2024-07-31 00:57:35
America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.
It's the tip of the spear in the epic battle to defend the United States of America.
The National Security Hour exposes the wolves in sheep's clothing and their nefarious plots to undermine and destroy U.S. national security.
Welcome to the National Security Hour. I'm, Ed Hugglin, your host for this evening. My American Patriots series continues tonight with a very special guest, George McClellan, who served in the United States Army and then continued his service to our nation for 43 years in law enforcement. George is a regular contributor and writer for the America Outloud talk radio network. I've engaged with George prior on common ground to save and salvage our nation from the grips of leftists seeking to destroy it.
In this discussion, we'll cover several articles that George has penned. All these are available on americaoutloud.news, that's americaoutloud.news. But we're also going to dig into a bit of George's thinking and his concerns, as we also cover his background, some of his unique experiences being a policeman, and ask him what inspired him to a lifetime of service. Now I've had other American Patriots on prior, like Mr. Roman Buehler, where we focused on his leadership in pushing forth a new constitutional amendment, Keep the Nine, for the SCOTUS justices.
And Mr. Michael Haywood, a retired Army colonel, who wrote The Spoils of War, which provided some great insights into how Russia's oligarchy operates. And the United States Air Force Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, retired, Ryan Swayze, whose Walk the Talk Foundation is an effort to take on the guerrilla, the Department of Defense, to ensure there's a truly independent and responsive Inspector General. Now, the purpose of this American Patriots series, regardless of the political leanings of my guest, is to look into the lives, the lessons, and the efforts of real Americans who sacrifice daily for the security and advancement of our republic. This series brings to you everyday Americans like yourself, to show you that anyone can make a difference in our society, our country, and do so in advancing our freedoms.
It doesn't matter how old you are, or how young you are, you can make a difference. The lesson for our listeners is, you can change things for the better. You don't need any special permissions here. You are empowered. You are empowered by your own civil and constitutional rights.
All you have to do is act. So, without further delay, let me introduce my guest for today, Mr. George McClellan. He is a California native, a regular U.S. Army veteran who served post-Korea tour in the United States Army.
But he didn't stop there. He then went on to a professional career covering 43 years in law enforcement, including the California Highway Patrol and the U.S. Naval Investigative Service. He's a world traveler and is a co-owner in a security consulting company. Now, this is interesting.
He plays the bagpipe since 1975 and resides now in Gilmore County, Georgia. So tonight, we'll start by discussing how the left is destroying America, our Constitution, and driving chaos, division, and terror, with the focus on some of George's most recent articles. Then, in the second segment, we're going to dig into a little bit of George's background, motivators in the second segment, as this part of the American Patriot Series is all about George, who is indeed a patriot. And then we'll close out today in the third segment by talking about the deep state and its allies. But we'll do that with a focus on the FBI.
But we'll also dig back into some of the articles George started penning back in 2018, because they're very relevant. You'll see, they're very relevant to today. So, George, let's start by discussing the first article here, and we'll go to this here, Why Aren't We Alarmed by the Disintegration of Our Constitutionalism? America Out Loud. And with that, George, over to you for your comments on this article here.
Well, thank you, Ed. It's very simple. It started as how to create a totalitarian government. And we have to know the background of it. How is it that America is facing that situation right now?
I say it all started post-Vietnam in the 70s, when the left infiltrated our system of higher education, filling the professorial ranks with their oddball radicals, the SDS, Weatherman and Castro commies, because they were bolstered by the success of their mission to get America out of the Vietnam War. The media participated in that. They filled the airways with anti-American propaganda, calling soldiers murderers, baby killers, and America's low morale after the Vietnam conflict proved a ripe ground for recruiting young recruits and young activists, the Draft Dodgers and their girlfriends. And we see today they're out there in our colleges pushing the radical anti-American narrative, calling America for the cause of the world's problems.
Well, so you're very interesting here because, you know, I speak to cognitive warfare and the importance of that. And many of your articles go to the heart of what actually is happening in this cognitive warfare. And your comments just now about this, starting in Vietnam and the infiltration into the education system. Now, I would proffer that that actually happened post-World War II, when we've seen the Frankfurt School work its way into the United States here, but no doubt was amplified in Vietnam during the Vietnam War by the education system. But I also find it so very interesting how the left has very methodically not just infiltrated our universities, but now our K-12 preschool and our U.S.
military colleges and campuses. And so, you know, how close do you think we are to moving to a totalitarian state? And do you think the people are actually waking up and understanding what's happening?
Well, I think we were close to it until the Supreme Court made some decisions and issued them a couple of days ago, yesterday. We might be pulling back from the abyss by them eliminating the bureaucratic state, the rules and regulations that are imposed upon us by bureaucrats who we have not voted for, who have no apparent constitutional authority. So I think we're there. You're right. The attacks left on America did start post-World War II.
You might even say it started World War I, when Wilson was the president, Woodrow Wilson.
But my essays, I try to keep them to one page or so. And I'm speaking to a group who do not understand all of that, but many do understand the Vietnam and they can see what I'm talking about. I do not ignore the other ones, but it's not important to their level of understanding.
Well, excellent. Let's move on to the next one here. The devil knows scripture. Okay, this one here I thought was very interesting as well, because, you know, one of the things about I talk about in Cognitive War is that in its most fundamental form, it's the battle between good and evil. And you write in this article, most folks raised in Christian homes know that the devil can quote scripture as good as God can, because to know your enemy, you have to study him thoroughly.
But, like the movie, Con Man said, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world. he didn't exist. Okay, to me, that's the heart of this whole aspect. What were your thoughts in terms of this, the devil knows scripture, and what's the key elements you wanted to point out there?
Well, the key element is, it's still in order for secularism, socialism, communism, or fascism to have a foothold, they cannot have a competition, and religion is their competition.
Absolutely right, because, as you've read about in some of the other articles, Alexander Schulz and Edson made note, and we've seen this, and whether it's Mao, whether it's Castro or other dictators, current dictators, is. they replace God with the state, because they can't have, as you say, no other allegiances.
That's it. That's it. And we have a good example right here in the world today, and that's the Church of Rome, the Catholic Church. The Pope up there, and I mentioned it in this article, he adopted the holy encyclicals such as the fiducia supplicans, and that has thrown the hierarchy of the Catholic Church into disarray. You have bishops and you have cardinals who disagree with that, but they still have to pander to this guy's leadership, like we are supposed to pander to Biden's.
They're coming apart like a cheap Chinese watch.
And we're told that one day there will be a final pope, the last pope. Is this guy, is Francis it? I don't know.
Who's going to replace him? Has he put his stooges in the hierarchy? You know, we have these problems, and they're there to be seen. We just have to understand it. I'm not anti-Catholic, but I can certainly see any more than I'm anti-higher education, but I can certainly see where the problems are.
No, I agree with you 100%. in being Catholic myself and upbringing. I find this pope here is so far left that he makes Stalin blush. Now, when we take a look at the next article, Trump smashed their great reset scheme. Now the communists want revenge.
So this is an interesting here, because this is something I point out frequently in my discussions. You speak of the Civil Rights Act, and, even though the Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Act, because the Republicans were in the majority and voted this in, LBJ went along with it. But they've used it ever since, as you write, to insist Americans should accept and redress the past ills committed by white ancestors against their black brothers. Speak a little bit more about your thoughts on this.
Well, racism is the cause celeb that the left uses to stop dissent. Anything you say, they claim, well, you're racist in saying it. And we're not. I'm not a racist. There's differences in cultures.
We have cultural disagreements.
But their goal is to change America, and we are under attack. And they will use any subterfuge, any lie, any dissimilation to achieve that. Racism is the one that works, as we've seen in the last four years.
Yes. No, it absolutely does. So one of the things I like to point out also, a lot of people really don't know this, which is amazing to me. But since 1959, about the same 30 million, same number, 30 million people in the United States have lived below the poverty line. Now, of that, 30 million, give or take a million, since 1959, this is out of the U.S.
Census data, about 8 million of those were black, but 22 million of those are white. Now, why is it that you never hear that there's three times more whites below the poverty line than blacks? Because it goes to what you're talking about here. They use racism as their tool and their kludgeon. But when people look at the facts here, the facts speak to a wholly different environment.
When you have three times more whites, okay, living below the poverty line than blacks, that says a hell of a lot as to why aren't we addressing the issue of poverty overall? And the reason why is because they like to use it as a tool. But when you take a look at what's the incarceration rate and the dissolvement of the families, okay, when you take a look at that on the black side of that equation, it's significantly greater than those in the poor and the whites. And why is that? It's because the Democrats, in my opinion, use this racism not only to kludgeon things, but also to perpetuate this victimhood.
And then they do that by furthering, destroying the culture. And I think that's why I think black America is waking up in here. What were your thoughts on that?
Well, it all boils down to one thing. The left knows they cannot have an issue unless they have a victim. And if you have a victim, then you have to have somebody who is a suppressor or an oppressor. And it's white. So you can't separate poor whites, if they're white, and put them into the black poverty category.
No, absolutely right. So what's interesting here is, as you talk about this, you know, the left always needs a victim. All right. So, as we've seen how they've destroyed American culture, they demand we cancel everything, remove all these statutes and stuff. But let me ask this question, George.
Why is it? the Democrats wish to cancel everything except for the one thing that started it all, the party of slavery, the Democratic Party?
Well, because they're still slaveholders.
By welfare and their lies, dissimilation, their promises, they will keep that group of people in check. They don't have to be wearing chains and pulling plows and picking cotton. They just have to do what they're told.
Absolutely. As I look at it, what they've done with these 14 million illegals that live in the country, what they're doing is expanding the 21st century plantation of dependency. And it doesn't matter what race you are now. OK, before it was blacks, but they've realized they're starting to lose a black and Hispanic populations. So now they're letting in anybody they can, because they need to continue to expand that new plantation, the 21st century plantation of dependency.
And isn't that just amazing? We've got about a minute and a half here left. So let's go on to the next article here. Making racism, because this ties in, the central argument for Biden's supremacy on immigration. All right.
And in this, you talk about the illegal invasion, stuff like that. Give us a few notes on that, on this topic before we go to break here. We've got about one minute for you to chime in here.
Well, there are very few African-Americans or Africans crossing the border, unless they're from Haiti. And those poor voters are being sent back, interestingly enough. But we've got the brown-skinned people and we have now the Chinese. And I suspect that the Chinese coming here, they're not going to come without the permission of their government. They are there.
So we're being infiltrated by not only for voters, but I think the Biden administration has lost control of the immigration issue. Mayorkas is a criminal, as far as I'm concerned, and he should be tried as a criminal, treasonous one even. And so is the bumpkin Biden. But those are things to be settled. If we follow the Constitution way, they have to be settled.
But racism extends to anybody who is not white. They are the victims.
Yeah. So what's interesting there is, I agree with you, but what's interesting there is, as you said, is now all races, all types of religion are crossing the border. It's not just brown skin, okay? And so that whole argument is a different aspect. So as we go to break here, we're going to come back and talk with George some more about some of these current articles here, and then go into his background and stuff like that.
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Welcome back to the National Security Hour. I'm with me today is George McClellan as part of our American Patriot Series. George is a fantastic author, and he writes a number of great articles here on America Out Loud dot news. Okay, and you can get them by just going to our website, looking at our authors, and you find George in there. As we left on break, we were talking about Biden supremacy and illegal immigration.
What's interesting here is, is that George's article here speaks to a key amendment in the U.S. Constitution, the 10th Amendment, and Texas Governor Abbott has been fighting the Biden administration to stop this illegal invasion here. And so this article highlights the 10th Amendment tells us that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people. Okay, so why don't you give us a little bit more insight on here and this battle here, because there's a critical battle that's taking place with the Governor Abbott and the administration.
Well, thank you. Yes, I will. What he's working about is there is some words in the writing of that amendment that allows the states to do what Governor Abbott is doing under the circumstances of the government not protecting the states. So he puts up barbed wire along the river and the Border Patrol refuses to take it down. Those agents are not taking it down.
They'll pretend, like it may be, just to look like that's what they're doing. But every governor of every state has a right to protect the state. That's what he's there for. Their Constitution allows for it. That amendment has the key to make it happen.
I'm waiting for it to be discussed in the Supreme Court one day, but they've kind of brushed over it right now and let Abbott carry on.
Yeah, what's interesting there is that in the current leaning, the three liberal justices are pretty much siding with the Biden administration here. I found it interesting. in the discussions in the lower courts. Some of the judges were saying, well, you can't really declare this an invasion because it's not military. What the hell do you need to understand if it's an invasion?
If you've got 14 million people, when you take a look at that, that's 14 cities of 20,000 people for every state of the union, all 50 states, and you tell me that's not an invasion. It's just amazing. But let's go on to one more article here before going to your background stuff, teetering on the precipice of full-blown anarchy. Now, I've heard from many of my different colleagues in the intelligence community, across law enforcement, other stuff like that, there's a lot of concern here about that. we're actually teetering on the precipice of full-blown anarchy.
Give us some thoughts and what you're talking about in your article here, George.
Well, we are told in the Constitution, and Jefferson said that every 20 years or so, you have to change the government. The government doesn't want to be changed.
And now, with our modern technology, they can read your telephone, they can follow you with your telephone, like they do terrorist leaders. And if you organize or attempt to organize, then they'll come after you, even on your telephone, some resistance to something, they will be at your door immediately, and you will be charged with a conspiracy crime, and they have the evidence of it. So we are all but helpless to resist the state by anything other than the Constitution. We have to use the Constitution. That's the way.
And this idea of everybody having guns, yes, when push comes to shove, then you've got to protect yourself. But you will always be wrong. as long as the fascists, the Biden types, are running in the government. They can send the FBI out to arrest you. They can send the IRS out to seize your house for whatever nonpayment they claim you make.
They can send the ATF out to seize all your guns. So, you know, the citizens. now, in this modern day, we're between a rock and a hard spot.
No, absolutely. And nothing exemplifies this more than what's happened with Attorney General Garland, in my mind. Here you have Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro being Gestapo-raged, strip-searched, in one case at the airport and stuff, then put in handcuffs and perp-walked away with Navarro. And now Bannon here, also, I'm being told to report to prison. But the Attorney General, for the same violation, for the same violation, which is avoiding going to Congress, okay, to testify before Congress and provide certain information to Congress, okay, and being held in contempt, he's walking around like a big rooster with his chest fluffed out.
While at the same time, the two-chair justice system is full-blown. So great points on that, George. So let me move on to George yourself here, a little bit, okay. And so, you know, to me, having engaged with you a couple different times and reading your articles and such, you know, you could just go retire and go do whatever else you want to do. But you continue to write these articles that bring America's attention to different aspects.
And I applaud that greatly. But let me ask, you know, who inspired you in both not only your career, but your life the most, and maybe even to enter into law enforcement, maybe a couple different things. But who inspired you? And then who inspired you into law enforcement?
Well, I'll give you the Clifton Notes version. My dad was a California Highway Patrol officer after World War II. He was an aviator. And so that got me on the highway to take the highway patrol test when I was an age. But I was not the sharpest knife in the box.
And I was pretty far down on the list, although I passed it. But there was a little rule that if you were in the military and on the list, they'd freeze your name on the list. So I thought I'd join the Army and get some experience as a military policeman.
And that froze my name on the list. However, while I was in the Army, classification and assignment, pulled three of us out of the field training and said, you know, you guys are guaranteed to be MPs, go to MP school, but you've scored these scores on the Battery B test, and the Army wants to offer you another opportunity for another job. What was it? Well, guy says it's in crypto. Well, I've never heard of crypto.
What is it? Well, I don't know, but I can tell you this. You can make E5 in two years and we'll get a top secret security clearance. Well, throw me in a briar patch. And I did.
I went to a nine month school at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, on how to repair those old stepping road of crypto machines and the teletypes that they service. Stuff, that's no longer, they're all gone. That whole field is gone. Anyway, I did my three years. I made E5 in less than two years.
I had a TS clearance. I went on the California Highway Patrol, met my wife, started my family, and then my values changed. I could picture myself at age 50 standing out in the rain writing a ticket. And I said, no, there's something better than this. And O&I at the time, it was O&I, were hiring contract agents for the Navy.
And I said, well, that's, and a friend of mine who did it, a deputy from the county sheriff's office, he got hired and he said it was a good deal. And don't you know, you got to get in on them, good deals. So, so I applied and my wife wondered, well, you got a job, now, what are you going to do? And I thought, no, you don't miss opportunities like this. So I left the Highway Patrol five years.
And next day I was in Los Angeles doing background investigations. And, and then the background investigation, the DIS was formed and we lost that. I stayed a criminal investigator. They sent me to the Philippines. And 21 years later, I was where I wanted to be back here in Georgia.
I did, I discharged out of Fort Gordon in 64.. And so I fell in love with Georgia. My wife likes it here. I like it here. I've been 25 years up here in Gilmer County.
Now you ask, how did I get involved? I got, I became the chairman of the Republican party up here. And I run that for, for a while during the, uh, well, the Rhino days. And I was not at all happy with what the direction the GOP was taken. So I started writing these articles too.
And then I gave up, gave that up. And so, you know, I just turned 85 last week and I still like to write, keep my mind going. And basically, that's it. That's, that's my life in a nutshell.
That TS clearance was still active. And that's, that helped get me into the, uh, when I, which then became NIS, which after I retired became NCIS.
Wow. That's a heck of a story. But what's great about that is when you listen with George Jed, he, he didn't let someone else define his future for him. He defined his future for himself.
That's right.
You know, and one of the things in our country today that really irks me is we continue to be so myopic in our view as a nation, rather than taking a strategic view, is what do we wish for the nation and for the world to be, and then drive towards that future and build it ourselves. Instead, we defer as many people do, unfortunately, to the government and other things, defer to our adversaries to define and respond, respond, react to them. And so, you know, just amazing here, but, you know, you spent 43 years in law enforcement at the Naval Invest and Criminal Investigator Service, stuff like that. Can you give us, uh, one of the most scary highlights, uh, between that and maybe the highway patrol, one of your funniest highlights that you had, that you had in your career?
Well, I was introduced to, uh, riots on the highway patrol CHP with the watch riot. I was a brand new officer. then we had perimeter control. And then later I moved to San Jose and it was there for the Berkeley Free Speech Riots by Mario Savio. Then I took up a position in a resident post up where it snows and you can ski, and that was, that's where I ended that.
But, um,
with NIS, uh, when I was in the Philippines at Subic Bay, we, we started recognizing Chinese influence and we were not really great counterintelligence people, not really noble, but we knew how to collect data and it was an alarming thing. Later, I was the assistant special agent in charge in London, England, and that's where we saw the, um, uh, the rise of Islamic terrorism. I mean, the member of the Bogota Rosa Red Brigade who captured, uh, captured a general, uh, amongst other people. I was involved in that investigation. Um, I was involved in the Lone Tree investigation from London.
So we, uh, I've had some good times and I've written about them. I got books of my stories. My dad never wrote his stories. I've written all of them.
That's fantastic. So that's a great story, because I remember the Red Brigade and stuff. And I was stationed over in Wiesbaden, Germany, in the Air Force. And also, you know, you talked about the Philippines and the Chinese influence. What years were you back there in the Philippines, when, when you started to notice this Chinese influence?
At the closing of the Vietnam War, 72 to 75..
Now, the reason I asked that, George, because, because people think that the Chinese are, uh, you know, not that formidable of an adversary. Okay. But through their unrestricted warfare, which I've talked about a number of times in this program as well, they use many and all means to advance their efforts. But think of it back in 1972, they were already influencing. And what are they doing in the most recent year?
here? They're continuing to push the envelope with their neighbors, like the Philippines and others in Taiwan. Okay. In terms of borders and other stuff like that. So the point, though, in this is that these are perpetual battles that we're fighting throughout this.
And, and George lived and fought in a number of the different things. And people forget back in the 80s and 90s with the Red Brigade, the terrorists and other Islamic cell stuff, and, and throughout Europe and such. Okay. And the Cold War going on. Okay.
It was extremely dangerous. It was extremely dangerous. And, and during the Cold War, even though it was mostly Cold War, it was hot at times when planes were shot down and we lost different airmen and stuff. And so very interesting there, but you talk about writing a number of different things, stuff like that. You also wrote a book, Perilous Paths, and this is, can be found on the americaoutloud.news website also.
Can you give us some insight into this book, what it's about and why, what inspired you to write this book?
Well, it goes back to bagpipes and that introduced me to Scottish heritage and this, uh, this namesake came up. I cannot claim he's a relative, but there's all possibilities. We have related connections because our families came from the Ohio river Valley area, Ohio and Kentucky. But anyway, he was, he turned out, I liked, I'm a fur trader. I liked the West Western history and that takes me out West, frequently being to California and I'm pretty familiar with it.
But I go out every year and I write those travel articles. and here's this guy shows up and he was a member of the John Jacob Astor fur company who went on foot after Lewis and Clark. And by the way, he knew Lewis and Clark. They fought together in the Wayne Indian Wars. This fellow, Robert McClellan, he could speak several Indian dialects because he was born on the frontier, Mercerburg, Pennsylvania.
And, uh, he, he, he could dress like Indian and, and portray himself as an Indian and get away with it. So he was a hired as a spy for, by General Anthony Wayne. And, uh, when that business was over, the army hired him as a quartermaster and he, where he learned to read and write and do his sums. And it was a pretty smart fellow. Then they sent him to St.
Louis, and that was before, uh, that was before, uh, uh, the Louisiana purchase. But we were, we were moving out there. Americans were moving out there and he started to be a fur trapper up and down the Missouri river. And then he met, uh, Manuel Lisa, who had his own company. It was just his conflict with the Indians was interesting.
And then he became, uh, got hired, or as a partner, he bought in as a partner with John J. Capastor and went all the way to the mouth of the Columbia river and all the way back, either in a canoe or on foot. The crows stole all the horses. So that was a story. I figured it was one man.
He had to, it had to be written. And so I wrote it.
Well, that's a heck of a story. So I commend our listeners to go to the America Out Loud News Network there and take a look at the website there and find that book, Perilous Paths. You can get the link there. Just a minute here. We're going to go to break here, but you know, one of the last things, uh, 30 seconds on this.
If you had a few pointers for today's younger generations, what would be your one or two top pointers for today's younger generations?
Learn American history, get old books and learn American history and forget what they're telling you that it's, it's all lies. That's it.
Well, that, you know, that's fantastic. My old mentor, an old Soviet, uh, I mean, an old Polish tank officer who, who fled the Soviets and fled the Nazis twice. Okay. That's what his recommendation to me was, is, you know, read a lot of history and biographies. He says, you'll learn a lot.
And he's exactly right. Now, when we come back from break, we're going to go into the third segment. here. We're going to talk about the deep state and its allies, with the focus on the FBI. But be sure to make America outloud.com, America outloud.news your daily stop for all the latest news, all of these podcasts and happenings.
We must all do our part to share the stories, the articles, the podcasts and videos to help secure America's future. We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the National Security Hour. I'm Ed Hudlin, your host for this evening, and on with me today is a true American patriot, George McClellan. Now, he mentioned in the last segment that he's 85.. He continues to write a number of different things. He has a phenomenal book out there, probably several bunch of books out there.
But it just really warms our hearts, because what you see here in America is people like George who make and create what America's all about, a true melting pot, a true set of folks who don't look at race, religion, and other stuff as different, diverse things, but as one America. Okay. Now, as we go into this third statement here, we're going to start off with the current article George has written, but we're going to go back to some articles he wrote back in 2018, when he first started publishing about America Out and Out News. Now, as he said, he's been publishing much longer than that. But the first article there is, lost in the labyrinth of the FBI's vaults, integrity and decency for sale.
So why is it, George, that you think the FBI is so corrupt? Is it the leadership? Is it all the people? Some of the people? What are your thoughts there?
Well, no, it's the leadership, of course. And if you want to, you know, it really all started with J. Edgar Hoover. And he set the pattern. Now, J.
Edgar Hoover was not anti-American. He was very, very pro-American. But he understood politicians. And he said, if you want to control a politician, you grab them by the, and you keep control of them. So he spied on everybody and kept files on everybody.
Well, now he's dead and gone. But the FBI still does that. And when Chuckie Schumer once said, if you screw with the intelligence agencies, you don't know what you're getting a hold of, that's because they have something on everybody. Everybody.
I think our government really is probably run by the intelligence agencies. They call the shots. You can put, how many directors of the CIA have been in and out for one term of a president or something? They don't last long. But people like Worrell, who was an acting CIA director, he's there still.
So that's where the influences are. That's the deep state. It's a massive federal bureaucratic machine of countless unnamed worker bees afraid of losing their jobs if they stray from the progressive path.
No, you're absolutely right. So, you know, in my book, The Cognitive War, Why We Are Losing and How We Can Win, I wrote this book because in my four decades within the intelligence community, the Department of Defense, and several other departments, but predominantly the intelligence community and DOD, I saw the creeping politicalization and then the weaponization. And you're exactly right. It's what the leaders of these organizations change out, but the underlying bureaucracy, the top leadership there, builds and then reinforces and re-fortifies their set of lemmings in there. And so one of the things I call for in my book is for a complete overhaul of our intelligence community.
Now, I started warning them about this back three decades ago, but everybody looked at me with big hairy eyeballs like I was nuts, okay? But then it came 2016 and the dossier and the impeachments and all the other stuff and the riots and stuff, okay? And they started to understand that, well, there's a little bit more here than maybe we thought. But you're absolutely right. I think our intelligence community folks and mass security folks and FBI folks, I have a number of friends work there, are phenomenal.
But you're right. They have jobs. They're trying to hang on to the jobs. And if you don't toe the line, you get outed and then you get ousted. And we've seen from a number of different folks.
But from the FBI, how do we get accountability for those who are corrupt in the FBI? Now, we can not only look, in my opinion, at the Constitution, but there's also U.S. Code Title 18, where it deals with the oath of office. Those people who abrogate their oath of office can be convicted, imprisoned, fined, and precluded from ever serving in public office or public positions. again, okay?
But we haven't used this. George, what are your thoughts on holding people accountable for what's been happening here?
Democrats tried it with Trump, didn't they, when they impeached him. It didn't work then.
You pick the lowest fruit. So you go to the DOJ and you start with the underlings. You go with the FBI and you start with the deputy assistant directors and pick those people off.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense. That's how it's done.
That's how it's done. You do it. You take out the worker bees.
Well, you have to hold people accountable. You have to show them there's some level of accountability.
But you have to be right when you do it.
Yes, you have to be right. This is where one of the greatest battles we have coming up here, if Trump is elected for the third time and serves for his second term, is holding people accountable for not upholding their office and for purposely abusing their authorities. There's a number of folks in the GOP and others that say, no, we shouldn't prosecute different folks. I believe, necessarily, that we need to go there. We need to have accountability.
Because if we don't, it just says to the other side, you can do whatever you want. And you're just going to come back and you can go free again. There has to be some accountability. Just like the BLM Antifa folks, there's been little to no accountability for the billions of damaged federal buildings destroyed. There's no comparison to the 6th January folks.
But what are your thoughts on that before we move to the next article, George?
I've watched the Italian police face a crowd like the Antifa in one of the Italian cities. They just went in there and beat everybody right to the ground, ripped their masks and helmets off, exposed them, and hauled them to the hospital, and then hauled them to jail. We haven't done that yet. We've let those people run the streets.
No, you're absolutely right. You know, and when I was stationed in Germany, I saw the same thing. There's very little tolerance.
And they deal with things swiftly and forcefully. And there's some benefits to that, you know, to hold in terms of accountability. Now, in this next article you have, has the FBI forsaken us? Can it be saved? Now, here you start this article with a ray of hope.
Because, to the audience here, I had four decades in the intelligence community. George has 43 years in law enforcement, with different elements of the federal government as well. The majority of these folks are true patriots, but they have to work under these politicized bureaucrats who do different things here. But the FBI did come through recently. You know, they arrested the 11 ISIS folks who came across the border, you know.
But why is it, George, that the FBI, is it forsaken? Can it be saved? Give us a little bit of your thoughts there in terms of what you're talking about in this article.
As far back as my days on the highway patrol, when I had an interface with FBI, not personal, but just as a traffic officer, I come to realize that there were, the three most overrated institutions in the world were home cooking, home sewing, and the FBI. Because they did, they took credit for what the county sheriff did, the city police did, what the highway patrol did, if it involved arresting or apprehending a 10 most wanted or something like that. They would take credit for it, and that was it. And I never saw, I have not seen much since then. that would have changed my mind on that.
I always wonder, why are there more former FBI agents out here than retired FBI agents? Because those people realized what was going on, and they quit. They quit and went on to other things. There are a lot of jobs out there that have an FBI background that will get you hired, judges, DAs, and things like that. That's fine.
But I know a lot of FBI agents, former FBI agents, who did not stay around to retirement because they just didn't like the bullshit.
Well, you know, one of the aspects there that I'd like to highlight, and it's very important here, because I did this in my career. I put my career on the line numerous times to do the right thing, to have integrity, to have indecency, and to uphold my oath that I took to the Constitution, not to any individual.
But what I find in today's FBI is, with the Gestapo raids and other stuff, is I find it actually astounding that more people haven't resigned, in mass, given where it's going here. And that really scares me, because if they're not willing to resign in mass, when you see them weaponize the justice system against the people, you're not far from a totalitarian state. And in this article, you wrote, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian philosopher who spent years in the Soviet gulag prison, said, human beings are born with different capabilities. If they are free, they are not equal. If they are equal, they are not free.
Exceptionally salient quote here, because this is all about keeping America free. And, just as I've talked about what happens in China and other spots, if you're all equal, you are not free. And where does the Democrat Party want to take us to, George? Where does it want to take us to? It wants to take us to a level of what they call equality, but they get to define it.
Isn't that true?
Well, that's right. And they've corrupted the word democracy. They want us to believe that democracy is what America's government is all about. Well, democracy is rule by the majority, or, in other words, mob rule. And anybody can control that.
We are an American republic, a constitutional republic. That's where we should stay. We must stay there. We cannot allow these people to change the rules.
Absolutely. And it's very important for people to understand the constitutional republic, as George said, because it protects the rights of the minority over the tyranny of the majority. And there's some perfect, there's some reasoning for that. Their founders were very wise in how they set that up. Now, in your next article here, when the unexpected happens, you got to be fast on your feet.
And in this, which was interesting, you talk in this article back in 2018 about Comey. Comey, to me, just highlights the lack of integrity, lack of decency, and the abrogation of one's oath in spades. Now, speak to us about Comey, Hillary, and Trump, and your thoughts, based on this article, in terms of what was going on at that time with Comey, and basically, why, even today, this really hasn't changed with the current leadership with Director Wray.
I often wondered about the connection between Comey and Hillary Clinton. It goes back to Arkansas. They had a connection in Arkansas. And then suddenly, after Bill Clinton becomes president, Comey becomes director of the FBI. So he was beholden to them.
We know that Clinton has a trail of dead people behind him by suicide, fair enough, but they're still dead. And now we have the Untouchables, the Clintons, now the Obamas, and Comey, protecting them in their criminality by the fact that he's the director of the FBI. I was shocked that time he came on and did what the attorney general should have done if he exculpated Hillary Clinton's crimes as no reasonable DA would prosecute it. Yes, they're corrupt, and it's criminal, not necessarily for money. Biden is apparently the money lover, and so is Obama.
But, you know, you make money as you get it. But these people are political creatures, and they are communists, and they need to be removed and tried. There is the oath of office, and it has to be applied.
No, you're absolutely right. So what's interesting here is that, again, my background as well in intelligence community stuff, with the destruction of the BlackBerrys, with the use of home servers, with not only highly classified, top secret compartmented information, but special access program information on an open server in her home.
Comey gave her a get out of jail free card, which was just astounding to me and to so many people within our intelligence community. If I had done one of those things, or even slightly one of those things, I'd be in jail. And look at what they're doing to President Trump right now. They're persecuting and prosecuting him for having classified. Basically, he declassified, was keeping it because it highlights how they came after him.
But they wanted to get that back, so they raided his home and such. But he had this classified. He was president, and he could declassify anything else. Just like Jimmy Carter back in the old days. If you remember, Jimmy Carter started talking about spy satellites, and until the time he talked about it, it was classified at the top secret level.
The moment he talked about it in the news, it became unclassified, that we had classified top secret satellites flying around, spying on people. But he didn't have to sign anything. He didn't have to make a declaration. The fact that he stated it made it unclassified. But here you have Hillary Clinton, Comey, covering up a vast array of destruction of classified material and information, and gets away with it free.
And now they're persecuting and prosecuting President Trump for something that's extremely trivial compared to what Hillary Clinton did. And he was actually president. She's never been. So it just blows my mind in terms of how they get away with this here. Now, precursors to conflict, or has it already started?
This has come up recently in a lot of discussions across America here. Are we coming close to America's next civil war? Now, you wrote this article back again, also in 2018.. But you speak to America's civil war in the 1860s. Do you see civil war potentially coming to America here, based on where we're headed right now?
I don't, no. Because that war was regional. This war, you have red states on both sides of blue states, and blue states on both sides of red states. Now, it's going to get low down and personal.
That's what it'll be. And, like I said, that the federal government will be there to stop everybody, because they're listening on every phone call. They're recording every stroke of a keyboard. They know what's going on, and they will take action to stop it, unless there's mass resignations. And that's not going to happen.
Well, very interesting, George. We're coming down to about the last minute and a half here. And so I have to say, it's been a fascinating discussion here overall with you. And there's so many more articles that I was looking to cover with you here. But your last comment, I think, was a great comment, is that you don't think we're headed towards civil war.
When I take a look at America today, they had a recent poll that showed that 69% of Americans think we're the greatest country in the world. That's up five to seven points from just a few years ago. That shows a unity. The second aspect is 70 plus percent of Americans think we're on the wrong path. That also tells me we're on the right aspect.
What's your final comment, George, before I go into closing here? Any final comment?
Well, interesting. You brought up the satellite that Jimmy Carter exposed. That turned out to be good for some of us who were doing drug investigations in the Navy back in the 70s. I'd send a guy down and have a photograph of the parking lot of the naval base I was at, and they would see that after Jimmy Carter had it, and they would confess everything. Yeah, you got me.
I can tell you right there, we watched you do it. I don't know how many drug cases just collapsed for the defendants. when you bring up a photograph. It was funny. It was funny.
You know, the tools that are given to you, you use them.
Well, George, it's been a great discussion. For those listening, I'm going to put up George's full bio and stuff and the links to the AmericaOutlaw.News and his book on the podcast. when this show goes to podcast here in a couple of days. Don't forget, he's written a book, Perilous Paths. He talked about that a little bit.
I'm here on the NASA security hour to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I will go outside of the fog of the daily chaos to give you a strategic perspective on national security issues and speak truth to power, the power of we, the people, so we together can best ensure the resilience and security of our republic. Thanks for joining us on the mission. The National Security Hour is the tip of the spear in the epic battle to defend the United States of America.