2024-07-30 00:57:45
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Gratitude to nature, trust in my body's wisdom, and a heartfelt request to inspire and empower. Aloha and welcome healers of all ages to Energetic Health Institute Radio, a show perfect for people who are ready to stop being a patient and start being a student. A show perfect for healers and aspiring healers. A show perfect for beings of light, interested in love, logic, and light. So if you're ready to learn about the safest, most effective, most wonderful medicine in the world, then this is the show for you.
And hey, thanks for showing up and taking the time to tune in. I know life gets busy and the fact that you're investing in your health and well-being is a beautiful and powerful thing. I'm your host and friend on this journey to being well, Adi Hartkin. Did you know that everyday items that you use could be actually exposing you to harmful toxins? Well, there are definitely harmful toxins in many different places in this world today.
And sometimes the places that we find them are really surprising, because they can be in everyday products that are on the shelves that have been approved by the FDA as safe for our use. But in reality, they are far more toxic than anything you would probably want to ever use. And they really are not as safe as they are made out to be. And a huge part of this is that there are small amounts of toxins in many different products, but we're often using multiple different products at one time, in addition to what's just in the environment, in the air we breathe, and sometimes the water that we drink, and the different exposures we have out in the world. And all those things can build up over time with exposure and really start to have a major impact on our health.
And especially if we are perhaps not eating as well as we should, or we are not getting enough sleep, or we are experiencing a lot of stress, and all of those kinds of things, then our toxic load can have even more of an impact on us, because our body's already burdened and stressed in some way. And there are two kinds of toxins in terms of how your body detoxifies from them. One is a fat-soluble toxin, and typically fat-soluble toxins are processed through your liver. And then there are also water-soluble toxins, and those are typically processed through your kidneys. And so those are two of your main detox pathways, anything processed through your liver.
Eventually, sometimes it actually is conjugated in order to be able to be processed through your kidneys, but if that's not possible, then it's processed through your liver and ideally exits via the stool.
And then, of course, through your kidneys, is through the urine. And there are several other ways we can detoxify besides that. One is through the sweat. One is actually through the breath. And then, for women, sometimes even they detoxify through the uterus.
there are several different ways that we can detoxify, but it is really important that these pathways are open in order to give you the most benefit from your detoxification and any sort of detox that you do. So. environmental toxins are toxins that we find in our environment, that are all around us, and there are many potential health impacts of the various types of toxins.
Sometimes they're cancerous, so we call those carcinogenic. Sometimes they can disrupt your hormones. Sometimes they can create birth defects. So there's many different things that environmental toxins can do. They almost always disrupt your gut health.
They almost always have some sort of impact on your brain health. And part of that is the fact that most of the very serious toxins are fat soluble, which means that they are able to combine well with fat. And your brain is mostly made up of fat. And so, unfortunately, a lot of these toxins can be very.
neuroinflammatory, but also just degenerative in a lot of ways. So if you want to take care of your brain health and have a healthy longevity with your neurological health, then you really definitely want to avoid as many toxins as possible. And when we look at the various toxins that we'll discuss, there's many different categories of toxins, but primarily we'll focus today on talking about different kinds of plastics, also different kinds of fragrances and endocrine disruptors, and then also a little bit about heavy metals as well. And we'll just kind of see where it goes. But the first thing that I kind of want to talk about is something that's really common and very often overlooked, and that is the plastics in our food containers and food storage.
And something so fairly easy to swap out and make a change with. But basically, any kind of plastic typically leaches some amount into whatever it is touching. If it is food, if it is water, you definitely don't want to be storing anything hot, especially, and then consuming it in plastic. Because when something is hot inside of plastic, it leaches the plastics much more quickly. And plastics can cause, again, they can be carcinogenic.
They can definitely be endocrine disruptors, which means that they disrupt your hormones and can create hormonal imbalances and disrupt the function of your hormone production as well. And so it's really, really important to make this switch. If you are still using plastic food containers, it's okay. if you use glass containers that have plastic lids, typically, because our food very rarely touches the lid. And especially if you allow your food to cool off first before you put the lid onto it for storage, then that can be a really safe practice.
And the other thing about the plastics is that often when people are using microwaves, then they are putting their food into microwavable safe containers, which are almost always plastic. And they even make plastic film. you can put over the top of your microwavable safe containers in order to stop the splatter and all of those kinds of things, a film or sometimes like a lid that you sit on. And that usually is plastic as well. And so you're heating up that plastic and even more leaches then into the food, and then you consume it.
And there are microplastics everywhere. And in fact, I think there was a recent study that I recall reading about how they tested male subjects. And there wasn't a single one that they tested, I believe, or it was a very high number, at least I can't remember the exact study. But every single one of them had microplastics present in their testicles. And that's huge, because they are endocrine disruptors.
And they're also carcinogenic. And so that just gives you a sense of how much these plastics and microplastics are getting into everything in our food supply and in our water. City water has typically a lot of plastics in it, just from all the exposure to all the different things in people's households and just getting completely into the water supply and in the,
you know, just in so many different places. And so this is something that is easy to switch out. for the most part, it might cost a little bit upfront to kind of convert current, you know, your current situation with plastics into a healthier one. But, you know, I definitely recommend using glass for food storage. I think it's really great.
You can reheat things in glass. I definitely don't recommend using the microwave because the microwave has its own negative health benefits. So just to go on a little tangent here, when you use a microwave, the way that it heats up your food is that it actually denatures. It actually ends up denaturing the proteins in whatever food it is that you're heating up. It makes it almost impossible or definitely much more difficult for your body to digest them properly.
And that can cause lots of other issues in your digestive tract and just in your body if you're not getting enough of the protein from your food. So the way that I reheat food in my household is I will either dump it into a pot and heat it up that way, depending on what it is, or I will put it in an oven or a convection oven. I have a convection oven on my counter. that's a convection oven slash air fryer. And you can use it almost just like a microwave, but it doesn't denature the proteins in the food so that you can still reap the benefits and digest it efficiently.
And so not only should you not be reheating things in plastic, but also not reheating in a microwave as much as possible. And when you have glass food storage containers, then you can pop those in the oven, makes it much easier to reheat in a safe way. That's not going to create more toxins for you. And you can also use stainless steel to reheat if, or even to store, of course, like stainless steel pots, things like that. Ceramic is great as well.
It's a lot like glass. So, you know, you might remember some of those old like Corning ware containers. And usually they were either glass or ceramic. So you can, you know, use any of those options. Some people even have, like bamboo or wood storage containers.
I feel like they're a little bit harder to clean sometimes, but they do make some bamboo ones that almost feel like plastic now that are much easier to clean because they have kind of like a finish on them. But just make sure that everything that you're using is a non-toxic and they don't put like a nonstick, plastic coating of some type on it, because that would defeat the purpose of having a natural material. So those are lots of different options that you can use in place. And, you know, there's also other areas where you might not even think of having that plastic exposure, like children, for example, and especially babies and their teething toys.
And it's becoming much more popular to have silicone, which is slightly better. But there's also some recent research that leaves it kind of questionable whether silicone is as safe as we originally thought. But definitely the plastic teething toys is something that's not a great idea. And when my kids were young, we used wood teething toys, and those are much healthier and safer than using the plastic ones, because your child is literally trying to grow their brain and you don't want them chewing on something that can inhibit that process. Water bottles are also really important to look at, and getting a reusable water bottle, like a stainless steel water bottle or a glass water bottle.
They make the glass water bottles with, like the silicone sleeves on the outside. that makes it less easy to break them. So those are some other options, because a lot of times, you know, we don't really think about even just what's holding the water that we're drinking and we spend money maybe on getting clean water. But then we put it in a glass container and get more toxins. So, you know, the plastics are in a lot of different places.
You want to look for things that are BPA free, that are, you know, free of the nonstick coatings. That's another big one. Teflon and other nonstick coatings often contain something called PFOAs, which are very toxic to your system and can cause a multitude of problems, including respiratory issues, when they're heated up past a certain temperature. In fact, they've used birds who have very sensitive lungs before to detect chemicals or releases of toxins in a coal mine, for example, because they will die before the workers do if it does get to toxic levels. So they're kind of like that's what the canary in the gold mine analogy is.
And there are reports of people cooking on their nonstick Teflon pans and having pet parrots pass away because of the off-gassing of the Teflon pans. So these are all things that are definitely really important to consider. And with pans, you can cook with stainless steel, cast iron. There are now ceramic coated ones that you can get and, you know, and all of those work really well. Enameled cast iron is fine as well, like the Lake Crusay and all of those kinds of things, totally fine.
But you want to be careful, because sometimes also they'll have nonstick coatings in things like convection ovens and air fryers. So you want to look for the ones that are just the stainless steel and do that extra work to clean them and scrub them and soak them, whatever you need to do. But just look out for that kind of shiny plasticky coating that is, you know, the typical nonstick, because that can definitely be problematic. And so these are, you know, relatively easy switches, though. You just have to look for where are all the areas that you're using plastic in your life and any sort of nonstick type of stuff, and just replace it with natural materials.
If it came from the earth, you know, it's natural. If it's a metal, if it's a wood, if it is glass, glass comes from sand. So all of those natural materials are safe and it's the ones that are manufactured in the labs with chemicals that are not. So, you know, our daily lives are filled with hidden toxins, but knowledge is power and you can take steps to make those switches. And even if it needs to be little by little, you will get there.
So also, don't forget to tell your freedom friends that they can join us. live on America out loud, talk radio network and via the recorded podcast at America out loud.com and on the I heart radio, Spotify and Pandora networks. Just download the America out loud phone app for Apple, Android, or Alexa, and listen in whenever and wherever you may be. And remember, you can listen to energetic health Institute radio live Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. Eastern to 10 a.m.
Pacific. And we will be here. I will be here every Monday, but also check out Dr. Meg Montano's carbon atoms, Jolene Goring and Dr. H.
we're here on energetic health Institute radio weekdays at 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific. And you can even go to our show page on America out loud.com to submit a healthy question for any of us. in the next segment, I'll be exploring more surprising sources of toxins and how they can impact your health.
So stay tuned for more energetic health Institute radio right after this.
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So are you aware that toxins lurking in your home and personal care products can actually be definitely very greatly impacting your health? I think you probably are by now, but we're going to talk a little bit about prevention, because prevention is definitely the best medicine. If we can catch things early,
and prevent ourselves succumbing to disease in the first place, then it's much easier than trying to dig our way out. And if you already are dealing with some sort of disease process of some type, you're already struggling in some way with your health, then just know that eliminating the toxins and minimizing the toxins in your life as much as possible, it can greatly give you a leg up on your healing. And it just takes the burden off of your body and all these processes that it has to go through in order to detoxify. And it will help you so much to be able to heal more effectively and more quickly. And who knows, it could even be the root cause of what you're going through.
So I want to talk a little bit about fragrances and endocrine disruptors, because fragrances are in everything. And I would say the vast majority of at least the people in America, I can speak for that, tend to use an enormous amount of fragrances in their daily lives. And I'm not just talking about cologne or perfume, which many, many people use, but they are in so many different places and they do disrupt your hormones. And they are also potential carcinogens. They can cause a multitude of various different issues, but you really have to look and consider all the different products that you're using and where they might be hiding.
And the dead giveaway for synthetic fragrances is that it smells like anything pretty much. And anytime that you see something that says like summer, breeze or spring fresh or something like that, usually there are synthetic fragrances in it. And if you look at the label, you can see that there is either something that says fragrance or perfume, which is, I can never pronounce how they say that or how that's supposed to be said, but P-A-R-F-U-M is another way that they say fragrance a lot of times. And.
anytime you see either of those two words, then it is definitely usually synthetic, unless there's an asterisk next to it that says from only 100% pure essential oils. And if that's the case, then you're probably fine. But if it does not have that little asterisk denoting that it's from a hundred percent pure essential oils, then it is very likely synthetic and creating potential health issues for you and your family. if it is in your home. And some of the different places for you to consider, where this might be is in your body care products.
So we're talking about your shampoo, your conditioner, your body soap, your hand soap, your lotion, your aftershave, your shaving cream.
I'm trying to think of all the different kinds of body care products people use, but there are so many. And then, of course, any sort of body spray, any sort of perfume, cologne, deodorant, there are, usually is fragrance in every single one of those things to some extent. And speaking of deodorant, a lot of times any sort of antiperspirant deodorant tends to contain aluminum in it. And that is something that gets absorbed through your skin, and that's a heavy metal. So that's something else to consider and definitely find a natural deodorant.
Even if that means that it doesn't keep you from perspiring, then that is actually going to be much more healthy for you on many levels, because, number one, you're not going to be getting those heavy metals in your body. Number two, you're going to be able to perspire, which is a detoxification pathway, as you might remember from the first segment. So you want to be able to sweat, and that's good for you. And yes, sometimes we don't smell like spring fresh flowers when we sweat, but there are many natural deodorants that can help with the odor as well. And a really telltale sign of strong body odor, or I said this backwards, I'm going to start over.
The really telltale sign of a very toxic body is strong body odor. And so if you have really strong body odor, it's even more important that you detoxify and get these toxins out of your home and out of your body care products. And of course we can't avoid them completely. Of course, it's impossible to avoid all the environmental toxins out there, but the goal is really just to minimize how much we expose ourselves to them, just minimize our burden.
So definitely the different hormonal disruptors, the fragrances, look in your laundry detergent, look in your dryer sheets, look at your air fresheners, your scented candles. All of those often contain synthetic fragrances. and the plugins, all the different kinds of air fresheners, the Febreze, the things you spray in the room, all of that. And there's natural alternatives to all of these things. You really don't need those synthetic fragrances and the natural alternatives might not linger as long.
They might not smell as strong, but they do smell nice. And it's actually one of those things where the less that you're exposed to it, the more you'll realize just how toxic it is. And when you're away from it for a while and then you smell somebody who uses all those things, you will feel how it impacts you physically and that your body actually has a resistance to all of those fragrances. But when you're bathing in them, literally bathing in them and slathering, you know, fragrance to lotion on your body and putting it into the air in your house, a lot of times, we don't really notice just how unhealthy it is and how it actually makes us feel. So definitely, check all of your products and start switching to more natural ones and finding the ones that don't have these fragrances in them and starting to use essential oils instead.
So endocrine disruptors can do things like inhibit hormone production. That can be part of it. But the biggest and most common impact that they have is that they are something called xenoestrogens. And xenoestrogens are substances that mimic estrogens and they act like estrogens in our bodies. And so we see a lot of estrogenic diseases coming from all of these different fragrances that are in everything.
And we'll see men who have a disruption with their hormone balance where there's more estrogen.
And we will also see.
women with estrogenic issues like endometriosis or really heavy periods or things like that, that are really not healthy and majorly disruptive to people's quality of life. And so these xenoestrogens also imagine the impact that they have on children. if children are living in a household and they're using all these different products, and how is that impacting them as they get older? So if it smells like some sort of fake fresh flower, then you probably want to throw it away. Some of the other things that you want to look for are heavy metals.
Heavy metals can be in older households. A lot of them are not used anymore. Like lead paint, for example, or arsenic in treated wood. But you might want to have your paint tested. if you live in a house that was built, I think it's prior to the 1970s, that you would want to double check and make sure there's not lead in that paint.
But primarily heavy metals also tend to come from our food supply, and especially large fish. So the larger the fish, the more likely it is that it has high levels of heavy metals, because lots of little fish have small amounts of heavy metals from consuming things and being in the ocean with that. Then a slightly larger fish will eat lots of smaller fish and that's a larger quantity of those heavy metals that gets into the tissues of that slightly larger fish. And then a very large fish will eat many of those larger fish and an even higher concentration gets into that very large fish's tissues. And so it goes up the food chain to the biggest fish.
They tend to have the biggest concentration of heavy metals, especially mercury. So when you are selecting seafood, go for the smaller fish and the ones with the lower levels of the mercury and really be conscious of where your source is. And.
a really good resource for this is the EWG. They have something called a seafood calculator, fish calculator, something like that. And you can go and you can enter in your weight. And if you're pregnant or not, like all of those details, and then it will tell you your allowable amounts and which fish are the best choices, the highest in the omega-3s, the lowest in the mercury, which ones are the second best choices, which are low in mercury, but not so high in omega-3s, and then which ones are the worst choices that are higher in the mercury. So typically smaller fish like anchovies and mackerel and sardines and all of those little fish are going to be the cleanest.
Wild caught salmon is also a good choice. But keep in mind, farm salmon, they often put paint pellets actually in their food in order to give them a pinker color. And those have a lot of toxins in them that you don't want to be consuming. So I highly recommend avoiding farm salmon and farm fish in general, because they tend to be crowded and there tends to be more of a toxic burden overall, and they tend to be less healthy. So wild caught salmon, especially salmon from the Pacific coast, Alaska, tends to be a lot cleaner than Atlantic salmon.
So but you can go to the EWG and look at their resource on fish and seafood. I think it's actually called a seafood guide now that I think of it. And it's a really great resource for selecting fish that's not going to be as toxic for you. And, you know, again, just being aware of your exposure. If you do work in some sort of, you know, industrial setting, you might want to be careful as well, because there can be a lot of heavy metals in that kind of a setting too.
And you can do a lot of things to detoxify from heavy metals. But it's a pretty complex process. And I know Dr. Ely is developing more about this in his Art of Cellular Healing course, I believe, or actually it might be his detox course. But at Energetic Health Institute, he is developing a course about chelating from these heavy metals so that you can get those out of your system once they're there, because those absolutely impact your brain health.
And there's a very strong connection between heavy metal burden and some of the neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and things like that. So you definitely don't want those in your life. So also other things that can be in your toiletries, besides, just the fragrances, can be things like parabens and sulfates and phthalates. And what are the other ones?
Those are the few off the top of my head. But you'll want to look for healthier, you know, healthier products that are natural and that are, you know, advertising that they're free of all of these things. And a really good resource for that is the Think Dirty app. So there's an app called Think Dirty, and you can scan your products and look up your products on it and see, you know, how clean they are or how dirty they are, how toxic they are. So always looking for the ones that are natural and organic and have the most recognizable list of ingredients.
And sometimes, if you don't recognize the name of it, it will sometimes also say like a common name.
And so maybe it's like a Latin name of the plant that it comes from. And then there's a common name. It's like sunflower, seed oil or something like that. So that is OK. But the ones that sound like chemicals, where you just you can tell it's just something manufactured in a lab, those are the ones to be careful for.
And there are a few names like that that are actually natural, coming from natural products. But you want to be very careful and just make sure that you are doing your research. And if you don't recognize something, look it up, see what it is, see if there's any sort of negative health consequence of it and just go as simple and natural as possible, just like with your food.
It's just so important to reduce your burden. And, you know, you're. you don't want to be scared of every single thing that you put in or on your body, but you do want to feel empowered to have this information and look at everything that you are being exposed to and trying to find a healthier alternative. so you can just reduce that burden overall. And, you know, toxins are more pervasive than we might think, but making informed choices can really make a huge difference.
So in the final segment, we will cover practical steps to detox your life and reduce your exposure to these harmful substances. And we have more Energetic Health Institute radio right after these messages. Don't miss it.
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All right healers, welcome back. So what if you could significantly reduce all these toxins that we're talking about and reduce your exposure with just a few simple changes? You know, that old saying, an ounce of, excuse me, choking on my own saliva, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. is really, you know, applicable here, that, you know, again, preventing diseases from developing in the first place can be so much easier than healing once we have them. So we're going to look at some safe alternatives and healthier habits that you can do.
that will just help you with this process. In addition to, you know, removing them from your household, removing them from your lifestyle, there are other things you can do that also will help you to support, you know, detoxifying, that will support you from, you know, actually, you know, storing these toxins in your body, because that can absolutely happen.
And one of the things that's really super helpful, that's very important if you do have any sort of toxin exposure, which I can guarantee you that you do, whether or not you use natural products, is eating a diet rich in antioxidants. And so antioxidants are exactly like their name implies.
I'll try that again. They're exactly what their name implies,
which is that they are anti-oxidizing. And so oxidation, as you might know, is what's responsible for things like rust and, you know, like the metal on your car turning that weird color, as when the paint comes off of it and it gets exposed to the elements, right? And that can happen in our bodies as well, in a slightly different way. But we can still get oxidization in our body, and, you know, free radicals and all of those kinds of toxins can contribute to cellular damage and tissue damage and all of that, which creates inflammation and lots of other issues in our bodies. And antioxidants help to prevent that from happening.
And one of the best analogies that I have heard, which I think I actually heard from Dr. Ely, is that the free radicals are kind of almost like pinballs. If you were living, if your body was like a glass house and the free radicals and reactive oxygen species, or ROS, were like pinballs, so these metal balls, and then, you know, they start bouncing around your house and breaking everything. If your house was completely made out of glass, you know, that would cause a lot of damage, and that's kind of how free radicals act. But if antioxidants were like a magnet and they mop up all these pinballs, then that's basically how it works.
So they kind of mop up all those little things, those little toxins in your body causing damage and prevent them from continuing that cycle, prevent them from bouncing all over the place and wreaking havoc in your body. And so that is partly why it's so important to eat antioxidants. And the nice thing about antioxidants is they also tend to help with infection as well. So they're very detoxifying and you can, you know, find them in just your foods. And the reason that we say eat the rainbow is because all those different colors are different types of antioxidants, and green foods are amazing, especially dark green foods are amazing for their antioxidant power, cruciferous vegetables, any sort of, you know, fruit with all those different colors.
You know, we have the dark purples and the oranges, and the yellows and the reds. All of those are different kinds of antioxidants. And vitamin C is an antioxidant. Vitamin A is an antioxidant. So all of these nutrients that are in the real whole foods that we eat every day are all helping prevent our body from being damaged by various toxins and their byproducts.
And so, you know, just eating a whole food diet that's varied and, you know,
various colors. I can't think of the word I'm trying to say. So a diet, that is, has a lot of variety. That's what I'm trying to say. It has a lot of variety in terms of the color and the different types of food, where there's a nice balance of the different vegetables and the different fruits and whatnot.
You know, you're not going to get antioxidants from animal protein. So it is really important to also include these fruits and vegetables in your diet because of that reason. And you're not usually going to get a whole lot of antioxidants from things like white potatoes, but you're going to get a lot more from these more colorful fruits and vegetables. The other thing that's really important when we talk about detoxification is hydration. And, you know, again, we could go down a huge rabbit hole in terms of, you know, how to find clean water and all that.
I'll leave that up to Dr. Ely. But it is really important to hydrate adequately. And a lot of people don't even really understand how much water is enough. And so kind of.
the key to that is that you want to drink roughly half of the number of pounds that you weigh. So let's just say, for simplicity's sake, someone weighed 100 pounds. They'd want to drink 50 ounces of water every day. And there are eight ounces in a cup. So, you know, you could say like 50 divided by eight, to roughly get that number.
So it'd be like six cups of water, roughly. Now that's your baseline. That's like your minimum amount that you want to drink in a day. And soda doesn't count towards that. Juice doesn't count towards that.
Herbal teas do, but coffee does not count towards that. In fact, coffee counts against that, because coffee is a diuretic and it makes you urinate more, which is more dehydrating. Alcohol is also dehydrating. So those don't count. Not all liquids count towards your hydration goals for the day.
But if you are drinking something like coffee or black tea, like a sort of caffeinated beverage, which is, they're all diuretic. It's the caffeine in it that makes it that way. Then you're going to want to drink even more, I would say an extra cup of water. And unless you're drinking a ton of caffeine, then you're probably going to want to drink a few extra cups of water. So you'll add to that minimum amount.
And then, if you are exercising heavily, if you are sweating, if you live in a very hot or dry climate, then you'll also want to add more water to that amount. And so you actually need to be drinking quite a bit of water. And for a lot of people, it's very hard for them to get that in. So what I recommend is, at first, when you're increasing your water intake, is to even just have a timer on your phone or on your watch that goes off periodically, like every hour, to remind you to just take some sips of water. And that can be helpful just for building in that habit of being conscious of it and also getting a reusable water bottle that, like I mentioned before, not plastic, but stainless steel or glass that you can bring with you everywhere that you go.
You also want to consider air quality and using air purifiers. I use air purifiers in my own home and even keeping house plants like indoor plants that actually can improve the air quality. And there are many different plants out there that can do this for you and that can help naturally filter and detoxify your air. So if you just even type on the internet, house plants that detoxify the air, you will see many different types. The spider, I think it's called spider plant, is a really common one for that.
There are many, many types. And so just adding more plants to your house not only makes it beautiful, but also benefits your health. And then exercising, moving your body and sweating at rest as well. So sweating at rest is really different than just sweating when you exercise, and both are good for you. But sweating at rest is much more detoxifying when you're able to do that, which usually you need the help of something like a sauna or infrared sauna.
Because when you sweat at rest, you can have your nervous system actually in a parasympathetic mode. It can be nice and calm, and that helps you to detoxify more effectively, because typically when you are exercising, you're a little bit more in a sympathetic mode, which is not always the worst thing in the world. You just want to make sure you don't push yourself too hard, but it can be okay to be in that mode while you're exercising for a finite period of time and then return back to that parasympathetic mode afterwards. So it's good to get your exercise in. Dr.
Ely says to exercise for 30 minutes after your first drop of sweat. I agree with that. And I also say that it's good to squeeze in some passive sweating as well, where you're sweating at rest. So infrared saunas are amazing for that. They penetrate very deeply into your tissue layers, very, very detoxifying.
So if you can obtain one or find somewhere where you can go and use one, which is much more common these days, that there's different kinds of health spas where you can go and sit in an infrared sauna there, that can be very, very beneficial. A few other things to just kind of recap and consider. is that your storage containers, you want to use glass, stainless steel,
some sort of natural material, ceramic, in order to store your food and reheat your food, especially if your food is hot. And especially if you're using some sort of an acidic food, like tomato sauce or something like that, you absolutely do not want to store it in plastic.
Again, if you have children, make sure that their toys are, if they're putting toys in their mouth still, if they're that young, that they're putting toys in their mouth still, make sure they're natural materials.
using wood and natural materials that are not full of BPA and other plastics. And just because something's BPA free, by the way, doesn't always mean that it's healthy for you to put into your body, because there are many types of plastics that are not healthy for you. Pretty much all plastic is not healthy for you, but the BPA free is better than having the BPA in it, because that's one of the more detrimental toxins, but also just more well-researched, but there are other types as well. So avoiding plastic altogether as much as possible is the best method. And when you absolutely have to use it, if it is BPA free, then that is still a good thing, but that doesn't always mean that, you know, you should be having your kids stick it in their mouth necessarily.
So also some nonstick alternatives for cookware is really important. If you get a cast iron pan and you season it properly and you take good care of it, it's practically like nonstick. So you can look up how to do that. If you don't know already, learn a new skill. Cast iron pans also last forever.
So it's a great investment, because you can have them your whole life, basically, and you could hand them down even to your children. So, you know, that's a really good option. Not good for acidic foods, though. So I would recommend for acidic foods that you either get some sort of like ceramic pan or a stainless steel.
And then for reducing your heavy metal exposure, you know, definitely, you know, eating the smaller fish, not going to sushi all the time, you know, educating yourself, which fish are healthier and safer for you. And then also, you know, testing, if you live in an older home, for lead and treat, and wood and all of those kinds of things, the treated wood. We don't want it to be treated with the arsenic. And then just, you know, advocating for natural and organic personal care products, even your household cleaners. Bleach is another one where the fumes of that are very toxic.
So, you know, even if you're not touching your skin, it's not super great to just be around you at all. And using, if you're a woman, using unbleached, what was it? Non-chlorine bleach, feminine care products can be much healthier than using the ones with the bleach. So, you know, this is all a lot to consider, but just remember to take it, you know, one step at a time, avoiding those fragrances, using essential oils. Essential oils are beautiful and they smell really, really good.
And once you get used to that switch, it's going to be something probably that you really enjoy more than the synthetic alternatives to it. So, you know, just taking one step at a time, replacing things as you notice that you have them and just being aware of where your exposures are and how you can reduce that burden on your body and support your liver. You know, take things like milk thistle that protects your liver, and eating lots of dark leafy greens can be very detoxifying for your liver.
Artichoke, what else? NAC, Pernac, which is a precursor to glutathione, can be incredibly helpful for supporting detoxification and taking care of your mitochondria at a cellular level. Doing all the things that you know are going to support you in being healthy and healing. So, by making those small and mindful changes, you can really significantly reduce your toxin exposure and improve your health. And so, you can start implementing these detox strategies today and take control of your environment.
And, as always, I'll leave you with these healing thoughts. As a believer in nature's profound healing power, I recognize the innate ability within you to heal. Remember, the keys to healing are within your grasp. Knowledge is power, food is medicine, and nature heals all. As you journey forward, may you be guided by love, empowered by hope, and inspired by your resilience.
Thank you for tuning in. I'm Addie Hartkin, and you can learn more about my services at TheBeingWell.com or find me on social media at Addie Hartkin. And I really appreciate you being here today. Make sure to tune in every Monday through Friday at 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m.
Pacific for more Energetic Health Institute radio. Until next time, be well and stay well, my friends.