2024-07-30 00:57:01
America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.
Welcome to another edition of Trevor Loudon Reports here on America Out Loud. Today we're with a very interesting guest, Nevin Gassack. Now, Nevin is a writer, a historian, an excellent historian, but he brings history into the modern era. He's got a great understanding of communism, socialism, the revolutionary movements and all its permutations. And I think most of us have realized by now that America is in a revolution.
But there's a very interesting part of this. We all understand that the Democratic Party has been deeply compromised by Marxist revolutionaries, by the Chinese, Cubans, Iranians, etc. But there's also a movement underway to get into the Republican Party, to twist conservatives and patriots to supporting communist programs and communist ideals in itself. And the latest has been going on for a long time, but the latest iteration of this is a thing called MAGA communism. And I know that Nevin has studied this a lot.
So, Nevin, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and then just start up with a quick definition of what MAGA communism is? Because this will be a phrase that a lot of our listeners will be scratching their heads about, I'm sure.
Yeah, I'm Nevin Gussack. Thanks so much for having me, Trevor. I appreciate it. It's always good to be on your program. I'm Nevin Gussack.
As I just said, I am a podcaster of the Politically Homeless podcast. I'm also an author, self-published author. I also recently dropped a new Substack newsletter called The Wilderness of Mirrors, where I discuss various topics related to history, geopolitics and economics. Concerning MAGA communism, MAGA communism is a project that fuses the principles of MAGA, which is this sort of right-wing populism and civic nationalism, with a Marxist-Leninist platform. That's something that's been popularized by various personalities and organizations.
You had, ironically, the CPUSA in an article some years ago.
When you say CPUSA, Nevin, you're talking about Communist Party USA. Yes. The old Communist Party that's been here for 100 years.
Yes, exactly. Yes. And a couple of years ago, they published an article which said basically, hey, communists, stop burning the American flag. Stop insulting the symbols of America. You know, this is a part of the American DNA.
We are anti-American capitalism, but we should not pose as being anti-American. And even during the Depression, the Communist Party USA had a slogan called communism is 20th century Americanism. So this is kind of an old tactic that they use to try and hook alienated individuals, people who are patriotic, who sincerely want social reform, et cetera. And this shouldn't be surprising to anybody, really, because Vladimir Lenin had always talked about the importance of strategy and the importance of strategic retreats and zigzags, and whatnot, in order to advance the revolution. So that's important to keep in mind.
Now, we fast forward. today. Of course, we have Caleb Maupin, who does not use the term megacommunism, but he also gives communism a patriotic veneer, especially when he does intellectual battle with the corporate globalists and the defense contractors and the warmongering neoconservatives. He heads an organization called Center for Political Innovation. Maupin was briefly involved with the Revolutionary Communist Party.
He then became an activist with the Workers' World Party, left, that group to form Students and Youth for a Newer America, as well as the Center for Political Innovation. He has known ties stretching back to the Workers' World Party by his own admission, with the Venezuelan consulate in Chicago, with the Russians and the Iranians. He continues to work for Russia Today, and he works for Iran Press TV. Now, I don't know what kind of patriotic socialist, as sometimes he would call himself in the past, what kind of patriotic form a patriot would align itself with America's geopolitical adversaries, but I digress. Next, you have two characters.
Haz al-Din, we don't know his real name. He's never released it.
I remember his prior podcast. He said he got his teeth cut in the DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America. He became a Maoist. He did mention a long time ago that he did actually come to think of it. I did not tell you this earlier, but I believe I remember hearing him say that he had some Chinese investors backing him initially.
This was about a year or two ago on a podcast. Don't quote me. I guess I am quoting myself publicly here. So there's definitely some interesting connections, and he wrote something very interesting in an essay. He has a subject page.
We would take the revolutionary defeatist position. This is the event of a war with China. We would take the revolutionary defeatist position, hoping sincerely for the victory of China and the final destruction of American imperialism. China would undoubtedly aid in the destruction of our own heavily despised ruling class and decadent professional managerial elite, and we would thank them for it. In the meantime, we make it our patriotic duty to struggle against every act of American aggression against China and every possibility of a war against China.
So the guy, he is one of the founders of MAGA communism, along with Jackson Hinkle, but yet he goes against the stated principles of MAGA when he advocates for treason, literally against the United States. We take Jackson Hinkle. Jackson Hinkle started in the DSA. He worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign. All of these characters absolutely hate Bernie Sanders, by the way.
All these characters from the CPUSA, especially Hinkle and Haas and Maupin. And Hinkle basically works with the Russians and basically has traveled to Russia and China, is a staunch advocate of basically all of our geopolitical adversaries. And before you respond, Trevor, Maupin also attended two iterations of the World Youth Festival. One, that's the old school Soviet front World Youth Festival, back in 2017 in Sochi, which was addressed by Putin, who's supposedly a Christian and a nationalist and an anti-communist.
And a keynote speaker, 30,000 young kids, just treating him like he was Mick Jagger or something.
Exactly. And then Maupin, years after 2017, I think it was either earlier this year, yeah, it was earlier this year, Maupin traveled to Russia again to go to another version of the World Youth Festival, which was directly controlled by the Russian government. And he was joined by his American comrades in the parties of Communist USA, which was a hard line offshoot of CPUSA. So there's your MAGA communism. They deploy patriotic themes in order to hook conservatives, right wing populists and civic nationalists such as ourselves into basically thinking that communism and an alliance with Russia and China through infrastructure improvements and political alliances would actually put America first and restore our status, if you will.
Well, what that's saying is that what they really say is that, and this has been a long time thing, that they will work if there's a war between Russia and China or Russia, or between America and China, or America and Russia, or both, which is more likely, they will work for America's defeat, because the patriotic thing to do is to work for the defeat of America's leaders, so that communism can then be imposed on America, which will make everybody better off. So working for communism, betraying your own country, is their definition of patriotism. Am I wrong on this?
No, not at all. And there's a historical parallel with that, because when you look at the collaborationist parties in Europe and Asia during and even before World War II, you take France, for example, you have a number of so-called patriotic or nationalists who are national socialists or fascists throughout Europe and Asia, and they thought it was their patriotic duty that they were liberating their countries from Jewish capitalism and Bolshevik internationalism or imperialism by joining the Nazis. And in fact, there is actually a book by David Littlejohn, appropriately titled, I think it was called The Patriotic Traitors. And that's really what Haas and Henkel and Maupin, and also the collaborationists in Axis held. Europe and Asia.
That's really what they are. They're really advocating treason. Of course, you can condemn your ruling classes, and I do all the time in my program. But of course, where I differ from these individuals is they want to put a Marxist tyranny that, you know, that will dwarf any corruption, misgovernment, by our quote, unquote ruling class. So you're absolutely right, Trevor.
You know, Petain, Marshal Petain in France, viewed himself as doing the patriotic thing. So did Pierre Laval. So did Philippe Monreau.
So did Wittgen Quisling, who was in Norway, who basically sold his country to the Nazis because he thought that was a patriotic thing to do.
Yeah, they all did. And sometimes even the most anti-German people. then also seeing how, in their view, how powerful and socially unified Germany was. You had people like Emmanuel Moravec in Czechoslovakia and Philippe Monreau in France, who had this sort of very hyper-nationalist ideology. And of course, they were anti-German.
But then, visiting Germany, they would turn around too. So, you know, it's a lot of interesting dynamics in the politics of extremism here. But yeah, I mean, basically what it comes down to is, look, and you pointed this out, Trevor, very, very well. You're not going to get a lot of people who are conservative or nationalists or right-wing populists if you do the blue-haired, nose ring, black fingernails type of communism. You're not.
Wokeism is one tool for ultimately disassembling the United States. But that's not going to appeal to your average conservative voter or activist. What's going to appeal is basically increasing American power, economic strength, restoring the family and things of that nature. And that's something that Moppin and Hinkle and Haas talk about all the time. And they're using that as hooks to catch well-meaning people into their camp.
And this is.
Oh, OK. Sorry.
No, that's OK. And they're also using the anti-interventionist tendencies that are also in the Republican Party and their hostility or concerns about the military-industrial complex, too, and corruption and everything. And they use these things as books. And that's that's what we have to understand about Leninism, you know, taking as Lenin, I'm paraphrasing it, as he pointed out in one of his works, to take advantage of every kernel of discontent. And that's simply what they're doing.
What they're doing is Leninist, essentially, and is smart from a strategic point of view. It's just deployed for a horrible cause that all of us vehemently disagree with.
Well, that's right. They point out the obvious problems in American society, that a lot of people are concerned, especially military people, are concerned about endless wars, concerned about the lack of accountability of our leaders. And they amp up these discontents and get themselves followers through these discontents. But the solution they sell is not a return to the Constitution, not a return to American values, but communism. You know, sold in different, you know, sold through slogans like multipolarity and things like that.
But here's my view, too.
You know, they also use the contempt we have for wokeism. But what is wokeism? Wokeism is a sort of a feminized kind of Marxism that uses race and gender and the transgender movement and pronouns and whatever to impose Marxist values on our society. But in a sort of feminist, sort, of a feminine sort of way, you know, we must be so gentle, we can't hate, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And not that I'm advocating hate, but people react to this obvious corruption.
And so margocommunism is a masculine, Stalinist, pro-American communism. It's. we don't go for that pansy stuff. We don't go for the radical gay movement. We want a real communism, like Stalin, like Putin, you know, the Chinese are leading the way.
So, to young men, especially, who are disgusted by wokeism, feminized Marxism, they're being sold masculine Marxism as the alternative. Is that fair to say?
Yes, yes. And I'm going to mention the wokeist part. I mean, I tend to be on social issues. I mean, dead center and sometimes leaning a little center left as well as center right. And it's important for the people who are listening, you know, this is what the communists think, actually, of people who are, quote, gay and part or part of the woke community.
The Vasily Mitrokhin, who is a KGB archivist, who defected to the West in the 1990s and brought a treasure trove of documents. And we all remember what the Ben Saramos brigades were. I believe they still exist even today. And they, you know, the ostensibly were used in the late 1960s and the 1970s groups of American new leftists who are cutting sugarcane. But a portion of them were trained in espionage and military tactics to be used against the American government and also to collect information to move up into American power circles, too, as well.
And the Ben Saramos brigades, there were. there were a portion of them that were homosexual Americans that, you know, were LGBTQ plus. And they were very cynically exploited by the Cuban DGI, which was the Intelligence Service of Cuba, which was controlled by the KGB. And, according to Mitrokhin's documents, the DGI and KGB believed, according to their documents, that homosexuality could be utilized to, quote, bring about the physical degeneration of American imperialism. And when you look at the documents as reproduced by Mitrokhin and quoted by him, there was a tone of absolute distaste and hatred of homosexuals.
Cuba had a very bad reputation, and so did the Soviet Union, of persecuting homosexuals en masse. And you pointed this out, Trevor, before, but they use this because they have this belief that homosexuality could disunite a country, corrupt the country based on their prejudice and whatnot. You look at the tone of those words, there's an extreme, ruthless opportunism that just lacks all principles and ethics, at least that you and I would adhere to. It's like they pretend that they're your friend and they love you and they want to fight for your rights. But in reality, they're behind your back.
They absolutely curse you and use you. So this is really, you know, unwrapping the larger present here, the larger box here. What we're seeing here is that communists, Marxists, Leninists, again, they basically throw, it's like throwing all kinds of paint in the wall and seeing what sticks and works. They're going to try every tactic and every strategy that they can in order to divide people. And when you divide people, a country is much more difficult to defend in case of a wartime situation or even against psychological warfare attacks and things of that nature.
I mean, what are your thoughts about when the DGI-KGB says that they're using homosexuality to bring about the physical degeneration of American imperialism and the book, they mentioned that they basically absolutely hated them. They didn't like them. They were worried that they were in their country and potentially could corrupt, you know, Cuban nationals and whatnot. I mean, when you think of the tone of that, doesn't that, isn't that a big, kind of a big turnoff? Isn't that very revealing of what these people actually are?
It's all about power. It's a theology of power.
Well, that's right. You see, like after the communist revolution in Russia, you know, homosexuality, easy divorce, abortion were all liberalized and you could do whatever you wanted. But it became so socially corrosive that under Stalin, he just clamped down and became a pretty much a social conservative on sexual matters. And homosexuals were jailed and punished, and fired and persecuted, as you say. But in the United States, Harry Hay, the communist party member who was recruited, by the way, to the communist party by the actor Will Gere, who a lot of people may remember as Grandpa Walton in the Waltons.
But anyway, he started the gay movement in America. He started, and he started the legalized pedophilia movement too, actually, through NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. And you'll find that virtually every modern gay organization in America is run by Marxists. And, you know, ACT UP, everyone, you know, the different Marxists from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, from the Communist Party, USA, Democratic Socialists of America, etc. But if you look at Russia today, if you look at China today, they are actively campaigning about homosexuals.
You know, China has a campaign against girly men. Russia is very actively suppressing homosexuality, gay pride events, all that kind of thing. And so a lot of American conservatives and young patriots say, wow, the Russians are standing against this stuff. You know, we get this shoved down our throats every day here, but the Russians, the Chinese, they're standing against it. Well, that's because they don't want their own societies destroyed, but they're still promoting it here.
Just like, I'll give the example, China will execute marijuana dealers in their own country, but they give tax incentives to the companies that make the precursors of fentanyl, which they then sell to the Mexican cartel, to kill 80,000 Americans a year. So it makes complete sense. The Russians and the Chinese don't want it there because they're getting ready for war to destroy us, but they're promoting it here to weaken us in our military. You know, legalizing gay behavior in the military has done horrors to our military morale. You know, so the same thing with the drugs.
They don't want it there, but they promote it here because they want to keep their society together and strong and unified, and they want to divide and weaken our society. But this, a lot of young American conservatives don't understand. the subtleties of this. Vladimir Putin puts on a crucifix. He condemns the gays, and he hates George Soros, so he must be our friend.
No. You know, he condemns wokeism, so he must be our friend. No. Wokeism is left-wing communism. He's right-wing communism.
He's the MAGA communist. And that's, you know, you get Tulsi Gabbard following the same thing, which is the same pattern, which has made her very popular amongst the American conservatives and libertarians, even though she's worked with Marxists her entire political career and still is.
Yeah, yeah. Gabbard is a staunch apologist for the Russians and the Syrians, and that's deeply—.
And Venezuelans and the North Koreans.
And the North Koreans. So yeah, it's very interesting. I think, and I've mentioned this on other programs and in my writings,
the biggest wrong turn that the American right took, the biggest—I really trace the problem as far back as the late 1980s, where Gorbachev and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Politburo, had a program to eliminate the image of the enemy. And, Trevor, you and I have talked about it. You've received information from communists who worked as also intelligence agents for the New Zealand Intelligence Service. And there was this very elaborate deception program, and it took upon all kinds of very convoluted—it was very convoluted, but essentially it was to eliminate the image of the enemy that the Soviet Union was, this big, bad power, armed with nuclear weapons and Moscow, military parades and with countless waves of tanks and goose-stepping troops. They wanted to eliminate that enemy image.
And part of it entailed controlled retreats by the Soviets from throughout the world, with conflicts that either they weren't winning, or maybe they had stalemates, or maybe that they were winning. And even when you look at the documents—and, ladies and gentlemen, I have a Substack article on the Gorbachev deception, actually, which is based on new information that I've found, as well as also information in my books. And these documents, these Soviet documents, if you read them very carefully, at least the excerpts that I was able to get, they say it's better for us in the long run and for our progressive friends throughout the world to have these sort of controlled retreats. If you really think about it, there really is a point. And the other part is that until recent years, the biggest avenue that the Soviets had within the Republican Party was through free trade and free market ideology, essentially, which was, well, let's just do business with big business.
And the Republican Party, even back then, especially today, in recent decades, has totally been taken over by big business. I've seen some of that firsthand with some of the candidacies, like a candidate who I worked for, Mike Lemire. And I saw some of that up close and personal, where they basically suppressed him and treated him like garbage. But that's kind of inside baseball, not the show.
Well, can we just call a hard break there, Nevin?
Sure, sure. No problem.
This is really interesting, but we need to have a break here. We'll be back in about a minute. So please hang on to your seats and I'll see you in a minute. Get yourself a drink, cup of coffee. We'll see you in a second.
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Welcome back to Trevor Loudon Reports on America Out Loud. We're here talking today with my good, I won't say comrade, but my good friend, Nevin Gussack, who's a historian, a researcher, a geopolitical analyst, and one of the best minds, I think, out there, in really understanding strategy, what America's up against, both internally and with its own political systems, and also externally, with our battles that many of us are on the wrong side of now, against Russia, China, Iran, and those who would wish to do us harm. But you were talking before the break, Nevin, about how the Russians were using free trade, how the Russians took away the image of the enemy under Gorbachev, and can develop that point and tell us how that played out, how that led to where we are now. For instance, the collapse of communism led to the election of Barack Obama, a communist who never could have been elected in the old Cold War paradigm, who did massive damage to our military, massive damage to our standing in the world, and they're still running things today through, well, Kamala Harris, probably now. But so,
how did the so-called collapse of communism, which both you and I would more say was a strategic retreat, how did that play out in our willingness to confront our enemies,
or to even treat them as enemies? Yeah, so I mean, Gorbachev in the CPSU pull-up era, I mean, Alexander Yakovlev and Georgy Arbatov and his other allies, they had this program, as I said, to eliminate the image of the enemy. And there was also a conversation that Gorbachev had with one of his corporate capitalist allies in the United States, Arthur Daniels Midland, CEO, Dwayne Andreas. And Gorbachev and Andreas, I believe it was Andreas, Gorbachev was like, well, how can we make the Soviet Union more appealing in the United States? And Andreas said, give us through a financial appeal, which was his words.
So the Soviets, which always used free trade as a hook to corral America's business elites and financial elites, they reinforced that and doubled down on that, because they realized that with a less threatening USSR, the Soviets could not only appeal to the right through free trade and free markets and whatnot and profiteering, but also they could appeal to the left, which was already in total denial or, in a number of cases, even collaborating with communism. And they can appeal to the left and make the left's message of so-called peace and disarmament more credible by saying, hey, look, so less threatening USSR, they're signing the INF Treaty and everything else. So there you have a pincer attack. And I point this out in my essays on Stubstacks, the Soviets, and later the Russians, will use left-wing ideology, the twin pincers of left-wing ideology and capitalism, to basically capture both of America's camps. How is that relevant today?
Because many Americans, even now, when you mention to them that the Cold War never ended, that Russia engaged in a strategic retreat, people think you're nuts. And especially during the time of most of the 2000s, people were focused on Islamic terrorism and the regional threats of Iran and Iraq and whatnot, and Al-Qaeda. They really didn't want to hear much about that. I remember, even when I dallyed a little bit in Republican politics, most of the people down here in the tri-county area, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, they tended to be focused in on Islamic terrorism and the need to defend Israel and things of that nature. The talk about Russia, I mean, they didn't love Russia, but there was this view that really Russia and China were not a threat as much.
We got to focus.
on Islam. Even though Russia and China were backing Islam, China just had a meeting in Beijing, getting the Palestinian factions who've been fighting each other all back on the same page. The whole radical Islamic thing was being created by Russia and China.
Yeah, I saw that in the news, and that reminded me of when the Cubans got together the various Salvadoran military factions. Why did they do that, the Cubans? And they did the same with the Guatemalan and Marxist-Leninist insurgents back in 1980.. Why did they do that? Because they wanted to step up the attacks.
They wanted to launch more ambitious programs of guerrilla warfare. And I believe that's why the Chinese are doing this now. I think there's a possibility we are getting closer, potentially, to one-clenched fist, unfortunately. But I wanted to read-.
Clarify what one-clenched fist means, because this is what it's all about, isn't it? You clarified the term and I want to add something to that, but please clarify.
Sure. One-clenched fist basically means that the entire totalitarian bloc led by China and Russia, when they figure, look, my opinion of the elites in China and Russia is that they're psychopathic leaders who, but at the same time, take calculated risks. They're rational, they're not crazy, but they're psychopaths and they believe in calculated risk. And they're going to see if the correlation of forces are in their favor, where the United States is so strategically vulnerable, they will launch an attack. What that attack will look like, there's probably, I could think of three methods or a combination of methods that they could undertake that.
And where elimination of the enemy image is, is if you're asleep, pretend you're sleeping in the bed, you got deep sleep, you're at the beach, you're surfing or paddle boarding, some of my pastimes, activities, and you're really tired and you're asleep. You're not going to hear the rest of the world. And all of a sudden somebody comes and punches you in the face while you're in a deep sleep. That's going to throw you off balance. You're probably not going to be able to fight back quickly.
That's why eliminating the image of the enemy puts you in a very deep sleep of denial. So while we disarm morally and militarily and economically, the other side continues to build up. And they did. It's no surprise that supposedly the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, into the 1990s, okay, they were falling apart and everything. And what I remember on news, they're rusting naval vessels.
But tell me something, Trevor, how is that you have all these rusting military vessels, but yet the Soviets, and then the Russians under Yeltsin, were developing biological weapons like there was no tomorrow, in violation of all the agreements stretching as far back as the Nixon administration. And how come were they developing the Topol-M ICBM? Supposedly, that country is rotting. So it's this element of surprise. And I don't mean to be wordy here, but this is very important.
So now it's no small wonder that people thinking that Putin is a Christian, he's a nationalist, he doesn't believe in socialism and everything. Why? Because our understanding of communism took a wrong turn, particularly in the American right, starting in the late 1980s, when we were convinced that the Soviet Union was no longer an enemy, that Ronald Reagan defeated them and George H.
W. Bush sealed the deal. Well, there's a lot more at play than.
that. Well, look, and that's exactly right. So the Russians and the Chinese are getting ready to deliver the knockout blow. But I want to back what you say up, because back in the 80s, I had a friend in New Zealand who infiltrated the New Zealand Communist Party for our security services. In 1983, he trained in Moscow at Lenin's Institute for Higher Learning, three and a half thousand students from all over the world, all about how they were going to dominate the world.
And this was two years before anyone had heard of Gorbachev, you know, with Perestroikas and Glasnost. And what he was told was this. They said, there's going to be a massive retreat from communism coming up. This is strategic. This is planned.
The communist leaders from all over the world were being taught this. This was supposed to happen under Andropov. in the early 80s. Andropov became the leader of the Soviet Union, was portrayed as this jazz-loving, whiskey-drinking, pro-Western guy, new brand of communism. But he died of kidney disease.
So they had to put Chernenko, the old Stalinist, in until they could train up Gorbachev to do the liberalization. But what they were told was there would be a liberalization. Communism would be emphasized. A lot of communist states would be no longer communist. There would be a big retreat.
The West would disarm. The West would give them lots of money. And when that process had gone far enough, the Soviet Union would join with China to destroy the United States and Europe. That's what they were told in the 80s, a strategic deception. And so this was before Gorbachev was even on the stage, before anybody even knew.
So your idea that the collapse of communism was a strategic defeat, which has been written about by Galitzin and others, I think is very valid. And now China's on the road to getting 1,000 nukes. Russia has got between 6,000 and 20,000 nukes. They have biological weapons, which we saw with COVID. They have EMP.
They have massive influence. Most importantly, the Chinese have got massive influence on the Democratic Party. The Russians have got some influence on the Republican Party. Yeah, I think they're getting ready for the big push.
Yeah, and I'm also very concerned. Look, I told you privately where I'm leaning in the coming of the election. Despite my severe disagreements with many of Trump's administration's first policies, but it's a matter of national survival where Trump, at least until Biden stepped down, said that he actually prefers Trump over Biden. And that tells you what to know. But I do want to point out one concern I have with the CCP.
Let's not underestimate the CCP influence within the Republican Party, even in the Trump Republican Party. And areas of concern are Elon Musk and Jeffrey Yass, who are huge. Yass is a huge donor and influencer within the Trump campaign. And he was the one, it's believed, that got Trump to back out of his prior position of banning TikTok. And Jeffrey Yass is a libertarian billionaire.
And he has influenced Trump with boatloads of money and access. And Elon Musk, notably, is very praiseworthy of China's socialist system. He basically signed on to their support that the American and other foreign businessmen do. They say, oh, we support China's socialist system. And that got a lot of negative press, even from some conservative supporters, Elon Musk, that is.
And Musk has praised Chinese labor system as opposed to American workers, who are spoiled and lazy, and whatnot. You know, yeah. And a lot of these billionaires do that. And it's very disturbing because the Chinese, number one, it makes them look like, look terrible. And it makes capitalism looks terrible.
And that gives, it's basically, that's like gasoline to the fire of communism, basically, to recruiting. And the other part is, is also that offers entry to our capitalist class by the communists. And my concern is, is the next Trump administration is going to keep these people, and we're going to have a whole new fight between the very loyal people who I admire, like Robert Lighthizer and Peter Navarro, in the Trump administration. And now Trump is going to mistakenly put these individuals in either in his cabinet or, as unofficial, these sort of official adversary councils. We know that, I think it was Clive Hamilton's book, if I'm not mistaken, that pointed out how folks like Stephen Schwarzman, I believe a Black Rock, had Trump's ear on China.
And basically, he acted as essentially an influencer for the CCP to have Trump tamp down his tariffs and other sanctions on China. So this is the pincer attack that we're talking about. It's like when Putin talked about in 2020, that he can work with the Democrats because we have this shared socialist or social democratic ideology and everything else. That's one pincer. And the pincer with the right is twofold.
It's, hey, Russia's not woke. We're a paradise for the traditionalist Americans, the trad Americans, the trad cons. And then the other pincer is greed, is corporate greed. Because Lenin talked about, and this is on marxist.org, which has a treasure trove of primary source communist documents. And Lenin talked about how, look, the best propagandists we're going to get is not in the communist movement or the left-wingers, or even in the person of the Soviet ambassador.
It's the most reactionary type of exploiter. And he's correct. But are people going to... And the question is...
They were relying on the businessman. Lenin said, they will compete amongst themselves to sell us the rope with which to hang them.
Exactly. And this is the thing. And also another point, Hook, that the MAGA communists to get back speaking about business, and Mr. Maupin really hits this home. He appeals to people like you and I, Trevor, who are still fundamentally advocates of private property and free enterprise, despite our critiques of the system.
He appeals to us, people like us, or tries to, I should say, by saying, look, under his socialism with American characteristics, as he sometimes, I think, calls it, well, we were still going to have private business. We don't want to nationalize the restaurants and the auto repair shops and other independent entrepreneurial ventures. It's just the big Wall Street banks and Amazon and other monopoly sectors that we want to nationalize, and everything. Why? Okay.
A lot of average entrepreneurs, they're not crazy about their large competitors that are very monopolistic. They're allowed to engage in mergers and acquisitions. And that hurts a lot of the smaller and midsize entrepreneurs. So Caleb is also, people like Caleb are trying to, Caleb Maupin, are trying to hook people like us in who believe in capitalism and small and medium-sized business, and saying, oh, don't worry about it. We're really not your enemies and we're not going to nationalize you and basically destroy your businesses and everything else.
And that's another ruse they use. He also talks about the contradictions within the ruling class, which is something Lenin has talked about. And this is where Maupin is really pretty brilliant, actually. He talks about the lower-level capitalists, how they are libertarian and they want to do business with Russia and China. And he will cite people like Betsy DeVos and the Kochs and whatnot, as opposed to the establishment monopoly capital, like presumably Amazon and much of Wall Street.
Where he gets wrong is that the establishment monopolists are often also the biggest promoters of trade with China and Russia, too, as well. And we know that for a fact. But again, he's trying to also use contradictions within the imperialist camp in order to gain entry and to use, again, his hooks into the business community to support his program for revolution. So while these groups are very small, let's not underestimate them. Because the Nazi party at one time was small.
You had the Russian Bolsheviks, which totaled 200,000 Bolsheviks in 1917 in a country of 91 million. That was very small. But let's say there's a major crisis in this country or a war on top of that. There's a chance that these groups might explode in numbers, especially if our federal and state governments mishandle the home front. And I am convinced that those movements will grow.
Because why? What did Lenin promise in a sea of corruption and mismanagement and wealth inequality in Russia in the last year of the czar and then also under the provisional government? He promised peace, bread, and land. And you know, these people are going to, like Moppin, like Haas, like Hinkle, and others, they will promise peace, bread, and land. And, unfortunately, Americans who want to survive there, there's a potentiality that they're going to go for it.
And that concerns me greatly. Because, let me just tell the audience who are on the fence about this, you do not want to be ruled by the Marxist-Leninists and the likes of Haas and Hinkle and Moppin. You know, some of these people, they're brilliant people, but I just get a bad vibe about some of them. Some of them I get, like Hinkle, I get the impression he's an extremely narcissistic individual. And that's something that even in communist circles, if you listen to their podcasts, they will say that you don't want these people governing you.
The historical record and the body count. is it. You can't trust them. That's it. Well, yeah.
And I think that the.
thing that worries me is not so much them coming to power. It's the fact that they are popularizing ideas amongst the MAGA base, like multi-polarity. You know, America shouldn't be the boss of the world. Well, that's what they'll say. America isn't the boss of the world.
But they'll say you should spread the power around the world. So Russia has power. And Russia can do what it likes in its sphere, like destroy Ukraine, destroy Poland. That's fine.
China has power. Africa has power. Latin America has power. This is a scam. What it means is you take away all the allies of America.
You diminish American power so that a new pole forms run by Russia, China, and Iran. And so they're trying to popularize this idea that America should give up power, but they don't tell people. that means that you'll be ruled by Russia, China, and Iran. And I can't think of anything worse, personally. But we won't be ruled because they'll destroy us.
They'll kill us. That's what they'll do. They'll get rid of us or enslave us.
So they're promoting these Russian pacifistic, neutralistic ideas that are catching on in the libertarian movements, the MAGA movements. Some of these ideas have been popularized by QAnon and other things, that America should withdraw from the world. America should diminish its power and just concentrate within our own borders. That will completely, as is the intention, hand power to Russia and China, who will then dominate the whole planet. Am I exaggerating?
this, do you think? No, no, they're absolutely doing that. They're doing what they always wanted the left to do. That's why they've supported the portions of the hardcore, so-called anti-war left. It was to basically push America out of the world, essentially, economically and politically, isolate us, neutralize and cause a collapse of NATO and our Asian alliances.
And that's what they want to do today. And the Russians and the Chinese are pulling out all stops to do that, to the point where, you know, and I've had some sources, I'm not going to speak specifically about this, where there is literally funding going on, too, as well. So, of these activities, both in public sources, as well as private sources, too. So, Cold War is on, it's always been on, and it's the same old wine in different colored bottles. That's what's going on.
Well, of course, and like we know, for instance, in the Russians, and the Chinese, Russians specifically were funding anti-fracking groups in Europe and the United States. Yes. To shut down America's energy industry, to give them more dominance in the international sphere. So, this is, I know, the Chinese are basically behind several voter registration groups in the United States who are working the inner cities of the key swing states. And these groups claim credit for winning the election for Biden-Harris.
So, we should get rid of the idea that America determines its own fate and understand that the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians have massive influence here, economically, politically, which is why we have open borders, which is why we have a nuclear deal with Iran, which is why China is allowed to buy and rape and pillage our economy, and buy our senators and congressmen as well. But it shouldn't be a surprise, then, that communists are working in the libertarian, the MAGA movement, the alt-right movement, to introduce Russian foreign policy and even domestic policy ideas into that movement. What would you do if you were Putin and you were in a life and death struggle with the United States? Well, I would basically do what he is doing.
My approach would be basically use every avenue of discontent. And I would basically, what they do, which would parallel. what I would do, is the classic, what you get in professional as well as business training, if you're a business person in the private sector and public sector, if you're a manager, strength, weaknesses, and opportunities and threats. And you apply that formula to the United States. You see what the strengths of the Russians have in regards to industry, intelligence, assets, et cetera, the weaknesses that you have, that you need to fix, the opportunities within the United States, which is, again, I talked about the twin pincers of left-wing and communist ideology and infiltration, as well as the greed within elements of capitalism.
And then the threats, which are basically what does the United States threats have? Well, we have latent patriotism that can go either way. You have an entrepreneurial base in this country of a population that's capable of great resilience and innovation. We still have certain technological bases, including possibly unknown weapons programs that the Russians may not have the capability of meeting. So you have to take that and you have to balance it and look and see what back doors can you detect and enter in order to weaken and ultimately destroy the United States too, as well.
And that's what I would do if I was Putin and Xi, but they were already doing that. And I'm probably telling them something that they don't.
know or that they already know. Well, they already know, but most Americans don't. American conservatives certainly don't understand how deeply they are being targeted and propagandized. Look, I'd love to talk all day on this, Nevin. I think we'll have to come back for further developments on this.
We didn't even really touch on Galitzin, but the market communist phenomenon is here right now. It's infiltrating the country. We've got a critical election coming up. I think we both understand. we do not want a continuation of the Biden-Obama administration.
That would destroy America, but we have to acknowledge the problems on our side of the fence as well. Sure, sure. On my side of the fence as well, because those are battles we're going to have to fight as well. So I want to thank you very much, Nevil.
Sorry, I'll cut that bit out. I want to thank you so much, Nevin, and I want to thank the listeners. Please tune in to the Trevor Loudon Report every Saturday and Sunday on America, Out Loud, 3 p.m. So see you next week. Thanks again, Nevin, and God bless, and we'll catch up shortly.