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Lie Detector (Part Three)

2024-07-31 00:43:33

Red Pilled America is a weekly storytelling show that tells the tales Hollywood and the Globalist don't want you to hear. You can think of RPA as audio documentaries. This pioneering series is broadcast every Friday and is hosted by Patrick Courrielche & Adryana Cortez. For the full archive of episodes, visit RedPilledAmerica.com

Speaker 6
[00:01.12 - 00:11.36]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host Planet Money. Now I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build.

[00:11.36 - 00:28.04]

once they solve a few problems. I'm talking to people trying to figure out how to do things that no one on the planet knows how to do, from creating a drone delivery business to building a car that can truly drive itself. Listen to What's Your Problem on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4
[00:29.20 - 00:57.70]

My name is Michael Wolff. Each week, on Fire and Fury, the podcast, I take you deeper into the mind of Donald Trump and his campaign than any other journalist ever goes. I've written three books on Trump, but for some reason, the people around him, they keep on talking to me. To find out what they tell me, listen to Fire and Fury, the podcast, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3
[00:59.30 - 01:29.70]

I'm Ben Nadifafri, host of the history show, The Last Archive, and I want to tell you about a new series we're running in our feed. It's called The Deadline, six essays written and read by Jill Lepore, the New Yorker writer, American historian, and founding host of our show. These are incredible essays on everything from the history of cryogenics to the Silicon Valley gospel of disruption. And at the end of each essay, I interview Jill about her craft as a writer. You can listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2
[01:34.94 - 01:55.84]

Hey guys, don't forget to watch our very first video documentary. It's called Rescue Ruse, How Sound of Freedom Conned Christians. You can watch it now for free at redpilledamerica.com. It's the first video version of our pioneering audio documentary show. Advertising alone does not cover the cost of doing this kind of investigative storytelling.

[01:56.22 - 02:15.46]

To support the show, please consider becoming a backstage subscriber. You'll get ad-free access to our entire back catalog of episodes and our behind-the-scenes podcast. Just visit redpilledamerica.com and click join in the top menu. That's redpilledamerica.com and click join in the top menu. Now, enjoy the show.

[02:20.16 - 02:30.64]

Previously, on Red Pilled America. Do you know that she accused them of also molesting her? Yeah. Yeah, I know that.

[02:33.50 - 02:37.02]

And I can guarantee you, he did not commit the crime.

Speaker 4
[02:39.80 - 02:49.00]

And so, we feel that she made this whole thing up out of vindictiveness. And she wanted to get back at him for doing what he did.

Speaker 1
[02:49.28 - 02:51.58]

I'm his first child. He had me when he was 21..

Speaker 2
[02:51.92 - 02:56.08]

If I were the lawyer, I would have brought that out. That's an inconsistent statement.

Speaker 3
[02:56.42 - 03:13.44]

I wasn't at the trial and I didn't watch her while she testified, but the trial judge did. The trial judge made some findings that don't seem consistent with Wanda being a battered woman. She, in the admission papers, she described her daughter as a pathological liar who lives her life.

Speaker 2
[03:13.44 - 03:16.08]

Who lied? George or Marion?

[03:19.32 - 03:20.68]

I'm Patrick Kuralche.

Speaker 1
[03:21.10 - 03:22.62]

And I'm Adriana Cortez.

Speaker 2
[03:23.04 - 03:26.04]

And this is Red Pilled America, a storytelling show.

Speaker 1
[03:26.66 - 03:31.76]

This is not another talk show covering the day's news. We're all about telling stories.

Speaker 2
[03:32.32 - 03:34.42]

Stories. Hollywood doesn't want you to hear.

Speaker 1
[03:35.10 - 03:40.16]

Stories. the media mocks. Stories about everyday Americans that the globalists ignore.

Speaker 2
[03:40.74 - 03:45.62]

You can think of Red Pilled America as audio documentaries, and we promise only one thing.

[03:47.98 - 03:48.64]

The truth.

[03:52.86 - 03:54.54]

Welcome to Red Pilled America.

[04:04.30 - 04:48.66]

We're on part three of our series of episodes entitled Lie Detector. You've probably heard part one and two, but if you haven't, stop and go back and listen to the beginning. We're telling the story of a Texas girl named Marion, who accused a man of sexual assault, and the story of George Gage, the man who was convicted of it. So, to pick up where we left off, last week, we learned that the lawyer prosecuting George Gage, a man named Christopher Estes, withheld evidence that severely damaged the credibility of his two main witnesses, Marion and her mother, Wanda. After reviewing Marion's psychiatric records, the trial judge found that Marion's mother filled out a medical admissions form for her daughter, and on that form, she described Marion as a pathological liar and she lives her lies.

[04:49.18 - 05:32.22]

Judge Koppel also found evidence in the records that Marion and her mother lied to the court when they claimed that all of Marion's behavioral problems were caused by her stepfather sexually assaulting her. The records showed that at the time of Marion's admission into the hospital for a suicide attempt, Marion was having serious relationship problems. Wanda helped get Marion's heroin-addicted boyfriend, who was an adult, get re-apprehended and thrown back in prison, an act that threw Marion into a rage, claimed Judge Koppel. In Part 2, we also revealed that we didn't think George Gage should have been found guilty. With no physical evidence, no witness to any of the alleged assaults, and no prior record, there was nothing but Marion's word to convict George Gage.

[05:32.22 - 05:51.58]

What Judge Koppel found in Marion's medical records absolutely destroyed her credibility. Marion's own mother labeled her a pathological liar. that lives her lies. We don't believe George Gage would have been convicted if the jury were allowed to see that evidence. But that doesn't mean that Marion was lying about being raped by her stepfather.

[05:51.90 - 05:57.56]

To figure out whether George Gage was actually innocent of the crime, we needed to dig into the case a bit deeper.

Speaker 1
[06:08.76 - 06:36.58]

Throughout our research for this story, we kept looking for any hint that George committed this crime. Frankly, we wanted to find something proving his guilt. Who wants to think that a state prosecutor or an attorney general like Kamala Harris would withhold evidence that could free an innocent man? So we focused in on three separate areas that we believed got to the core of whether or not George Gage was innocent. The first was an issue that was brought front and center by Marion's victim impact statement.

[06:36.58 - 07:06.52]

As we mentioned earlier, after George was found guilty, Prosecutor Estes was shooting for the maximum sentence. So Marion and her mother submitted statements on how George Gage nearly destroyed their lives. Marion's statement included some new allegations that shocked Judge Koppel. She claimed that two other people molested her while she lived with George in Texas. Someone named Esterlin and another man named George, not her stepfather.

[07:06.96 - 07:22.88]

We felt this was key because if Marion accused two other people of molesting her, and the stories could neither be corroborated and no legal action was taken against these two additional abusers, we believed it would say a lot about Marion's credibility and George's innocence.

Speaker 2
[07:24.26 - 07:27.88]

So I asked George Gage about these two other people. Who's Esterlin?

[08:01.72 - 08:04.48]

Yeah, I think you're right. And who's George?

[08:11.52 - 08:16.88]

Do you know that she accused them of also molesting her?

[08:20.36 - 08:57.02]

In a Texas police report, Marion stated that George Gage started sexually abusing her, dating back to 1987, when she was either five or six years old. Marion also stated that George's niece molested her, and, shockingly, she accused her stepfather George of sharing her sexually with his best friend in a swapping scheme, where his best friend shared his own daughter with George Gage. We asked Esterlin if she'd talk to us, but she didn't respond. We had no luck finding George Gage's old friend from the islands. The first time any hint of these allegations came up in the second trial was away from the eyes and ears of the jury.

[08:57.02 - 09:20.80]

You may recall that Prosecutor Estes successfully argued that the trial should only focus on the time that Marion and George lived in California. Any assault allegations in the evidence that referenced their time living in Texas was struck from the record and barred from testimony. That said, Estes was concerned that Marion's Texas allegations would come up during the testimony of a specific defense witness.

[09:29.78 - 09:53.34]

After George was arrested, a licensed psychiatrist and physician named Dr. Samuel Miles was appointed by California authorities to examine George. The doctor's official diagnosis was that George was not a pedophile. Dr. Miles also reviewed Marion's unredacted police reports and physical exam, and compared it with her assault allegations, and concluded that there were substantial inconsistencies.

[09:53.34 - 10:16.00]

This was extremely damaging to the state's case against George, because this was from an expert that California authorities hired. So George's lawyer was going to call on Dr. Miles to testify as a defense witness, so the jury could hear his conclusions. Knowing this, Estes asked Judge Koppel if he could first question the doctor without the jury being present. That way, they could make sure Dr.

[10:16.10 - 10:23.78]

Miles' eventual testimony in front of the jury would not include any of Marion's Texas allegations, because the jury was barred from hearing those.

Speaker 1
[10:24.32 - 10:54.64]

In this mock cross-examination, Dr. Miles stated that he thought Marion's physical examination was inconsistent with her rape allegations, because there should have been some signs of abuse when the physician examined Marion's hymen, but there were none. When Estes pressed Dr. Miles on why he thought there should have been signs of abuse, Dr. Miles responded, It brings in issues of Texas that are of some concern, and that you don't want me to talk about." Judge Koppel told Dr.

[10:54.78 - 11:00.30]

Miles the jury wasn't present and directed him to answer the question. So Dr. Miles responded,

[11:04.96 - 11:22.14]

Judge Koppel responded, She then asked who the three perpetrators were, and Dr. Miles responded that Marion named George Gage, a female named Esterlyn, and a different George. in the reports. Judge Koppel seemed surprised by this, asking, Dr.

[11:24.38 - 11:25.16]

Miles responded,

[11:27.52 - 11:28.84]

Three people?

[11:30.76 - 11:42.18]

Two men and a woman? Yes, answered Dr. Miles. again. This was the first time Judge Koppel heard anything about these additional allegations, and during this exchange, neither Dr.

[11:42.24 - 12:06.38]

Miles nor Estes mentioned to the judge that the other two alleged perpetrators were connected to George Gage. Nevertheless, the court transcript shows that Judge Koppel was conflicted on how to proceed. Was this important information that the jury should hear? This is where Estes masterfully imposed his strategy. The prosecutor didn't want this piece of testimony in front of the jury, so he interjected, saying,

[12:15.32 - 12:16.98]

Judge Koppel responded,

[12:31.00 - 12:53.86]

Dr. Miles responded, But not knowing that these two additional alleged abusers were connected to George Gage, Judge Koppel instructed Dr. Miles to stay away from mentioning anything that had to do with Marion's Texas allegations, so the jury never got to hear that Marion was not just accusing George Gage of molesting her, but she was also accusing two others.

Speaker 2
[12:54.16 - 12:58.04]

By hiding this from the jury, Prosecutor Estes received a twofer.

[13:01.62 - 13:35.44]

First, he eliminated some of the inconsistencies between Marion's physical examination and her sexual assault claims. And second, he removed an important piece of information suggesting Marion fabricated her entire allegations against George Gage. Think about it. If Marion accused two additional people of molesting her during their time in Texas, and those allegations couldn't be corroborated, Marion would no doubt lose credibility with the jury. But little did Judge Koppel know during the trial that Estes had already attempted to corroborate Marion's claims.

[13:35.86 - 13:36.62]

But he failed.

[13:38.68 - 13:50.94]

Life can be pretty stressful these days. You want to know what makes me feel better? Licorice from the licorice guy. Call me crazy, but it's true, because I love licorice. Long time.

[13:50.94 - 14:07.68]

listeners of Red Pilled America know that licorice is my absolute favorite candy. And the very best licorice, hands down, comes from the licorice guy. I know licorice and it doesn't get any better than this. What truly sets it apart is its flavor and its freshness. The softness of this licorice will blow your mind.

[14:07.92 - 14:27.26]

I've never had anything like it. The licorice guy offers jumbo gourmet licorice in nostalgic seasonal flavors like red, blue, raspberry, cinnamon, watermelon, black, and apple. Trust me, they're all delicious. What I also love about the licorice guy is that it's an American family-owned business. And you all know that I'm a big proponent of supporting American companies.

[14:27.66 - 14:43.22]

Right now, Red Pilled America listeners get 15% off when you enter RPA15 at checkout. Visit licoriceguy.com and enter RPA15 at checkout. That's licoriceguy.com. They ship daily. Treat yourself and those you love and taste the difference.

Speaker 3
[14:45.92 - 15:07.34]

I'm Ben Adafafri, host of the history podcast, The Last Archive. And I want to tell you about a new series running in our feed. It's called The Deadline. And it features six essays written and read by Jill Lepore, the New Yorker writer, American historian, and founding host of our show. These are incredible essays on everything from the history of cryogenics to the Silicon Valley gospel of disruption.

[15:07.34 - 15:18.06]

And at the end of each essay, I interview Jill about her craft as a writer and how she's thinking about the themes of these essays. now. We talk Frankenstein. We talk writing leads. We talk Barbie.

[15:18.42 - 15:19.44]

We talk Doctor Who.

Speaker 1
[15:19.80 - 15:22.32]

This is a crazy origin story. I don't think I've ever told this before.

Speaker 3
[15:23.06 - 15:37.52]

I really loved having these conversations with Jill. And it was a rare chance to talk to her about how she goes about reading, writing, and the work of history. You can listen to The Deadline on The Last Archive feed, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4
[15:44.02 - 16:08.40]

My name is Michael Wolff, and I'm the host of Fire & Fury, the podcast. Not too long ago, I saw Donald Trump, and he shouted, Hey, Michael, I made you rich. And the truth is, my three books about Trump, they have sold a lot of copies. It all started eight years ago. I found myself in Donald Trump's Beverly Hills home, sharing Häagen-Dazs ice cream with him.

[16:09.36 - 16:40.36]

I asked him, why was he running for president? And he answered, without missing a beat, because I want to be the most famous man in the world. Since then, I've become a go-to person when Trump and those around him want to talk. And now, every week, I'm going to share those insider stories with you. Listen to Fire & Fury, the podcast, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[16:41.12 - 16:51.46]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host a show called Planet Money. Now, I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build.

[16:51.46 - 17:08.98]

once they solve a few problems. How do you build a drone delivery business from scratch? Our customers, they want us to do this unbelievably reliably, in the storms, no matter what, hundreds of times a day. How do you turn a wild dream about a new kind of biology into a $10 billion company?

Speaker 1
[17:09.38 - 17:16.14]

We didn't have a particular technology. We didn't have a way of making money. It was a great way to start a company. I highly recommend it.

Speaker 6
[17:17.66 - 17:23.42]

How do you sell millions of dollars worth of dog ramps for wiener dogs in the middle of a pandemic?

Speaker 1
[17:23.94 - 17:31.54]

We're working with 400 influencers, and the majority of them are actually not a person, but it's actually a dog.

Speaker 6
[17:32.36 - 17:41.80]

I can tell you right now, the dog ramp guy has some very interesting problems. Listen to What's Your Problem? on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2
[17:42.94 - 18:09.72]

Welcome back to Red Pilled America. So, Marion claimed that two other people molested her while she lived with George in Texas. But if those accusations couldn't be corroborated, it would damage Marion's credibility. To avoid that, Prosecutor Estes successfully blocked the jury from hearing any allegations that occurred in Texas. But little did Judge Koppel know during the trial that Estes had already attempted to corroborate Marion's claims, but he failed.

[18:10.80 - 18:45.02]

After George Gage was found guilty, Judge Koppel began hinting that she was going to throw out the jury decision and order a retrial. Estes went into a fury argument with the trial judge, claiming that George Gage was not only molesting Marion from the age of six, but that George was swapping Marion with his best friend. When Judge Koppel stated that Marion's victim impact statement was the first time the court was made aware of these allegations, Estes stated that he tried to corroborate the allegations, sending an investigator named Fletcher to Texas. But the investigator turned up empty-handed. Estes stated, quote,

[18:49.30 - 19:21.48]

That was in all the police reports. Fletcher went back to Texas, just as the court pointed out, to do his job on my behalf to flush out some of the other issues that were going on in Texas, and didn't get anywhere with anybody. But the point is, he did do that. We were trying to flush out the issue of child swapping, end quote. The state prosecutor didn't want these allegations in front of the jury, because the fact that they couldn't be corroborated severely damaged Marion's credibility.

[19:22.18 - 19:29.20]

Tony Farmani, Georgia's court of appeals lawyer, remembers Marion's child swapping allegations never being conveyed to the jury.

Speaker 5
[19:41.02 - 20:05.92]

The reason why the prosecutor didn't want to put it on, because it would have hurt her credibility. Because it would show that it was just so unheard of to take a five-year-old girl and have your friend rape her in front of you. If there were any evidence supporting it, the judge would not have stated in her, on the transcript, that this man doesn't have anything going on. He doesn't have a traffic ticket.

Speaker 2
[20:05.92 - 20:50.40]

What stood out to us most, though, was that we couldn't find any evidence that Texas law enforcement, or Marion and Wanda for that matter, took any legal action against George or these other two perpetrators for sexual assault in Texas. We also contacted Marion to get her side of the story, but she didn't respond to our requests. But I would also think that if they were going after George for sexually assaulting her, molesting her, raping her, and then also were making claims that other people had made that assaulted her or raped her, or molested her. But the point I'm trying to get at is, was there any legal action taken towards those people?

Speaker 5
[20:51.40 - 20:52.86]

No, because it wasn't true.

[20:54.74 - 21:16.64]

Because it was never, that never happened. That never, absolutely happened, because if it would have happened, you can be sure that there would have been a footnote in the Court of Appeals opinion. There would have been, the judge would have said something about it when she ordered a new trial, because you can bring all that in sentencing. There was nothing in the sentencing memorandum. You know, nothing about it.

[21:16.90 - 21:20.04]

No mention at all. Texas would have prosecuted him.

Speaker 2
[21:20.66 - 21:21.58]

You would think.

Speaker 5
[21:21.62 - 21:22.24]

You see what I'm saying?

Speaker 2
[21:22.24 - 21:28.06]

You would think, well, but maybe not after he had, you know, if he's already gotten a 70-year sentence, why would they bother?

Speaker 5
[21:28.08 - 21:54.40]

It doesn't matter, because it can be overturned. Texas would have prosecuted him right away, you know? So you're saying Marion's mom, I'm not saying you say that, but I'm just playing a devil's advocate, Marion's mom wanted this guy convicted, but the man who raped her daughter when she was five, he didn't want her, him to be convicted? I even asked Marion. I remember asking, did this ever happen anywhere?

[21:54.50 - 21:56.58]

He's like, no, when we went to Palmdale, it's not happening.

Speaker 1
[22:00.32 - 22:33.82]

What's also telling is that when Prosecutor Estes was trying to convince Judge Koppel not to throw out the jury's decision and order a retrial, he vehemently argued that George was a vicious sexual predator that molested his own stepdaughter since the age of six and shared Marion sexually with his best friend. Yet, just days earlier, he had offered George a three-year maximum plea deal. George had already spent over a year in jail. If he would have taken the deal, he could have been out on the streets within months. George refused the deal because he said he wasn't a child molester.

[22:34.16 - 22:50.00]

But if Estes truly believed George Gage was guilty, how could he allow a monster that would do what he was accusing George of doing out in just a matter of months? That is, unless Estes didn't really think George was guilty. The prosecutor offered him three years, man.

Speaker 2
[22:50.30 - 22:58.84]

If this guy was a guy who would have sex with somebody that young, there's not a prosecutor in this country who would offer him three years.

Unknown Speaker
[22:59.56 - 23:00.98]

I can guarantee you that.

Speaker 2
[23:02.12 - 23:03.80]

Because it just wouldn't happen.

Unknown Speaker
[23:04.64 - 23:08.98]

You wouldn't want an animal like that to be out after three years, would you? No.

Speaker 2
[23:09.94 - 23:17.28]

Yeah, of course. You know? You want to be locked up for the rest of your life, anybody who has sex with somebody that young. He offered three years.

Speaker 5
[23:17.56 - 23:27.98]

I'm telling you right now, if this man had done what the prosecutor had alleged he had done, there's absolutely no way he would have given him three years.

Speaker 2
[23:28.24 - 23:36.28]

Because if you're a good prosecutor, if you really believe somebody did the heinous acts that he said, that he did, you don't settle that case.

Unknown Speaker
[23:36.48 - 23:40.06]

You go all the way. You get a conviction, you put that guy away.

Speaker 1
[23:40.06 - 24:38.06]

All of this, the fact that Estes hid the allegations of two additional molesters from the jury, the fact that Texas never prosecuted George for these alleged heinous acts in their state, and that there was no record of the state of Texas or Marion and Wanda going after these two other people, and the fact that Estes was willing to give George such a low plea deal for charges that amounted to potentially a 160-year sentence, all of this leans heavily in George's favor towards him being innocent. The second pathway we explored to get to the truth was Marion's description of the assaults. In Marion's first police report, she claimed George never attempted to have sex with her. But in a second police report, just a few weeks later, she changed that, stating that George did in fact have sex with her, and even child-swapped her with George's best friend. In the preliminary hearing, Marion claimed that George would have sex with her almost every day and ramped it up to twice a day.

[24:38.70 - 25:05.20]

By the time she testified. during the trial, she claimed he never had sex with her more than once a day. Marion also testified that she never saw George Gage's genitals. This is striking, considering that she claimed he'd been molesting her for roughly eight years and raping her almost twice a day. It should also be noted that, by claiming she'd never seen him naked, Marion would never have to describe any of his physical characteristics.

[25:05.92 - 25:08.54]

And there were other inconsistencies that stood out.

Speaker 2
[25:10.88 - 25:46.64]

In the preliminary hearing, Marion testified that practically every day George would force sex on her in the morning before school, after her mom left for work. When asked how early in the morning, Marion responded, The problem with that time is that for almost the entire first year that Marion lived in Palmdale with George, he testified to working the night shift from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The prosecution never refuted this work schedule. George worked as an electrician near downtown Los Angeles in an area called Atwater Village, which is roughly 60 miles from their house in Palmdale.

[25:47.04 - 26:10.74]

It would have been impossible for him to be home before 8 a.m. on the days he worked, and likely closer to 8.30.. George's trial lawyer, Andrew Baker, never questioned Marion on this glaring discrepancy. But perhaps one of the most pronounced inconsistencies was found in the one detailed assault that Marion described. Shortly after Wanda and her kids moved into the Palmdale house with George, an alarm system was installed.

[26:11.42 - 26:30.72]

Wanda claimed it was George's decision alone to install it. George stated he and his wife Wanda made the decision together. George claimed Wanda was afraid to be home alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood when he worked the graveyard shift. So Wanda suggested buying a gun. George said he didn't want a gun in the house because the kids got into everything.

[26:31.24 - 26:58.18]

So they jointly made the decision to install a house alarm. This was significant because the alarm system had a function where it chimed when the entryway door opened. The narrative that Prosecutor Estes constructed was that George made the decision on his own to install a chiming alarm. That way, if someone came home while he was sexually assaulting Marion, the alarm would warn him. But the only detailed assault that Marion described during the trial completely contradicted this theory.

[26:58.94 - 27:34.68]

Marion testified that George forced sex on her once while her mom and brother were home. She claimed that he took a shower while her mom and brother were watching the TV sitcom Family Matters downstairs at 7 or 7.30pm. And she said that George gave her a look and she knew exactly what to do. She said she followed George into her mother's bedroom and George raped her on her mother's bed with the bedroom door open and her mother and brother right downstairs in the family room of their small house. In her explanation, Marion said that her 10-year-old brother walked in during the assault with George and her under the covers.

[27:35.32 - 28:00.98]

Marion told her brother that they were just playing a game. But Marion's brother never testified to witnessing this incident in the second trial. This description completely contradicted the state's theory about the installation of a home alarm system, which they claimed George installed to warn him if anyone came home while he was raping his stepdaughter. This was the only detailed incident of a sexual assault described by Marion, and it made no sense when aligned with the state's narrative.

[28:11.56 - 28:14.78]

Tony Fermani brought this up in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Speaker 5
[28:15.04 - 28:36.28]

The one incident she does describe about her brother walking in is ridiculous. It makes absolutely no sense. Now I've had the opportunity to look at this record very closely and I can represent to the court, Your Honor, that, again, there's no doubt in my mind that the prosecutor here wanted to win the case. He was becoming a judge.

Speaker 4
[28:36.94 - 28:45.30]

Mr. Fermani, you're making, I think, in my view, a strong case on the merits.

Speaker 2
[28:45.82 - 28:52.26]

Marion's description of the events, besides being inconsistent, were completely at odds with the state's narrative about George.

Speaker 1
[28:53.90 - 29:07.60]

But perhaps the most important area where we focused on to analyze who was telling the truth was Marion's physical examination. And this is the area that, when looked at carefully, gets to the bottom of whether or not George is innocent.

Speaker 3
[29:11.64 - 29:39.74]

I'm Ben Adafafri, host of the history podcast, The Last Archive, and I want to tell you about a new series running in our feed. It's called The Deadline, and it features six essays written and read by Jill Lepore, the New Yorker writer, American historian, and founding host of our show. These are incredible essays on everything from the history of cryogenics to the Silicon Valley gospel of disruption. And at the end of each essay, I interviewed Jill about her craft as a writer and how she's thinking about the themes of these essays. now.

[29:40.28 - 29:45.12]

We talk Frankenstein, we talk writing leads, we talk Barbie, we talk Doctor Who.

Speaker 1
[29:45.12 - 29:48.04]

This is a crazy origin story, I don't think I've ever told this before.

Speaker 3
[29:48.90 - 30:03.12]

I really loved having these conversations with Jill, and it was a rare chance to talk to her about how she goes about reading, writing, and the work of history. You can listen to The Deadline on The Last Archive feed, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4
[30:09.78 - 30:34.08]

My name is Michael Wolff, and I'm the host of Fire and Fury, the podcast. Not too long ago, I saw Donald Trump, and he shouted, Hey, Michael, I made you rich. And the truth is, my three books about Trump, they have sold a lot of copies. It all started eight years ago. I found myself in Donald Trump's Beverly Hills home, sharing Häagen-Dazs ice cream with him.

[30:34.86 - 31:06.00]

I asked him, why was he running for president? And he answered, without missing a beat, because I want to be the most famous man in the world. Since then, I've become a go-to person when Trump and those around him want to talk. And now, every week, I'm going to share those insider stories with you. Listen to Fire and Fury, the podcast, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[31:06.54 - 31:14.30]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host a show called Planet Money. Now, I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem?

[31:14.46 - 31:34.66]

entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build. once they solve a few problems. How do you build a drone delivery business from scratch? Our customers, they want us to do this unbelievably reliably, in the storms, no matter what, hundreds of times a day. How do you turn a wild dream about a new kind of biology into a $10 billion company?

Speaker 4
[31:34.66 - 31:36.80]

We didn't have a particular technology.

Speaker 1
[31:37.04 - 31:40.68]

We didn't have a way of making money. It was a great way to start a company.

Speaker 6
[31:41.04 - 31:41.82]

I highly recommend it.

[31:43.34 - 31:49.12]

How do you sell millions of dollars worth of dog ramps for wiener dogs in the middle of a pandemic?

Speaker 1
[31:49.88 - 31:57.18]

We're working with 400 influencers, and the majority of them are actually not a person, but it's actually a dog.

Speaker 6
[31:57.86 - 32:07.46]

I can tell you right now, the dog ramp guy has some very interesting problems. Listen to What's Your Problem on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2
[32:08.56 - 32:22.98]

Have you been asking yourself the question, why, lately? Why is this country seemingly plunging into chaos? Here's why. The left controls every cultural institution in America. Academia, film, literature, music, art, basically all forms of storytelling.

[32:23.26 - 32:38.22]

They've been pumping a Marxist ideology into the American bloodstream for decades. Red-pilled America remains the only storytelling show of its kind that acts as an antidote to this poison. But we need your support to keep this show going. Please help us fight the good fight. We have several ways.

[32:38.22 - 32:54.08]

you can support the show. You can buy one of our 100% Made in America products. We have hats, candles, a book, and aprons. You can also become a backstage subscriber, where you get access to our entire archive of episodes and our behind-the-scenes podcast about each show. Or you can just make a donation.

[32:54.34 - 33:02.26]

Please visit redpilledamerica.com and click Support or Shop in the top menu. That's redpilledamerica.com and click Support or Shop in the top menu.

Speaker 1
[33:08.06 - 33:33.92]

Welcome back to Red-Pilled America. So, out of all of our research, the most important area we focused on to analyze who was telling the truth in this case was Merian's physical examination. And this is the area that, when looked at carefully, gets to the bottom of whether or not George Gage is innocent. As we mentioned earlier, the star witness for the defense was a state-appointed psychiatric and medical examiner named Dr. Samuel Miles.

[33:34.56 - 34:08.62]

We asked him for an interview, but he didn't respond to our request. Dr. Miles was appointed by the California authorities to examine George Gage after his arrest. He also reviewed Merian's physical exam and compared it with her statements about the sexual assaults. With Merian claiming George raped her as often as twice a day and that she bled almost every time, that the abuse started as early as kindergarten, and that there were three molesters in total, the doctor concluded that there was substantial inconsistencies between her claims and the medical examination.

[34:09.32 - 34:35.82]

Dr. Miles stated in the course of the trial, quote, It's highly unusual that one would have bleeding so consistently, as described by this young woman, in the presence of no tear in the hymen or rupture of the hymen or disappearance of the hymen. End quote. Dr. Miles found this inconsistent because, after all of this alleged abuse, her hymen appeared basically intact, with no scarring or signs of trauma.

[34:36.86 - 34:51.90]

In Dr. Miles' experience, Merian's physical exam did not align with the assaults she described. This doctor was in a unique position. He reviewed Merian's police reports and physical exams before they were redacted. In other words, Dr.

[34:51.98 - 35:17.18]

Miles was aware that Merian claimed that the sexual abuse started before she hit puberty, or, in medical terms, before Merian estrogenized. This is crucial, and we'll get to why in just a minute. When Dr. Miles was finally called as a witness, he effectively testified that, due to the nature of the assault and bleeding described by Merian, there would have been signs of abuse on Merian's hymen, but there were none. Because Dr.

[35:17.22 - 35:37.90]

Miles was a state-appointed examiner, it made his testimony incredibly damaging to the prosecutor's argument. He wasn't some biased expert witness. He was appointed by the state. To counter his testimony, Estes called to the stand a last-minute medical expert. This ended up being a crucial turning point in the case against George Gage.

[35:38.34 - 36:14.42]

The expert's name was Marcia Ware, a local nurse practitioner that examined child sexual abuse victims at a local hospital. She testified that the lack of physical trauma to Merian's hymen did not mean that she wasn't abused. That was because, she argued, at the time Merian claimed to be assaulted, she was estrogenized, which Nurse Ware explained began a phase of a woman's development where the hymen is flexible. During this time of puberty, she argued, if the vagina is penetrated, the hymen was more apt to heal itself. Therefore, in direct contrast to Dr.

[36:14.56 - 36:44.20]

Miles' testimony, a doctor, Nurse Ware, wasn't surprised that Merian had an intact hymen with no scarring. The problem was, Nurse Ware didn't know that Merian claimed the abuse started when she was kindergarten-aged, long before her body estrogenized. That information was redacted from the reports the nurse reviewed. The nurse was also unaware of how many people Merian claimed molested her, because that was redacted as well.

[36:52.16 - 37:30.06]

Ultimately, she was taking the position that she'd seen hymens in sexual abuse victims that had no signs of abuse. In her eyes, the abuse was possible because the physical exam did not conclusively show that Merian was not sexually abused. She testified that there was almost no scenario that could change her testimony, aside from some vaginal disfigurement. This seemed to surprise both Judge Cox and Nurse Ware. Judge Cople and George's lawyer, who pressed this line of questioning, asking, Nurse Ware, is there any condition that you could think of, based on your training and experience, that would cause you to change your opinion regarding that medical report?

[37:30.70 - 37:51.76]

Nurse Ware added another caveat, responding, I think I said if the child had a congenital, non-opening of the hymen. Judge Cople jumped in and pressed further, asking, That would be the only thing? Just those two things? Nothing else? Nurse Ware finally added, quote, Or, if the child was not estrogenized?

[37:55.38 - 38:30.24]

And this is the point that we begin to see the brilliant strategic move of Prosecutor Estes. By removing all references to Merian claiming abuse in Texas, Nurse Ware had no idea that Merian claimed the abuse started long before she was estrogenized. The nurse was basing her testimony on incomplete information. If she would have known that Merian was molested long before she had reached puberty, as she stated in cross-examination, that would have changed her testimony to more align with that of Dr. Miles.

[38:31.06 - 38:43.52]

But George's attorney couldn't even place this information in front of the jury, because any mention of the Texas molestation allegations would have likely led to a mistrial, as Judge Koppel warned earlier in the trial.

Speaker 2
[38:55.48 - 39:31.52]

We've been saying up to this point that George Gage was convicted without any physical evidence, and that's a true statement. But looked at another way, it can be said that the lack of physical evidence was actually physical evidence that the abuse Merian alleged did not occur. The testimony of both the defense and prosecution's medical experts bear that out. The prosecution's expert nurse said that the only thing that would have made her expect trauma to Merian's hymen was if Merian was not estrogenized when the abuse occurred. For a large portion of the alleged abuse, Merian was not estrogenized.

[39:31.96 - 39:34.78]

Nurse Ware just didn't know that piece of information.

[39:41.72 - 39:46.42]

We think it's fair for us to say at this point that George Gage is innocent of this crime.

[39:48.90 - 40:15.40]

There's just no other way to see this case. Every time we tried to pursue something, anything, that showed George Gage was guilty of this crime, we came up not only empty-handed, it's worse than that. We came up with the belief that Merian fabricated these accusations. I spoke to George Gage earlier this week and told him that we were coming to the conclusion that he was innocent of this crime. But something he said to me in an earlier call stuck with me.

[40:15.86 - 40:21.56]

As one of our phone calls began to reach the 15-minute time limit, George made a final statement to me.

[40:27.00 - 40:46.86]

If you didn't catch that, George said he didn't know whether this story was going to help him or hurt him. I didn't have time to ask what he meant, so in a later call I followed up. When I spoke, it sounded like you were a little concerned about whether this was going to help you or hurt you. Yes, yes. I'm wondering, why are you worried about that?

[40:54.40 - 40:56.82]

In what way would it be dangerous for you?

[40:59.24 - 40:59.72]


[41:08.18 - 41:25.58]

How did this happen to George Gage? If we're right, why would Merian and Wanda have lied? And why did both Prosecutor Christopher Estes and Kamala Harris withhold such critical evidence? We'll answer all of these questions in the next and final part of our Lie Detector series.

Speaker 1
[41:26.80 - 41:46.80]

Red Pilled America is an iHeartRadio original podcast. It's produced by me, Adriana Cortez, and Patrick Karelchi for Informed Ventures. Now, our entire archive of episodes is only available to our backstage subscribers. To subscribe, visit redpilledamerica.com and click support at the top of the menu. That's redpilledamerica.com and click support at the top of the menu.

[41:47.24 - 41:48.00]

Thanks for listening.

Speaker 6
[42:03.36 - 42:13.58]

I'm Jacob Goldstein. I used to host Planet Money. Now, I'm starting a new show. It's called What's Your Problem? Every week on What's Your Problem, entrepreneurs and engineers describe the future they're going to build.

[42:13.58 - 42:19.46]

once they solve a few problems. I'm talking to people trying to figure out how to do things that no one on the planet.

Speaker 4
[42:19.46 - 42:20.32]

knows how to do,

Speaker 6
[42:20.56 - 42:30.28]

from creating a drone delivery business to building a car that can truly drive itself. Listen to What's Your Problem on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1
[42:31.50 - 42:49.02]

From tips for healthy living to the latest medical breakthroughs, WebMD's Health Discovered podcast keeps you up to date on today's most important health issues. Through in-depth conversations with experts from across the healthcare community, WebMD reveals how today's health news will impact your life tomorrow.

Speaker 6
[42:49.72 - 42:55.88]

It's not that people don't know that exercise is healthy. It's just that people don't know why it's healthy and we're struggling to try to help people.

Speaker 4
[42:55.88 - 42:57.18]

help themselves and each other.

Speaker 1
[42:57.64 - 43:02.40]

Listen to WebMD Health Discovered on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4
[43:02.40 - 43:30.84]

My name is Michael Wolff. Each week, on Fire & Fury, the podcast, I take you deeper into the mind of Donald Trump and his campaign than any other journalist ever goes. I've written three books on Trump, but for some reason, the people around him, they keep on talking to me. To find out what they tell me, listen to Fire & Fury, the podcast, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
