As the Olympics mock Christianity, we are living in Biblical Times

2024-07-31 00:57:27

America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

Speaker 1
[00:07.92 - 00:17.50]

Well, if we've learned anything from these past couple of years, my fellow Americans, it's that personal medical freedom and liberty are in crisis.

[00:19.52 - 00:27.14]

America Out Loud Pulse brings together the top experts in healthcare-related fields to keep you upbeat again.

[00:32.54 - 00:51.72]

And maybe the most important article that the Wall Street Journal has written during the COVID catastrophe, I'm going to reference an article they wrote February 28, 2020, titled Italian Churches Go Into Quarantine.

[00:53.26 - 01:37.30]

And it has to do with what the church has done, the Catholic Church has done, and like other churches have done in the last four and a half years, compared to what happened with the plague, which had an infectious fatality rate of 16 to 35%. That's the backdrop. And now we know the infectious fatality rate of the COVID for people under 60. in the United States, the infectious fatality rate is 0.003%, as John Ioannidis out of Stanford proved a couple of years ago, maybe. Here's what the article.

[01:37.30 - 02:16.58]

Italian Churches Go Into Quarantine says. When the coronavirus arrived in Italy, it also arrived in the heart of global Catholicism. Yet throughout the country, the church's response has been underwhelming, and the clergy are failing the faithful amid the crisis. Boy, that's a great opening line, and it's sad but true. Quote, we have to follow, we have to follow the rules provided by the governing authorities of the Lombardy region, since we're first and foremost Italian citizens.

[02:17.42 - 02:59.66]

This is one of their leaders, parish priest from Milan's most important church, said. He also said in the article, the article also goes on, compare the Pope's response to how Cardinal Borromeo of Milan handled the Black Plague when it struck his archdiocese in 1630.. Quote, be prepared to abandon this mortal life, he said to Manzani in Manzani's classic The Betrothed, 1827.. Go towards the plague with love, like a prize, as if towards another life, if a soul can be saved for Jesus Christ.

[03:01.82 - 03:20.68]

He invited priests to continue to provide all the sacraments, even at great risk. Many clergymen answered the call, remaining in their churches and celebrating the Holy Mass amid one of the most terrifying plagues in history. Many died as martyrs, serving believers who found solace in the church.

[03:22.20 - 04:02.20]

The coronavirus is less harmful than the Black Plague, which shows with even more clarity how much the church's leadership role has changed. Once a firm source of strength against all adversity, now churches across Italy have suspended all religious activities. Churches are obliged to follow these orders, which comes from the President of the Lombardy region. according to a statement by the Archdiocese of Milan. From the Pope to local parish priests, the church today is a far cry from Cardinal Borromeo's during the Black Plague.

[04:02.66 - 04:31.16]

The suspension of most religious activities, the church is more cautious, which isn't necessarily a bad development, but its absence isn't being compensated by a strong spiritual presence, which Italians desperately need. The clergy may eventually develop a stronger spiritual response to this outbreak, but the fortitude of the 17th century church, described by Manzano, no longer exists.

[04:33.32 - 04:47.60]

Ms. Bocey was the author of that article. We are in biblical times. indeed. The church has abandoned its post, not just the Catholics, but most Protestants as well.

[04:48.86 - 05:19.12]

And that is where we find ourselves. I think the satanic attempted murder of President Trump was one of the most, one of the clearest examples in our lifetimes of such evil, along with so many of the policies that are destroying the world, not just our country, but the world through this one world government goal that is so transparent now.

[05:22.49 - 05:33.22]

We are indeed in biblical times. On top of that, I'd like to read John Leake's post, The Unhumans Are Coming,

[05:35.24 - 06:21.12]

and it is based on a book by John Pasobiec, P-O-S-O-B-I-E-C, and Steve Bannon and Joseph Lysak, or Lysak. I'm going to read the article. When I was in graduate school, I wrote my master's thesis on the nature and history of political revolutions. As part of my research, I read Dostoevsky's Demons, which tells the story of a fictional town consumed by chaos when it becomes the launch pad of an attempted revolution led by a master manipulator. The novel portrays characters who seem to be possessed by demons.

[06:22.50 - 07:05.84]

I also read The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakovich, which tells the story of Satan visiting the Soviet Union. Only years later did I learn that the book inspired Mick Jagger to write Sympathy for the Devil, with the terrifying verses. Stuck around St. Petersburg when I saw it was a time for change, killed Tsar and his ministers, Anastasia screamed in vain. I rode a tank, held a general's rank when the Blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank.

[07:06.34 - 08:15.14]

I recently thought of these verses, as well as Dostoevsky's Demons, as I read Unhumans, the secret history of communist revolutions and how to crush them. The authors make a pretty good case that the people historically known as revolutionaries or communists are best understood, not by the ideological doctrine they espouse, but by the emotions they harbor, namely resentment, a sense of grievance, and a desire to destroy institutions and people. As they see it, the fact that communist revolutionaries have murdered tens of millions of people is a feature, and not a bug of their approach to the world. Readers already familiar with the blood-soaked history of the French and Russian revolutions will not be surprised by the authors' accounts of these episodes. They also present vivid and detailed accounts of the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese Civil War and Cultural Revolution, and America's 1960s Revolution and Cultural War.

[08:15.90 - 09:31.62]

Most terrifying is their plausible demonstration that the spirit that animated these past horrors has been gathering strength in the United States for the last 20 years. This is the most revelant part of the book. In 1995, when I wrote my master's thesis on Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, I knew the destructive spirit that Burke described still lurked in the hearts and minds of many academics around me in Boston, but I assumed we'd reached a moment in American history when their ideas were destined henceforth to remain in the intellectual ghetto of college campuses. Just three years earlier, Francis Fukuyama had published his widely read book, The End of History, in which he heralded the final triumph of Western liberal representative government with strict limitations on state power. My teacher and thesis advisor, Roger Scruton, often struck me as excessively gloomy in his utterances and writings about the left and its undying ambition to destroy institutions, beauty, and truth.

[09:32.46 - 10:18.32]

At the time, I wondered if he was getting old and cranky. Now I realize he was right. The radical left was resolutely continuing its long march through the institutions. On a personal note, it seems to me that the fortunes of cultural Marxism since 2000 have been wildly boosted by the corrupt excesses of Wall Street, especially during the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008.. A great paradox and irony is the fact that Barack Obama's first cabinet was entirely composed of people who were recommended by Obama's campaign manager, John Podesta, by a C-group executive named Michael Froman.

[10:19.06 - 11:42.36]

When Froman's email containing his recommendations was published by WikiLeaks, it strengthened my perception that woke ideology partly serves as a mechanism for distracting and dividing everyone in the country who does not work in the financial industry. The objective of this strategy is to direct everyone's resentments at each other and not at the financial class, which has amassed immense wealth through the financialization of everything instead of producing anything. It's a salient fact that Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, did not prosecute a single major Wall Street executive for any of their fraudulent and deceptive practices that led directly to the mortgage-backed securities meltdown of 2008.. From the point of view of the 1%, it's better for poor black men and women to direct their anger at rural white plumbers who, like Trump, instead of at rich asset owners who adorn their yards with Obama-Biden and later Biden-Harris campaign signs. The authors of Unhumans are most illuminating in their criticism of American conservatives for consistently failing to understand the true nature of the left's gain.

[11:43.10 - 12:14.94]

As they put it, our thesis is that the conservative movement has failed to conserve anything worth conserving. This is why we are in the situation we currently find ourselves in, and it is, in fact a state of learned helplessness. Conservatives, centrists, and the right-wing lose to the left because they do not fundamentally understand the left. Let this be a software update to all who read this. The cultural Marxist knows that the conservative will cry foul.

[12:15.46 - 12:50.10]

The conservative will lash out with angry tweets about double standards and hypocrisy. But the cultural Marxist does not care. The cultural Marxist views everyone else as either unaware of the goal of the revolution – less than them – or an obstacle standing in their way to be destroyed. Only the revolution matters to the revolutionary. Conservatives have lost years of ground by being obsessed with debating facts and logic rather than doing the grubby work of entering into institutions and remaking them from inside.

[12:50.82 - 13:07.34]

The revolutionaries are a generation ahead in this regard. Conservatives are playing catch-up and the hour is drawing late. Time is short. Ultimately, the revolutionary does not care what the conservative says about them. They aren't operating in good faith.

[13:09.22 - 13:46.40]

These aren't the unintentional consequences of good intentions. Conservatives need to wake up, and wake up now. This is a playbook that has been around longer than the United States itself, and we are reaching the endgame. The documentary filmmaker Justin Malone, who is currently making a film about KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, has been telling me an iteration of this for years. As he sees it, we aren't dealing with ordinary humans who will ultimately concede to facts and logic, but with fanatics who seem to be demonically possessed.

[13:47.28 - 14:07.38]

While we're busy trying to grow businesses, raise kids and enjoy life, they are constantly on the march, sowing confusion and division, subverting institutions and the education of children. By the time we wake up to what is going on and react to it, they are already marching off on the next campaign.

[14:09.36 - 15:29.76]

Recognizing this, Passat and his co-authors provide a practical guidebook for lawfully fighting back against the cultural Marxist revolutionaries who aspire to divide and destroy our civilization. Chapter 13 is titled, The Plan, Counter-Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics. I hope that all reasonable people who care about American civilization and the future of our children and grandchildren will read Unhumans and refer to Chapter 13 as a manual for taking action in their local communities and institutions. So, that important post on courageous discourse with John Leake and Peter McCullough is a clarion call, past due, that should have been preached for decades from our pulpits, but unfortunately they have been sadly mistaken and not. It is time for us to wake up and accept the reality on where we're in, accept the reality that we win, the church and Jesus Christ, we win, if we do the heroic,

[15:31.86 - 16:00.54]

courageous things that are required of us. These are exciting times for us to live in. We are blessed to be here for a time such as this, and it's time that we accept what we're up against and move out accordingly. It's just time is of the essence. It's time for the preachers, priests, and rabbis to repent and to show us how to repent and demand that we repent.

[16:01.50 - 16:37.38]

It is time for an awakening. The absurdities that we've been forced to accept over the last four and a half years with COVID are no better example in our country's history. As I've stated many times, it is the greatest evil the United States has been responsible for in our entire history. Why? Because it includes slavery and the loss of freedoms, and it includes abortion, and it includes just the destruction of the system.

[16:37.98 - 16:53.56]

That's their goal. That's what we're stuck with. And now, especially given the unbelievably satanic act, the attempted murder of President Trump,

[16:55.56 - 17:05.58]

the gloves are off. It's time for us to regard the Lord's Word, as Habakkuk 2 is an example of that.

[17:07.16 - 17:24.68]

It's time for us to heed His Word and humbly submit ourselves to His will. And, as Steve Bannon says, next man up. I'll come back on the other side of this break. Thank you for joining us on America. Out Loud Pulse.

[17:24.68 - 17:29.12]

I'm Dr. Stuart Tankersley on iHeartRadio.

[18:23.42 - 18:51.32]

Is your gut a mess? Two-thirds of Americans suffer because of gastrointestinal issues, and I was one of them. That is why we created a three-step, doctor-formulated, completely natural gut reboot system that you can do at home in just minutes a day. Go to forward, slash outloud today. Get the Malcolm Healthy Gut Bundle, reboot your gut and your energy and save 20% on your first order.

Speaker 3
[18:52.72 - 18:53.48]

I'm so confused.

Speaker 1
[18:53.74 - 18:54.70]

I don't know what to do.

Speaker 2
[18:54.98 - 18:56.44]

I'm afraid of going to the hospital.

Speaker 1
[18:56.86 - 19:16.30]

My doctor tells me nutrition doesn't work. Trust is earned. We are the Energetic Health Institute and we want to earn your trust. Natural medicine, holistic nutrition, detoxification, fasting, cellular healing and so much more. Remember, the best way to be free is to be healthy.

[19:16.86 - 19:22.56]

So stop being a patient and start being a student at

[19:28.96 - 19:44.26]

Welcome back to America. Out Loud Pulse. I'm Dr. Stuart Tankersley on iHeart Radio, always one beat ahead, along with Dr. Peter McCullough on Wednesdays and Ginger and Peter Bragan on Thursdays.

[19:44.72 - 20:21.26]

We are honored and welcome to bring you the latest and greatest regarding the insanity of COVID usually and the times we are in. And in that vein, for today, I'm going to read a op-ed article that I submitted and was published last week. Have you heard of the Alabama virus? Hopefully you never will. Recent news reports show that COVID cases are surging, although much less deadly.

[20:21.26 - 21:14.66]

This surge reminds us of the so-called gift that keeps on giving, causing us to wonder, how did all this start? Millions still suffer or will suffer the effects of long COVID or a vaccine injury that can affect any organ system. Indeed, COVID and the COVID shots have left a wake of people killed or permanently injured, churches closed, some permanently, businesses ruined, child education stunted, and a plethora of other problems. But at least we aren't currently forced to wear mouth diapers, practice anti-social distancing, or inject unproven foreign substances into our body. An honest COVID review is past due and there is no guarantee we can get one from the public health system.

[21:15.22 - 21:42.42]

Unexpected emergencies usually lead to bad policies and worse legislation. It is past time to correct mistakes and plan for any future pandemics. the powers that be may throw our way. Does anyone believe this is really the last pandemic? Despite the current flare of COVID cases, COVID deaths abated since the arrival of the Omicron variant in the winter of 2021-2022..

[21:43.04 - 22:14.70]

Yet the public health system doesn't always admit this, a fact evidenced by Alabama's state health officer, Dr. Scott Harris, who absurdly claimed in January of 2022 that Omicron was 10 times more deadly than the flu. While the lethality of the current variant is much lower than the original, which had an infectious fatality rate for people under 60 of 0.003%, U.S. excess deaths remain historically high.

[22:16.45 - 22:32.42]

Side note, the latest data that I've seen shows that in the fourth week of April of this year in the United States, there was still a 10% excess death rate, or 10% excess deaths.

[22:33.94 - 23:15.24]

Continuing, abundant worldwide evidence shows the injurious COVID shots wreaking astounding levels of deaths, but the willingness of the public health apparatus to address this is absent. Despite their control, they must answer many questions, including how did the benign nature of a coronavirus turn so potentially dangerous? A young reporter once asked President Trump, why do you keep calling COVID the China virus? Trump's measured response was priceless, because it came from China. That's true, but there's much more.

[23:15.60 - 23:47.72]

Substantial evidence shows that COVID was somehow leaked from a Wuhan lab that used gain-of-function research. Just a few weeks ago, a top National Institute of Health official admitted in sworn testimony that we paid for the Wuhan gain-of-function research through Dr. Ralph Barak of EcoHealth Alliance at the University of North Carolina. Following this belated admission, Barak was blocked from receiving any more funds funding by the U.S. government.

[23:49.84 - 24:31.08]

Most of us have heard of gain-of-function, but only have a vague idea of its meaning. It is essentially research and experimentation that enables a virus or other organism to perform functions it could not ordinarily perform. For example, scientists may take an influenza virus that can be transmitted only by physical contact and enable it to be transmitted airborne. Or they may take a virus transmitted only among raccoons and enable it to be transmitted to dogs and cats. Patents come with such research, allowing scientists and governmental entities to receive huge funding, mostly from taxpayers.

[24:32.02 - 25:14.14]

Not only is the money received from the absurd ethical compromise of the creation of the pathogens, but this thing guarantees more money for the subsequent development of the cure, such as vaccines. Gain-of-function enabled the virus to infect humans and to make it more infectious and lethal. Somehow, the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, spreading through China and across the world. To protect its citizens, China stopped all flights from Wuhan to other cities in China, but callously allowed flights from Wuhan to other parts of the globe to continue. The COVID pandemic has been and continues to be the worst crime against humanity.

[25:15.24 - 25:38.62]

As such, do the results of gain-of-function research justify the risks? Former CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield, says no. Redfield, who was at odds with Dr. Anthony Fauci for decades, but was unsuccessful in curbing this research, has repeatedly called for moratorium on such evil.

[25:39.30 - 26:20.68]

He's even done so in congressional hearings. Expecting the Communist Chinese Party to behave responsibly is a tragic miscalculation, given their persistent patterns of abuse toward their own citizens. But it is past time for our government to abandon such lunacy. It is increasingly clear that safer alternatives exist, alternatives that some experts say are also more likely to generate results that can be readily translated into public health benefits. One thing is clear, we must not risk precious Alabama lives to gain-of-function research.

[26:20.90 - 26:32.30]

We therefore urge our legislators to consider a bill prohibiting gain-of-function research in all facilities in our state, whether they be local, state, or federal.

[26:35.12 - 27:21.32]

Wait a minute, because of the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, which puts federal laws above state laws, Alabama can't prohibit gain-of-function on federal facilities, can it? It's not that simple. The Constitution includes the 10th Amendment, reserving powers not delegated to the federal government, to the states. When the Constitution delegates powers to the federal government, that is the supreme law of the land, and when the Constitution reserves powers to the states, that is equally the supreme law of the land. Unless some provision of the Constitution delegates this power to the federal government or prohibits it to the states, the power is reserved to the states, and that is the supreme law of the land.

[27:21.32 - 27:51.32]

Furthermore, a major responsibility of state governments is to protect the lives and welfare of their people. Texas has heroically defended its people from an invasion of illegal immigrants, so our beloved state must protect its people from what we hope will never be called the Alabama virus. I wrote that along with John Ides-Moe, who serves as a professor of constitutional law and is also a senior counsel for the Foundation of Moral Law.

[27:54.26 - 28:02.76]

Yes, that is an example of the evil that must be ended. We must address it forthwith.

[28:05.36 - 28:44.92]

In that vein, I thought I would play an audio, play a video, and I will comment on the timeline in which Dr. Peter Hotez, who is a co-director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, he's a pediatric vaccinologist, never met a vaccine he didn't like, probably. Anyways, here is his testimony and statements that I'm going to play for you, and I will comment on the time of his statements. March of 2020, he is in congressional hearing and he says the following.

Unknown Speaker
[28:46.62 - 28:53.68]

One of the things that we're not hearing a lot about is the unique potential safety problem of coronavirus vaccines.

Speaker 2
[28:54.72 - 28:56.00]

Something changed.

Speaker 1
[28:58.84 - 29:00.12]

March 21st.

Speaker 2
[29:01.72 - 29:06.12]

The J&J vaccine has a risk of life-threatening blood clots.

Unknown Speaker
[29:06.84 - 29:09.24]

When you hear the beep, that's the sound of the vaccine.

Speaker 1
[29:09.24 - 29:14.34]

If you wait, it's going to be too late to protect your child.

Speaker 2
[29:14.52 - 29:23.98]

If you miss your child, what happens next could make it the worst day of your life. So, even though COVID poses zero threat to healthy children. Vaccinating children. You'll do the right thing.

Unknown Speaker
[29:24.30 - 29:25.78]

You'll be safe, but not sorry.

Speaker 3
[29:25.90 - 29:30.32]

I'm strongly recommending for adolescents to get their two doses of the vaccine fully.

Speaker 1
[29:30.32 - 29:34.50]

immunized after those two doses. And it's going to save lives.

Speaker 2
[29:34.96 - 29:36.52]

It's going to be a long-lasting vaccine.

Speaker 1
[29:39.88 - 29:44.48]

We're seeing that two doses is not holding up well for emergencies.

Speaker 2
[29:45.06 - 29:47.72]

It's not holding up well for hospitalization.

[29:50.64 - 29:53.94]

Everyone's going to need a booster. You need that third immunization.

Unknown Speaker
[29:54.08 - 29:54.86]

Triple the amount.

Speaker 2
[29:54.98 - 29:57.60]

Get that third immunization. Get two mRNA vaccines.

Speaker 1
[29:57.74 - 29:59.28]

We're open to three-dose vaccines.

Speaker 2
[29:59.42 - 30:00.56]

Get two mRNA vaccines.

Speaker 1
[30:00.74 - 30:02.16]

We're open to three-dose vaccines.

Speaker 2
[30:02.26 - 30:04.44]

You've always said, this is a three-dose vaccine.

Speaker 1
[30:04.46 - 30:06.44]

You've always said, this is a three-dose vaccine.

Unknown Speaker
[30:08.46 - 30:09.86]

I'm not done yet.

Speaker 2
[30:10.34 - 30:11.28]

Third immunization.

Speaker 1
[30:12.18 - 30:14.34]

The problem is it's not holding up.

Speaker 2
[30:14.48 - 30:17.88]

So we may have to look at sort of innovative solutions.

Speaker 1
[30:18.28 - 30:26.34]

Oh, God, not this again. Fourth immunization. Just to keep them going. Keep the country going. We have to consider some out-of-the-box things.

Speaker 2
[30:26.54 - 30:29.52]

Fourth immunization. Four. Fourth immunization.

Speaker 1
[30:29.78 - 30:30.50]

Get that second dose.

Speaker 2
[30:30.50 - 30:37.32]

The second dose to keep the country going. I made that recommendation. Fourth immunization. But I'm still not done.

[30:38.96 - 30:52.76]

Unfortunately, the numbers are starting to trend up again. So the hospitalizations are up. And so the most important message that I have this morning is get your new bivalent booster. Willie and Lise were saying they got their booster. And I was like, oh, I need to get mine.

[30:53.22 - 31:03.08]

And then I found out they were talking about the third shot. And is that the bivalent or is it the fourth booster or does it matter? Don't worry so much about the number.

[31:05.18 - 31:07.00]

Get your bivalent booster.

Speaker 1
[31:09.44 - 31:11.74]

Bivalent one is doing a much better job.

Speaker 2
[31:12.36 - 31:20.36]

You need to get your bivalent booster. Bivalent booster for COVID. Does everyone ages 12 and older need a booster? The answer is yes.

Speaker 1
[31:21.30 - 31:31.28]

And, by the way, if you're over 15 and have gotten two boosters and more than two to four months out, you're going to need a third booster as well, a fifth immunization.

Speaker 3
[31:32.10 - 31:35.88]

I don't think we're going to need an annual booster like flu.

Speaker 1
[31:37.48 - 31:40.92]

Dr. Hotez supports yearly boosters, just like flu.

Speaker 2
[31:42.40 - 31:46.38]

It looks as though the boosters are not holding up quite as well as we'd like.

Speaker 1
[31:46.78 - 32:03.26]

And I think our thinking is going to change and that what's going to happen is every few months we may need another booster. Perfect results each and every time. No, we just could not overcome that massive disinformation campaign.

Speaker 2
[32:03.48 - 32:08.38]

These fake concepts of herd, immunity and discrediting masks. Dr. Hotez, you are a national treasure.

Speaker 1
[32:08.62 - 32:19.36]

Picking off young people like you've never seen. Dr. Peter Hotez, that was extremely informative. Disinformation that you're hearing that kids are fine is nonsense. Kids need to get that vaccination.

Speaker 2
[32:19.72 - 32:21.54]

New healthcare workers have been our saviors.

Speaker 1
[32:21.64 - 32:31.46]

Watch out for that misinformation. Dr. Peter Hotez is probably one of the smartest people on this cosmos. If you haven't gotten your five and others vaccinated yet, now's the time to do that. Dr.

[32:31.58 - 32:42.26]

Peter Hotez, thank you for saving the world. We also support the third immunization for the 12 to 17-year-olds. Dr. Hotez, you are a voice of reason. Take down the fake information.

Speaker 2
[32:42.72 - 32:53.48]

Take the fake information to the left. Tell them to vaccinate all the way through there. Make sure that everybody's vaccinated, including their kids. That's the single most important thing right now that the American people have to do. Dr.

[32:53.68 - 32:58.28]

Peter Hotez was the person that we'd like to go to for this sort of expertise.

[33:04.38 - 33:11.10]

Monkeypox is a global emergency. It's accelerating on a specific social network.

Speaker 1
[33:11.56 - 33:15.28]

Many don't have sex with men because it's sexually transmitted.

Speaker 2
[33:15.60 - 33:20.14]

Monkeypox is sexually transmitted. Almost exclusively.

Speaker 1
[33:20.62 - 33:27.32]

Before we let you go, we have to stop and applaud you, because a lot of MSNBC viewers have watched you constantly for the last three years.

Speaker 2
[33:27.60 - 33:30.76]

Oh, I know. And have come to trust you. I most fully appreciate what you've done.

Speaker 1
[33:31.20 - 33:44.32]

One of the things that we're not hearing a lot of. Yep, that's the truth as they know it. Of course, it's a lie built upon lie, built upon lie. That's the wonderful Dr. Peter Hotez.

[33:46.28 - 33:59.08]

Giving disinformation statement after disinformation statement after disinformation statement. Of course, he is advocating that the Department of Homeland Security squelch public.

[34:00.60 - 34:25.62]

Public debate and personal rights in order that he gets his way. And. Then, lastly, is what I would like to do is take a in this segment is take a question from someone that. Had some concerns about. Our perspective politically.

[34:26.88 - 34:28.90]

Read this letter.

[34:30.46 - 34:47.60]

This is from Lindy. Dr. Tankersley has recently come down hard on both Joe Biden and Donald Trump for their part of the COVID debacle. I was wondering if we could give President Trump a break. COVID was new and he had bad advice.

[34:48.02 - 35:13.46]

If this was a preplanned event to defeat him in the 2020 election, don't you think he was led around to various conclusions? He had some good doctors who were pushed out by Fauci. He did promote early treatments. He himself took hydroxychloroquine and was vilified for it. Don't you think that warp speed was probably not his idea, but was led fed to him by Fauci's crew?

[35:14.68 - 35:35.94]

He does take credit for it, but I think he could convince. He could be convinced that it was a bad idea. with the correct information. He has said, he would have never mandated the vaccine. I believe this whole mess was caused by the Democrats to take Trump out and regain power of the White House and all these agendas they already have taken control of.

[35:36.24 - 35:43.74]

Seems like you, are promoting Robert Kennedy Jr. for president. For one thing, he doesn't have a chance of winning. He is very liberal. on other issues.

[35:43.86 - 36:03.38]

He promotes abortion, which is crazy, as he is such an advocate for children's health. But it is okay to kill them in the womb. How sad is that? Please reconsider Trump and his culpability for the vaccine and other bad mandates. I believe he was duped, and he will be smarter.

[36:03.38 - 36:23.72]

this go-around because of people like you who have told the truth about COVID. I enjoy your show and your expertise. Blessings. Thank you very much, Lindy. I would just simply point to the fact that President Trump still refuses to speak ill of the vaccines.

[36:24.42 - 36:39.78]

Whether the reports are true that his family has benefited is irrelevant. He should come out against the shots. He should state firmly that. He has had ample opportunity. The evidence has been around forever.

[36:39.78 - 37:15.36]

I agree that Robert Kennedy Jr. wins on this issue, but the liberal evil system that has been in play for the last few months, correction, several years, like we have talked about in this show, needs to be addressed quickly, completely, and calling it for what it is, for the satanic and demonic influences that are on it. With that, thank you for joining us again. We will be back on the other side of the break.

[37:16.92 - 37:22.54]

On America Out Loud Pulse, on iHeart Radio, always one beat ahead.

[37:25.42 - 37:50.62]

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[37:55.10 - 38:04.62]

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Speaker 4
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Speaker 2
[39:14.66 - 39:20.64]

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Speaker 1
[39:21.00 - 39:21.80]

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Speaker 2
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Speaker 3
[40:01.32 - 41:12.30]

So, we are still calling on the FDA, as well as our regulatory agencies, to remove the mRNA genetic injections from our current available medications, or approved medications, or injections, in a sense, from the market. And one of the things that I thought was interesting was to review that this is not the first time that once bad information is found about something, that it takes a long time for things to be removed. And the reasons are plentiful, but it is best to hear it from somebody who's actually been in this fight. And that is one of the reasons that I think listening to this next testimony will be useful for giving us an idea of how hard it will be, but how actually it needs to be done. And so that is what we're going to do this morning is going to listen to Dr.

[41:12.42 - 41:29.18]

David Graham, who is the Director of the Office of Drug Safety at the FDA, as his testimony before Congress in 2004.. So, again, 20 years ago, 20 years ago, alerting us to these issues. So, here, without further ado, is Dr. David Graham.

Speaker 2
[41:30.06 - 41:51.02]

I strongly believe that this should have been and largely could have been avoided, but it wasn't. And over 100,000 Americans have paid dearly for this failure. In my opinion, the FDA has let the American people down. Now, why was the question of Vioxx and heart attack important to me? Well, one, Vioxx would undoubtedly be used by millions of people.

[41:51.36 - 42:18.10]

That's a very large number to expose if there's a serious drug risk. Two, heart attack is a fairly common problem. It's a common event. And, given the commonness of the event and the large number of people who would be using it, even a small increase in the risk due to Vioxx could mean that tens of thousands of Americans might be seriously harmed or killed by the drug. If these three factors were present, I knew that we had all the ingredients needed to guarantee a national disaster.

[42:18.74 - 42:39.62]

The first two factors were established realities. It came down to the third factor. That is, what was the level of risk with Vioxx, at both the low and the high dose? I worked with Kaiser Permanente in California to perform a large study, which was carefully done and took us nearly three years to complete. In early August of this year, we assembled a poster describing some of our findings.

[42:40.40 - 43:02.64]

We concluded that the high dose Vioxx significantly increased the risk of heart attacks and sudden deaths, and that the high dose should not be prescribed or used by patients. This is exactly the finding that Vigor had. High dose increases the risk of heart attack. We found the same thing. This conclusion triggered an explosive response from the Office of New Drugs, which approved Vioxx in the first place, and was responsible for regulating it post-marketing.

[43:03.28 - 43:25.28]

The response from senior management in my office, the Office of Drug Safety, was equally stressful. I was pressured to change my conclusions and recommendations. One drug safety manager recommended that I should be barred from presenting the poster at the meeting, and also noted that Merck needed to know our study results. So I guess Merck needed to know the results, but the public didn't. An email from the director for the entire Office of New Drugs was revealing.

[43:26.10 - 44:04.76]

He suggested that since the FDA was not contemplating a warning against the use of high dose Vioxx, my conclusions should be changed. CDER and the Office of New Drugs have repeatedly expressed the view that the Office of Drug Safety should not reach any conclusions or make any recommendations that would contradict what the Office of New Drugs wants to do or is doing. Even more revealing, a mere six weeks before Merck pulled Vioxx from the market, the Center for Drugs, the Office of New Drugs, and the Office of Drug Safety Management did not believe that there was an outstanding safety concern with Vioxx. So while they think that there's nothing going on, two to four jumbo jetliners are dropping from the sky every week.

[44:06.32 - 44:42.24]

There were two other revelatory milestones. In mid-August, despite our study results showing an increased risk of heart attack with Vioxx, and despite the results of other studies published in the literature, FDA approved Vioxx for use in children with rheumatoid arthritis. Then, on September 22nd, at a meeting attended by senior managers from the Office of New Drugs and the Office of Drug Safety, no one thought that there was a safety issue with Vioxx that needed to be dealt with. At this meeting, the reviewing office director responsible for Vioxx asked why I'd even thought about studying Vioxx and heart attacks in the first place. Because FDA had made its labeling change and nothing more needed to be done.

[44:43.76 - 45:22.50]

At this meeting, a senior manager from my office labeled our Vioxx study a, in quote, scientific rumor. Eight days later, Merck pulled Vioxx from the market and jetliners stopped dropping from the sky. Finally, we wrote a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Senior managers in the Office of Drug Safety have not granted clearance, even though it was accepted for publication after rigorous peer review by that journal. Until it is cleared, our data conclusions will not see the light of day in the scientific forum they deserve, and serious students of drug safety and drug regulation will be denied the opportunity to consider and openly debate the issues we raise in that paper.

[45:23.86 - 45:49.56]

My experience with Vioxx is typical of how CDER responds to serious drug safety issues in general. It is similar to what Dr. Mossholder went through earlier this year when he reached his conclusion that most SSRI antidepressants should not be used by children. The Office of New Drugs and the Office of Drug Safety Management together suppressed his report, and he was blocked from presenting at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. He was subsequently proven to be right about SSRI risk.

[45:50.18 - 46:23.84]

There are many other examples where CDER and its Office of New Drugs proved to be extremely resistant to full and open disclosure of safety information, especially when it called into question an existing regulatory position. In these situations, the New Drug Reviewing Division that approved the drug in the first place and that regards it as one might regard their own child, typically proves to be the single greatest obstacle to effectively dealing with a serious drug safety issue. The second greatest obstacle is often the senior management within the Office of Drug Safety, who either actively or tacitly go along with what the Office of New Drugs wants.

[46:25.36 - 46:49.96]

Vioxx is a terrible tragedy and a profound regulatory failure. I would argue that the FDA, as currently configured, is incapable of protecting America against another Vioxx. We are virtually defenseless. It is important that this committee and the American people understand that what happened with Vioxx is really a symptom of something far more dangerous to the safety of the American people. Simply put, FDA and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research are broken.

[46:50.66 - 47:13.50]

The organizational structure within CDER is entirely geared towards the review and approval of new drugs. When a serious safety issue arises post-marketing, the immediate reaction of the reviewing divisions is almost always one of denial, rejection, and heat. They approve the drug so there can't possibly be anything wrong with it. The same group that approved the drug is also responsible for taking regulatory action against it. This is an inherent conflict of interest.

[47:14.22 - 47:52.32]

At the same time, the Office of Drug Safety has no regulatory power and must first convince the New Drug Reviewing Division that a problem exists before anything beneficial can be done to help the public. Often, the New Drug Reviewing Division is the single greatest obstacle to protecting the public against safety risks. And a close second, in my opinion, is an Office of Drug Safety Management that sees its mission as pleasing the Office of New Drugs. The corporate culture within CDER is also a barrier to effectively protecting the American people from unnecessary harm due to prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The culture is dominated by a worldview that believes only randomized clinical trials provide useful and actionable information, and that post-marketing safety is an afterthought.

[47:52.92 - 48:16.10]

This culture views the pharmaceutical industry it is supposed to regulate as its client. It overvalues the benefits of the drugs it approves, and it seriously undervalues, disregards, and disrespects drug safety. Finally, the scientific standards CDER applies to drug safety guarantee that unsafe and deadly drugs will remain on the U.S. market. When it comes to safety, the Office of New Drugs' paradigm of 95% certainty prevails.

[48:16.90 - 48:37.56]

Under this paradigm, a drug is safe until you can show that with 95% or greater certainty, it is not safe. That is an incredibly high, almost insurmountable barrier to overcome. It's the equivalent of beyond a shadow of a doubt. And here's an added kicker. In order to demonstrate a safety problem with 95% certainty, extremely large studies would be needed.

[48:37.94 - 48:54.90]

And guess what? Those studies usually aren't done or they can't be done. If the weatherman says there's an 80% chance of rain, most people would bring an umbrella. Using CDER's standard, you wouldn't bring an umbrella until the weatherman said there's a 95% or greater chance. And I have a second analogy.

[48:55.70 - 49:19.48]

Imagine that you have a pistol with a barrel having 100 chambers. Now randomly place 95 bullets into those chambers. The gun represents a drug, and the bullets represent the probability, the certainty, of a serious drug safety problem. Using CDER's standard, only when you have 95 bullets or more in the gun would CDER conclude that the gun is loaded. That is, that there is a drug safety problem with that drug.

[49:20.20 - 49:37.56]

Now remove 5 bullets from the chamber. Now we only have 90 bullets. Because there is only a 90% chance that when I pull the trigger, a bullet will fire, CDER would conclude that the gun is not loaded. That is, the drug is safe. A more rational and patient-protective standard is required when dealing with safety.

[49:37.98 - 49:38.92]

Thank you very much.

Speaker 3
[49:39.78 - 49:50.50]

So I think, Stuart, that is a word-for-word explanation of what's currently going on.

Speaker 1
[49:51.44 - 50:13.08]

Wow, what a takedown. If only we were able to apply it. And I just looked up online, and it looks like he still works there as an Associate Director for Science and Medicine at the FDA in Silver Spring, Maryland. So he has maintained his occupation. 20 years ago, he makes these statements.

[50:13.62 - 50:21.64]

I wonder what's going on in his personal life to allow him to remain, to abide with such a sad group of people.

Speaker 3
[50:21.66 - 51:07.90]

I will say they, you know, in the testimony even of Dr. Krause, I mean, the weird thing about drugs versus what we call CBER, which is the Center for Biologics, which is what is overseen by Krause and Marx. historically, is they are put into a different category. So he may not even, I mean, drugs are, actually, if we evaluate, I mean, that's showing you how messed up the Office of New Drugs is. And the interesting thing is drugs are actually studied way, way more than vaccines are.

[51:07.90 - 51:34.66]

And so if that is the issue in the Office of New Drugs, where it's quite stringent and industry is actually put to the ringer a lot more, mainly because they have their butt on the line. Obviously, Vioxx was not beneficial, I think, in the end to Merck. I think they probably lost more than they gained with that drug, which is the way the market should work. And what they lost was a lot of lawsuits.

Speaker 1
[51:35.50 - 52:12.58]

Yeah. So the thing that's underlying all of this is an awareness. Probably the most, actually, last week he overtook in number of downloads, Tucker Carlson overtook Joe Rogan, which I never thought would be possible for anyone, but he overtook Joe Rogan in downloads on Spotify. And the one thing I've been most impressed with, Tucker, the single most impressive thing about him to me the last several months, is his willingness to go into the spiritual dynamics of things.

[52:14.72 - 53:05.18]

How does a culture create an environment whereby the satanic action of the attempted murder of Trump a couple of weekends ago is allowed for, is contemplated? And then, on top of that, you have the complete removal of the elected Democratic representative for president, not dog catching. The president of the United States is summarily removed from his elected position. And that is candidate for this year's Democratic nomination. There is a level of evil that permeates our culture.

[53:06.62 - 53:46.38]

And of course, COVID has exposed many layers of it. And of course, a lot of it starts in the scientific realm, with what Dr. Graham here describes 20 years ago. And the former director, editor in chief of the journal, I mean, the New England Journal of Medicine. He and his wife, both former editors of that prestigious magazine, stated 20 years ago that half of the studies published in the New England Journal cannot be verified.

[53:48.46 - 53:59.38]

We have been going off the rails, obviously, for decades. And here we have something that could have come out of the pages of today's testimonies.

Speaker 3
[54:01.08 - 54:04.38]

Yeah, I would say in all of that, just replace the word Vioxx.

Speaker 1
[54:04.94 - 54:15.28]

Right. Yeah, with vaccine, which, of course, is a lie unto itself. But this was, where did you find this?

Speaker 3
[54:17.02 - 54:22.90]

It was just the Midwestern doctor. He's always got good stuff.

Speaker 1
[54:23.34 - 54:23.84]

Yeah, he does.

Speaker 3
[54:24.72 - 54:30.20]

And I think he does a good job of going back and saying, hey, this isn't new. This has been a problem.

Speaker 1
[54:30.78 - 54:44.18]

Yeah, he has done a very good job the last couple of weeks already. I've actually been reading him here and there for a couple of years, it seems like. But what was this Dr. Graham's first name?

Speaker 3
[54:45.64 - 54:46.80]

It was David.

Speaker 1
[54:47.18 - 55:33.10]

David, yeah, that's right. It's amazing that he would say such blatant things. In other words, there is cover within the FDA, which is supposed to be protecting us. The CDC is supposed to be protecting us, yet they absolutely fail on their missions time and time and time again. And I think a very important thing that you said that was brought out by Aaron Siri in the testimony y'all gave last month or earlier this month, I should say, is that in the congressional testimony is that these vaccines that we've been promoting for all our careers have turned out to be not studied.

[55:34.72 - 55:58.44]

And the thing is, it's so interesting that he brings out, Graham brings out, is that the one type of study that we've been hearing about all our career is you've got to have a randomized double placebo controlled trial, yet none of these shots have ever had that. That was what Siri pointed out in y'all's testimony.

Speaker 3
[55:58.94 - 56:20.34]

And actually, one of the congressmen that was questioning Siri when we were up there was pointing out how the fact that there's no liability on the back end makes them design the studies in a way that they're not going to, you know, they have no incentive to figure out if there is massive issues because they're not on the hook for it when they are.

Speaker 1
[56:21.10 - 56:40.96]

That's a great point. I haven't appreciated it before. Well, of course, of course. It's like that goes to the Pfizer 5.6.3 document that within 10 weeks of the rollout of the shots, they had, what was it, 1240 types of adverse events. Some of them were these very rare things.

[56:41.26 - 57:00.98]

In other words, they knew what to be looking for beforehand, but they were going to sweep it under the rug and they weren't going to be caught for it. So why not? It was just this continuous, nefarious attempt to really destroy our profession, the integrity of our profession. Yeah.

Speaker 3
[57:01.66 - 57:07.88]

All right. And with that, we will be back. This is Dr. Jordan Bond, Dr. Stuart Tinkersley, with America Out Loud Pulse.

[57:07.98 - 57:08.90]

Always one be there.

Unknown Speaker
[57:25.42 - 57:26.82]

America Out Loud Pulse.
