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Famboogie 014: We're So Back!

2024-07-19 01:01:23

Red Pilled America is a weekly storytelling show that tells the tales Hollywood and the Globalist don't want you to hear. You can think of RPA as audio documentaries. This pioneering series is broadcast every Friday and is hosted by Patrick Courrielche & Adryana Cortez. For the full archive of episodes, visit RedPilledAmerica.com

Speaker 2
[00:00:00.00 - 00:00:13.62]

Hi, everybody. It's Katie Couric. Have you heard about my newsletter called Body and Soul? It has everything you need to know about health and wellness. From skincare and serums to meditation and brain health, we've got you covered.

[00:00:13.92 - 00:00:29.94]

And, most importantly, it's information you can trust. Everything is vetted by experts at the top of their field. Just sign up at katiecouric.com slash bodyandsoul. That's k-a-t-i-e-c-o-u-r-i-c dot com. slash bodyandsoul.

[00:00:30.20 - 00:00:33.68]

I promise you'll be happier and healthier if you do.

[00:00:35.76 - 00:00:46.02]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host Planet Money. Now I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build.

[00:00:46.02 - 00:01:02.70]

once they solve a few problems. I'm talking to people trying to figure out how to do things that no one on the planet knows how to do, from creating a drone delivery business to building a car that can truly drive itself. Listen to What's Your Problem on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1
[00:01:04.20 - 00:01:06.30]

Hey, fam. I'm Simone Boyce.

Speaker 2
[00:01:06.46 - 00:01:07.46]

And I'm Danielle Robay.

Speaker 1
[00:01:07.62 - 00:01:13.08]

And we're the hosts of The Bright Side, the podcast from Hello Sunshine that's guaranteed to light up your day.

Speaker 2
[00:01:13.34 - 00:01:32.78]

Check out our recent episode with comedians, writers, and partners in life, Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allen. In Hollywood, you work towards something, you write something, you pitch something, you meet about something, and the majority of things don't happen. And we're like, okay, on to the next.

Speaker 1
[00:01:33.22 - 00:02:07.48]

Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, from Detroit to Houston, and New York to L.A., there's pride in every American heart, and it's time we stand and say,

[00:02:10.98 - 00:02:13.92]

that I'm proud to be an American,

Unknown Speaker
[00:02:14.56 - 00:02:17.34]

where at least I know I'm free.

[00:02:20.48 - 00:02:20.88]


Speaker 1
[00:02:23.58 - 00:02:23.94]


Unknown Speaker
[00:02:28.46 - 00:02:30.92]

Right on my stress. Uh-huh.

Speaker 1
[00:02:35.44 - 00:02:37.06]

Uh-huh. Check it out.

[00:02:39.02 - 00:02:42.32]

Hello, hello, hello. This is Famboogie. I'm Patrick Karelchi.

Speaker 2
[00:02:42.44 - 00:02:43.76]

I'm Adriana Cortez.

Speaker 1
[00:02:43.84 - 00:03:08.78]

And, oh, what a week. We are so back right now, it's not even funny. I almost, every, all the good things that are happening right now, although obviously last Saturday was not a good thing, but the energy and the unity right now is crazy style. This is Red Pilled America's Famboogie. We do this every once in a while when we are working behind the scenes on new episodes.

[00:03:09.42 - 00:03:39.60]

We got an amazing one for you guys next week, so we thought we'd come live and talk a little bit about the RNC, how the Democrats are freaking out right now. We'll get a little bit into the horrendous assassination attempt on our president and someone being killed. And we're also going to get into our new video project that's coming out next week. And actually, we are going to be launching it. Let's talk about that a little bit.

Speaker 2
[00:03:39.70 - 00:04:03.74]

Well, actually, before we get started, this is Red Pilled America. This is our video podcast that we do for our Fambam. If you are listening to this on iHeartRadio or any other podcast platform and you want to see our pretty little faces, please go to redpilledamerica.com and click join in the top menu and become a Fambam member. We need your support.

Speaker 1
[00:04:03.98 - 00:04:13.02]

We need you guys. We don't have NPR money. We don't have PBS money. All we have is you guys. So please become a Fambam member.

[00:04:13.44 - 00:04:36.94]

Support what we're doing. You will see this video that we are coming out with, this mini documentary that we're coming out with next week. We have an announcement date. We are going to be launching it to the public on Thursday, July 25th. And for Fambam members, you will get an early sneak peek starting Sunday, July 21st.

[00:04:37.30 - 00:04:44.36]

So if you want to get in early, you want to see this amazing video that we did, this amazing little mini documentary we did.

Speaker 2
[00:04:44.92 - 00:04:50.02]

We've been working on for quite a while now, by the way. We have been working our little tails off.

Speaker 1
[00:04:50.02 - 00:05:25.66]

I think, once you see it, you're going to understand why we've spent so much time on it. Once again, it's basically a documentary about Sound of Freedom and some of the things that we've uncovered, even more so than when we did Con Ink. We found some jaw dropping stuff that, once you see it, I think you will understand why this story is so important. Um, you know, Tim Ballard has been, uh, heralded and has been a hero. I have to say this, and I could give you a little bit of a preview on this right now.

[00:05:26.80 - 00:05:41.30]

When we started really digging into this, what we learned is, is that, ultimately, I don't know how else to put this, but Tim Ballard is, it's, it's much worse than I had expected.

Speaker 2
[00:05:41.74 - 00:05:43.16]

He's diabolical.

Speaker 1
[00:05:43.16 - 00:05:53.48]

He's one of the most diabolical people that I have ever ran across. that is still kind of, um, accepted within the conservative.

Speaker 2
[00:05:53.70 - 00:06:09.70]

He was at the RNC tonight. By the way, you guys, right now it's Thursday night. We're recording this on a Thursday night. It's past 11 and we just got done watching the RNC and President Trump accepting the nomination. And I'm feeling very patriotic right now.

Speaker 1
[00:06:09.86 - 00:06:22.36]

I am too. I'm excited. I, you know, and I just, you know, and we're going to get into that. We're going to get into the assassination attempt and we're going to get into the RNC in a minute. I think it is an incredible, incredible moment in history.

[00:06:22.62 - 00:06:53.46]

And what we witnessed last Saturday was a Roman Empire moment. You know, men, I think, when they saw that, just the, the will to live and the will to fight that this man has. I mean, the guy, you know, in our, in our history books, we've kind of learned about George Washington when we were in elementary school. And there's this kind of mythological stories about our founding fathers. And as you get older, you think, ah, some of that stuff must not have been entirely true.

[00:06:54.06 - 00:07:12.38]

This man is like a mythical legend. He really, in the history books, in 300 years, they're going to be writing about this man. And what they say is going to actually be true if we write the history books, obviously. I mean, if we let the mainstream media and the radical left do that, it'd be a different story.

Speaker 2
[00:07:12.60 - 00:07:15.28]

But I've never seen anything like it.

Speaker 1
[00:07:15.92 - 00:07:40.98]

It was one of the most inspirational things I've ever seen. This guy who's in this moment, raising his arm up there and having the wherewithal to let the audience know that he was fine and he's unflappable, and he's, you know, keep fighting, no matter what. One of the most inspirational moments I've ever seen. And we're going to get a little bit more into that in a little bit. But yeah, so we're going to be launching this.

[00:07:41.06 - 00:08:15.16]

We're calling it Rescue Ruse is our first mini documentary. And this Tim Ballard is a unicorn. He is a diabolical figure that has, in my opinion, duped so many people. And, you know, recently, I think this last week or so, news came out that his executive assistant is claiming that the Utah law enforcement has her skirt, her miniskirt. that has his semen on it.

[00:08:15.50 - 00:08:43.38]

We haven't really paid, you know, gotten into that story too much about the sexual assaults. And the reason being is, is that this, this, this story that we're going to be telling you guys about Kelly Johanna Suarez, who is the supervillain in The Sound of Freedom. I feel like this story in particular is the one that really exposes this man and what he is capable of.

Speaker 2
[00:08:43.56 - 00:08:55.26]

I think that when people see this documentary, they're going to understand the the obsession with with the truth that we have basically been on.

Speaker 1
[00:08:55.26 - 00:09:22.48]

Yes, and I think that, you know, once you see it, if you are not a subscriber, please, you know, support us. This is as good a documentary as you're going to see out there on PBS or, you know, any of those kinds of networks. We really put a lot of time and energy and love into this. And I think we put our story telling chops within it. Once again, we are giving an early viewing to our fam bam, to our Red Pilled America dot com subscribers.

[00:09:22.48 - 00:09:43.88]

Go to Red Pilled America dot com, become a fam bam member and you'll get early access to it. We're launching it on Sunday, July 21st, and then the general public will be able to see it on Thursday, July 25th. We're going to, you know, put it up on on on several of the social media platforms and also on our website. Check it out. We need you guys support.

[00:09:44.96 - 00:09:51.96]

Let's talk a little bit about what you want to go into the RNC or the assassination first. I think we should probably talk about the assassination attempt.

Speaker 2
[00:09:51.96 - 00:10:10.60]

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I was at the Grove. It's basically it's an outdoor popular mall here in Los Angeles. And I got a call from Patrick and I was with my five year old niece and I wasn't able to pick up my phone in time. And then he called my daughter and she said, oh, dad's calling.

[00:10:10.74 - 00:10:27.64]

And then when she picked it up, he had already hung up. And then he called my mother, who was also with us. And my mom picked up the phone and she said, Trump's been shot. And I screamed, no, I just I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And then she, you know, quickly said, he's OK, he's OK, he's OK.

[00:10:27.98 - 00:10:47.86]

But it was just so shocking to to hear that that news and the drive home. We were actually leaving the Grove at the time. We're getting into the car and the drive home just felt like forever. I just wanted to get home and watch the news coverage. I just could not believe that it happened.

Speaker 1
[00:10:49.00 - 00:11:06.38]

You know, I was. it's kind of. where were you at moments? I think everyone's going to know where they were when they first heard this news. I was actually at home working on the documentary, and a good friend of mine, Andre, called me and said, dude, turn on the television, turn on social media.

[00:11:06.38 - 00:11:21.46]

right now. Trump's been shot and the guy is a machine. He's a, he's a machine. He's savage because they're. the Secret Service is trying to get him off and he won't leave the stage.

[00:11:22.04 - 00:11:45.56]

And so I turned it on. and I'm watching this moment and I'm like, this is like this visceral emotion when you're seeing this man in the most compromising situation and the most scary situation. He could have easily just allowed the Secret Service to just duck him out of there and just kind of shuffle him out. But he didn't. He stood up.

[00:11:45.96 - 00:12:02.80]

He raised his fist and he told the public, fight. And I just. this is the kinds of things that legends and myths are made of. I just felt like it was such a victory moment. And no matter what happens, although obviously, you know, we need to win this election.

[00:12:03.26 - 00:12:26.98]

Trump needs to be in the White House. But at the same time, I feel like. Everything that the left has been trying to do to him, the Democrats have been trying to do to him, the system, the establishment, the deep state was reversed. in that moment. No matter what happens, moving forward, there's a new kind of definition for him that nobody can can deny.

[00:12:27.18 - 00:12:39.72]

You know, you got big like YouTubers like what are those? Is it the Paul brothers? Jake Paul and Logan Paul? Yeah, they were tweeting it out. They're saying basically that this is the most badass thing I've ever seen in my life.

[00:12:39.72 - 00:12:48.70]

Elon Musk immediately endorsing him, throwing money into him. It was just one of those things that I think so many men and women, obviously.

Speaker 2
[00:12:49.00 - 00:12:54.50]

Oh, my gosh. Yes. Are you kidding me? I'm loving Trumpy right now.

Speaker 1
[00:12:55.18 - 00:12:57.98]

It's hard to believe that you can love him any more than you already do.

Speaker 2
[00:12:58.16 - 00:13:10.92]

I am fangirling so hard on him. I'm embarrassed for myself. as usual. People that know me know that I love Trump, that I love him even more now. I didn't think it was possible.

[00:13:11.04 - 00:13:35.38]

You guys, for those of you who can't see me, I'm rocking a MAGA hat right now. We just got done watching the RNC and before it started, I busted out my original MAGA hat. The day that he got, the day of the assassination attempt, I actually ordered a new MAGA hat. That has 45 and 47, and it's a better hat. I think it's a better looking hat, but this is what I have for now, and I'm rocking it.

[00:13:35.42 - 00:13:36.06]

And you know what?

Speaker 1
[00:13:36.36 - 00:13:37.58]

I'm going to wear it out.

Speaker 2
[00:13:38.38 - 00:13:42.10]

I'm going to wear it out in public and let somebody comment.

Speaker 1
[00:13:42.24 - 00:14:28.74]

You know what? We went out a couple of weeks ago for our daughter's birthday in Los Angeles. We were at a restaurant right in the heart of Los Angeles and we walk in, we sit down and we look at the table next to us and here's a guy rocking a MAGA hat in LA, in the middle of Los Angeles, just saying, screw it, I'm wearing this thing. And so I do think the tide has changed. I think that once you see what this man has been through, all the lawfare, the indictments, the FBI raiding his house, you know, the, what happened with the election and the ballots and the, and the universal mail, the mail-in ballots going everywhere and just kind of like gaming, the system and everything that this man has been through.

[00:14:29.30 - 00:15:18.28]

And I, and to see him in this moment and standing tall, it just makes you think like, no matter what you're going through, you have to be positive and you have to fight and you have to not be afraid. You know, it's one of the things that the Bible says, you know, so many times is to not, to not be fearful, and you can't be afraid. Even in that moment, he stood up with blood dripping down his face, not knowing whether another bullet was going to come. He raises his arm up into the sky and that's what the RNC was all about. And, you know, after this RNC, you know, I turned to CNN and I'm listening to panel talk and they're like, oh, well, it wasn't a race before this, but now it's a race, you know, basically saying that Trump hurt himself.

[00:15:19.00 - 00:15:37.78]

And I'm like, okay, all right. If that's true, then let Biden continue to run. If that is true, if you think it's a race now, stop trying to pull Biden out of this race. Let him, let him keep going and, and let's see what happens. But of course, they're not doing that.

[00:15:37.88 - 00:15:56.94]

They're, they're looking to shiv, you know, metaphorically, shiv Biden, get him out of there and, and have now an open election. There's been rumors stating that, that, that Biden's going to drop as early as, drop out of the race, as early as this weekend. We'll see if that happens. I think the pressure is built enough now. And I think the money is drying up.

Speaker 2
[00:15:57.30 - 00:16:01.20]

Well, even Obama is now, you know, has now publicly come out and said.

Speaker 1
[00:16:01.34 - 00:16:01.80]

Did he publicly?

Speaker 2
[00:16:01.98 - 00:16:15.58]

Yeah, I believe that, yeah, yeah, yeah. He did. You know, listen, Trump spoke tonight at the RNC for an hour and 32 minutes. Joe Biden, after the assassination attempt, went on national television and I think he spoke for eight minutes.

Speaker 1
[00:16:15.80 - 00:16:15.92]


Speaker 2
[00:16:16.10 - 00:16:17.40]

And it was not a good eight minutes.

Speaker 1
[00:16:17.54 - 00:16:33.46]

And he couldn't put sentences together. He called it the battle box instead of the ballot box. He messed up on, you know, in, in his phraseology and just reading off of the teleprompter. He couldn't do that. And he can't even string together six minutes with a coherent sentence.

Speaker 2
[00:16:33.66 - 00:16:45.96]

No, he can't. I have been so inspired by, by Trump. I mean, I think for, for women, when you see a man like this, I mean, that is a man. Yeah. They don't make them like, like him anymore.

[00:16:46.12 - 00:16:47.26]

My goodness.

Speaker 1
[00:16:47.52 - 00:17:28.12]

And the Trump family, I gotta say, like, what a, what an incredible family. What an, what an extraordinary family that is to go through everything that they went through, to be there together, you know, at the RNC. The only one that I didn't see was, was Barron. But to go through what they've been through, you gotta think that when Trump's up there giving a speech tonight, after what he'd been through, with that bullet whizzing by his face, I mean, imagine a bullet whizzing by your face, hitting you in the ear, and then you have to go up on stage and talk about it. And you know, it's entering into his mind that is this going to happen again?

[00:17:28.72 - 00:17:47.02]

You know, it's in his wife's mind. It's in his kids' mind. Even if you're at the RNC, with this heightened security and, and the secret service now, I'm sure, on an even higher alert. It's got to enter into his mind. But this, this hero journey that he's on right now, it's like nothing I've ever seen.

Speaker 2
[00:17:47.28 - 00:17:50.10]

What about his granddaughter, Kai?

Speaker 1
[00:17:50.28 - 00:17:52.24]

Yeah, she was incredible. She was so good.

Speaker 2
[00:17:52.32 - 00:18:11.18]

It's so, I mean, I'm, I have a daughter who's very close in age to this girl. We have a daughter that's very close in age to this girl. I'll tell you, that is impressive. for that young lady to go up on that stage and to give that speech. Her parents must have been so proud.

[00:18:11.32 - 00:18:17.16]

And I'm proud of her. Yeah. And I don't even know her. I mean, it's just, it's so, so special.

Speaker 1
[00:18:17.40 - 00:18:30.90]

There's something about him as a leader in that family that has created this just incredible cohesiveness in that family and has created greatness. And I think it's because he's the leader of that family.

Speaker 2
[00:18:31.22 - 00:18:41.18]

And that's what we need as a leader of this country. I feel like he also, you know, he made some mistakes. He's been married three times, but he's really pulled it together.

Speaker 1
[00:18:41.38 - 00:18:42.80]

He's imperfect, but.

Speaker 2
[00:18:42.80 - 00:18:52.48]

We're all imperfect. We're all imperfect. But he, you, you can see that you can make mistakes in life and you can come back from them and your family will be okay. Well, and we're all human.

Speaker 1
[00:18:52.56 - 00:19:00.90]

I think the fact that that lion energy comes with some other things. And that alpha energy comes with some other things.

Speaker 2
[00:19:01.10 - 00:19:02.54]

They want to conquer.

Speaker 1
[00:19:02.96 - 00:19:28.22]

Yeah. And it's, I think, ultimately that is a kind of a natural side effect of somebody with that level of stamina and with that level of fight in them. So I, you know, there's been times where we've been critical of him. You know, we were, we had some issues with, you know, kind of some of the lawsuits that he, he seemed to stumble into himself, and what have you. But that's all in the past.

[00:19:28.22 - 00:19:49.82]

now. And I, you know, don't care to spend any time, you know, thinking about it. This man has been under attack and he's, he's stood the test and we're never going to see another man like this in our lifetime. This is a once in a lifetime person, once in a lifetime leader, that I haven't seen in my lifetime. Someone with this kind of resilience.

[00:19:50.32 - 00:20:03.74]

There's been nobody. that's, I mean, Nixon, you know, had this level of attack and, and he had to resign. Trump comes back and he's now leading in the, in the race. If he wins, it's another story. I think people need to get out there.

[00:20:03.82 - 00:20:24.06]

Don't think this is a foregone conclusion. These guys are going to do everything that they possibly can to tilt the scale in their direction. I think, you know, there's a lot of talk about this, you know, this assassination attempt and, and the kind of the failures of the secret service. I think those things are obvious. I think, you know, they need to investigate it.

[00:20:24.22 - 00:20:24.52]

I think.

Speaker 2
[00:20:24.74 - 00:20:26.60]

Women should not be doing that job.

Speaker 1
[00:20:26.60 - 00:20:53.20]

They should not be doing that job. I think the director should resign. I think there was a time in history, in American history, where people would automatically resign when they made these kinds of mistakes. And there's obviously certain cultures where, you know, people would take their life because they wanted to, they didn't want to shame their family when they made this kind of mistake. This is a huge, bumbling mistake that, at the bare minimum, was, it was DEI displayed at its worst.

[00:20:53.20 - 00:21:30.32]

But could it potentially have been something more nefarious? You know what? It's hard to argue against that. I mean, I think, ultimately, when you're calling a man Hitler, when you have said that he's, he has called Nazis, fine people, when you are constantly attacking him, putting felonies, fake felonies on him, you are setting up an environment for a loony bin to go out there and kill him or an MKUltra kind of person to go out there and people say, oh, okay, well, obviously, you know, he's taking this step because this man is so evil.

[00:21:32.20 - 00:21:41.80]

I think that the establishment has been, from the left and the right, have been demonizing this man so much that they created the environment for this.

Speaker 2
[00:21:42.18 - 00:21:43.62]

Absolutely. They have blood on their hands.

Speaker 1
[00:21:43.70 - 00:21:59.94]

They have blood on their hands in this respect. And I think, let's hope that, you know, he hadn't, he didn't talk about that. He talked about the Secret Service a little bit tonight at the RNC and he did it in a respectful way. He praised them for jumping on top of him. He was not critical.

[00:22:01.58 - 00:22:15.60]

So I thought that was interesting. I took that to note. People were hanging on every word that he said. You could hear a pin drop when he was talking about the assassination attempt on him. And that was, it was awe-inspiring to see.

[00:22:16.06 - 00:22:39.06]

And culturally, what's happening at the RNC right now, culturally, is pretty amazing. You had just this huge number of cultural figures, from Dana White to Hulk Hogan, to Kid Rock, to Amber Rose. Amber Rose, there. There's a lot of controversy.

Speaker 2
[00:22:39.12 - 00:22:39.96]

That was pretty controversial.

Speaker 1
[00:22:40.22 - 00:22:47.10]

Controversial, her being there. Listen, if she can switch some voters over, I'm not going to, you know.

Speaker 2
[00:22:47.50 - 00:23:16.68]

Yeah. I mean, I normally don't like sluts and whores, but I'm going to make an exception for her because she's got like over 30 million followers. And listen, we are experiencing, I think, there's a paradigm shift going on, actually. The energy that I saw at the RNC, I have never, ever seen in my lifetime. Even the 2008 DNC with Obama did not have the kind of energy that this RNC had.

[00:23:16.78 - 00:23:18.22]

It was, it was electric.

Speaker 1
[00:23:18.96 - 00:23:31.46]

It really was electric. It was. And I do think there is a shift. It is, it's Trump's, it's Trump's party now. And you have, you know, all these cultural figures.

[00:23:31.56 - 00:24:01.14]

The Trumps are cultural figures. I mean, with The Apprentice and with all the TV shows that they're involved with. Vance is a cultural figure in Hollywood. I know this because, you know, when we were pretty deep in the Hollywood world, they loved Vance, surprisingly. There was some love for him because he was this, you know, horror, excuse me, Ivy League guy, Yale guy, Ivy League dude, writes this Hillbilly, elegy, elegy, is that right?

Speaker 2
[00:24:01.28 - 00:24:01.66]


Speaker 1
[00:24:02.14 - 00:24:06.14]

Writes this book, it turns it into a show. I think it was a series or a movie.

Speaker 2
[00:24:06.14 - 00:24:07.54]

It was a movie with Glenn Close.

Speaker 1
[00:24:07.80 - 00:24:17.84]

Yeah. And, you know, he was very held in high regard. He was kind of bashing Trump at that time. I honestly.

Speaker 2
[00:24:18.12 - 00:24:19.32]

He wasn't kind of bashing Trump.

Speaker 1
[00:24:19.32 - 00:24:20.80]

No, he was, he was, he was never Trump.

Speaker 2
[00:24:20.80 - 00:24:22.08]

Totally bashing Trump.

Speaker 1
[00:24:22.16 - 00:24:29.82]

But I will say this, when it was happening, I thought it wasn't genuine. I thought that he was saying that to do it.

Speaker 2
[00:24:29.82 - 00:24:48.52]

To sell the book into a movie. That's exactly what I thought too. And we actually knew people that were Yale graduates, you know, went to Yale Law School, and people in Hollywood that were very close to that inner circle that were, I mean, they were so hot on him.

Speaker 1
[00:24:48.66 - 00:24:49.04]

Yeah, they were.

Speaker 2
[00:24:49.34 - 00:24:53.06]

And for a long time, I did not like J.

[00:24:53.06 - 00:25:04.18]

D. Vance. because of that. And, of course, coupled with everything that he said about Trump. And when Trump first made the pick, he wouldn't have been my pick, but people change.

[00:25:04.30 - 00:25:14.90]

I'm definitely willing to give him a chance. And I'm not going to bash him because Trump made the decision for a reason. So I'm going to support the decision.

Speaker 1
[00:25:15.36 - 00:25:30.86]

Yeah. And at the end of the day, I do think that he was bashing Trump at that time because of what he was trying to make happen in Hollywood. I have I found it very hard to believe that someone could write the book that he wrote before this kind of middle America.

Speaker 2
[00:25:31.10 - 00:25:31.54]

You know, we have that book.

Speaker 1
[00:25:31.86 - 00:25:50.66]

Yeah. Before this middle America, you know, fight for middle America, you know, talk about how jobs are being shipped overseas. Manufacturing is being shipped overseas. The decline in middle America, the drug use that's happening because of that, and not understand the MAGA movement. That never made sense to me.

[00:25:50.66 - 00:26:20.24]

And so I think that it was. it was he was playing politics in Hollywood, the politics that he needed to play and which ended up working out for him. And I think that now he's playing politics in this manner. I think that he's aligned with this guy. I think that anybody that comes from the Ivy League and the Hollywood world that are willing to align with Trump are willing to basically drastically change their life because they know how that crowd reacts to alignment with Trump.

[00:26:20.66 - 00:26:27.40]

So the fact that he's putting himself in that position, I thought his wife was lovely. I thought she was, you know, smart.

[00:26:29.54 - 00:26:42.34]

You know, they're an attractive couple. He's got an incredible resume. I think that he soothed a lot of the worries from Silicon Valley. I think Silicon Valley likes this man. They like, they like the pick.

Speaker 2
[00:26:42.50 - 00:26:56.74]

See, this is why I think that Trump ultimately went with this pick. Yeah. I think that the left has tried to bankrupt Trump. It's been ugly, an ugly, ugly experience. And I think that he, you know, J.D.

[00:26:56.82 - 00:27:07.36]

Vance has been bankrolled by Peter Thiel. And I think Trump really wants to get in with that billionaire coalition in case he ever needs to tap it. Yes. And I think that that's probably smart.

Speaker 1
[00:27:07.58 - 00:27:14.28]

And you've had some guys like David Sachs, who is the, you know, one of the co-hosts on the All In podcast. He's also.

Speaker 2
[00:27:14.42 - 00:27:15.10]

Number one podcast.

Speaker 1
[00:27:15.10 - 00:27:30.30]

One of the guys that were, that were with PayPal, went to the Elon. He's good friends with Elon. He's backed him. He actually spoke at the RNC. There are a long list now of of Silicon Valley guys that are that are lining up behind Trump.

[00:27:30.36 - 00:27:31.70]

I think that's an incredible sign.

Speaker 2
[00:27:32.20 - 00:27:51.84]

You know what? I actually had an incredible thing happen to me. OK. So, you know, over the I went to school with, I went to high school with a lot of black people, of a lot of black friends. And over the course of Trump's presidency, I have fallen out of favor with some of my black friends.

[00:27:52.32 - 00:28:21.82]

And one of them in particular, who is a very close friend of mine and was a boyfriend to my best friend for many, many years, you know, we kind of had like a back and forth and we had a falling out. And I was super bummed about it. I was, I was really, really bummed because I lost a lot of really good friends. And the other day he posted after the assassination assassination attempt, he posted an image of Trump, you know, with his fist in the air. And so my best friend said to him, oh, my gosh, have you seen the light?

[00:28:22.00 - 00:28:31.78]

And he said, you know what? Yes, I have. Tell AJ, she was right. And I'm sorry. That's really, that's a big, that's a big move.

Speaker 1
[00:28:31.92 - 00:28:34.10]

That's a big move. And I think that's happening more and more.

Speaker 2
[00:28:34.14 - 00:28:51.76]

That's happening so much. That assassination attempt changed a lot of people's minds. It did. I really, truly believe that. Believe me, if I'm getting messages like that from people that I've known that were so far left, so many people are just were moved.

[00:28:51.94 - 00:28:52.78]

We're moved by that.

Speaker 1
[00:28:52.86 - 00:29:01.58]

It's happening. You're seeing. you're seeing happening. You're seeing it happen culturally. You got guys like 50 Cent, that is, have been, you know, very friendly with Trump campaign.

[00:29:01.74 - 00:29:03.16]

You got other cultural.

Speaker 2
[00:29:03.18 - 00:29:07.02]

I would have liked to have seen. sorry to interrupt you. I would have liked to see 50 there tonight.

Speaker 1
[00:29:07.18 - 00:29:14.28]

That would have been cool. Instead of Kid Rock, because I think he's being loyal to somebody that's been pretty loyal to him. I agree.

Speaker 2
[00:29:14.42 - 00:29:19.34]

I agree. And I like to see that from Trump. Yeah. I'd like to see some loyalty from him.

Speaker 1
[00:29:19.50 - 00:29:29.40]

Kanye's been pretty quiet on the whole, on the whole thing, and be kind of interesting to see where, where he's at. Oh, well, let's take a little bit of a break and we will come back right after the break and get in some other topics.

Speaker 2
[00:29:30.08 - 00:30:05.20]

Hi, everyone. It's me, Katie Couric. If you follow me on social media, you know I love to cook, or at least try, especially alongside some of my favorite chefs and foodies like Benny Blanco, Jake Cohen, Lighty Hoyt, Alison Roman, and, of course, Ina Garten and Martha Stewart. So I started a free newsletter called Good Taste that comes out every Thursday, and it's serving up recipes that will make your mouth water. Think a candied bacon, Bloody Mary, tacos with cabbage slaw, curry, cauliflower with almonds and mint, and cherry slab pie with vanilla ice cream.

[00:30:05.20 - 00:30:19.42]

to top it all off. I mean, yum. I'm getting hungry. But if you're not sold yet, we also have kitchen tips like a foolproof way to grill the perfect burger and must-have products like the best cast iron skillet. to feel like a chef in your own kitchen.

[00:30:19.42 - 00:30:21.90]

All you need to do is sign up at katiecouric.

[00:30:21.90 - 00:30:32.56]

com slash good taste. That's K-A-T-I-E-C-O-U-R-I-C dot com. slash good taste. I promise your taste buds will be happy you did.

[00:30:34.44 - 00:30:41.88]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host a show called Planet Money. Now I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem?

[00:30:42.06 - 00:31:02.22]

entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build. once they solve a few problems. How do you build a drone delivery business from scratch? Our customers, they want us to do this unbelievably reliably in the storms, no matter what, hundreds of times a day. How do you turn a wild dream about a new kind of biology into a $10 billion company?

[00:31:02.64 - 00:31:16.74]

We didn't have a particular technology. We didn't have a way of making money. It was a great way to start a company. I highly recommend it. How do you sell millions of dollars worth of dog ramps for wiener dogs in the middle of a pandemic?

[00:31:17.48 - 00:31:35.04]

We're working with 400 influencers, and the majority of them are actually not a person, but it's actually a dog. I can tell you right now, the dog ramp guy has some very interesting problems. Listen to What's Your Problem? on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1
[00:31:35.74 - 00:31:37.88]

Hey, fam. I'm Simone Boyce.

Speaker 2
[00:31:38.00 - 00:31:39.00]

I'm Danielle Robay.

Speaker 1
[00:31:39.26 - 00:31:44.84]

And we're the hosts of The Bright Side, the daily podcast from Hello Sunshine that's guaranteed to light up your day.

Speaker 2
[00:31:45.40 - 00:31:50.14]

Every weekday, we bring you conversations with the culture makers who inspire us.

Speaker 1
[00:31:50.56 - 00:31:55.82]

Like our recent episode with comedians, writers, and partners in life, Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allen.

Speaker 2
[00:31:56.06 - 00:32:17.28]

I felt like I discovered my sexuality late. I now look back and go, God, I wasn't that old. And I think people carry a lot of shame and guilt for not having figured things out. And then they feel like it's too late to start or try or change things. And we both, I think, we're really drawn to just that idea of going, you know what?

[00:32:17.40 - 00:32:23.40]

You can do whatever you want, whenever, and your life will be forever greater for having done it.

Speaker 1
[00:32:24.06 - 00:32:30.54]

Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

[00:32:33.94 - 00:32:37.32]

Last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it.

[00:32:40.52 - 00:32:44.92]

But without that chart, I would not be here today.

[00:32:50.02 - 00:33:01.02]

Never got to look at it. The guy is a comedian. He's such a comedian. And that chart is so funny. And that chart was the illegal immigration chart.

[00:33:01.02 - 00:33:17.92]

And he's going to make this part of one of his main campaign points. And I think it's important. You know, there was another moment in the RNC that I thought was kind of interesting. Once again, this is Patrick Krelci and Adriana Cortez. This is RPA's Fam Boogie.

[00:33:18.30 - 00:33:37.94]

We do these occasionally for the public. We also do a big portion of it behind our backstage at redpilledamerica.com. If you guys want to check out our video, check out our lovely mugs. And catch our behind-the-scenes stuff. Go to redpilledamerica.com and join as a FAMBAM member.

[00:33:38.50 - 00:33:49.02]

But there was another point in the RNC, the Republican National Convention, that I thought was interesting. He talked about a topic that we've brought up in the past here.

Speaker 2
[00:33:49.70 - 00:33:52.36]

Actually, yeah, we talked about this, our last Fam Boogie.

Speaker 1
[00:33:52.72 - 00:34:26.80]

You know how these South American countries like El Salvador, we had recently went to Mexico City. And we noticed that, you know, everybody that's living there wants to live there. And they have no intention to move to the United States. And it's largely because they've shipped all of their problem people out of the country into the United States in record numbers under Biden's administration. And so they're allowing all of their criminals, obviously, you know, some poor...

[00:34:27.74 - 00:34:58.44]

Basically, the people that they feel like are a load on their economy and a load on their governments, they just allow them to migrate north. And we brought this up in the past. I remember seeing this El Salvador president talking about how he's cleaned up the country and how incredible their, you know, his crime, you know, work against crime has been there and how tough he's been on prisoners. and what have you. And I'm like, BS, they are allowing all of their criminals to come up north.

[00:34:58.88 - 00:35:33.56]

It's so much easier for them to allow them to migrate and get out of their system, get out of their prisons, get off of their streets. You know, they give them an ultimatum, get them north. We've been seeing this happen now for years and years. And, you know, my kind of red-pilled moment on this topic was when we lived in Los Angeles and we first had our daughter, and I was kind of, you know, when you have your kid, you start kind of looking at crime and you start looking at how safe is my area. And so I went on to the Megan's Law website in our area.

[00:35:34.16 - 00:35:45.44]

And I was like, Megan's Law will kind of point out where the sex offenders are in your neighborhood. And so I went on there and I clicked in our neighborhood and I looked and it was.

[00:35:47.64 - 00:36:00.70]

littered, saturated with dots all over it. And I'm like, what is this? I start clicking on them and you could see the people that are the sex offenders in your area. And I am not kidding. I was blown away.

[00:36:00.90 - 00:36:11.92]

I'm talking like 80%, 90% were Latinos. And I'm like, obviously they're sending their problem up north.

Speaker 2
[00:36:13.18 - 00:36:16.76]

And, by the way, that's not something that we wanted to see, because we're Latinos.

Speaker 1
[00:36:17.20 - 00:36:17.34]


Speaker 2
[00:36:17.64 - 00:36:19.58]

We don't want it to be Mijente.

Speaker 1
[00:36:19.80 - 00:36:33.86]

Of course. But it's clearly because my grandparents are from Mexico City. Adriana barely made it into the country. You know, her family's all from Mexico. And so, you know, I see that.

[00:36:33.86 - 00:36:57.30]

And I'm like, this is very obvious what's happening here, that they are shipping their problems up north. Well, you know, Trump got some, some flack for that. He brought this up, you know, in the, let's play that. He brought this up during the RNC, during his speech. And I thought that it was an interesting topic, because we have talked about this here before and backstage or on, on Fan Boogie.

[00:36:57.42 - 00:37:34.24]

And here is Trump talking about it, with this El Salvadorian president, basically, basically boasting about how he's gotten crime down. Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up, while crime statistics all over the world are going down because they're taking their criminals and they're putting them into our country, a certain country. And I happen to like the president of that country very much, but he's been getting great publicity because he's a wonderful shepherd of the country. He says how well the country is doing because their crime rate is down. And he said he's training all of these rough people.

[00:37:34.38 - 00:37:40.72]

They're rough, rough, rough. He's training them. And I've been reading about this for two years. I think, oh, that's wonderful. Let's take a look at it.

[00:37:41.58 - 00:37:58.42]

But then I realized he's not training them. He's sending all of his criminals, his drug dealers, his people that are in jails. He's sending them all to the United States. And he's different in that he doesn't say that. He's trying to convince everybody what a wonderful job he does in running the country.

[00:37:58.54 - 00:38:08.86]

Well, he doesn't do a wonderful job. And, by the way, if I ran one of the countries, many countries, many, many countries from all over, I would be worse than any of them. I would have had the place totally emptied out already.

[00:38:11.14 - 00:38:26.32]

Yeah, if they have a release valve, if we had a release valve where we can ship all of our problem people and say to that country, just migrate there. But they don't. There is nowhere we can do that to. They always come back here because we have a porous border.

[00:38:28.36 - 00:38:49.40]

It's just an easy path in. So, but of course, El Salvador, Argentina, Mexico, you know, any of these kind of problem areas in the south are going to ship to, to ship their problem to another area if it's allowed to be shipped out. And I thought that was a really important point.

Speaker 2
[00:38:49.50 - 00:39:02.42]

He's going to get slammed for that. I mean, it really was. Listen, when we were in Mexico City, we talked about this on the last Fan Boogie. You know, there's so many incredible Michelin star restaurants. And you go to these restaurants and you can see the people that have put together these restaurants.

[00:39:02.52 - 00:39:21.24]

They are stellar, stellar people. You go and you eat there and it is incredibly expensive. It's it's not being, you know, it's not being run by the dregs of society, clearly. And all the people that are there, they're proud of their country. And that was just so evident.

[00:39:21.74 - 00:39:23.62]

And I just thought, oh, my gosh.

Speaker 1
[00:39:23.62 - 00:39:39.54]

And there's a lot of wealth. There's a lot of wealth there in certain areas. You know, you think that you go to Mexico City, you're getting like you're getting off cheap. That is not the case. It's, it's like going, you know, to Los Angeles or New York City.

Speaker 2
[00:39:39.66 - 00:39:40.64]

Are you still mad at me about that, by the way?

Speaker 1
[00:39:40.70 - 00:39:45.22]

I'm just saying that it's. it's not what I was expecting. I thought I was expecting.

Speaker 2
[00:39:45.24 - 00:39:48.10]

When the bill came, Patrick almost had a heart attack.

Speaker 1
[00:39:48.30 - 00:39:52.28]

Yeah. And it's. it's just not. you know, it's. there is obvious wealth there.

[00:39:52.28 - 00:40:03.08]

And there's the very wealthy and there's the very poor. But they ship their problems out of the country. And it's a. it's a great point. And I think even Democrats are seeing that now.

[00:40:03.12 - 00:40:21.48]

I think that's part of the reason why, you know, Biden started having some problems very early on. And I think that had it had to do with the immigration problem. I think even places like New York are seeing that. places like Chicago are seeing that. We in Los Angeles, in Southern California, are so ahead of the curve than any other state on this topic.

[00:40:21.48 - 00:40:51.38]

You know, when we were considering moving to Tennessee and I started looking at, you know, areas and neighborhoods out there and I saw the same trend happening there in Tennessee, you could see, I started looking at, you know, the growth of the South American population there. And it's just growing and growing and growing. And I'm sure a lot of these states are like, you know, it's not a problem. It's cheap labor. And, you know, it's kind of the same argument that we had in like the 80s in in California.

[00:40:51.38 - 00:40:53.60]

But we've been dealing with this problem for 50 years.

Speaker 2
[00:40:54.00 - 00:41:06.78]

It's a huge, huge, huge problem. By the way, what a class act Trump was to bring out the uniform of the man that died. Yes. Cory, I don't want to butcher his last name. Do you have it?

Speaker 1
[00:41:06.78 - 00:41:09.80]

I think it's comparatory. I think you're right.

Speaker 2
[00:41:09.98 - 00:41:10.66]

I think you're right.

Speaker 1
[00:41:10.86 - 00:41:11.12]


Speaker 2
[00:41:11.12 - 00:41:12.14]

What a class act.

Speaker 1
[00:41:12.88 - 00:41:15.15]

Let's play that. Let's play that and talk about that for a second.

Speaker 2
[00:41:15.57 - 00:41:16.73]

That was a really beautiful moment.

Speaker 1
[00:41:17.03 - 00:41:25.63]

There's some. there was some incredible moments. This RNC was like no other. We watched the entire thing. Our daughter, you know, stepped in and she watched it.

Speaker 2
[00:41:25.89 - 00:41:27.41]

She watched with us all four nights.

Speaker 1
[00:41:27.59 - 00:41:47.57]

All four nights. She was incredibly excited to kind of for tonight to kind of see, you know, surprisingly so, I should say, because she doesn't really care much about politics. I'd say that she's, you know, actually tries to stay away from it entirely. But she was excited that this man had just, you know, been shot. And now he's up there, you know, speaking.

[00:41:47.83 - 00:42:02.91]

And I think she kind of felt the same way that we did. It's an admiration for a guy. But here's Trump celebrating a Cory comparatory. that I thought was a really touching moment. But, Cory, unfortunately, we have to use the past tense.

[00:42:02.99 - 00:42:14.45]

He was incredible. He was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody. Was accompanied by his wife, Helen. Incredible woman. I spoke to her today.

[00:42:14.65 - 00:42:29.27]

Devastated. And two precious daughters. He lost his life selflessly, acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was.

[00:42:38.27 - 00:42:43.39]

He's pointing at the fireman's suit. that's on the stage.

Speaker 2
[00:42:51.03 - 00:42:52.95]

Cory's last name on it.

Speaker 1
[00:42:53.43 - 00:42:56.67]

And then he kisses the helmet.

[00:42:58.21 - 00:43:02.69]

Really, really, just said absolutely incredible.

[00:43:04.75 - 00:43:09.65]

The stage management for this entire RNC was just so impressive.

Speaker 2
[00:43:10.17 - 00:43:11.41]

I have to say.

Speaker 1
[00:43:11.57 - 00:43:22.21]

It was so impressive. I mean, even the stage itself. If you look, look at this stage. The stage itself was just so well done. I mean, it's.

[00:43:22.21 - 00:43:29.93]

it looks like, you know, it's kind of like a White House. It has a White House in the back. But just the overall production of this was just incredible.

Speaker 2
[00:43:30.19 - 00:43:45.09]

It really was. I have to say, I was so pumped to watch the RNC. I was, I was exhilarated. Just, I couldn't wait. And it delivered in a way that I just didn't think was possible.

[00:43:45.77 - 00:44:00.79]

You know, I feel like I have a lot of fight in me. And for years, I've been saying to Patrick that you have to love the fight. in life. You have to love the fight. Otherwise, you're not going to win the fight.

[00:44:00.99 - 00:44:26.89]

And it's really been something in my life that I've struggled with because I love a fight. I love to fight. I will fight because I love to win. And it's something I've struggled with, because it's not that, you know, warm and fuzzy for a woman to be that way. And over the last couple of years, I feel like my fight had dwindled a little bit.

[00:44:27.01 - 00:44:42.43]

I was politically fatigued. And seeing Trump rise up and pump his fist in the air like that, it just made me think, my God, this man has been through the ringer, but I'm tired?

Speaker 1
[00:44:42.77 - 00:44:44.31]

Yeah. I'm fatigued? Yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:44:44.45 - 00:45:00.75]

What is wrong with me? And I just feel like I am so pumped and so ready to fight. And I don't care who you are and what you believe, but you just cannot deny that God had his hands on that man that day, on that stage.

Speaker 1
[00:45:00.89 - 00:45:13.99]

You know, I like the fight too. And it is, the thing is, is that there is times where it's not productive. You do have to pick your fight, pick and choose your fights. I think sometimes that you can't pick and choose your fights. They just come to you.

[00:45:14.05 - 00:45:46.01]

And I think that's what Trump's been facing since he basically decided to come down that escalator and become the GOP nominee in 2015, when he first came down the elevator. I think that he has been forced to fight. I do think at times it is, you know, you should avoid it when you don't have to, or when you don't have to have a fight. It is counterproductive. When you're trying to build, when you're trying to create, when you're trying to create community, it can be something that is not productive, but it also can be something that's community building.

[00:45:46.13 - 00:46:11.01]

And you're seeing that now with Trump. You're seeing this fight that he has in him is gathering and unifying the Republican party like I haven't seen since in my adulthood. I have not seen the Republican party come together like this. I mean, I guess there was that moment after September 11th, which was a pretty unifying moment, you know, for, I'd say for a couple months. there, everybody came together.

[00:46:11.73 - 00:46:37.85]

You even had Hollywood backing Bush in 2002, you know, even entering into the Iraq war, they were backing him. Um, so, there, there was, there has been other unifying moments, but I'm talking about the GOP in general. This was just a, it was an incredible moment where we, there was a moment where it was kind of scattered, but now it's Trump's party. It's kind of moving more into this populist, uh, kind of, uh, movement.

Speaker 2
[00:46:39.21 - 00:46:46.25]

Now is the time to fight. We have to fight to get, take this country back. The time is now.

Speaker 1
[00:46:46.37 - 00:46:46.71]

It is.

Speaker 2
[00:46:46.71 - 00:46:53.09]

Put on the hat, put on your boxing gloves. It's time to fight. We must take America back.

Speaker 1
[00:46:53.23 - 00:47:14.33]

Don't be afraid to, to, to wear the hat. Don't be afraid to talk to people about this and get involved in the election. If you can't get, get involved in your local communities, especially in swing states. Let's talk a little bit about the, um, the Biden kind of conversation right now that's going on, the rumors that he's going to drop out. I think it was, uh, Halperin, I think is his name.

[00:47:14.33 - 00:47:42.89]

He used to be, uh, an MSNBC guy, um, uh, announced on, I believe it was Newsmax that Biden is, um, I think I could find that here. Maybe that Biden is going to be dropping out of the race this weekend. You had a spokesperson person come out for Biden and say that was not correct. It'll be interesting to see, uh, you know, how that plays out. A lot of people are talking about if it's even possible.

[00:47:43.89 - 00:48:00.69]

Uh, and we, we talked about it a while ago. We talked about it last time. we did a fan boogie. Um, and, and I said, look at the, uh, fundraising. If the, if their fundraising and their fundraisers are, are not coming to the table, if they're backing out, of course.

[00:48:00.69 - 00:48:16.15]

you heard this last, I think last week or so. you heard these kinds of bundlers kind of hold back $90 million. I think it was from the campaign. I think that is starting to be a problem for them now. And so, uh, you know, now there's this conversation now.

[00:48:16.25 - 00:48:35.43]

And so now it's like, okay, what's the process to do that? I mean, you had a conversation about that and I, my, my thoughts were, you know, I think you said, well, is it even legal? Yeah. And I, my thoughts were on it. is that the, the, the parties, the parties, what they do is not necessarily, uh, a legal process.

[00:48:35.43 - 00:49:00.21]

It's a party process and the DNC can do whatever they want, uh, at their, at their conventions. They have delegates there. The delegates don't necessarily have to vote for, for Biden. If he steps away, they become free to vote for whoever. Uh, and the, and basically the democratic party that says that democracy is on the line is now taking the voters of, you know, the voters decision away.

[00:49:00.29 - 00:49:22.19]

Although they did that originally, they didn't know the primary was a joke. They didn't have RFK Jr on the, uh, allow him in the process. They didn't really allow any contention or, you know, any opposition to, to Biden. So the, the, the democratic process has been gone for the, for the Democrats, uh, for, for this cycle. And so it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

[00:49:22.27 - 00:49:24.15]

What did you find on it? Did you do any research on that?

Speaker 2
[00:49:24.33 - 00:49:38.45]

I did. I did a little bit of research. So you're right. It's, it's basically the process of picking and replacing a candidate, um, is not governed by federal law. It's basically governed by the party rules.

[00:49:38.61 - 00:50:03.03]

So each political party can sort of do whatever it is that they want. I think it's sort of interesting, because, you know, everybody on the right has been talking about how, you know, the, the left is cheated during the last election. And now here they are, they're going to replace the candidate that, uh, you know, all their people voted for, they're going to replace them. But yeah, it's basically, it's up to the party. And it actually has happened before.

[00:50:03.21 - 00:50:13.17]

I was wondering if, if, you know, somebody that had won the primary had ever been replaced before, and it has happened three times. It happened in 1972..

[00:50:14.79 - 00:50:21.61]

Um, it was basically George McGovern replaced his, his VP candidate.

Speaker 1
[00:50:21.85 - 00:50:22.35]


Speaker 2
[00:50:22.67 - 00:50:24.87]

Um, his name was Thomas Engleton.

Speaker 1
[00:50:25.05 - 00:50:25.39]


Speaker 2
[00:50:25.69 - 00:50:33.65]

He was not a presidential candidate. He was initially selected as the running mate. So he was replaced by Sergeant Shriver.

Speaker 1
[00:50:34.17 - 00:50:34.37]


Speaker 2
[00:50:34.77 - 00:50:36.37]

It happened in 1872.

Speaker 1
[00:50:36.43 - 00:50:38.97]

Maria Shriver? Maria Shriver's, uh, dad?

Speaker 2
[00:50:39.11 - 00:50:39.99]

I don't know who that is.

Speaker 1
[00:50:40.07 - 00:50:40.27]


Speaker 2
[00:50:40.41 - 00:50:50.27]

Possibly. Um, and then it happened in 1872.. It was the first time that it happened with the liberal Republican party, which later became the Democratic party. He died.

Speaker 1
[00:50:50.37 - 00:50:51.03]

What year is that in?

Speaker 2
[00:50:51.81 - 00:50:52.25]


[00:50:52.49 - 00:50:58.65]

. Okay. Wow. He ended up dying, but he died. So obviously he couldn't, yeah, he couldn't perform the duties anymore.

[00:50:59.29 - 00:51:08.47]

And then, in 1912, the incumbent vice president, uh, died. Okay. So he was replaced. So, uh, it has happened before.

Speaker 1
[00:51:08.47 - 00:51:26.29]

So it really, but it sounds like it's only really happened for the presidential candidate when someone's died in 1870, something or other. Yeah. There's always been like threats of this. Like, you know, I think in 2016, there was threats of it with Trump. There's been threats of these kinds of like contested, uh, conventions for years and years and years.

[00:51:26.39 - 00:51:51.11]

I don't think they ever really kind of play out. Um, but that's what, what's being proposed here. Listen, I think, at the end of the day, um, Biden is not going to make it across the finish line. He's quickly, quickly, kind of dwindling right now. I think, when you have Hollywood coming out against him, when you have now Schumer coming out, you have, um, uh, what's his name?

[00:51:51.27 - 00:51:52.29]

Schiff coming out.

Speaker 2
[00:51:52.89 - 00:51:53.33]


Speaker 1
[00:51:53.33 - 00:52:11.99]

uh, Schiff, Schumer. Those are major Democrats coming out and basically saying that Biden should, uh, you know, in the, in, I believe that Schumer, the, the, the news that's out there is that Schumer went there just recently to Biden. that basically convinced him to step down.

Speaker 2
[00:52:12.27 - 00:52:28.53]

I can't stand Chuck Schumer. I really cannot stand him, but listen, if Biden is not qualified to run, then he should be impeached immediately, because he can obviously not perform the task of being the president. Yes.

Speaker 1
[00:52:28.91 - 00:52:29.19]


Speaker 2
[00:52:29.35 - 00:52:37.09]

He should be removed immediately. Yeah. I mean, I don't like this whole thing. I don't like the fact that they put up Biden and now they're going to replace him.

Speaker 1
[00:52:37.53 - 00:52:37.71]


Speaker 2
[00:52:37.75 - 00:52:40.39]

I think it, I think it's, I think it's bullshit.

Speaker 1
[00:52:40.81 - 00:52:44.41]

You know, at the end of the day, I think that it's one of those things where

[00:52:45.97 - 00:53:21.53]

I, you don't want somebody that could, listen, the Democrats might have this system, uh, locked right now. Biden might know that. And he's like, I'm staying in this because we're winning this. You know, we have a, a machine that is going to deliver the ballots that I, that I need. I heard a really interesting conversation today between Mike Cernovich and Tucker Carlson, where Cernovich was talking about, you know, all the illegals that they're just trying to basically get in the door here in the United States because, uh, and add them to the election rolls, even if they don't vote, you have the names there.

[00:53:21.87 - 00:53:45.43]

And in some of these swing states, you're talking about thousands of votes that, you know, it's just a couple thousand votes that you need. And so if you have the numbers and the names there, you can play the system and get the votes that you need. The Democrats have a machine that like no other, we saw that, uh, with, uh, in the 2020 election, I think they, what was it? How many millions of votes did, did he get? more than Trump?

[00:53:45.43 - 00:54:05.17]

He's the most voted for president in, uh, in American history, more than Obama. Nobody believes that Biden was that popular. So they might have a system that, uh, is hard to beat right now. Hopefully the RNC has stepped it up with Trump's, you know, um, family member. now, at the top of that, uh, mechanism.

[00:54:05.49 - 00:54:21.35]

And let's see, let's see where, where, where it goes right now. But at the end of the day, we can't have a Biden, uh, president, in 2024.. And so if they select another person, I don't, I don't care who they select. I think Trump could beat them. I don't care who it is.

[00:54:21.89 - 00:54:52.43]

Um, I think he's right now in a position to beat whoever he goes against, and it's up to the Republican machine. If they cannot deliver on this, uh, in this moment, with this momentum, with this energy, uh, it's with a party that we've been talking about now for years, when we call them the um, they cannot, uh, they can't, they're not, they're no longer an opposition party. They're no longer a viable opposition party. If they can't win this election, this man is decrepit. He can barely, uh, put a sentence together.

[00:54:52.79 - 00:55:03.99]

Trump is vibrant. He's strong. He's the leader of a lifetime. Uh, if they can't deliver on that, then, uh, then they're, they're a party that's going to be extinct pretty soon.

Speaker 2
[00:55:04.21 - 00:55:14.89]

My concern is if they put in somebody like Newsom, okay. Who's gorgeous. His wife is gorgeous. They put up this beautiful, stunning couple. Yep.

[00:55:15.09 - 00:55:24.13]

They're bright. They're shiny. You know, it's going to breathe a lot of energy into the democratic party. It is.

Speaker 1
[00:55:24.31 - 00:55:24.57]


Speaker 2
[00:55:24.59 - 00:55:27.21]

People are going to feel invigorated by it.

Speaker 1
[00:55:27.31 - 00:55:36.71]

They are. He faced a recall here in California. Listen, I think the Newsom is, is at some point going to be a strong contender for the white house. 100%. I think he could potentially win.

[00:55:37.23 - 00:55:46.89]

Um, I think he, there, you know, there'll be a president Newsom in our future, because I think he's part of the machine. He's, you know, related to Pelosi. He understands the machine.

Speaker 2
[00:55:47.37 - 00:55:49.07]

Um, didn't he have a cocaine problem?

Speaker 1
[00:55:49.35 - 00:55:54.37]

I don't think so, but I know he used to date, uh, Donald Don Jr. Is, uh, he's married.

Speaker 2
[00:55:54.77 - 00:56:03.83]

He's married to Don Jr's fiance. Kimberly Guilfoyle. Yeah. By the way, I didn't like your comment about her ears being Botox, because my ears are Botox as well.

Speaker 1
[00:56:04.63 - 00:56:12.53]

All right. Yeah. I tweeted out because she was screaming the whole time. These speeches, like she's screaming. It's like, what is this?

Speaker 2
[00:56:12.73 - 00:56:20.65]

She's a very, very attractive woman. She's 55 years old, I guess. Okay. I've never seen a woman look better other than Melania Trump.

Speaker 1
[00:56:20.65 - 00:56:21.47]

Melania Trump.

Speaker 2
[00:56:21.87 - 00:56:24.27]

Oh, my God, what a beauty.

Speaker 1
[00:56:24.71 - 00:56:40.35]

She is the, by far the most beautiful first lady we've ever had. And they just treated her like she was trash. She is by far the most beautiful first lady. I mean, Jill Biden. I mean, Michelle Obama.

Speaker 2
[00:56:40.75 - 00:56:42.49]

I don't think Jill Biden is ugly, actually.

Speaker 1
[00:56:42.71 - 00:56:45.61]

She's pretty attractive. Melania is a model.

Speaker 2
[00:56:45.77 - 00:56:48.75]

I mean, she's, my gosh, she's a stallion. She's incredible.

Speaker 1
[00:56:48.89 - 00:56:51.85]

I mean, comparatively speaking, it's, it's not even close.

Speaker 2
[00:56:52.01 - 00:57:01.41]

Right. But, uh, Jill in her heyday was, was not ugly. And I don't think she's ugly. No, Michelle, Michelle is not attractive. Um, and you know, some of the others are.

Speaker 1
[00:57:01.41 - 00:57:05.07]

Hillary. I mean, just go down the line. It's, it's. You know who was attractive?

Speaker 2
[00:57:05.49 - 00:57:06.87]

Um, Laura Bush.

Speaker 1
[00:57:08.03 - 00:57:08.95]

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:57:08.95 - 00:57:20.65]

She was attractive. I mean, if she was like Laura Bush, I mean, cause, think about it. I mean, how old was she then? It was just like a different time when I feel like midlife women weren't looking as good as we look today. Yes.

[00:57:20.73 - 00:57:26.79]

By the way, if you're not following my Instagram page and you're a midlife woman, you're missing out. So follow me on Instagram, ladies.

Speaker 1
[00:57:27.19 - 00:57:47.51]

So we are going to go backstage right now. But you guys, if you, um, want to get an early view of our first Red Pilled, America's first documentary, uh, please become a backstage subscriber. Go to redpilledamerica.com. Support this show. We're going to get back to our regular episodes right after we release this, but we felt like this was a story that had to get out there.

[00:57:47.67 - 00:58:09.71]

Once you see this documentary, you're going to understand why we've been so obsessed with this topic. I mean, we just had Rudy Giuliani, uh, insinuating and suggesting that Tim Ballard is going to get a cabinet position in a Trump administration. Once you see this documentary, you're going to see why we have been doing this. Uh, it is an eye opener. And I think that it's, uh, it's something that we want to get into.

[00:58:09.71 - 00:58:39.53]

more, um, is to get into the video side of things, because it's the, it's basically where storytelling is at its, at its, uh, highest form. So, you know, please go, go to redpilledamerica.com, support the show, get an early view of the documentary. Uh, it's only $8 to subscribe. Uh, and you will be supporting, supporting storytellers and, uh, kind of a new Hollywood. With that, we're going to go backstage now, but, uh, everybody, uh, you know, keep the fight up.

[00:58:40.01 - 00:58:56.87]

Don't let up. Get involved locally in your communities. If you're in swing states, get involved. You know, this is something that is, uh, it's, it's an important time. We've taken here at Red Pill America, a long, uh, long term approach to kind of focusing on culture, which we're going to get into in the backstage.

[00:58:56.87 - 00:59:15.09]

We're going to be talking about a couple shows we've been watching and it's kind of cultural things. Um, but we've taken a long, uh, long kind of approach to, to our attack on, on, on fixing America. But these elections are very important. And so, and how you can get involved is, you can get involved in your local community. Don't take this for granted.

[00:59:15.31 - 00:59:22.17]

Biden might be decrepit, but the guy has been, uh, involved in Washington DC since 1972.

[00:59:23.05 - 00:59:34.13]

. Uh, this man is going to be hard to beat if he stays in. If he, if he leaves, uh, the Democrats are going to be hard to beat. So, get involved. With that, thank you guys for all of your support.

[00:59:34.49 - 00:59:41.17]

Um, thank you for helping us save America one story at a time and, uh, try to come backstage with us right now. Until next time.

Speaker 2
[00:59:41.29 - 00:59:50.89]

Hi, everyone. Hi, everybody. It's Katie Couric. Have you heard about my newsletter called Body and Soul? It has everything you need to know about health and wellness.

[00:59:50.89 - 01:00:10.21]

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[01:00:10.21 - 01:00:15.87]

slash body and soul. I promise you'll be happier and healthier if you do.

[01:00:17.93 - 01:00:28.23]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host Planet Money. Now I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build.

[01:00:28.23 - 01:00:44.91]

once they solve a few problems. I'm talking to people trying to figure out how to do things that no one on the planet knows how to do. From creating a drone delivery business to building a car that can truly drive itself. Listen to What's Your Problem on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1
[01:00:46.73 - 01:00:55.29]

Hey, fam. I'm Simone Boyce. And I'm Danielle Robay. And we're the hosts of The Bright Side, the podcast from Hello Sunshine. that's guaranteed to light up your day.

Speaker 2
[01:00:55.63 - 01:01:14.91]

Check out our recent episode with comedians, writers, and partners in life. Tig Notaro and Stephanie Allen. In Hollywood, you work towards something, you write something, you pitch something, you meet about something, and the majority of things don't happen. And we're like, okay, on to the next.

Speaker 1
[01:01:15.41 - 01:01:21.85]

Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
