:46:07.28 - 00:46:12.08]

Yeah, I'm sorry. I interrupted you. I just want to be totally clear about what you were saying. So you say you want to...

Speaker 2
[00:46:12.08 - 00:46:15.06]

I'm curious how you take this, what I'm telling you right now. I don't know that...

Speaker 1
[00:46:15.06 - 00:46:33.92]

Personally? I mean, I know nothing about any of this stuff, but I decided to read the Bible about a year and a half ago. I did, and it really just changed my life. I just thought it was just the most amazing thing I've ever read or done. But when I decided to do that, I'm so distrustful.

[00:46:34.40 - 00:46:45.36]

You know, I didn't grow up around preachers, but I have real distrust. And I think it's earned. And so I didn't want any commentary in the Bible that I bought on Amazon.com.

Speaker 2
[00:46:46.18 - 00:46:49.18]

I just want to know what it says. Thanks, Jeff.

Speaker 1
[00:46:49.30 - 00:47:05.46]

I just want to know what it says. And so, yeah, and to this day, including this morning, I mean, I just want to... Because I'm coming from total ignorance that my father was not a preacher, to put it mildly. So, yeah, I don't have the background at all. So I just want to know what it says.

[00:47:05.52 - 00:47:20.82]

I don't want to be misled. I've lived a life, you know, in the media. So I'm highly familiar with how populations are misled or lied to, deceived, and then hurt on the basis of those lies. I know a lot about that, and I didn't want that. That's why I don't have TV.

[00:47:21.22 - 00:47:25.84]

That's why I don't like the internet. I don't want that stuff in my head. And so I have no commentary at all in the Bible that I'm reading.

[00:47:27.74 - 00:47:41.80]

But my sense was the Schofield stuff, which has had massive implications for our foreign policy, for example, and in our domestic politics, was probably a lie. You know, it seems like a lie to me, but I don't really know, because...

Speaker 2
[00:47:41.80 - 00:47:45.86]

I don't think all of it was a lie. I think this particular subject...

Speaker 1
[00:47:46.72 - 00:47:47.20]


[00:47:47.20 - 00:48:08.78]

. I do know that that translation or that commentary on the Bible has had massive effects on our politics that have been very, very negative and resulted in the deaths of a lot of people. So I do know that for a fact, but I don't know much about the theology. So would you mind explaining... I interrupted you.

[00:48:08.92 - 00:48:10.04]

You're going to get to that.

Speaker 2
[00:48:10.14 - 00:48:14.00]

No, no. You're not interrupting me. This is a great... It's a very powerful conversation. I don't...

[00:48:14.00 - 00:48:18.52]

I think we're the only two humans on Earth having this conversation in front of everybody.

Speaker 1
[00:48:18.72 - 00:48:21.14]

I feel like people are very open to things that.

[00:48:21.14 - 00:48:26.84]

. Well, I speak for myself. I had zero interest in having any kind of conversation about the Bible three years ago.

Speaker 2
[00:48:27.16 - 00:48:27.42]


Speaker 1
[00:48:27.80 - 00:48:35.56]

Not against the Bible. Never been against the Bible. I believe in God. I believed in God three years ago, but I wasn't that interested in talking about Revelation.

Speaker 2
[00:48:35.98 - 00:48:37.28]

I mean, I'm a wasp.

Speaker 1
[00:48:37.40 - 00:48:51.56]

You don't talk about that stuff. So, but I feel like it's not just me. I think that a lot of people are reaching the conclusion that the materialist society we grew up in, you know, is insufficient to explain what we're seeing.

Speaker 2
[00:48:51.68 - 00:48:52.12]


Speaker 1
[00:48:52.32 - 00:49:02.34]

And that we're facing off against these forces. We ascribe names to them, like leftism or communism, or something. It's more than that. Those are... That doesn't tell the whole story.

[00:49:02.42 - 00:49:07.60]

This is a theology that's being pushed on us. And so maybe it's worth knowing more about it.

Speaker 2
[00:49:07.86 - 00:49:18.68]

Yeah. I think people are watching what's happening in our country and around the world, and they're becoming more and more fearful of it, even to the point of dread. A lot of people are just consumed by what is happening. That's right. And they want answers.

[00:49:18.98 - 00:49:35.16]

They want a truthful answer. Will somebody please tell me the truth? And the truth about that is the only ultimate truth is not me and it's not you, and it's not any politician or anybody on TV. It's what the book says. Now, if you're watching this and you go, I don't believe in...

[00:49:35.16 - 00:49:43.40]

I'm an atheist and whatever. That doesn't matter. That's fine. But if you're watching this, you're going to hear it anyway, because it is the truth, and the truth has a way of penetrating.

Speaker 1
[00:49:43.46 - 00:49:51.18]

Well, I would also say, just how I felt about myself, like I had all kinds of opinions about God and religion and all that stuff, but it's kind of hard to have.

[00:49:51.18 - 00:49:55.84]

. It's like I have lots of opinions about Anna Karenina, but I've read it.

Speaker 2
[00:49:56.30 - 00:49:59.36]

I mean, it's just worth reading the document.

Speaker 1
[00:49:59.36 - 00:50:12.78]

And it's long. It took me 15 months to read it, or 14 months, but it's like no one has read it. Just read it and then get back to me and let's have a conversation about what's in there. That's like the first step. Just read it.

[00:50:12.90 - 00:50:19.94]

Maybe you're an atheist. Maybe you're Christopher Hitchens. It doesn't matter. Just read what's in there. By the way, that's the foundation of Western civilization.

[00:50:20.18 - 00:50:24.72]

So, just as a historical matter, you should know what's in there, but nobody does.

Speaker 2
[00:50:25.16 - 00:50:56.54]

Agreed. Very few people do. So why is it dangerous right now that Christians have this idea, that they're going to be out of here before any of the things that are prophesied about happen? Why is that dangerous? It's dangerous because when the mark of the beast shows up, when the son of perdition shows up, who is who we refer to as the Antichrist, when those things happen and they're still here, they'll say, well, that can't be the mark of the beast.

[00:50:56.60 - 00:51:16.50]

That can't be the Antichrist, because I'm still here. What danger does that put someone in? That's not the mark of the beast, because I'm still here. So go ahead, sign me up. Think about the level of danger with that, and it has not existed, in my opinion, until recently, since technology has gotten to the point to actually execute these things.

[00:51:17.42 - 00:51:22.44]

So if you got a second, can I read something for you, unless you want to ask me something?

Speaker 1
[00:51:22.44 - 00:51:24.72]

Yeah, so Lexi's, just come in with this.

Speaker 2
[00:51:25.06 - 00:51:25.22]


Speaker 1
[00:51:27.66 - 00:51:41.90]

Breaking news. Judge dismisses classified documents case against Donald Trump. Judge Eileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case in a ruling Monday. She said the appointment of the special counsel, Jack Smith, violated the Constitution.

[00:51:43.46 - 00:52:10.52]

Well, that's kind of, I mean, I'm just hearing this because it just happened, but it does, it does seem like all of a sudden, and I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just don't respond to that. It seems like everything has aligned in the period of like three days to make it very obvious Donald Trump's gonna be the next president. I know there's no doubt about it at this point. Very little doubt to the extent you can tell the future, but what do you make of that?

Speaker 2
[00:52:12.26 - 00:52:13.52]

Well, they tried to kill him.

Speaker 1
[00:52:14.02 - 00:52:15.92]

Yeah, well, there's that.

Speaker 2
[00:52:16.00 - 00:52:20.32]

I mean, and they missed. Or God turned his head and they missed.

Speaker 1
[00:52:20.32 - 00:52:36.20]

And then, within like four minutes, Elon Musk endorses him as the richest man in the world. Right. Biggest, most important media mogul in the world by far. And, you know, Bill Ackman, lifelong Democrat. It's like all of a sudden, it's just everything changes in one moment.

Speaker 2
[00:52:36.78 - 00:52:55.98]

Well, when God shows up that, clearly, it's hard for even the biggest detractors to deny it. They go, what did I just watch? You just watched God turn Donald Trump's head literally a split second. Part of a second, right before the bullet whizzed by. I mean, if he'd have still been looking this way, it catches him here.

[00:52:56.04 - 00:53:05.86]

He turns this way, it catches him here. We all just watched it. I mean, think about God making his presence known. I mean, on the biggest possible story you ever could. And the whole world just saw that.

[00:53:06.18 - 00:53:10.90]

So now you've got people going, OK, I believe it. I believe it. Because how do you deny that?

Speaker 1
[00:53:11.86 - 00:53:22.84]

No, that's exactly right. And further evidence. I mean, I feel like we're in the middle of history. We're in the middle. America is a movie and we have no idea how it ends, but clearly.

Speaker 2
[00:53:23.90 - 00:53:42.80]

Right, right. And the timing of Revelation coming out, I could, there's no way to know all this stuff. I mean, that song comes out a few days ago. And then this happens and that happens. And now I looked on X and spiritual warfare is trending and all these people are talking about that.

[00:53:43.24 - 00:53:57.48]

And I went, OK, I get it. I mean, that's why it was written. And that's like the musical component that's out floating around out there right now while all this is happening. I mean, there's no coincidence in the world that can allow for that to happen.

Speaker 1
[00:53:58.20 - 00:54:00.10]

Do you believe that there are any coincidences?

Speaker 2
[00:54:01.12 - 00:54:02.70]

No. Do you?

Speaker 1
[00:54:03.04 - 00:54:06.40]

No, I used to. I've seen too much. I'm 55..

Speaker 2
[00:54:06.78 - 00:54:08.56]

I don't think God is coincidental.

Speaker 1
[00:54:10.56 - 00:54:12.60]

I keep sidetracking you.

Speaker 2
[00:54:13.04 - 00:54:13.80]

No, you're fine.

Speaker 1
[00:54:14.34 - 00:54:17.26]

So I'm sorry. I just wanted to, she brought that in.

Speaker 2
[00:54:17.26 - 00:54:18.18]

No, that's a big deal.

Speaker 1
[00:54:18.52 - 00:54:20.50]

That's crazy. That's absolutely crazy.

Speaker 2
[00:54:21.20 - 00:54:31.76]

So a lot of, a lot of Christians watching this right now are very upset with me. Why? Because I'm saying something that's pushing back against something they have grown up believing. I grew up believing it too. So did my dad.

[00:54:31.82 - 00:54:42.38]

And for since 1830, people have believed this, that you're going to be out of here before any of the bad stuff happens. It just doesn't say that. So if you can give me enough time to read.

Speaker 1
[00:54:42.46 - 00:54:44.42]

Oh my gosh, please. I'm fascinated.

Speaker 2
[00:54:44.84 - 00:54:59.32]

This is second Thessalonians two. She doesn't get preached very much. This is Paul wrote this. Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to him. Meaning his second coming.

[00:54:59.82 - 00:55:43.26]

We ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as is from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means. For that day, the day he comes back, will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. Who is who we refer to as the Antichrist who opposes and exalts himself? above all, that is called God or that is worshiped so that he sits as God in the temple or in the place of God, showing himself that he is God.

[00:55:45.42 - 00:56:07.84]

Jesus hadn't come back yet. This is happening. Do you not remember when I was still with you? I told you these things, and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time, for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way, meaning it's being held back.

[00:56:08.56 - 00:56:52.00]

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming. talking about the second coming. The coming of the lawless one, is according to the work of Satan, with all power signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved, meaning it was rejected. They were told the truth and they rejected it. And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness.

[00:56:52.08 - 00:57:13.26]

Let's stop right there. You're telling me God is going to send a delusion on people. He's going to do that. He's going to be the one to make them go into chaos and not understand. He says, yes, that is what he's going to do, because he's given them chance after chance after chance, and they refused to believe the truth and rather believe the lie when the Antichrist shows up.

[00:57:14.58 - 00:57:57.06]

But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, beloved by the Lord, because God, from the beginning, chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which he called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold their traditions, which you were taught, whether by word or by epistle, meaning by letter. Now may our Lord, Jesus Christ himself, and our God and father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope, by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. So that's second Thessalonians 2.. He lays out before he comes back.

[00:57:57.22 - 00:58:08.24]

You're going to see the Antichrist. He's going to show up. He's going to be running the place. Now that goes. I'm telling you, right now, heads are exploding in the church world and with a lot of Christians.

[00:58:08.44 - 00:58:16.46]

They're going. but you can get mad all you want to. I'm reading it verbatim. If you don't, if you got a problem with that. go, tell him you got a problem with it.

[00:58:16.58 - 00:58:23.16]

If you don't want to believe it, put some louder fluid on your Bible and throw it in the fireplace. because what's the point? it says what it says.

Speaker 1
[00:58:24.98 - 00:58:59.68]

So I'm personally in a weird position where I've never heard any of these conversations. Didn't grow up in a in a church like that at all. I grew up in a fake church, and that makes total sense to me that there would be deception. Well, there is deception everywhere, but you're saying that what it's saying? that this letter Paul's letter to the Thessalonians says, and Revelation says and maybe Daniel says to it's all over the Bible that there will be a leader who people worship as God, who is not God.

Speaker 2
[00:58:59.68 - 00:59:22.68]

Yeah, let me, I'll read this, this piece one more time. Let no one deceive you by any means, for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, which was lying this. Yeah, the son of perdition is who they we would refer to as the Antichrist. the word Antichrist doesn't exist in the Bible either. Neither does Rapture.

[00:59:22.78 - 00:59:24.80]

That's just when we read this throughout history.

Speaker 1
[00:59:24.92 - 00:59:26.22]

Really, the word Antichrist is on there.

Speaker 2
[00:59:27.68 - 00:59:29.18]

No or Rapture.

[00:59:31.02 - 00:59:45.06]

Huh, it's, but it's. it's the words we use to describe what they're laying out. So how dangerous is that if Christians believe I'll be gone before this ever happens. So when they are still here and he does show up. They're going to be walking right into a bus.

Speaker 1
[00:59:45.36 - 00:59:56.58]

So that I mean, but it like raises the question that I wrestle with every day, in every context, which is how do you know what's true? How do you spot? You know, you're being lied to. how do you know?

Speaker 2
[00:59:57.30 - 01:00:01.96]

How do you know what's deception and what's truth? praying for discernment is very important.

Speaker 1
[01:00:02.20 - 01:00:13.24]

That's that's my go-to. but on right, think of anything else, but what are the? what are the signs? That you're being lied to? what are the signs that something is bad.

[01:00:14.04 - 01:00:24.24]

I mean Jesus says it's. it's just true. You don't need to be a Christian to believe it that you judge a tree by its fruits. I call it an apple tree, but if pears come out, it's not a tree. Right, exactly.

[01:00:24.24 - 01:00:31.26]

So how do we know which leaders are lying to us, which are bad like what are the signs?

Speaker 2
[01:00:33.74 - 01:00:47.30]

If what they say and do runs counter to what God's word says, they are lying. It's as simple as that. people complicate this whole process. ago exactly the question you're asking. How do I know who's telling the truth?

[01:00:47.40 - 01:01:04.92]

How do I know who's not? Well, look at what they're standing for fighting for, how they're talking, and then go take that and go read what the book says about it. What is God's stance on it? And if they're opposed to that or out of line with that, then they're wrong and you're basically against the ultimate truth. That's it.

[01:01:05.86 - 01:01:10.06]

Well, I think that's why we have the body. I think that's. I think that's right. humans can't figure this stuff out.

Speaker 1
[01:01:10.72 - 01:01:28.86]

So this winter I'm standing in the kitchen with my dogs and my wife comes in. she's just come back from a long walk and she has this look on her face, this look of tranquility and joy and peace. And I said, what are you been doing? And she said I was praying. and I said where she said on my walk for an hour and a half.

[01:01:29.60 - 01:01:37.66]

And it turns out she was listening to something. I never heard of before, which is an app called. Hello. Hello. H a l l o w.

[01:01:37.66 - 01:02:11.50]

how, like hallowed. And a friend of hers gave it to her, and this set off a chain reaction in my family, where pretty much everyone in my family started to listen to hello every day. It's a prayer app and it's the best way, as you know, to find peace, and this makes it very easy to set aside the time to deeply pray every single day. I'm so impressed by hallow that I tracked down the number of the CEO and I called him and I said I want to advertise this on our podcast, because it's something that I really believe in and I think you do an amazing job and it's basically non-denominational Christian. You don't have to be Catholic or Protestant.

[01:02:11.60 - 01:02:34.04]

You can be any kind of Christian, but hallow will help you focus your prayer in a way that will be very obvious to your husband when you walk into the kitchen. I can promise you that it's an amazing, amazing resource. They've got like 10,000 audio guided prayers, meditations, Bible studies. famously Mark Wahlberg leads one of them. It's just really, really good.

[01:02:34.04 - 01:02:36.64]

You can download it for three months free at hallow.

[01:02:36.64 - 01:02:41.76]

com slash Tucker, and I strongly recommend that you do that.

[01:02:56.10 - 01:03:14.88]

It puts a lot of us, including me, who's only read it once, at a disadvantage because we're not that literate. we're not biblically literate like I don't know. you know I didn't. you've already told me a bunch of things that I thought I would have picked up having read it, and I missed them. So one marker that seems well.

[01:03:14.88 - 01:03:36.54]

I'll ask you do you think this is a fair way to judge? God creates order out of chaos. right, that's beginning of Genesis, and so order and chaos are really significant markers for whether something is from God or not, and if you get a lot of chaos like that's probably not from God right.

Speaker 2
[01:03:37.34 - 01:03:51.74]

Probably not most of the time, except in second Thessalonians. It says he will send a great delusion on the people because they refuse the truth and refused him for so long that he goes. Okay. I've given you every shot. I'm going to give you now.

[01:03:51.74 - 01:04:10.28]

here comes the cloud, here comes the fog, here comes. I don't know where I'm at, and he's going to let those people who rejected him over and over and over and rejected the truth. He allows them, as I call it, walking into the buzzsaw, walking into the wood chipper. That's a hard thing, man, for Christians to come to grips with that. He said that that he would do that.

[01:04:11.20 - 01:04:12.24]

That's what it says.

Speaker 1
[01:04:12.70 - 01:04:15.54]

So that means good people are going to fall for wise.

Speaker 2
[01:04:16.24 - 01:04:36.16]

It means that. it means that first of all there's I don't believe there's such a thing as a good person and it says all of her trying to be I agree with all of our righteousness is this filthy rags on the side of God's. what it says. I mean the only good thing about a Christian is that God's in them, that Jesus is in them. That's it short of him being in there.

[01:04:36.26 - 01:04:53.72]

If you're just nasty filthy, you know, so. but I think to your point. Yeah. people who are not inherently wicked people but have refused to to believe what he's told them for all this time and reject it, reject it, reject it. It says he'll send a great delusion anybody that wants to go read it.

[01:04:53.82 - 01:04:56.16]

I hope they pick their Bible about this interview and go look it up.

Speaker 1
[01:04:56.16 - 01:05:12.58]

But people who think of themselves as sincerely Godly, people who are trying to be Christian, call themselves that right. They'll fall for the lie to. it says many will. it says many will. so it sounds like you got to be just on your game.

[01:05:12.66 - 01:05:13.48]

You got to be aware.

Speaker 2
[01:05:14.08 - 01:05:14.84]

You got to be connected.

Speaker 1
[01:05:15.38 - 01:05:18.50]

Yeah, tightly, that some of the things you think are good or not good.

Speaker 2
[01:05:19.86 - 01:05:32.92]

Right, exactly right. I mean you go back to, like you said, 1830 and John Darby and C.I. Schofield, and I wasn't there. I don't know why they did what they did, but that that doctrine was very popular still. It's still the main doctrine today.

Speaker 1
[01:05:33.38 - 01:05:36.86]

Oh, I know the speaker of the house believes that a Christian church most crit.

Speaker 2
[01:05:36.92 - 01:05:47.50]

I'd say 99% of Christians believe it. I mean, I've been, I've been anxious about this interview because I knew what I'm going to say is going to rattle people in a major way, but this is not my opinion, Tucker.

Speaker 1
[01:05:47.50 - 01:05:56.12]

It's so funny. I'm just laughing because I'm from a world where I don't think. I don't think I know anyone who's heard of Schofield. I'm only learning of this recently. It's right.

[01:05:56.18 - 01:06:04.02]

There are many different cultures in America. We're just from very different ones. So yeah, it's funny. But is that true? So even now, people believe that 100%.

[01:06:04.02 - 01:06:17.14]

maybe that's a good example of the principle that you're describing, or the fact that you're describing. Yeah, that Christians were, you know, trying their best. Yeah, we're still going to fall for things that are lies.

Speaker 2
[01:06:17.14 - 01:06:39.64]

Because because they have, they have. yes, because not just them, and this is not the preachers fault. This is not the Christians fault. They're not at fault for this. This has been around since way, way, way before any of us were ever thought about it's become accepted doctrine that that the footnotes in the that Schofield adopted from Darby is biblically accurate.

[01:06:39.88 - 01:07:06.70]

And the only way those can be biblically accurate is you're going to have to erase several of the things that were said, and they're like the one. I just read in second, Thessalonians 2. you'd have to rip those pages out for that to make sense, because it literally lays out step-by-step, this. you're going to see this and then I'm going to show up. the greatest one ever is Matthew 24, and that does get preached a lot, but they preach it backwards and I don't know how much, I don't know how much scripture you'll let me read on the show.

Speaker 1
[01:07:06.92 - 01:07:19.12]

I'm really interested. by the way. Anyone is not interested in this stuff will have fallen away by now. Sure. So, but I think again, at least in the weird world that I'm from, more people are interested in this than have ever been.

Speaker 2
[01:07:19.38 - 01:07:28.32]

I think so. I think it does talk about a great Revival happening at some point, you know, that's when I go back to a near-death experience will get your attention faster than anything.

Speaker 1
[01:07:28.52 - 01:07:29.46]

It happened to me. I know.

Speaker 2
[01:07:29.68 - 01:07:31.32]

Yeah, I've had a couple myself.

Speaker 1
[01:07:31.64 - 01:07:31.80]


Speaker 2
[01:07:32.24 - 01:07:33.38]

All right, Matthew 24.

[01:07:33.54 - 01:07:44.96]

. You ready? Yeah. Now this is Jesus talking to the disciples, and they're hanging out in a park, basically in a nice little spot that they were hanging out. Matthew 24, start with verse 3..

[01:07:45.24 - 01:08:25.08]

Now, as he sat on the Mount of Olives talking about Jesus, the disciples came to him privately saying tell us, when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? asking him, and Jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many, and you will hear of Wars and rumors of Wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass. But the end is not yet, for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places.

[01:08:25.74 - 01:09:07.80]

All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. Now that's an important part right there, because a lot of people have taught over the years that because he was talking to the 12 disciples, that he was specifically only referring to them and their country and their their heritage. But when it says for bearing my name for my name's sake, that means Chinese Christians, North Korean Christians, Eskimo Christians, South American Christians, American Christians, anybody in this period of time. That bears the name of Jesus Christ will be hunted.

[01:09:07.98 - 01:09:23.98]

It says killed, hunted, hated by all the nations around the earth. That's an important distinction. and then many will be offended. That sounds familiar, will betray one another and will hate one another. then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.

[01:09:25.10 - 01:10:00.44]

And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold, but he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come. Now, here we go here. Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, the prophet, the abomination of desolation Tucker is when the Antichrist steps into that role that we talked about in second Thessalonians. When you see him standing in the holy place, then let those who are in Judea fleet of the mountains.

[01:10:00.64 - 01:10:28.90]

Let he who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of the house and let him who is in the field, not go back to even get his clothes, and woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days and pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath, for then will be the Great Tribulation. Such has not been seen since the beginning of the world under this time. No, nor ever shall be. Jesus still hadn't come back. yet.

[01:10:29.06 - 01:10:37.56]

Remember this is the disciples asking him. What's it going to? what's going to happen before you come back? All these things are happening and unless those days be shortened. No flesh would be saved.

[01:10:37.56 - 01:11:03.82]

but for the elect's sake, meaning his people, those days will be shortened. Then, if anyone says to you look, here's the Christ or there, do not believe it, for false Christ and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, meaning they'll perform miracles in front of you if possible. They could even deceive the elect. see that I've told you beforehand. Therefore, if they say to you look, he's in the desert, do not go there, or look.

[01:11:03.88 - 01:11:17.04]

He's in the inner rooms. Do not believe it, for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the West. So also will be the coming of the son of man. For wherever the carcasses there, the eagles will be gathered together. Now we're in verse 29.

[01:11:17.04 - 01:11:57.62]

immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heavens will be shaken. then verse 30.. Then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, and then he will send his angels with a great cloud and a trumpet, and they will gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other Matthew 24.. When the disciples asked him what's going to be happening before you come back, boss.

[01:11:58.54 - 01:12:23.44]

All right, sit down. I'm going to tell you, and he goes play by play, and then this and then that, and then this and this and this, and after this happens, then you'll see me coming. So it is such a dangerous mindset for really save people and Christians to think that they're going to be pulled out of here before any of this happens. Why is that dangerous? Because when those things happen, you're going to think it's not the real deal.

[01:12:23.82 - 01:12:46.12]

You're going to think well, I'm still here. So that can't be it. It must be something else, and the decisions you make under that false pretense could be catastrophic, would be catastrophic to you. It says anybody that takes the mark of the beast that their name is not written in the Lamb's book of life. Meaning the names that are written down, the ones that are that are going to have, and your name is not written in the Lamb's book of life.

[01:12:46.44 - 01:12:49.40]

If you take that, I mean, this is no joke.

Speaker 1
[01:12:49.68 - 01:12:50.74]

How do you not take it?

Speaker 2
[01:12:51.26 - 01:12:55.80]

How do you not take the mark? Yeah, you have to be willing to die.

[01:12:58.82 - 01:13:07.06]

Suffer I think about. there's there's Christians right now all over the world being killed by the hundreds of thousands. We just don't talk about it. They're killing them in China. They're killing them in North Korea.

[01:13:07.06 - 01:13:18.56]

They're killing them in Africa. They're killing them in the Middle East. Why are we above those people? You think, you think America gets to dodge this at some point? Absolutely not.

[01:13:19.06 - 01:13:26.08]

It is a. it's a perilous thing. To bear the name of Jesus Christ in this world.

Speaker 1
[01:13:26.88 - 01:13:48.80]

One of the reasons I wound up believing that this was true is because, as you read this and you read, Jesus is pitch to his followers, his disciples, right? It's kind of the opposite. Well, you're in the entertainment business, you know, it's the opposite of any other advertising campaign that you would mount. like use this laundry detergent. It makes your clothes cleaner, right?

Speaker 2
[01:13:48.88 - 01:13:52.32]

You know what I mean? Right. eat this food. It's delicious, right?

Speaker 1
[01:13:53.26 - 01:14:11.06]

Jesus is like follow me and you're going to get hated by everybody, including your own family, and then killed. Bingo. people are going to celebrate your death and that message became the world's biggest religion created Western civilization. And you're like, well, wait a second. That's really that's the pitch.

[01:14:11.28 - 01:14:12.78]

How'd you get anyone to sign up for that?

Speaker 2
[01:14:13.16 - 01:14:19.68]

Well, when you know, when Christianity launched, everybody knew that's what it was, and they just not that long ago. Jesus was Chris.

Speaker 1
[01:14:19.82 - 01:14:42.76]

Why would anybody sign up for that? I mean, I guess, if a preacher and many do comes out and says if you believe this, you're going to get rich, get a hot wife, get a huge house, you know, all good things will happen to you. So I get it. I mean who wouldn't want that? but if someone like Jesus says you're going to get to, you, get to be tortured to death.

[01:14:42.90 - 01:14:44.78]

If you follow this, like why would anyone follow that?

Speaker 2
[01:14:45.64 - 01:14:48.28]

Because they know that he's the son of God.

Speaker 1
[01:14:48.46 - 01:14:56.10]

Okay, that they that, but that's what I'm saying. That's like the greatest testimony in my view. This is the conclusion. I came to after reading. I was like, how could?

[01:14:56.10 - 01:14:59.38]

what must be true? Because who would follow that?

Speaker 2
[01:15:00.10 - 01:15:04.18]

No, I don't think cerebrally. you would ever take, you'd ever bite that hook.

Speaker 1
[01:15:04.22 - 01:15:04.92]

Of course not.

Speaker 2
[01:15:05.04 - 01:15:20.82]

You would ever bite that hook. I mean, now you swim past that hook. Yeah, but when he gets ahold of you in a real way, there's no denying what that is. And that's when people are converted. That's when that, when they feel that and they really give their life to Jesus Christ and he comes in.

[01:15:20.94 - 01:15:27.44]

It's wham. I mean, it's there. I mean it. there is no escaping what that is. It is as real as art attack.

Speaker 1
[01:15:27.58 - 01:15:41.22]

So how should we feel about so? what you're saying and I think a lot of people will nod their heads like you feel like something? first of all, that this is this moment is real. We're not making this up in our minds. And you know, they're suffering ahead.

[01:15:41.76 - 01:15:42.68]

How should we feel about that?

Speaker 2
[01:15:43.48 - 01:15:53.82]

Well, it's it's. he gives a lot of tough Commandments. He says rejoice when you're persecuted for bearing my name. if they, if they persecuted me, what do you think they're going to do to you? I mean, yeah, exactly.

[01:15:53.82 - 01:16:09.04]

It's not. it's not really your best Tony Robbins pitch as to why you should sign up for this program. But the benefit is, it's your Eternity that you're talking about here. You know, if you live to be 200 years old, it's like that in the history of time. It's nothing.

[01:16:09.28 - 01:16:27.34]

I mean like that if you touch your hand, I had this thought a while back. when somebody says I broke my arm. My arm is broken and I go, and it hit me funny out of nowhere. I went my arm like who? which part of you is claiming ownership of that arm?

[01:16:27.58 - 01:16:33.96]

Does anything own itself? That's this is my table. That is my dog. That is my car. That is my business.

[01:16:34.28 - 01:16:45.66]

I'm somebody's employee. They say that's my employee. something is, is, is, is claimed by by something else throughout the world. So you go, my arm. My arm is broken.

[01:16:46.02 - 01:17:02.28]

What is that? That's the spirit. That's you. That's the real you that has to live in this piece of junk for however long it lives there. You're actually hearing your spirit talk when you say that this is my arm, my face, my head, my talent, my, my, my, all this stuff.

[01:17:03.20 - 01:17:33.92]

And so people understand they have to understand that God created you to live forever somewhere, one place or the other. He sticks you down in these weak, little, banged up bodies, that he gives us the weakest thing ever. And then turns the devil loose, and then he gives us free will to decide which way do we want to go? That's why he became a man, so he could empathize with man, so he could understand the plight of man. What man has to deal with every single day, from temptation to torture, to love and sadness and everything else.

[01:17:33.92 - 01:17:50.18]

Jesus experienced all of that stuff. So I think to your point of why would anybody ever do that? It's because it's not this you're trying to save it. It's the actual eternal you that is being saved, that gets to go. live in eternity in heaven with him instead of on the other side.

[01:17:50.28 - 01:17:54.62]

And it's why the other side fights so hard too. They're not trying to take their bodies. They're trying to take their souls.

Speaker 1
[01:17:55.94 - 01:18:06.88]

I also think there's something about hearing something true, even if it's unexpected. You've never heard it before. You never thought of it before. It seems bizarre. If it is true, it was actually true.

[01:18:07.50 - 01:18:21.74]

It resonates like a tuning fork at homes. It feels different. A true word feels different from a false word. Yeah, and there's something about these words that has struck people for thousands of years in ways that you could never explain. It's like, oh, that's true.

[01:18:21.78 - 01:18:24.56]

I know that that's true. I was made to know that that was true.

Speaker 2
[01:18:24.98 - 01:18:25.96]

Yeah, because it's in you.

Speaker 1
[01:18:26.22 - 01:18:28.20]

It's in you. What kind of preacher is your dad?

Speaker 2
[01:18:28.68 - 01:19:06.62]

He is non-denominational. My dad generally focused his ministry in prisons, street ministry. My dad, when I was growing up, he did, I think it was 34, Mardi Gras in a row with a guitar hanging around his neck, standing in the French Quarter as all the parades are going by. And he's standing down there singing gospel music and preaching through a little speaker that he had standing next to him. And these parades would come by and spit on my dad from the top of his head all the way down to his boots, over and over and over.

[01:19:07.10 - 01:19:09.52]

And I asked him one time, I said, why did you keep.

Speaker 1
[01:19:09.52 - 01:19:10.08]

34 years in a row.

Speaker 2
[01:19:10.08 - 01:19:35.08]

34, yeah. I said, why did you just, why did you keep standing there with people, hundreds of people, just spitting on you? And he said, because about one out of a hundred of them would stop and ask me what I was talking about. So you wipe, spit off your face and you tell them what it is you're here to talk about. And I have seen him do this, where some, I mean, crazy looking guy, you know, totally out there.

[01:19:35.76 - 01:19:56.00]

Start locking in with my dad and before it's over, the guy's down on his knees, bawling his head off, getting right with God. There's been stories of men who had murdered multiple people and gotten away with it and, on a street ministry like that, went and turned himself into the police and spent the rest of her life in prison. That's my dad. That's where he went.

Speaker 1
[01:19:56.26 - 01:19:57.56]

Did he get pretty rich doing it?

Speaker 2
[01:19:57.74 - 01:20:15.90]

Oh, yeah, he's loaded. Yeah, there's a lot of money in street preaching. You know, you ask him, because he is an extremely charismatic, I mean, his communication is just, I hope you get to hear him someday. It is unbelievable. He could have probably pastored the biggest churches in America and been a very wealthy man doing it.

[01:20:16.18 - 01:20:28.32]

You ask him, why didn't you do that? He said, because the people that need to hear what I have to say are never going to walk into one of those church buildings. They're locked behind bars. They're out on the street at Mardi Gras. They're wherever they are.

[01:20:28.32 - 01:20:32.94]

They're never going to run into it unless I go to where they are. So he has always gone to where they are.

Speaker 1
[01:20:32.96 - 01:20:39.10]

The humility required to preach at Mardi Gras on the street through a speaker is awe-inspiring to me.

Speaker 2
[01:20:39.12 - 01:20:42.38]

And bravery and conviction. That's a scary moment.

Speaker 1
[01:20:42.66 - 01:20:47.76]

But you're lowering yourself. when you do that. You're on the street, in the French Quarter, and I bet people did spot you.

Speaker 2
[01:20:47.76 - 01:20:49.26]

You're holding up a candle in a hurricane.

Speaker 1
[01:20:50.30 - 01:20:53.90]

Yeah, and no one's impressed. I mean, most people are not impressed. They think you're a fool.

Speaker 2
[01:20:54.02 - 01:20:55.24]

You're crazy. Sure.

Speaker 1
[01:20:55.81 - 01:21:03.50]

You know, there's kind of very limited affirmation from people. No one's like, you know, it's really cool. you did that. They're like, shut up, weirdo. Get out of here.

Speaker 2
[01:21:03.64 - 01:21:12.06]

Except when you've done that to hundreds of thousands of people, the success rate may be 1%. That's still thousands of people.

Speaker 1
[01:21:12.60 - 01:21:14.26]

It's just an amazing thing to do.

Speaker 2
[01:21:14.36 - 01:21:35.30]

What did you think of that when you were a kid? Oh, I mean, it's probably no doubt. It's why I am like. I am in a lot of ways that when you grow up watching a dad who has that level of conviction, and it's not that there's no fear involved or like, oh, wow, this is going to be... No, you're still going to feel that, but you go, do it anyway.

[01:21:36.14 - 01:21:57.26]

I mean, trust me, the conversation we just had about all this stuff. I've been thinking about it for weeks before I came here going, there's a lot of people are not going to like what I'm about, to say, what I'm about, to read to them and push back against what they've been taught their entire lives. They're not going to like that. But when a song like Revelation comes along, when that's pounded into you and you're like, what do you want me to do with it? And he goes all the way.

[01:21:57.88 - 01:22:01.32]

This interview is part of going all the way with that. You just go, do it.

Speaker 1
[01:22:03.28 - 01:22:05.48]

Were you proud of your dad when you were a kid?

Speaker 2
[01:22:06.04 - 01:22:07.20]

Oh, my hero.

[01:22:09.58 - 01:22:29.28]

100%. I mean, what kind of person can do that? I mean, we see preachers on TV with 20,000 people in the audience and buy my book. Buy my book, put your money in the offer and play it. I'm going to get on my G6 and go fly over here on a mission trip.

[01:22:29.84 - 01:22:55.08]

Right? And they give these lukewarm messages that keep all the Christians just feeling nice and comfortable all the time. And they never go into the stuff that we're actually talking about, which, by the way, Tucker, is what is going to happen in this country and in this world at some point. And, like I said early on, everything that needs to be in place for these things to happen exists now. For preachers not to be preaching the truth about what's going on right now is such a disservice to their congregations.

[01:22:55.20 - 01:22:57.18]

It's criminal. Truly.

Speaker 1
[01:22:57.62 - 01:22:59.04]

And you feel it too?

Speaker 2
[01:22:59.18 - 01:23:16.68]

Oh, you can feel it all day long. The stakes are so high right now. It's like I said, back in 1830, if you want to tell people, nothing bad is going to happen before you're raptured out of here. Okay, well, the rapture wasn't possible at that point because a lot of the prophecies hadn't come true. Everything we just talked about in Matthew 24 and 2, Thessalonians 2..

[01:23:16.86 - 01:23:20.26]

But now, I would argue, we're on the doorstep of it.

Speaker 1
[01:23:21.14 - 01:23:22.76]

Seems pretty obvious that we are.

Speaker 2
[01:23:22.90 - 01:23:41.84]

It feels like it is. And I think that's why you see things like spiritual warfare trending on X. Really? I mean, and it's also why you see the other side coming with everything they got. It's why you see these songs about Lucifer, Antichrist, evil, and all this other horrible stuff being pushed out.

[01:23:41.84 - 01:23:51.12]

They're throwing everything they got at it right now. And we got to stand up and go, well, I'm not strong enough to push it back, but my dad is.

[01:23:52.64 - 01:23:59.48]

You don't want to mess, my daddy can beat up your daddy. It's that old phrase. My daddy can beat up your daddy. And that's the absolute truth.

Speaker 1
[01:24:00.34 - 01:24:02.74]

How should Christians respond day to day?

Speaker 2
[01:24:04.08 - 01:24:23.26]

Christians better get as close as they possibly can, because I think we all feel big things coming. We don't know what they are, how bad they'll be, or exactly when, but everybody feels it in the air. I'm sure you feel it in the air. There's just this thing, you wake up, you can feel it. And the only real truth out there is on the pages of the book.

[01:24:23.38 - 01:24:37.58]

Everybody's got one in their house. There's one in every hotel room. You can go online and look up anything you want to look up and read it anytime you want to. The Word of God has never been more accessible to humanity than it is at this exact second. So I suggest you don't take the preacher's word for it.

[01:24:37.64 - 01:24:44.52]

Don't take my word for it or anybody else's. You sit down and you read it for yourself and then put it into action.

Speaker 1
[01:24:46.14 - 01:24:52.50]

What, I mean, what's your life like now? I mean, no, you're not, you're not here to talk about yourself, but you just had...

Speaker 2
[01:24:52.50 - 01:24:53.28]

Better than it's ever been.

Speaker 1
[01:24:53.60 - 01:25:05.66]

I can tell. But you've had this kind of amazing journey your whole life in this business. But it's, on some level, it's a very, very secular business, obviously.

Speaker 2
[01:25:05.86 - 01:25:07.12]

Of course, I was part of it.

Speaker 1
[01:25:07.26 - 01:25:13.44]

Oh, yeah. So, like, what do people you've known for all these years in the entertainment business think of you now?

Speaker 2
[01:25:14.90 - 01:25:33.28]

A lot of them. I don't talk to a lot anymore, but the ones I still do are 10 times stronger than they've ever been, because they know what the truth is, too. You know, I was the definition of what you'd call prodigal son, growing up with a dad like that. And then, at 18, 19 years old, I take off. Instead of going to college, I go out, start playing honky-tonks all over the United States.

[01:25:33.28 - 01:25:46.68]

Can you imagine what my dad must have felt like? Can't imagine. That his underage son is playing in bars all across the United States. And then you come with, you know, these rockin' hard party songs and all this stuff. And the songs are one thing, but the lifestyle is something totally different.

[01:25:46.84 - 01:26:21.42]

When you go out and actually live like the songs you're singing and doing those things, I can only imagine how bad it must have tore him up for a long time. And at some point, I remember, I got saved when I was a kid with my dad. But at one point in my life, I had the feeling that I had pushed back against what he wanted me to do for so long that he stood up and walked out of the room. Meaning God walked out of the room, left me sitting there, like abandoned is what the feeling felt like. And that was the most desolate feeling I've ever had.

[01:26:21.44 - 01:26:35.30]

And if you go reading Psalms, King David talked about that a lot. Because King David had a woman's husband killed, Uriah had him killed, and then took her and married her. I mean, that's pretty bad.

Speaker 1
[01:26:35.38 - 01:26:36.80]

Yeah, it's about as bad as it gets.

Speaker 2
[01:26:37.12 - 01:26:55.96]

And then he got punished, like you can't believe. Horrible things happened to David after that, including God left him sitting there all by himself for a long time. And I think that's the way he gets our attention, is you push back long enough, he will get your attention. If you're lucky, he'll let you survive it. And we just saw somebody survive something.

[01:26:56.42 - 01:27:00.78]

And I think our country is going to survive it, but I think it's going to be quite a thing when it happens.

Speaker 1
[01:27:02.46 - 01:27:02.82]


Speaker 2
[01:27:04.74 - 01:27:05.64]

Feels like it.

Speaker 1
[01:27:08.58 - 01:27:09.50]

John Rich, thank you.

Speaker 2
[01:27:10.18 - 01:27:14.00]

Thank you for letting me talk about this, Brad. Appreciate it. I loved it. Keep up the good work.

Speaker 1
[01:27:14.38 - 01:27:14.78]

Thank you.

[01:27:22.96 - 01:27:26.52]

The complete library. Tucker Carlson.com.
