2024-07-30 00:58:38
America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.
Good afternoon, America, and welcome to the Dean's List. I'm Dean Bowen. You are listening to America Out Loud Talk Radio. Uh, does it just feel like, uh, does it feel like summer is just slipping away? I mean, we're at the end of July.
I mean, it's, it's, I shouldn't talk like that. I shouldn't say it's winding down, even though it is. Uh, I mean, for us here, June and July could possibly be the speediest of all the months, how they just, they go like the wind. And I think they go faster this year, just because of everything that is just swirling around us. Uh, I mean, there is politically, educationally, um, religiously.
Uh, there's just, I mean, the Olympics, you saw it, right? I mean, everyone's talking about it. I didn't see it live. I don't care to see it live, but I have seen the, uh, the videos and the, the clips and the photos. And I refuse, I will not, I will not watch one single second of the Olympics.
I don't even know what network it's on. Of course, I wasn't going to watch it anyway, which is a shame, because I grew up loving the Olympics. I mean, it was something that we looked forward to. We gathered around the TV at night and we would, we would watch and we would support Americans. And now it's just been, it's been taken over.
It has been overrun, and no, we're not doing it. No, I know. I know, you're not either. Uh, a few days ago, I don't know, maybe last week, it's been more than a few days. We spoke about, we had a conversation about the convention of the national education association, national educators association.
I don't know what it was, NEA, the, um, the teachers union. Yeah. They had their convention and we talked about it. It was, it felt like a, a Democrat national convention, didn't it? I mean, everybody was out there rooting, and Ron, for, for the Democrats.
Well, well, my friends, the, the American federation of teachers, they have held their 88th national convention. And do you think it was any different? Do you know? it wasn't matter of fact, it might've been worse. It might've been worse.
We're, we're, well, we've got to talk about it, because these are the people that are educating our kids in public school, these are the people right here that are, that are setting policy for public schools, this is the teachers. Well, you say the teachers don't set policy. Um, well, the teachers might not, but I promise you, the teachers unions do. Oh, they do. And this is why they're so political.
This is why. Yeah. So the, the, the, the NEA, at their conference, and I brought this up on air. They don't, not once did they talk about dismal test scores. Not once did they talk about, um, our, our fifth graders and eighth graders being in the, in the basement, in terms of reading, comprehension, in terms of, of arithmetic, in terms of, you know, all of it, not once did it come up.
No, they talked about politics. And did they talk, and not only politics, leftist politics, they, they're setting the policy. That's what they talked about. Policy and agenda. And the AFT, the AFT is no different.
And so we're going to, we're going to dive into this convention. We, uh, we don't have a history class today. We're not, I know, I know we have, the history bell has been ringing and we've not been answering the call. You know, the objective was to get through the signage of the declaration through the month of July. And that was going to be a tough thing to do, but that was the, that was the objective, uh, and here we are at the end of July and we have not pulled it off.
That's okay. Well, that can bleed into August. Yeah, we can do that. I mean, technically, it should bleed into August because the declaration, I mean, um, yeah, the, the declaration wasn't signed until August anyway. So that's, that's fair.
That's fair. We can, and we're going to, we're going to have to, because, um, I think we only got through five, I'm pretty sure we only got through five, um, five states, five, let's see. Let's see. Who do we get? We got, uh, Delaware.
We got New Hampshire. We got Rhode Island. We got Connecticut. We got North Carolina. We got through five of the 13..
That's not bad. I mean, that's really not bad. It is bad because we wanted to get through 13 of the 13.. I mean, okay, that's fair. But you have to admit there's been a lot going on and, you know, we've had to, we've had to cover it.
We've had to talk about it, but I promise, I promise you, we will, we will get to the other seven, eight. Uh, we're going to get to the other, the others promise before, should I say before August? I mean, that's the objective. We were going to shoot for it. We're going to, we're going to go after it and see what we can come up with.
I, I think we can pull it off. We do have somewhat of a, of a history class. today. There is a historical figure that I want to mention. I want to talk about, um, I think it's important, because what he stood for, I think, is important, especially now, now in, in, in today's climate, I think what, uh, Martin Treptow, he was a veteran from World War I, and we're going to talk about Martin Treptow today.
And we're just going to briefly mention this story.
Uh, Ronald Reagan spoke about him and we're going to take some quotes from Reagan, uh, and I think we can draw some parallels to where we are. And so we're going to do that today. But first, first, my friends, the American Federation of Teachers. Okay. This is, this is probably the second largest union.
Would you say the AFT? I mean, the AFT and the NEA, I mean, they're, they're practically, you know, sister organizations. I mean, they're, they're, I don't know, they pretty much believe the same thing. I don't know what the point is of having two.
American Federation of Teachers. This was their 88th national convention. And it centered not on workplace conditions. No, they didn't talk about workplace conditions. Do you think that any of their resolutions dealt with deep educational issues?
No, no, not a single resolution dealt with any, do you think that they talked about plummeting test scores throughout the country? Well, they didn't talk about any of that. Do you think they, do you think they talked about the inability of our fifth and eighth graders to, to read and comprehend well, or at least on par with other nations? No, no, that's, that's not their concern at all. No, no.
Instead, instead, according to this article that I'm looking at, they underscored the union's longstanding devotion. This is what their resolutions underscored. The union's long standing devotion to progressive politics, culminating, and here it is, this is, this is the big, you're right here, culminating in a resounding endorsement of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Bum, bum, bum. Yes, America.
These are the people teaching your children in your public K-12, in your public K-12 schools. These are the people teaching your children. They have offered a resounding endorsement, a glowing endorsement, to presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The same Kamala Harris who, as I talked about last week, told us that Joe Biden's legacy is unmatched. That's what, that's what she told us.
And this is who these people are, the people that are teaching your kids, this is who they're going to vote for. The lady who told us Joe Biden has accomplished more in one term than most presidents have accomplished in two terms. This is the line, this is what we're being told. And I think they expect us to believe it. I'm looking at the picture here of these teachers holding up their signs, and one sign says, thank you, President Biden.
The other sign says AFT for Kamala Harris for president. And they just look so, I don't know, these two women here look, I don't know. I want to be nice. I'm going to be nice. That's my objective today is to be nice.
The convention, which hosts AFT delegates from across the nation to vote on resolutions, which guide, and this is key here, which guide the union's internal operations for the year ahead, was markedly partisan, as the infamously, infamously progressive union preps its members for the election season. And the people here in this photo look like they're being prepped. They do. They look like they're being prepped for the, they just look giddy with preppedness, preparedness. Are you ready for some of their resolutions?
Do you want to hear this? Now, again, I need to reiterate, these are the people right here who are teaching American students. They're teaching your kids in K-12..
These are the ones. Okay. Their first resolution, I don't know if it was their first. I don't know if I've got the order here. The AFT, the American Federation of Teachers, will recommit resources to support LGBTQ, yada, yada, yada, affirming and inclusive school environments and curriculum.
Okay. That's, that's one of the very first things is affirming environments,
inclusive environments and curriculum, because they, they believe that, you know, this is more important than, than reading comprehension. They believe this is more important that we affirm that Johnny wants to be Janie, that certainly is more important than, than eighth grade reading scores and eighth grade math scores. This is, this is paramount right here. This is key. This is absolutely the most important thing on the docket to these people.
Ultimately, it is, what's more important to them. What they're telling us is it's, it's more important that we indoctrinate your kids, indoctrination over education. That's the, that's the motto of the American Federation of Teachers. That's what they're telling us.
Indoctrination over, over education. Oh, but it's, it gets better. If you, if you want to use the word better, it gets better. It might actually be worse. The, another resolution was one wherein they opposed the overreach of the US Supreme Court.
Now, have you heard about this lately? I mean, Biden came out in his, in his, you know, farewell address or his, I don't know if it, I guess you can't call this farewell address, his rationale for bailing out of the race. And he said, you know, we need to have, I don't know the exact wording he used, but he talked about needing to restructure the Supreme Court. Restructure is not the word. I don't remember the word, but his point was, you know, the Supreme Court, we got to look at, we got to look at it, we got to, we've got to make some changes to the court.
You know, what they see is a conservative court for the next, you know, 20, 30 years. That's what they see. And they, they see what this court has said they are willing to do. They see that this court has said, look, we're willing to look at, at historical facts of the nation and ask ourselves questions historically for the first 150 years, why weren't these things deemed unconstitutional? Why wasn't prayer in schools deemed unconstitutional by the, by the people who wrote the constitution?
I mean, these are important questions. You know, why, you know, why was the Bible not deemed unconstitutional by people who wrote the constitution? Why these people that wrote the constitution even said things like, yeah, the Bible is pretty important and it should be part of education. Oh, oh, they, they did. They, ooh, they, they said that in the Supreme court's willing to look at this sort of stuff.
And so when you have a Supreme court willing, willing to look at this sort of stuff, then naturally the Marxist progressive ideologues on the left are going to go nuts. They are going to go nuts and go through the roof. And that's what we saw here at the, at this convention that we opposed the overreach of the U.S. Supreme court.
Their, their resolution detailed the union's commitment to reverse the decisions of those justices. We're going to reverse these decisions. We're committed to reversing these decisions. Well, how do you go about doing that? Really?
How do you go about reversing a decision? Well, you've got to have other justices on the court that think differently. I mean, that's what happened with Roe v. Wade. We have got six justices on the court that think differently from the five in, you know, 1973 that, that enacted this, this, you know, what they said was.
unconstitutional, or, you know, I guess that's not the right way to term it. You can't enact something unconstitutional. You get my point.
And so now we've got this court that has reversed that change. They've overturned it, and that's what, and these people want the same thing and they'll go about it any way they can by, you know, packing the court, you know, throwing on, you know, 13,, 17,, 19,, 23,, 25, however many people they think they can add to it.
Um, and, and this is something that is an ongoing discussion. This is what they want. And the AFT is behind it. Uh, they want to reverse the decisions of those justices. AFT accuses of eliminating guarantees of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the American people.
So I'm looking at, I'm looking at this resolution. All right, here's what it says. Whereas this is the AFT resolution. Whereas since Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett were appointed to the Trump administration, the conservatives on the court have consolidated their majority. How dare they do this?
Now, now, here's the thing. If, if liberals on the court had consolidated a majority, do you think the AFT would be upset about that? Do you think they would be offering resolutions complaining about a consolidated faction of, of liberal leftists on the Supreme court? No, no. Do you think they were upset about this during the FDR years?
When, you know, he, pretty much at one point, had appointed every member on the bench. I mean, almost, almost. When they're calling out Kavanaugh here and then their second one, they say, whereas since Justice Kavanaugh was seated in October, 2018, seven long outstanding Supreme court precedents have been overturned, including Roe v. Wade. And there it is.
This is the linchpin. This is what makes them so angry.
Now, this, again, this is the people that are teaching your children in public K-12. And they're not, they're, they're at this convention, voting on resolutions that will dictate their policies for the next year. And, and there's not a single educational policy in this resolution. It's all about overturning the conservative decisions of the Supreme court. It's diabolical that they don't care about education.
I'm telling you, neither of the two big unions care about education. They care about power, and they care about themselves maintaining power. And, and, and, and, and everything that goes along with it, including all the corruption, all right, looking at the clock, I'm up against it. Let's pick up the rest of this resolution and other resolutions at this AFT political conference, ultimately, is what it boils down to. We'll get to this, my friends on the other side of the break.
You are listening to The Dean's List on America Out Loud Talk Radio.
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Welcome back to Dean's List, I'm Dean Bowman, and you are listening to America Out Loud talk radio. You can find us here Monday through Friday at the 2 p.m. Eastern time slot on americaoutloud.news, where you can listen here at the glorious, beautiful, world-class media player. It's fantastic. I felt, like Trump just said, glorious, beautiful, world-class media player.
It's glorious, it's beautiful, it's fantastic.
Or you can download the app. The app is equally glorious and beautiful and fantastic. And that's the way I like to listen. I like to listen live on the app, usually while I'm driving. I don't know, it's just good.
It's just really good. I did feel like Trump, glorious, beautiful, everybody thinks so. Everybody thinks the app is glorious and beautiful. You think that's why people are drawn to him so much? Because he's very positive.
While some would say hyperbole, others would say the dude's just positive. He just has a mindset of like, we're going after it. It's like he's a door holder. It's like he's door holder number three. Let's get in there.
Let's go. I'm holding doors.
If you don't know the reference, I guess maybe we'll play it for you next Christmas. I think it's going to become a Christmastime tradition around here. It's just the attitude. And it doesn't feel like that's the attitude of the American Federation of Teachers, does it? No, it's not their attitude.
They're upset that Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett were appointed to consolidate the conservative majority. Oh, they're mad about it. All right. So let's dive back into this series of AFT resolutions. here.
Again, these are the people teaching your students, your children, in public K-12..
And they're probably not teaching the kids of this listening audience, are they? Probably not. I would say no, but they might be. And for those of you, if it's still happening, if your kids are still in public K-12, this is important. You need to hear what your teachers are going to be telling your kids, because what they're saying here on the convention floor, I promise they're saying the same thing in classrooms.
There's no way. they're not. All right. Back at it. Whereas at the close, now again, this is part of their resolution opposing the overreach of the U.S.
Supreme Court, and this is where we left off at the break. All right. Whereas at the close of the 2022 Supreme Court term, the conservative majority on the court issued decisions banning the use of affirmative action. How dare they? How dare the court, issue decisions that ban racism?
Don't they know that that's what we need in this country is more racism? But we need more. I mean, that's what they're telling us here. They're telling us that they want more racism. They're upset that the U.S.
Supreme Court issued decisions banning the use of affirmative action and ruled that the constitutional right of free speech applied to certain businesses refusing services for same-sex couples. How dare they say that that's their right to free speech? Don't they know they can't refuse businesses to same-sex couples? How dare they say that that is their free speech? Now,
if you, and on this side, the side on the left, they're upset that the Supreme Court has told businesses, yeah, that's your free speech to not serve people that disagree with you religiously or people that you disagree with religiously, vehemently disagree with. But yet this is the same side that says, yeah, it is speech. It's protected speech for you to burn the American flag. That's protected speech. This is the same side that last week in Washington, D.C., supported ripping down an American flag, hoisting up a pro-Palestinian flag in the Capitol and desecrating the monument to Christopher Columbus and spray painting stuff like Hamas is coming for, I don't know what they said.
I don't remember exactly. Hamas is coming for you, or I don't know. I mean, it was horrible stuff. And but that's free speech to them. And that's OK.
But by golly, at the close of the 2022 Supreme Court term, the conservative majority said that the constitutional right of free speech applied to certain businesses refusing services for same-sex couples. How dare they?
These are the people teaching your K-12 students. These are the people. Oh, but they're not done. They're not done here. Whereas these decisions are evidence that these conservative justices are using their power to push a conservative political agenda not supported.
Are you ready for this? Are you ready for what they say here? Not supported by the majority of Americans.
That's probably not the dumbest voice I could come up with, but I'm trying hard here to come up with a dumb voice that they believe. I shouldn't. OK. They believe that a conservative political agenda is not supported by the majority of Americans. That's their belief.
I'm here to tell you it is. I think it is. And how do I know that it is? All right. I've got some.
I've got some statistics here that will tell you that I think will.
I think they will. let you. I just I think they're going to support my claim. That's, I'm going to leave it at that. They're going to support my claim that the majority.
Of Americans do indeed support a conservative political agenda.
So they are resolved. that the AFT. Affirms our conviction that the essential purpose of the Supreme Court, in our system of constitutional government, is to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the American people and to check abuses of government power. I wouldn't disagree with that. I think that might be one of the essential purposes to make sure our laws are constitutional.
So far, so good. We're on the same page. Resolved. that the AFT strongly condemns these decisions of the current majority of the Supreme Court that depart from its constitutional role as the guardian of rights by undermining and eliminating guarantees of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the American people. The Supreme Court has not done that in this, in this current session.
This current majority, they have not departed from their constitutional role as the guardian of rights by undermining and eliminating guarantees of the fundamental rights. They have not undermined or eliminated any guaranteed right. Just because AFT, they have made decisions that you don't agree with. Or just because they have made decisions that you're opposed to, does not mean and does not determine that those decisions have eliminated guarantees of the fundamental rights of the Constitution. They have not.
Matter. of fact, they told these businesses, yes, you do have the freedom of speech. It is considered your right to to not serve customers. if you don't want to serve them. That's your right.
Oh, how dare they?
Oh, but they're not done. Resolved, that the AFT will continue its efforts to reverse these decisions of the court and their impact of bridging American basic freedom. So they're upset and they're going to do whatever they can to to reverse these decisions that they disagree with. Now, look, that's their prerogative. And that is what conservative Christians went to work on in terms of Roe v.
Wade. And you've heard them say, we've been fighting for 50 years to get this decision overturned.
And so that's their prerogative. if they want to overturn decisions. But I think we have to call them out on the lie that, you know, just because the Supreme Court is making decisions that they would disagree with does not mean those decisions.
are going after the rights and freedoms of Americans. It does not mean those decisions are unconstitutional. Bum, bum, bum. And there it is. OK.
All right. But there's more. There is more. that took place at the AFT Democrat National Convention. I mean, that's what we're calling it.
That's what it is. This isn't an educational convention.
All right. According to a third, OK, here's a third resolution. Again, I don't know what the order is, but here's a third resolution. The basic institutions and principles of U.S. democracy are under attack.
OK, who do you think is attacking them? Oh, you guessed it. Donald Trump and the ultra right wing MAGA faction. That's, that's the group that's currently attacking the U.S. democracy, even though we are not a democracy.
In addition to democracy, AFT writes Republicans have attacked public education through voucher schemes, reproductive freedom through draconian anti-abortion laws and the very humanity of marginalized and stigmatized communities. Those evil Republicans are horrible. This might have been their only mention of education, where they complain that Republicans are attacking it through voucher schemes, where Republicans are saying, hey, there's got to be something more. We just can't have a one, you know, a one system where where the Democrats get to train up our, our students. We got to offer competition.
There's other great schools out there that really, truly want to educate the kids. And so we want parental money to follow them. But this, this, according to the AFT. It's a voucher system and it's a scheme, it's what they call a voucher scheme. That's what they call it.
It's a voucher scheme. Those evil Republicans, how dare they? Now, so I am holding here the resolution entitled, What is at stake in the 2024 elections? All right. That's this resolution right here, that where they say the basic institutions and principles of U.S.
democracy are under attack. I'm just. I'm not going to read all of it. I'm going to read the first couple of paragraphs and and then we're going to determine, based upon these first couple of paragraphs. If the, if the AFT even knows what they're talking about.
Are you ready? Here we go. Whereas America's governing documents. Now, they're teachers. All right.
And they're educating your K-12 students. Don't you think they would know a little bit about America's governing documents? OK, let me rephrase that. Don't you think they should know a little bit about America's governing documents? They should.
They should know. But here's what they say. Whereas America's governing documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, even the Pledge of Allegiance that is taught to schoolchildren, describe the United States in aspirational terms as a democratic republic.
Committed to liberty and justice for all. You heard that right. The AFT, the American Federation of Teachers, people that are educating your, your K-12 students, believe that America's governing documents, including the Declaration, including the Constitution, and even, in their words, the Pledge of Allegiance, describe the United States in aspirational terms as a democratic republic.
No, they don't. Matter. of fact, the phrase democratic republic, the term democratic republic, the words democratic republic, cannot be found in the Declaration, not even aspirationally. They can't be found in the Constitution, not even aspirationally. They certainly cannot be found in the Pledge of Allegiance, not even aspirationally.
You know what can be found in the Pledge of Allegiance? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. No, not the democratic republic. I'm sorry. So go ahead and Google, what is a democratic republic?
Just do it right now. Pause me. Just put me on pause and ask the question. What is a democratic republic? And what's going to come up?
is, you know, this hybrid, this combination between democratic societies and a republic, or a democratic form of government and a republic. It's this combination of the two. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that's not who we are. Now, there are elements of democracy found in a republic every two and four years when we vote for our leaders, and that's it. That's where it stops.
We are not a democracy in that we get to vote for laws. And then we get to implement these laws. No, we elect representatives to do this. And the representatives are governed by a constitution. They are governed under the rule of law.
Law is the ruler here. And that's what makes us a constitutional republic. We are not a democratic republic. And the fact that the good folks over here at the American Federation of Teachers, the people educating your students in K-12..
I mean, it's simple. I mean, it's not a big deal, Dean. I mean, we're kind of a democracy. No, it is a big deal. It's a big deal because over a period of time, they begin to change.
Terms and change things and change definitions until no one knows what a constitutional republic is. We're going to get to that point. This audience does. I believe you do. But.
I mean, I've told this story before, I'm teaching a government class at my school and I'm telling the kids we're not a democracy, we're a republic. And the next day, one of them comes back and they say to me, Mr. Bowen, I was telling, talking to my parents about that we're not a democracy. And my dad said, yes, we are. We are a democracy.
We're absolutely a democracy. And this is a. this is a good man, a good person. I'm good friends with him.
And so we've hit this point where we have heard it so long. We've heard the news media and we've heard our public school teachers tell us so long we're a democracy.
That. and we don't read the Federalist Papers anymore, we don't read the debates that that the founding fathers went through, we don't even understand that they were adamantly opposed to a democracy. They didn't want a democracy because they they, they knew what waited at the end of the line. if we were a democracy. Why?
Because they were historians. They did their research. They understood history. They watched democracies implode because they read and they understood history. And they said, oh, guess what?
We're going to be a republic. We think we stand the best chance of maintaining our government if we're a constitutional republic. And the lady asked him that day, what type of government do we have, Dr. Franklin? He said, ma'am, you have a republic if you can keep it.
And that's what we're striving to do. We have a republic if we can keep it. That's what we're going after. That's the objective here. And we have to be clear, we're not a democratic republic.
It's these little things that we have to be clear on. And we're not going to to start buying into their their switch in terminology. We're not going to do it. We're not going to buy it. We're not going to start.
And I have to catch myself all the time. An enemy of democracy. That's what Donald Trump is. I have to catch myself repeating what they say.
It has nothing to do with democracy. We are a republic. And I think that needs to be hammered home. And I hammer it home here. I might hammer it home to the point where you guys are tired of hearing it.
And you're like, oh, man, why won't Bowen stop with this republic business? And we're not going to stop. We are going to stay on it and we're going to stay at it. But wait, this resolution, it's not over.
That was just the first paragraph. We're in a claim or a democratic republic. Listen to paragraph number two.
Whereas over the course of, what's that? Up to the clock. Look at the clock. Look at the clock. All right.
Tell you what, we're going to pause here. We're going to get to paragraph two. on the other side of this break. You just stay with us. I'm telling you what.
You're not going to be happy about it. All right. We'll pick it up on the other side. You, my friends, are listening to The Dean's List on America Out Loud talk radio.
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Okay, welcome back to the Dean's List. Let's dive right back into this resolution, where I allowed the clock to rudely interrupt us. It had to happen. That was the time to take a break. You know, I'm still just amazed and almost appalled that the people that are teaching our students in public K-12 would actually use the term Democratic Republic.
I just, ah, I'm angry about it. I'm angry about it because I feel like it's just going to be overlooked as not a big deal. It is a big deal. I'm telling you, I know these people, Rush used to say, I know these people like the back of my hand.
And it's true, they're so transparent, they're so obvious that they will interject and they'll just start to change phrases a little by little before we forget what the initial phrase even was. And that's the effort here. I'm telling you, that's what they're doing. All right. So here's their second paragraph in the resolution.
Whereas over the course of almost 250 years, the United States has fallen short of these aspirations. What aspirations are we talking about? Well, the first paragraph,
the aspirational terms as a democratic republic committed to liberty and justice for all. All right. That's what they said was in our founding documents, in our constitution, in our declaration, and in our pledge of allegiance, they said, described the United States in aspirational terms as a democratic republic committed to liberty and justice for all. So the next paragraph says, whereas over the course of almost 250 years, the United States has fallen short of these aspirations,
we've fallen short of providing liberty and justice for all. And then they go to list their grievances. almost. At various times in our history, indigenous people, African-American, Latinos, Asians, Pacific Islanders, women, LGBTQ Americans, members of minority religious faiths, such as Judaism and Islam, working people and immigrants have been denied, overtly or by impact, the freedom and rights accorded other Americans. Who are the other Americans?
Because the only Americans they didn't mention in here that for over 250 years, liberty and justice has fallen short for are white Christians. That's who's not listed here, white Christians.
Freedom and rights have always been accorded to white Christians. That's what they're telling us. But freedoms and rights over the past 250 years have fallen short if you're not white and if you're not Christian.
I don't even know what to say about this. Well, I do. I do know what to say. I mean, I think it's timely that this group, who is, by the way, educating our K-12 public students, this group, would issue this resolution right at, you know, right around the same time that the Olympics are absolutely mocking Christianity. Just flat out mocking it.
And I feel badly for these people, because, you know, we understand. as Christians, we understand God isn't mocked. You're not going to mock him. You're just not. He's, you know, he's overall.
He, as the creator of the universe, you are not going to mock him. He's not going to stand by and just be mocked. What are you saying, Dean? I'm not saying anything. I'm not implying anything.
I'm only citing the scripture verse that says God is not mocked. And if you're on the side of mocking him, I feel badly for you. I do. I feel sorry for you.
Because, you know, you're going to reap what you sow. That's the bottom line. It's the law of harvest, my friends. So the people that are educating right now, our public, K-12 students, believe that over the past 250 years, liberty and justice for all and freedom for all, and the elements, the foundational elements that we talk about, going back to, that, they're not available for everybody. They had, unless you're a white Christian, they're not available for you.
And that couldn't be further from the truth. But they don't teach history anymore.
So, you know, this country right here, I mean, they say, they list as one of their minority religious faiths as Judaism.
Where can you, as a Jewish person, where can you find shelter? But in America, where can you find liberty and justice? But in America, how has America not been open to people of Judaism, people of the Jewish faith? How has America not been open to Muslims and people of the Islamic faith? How has it not been open?
And their identity politics, their politics centered on racism, is evil. I'm telling you right now, it's evil.
But they continue. Whereas, in the continuing quest to fully realize liberty and justice, we have been part of movements that have bent the long arc of our nation's history toward those values, increasingly sharing the fruits of democracy among all, even as there remains much work. I can't read it anymore. I just, I can't. And then they cite, you know, they cite Supreme Court decisions.
They, I just, and then the things that they condemn here, their resolve that they, they say, resolve that the AFT recognizes that the stakes in the 2024 election, the presidential, congressional, and state and local elections are as fundamental as the core political identity of the United States, and whether we remain a democratic republic committed to realizing our aspirational goal of liberty and justice for all. All right. So everything is at stake here for them in 2024.. If we're going to remain a democratic republic or not, you morons, we're not a democratic republic. I just, I can't do this anymore.
I can't, I can't be nice. I can be nice. I should be nice.
I mean, come on. Okay. All right. I mean, there is more here. There is more.
I'm going to, I'm going to leave this aside and I'm going to leave it aside by, by making this statement. We're not a democratic republic. All right. I'm just getting, that's the last word on it. And, and the 2024 election, while it's big, it doesn't, it's not going to determine if we remain a democratic republic or not.
I mean, it might destroy the republic if it goes the other way. I do, I do believe that.
And then, and then, my friends, they have the gall to resolve that. Let me, let me get this, let me get this, this resolving up here.
That they endorse Kamala Harris. They say, whereas the AFT and our 1.8 million members are committed to making a difference in the lives of the students, patients and communities we serve by the work we do, the advocacy we pursue and the real solutions we bring, and whereas the AFT and our members make meaningful change through that work and through organizing and activism and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, then they go down and they say, whereas President Joe Biden will go down as one of the most consequential and meaningful presidents in our history, he has made people's lives better and has been a champion of workers, families, unions. I can't, I can't keep reading it. I can't. And then they talk about her being at his side since day one, fighting for us and with us, how he's passed the torch onto her and they have to be united to defeat.
I can't, I, just, because for them to tell us that Biden will go down as one of the most consequential and meaningful presidents in our history, that he's made people's lives better, what hole are they living in? Seriously, these are the people teaching your sons and your daughters in K-12 public schools, these, the 1.8 million that they say.
Now, what are we going to do about it? That's the question. What are we going to do about it? All right. So I'm going to read to you, Martin Treptow.
I'm going to read to you what Ronald Reagan had to say about Martin Treptow.
This is how Bill Bennett describes Martin. Martin Treptow, a native of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, was working as a barber in Cherokee, Iowa, in 1917 when he enlisted in the army to fight in World War I. His regiment arrived in France in December and that year he wrote a pledge in his diary as a New Year's resolution for 1918.. All right. And in Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address, he spoke of Treptow and he spoke of that diary.
Here's what Reagan said. Under a marker lies a young man, Martin Treptow, who left his job in a small town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division. There, on the Western Front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy artillery fire. We're told that on his body was found a diary. On the flyleaf.
under the heading, My Pledge, he had written these words. America must win this war. Therefore, I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice.
I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.
Holy smokes. That, my friends, is huge. That's an attitude right there. That's an attitude to have, an attitude to hold, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.
Reagan continued, The crisis we are facing today, he said, requires our best effort and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. To believe that, together, with God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us. And, after all, why shouldn't we believe that? We're Americans. And, after all, we should believe that because that's who we are.
We are Americans. This is, this is the attitude that the country was forged in. This is, this is the attitude that we have to continue to have. And so, and now we hear the results of the AFT and their resolutions and how they're, they're very much in opposition to recent Supreme Court decisions. They're very much in opposition to Trump and MAGA.
And they believe that, you know, if Trump is elected, the country is going to be destroyed, because they've listened to the left and the news media say, he's going to destroy democracy, even though we're not a democracy. And then, in their words, they say that the aspirational ideas of our democratic republic, which are in our founding documents, which are not in our founding documents, there's no mention of a democratic republic. I don't need to rehash that again. That makes me so angry. Can you tell how angry that makes me?
And then they have the nerve and the gall to tell us that Joe Biden will go down as one of the most consequential and meaningful presidents in our history. I mean, consequential, yes, but not in a good way. Not in a good way. I mean, this is the exact same thing that, you know, what's her face or whatever said, his legacy is unmatched. Well, yeah, it is.
If you're, if you're talking about horribleness, if you're talking about destruction, it is unmatched. Yeah. He's destroyed more in one term than most presidents get to destroy in two terms. So in that regard, they're spot on. So what can we do about it?
That's the question that lies before us. What can we do about it? Well, in the immortal words of Martin Treptow, we will fight cheerfully and do our utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on us alone. Only he used the words, I and me, I and me. He said, this is going to be my attitude.
I'm going over here to France. I'm going to fight in Europe and I'm going to fight and I'm going to fight, fight, fight with everything that's inside of me, as if it depended on me alone.
And if that, my friends, if that is the attitude that all of us took upon ourselves, if we all took upon us the hero's pledge of Martin Treptow,
we can turn this thing around. I'm telling you, we can take back education from these evil individuals out here who would do whatever they can to change us into their image as a country by corrupting our education system and corrupting the government itself. All right. I am, this is quite a way to start the week. I'm not under the collar.
I mean, there's more, there's more stuff here that I did not get to. I just, I don't have the time. Maybe tomorrow we'll, we'll, we'll dabble back into it a little bit. If, if I can keep my, my blood pressure down, you know what? It's a good thing.
It's a good thing. I take, um, uh, it's a, it's a, what, what is it called? Uh, heart, heart health from the wellness company. That's what it is. The, the heart supplement.
It's a good thing. I take the heart supplement from the wellness company. Cause it keeps me, keeps me in check. I encourage you to, you know, go to americaoutloud.shop, look it up. Uh, coupon code out loud.
All right, my friends, that's all the time we have for today, America. Thank you for joining me. Encourage your friends and family to get on the Dean's list. Let's unite to renovate the age.