Discover holistic solutions for shock trauma and nightmares

2024-07-31 00:56:59

America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

Speaker 2
[00:00.00 - 00:05.20]

The greatest energy always prevails.

Speaker 1
[00:27.56 - 00:50.16]

Aloha and welcome healers of all ages to the Energetic Health Institute radio. This show is perfect for those who are ready to transition from being patients to becoming students, students of their own health. So if you're ready to learn about the safest, most effective, most wonderful medicine in the world, then this show is for you. And, of course, thank you so much for listening. I'm your host, Dr.

[00:50.20 - 01:05.88]

Meg. We are going to explore a wide range of topics and dive into the nuances in between. Get ready for some candid adult conversations that many would prefer. we don't have. Healers, I am here to speak my truth so that you can feel empowered to speak yours too.

[01:06.30 - 01:44.38]

Always, of course, with love, logic, and light, and always with a little bit of laughter. Healers, we've never worried about being offensive, because, no matter what they might say about us, we're good people and we have good hearts and we have pure intentions. So don't be afraid to speak the truth. And if you're like me and you are done being polite to the minions of evil and ignorance, if you're ready for real talk, and if you understand, understand, and overstand that we are in the fight of our lives and you're ready to take action, then the Energetic Health Institute is perfect for you. Remember to tell all of your friends.

[01:44.52 - 02:34.00]

They can join us on the America Out Loud talk radio network and via recorded podcast at and on the iHeart Radio, Spotify, and Pandora networks. Just download the America Out Loud app for Apple, Android, Alexa, and listen whenever and wherever you may be. Today we're going to do something just a little bit different in the way we start our broadcast. I am going to play a poem slash story that I wrote for my late brother, EJ, and this episode today is going to be for him.

[02:35.70 - 03:13.28]

EJ and I both experienced severe trauma as kids and we took two very different paths, ultimately ending up in two very different destinations. My brother is no longer here. He took his life four days after his 49th birthday last year, so that was 2023.. His birthday was October 23rd and 75, and he took his life on the 29th of 2023.. It's hard to believe it's been almost a year.

[03:13.44 - 03:43.76]

Time really, really does fly and for anybody out there, that's hurting right now, just know that time does heal all and one day at a time. Every day it might not feel like it, but every day things will feel easier and easier and easier. I also want to remind everybody that our inability to accept what is, is what keeps us in a state of sadness.

[03:47.24 - 04:08.50]

I always say, the day we're born is the first day towards our death, and that's a fact. We're here for a short time, and the older we get, the more we realize that. So what are we doing while we're here? What are we supposed to be doing? We're all doing things different.

[04:08.66 - 04:38.80]

We're all here for different purposes, but nonetheless we are all still here for a purpose, and when we don't figure out and realize what our purpose is, what we're here for, then we struggle and we're lost and we're searching for, for worldly things to satisfy holes and voids within us.

[04:41.14 - 04:51.24]

Oftentimes when individuals who have had traumatic experiences like childhood abuse.

[04:52.94 - 05:20.88]

are asked what their purpose is, it doesn't usually have anything to do with healing. Most of the time, we as individuals are lost, so we throw ourselves into other areas of our life and we hyper focus on those areas, and it could be anything. What I see a lot of times is hypersexuality, and it's just a form of escapism.

[05:23.12 - 05:47.48]

Me personally, I've always dived into the books because I was very intrigued by what was going on in my household and just wanted to understand, like what is wrong with these people? Like seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people? It was clear to me, even as a kid, that there was something wrong with these people, and they projected that onto my brother and I, both in the form of all kinds of abuse.

[05:50.53 - 05:58.86]

But there's different ways that we try to break away from the thoughts that continuously haunt us.

[06:00.43 - 07:03.24]

if you can relate and if you're an individual or know somebody that still to this day struggles from childhood abuse and they may be my age, 50 or older. and the reason why the struggle is there is because of a couple reasons. Number one, it's because of a lack in accepting what was, what happened and accepting that it was there for a purpose, which is ultimately the second reason. There is a purpose behind everything that happens and it always, always, always and always is a word I don't always use or never, because always and never, almost never, are applicable, but they're applicable in this situation, but it always goes back to, at the end of the day, fear. All emotions stem from one of two emotions, love or fear.

[07:05.16 - 07:10.84]

Anything that is associated with love is associated with God, trust, right, abundance.

[07:12.48 - 07:24.52]

Anything that is associated with fear is the association with a lack of God or a lack of trust in abundance and love, and security and safety.

[07:26.76 - 07:58.66]

When a person grew up in an environment that was abusive, that person learned not to trust life and that life is bad. By keeping one's attention on anything that could be negative or go bad or go wrong, that is a survival mechanism. That can be changed, but an individual has to want to change, and that's the challenging part, because the reality is most people don't change.

[08:01.08 - 08:08.82]

In order to change, we have to surround ourselves with different people, like everything has to be different.

[08:10.54 - 08:16.30]

Different music, different TV shows, different friends, different everything.

[08:18.48 - 08:55.58]

Many of us don't even realize that certain movies or music trigger thoughts in us which trigger emotion, which may trigger things that happened in the past, more than likely they do, which keeps us tied to that memory in the past. and sometimes those memories are not good. Look, when I hear a song from when I was a kid, like, I can't even tell you Pink Floyd, like that type of music, whatever that stuff is. Whenever I hear that kind of music, I turn it off as fast as I can. I get away from it as fast as I can.

[08:55.66 - 09:28.72]

I don't want to have anything to do with that kind of music. I hope I never, ever, ever, ever, ever hear that kind of music again, because it's tied to memories of abuse. It's tied to an individual that loved that kind of music that would play in my household that I was being abused in. So we have to start changing everything about our life if we want our life to change. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

[09:31.28 - 10:07.54]

And something as simplistic as changing what kind of music you listen to can make a whole big difference in the way you feel every day. I don't listen to words with, I'm sorry, I don't listen to music with words anymore. I stopped listening to words with music a very long time ago, probably I would say at least at least 10 years ago, because, like words trigger thoughts. I have a 16 year old and I asked her the other day because she likes Ariana Grande. we had to have a talk about Ariana Grande.

[10:09.86 - 10:15.24]

Maybe I'll have that talk with you all at some point about Ariana Grande as well.

[10:16.94 - 10:50.80]

And I said to her I'm not, I'm not a fan of Ariana Grande. Okay, look, in a nutshell, this is what it is. I don't think anybody can convince, can convince me that that young woman was not sexually molested on set on Nickelodeon, and I believe that she's keeping her mouth shut about it so that she can maintain her contracts. And as I explained to my 16 year old daughter that I I get it, that she likes the music she likes, the way she sings. you know, you know I liked Madonna at one point when I was her age, so I mean I get it.

[10:51.74 - 11:09.40]

I'd probably rather her listen to Ariana than Madonna, but the thing about it is every time her music is streamlined, she gets paid, so she is choosing to keep her mouth shut, in my opinion. I don't know this for a fact, but this is what my heart is telling me she's keeping her mouth shut.

[11:11.30 - 11:17.28]

thereby keeping a bunch of other little girls in danger, so that she can continue to get paid.

[11:19.68 - 11:32.54]

and I'm not here to judge in the higher realms my 3D, my 3 3D self with the child is like let's, let's think about that and see if this is something that we want to participate in.

[11:35.78 - 11:49.80]

but going back to what I was saying, cutting out, I asked my daughter why do you listen to that? right? and she says she likes the lyrics. and and I say this is what I don't get. why do we want to listen to other people's thoughts?

[11:49.80 - 12:07.84]

we have so many of our own thoughts. why don't we take our own thoughts and analyze our own thoughts, the way we would analyze our favorite artists songs, lyrics? I don't need to be listening to other people's. you know problems and like through a song. you know what I'm saying.

[12:07.84 - 12:15.38]

like. I don't know this person. she's not my friend, she's not leaning on me. she wants to say whatever she wants to say, so she can get paid, and that's fine. but I don't know.

[12:15.38 - 12:40.80]

I just feel like it's very unproductive. so back to what I was saying. I think that you should highly consider. if you're struggling mentally, emotionally, highly consider, get ready, getting rid of any music that you're listening to that has lyrics, unless it's uplifting and inspirational, you know. sometimes some of those also, though, can come in the back door, like Christian songs, for example.

[12:40.80 - 12:47.18]

I mean some of them. can they just bring a tear in my eye and a heartbeat. you know what I mean. so maybe not the best thing when you're trying to heal.

[12:48.92 - 12:59.58]

but take that advice or leave it whatever you want to do. just just a suggestion. and same thing with the movies. I haven't watched a rated r movie in probably three decades. I have zero interest.

[13:00.14 - 13:28.06]

actually, I haven't watched a movie in period in probably three decades. I have zero interest. my interest is in how I can help the world and spreading what I have learned about mental health from my own journey. and now specifically talking about my brother's journey, because he actually committed suicide. I talked a little bit longer than I thought I was going to talk during this first segment, but I do still have time to run the poem.

[13:28.06 - 14:05.60]

so I'm going to run the poem. it's five minutes long and it's dedicated to my brother. when he passed, I was asked a lot about his passing and I kind of remained, uh tight-lipped about it because I wanted to make sure that I represented what happened the right way. this is available on YouTube. you can download it, you know, for free or whatever, but I hope that whomever hears this if you, if it resonates with you or somebody that you know and love I pray that each day brings you more peace and to know.

[14:05.60 - 14:54.92]

I want you all to know that you're not alone. I'm going to take a quick break so that our awesome sponsors can jump in here and do what they do best and tell you about all of our amazing, wonderful products for you. when I come back, I'm going to play the poem book that I wrote for my brother, and then we're going to talk more about trauma and what happens during the night with people who have had severe trauma. I also want to talk about shock trauma and developmental trauma, how it impacts everyday life, and then the medications that are often prescribed, and I'll give you some naturopathic solutions as well. so hang tight and I'll be back.

[14:54.92 - 15:25.42]

we're going to take a quick break. you're listening to the America Out Loud talk radio network that plays on iHeart radio. you can hear us Monday through Friday at 1 p.m eastern and 10 a.m pacific. all of our shows go to hundreds of podcast networks the following day, like Apple, Android, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart and others. you can also find the show on in the main news feed and on our show page.

[15:25.42 - 15:57.84]

just go to the menu, find talk shows, slash podcasts and you'll see the Energetic Health Institute radio. remember, you can listen to the Energetic Health Institute radio live Monday through Friday, 1 p.m eastern and 10 a.m pacific, and make sure to also check out Dr. Brian Artis, Nicola Burnett, Dr. Jana Schmidt and Dr. H on Looking for Healing radio weekdays at 11 a.m eastern.

[15:57.84 - 16:18.18]

8 a.m pacific. you can even go to our show page on to submit a health question for any of us. stay tuned after the break and I'm going to come back and we're going to talk more about the DSM and these diagnoses, and I'm going to give you some naturopathic solutions. hang tight.

[16:27.88 - 16:48.80]

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[16:49.20 - 17:06.26]

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[17:06.78 - 17:28.34]

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[18:15.42 - 18:26.58]

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[18:35.94 - 19:10.74]

All right, healers, welcome back. Energetic Health Radio is sponsored by the Energetic Health Institute, an amazing school for amazing people, just like you, who are ready to stop being patients and start being students of the medicine God intended for us all to use. The best way to be free is to be healthy. Learn how at Holistic nutrition, fasting, detoxification, art of cellular healing, and so, so, so much more.

[19:11.36 - 19:31.72]

Join the E-Hi family and let's make tomorrow amazing. Energetic Health Radio is also sponsored by Simply the finest, most potent, most effective natural medicines in the world today. Feel the difference.

[19:31.72 - 20:12.98]

integrity and love for medicine making can make for you. Go to and enter promo code OUTLOUD to discover the medicine God intended for us all. Get incredible deals and find global healing and all of the wonderful AOL sponsors at Without further ado, here is a tribute to not only my late brother, but anybody and everybody out there listening who has been affected by suicide and or the effects of childhood trauma, specifically childhood abuse.

Speaker 2
[20:15.64 - 20:45.46]

In a town with whispering trees and singing birds lived a boy named Edwin John who longed for kind words. EJ, as he liked to be called, had dreams so big, his heart enthralled. But shadows crept around his day, for love and warmth were kept away. His parents didn't show they cared and EJ felt alone and scared. EJ's mother, angry and cold, never played or stories told.

[20:46.30 - 21:01.96]

His father, in the military, strong, was away for periods long. EJ grew up feeling unseen. Neglect made his world so mean. The early wounds left scars so deep. EJ often would weep and weep.

[21:02.82 - 21:32.24]

Desperate for his father's praise, EJ joined the military maze, hoping pride he'd finally gain, but this decision brought him pain. The pressures there, too much to bear, mental health beyond repair. Discharged, he wore scrubs of orange hue, feeling lost, without a clue. Life after was a constant fight, battling shadows in the night. Desperation, anxiety in his mind, happiness.

[21:32.24 - 21:47.96]

so hard to find. Prescription meds to ease the pain, but the dark clouds would remain. EJ struggled every day, trying to keep the dark at bay. A job promotion came his way. From Texas to Ohio.

[21:47.96 - 22:10.34]

he'd stray, but fears of failure filled his heart. Could he manage this new start? Overwhelmed, he sought out aid, called his doctor, feeling afraid, but the VA, it let him down. Canceled appointments caused a frown. Traveling to Ohio, filled with dread, EJ's thoughts were heavy lead.

[22:11.18 - 22:28.58]

Stopped at a hotel for the night. In despair, he ended the fight. In the quiet room, he found no peace. Leaving behind his loved ones, his release. In his darkest, saddest hour, he succumbed to pain's great power.

[22:29.66 - 22:50.78]

Crossing over, EJ met Edwin John, a higher-bet. Your journey had a purpose grand, to help you grow, to understand. You forgot who you truly are, a shining light, a guiding star. Earthly pains were lessons, dear. Opportunities to conquer fear.

[22:51.58 - 23:06.14]

The body's just a vessel. here, in this world so full of fear. We choose our parents, and the strife, to learn and grow throughout our life. Your parents' traumas weren't your own. Their false beliefs had overgrown.

[23:07.04 - 23:31.44]

Your true essence, pure and bright, is a being of love and light. EJ learned he wasn't flawed. His journey had been deeply odd, an identity shaped by pain, but his spirit would remain. To discover who you truly are, that was your journey's guiding star. Though hard, it was, your purpose clear, to find love, dispel the fear.

[23:32.38 - 23:59.28]

Happiness isn't found in things, it's the love that spirit brings. Align with God, with love so pure, in this dear one you'll find your cure. Your lack of faith in something higher led you to seek worldly desire, but true joy comes from deep inside, where love and God's light reside. EJ now understood at last. His struggles were part of a spiritual cast.

[24:00.20 - 24:24.12]

Edwin John assured his soul, you are now complete and whole. Your life, it had special meaning. Your story can be so redeeming. To help others heal their pain, your journey wasn't all in vain. EJ's story, though filled with woe, is a beacon of light to show that even in our darkest times, there's a climbs.

[24:25.82 - 24:37.62]

His tale now serves to heal and mend, to bring despair to an end. A reminder that we're never alone. Our lives have purpose. Love's own throne.

[24:39.58 - 24:40.14]

A new beginning.

[24:41.80 - 25:01.30]

EJ's journey, full of grace, continues in a brighter place. His story sheds that light of love guided by the stars above. To those who've lost someone dear, know that your love is always near. May. you find peace and light anew, and know that God's love surrounds you.

[25:02.94 - 25:21.04]

This book is dedicated to those who have lost loved ones, to suicide, and to all who struggle with the wounds of childhood trauma. May you find peace, understanding, and the light of love within you. I guess we should get an amen to that.

Speaker 1
[25:22.66 - 25:48.64]

It's pretty powerful. And what's interesting is that God always, there's that word again, God always uses me in ways that I don't always remember. And what I mean by that is, that's not the first piece of art that I've written that I don't even remember writing.

[25:51.36 - 26:21.30]

I really don't. I just remember sitting down at the computer and just having a lot of emotions in my heart and my days of crying until I can't lay there and cry without any more tears coming out another minute. Those days are long gone. And what I have chosen to do with my pain is to transform it. We are all alchemists.

[26:21.62 - 26:41.80]

If you have ever heard that word, basically, what that means is we have the ability to transform things like a sorceress. Although I don't know if that's considered witchcraft, but for lack of a better term, we have the ability to transform whatever we want. And if you think about it,

[26:43.44 - 27:10.94]

take the most significant things in your life that have caused you the most pain and how, how much that hurt you. take all of that. Cause. I know for me, there were times I literally felt like I was dying. And if you've never experienced that, then there's just no way you can even imagine it, but it literally feels like we're dying.

[27:12.48 - 27:24.00]

And I have felt like that more times in my life than I can even begin to tell you. But I decided when I started my healing journey that I didn't want to do that anymore. I don't like that. It doesn't feel good.

[27:25.52 - 27:47.44]

It sucks. And it's a perpetual cycle that doesn't end. And you know what I'm talking about. It goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Those days of me sleeping 13,, 14,, 15, 16 hours a day and crying the few hours that I was awake during those times, I barely even remember who that person is anymore.

[27:47.78 - 28:12.04]

Although I do sleep probably more than I should, but a whole lot less than I used to. And that's normal. By the way, if you're dealing with people in your life that are sleeping a lot, that's a pretty big indication that there are some neurotransmitters off and potentially something there that the doctors would classify as some sort of depression. Just as a side note,

[28:14.34 - 28:19.92]

these days I don't do that anymore. I take all of that emotion and I transform it into.

[28:21.44 - 28:35.54]

pieces of creative art. I'm very creative. I like all kinds of things. I had been asked over and over and over to speak about my brother's passing. And I just didn't feel compelled because it's kind of deep.

[28:35.84 - 28:50.58]

You know, of course his friends want to know. why did he take his life? You would want to know why your friend took your life too, right? Their life too, right? Especially if you only ever saw that person happy and smiling and you just, you didn't know any better.

[28:50.68 - 29:15.32]

But I'm telling you, people who have been hurt over and over and over and over, especially when people were not listening to them, when they were trying to tell people that they were being harmed. And again, I'm speaking from experience when people, when nobody's listening to you, you just learn to put a smile on your face and cook and keep it pushing, you know, keep it moving, keep on moving forward. What else are you going to do?

[29:17.32 - 29:41.74]

Just because somebody's smiling doesn't mean that they have not experienced or are experiencing a significant amount of pain. And the thing about my brother is this, and I would really be curious to how many people out there, like which side of the fence people are on. My brother didn't want to say anything because he wanted to defend our parents. I didn't. No, no, no.

[29:41.78 - 29:53.24]

That's not me at all. I'm very different. And it's so strange. You know, there's just the two of us and then we're both equally getting beaten and battered. One wanted to protect the parent.

[29:53.94 - 30:22.60]

And the other one was like, Oh, no. I want to be sensitive to the situation, because I understand, understand and understand the complexity of the trauma that was being administered upon us. Essentially, it's the same trauma that was administered upon her, i.e. her, my mother, our mother, and so forth. They're generational curses, typically.

[30:23.50 - 30:45.40]

And I actually knew that from a very young age. coming in. I knew that my job, if nothing else, was to stop the generational mistreatment of children and abuse, because there is absolutely no point in it. But I get it. I know why it happens.

[30:46.26 - 30:51.64]

I understand, understand and understand why it happens. I'm going to talk about that more.

[30:56.72 - 31:01.56]

But people who are wanting to defend their abusers, and it's very common,

[31:03.82 - 31:14.52]

will put a smile on their face and you won't know. And that's why a lot of his friends were shocked and confused and wanted answers. And I wasn't really saying much, because.

[31:17.34 - 31:31.90]

I wanted to be sensitive to the situation, because I can just be like bold, very, very, very transparent, like glass. Not everybody can handle that.

[31:33.56 - 31:56.52]

But like, straight up, though, for real, for real, I'm like, if you want to get, if you really want solutions, you have to be very clear about what the problems are. And for me to be clear, I don't have time to be worrying about your feelings. I just need to tell you what it is, so we can get to the solution, because that's really all that matters. All that, oh, you hurt my feelings. No, you hurt your own feelings.

[31:56.98 - 32:03.10]

Okay. Yeah, let me just not go down that rabbit hole, because I will. Let me get back on topic here.

[32:06.96 - 32:19.54]

You can't assume, just because somebody's smiling, that they're okay. I saw a TikTok the other day, and it was pretty profound because the gentleman said

[32:21.24 - 32:29.74]

that. the question was, what is the biggest lie you have ever told? And his answer was that he was okay.

[32:34.44 - 33:01.22]

You know, when people have mental health disparities, and they feel like people, others can't relate, they're going to be less likely to talk to you about it. You know, like, I'll give you an example. Like I had, I don't really suffer from depression much anymore, because I know the signs and symptoms, and I can be proactive with what I do.

[33:02.80 - 33:10.86]

Genetically, I'm definitely prone to it, for sure. Especially in the wintertime. A lot of people are, actually. There's reasons for that. We'll talk about that when it gets colder outside.

[33:13.90 - 33:50.32]

But I had a longtime friend, and this is years and years and years and years and years and years ago, but I'll never forget, because I think this is probably the last time I ever felt like I was really feeling. And I'm not really the type to, I don't know. I just, I keep to myself a lot. So for me to tell her, you know, I felt I had known her for a long time, and I thought maybe she would have some good advice for me, because she was like, ICU, nurse, and whatever, whatever. But I had said that I was struggling with a little bit of depression, and she really just kind of blew it off.

[33:50.48 - 34:11.64]

Like, well, what do you got to be depressed about? You know, and it just, I realized, okay, yeah, she definitely doesn't get it, and I wish I just would have not said anything, and, but damn, I'm tired of always dealing with this stuff by myself. But I guess that's just my life, so it is what it is.

[34:15.48 - 34:20.78]

So yes, it's definitely valid that people will not always tell you if they're not okay.

[34:22.34 - 34:41.36]

I have to take one more quick break. When I come back, we're going to jump into naturopathic solutions, so please hang tight. You're listening to the America Out Loud Talk Radio Network that plays on iHeart Radio. You can hear us Monday through Friday at 1 p.m. Eastern and 10 a.m.

[34:41.48 - 35:13.76]

Pacific. All of our shows go to hundreds of podcast networks the following day, like Apple, Android, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart, and others. You can also find the show on in the main news feed and on our show page. Just go to the menu, find talk shows, slash podcasts, and you'll see the Energetic Health Institute Radio. Remember, you can listen to the Energetic Health Institute Radio live Monday through Friday, 1 p.m.

[35:13.82 - 35:30.24]

Eastern and 10 a.m. Pacific, and make sure to also check out Dr. Brian Artis, Nicola Burnett, Dr. Janna Schmidt, and Dr. H on Looking for Healing Radio weekdays at 11 a.m.

[35:30.32 - 35:51.06]

Eastern, 8 a.m. Pacific. You can even go to our show page on to submit a health question for any of us. Stay tuned after the break, and I'm going to come back, and we're going to talk more about the DSM and these diagnoses, and I'm going to give you some naturopathic solutions. Hang tight.

[35:53.84 - 36:19.04]

When God, through his grace and mercy, gave us free will, the will of the people was to live freely. To that end, we fight for the liberty of all at a time when global tyranny threatens us as never before in mankind's history. This vision is manifest at, a site for all who cherish free will and freedom.

[36:23.80 - 36:33.06]

Now is our time, my fellow Americans. America Out Loud talk reading, liberty and justice for all.

[36:42.00 - 36:50.64]

I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid of going to the hospital. My doctor tells me nutrition doesn't work. Trust is earned.

[36:51.34 - 37:12.36]

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[38:07.96 - 38:42.36]

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[38:42.36 - 39:03.36]

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[39:03.36 - 39:46.28]

integrity and love for medicine making can make for you. Go to and enter promo code OUTLOUD to discover the medicine God intended for us all. Get incredible deals and find global healing and all of the wonderful AOL sponsors at Okay, let's talk about shock trauma real quick, because this is something that I wasn't aware that I actually had. And one of the things that I've learned about healing is that recognition is key.

[39:46.56 - 40:06.92]

You're going to hear me say that a lot. Recognition is key, because we can't change anything if we don't even have an awareness to it, which, by the way, if you've got different people in your life that are telling you the same thing about yourself, that it's probably true, especially if those people don't know each other. Okay. So don't let your ego get in the way. If you really want to change, listen to these people.

[40:07.06 - 40:07.20]


[40:08.92 - 40:45.26]

And surround yourself around people that are like the people, the person you want to be. If you can't hang around bums, if you don't want to be a bum, you know what I mean? So, just as a side note, but trauma, I want to talk about shock, trauma, because I didn't realize that I had this. And when I realized I had that, that recognition was a huge turning point in me not having it anymore, just the recognition alone. And then I'm going to tell you what I did to fix that problem.

[40:45.26 - 41:07.44]

And it's crazy that it actually worked. It's not crazy because I've read the literature and I've been in natural medicine over and over, but I'm saying crazy from a standpoint of being a patient who was on medication that could kill me for decades. When somebody could have said, Hey, why don't you just go try this? Which has absolutely no possibility of killing me. And it actually worked.

[41:07.62 - 41:22.90]

That's what I'm referring to as crazy. So I really hope that if you're listening to me and you resonate with what I'm saying, or you have a loved one or know somebody that has a loved one, these are really wonderful possibilities you may want to look into.

[41:24.44 - 41:55.74]

And again, as a side note, with naturopathic medicine, so many things I love about it, but, man, there are so many different modalities and methodologies of medicaments and things that you can use. Things you've probably never even heard of, like magnet therapy, just all kinds of stuff. I could sit here all day and tell you. And that's what's so fun about it is when you're diving into naturopathic medicine and methodologies,

[41:57.40 - 42:07.22]

holistic healing, the world is open for you to try anything. There's no way you can't give it. There's no such thing as a one size fits all. And we know that. So how are we going to go to the doctor?

[42:07.46 - 42:27.42]

And they're like, Oh, you're having PTSD is what it is from the trauma, which I'm going to get into in a second. You're on PTSD. So, and nightmares. So let me give you this pro as in, but you, but you don't tell them that perhaps they can have all these symptoms. And I'll tell you those in a second that who in the hell wants to have those symptoms.

[42:27.54 - 42:45.22]

I'm telling you right now, when I'm reading them to you, cause you probably don't even know about them, unless you read the insert. And you probably didn't read the insert, because you're probably in a place where you didn't care. And I've been there too. And I get it, but I'm here to tell you, if you're listening to me now, you're not hearing my voice and what I'm saying for no reason. So I'm going to tell you what those side effects are.

[42:45.22 - 43:05.74]

And then I'm going to tell you what some natural solutions are, and then you decide how you want to keep moving forward. Do you want to keep doing the same old, same old, or do you want to try something different? But the thing about naturopathic medicine, are there so many different things out here to try? And that's actually, what's fun, because this is not like taking a medicine and sitting in front of a doctor, just saying the same shit over and over. And they're just looking at you.

[43:05.80 - 43:08.70]

Yeah. And then writing a prescription. Here you go. I'll see you in two weeks. I've been there done that.

[43:08.74 - 43:20.66]

No, thank you. But with natural methodologies, there are so many things in. the further you look, the more you find. And it's fun to try these things. because what's, what's not to love about massage therapy?

[43:20.90 - 43:30.76]

I guess some people don't like to be touched, but I sure the hell do. massage therapy. Oh yeah. That's how you want me to relieve stress instead of taking trazodone. Oh, wonderful.

[43:31.22 - 43:44.08]

Hell. yeah. And you know, now they have these like HSAs. A lot of people can use those and get reimbursed for certain things. You have to look into yours or whatever, but even if you don't, you know what I did, I'm not suggesting you do this, but this is me and I'm extreme.

[43:44.36 - 43:56.04]

Please know that, understand that about me. I'm extreme. I, for a long time, I stopped paying. Um, what do you call that? Um, medical insurance, because I was using that, however much I was using.

[43:56.04 - 44:13.72]

seven, $800 a month, 900, whatever it was. And I was getting massages every week and I was doing all these other natural methodologies. Cause I was like, listen, if something happens to me and I go to the hospital, they still have to treat me. And if I don't have it, they can't take it. So I'm going to go get my damn weekly massages.

[44:13.76 - 44:20.62]

And that's what I did like straight up. So back to trauma. Okay. Shock trauma. I had no idea.

[44:20.82 - 44:47.04]

I had like developmental trauma, but I also had what was called shock trauma from a specific event. I had a few events that caused shock trauma, but what this is, it's a, it, it causes severe psychological damage. And it's from an event like in a car, a car accident or something like that. I, which I did, I had a head on collision, but I also, my mom, actually tried to take my life. I'm not going to get into that in detail.

[44:47.16 - 45:09.68]

I don't want to trigger anybody and it doesn't even matter. But that incident in itself was a shock to me, which I never realized. And it, it can lead to, like flashbacks of what happened, intrusive memories, um, hyper vigil, vigilance. That's like, I'm hyper vigilant. I probably always will be.

[45:10.08 - 45:27.66]

Even if you don't notice, I am, I am, I'm the one I can, I know where the exits are. Um, I know who's looking a little shady in the place, you know, um, I'm the one who's feeling the energy and the vibe, you know, do I really want to come in here? Like? I'm assessing the whole situation. I'm not just walking in somewhere, sitting down.

[45:28.64 - 45:48.64]

Um, but hyper vigilance sometimes can be to the extreme. Um, in fact, I, I went out with a guy once and he was ultra hyper vigilant. I, I, you know, I carry, I'm not going to even lie. I do. And, but he, he was so hyper vigilant.

[45:49.02 - 46:15.40]

He wanted me to sit in a certain place at the table and he wanted my weapon in a certain place on my body so that he could reach over with the specific hand he wanted to grab it with, should he need to. Okay. So this is hyper vigilance. Okay. And, and, you know, that's not needed when we are in like Raleigh, North Carolina, you know, and a very nice place, but, um, hyper vigilance, anxiety and panic attacks, detachment.

[46:16.48 - 46:48.56]

And there are also, like physical symptoms with shock trauma that can last a long time, like just generalized fatigues, because this is the body's fight or flight response that has been activated. But what happens during shock trauma is this is what I learned. I got stuck in that shock and I never fully process it. I never fully processed it. It's like it happened, but I was never able to comprehend what happened.

[46:49.08 - 47:11.60]

I was never able to process it. I don't know how to explain it other than that. But what I did inadvertently, this was just by chance. But again, as I said, a moment ago, I love natural methodologies and I, I'd love to try new things. I will pretty much try anything and everything at least three times.

[47:12.42 - 47:23.44]

I feel like natural stuff. I've never done, like cocaine or anything, anything like that. I have zero interest in anything like that. Only natural stuff. I'm including, like jumping out of planes and stuff like that.

[47:23.58 - 47:54.20]

Just, but three times, I feel like, um, cause I do my, I do my research and I look to see what I feel like I'm going to benefit from most. And even if I don't like it, I will do it at least three times. If I know through research that it's going to benefit me. now, they haven't proven that skydiving is great for that, but let me tell you my experience with that as a real quick, and then I'll get back to trauma. When, if you've never experienced skydiving, if you don't have any medical problems that prohibit you from doing it, you may want to highly consider it.

[47:54.20 - 48:11.14]

because I'm going to tell you when, when you're way up there, 14,000, 15,000 feet, nothing down here matters. Nothing. It is the quickest way to get over whatever the hell is bothering you. Nothing down here matters. And you're looking down at the ground and you can't even see the ground.

[48:11.22 - 48:33.40]

You just see like a grid of grass. And when you fall out of the air, fall through the air, which is quite amazing. And no, your stomach does not fall like on a roller coaster at all. It's so surreal. And I can't explain how beautiful it is when you're after your parachute opens and you're just gliding down.

[48:33.44 - 48:39.78]

But when your body actually makes contact back with the earth, it is like being reborn.

[48:42.06 - 49:01.02]

And, you know, for me and a lot of people, especially first few times you jump, a lot of things go through your mind, as you can imagine. So you have a new perspective. At least I had a new perspective on life when I landed. So it can be actually very, very healing. And that would be for anybody who would be eligible to do that.

[49:01.10 - 49:06.90]

That would be one of my methodologies that I would suggest if it was in alignment with something that they felt open, open to do.

[49:08.88 - 49:26.72]

But to heal a shock trauma, what I did, I had a hypnotherapy session, and I just wanted to try it. I didn't realize at the time that I was stuck in shock trauma. And I didn't realize that the hypnotherapy was going to cure that until after the fact. And it did. I can't explain it to you.

[49:27.64 - 49:45.44]

It was the most incredible experience. It was like, have you ever had somebody that you're having a conversation with? And they were just talking over and over and over and over and over, and you're just like, Oh my god, please just shut up. And they wouldn't shut up.

[49:47.88 - 49:56.60]

It's like you just got. you're just like tired of talking about it. You don't talk about it anymore. That's how hypnotherapy. just one session made me feel.

[49:59.80 - 50:01.72]

After, I don't know what she did to me.

[50:04.14 - 50:14.74]

She did a couple things. One of them was EMDR, which is just eye movement back and forth, which is super cool. You can actually do that at home. I did that a lot on my own in the dark.

[50:16.30 - 50:57.44]

What it is, is your eyes move back and forth. Essentially, what it's suggesting is that bad memories are stored in a file in the brain that's kind of in the wrong file. So it's just moving it from one file to another file. But essentially, you move your eyes, you look at a dot or a light, or something, kind of like a pinpoint, if you will, and it goes back and forth, left to right, left to right, left to right, left to right, left to right. And somehow during all of this, and whatever else my awesome hypnotherapist was doing, I just was like, after she was done, we started talking about the subject matter again.

[50:57.44 - 51:15.68]

And I was kind of like annoyed, like, what the hell are we still talking about this for? Which is interesting, because up to that point, it's I didn't mind talking about, because it was something that still bothered me. It was very actively bothering me. But after that, I was just like, my God, why the hell are we still talking about this? So hypnotherapy, I strongly recommend.

[51:15.68 - 51:50.16]

if you have never tried it, that may be really wonderful for any sort of not only shock trauma, but just regular trauma in general. In the case of my brother and I, it was just constant trauma over and over and over. Because, you know, we were being constantly abused on a regular basis. But when there was a point where it was very possible that that person, my mother, was going to actually take my life, it was very possible, very, very possible. That was a shocking moment to me.

[51:50.24 - 52:13.06]

And I kind of got stuck there. So hypnotherapy was able to help me with that. And if my brother, rest his soul, may peace be upon him, if he was still here, I would have highly recommended shock trauma. The thing that people need to realize about my brother is that he was very much stuck in ego. And he, I believe, had narcissistic personality disorder.

[52:13.72 - 52:42.56]

And that's normal. That's very normal for people who are in survival mode, because you have to have that very strong self centered ego, it gets all about me to survive as normal. People ask me if that's treatable. And the interesting thing is, is I used to say no, until I realized that damn, I used to have that personality disorder. I still have traits of it every now and then.

[52:42.76 - 52:53.26]

But I absolutely did. Looking back in hindsight, I absolutely did. So is it treatable? It's not treatable. But can somebody change?

[52:53.56 - 53:11.70]

Yes, but they have to want to change. It's as simple as that. So they have to learn a new way of being, a new way of living. They have to be around the type of people they actually want to be like and get away from the people that are the people type of people they don't want to be like. And that it means making a whole new lifestyle.

[53:12.16 - 53:49.12]

And a lot of people are not ready or willing to do that. But I was. So let's talk a quick, real quick, before my time expires here, about some other natural solutions for you. I want to talk about Proazen real quick, which is mini press, this is the medication that is often prescribed for PTSD and people with associated nightmares, which is an alpha block, it's an alpha blocker. But this medication has a host of side effects, including dizziness or fainting, which can lead to a sudden loss of consciousness.

[53:50.02 - 54:30.52]

And also it can cause depression, hallucinations, alopecia, which is hair loss, incontinence, which is the inability to hold urine or feces, impotence, which is the ability to achieve an erection, and Priapism, which is a long, lasting, painful erection. So those are the side effects. And then it's a alpha blocker, like I said, one promising natural remedy for alleviating nightmares and improving sleep is glycine. You've heard me talk about glycine before. It is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

[54:30.86 - 55:04.62]

It has calming effects on the brain, which promotes relaxation and deep restorative sleep. Glycine enhances quality of sleep by lowering the core body temperature and regulating circadian rhythms, helping individuals fall asleep faster and staying asleep longer. Additionally, this is what I really want you to note. Additionally, glycine is known to regulate alpha waves in the brain, similar to how Proazen targets alpha waves to manage nightmares. Unlike Proazen, glycine does not carry the risk of severe side effects.

[55:05.22 - 55:14.78]

So there you go. I got to wrap it up. I'm running over my time. I will see you next week. If you have questions, email me or email America Out Loud.

[55:15.16 - 55:28.10]

God bless everyone. I'm Dr. Meg and you've been listening to the America Out Loud talk radio network that plays on iHeart Radio. Hear us Monday through Friday at 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m.

[55:28.14 - 55:52.78]

Pacific. All of our shows go through hundreds of podcast networks the following day. Apple, Android, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart, and many, many more. You can also find the show on in the main news feed and on our show page. Just go to the menu, find talk shows, slash podcast, and you'll see the energetic health institute radio.

[55:53.30 - 56:30.04]

For today's episode, we have included an article that you will find at the top of my post. It's a recap of everything that I discussed today, including that beautiful recipe that tryptophan boosted sweet potato lentil bowl. So be sure to go to the website and download it. Also, if you need a medical malpractice template, go to my website,, and you'll also find a link for attorneys listed by state. Until next time, rejoice in the love light and go forth in the power of the one creator.

[56:31.10 - 56:37.58]

Until next time, rejoice in the love light and go forth in the power of the one creator.

Unknown Speaker
[56:57.18 - 56:58.58]

Transcribed by
