American politicians use “bribery” and “charity” as foreign policy

2024-07-31 00:58:14

America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

Speaker 1
[00:11.44 - 00:16.04]

It's the tip of the spear in the epic battle to defend the United States of America.

[00:19.20 - 00:28.04]

The National Security Hour exposes the wolves in sheep's clothing and their nefarious plots to undermine and destroy U.S. national security.

[00:34.44 - 01:07.94]

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[01:08.00 - 01:27.36]

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[01:27.36 - 01:46.66]

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[01:46.66 - 02:10.84]

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[02:10.92 - 02:22.88]

There's articles. There's videos. You know, why waste time looking at other stuff? And you remember that network, a major network, one of those major networks that called the election for Joe Biden before the election was over. You don't need to listen to them.

[02:23.06 - 02:32.16]

Thank you. All right. As Malcolm would say, with liberty and justice for all, here we are. It's Monday already. The weekend's by Monday, 8 p.m.

[02:32.20 - 02:44.84]

Remember, the national security's on Monday, 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. And we kick off the first show of the week. And that is Dos Miguels, two mics. Welcome back, Dr. Mike.

[02:45.34 - 02:53.56]

Thank you, Colonel. Always good to be with you. Good to be with you. Even though we're a little bit far in the distance, I can't walk to where you are. I know that.

[02:53.72 - 02:58.98]

But close enough, I guess, anyway. Right. All right. So here we are. Here we are.

[02:59.14 - 03:10.84]

And last week was a big, it was a really big show, as Ed Sullivan used to show. If you remember Ed Sullivan, if you're old enough to remember Ed Sullivan, if not, go to YouTube. You'll find him. It was a really big show. He came in.

[03:11.38 - 03:28.02]

He came in. And he blamed another country, as he always does. He blames everybody else, you know, for the damages. And we had the red carpet. The royal treatment was for Bibi Netanyahu, aka Satan.

[03:28.02 - 03:48.52]

Yahoo, came in to visit the Congress and made the speech, and the clapping seals were there. And there was a song back in the day, Mike, I think it was Steely Dan. It was called Ricky, Don't Lose That Number. And we should just change that and update it to what they call a cover version. Bibi, make sure you lose the number.

[03:48.92 - 03:53.36]

OK? Please lose the number. Yes. You may as well be polite, Colonel.

[03:54.96 - 04:33.36]

Please lose the number, because every time you come here, it's another country. If we just kill this country and we bomb that country, those people are going to come out with American and Israeli flags and they're going to be like, oh, gosh, I can't wait for this democracy to happen. If you can just go there, it's historical. He said that all we had to do was take out Saddam and Iran would be running in the streets and want to be Americans and purple hair and green hair and all that other stuff. You know, LBGTQ, but he, he came and, as the emperor, has no clothes, you know, he came in there.

[04:33.60 - 04:57.10]

Kind of shocking, I think, you know, I don't know, Mike. I'm better lip reader than face reader, but I don't know, looking at his body language, they call it's the body language. He looked like. he was shocked that Donald Trump wasn't dead, like, oh, gosh, I don't know. He kind of looked like you guys missed it.

[04:57.30 - 05:12.88]

You know, how'd that happen? You know, I was supposed to be here after this thing, you know, and now you got Kamala. I knew Joe was going to step down and she's not here and nobody met me at the airport. What the heck is going on? What did you say?

[05:13.16 - 05:43.22]

Yeah, I think he looked a little uncomfortable, is more nasty than usual. But when he looked over and all those Democrat senators weren't there and congressmen, I think he got a little message of what's going on in this country. But nonetheless, he kept on with his, you know, I sometimes wonder if there's anyone in Israel that ever sat down and thought, you know, in the history of the world, we're going to become known as the worst neighbor.

[05:45.24 - 06:02.16]

And it doesn't. I guess it just doesn't occur to them for some reason that just being a bad neighbor is always leads to bad things. And they seem to thrive on it. I don't know. I understand it.

[06:02.24 - 06:28.82]

And he also had a tone of criticizing Americans because they were dissenting from his sort of fascist view of things that Arabs and Muslims are only worthy for killing. And he doesn't seem to realize what the First Amendment means, along with his, his apparatus in this country. The senators and congressmen who take his pay, the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center,

[06:30.40 - 06:30.92]


[06:32.50 - 06:35.38]

You know, they're all. they're all anti-constitutional.

[06:37.04 - 06:53.78]

And so is he. And he's anti-human, as far as I can tell. So it was a lesson for all of us. And it's kind of getting to be a tradition here. The pope comes here and he damns Americans for not wanting an $80,000 electric car for a fraud.

[06:55.24 - 06:59.36]

And then Netanyahu comes here and says we're gutless because we won't go after Iran.

[07:00.98 - 07:06.30]

Well, he's got nukes. Let him take care of Iran. He's just afraid they have them, too, I think.

[07:07.98 - 07:39.26]

Well, you know, when you live in a tough neighborhood, you've got to be a tough guy, but you don't need to call people across the ocean. But you know, he really has never been a tough guy. He accepted guys who for the longest time really couldn't fight back. It's only now that he's running into an enemy that has technology that's not as good as his, probably, but obviously very good in terms of what they've done to the Israelis inside of Israel. That's never happened before.

[07:40.44 - 07:51.02]

And so times have changed, I guess I would say, for him. And he hasn't quite caught on that. just bluster and arrogance and hate aren't going to defeat missiles.

[07:52.96 - 08:19.08]

Well, you know, there was a Jesus said, and I'm going to go to a little bit of this Christianity here because they don't believe in it. Jesus said, I give you a new commandment that you love one another, love your neighbor. And obviously he doesn't love his neighbors, whether in the North, the South, the East or the West. No. It was this thing.

[08:19.26 - 08:34.22]

Remember, back in October, he said Muslim children are drilled into by their education system that to hate Jews. Well, what? What? What? It's obvious, what goes on in Israeli schools, isn't it?

[08:34.80 - 08:36.60]

Yeah. Well,

[08:38.12 - 09:05.02]

there is, and there's the Orthodox or the Hasidic, or Hasidim, whatever you call them. You know, they spit, they do all kinds of things, the Christian pilgrims. But aside from that, just read some of the things that we think our Jewish friends believe about Christianity. Just read what they think about Jesus and Mary and what they think about Christianity. I mean, that should make your hair stand.

[09:05.44 - 09:17.64]

But no, we believe in this Judeo-Christian nation. Where did that come? I don't know. I looked at an encyclopedia of Britannica. They usually have all this stuff.

[09:17.76 - 09:33.04]

And there's a lot of things you can't find in there about that. But having said that, he came, he's basically saying, hey, Iran, Iran, Iran. And after they come after us, they're going to come after you. That's what he said. OK.

[09:33.16 - 09:42.58]

He said that. In other words, pay up. We need some more of your able-bodied men over there. Get it to us fast. Yeah.

[09:42.94 - 10:08.34]

Yeah. And then able-bodied men, so that when they get killed as global mercenaries, they say, you know, we're defending democracy, which is a bunch of hogwash. And when our guys get killed and our ladies get killed and they come back really damaged from these wars, global wars around the planet. And what happens? Does Israel say, well, we're going to pay for the wheelchairs?

[10:08.46 - 10:15.16]

Does Israel say, well, we'll take care of their families. We'll chip in on this? No. The taxpayer. And then guess what?

[10:15.30 - 10:56.50]

Our guys go to the back of the line while the illegals come to the front of the line, get all the benefits, right? Housing, food, whatever. And our guys are out there, you know, basically begging these NGOs, can you give me a wheelchair, you know, wounded warriors or whatever it is that these are the organizations that pay for a house or pay for the balance of the mortgage or the kids that go to college. You know, we, our guys, are at the end of the stick. But again, when you sign up in today's military and you sign up and you say, well, I'm going to defend the nation, you got to think, look in the mirror and say, wait, wait, whoa, whoa.

[10:57.02 - 11:09.40]

Am I going for a career? I want to be explicit here, Mike. I want to make sure that people understand what I'm saying. When you signed up, did you go for a two or four year hitch? Did you go for a four year hitch with reserves?

[11:09.74 - 11:29.66]

Did you go for a career, 20 year hitch, 15 year, whatever, 12 year, OK? And the reason I'm saying that is because when you signed up, you knew what you're going to be next to in your bunk, in wherever, your barracks. You knew what you were signing up for, where you may be sent. And you also knew that this would be a career. It's a career choice.

[11:29.76 - 11:58.28]

Right. And you say, well, you know, I'm defending my country. Well, I want to just say this clearly, with all the due respect you deserve. If you are signing up for a career or you're signing up to defend your country, we have a border in the southern part of this country that is wide open. Why don't you defend our border rather than other nations, other compacts such as NATO, all those kind of things they send you to.

[11:58.52 - 12:18.94]

Why don't you question your superiors and say, wait a minute, wait a minute, I took an oath to defend this country against, to defend a constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic. Why am I going over there? What, what is this? But no. And then you come back and you guys, some of you guys are really, really in bad shape.

[12:19.00 - 12:26.46]

I know that. OK. But there's nobody coming to your rescue from NATO, from Beersville. What is it called? Germany.

[12:27.04 - 12:35.02]

Right. Nobody's coming from Israel. Nobody's coming from there. They're like, hey, man, we paid for the weapons. No, you didn't pay for the weapons.

[12:35.52 - 12:46.66]

We gave it to you and the taxpayers pay for it. We could have got a bridge. We could have got some schools built. We could have got some education paid for extra teachers. Oh, no, we need better teachers.

[12:46.88 - 12:56.08]

Oh, we're wrong. OK, so I don't want to hear this facade of this. What is it called? Mythology, Mike, of the? what do you say?

[12:57.18 - 13:28.30]

You know, the madam goes out and thinks she's sustained. And then we have other people who are retired from the military, who say we have to support our allies. And then we have a guy who they picked for the vice president of the United States on Donald Trump's ticket, who says our first words out of the mouth, our precious ally, just like Mike Johnson when he got in, our ally. You know, nobody wants to think about America first. Did you ever think about the 300 million people here?

[13:28.38 - 13:45.04]

Now, I don't know how many of them are real Americans, first, second, third, fourth, fifth generation. But just let's say split it in two. Let's say 180, 180 million people who love this country, who were born here, raised here, whatever. Just I want to go lowball on this. All right.

[13:45.12 - 13:58.58]

I just want to go lowball. 180 million people saying like, what the hell are they talking about? I didn't hear America. You know, and that's not being anti-Semitic, OK? And I don't care about what you think.

[13:58.58 - 14:08.60]

By the way, the Arabs are Semitic, too. So if you hate Arabs, you're an anti-Semitic. All right, Dr. Mike, you go. Yeah, you're right on all those counts, Colonel.

[14:08.74 - 14:25.30]

And I would add that our servicemen have really gotten a bad hosing since the Korean War. Truman started that by himself. And ever since, we've been fighting wars that are ridiculous. There's no threat to us from these people.

[14:27.00 - 14:42.80]

Why are we fighting them? We're fighting for other people, for foreigners. We're fighting for multiculturalism. We're fighting to be internationalists rather than American citizens. And we're fighting to pay the greedy pockets of the Congress and the Senate.

[14:43.40 - 15:06.96]

That's all this is about. And our soldiers and Marines and sailors, they all get beat the hell up for what? You know, it's just a wonder to me how long they're going to be able to keep secret how many Americans have been killed in war in Ukraine and how many in Israel since last October. No one's going to give you the number, Mike. We'll come out in the last couple of minutes.

[15:07.40 - 15:20.74]

No one's going to give you the number, Mike, because to them, remember, we did leave out one person or one group in this. And that is the military-industrial complex. Yeah. They'll get this money. And look, we send these weapons over.

[15:20.74 - 15:35.96]

Do you realize what we're paying daily on the national debt? Nobody sends us a check and says, hey, guys, thanks for saving the country. I appreciate me. We're going to rip up all your technology, rip us off and sell it to China or whoever. Right.

[15:36.18 - 15:56.38]

And when this is all, basically, what they want to do is take this country down, whether you call them an ally or not. There are people that hate this country. It's not just Iran, Bibi, Netanyahu or Netanyahu. By the way, Mike King, we want to give him a shout out. Mike King, you know, real history, the real history guy.

[15:56.78 - 16:03.62]

All right. He calls him Satan Yahoo. And I think it's a perfect name. Satan Yahoo is what he is. He's a mad dog murderer.

[16:04.14 - 16:17.86]

He vaxxed his whole country. Right. And then, over here, over here, we're like, oh, no, no. We don't want the vaxxed. But yeah, you didn't say anything about that vaccine holocaust, did you there, American patriots?

[16:18.38 - 16:31.52]

Did you hear about that one? OK, and I want to make sure they're all vaxxed. And guess who? Guess how many people were behind the coronavirus vaccine? that were not Catholic or Protestant?

[16:31.90 - 16:45.00]

You got no idea. Well, look it up. It's on the Web, as you can find it at Jerusalem Post, too. You can find it at Harrods. Most of the people that were behind the vaccine were Semites, and they weren't from Saudi Arabia.

[16:45.36 - 16:53.50]

OK, hey, we got one minute to go. It's always great to be back with you, Mike. The first first segments go so fast. All right. We're going to have to take a break.

[16:53.94 - 17:06.22]

Now, there's a lot of good things on the Web, on our website. Go, look at the sponsors. A lot of new items. Don't forget to say hello to the sponsors. OK, that's how we get to stay on this America out loud dot news.

[17:06.28 - 17:08.00]

And we'll see you in two minutes on the other side.

[17:11.14 - 17:49.20]

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[19:02.54 - 19:05.16]

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[19:11.66 - 19:25.24]

Welcome back to segment two on the National Security Hour. Do you love this music? I mean, we have the greatest bump of music. when this show opens up, and when it closes, you just get like the hair on the back of your neck stands up. You feel like, ah, victory at sea.

[19:25.26 - 19:35.68]

We're ready to rock and roll. All right. So, before we go deep diving of segment two, should we talk about classic cars? No, I don't think so. But anyway, Dr.

[19:35.76 - 19:43.04]

Mike, I'm going to let you take it away. on segment two. What would you like to speak about, sir? And this is the National Security Hour with Dr. Mike and Colonel Mike.

[19:43.10 - 20:19.58]

Go ahead. I just wanted to make one more point on Netanyahu's speech and the travesty of saying he's just like Churchill, saying that give us the guns and the money and we'll finish the task. You know, Churchill was lying when he said that. It took 12 million Americans in uniform to to get their butts out of the problem they called in Europe and to defeat the Japanese, which Roosevelt caused. So, you know, there's what he's going to want, because their casualties have been unprecedented in this war and the war is far from over.

[20:19.58 - 20:45.82]

He's going to want American units on the ground and we're going to see if these people will just jump up and say yes. If Trump would go on television after, if he gets elected, and say, listen, we're done. If they fought and caused us to be hurt for 50, 80, 90, however many years it's been. Enough's enough for us. We wish him well, but no more guns.

[20:46.10 - 21:03.60]

No more American backup. No more Israeli prime ministers coming to this country and insulting us in our own Congress. It's enough is enough. But I don't think he'll do it. And I don't know.

[21:03.66 - 21:12.72]

I just I don't know what to think about it. But this whole business of the performance by Netanyahu was really despicable, but not surprising.

[21:14.46 - 21:38.50]

Mike, I just want to say this to our listeners, OK, he speaks a lot about other countries being terrorists, Hamas. And, you know, we understand, and, you know, Iran and the Houthis, you know. But did Syria deserve what they got? Did Lebanon deserve what they got? Because Hezbollah was parked there or Hamas was parked there.

[21:38.70 - 21:49.32]

Well, who's the other guys? There's another one called the PLO or whatever. OK, did these people have options? I love when they say, well, you know, they voted for Hamas. They are.

[21:49.60 - 22:00.76]

Well, let me ask you a question. We are right now right outside of Metro D.C. We voted for those guys on the Hill. Do we get any respect? Do they actually do what we ask them to do?

[22:01.00 - 22:10.30]

Do they close the border? Do they stop this, this pillaging of the country? No, we have the same problem. But they call them Republicans and Democrats. Right.

[22:10.80 - 22:22.32]

Do the Palestinian children or the Palestinian people have any say? How many people really wanted Hamas? You forced Hamas. You created Hamas. You created Hamas.

[22:22.40 - 22:40.44]

There's so many things out there on the Web that says if we only have Hamas, we could destroy Gaza. Come on. We're not fools. That's why there are certain social media groups and there are certain websites that you can go to in social media to prove that this guy is a total liar. He's a fraud.

[22:40.74 - 23:05.94]

Now, if any of you. Yeah. If any of you use YouTube, and I think many do, there's YouTube and all that, you could just go to YouTube. And the title of the YouTube is the IRGUN, I think you would pronounce it Ergon, the birth of modern terrorism. And just go, look at that.

[23:06.14 - 23:26.42]

I ain't going to tell you what it's about. He talks about terrorism all the time. The terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah and PLO, and Iran, Iran, Iran. Well, just go, look at the IRGUN, the birth of modern terrorism. I'm just going to give you, I don't even want to give you like a hint, but I have to give you a hint.

[23:26.86 - 23:32.64]

It's not from Ireland. OK, it's not from Belfast. That's all. I could tell you that. Go to YouTube.

[23:33.20 - 24:02.38]

Watch that video and then come back and make a comment on this show at the bottom of the beautiful footnotes that Mike writes, and tell us that Bibi Netanyahu is telling you the truth. That's all I want you to do. OK, now, look, we love being on, a lot of great shows, super hosts, very smart people, very smart people on this network. OK. However, you know, you can be sincere, but you can be sincerely wrong.

[24:03.26 - 24:27.54]

OK, now, many people will say, well, this is all we got. Washington Times is all we got to support. No, no, we got to support America, America first, America. strong, America first jobs, security. OK, you got people like Lindsey Graham, Cracker and others in that, you know, even this guy, we got to support our precious ally.

[24:28.20 - 24:36.10]

But did J.D. Vance say, let's go to the border? I didn't hear that. We're going to get to that after we win. Well, what about between now and then?

[24:36.62 - 24:45.92]

Yeah. How do you know you're going to win this election? How do you know how they're going to take it down? How do you know how they're going to rip it apart? You're going to hear from senior members, retired members of the military.

[24:46.28 - 24:59.26]

You know, there's a gentleman out there. He hasn't been on our show, but we still give him the shout out. McGregor, Doug McGregor. You got guys like that out there talking, speaking. But he was on RT.

[24:59.40 - 25:05.16]

Oh, he was on. Tucker. Doesn't matter. He's telling you where it's at. We want you to come on our show.

[25:05.26 - 25:19.04]

Anybody who wants to discuss this with the two mics, listen, we'll go toe to toe with anybody. OK, one, two, three, we'll give you everything. One, two, three, four, five. OK, don't give me the nonsense. It's our ally.

[25:19.56 - 25:36.50]

It's a Judeo-Christian. Listen, if you were smart and you read the Bible, you'll know what Judeo-Christian is and you'll know what Judaism is. OK, not not saying anything wrong. OK, not saying nothing wrong. I'm just saying, how about you go, do the pilgrimage when they spit at you?

[25:37.26 - 25:47.34]

OK, and then they tell you that Jesus is this, that and the other thing. All right. So please. OK, please, don't, don't sell us a used car. We're not, we're not buying used cars today.

[25:47.72 - 26:08.44]

Mike, go ahead. Let's, let's talk about something else, because I can go on for the whole show on this one. Well, I wanted, I wanted to make a point that you have made repeatedly over the past, well, since the last election, that Trump has to really vet the people he appoints to this and that and the other thing if he gets back in power, or, better yet, beforehand.

[26:10.02 - 26:17.82]

And it seems to me that they've already failed in that. Vance seems to have said some things that.

[26:20.30 - 26:28.04]

About women or about things that just unnecessary things that the enemy media is pulling out of everywhere.

[26:29.56 - 26:40.36]

And what's my favorite expression, Mike? It comes home to bite you in the ass. OK, it does. That's why I could never run for anything. Colonel, I've said so many things in my life that people aren't going to like that.

[26:40.40 - 26:49.84]

It's probably going to take a miracle to get me the dog catcher's role. I would be tied up in court just for saying liverwurst and monster cheese. I'm telling you.

[26:52.28 - 27:02.86]

But I just and I don't know the first thing about Vance, except what I heard. All right. It was a silly statement. The cat woman and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, it was a very silly statement.

[27:03.70 - 27:08.56]

OK, so don't backpedal. Just go forward. Say, I said it. I own it. And that's it.

[27:08.56 - 27:18.94]

You got to say you own it. No backpedaling. OK, they don't backpedal. You don't have to backpedal. Because the lady that's running against Trump, do not worry.

[27:19.44 - 27:25.72]

Do not worry. Remember what they did to Trump? He grabbed this one. He squeezed that one. He loved that one.

[27:25.82 - 27:37.64]

He raped this one. He slept with this one. He kissed that one. That's going to be a pipe dream compared to what you guys got on the table with Kamala. OK, I mean, if you need help, give us a call.

[27:37.92 - 27:41.08]

Just go right to the footnotes. Put your numbers in. We'll contact you.

[27:43.50 - 27:51.42]

If they can't figure this one out, Mike, nobody will be able to. No. My concern with Vance is that the vetting wasn't done. That's all. Yeah.

[27:51.68 - 27:56.92]

That's the only one. What did I say, Mike? Who was my pick? Mike will show you who was my pick. Dr.

[27:57.04 - 28:01.36]

Ben Carson. Right? Yep. Why? He's got no skeletons.

[28:02.10 - 28:07.64]

He's clean. He believes in God. Bonus round. He's black. OK, but guess what?

[28:07.76 - 28:23.78]

I know he's not black enough for the black community, because he's a black conservative who believes in God and goes to church. The ones that they have, the Democrats, the church guys, the black church guys that the Democrats have, they're pro-abortion.

[28:25.62 - 28:35.80]

So let's just put the stuff on the table here. OK? Ben Carson's a super intelligent man. No skeletons. No skeletons.

[28:36.46 - 28:43.40]

This was the easy pick. All you had to do was pick. It was like a checkmate. OK? All right.

[28:43.44 - 28:48.96]

Yeah, we got Ben Carson. Guys, you want to play with us? Oh, you pulled out the Kamala card? No problem. We already got the guy.

[28:49.98 - 28:56.42]

We got him. You want to put Ben Carson up against Kamala? Let's do it. Let's go now. See?

[28:56.66 - 29:17.04]

But what happened is somebody said, we need a younger guy, you know, a never Trumper who became a Trumper. You know, he. he wrote a book, Appalachia, Take Me Home, Country Roads, Hillbilly Elegy, has a movie, you know. Hey, guess what? He's got a wife.

[29:17.04 - 29:19.28]

that's Indian heritage, born in America.

[29:20.90 - 29:31.38]

A little multicultural right there, right? No, no, no. OK, so now you got to fight your way out of the paper bag. But when you fight, you don't go back. You don't retreat.

[29:31.88 - 29:37.88]

OK? You put the left, you put the jab, whatever. OK? You know, right, hook. Don't back down.

[29:38.22 - 29:46.60]

Sorry. Because those ladies who hate you, never Trumpers, the mean tweet. ladies, they're going to. they're going to go with Nikki. They're going to go with.

[29:47.38 - 29:56.12]

They'll vote for Harris. It doesn't matter. You're not going to win them. Just go with what you got and be what you're going to be. Look, they already.

[29:56.12 - 30:07.22]

they had to drag Obama to support her. So that's there's your plus plus. And then they had to go get Jay-Z's wife to make the music for her. See, there you go. Celebrity.

[30:07.56 - 30:23.34]

Well, you know what? You're not going to get Taylor Swiftie. All right. And maybe you're going to wind up with Ted Nugent or Kid Rock. It's you get what you get, because nobody has the cojones in the music business to come forward and say, I support Trump.

[30:23.42 - 30:31.78]

But what, three, four guys? Right or wrong, Mike? Three, four guys? That's about it. I know one guy that supports Trump as a musician, but he's dead.

[30:32.16 - 30:38.78]

His name is Peter Nero. He's a piano player. He still supports Trump, but he can't play. live. All right.

[30:38.80 - 30:51.52]

He's not around. OK, so the point is, you dance with who bring you. You're there now. So no back. And now I heard that his campaign said we're going to move to the.

[30:51.52 - 31:02.70]

what is it called the debate because of this and that. No, no, go, just go forward, man. The dead man's gone. This is the lady. Let's go, Trump.

[31:02.82 - 31:15.62]

Fire away. You know, stop this. I'll take two step. one step forward, two steps back. OK, and that goes for all you guys that are on that campaign trail with him.

[31:16.40 - 31:26.44]

You know who you are and we know who you are. OK, so don't screw this up. You know, this is for the whole. what they call it, Mike, the whole bag of marbles. Is that what they call it?

[31:26.44 - 31:30.18]

It's what it is. Don't screw it up. Don't screw it up.

[31:32.96 - 31:41.50]

Don't worry, Trump's going to come through. Yeah. Already they're backpedaling on a campaign debate. Go debate her, man. What are you kidding me?

[31:42.28 - 31:48.30]

I get a kid in the seventh grade. He beat her down. Talking about. Get out there and do it. Let's see J.D.

[31:48.34 - 31:53.50]

Vance, man. By the way, did she? did Kamala pick anybody? yet? Do we know who to get?

[31:53.52 - 31:58.95]

You get it. You get it. But would it get you to get your booty? Oh, yeah. Bumper, talking about her.

[31:59.60 - 32:03.32]

Yeah. Bumper cars. Yeah. Buddha gig. Who did you?

[32:04.86 - 32:09.94]

Yeah. His daddy was a commie, too. Yeah. No, it's all in the family. Yeah.

[32:10.90 - 32:20.60]

What's the announcer? He's on the. he's on videos, too. He calls him Buddha. Well, he'll be like that fake.

[32:20.88 - 32:35.06]

What was that? That fake Irish lady who was riding a bicycle, green energy, and then they had to pick her up three blocks away, you know, Mr. Transportation on the bicycle. That's such a joke. If he was riding a bicycle in D.C., he'd be.

[32:35.06 - 32:42.06]

it'd be bicycle jacked. Yeah, the crime is so high. They'd not. they'd kick him off the bike and steal his bike. What are you talking about?

[32:42.06 - 32:50.82]

right now? D.C. is so crime ridden. You know, there's people that don't even want to take the trains. I mean, it's ridiculous.

[32:50.82 - 33:06.66]

You know, you go with your family to D.C. to visit the nation's capital. You know, maybe take some pictures around the, the tidal basin, you know, Mount Jefferson's Memorial, Lincoln's Memorial, and then you get stuck up. You know, I mean, come on. This is ridiculous.

[33:07.86 - 33:22.08]

And just so in case you don't know anybody who's listening to us around the country and outside the country, we have the most D.E.I. government in D.C. We have the D.E.I. mayor and the D.E.I. police chief.

[33:22.52 - 33:29.70]

I don't know. Are they dating each other, Mike? I have no idea. They look like they are. Well, they were going to do that, but they couldn't figure out what sexes they were.

[33:30.50 - 33:34.70]

So it really never came off. I wanted to mention one more thing, too, Colonel.

[33:37.34 - 34:07.66]

For those young men and women who are going to join this military and see what they're defending in Europe, I don't know if you noticed the reporting on the opening of the Olympics in Paris yesterday. Oh, my gosh. Is that terrible? But it was an anti-religion, specifically anti-Christian, anti-normality, pro-perversion, pro-state exhibition by some really odd looking people. Right.

[34:09.16 - 34:19.94]

I know Macron doesn't have a child, but if he had children, that would be them. And it really was disgusting. And then today, in the midst of all the

[34:23.18 - 35:11.70]

brouhaha, I guess, around the Olympic Games and the sort of the sabotage of the railway system. for a little bit, the French government pulled the license and the airwaves of a channel called C-8.. And as it turns out, it's the largest conservative television channel in France. And while that's going on, the Germans have moved against both media outlets and organizations that are conservative. And the German publisher who was going to publish Vance's book cancelled the contract because he was too much of an authoritarian.

[35:13.26 - 35:18.00]

Really? Yeah. Wow. Now, all those things. By the way, is that a NATO ally, Mike?

[35:18.08 - 35:31.10]

Germany, is that a NATO ally? Well, it used to be. And now it's. now it's just kind of floating around with no natural gas and with fools to run it. It might end up to be, you know, maybe Austria will reoccupy it.

[35:32.56 - 35:41.02]

What goes around comes around. Well, that's what Pete Buttigieg is. That's his logo.

[35:42.60 - 35:45.12]

What goes around comes around.

[35:47.06 - 36:02.76]

I can't stop myself today. This is, you know, every Monday night, by the time Monday rolls around and we got to do this show, you know, it's been a whole weekend and it's been a whole day. And sometimes I get, I guess, I guess it's sun drunk. You know, you used to get punch drunk. Now you get sun drunk.

[36:02.76 - 36:25.14]

I mean, the heat just doesn't stop. Well, you know, here on the East Coast, as you know, it's 100 here and 100 there and 100 everywhere, you know? Well, we might get rewarded with a real bad winter, I hope. Well, yeah, the Olympics opened up. I'm wondering about will BB use that Hannibal directive at the Olympics, you know, because they always wind up getting in trouble at the Olympics.

[36:25.48 - 36:42.14]

There's some kind of shootout or killing or hostage taking. You know, they got to widen the war somehow. And, you know, get the sympathy thermometer up to about 150 degrees, don't you think? Yeah. Mike, neither Iran or the United States want a wider war.

[36:42.30 - 36:45.66]

But BB already said he will fight a severed front war.

[36:47.30 - 37:14.28]

And that is basically already losing to Hamas and the Houthis in Yemen. Americans have to remember that if there was a war between us and the Muslims, it's their own people, their own elected officials, who let all of these people into this country without knowing whether they were good, bad or worse. You know, that would give them a reason to come up with the Patriot Act, which is what are we on? Verse seven, eight, nine. What are we on?

[37:14.30 - 37:23.30]

Ten. I mean, all. it is be more. We lost all our liberty and our freedoms after 9-11, you know, with this. We have to do this and that.

[37:23.40 - 37:31.52]

Put these scanners in the airports and so on. Mike, I got to go to commercial. Hey, don't forget to visit the sponsors and we're going to see you on the other side.

[37:33.78 - 37:58.88]

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[38:03.30 - 38:12.92]

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[38:22.08 - 38:44.44]

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[38:44.90 - 39:14.66]

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[39:14.94 - 39:22.32]

That's X-L-E-A-R dot com. Protect yourself from the pathogens and junk you breathe. Pick up a bottle for you and your family today.

[39:28.62 - 39:43.88]

Hey, we're back for the final segment. You're on the National Security Hour with Dr. Michael Schoyer, New York Times bestselling author, and Colonel Mike. Hey, Mike, for this last segment, let's just hit it off for a second. Did you read the latest about this Peter Strzok thing where he got some money from Biden?

[39:44.56 - 39:49.94]

1.2 million dollars. Now, what is that? what I read? What is that? What was that payment for?

[39:49.94 - 40:01.58]

the feel good? I feel bad. I feel good payment or something like that. Why did they get paid? It had something to do with with how the emails between him and his mistress were released.

[40:02.16 - 40:16.74]

That's all. I just read a very short piece about that, but it had something to do with they were mad because their emails, traitors, emails were released to the public. Did they say that the Wal-Mart people were smelly people?

[40:20.36 - 40:28.92]

But Strzok did say we have a plan, which I suppose could be for a pancake breakfast or something, but I suspect it was how to keep Trump out of power.

[40:30.66 - 40:40.50]

Oh, I see. So we pay for that now. Now we pay public servants who get paid careers and retirements. We got to pay on top of that. When do we ever win?

[40:40.50 - 40:55.66]

Like, you know, I'm going to repeat this again. I think I said it on the show. You had the PPP loans and then you had what they call the EID loans. It was an emergency disaster loan. That was it.

[40:55.82 - 41:26.48]

If you exhausted your PPP loan, whether it was forgiven or not, you paid it back. The other part, the government, came out at the time and said, well, we'll use the SBA and it'll be like similar to like having a hurricane. You know, one of these disaster loans, or earthquake, where the government comes in with the SBA and helps you out and you get some money and you got to pay it back. Well, it's a very good loan. It's a 3.75% loan, which at the time banks were charging six to six and a half percent for a loan.

[41:27.10 - 41:55.68]

So if you needed to keep your company alive because Fauci and everybody said you got to close and the Gestapo was coming to close your churches and stuff like that, or your small business, barbershop or something, you could apply for this EID loan, which was very easy. I mean, it was a matter of, I think of one or two year taxes, tax returns, and they had a formula. This minus X, divided by this, is that. So you could have borrowed up to a few million dollars. Okay.

[41:56.14 - 42:03.52]

Some of the loans required a collateral. Some of the loans didn't. So you paid your real estate taxes. You paid your office building. You paid your employees.

[42:03.52 - 42:13.92]

Basically, it was to keep employees, not workers, employees working for their employer, right? To keep the economy running.

[42:15.52 - 42:30.52]

Now, I have yet to hear anybody in the Congress or the Senate or the administration say, we're going to give you a forgiveness. Now, you might have borrowed $100,000.. Maybe you borrowed $200,000.. Maybe you borrowed $50,000.. Maybe you borrowed two, three million, right?

[42:30.52 - 42:42.28]

No one's calling you up, because I deal with talking to people all the time in the business world. And a lot of people are still paying those loans. They're 30-year loans. Don't get me wrong. Good loans, 3.75%, nice rate.

[42:42.78 - 43:00.76]

But why do we give other countries money? Why do we give student loan forgiveness and we don't forgive the people who kept everybody working? And today, I would say, a good portion of those companies are still operating because of those loans. You know what I mean? They were able to keep those companies open.

[43:01.14 - 43:15.76]

So I just want to throw it out there. This is another thing you have to consider. Now, if you're going to be forgiving everybody around the globe, because, by the way, Israel doesn't pay for this. Everybody's going to tell you that. NATO, it's just one of these grifty things.

[43:15.84 - 43:26.58]

They don't pay for anything. Ukraine, we gave $100 billion already. Don't expect them. Well, how you get paid back on Ukraine, I think, is going to be BlackRock, BlackStone,

[43:29.08 - 43:52.58]

BlackAngus. Somebody's going to get the contract to rebuild the country and partner with some NATO countries. And we will send in the, what do you call them, the Shylocks, the loan sharks, to give the loans and put them under those loans for 85 years. You know what I mean? Same people that economically raped Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

[43:53.14 - 44:04.36]

Yes. And the ones that basically told Hitler, you're going to have to pay for the war that we put against you in World War? I. They're called bankers. OK, loan sharks.

[44:04.82 - 44:22.30]

However, so I just want to throw that out there. If any of you have those EIDL loans, please put a comment on the bottom of the show. And if you want, give us your contract information. We'll speak with you live. You can come on,, and talk about it.

[44:22.36 - 44:34.42]

Because the reality is what the reality is. And that is that the American people need a break. We need a break. We need a tax break. Well, wait a minute.

[44:34.48 - 44:49.22]

If you take away the taxes, what about the entitlements? Well, you're not entitled to anything but what you pay for. You know, there's a thing called, what is it? you guys told me last week, God helps those who helps themselves, right? But there's something in the Bible that says, if you don't work, you shouldn't eat.

[44:51.42 - 45:03.78]

Now, I know that's a hard one to believe, because a lot of you guys look like you eat too much, without a job. All right. So somebody's giving you the money. And they're giving these illegals money. They're not, what do they call them?

[45:03.88 - 45:09.62]

What's the opposite of the illegals, Mike? They call them what? There's a name for them. Migrants. Yes, migrants, right?

[45:09.82 - 45:13.90]

Yes. Yeah. Well, they're illegals. In my book, they're illegals. And they're getting money.

[45:14.06 - 45:22.40]

And they're not. political asylum. I get political asylum. Look, I worked around that kind of stuff with some NGO. I was part of the UNPO.

[45:22.86 - 45:41.06]

I did liaison work with these unidentified countries that are always in conflict. And you didn't give any of these people political asylum, OK? And let's start from the top. Christian groups, not allowed in. Syrian, Burmese, Cambodian, nobody was allowed in.

[45:41.06 - 45:55.98]

The Judeo-Christian country, did not allow them in. Repeat, not allow the Christians in. Jimmy Carter's organization, the Carter Center, yeah. I'm making a hand gesture, if you know what I'm making, OK? Here's my hand gesture.

[45:56.78 - 46:02.98]

Yeah, never happened. Hot air. Oh, they're Christian? Sorry, we can't deal with that. Thank you very much.

[46:03.30 - 46:18.30]

It was nice notifying us, OK? All those people in Southeast Asia that were Christian in conflict zones were not allowed in. But we got the chosen. Go ahead, Mike, take it away. Yeah, I was just going to raise a point.

[46:18.50 - 46:41.44]

My wife, when we first met, said, you know, one of the worst things she thought about government was taking your property, your income, and giving it to other people. And she didn't mean Americans, I don't think. I think she's much more well-meaning and open-hearted than I am.

[46:42.96 - 47:26.18]

But she said, you know, what they've done is kill charity giving in this country. Because it used to be that the individuals would donate in this country, would donate to whatever needed to be done in their communities. But now they take a part of your taxes, which are largely robbery on the part of the federal government, and they give them to other people, overseas, people we don't know, people who, usually the leaders, take the biggest chunk of them. And it gets to be the point where you remember. we were founded on the idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which is basically the pursuit of property.

[47:27.46 - 48:01.60]

And through the ledger domain of these tax bills, they somehow can take not only money to run the government and pay for defense and to help people who are in dire straits, but they take your money and they give it to the Israelis. They give it to the Zambians. They give it to all kinds of people. Now, I'm not saying those people aren't worthy of it. Probably they are, some of them, maybe many of them.

[48:02.44 - 48:22.84]

But first of all, the thing is ruined because it goes to their governments first, and it barely any of it probably gets to where it's needed. But why does the government have the power to take property and give it to foreigners? It was not in the Constitution, Dr. Mike. It's nowhere in the Constitution.

[48:23.20 - 48:38.40]

And if we've had Supreme Courts that have taken a case on this and said the government's right to do it, then we need a new Supreme Court or a constitutional amendment that says nobody is going to be forced to give charity to foreigners.

[48:41.76 - 48:57.18]

That's just a grift. It's like welfare forever, welfare forever, where you get the constituency to vote for you. forever. Mike, you know, since it's not written, I want to ask you a question. I know it's a little bit off subject here, but I want to do it on the show.

[48:57.70 - 49:05.48]

You've been writing a book. I don't know how many years. I forgot. Lost count. But I know you have another book coming out.

[49:05.54 - 49:16.70]

You haven't had a book out in many, many years. Your books are reselling like crazy because of what's going on in the globe. You've had many New York Times bestsellers. Mike, what is the next book going to be about? Can you tell us about that?

[49:17.52 - 50:08.56]

I'm going to try in this book to describe what costs Americans have paid because they did not continue to abide by what the founders wrote about foreign policy. Trade with everyone, no entangling alliances, and no special favorites among countries in the world. And basically, we've lost virtually everything in this country since 1898 in the Spanish American War through wars. And the fact that wars fought in the past century and a quarter never end. We, we, we, we, it's, it's just, it's damaged everything.

[50:08.78 - 51:00.08]

And it's created, unfortunately, another violation of the Constitution. The founders wanted to put chains around. the president and his advisors, put a lock on the chains so they could never take us to war without the Congress of the United States declaring by a majority vote that we should, we should do that. Now, we haven't had a declaration of war since 1941, and we've been in, what, 20, 25 wars since then, losing everyone. Why in the world, doesn't anybody ever say during a presidential election, we're going to use the Congress to reassert its power, which is not, you can't delegate that power.

[51:00.08 - 51:18.26]

The Constitution makes it very clear that the laws they've put in to delegate are clearly illegal. Mike, what is it? they always say? There's like, they use a three letter word, I think it's AMF, or something, that you hear. The use of military force is the one that it's called.

[51:18.52 - 51:37.12]

Yeah. And so what it does, it's very simple. It's, it's a grift, as you would say, Colonel, because you vote that law into place. If the president uses it, it's his war. And if he, if he wins, the, the, the congressmen and the senators can, can cheer him.

[51:37.54 - 51:51.50]

If he loses, well, then they can damn him to hell from, from now till, you know, next Wednesday. So, so what is the letters? There's three letters, Mike? Four. Can you tell me the letters again?

[51:51.74 - 52:00.28]

Authority for the use of military force. I think it's A-U-M-T. All right. So I want to change that. I want to put AMF.

[52:00.88 - 52:10.78]

Okay. And you can all figure out what I'm saying. We'll put the AMF in. The first word is adios. And we could give that to the Congress, and the president tells that.

[52:11.30 - 52:56.20]

The president, the president, by any stretch of the imagination, is not empowered to take us to war. And without the Congress saying so, and they can't delegate it. It's, it's, they've, they've got to do it themselves. The president has to ask for a declaration of war, except there, if there is an invasion or an imminent threat against the United States. But what we've seen from Johnson and Kennedy and Nixon and Reagan and, and all the rest of them, except for Trump, is, is this business of going to war because the president and his, his advisors think it's the right thing to do.

[52:57.34 - 53:26.10]

Or it's the right thing for their political future to do. Hey, Black America, Black America, can you imagine what your communities would look like if we didn't spend $4 trillion in Iraq? Hey, White America, can you imagine how beautiful your community would be if we didn't spend $4 trillion in Iraq? Just think about that. And that's not what Afghanistan and the other little incidentals, probably about $6 to $7 trillion, right?

[53:26.60 - 53:52.78]

We'd have a beautiful country and everybody could have a brand new Rambler. They don't sell them anymore, but you can get a model somewhere, I'm sure, for a buck and a half and some glue. All right. Just think about how your country would be looking if we didn't have to fight all these wars, while our Congress gets a lifetime 30-year grift job, gets gold-plated health care and insider trading, while you're here saying, gee, I can't rub two nickels together. What's a nickel?

[53:52.86 - 54:05.54]

We don't even have those anymore. OK? Can't rub two phony dollars anymore. Go ahead. You know, I was just going to say, you know, if you look at the situation we're in now, Vietnam is the reason we're not on the gold standard anymore.

[54:06.32 - 54:25.84]

And why we went to deficit financing and why we spent all the Social Security money and all the other money around until there's nothing left at all. You know, that was that Kennedy, we'll put that in a lockbox, Ted Kennedy, the lion. That was the lion of the Senate. Yeah, he was a lion. He went around devouring everything he could devour.

[54:26.46 - 54:40.38]

And that's not even mentioning the women, but go ahead. Wasn't very good at driving over bridges, if I remember correctly. Yeah. Him and Chris Dodd, big party goers on the Hill. That was before the Senate.

[54:40.56 - 55:11.56]

That was before they were doing the homosexual acts in the Senate chambers. Yeah, but the book is just basically common sense, Colonel. And remember, a reminder to people that, although it's over 200 years ago, the founders, because they knew their history from Greece and Rome and the Bible forward, they knew that no human individual is different from any other human individual. You mean they didn't have Game Boy and Nintendo in those days, Mike? None of that.

[55:12.44 - 55:35.86]

Oh, okay. Just checking. And they knew that every human being has a great potential for good and a great potential for bad. Can you do me a favor? Can you ask your publisher, the next publisher, say, look, my co-host, Colonel, Mike, would like you to give us an extra case of books that we can give out to our listeners and can autograph, because you're out of books and people always call.

[55:37.42 - 55:57.22]

They send me these emails, Colonel, Mike, do you think I can get an autographed copy? I'm sorry, sir, but that was 100 years ago. We don't have any around and I have nothing to do with this. You know, Mike gets, I don't know how many books, they give you a couple of books and you get to sign them and give them away. But, you know, tell this next publisher, you know, try to be like a Democrat.

[55:57.22 - 55:58.20]

Give us a few extra.

[56:01.90 - 56:12.68]

Because, Mike, I'm serious. How many times I've called you and said, do you have any books? And you say, no, I don't have any. And people are like, can I get a copy autographed? I'm like, well, buy it and send it to us and we'll get an autograph.

[56:12.92 - 56:19.16]

But, you know, your books are hotter than firecrackers. now. You know, it just, it's amazing. We got the last two minutes. Take it away, Dr.

[56:19.22 - 56:19.42]


[56:22.62 - 56:33.14]

Well, there's so many things that need to be discussed. But I think the main thing that we need to keep in mind is that we really only have a short time.

[56:34.72 - 56:51.56]

from now until November. And then we have another hundred days before the inauguration. We want to avoid a civil war. We want to avoid being cheated out of another election win. But you have to be prepared for the worst.

[56:52.62 - 57:07.18]

And I think that's a very important thing for anybody to think about. All right. So I'm going to wrap it up and say, you know, while the summer's still on, don't forget. Now, try. this is great on your hamburgers when you grill in a hamburger or cheeseburger, whatever.

[57:07.50 - 57:18.92]

Get some of those hatch chilies, H-A-T-C-H, Hatch, New Mexico chilies. They're roasted and they're great. And I don't get paid for saying that. They're just dynamite, OK? And Mike said we don't have much time.

[57:18.92 - 57:31.98]

So maybe we can contact Taylor Swift's people. She writes these nice songs called Back to December. Maybe we can move it. We could have a new song back for another four years, or something. I don't know.

[57:32.06 - 57:44.14]

Maybe maybe she'll be a Republican for this round. Anyway, Mike, thank you for coming back on. The greatest co-host you can have. And I want to thank my superstar, superstar co-host, Dr. Michael Schroeder, for being back on today.

[57:44.38 - 57:54.44]

And thank you for joining us on the mission. The National Security Hour is the tip of the spear in the epic battle to defend the United States of America. And we mean that. Hey, listen to this music. as they take us out.

[57:54.78 - 57:57.04]

Super music. The hair stands up on the back of your head.
