Was Trump’s assassination attempt an ANTIFA plot

2024-07-30 00:59:05

America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. A daily resource for smart people.

Speaker 2
[00:04.44 - 00:13.44]

In this political coliseum, we slay the rising beast with the fateful sword of truth that transcends hypocrisy and censorship.

[00:16.15 - 00:23.40]

It's time to unleash yourself from the tyrants of media propaganda on the America Out Loud Talk radio network.

[00:26.42 - 00:30.04]

This is Unleashed, the political news hour.

Speaker 1
[00:34.38 - 01:00.24]

Unleashed, the political news hour on the America Out Loud network. I am Chris Michaels. The Ukrainian army has been in a lot of trouble. They've been taking a beating on troop and equipment concentrations, so think of this as a rallying point. And the problem with this is that the Ukrainians are losing an average of 2,000 soldiers a day.

[01:01.14 - 01:34.72]

Last week, what many people do not know is that there was a hit on the United Kingdom's and French, what they call trainers. They weren't trainers, I'll get to that. And they were hit by Russian Iskander missiles. And within a day, there was a UK P-8 Poseidon that tried to approach the Crimea. Now, a P-8 Poseidon is generally going to be a reconnaissance flight, a reconnaissance plane.

[01:34.82 - 02:02.96]

The P-8 had UK fighter escorts, according to Douglas MacGregor. Russian fighters then scrambled to meet them and ultimately turned the P-8 back toward Romania. For those of you that don't know, Romania is essentially a logistics point for NATO and the United States. This is something that we should all be painfully aware of. Why is that?

[02:03.10 - 02:37.84]

It is an election year. We now know that there is a lame duck president sitting in the White House, not completely firing on all cylinders. This allows the many people around him to take advantage of this situation, especially those that he delegated some of his authority to, like Secretary Blinken. If these people have their way, they could essentially try to create a third world war. And it will have massive consequences during an election year.

[02:38.60 - 03:10.58]

Later on, we find out that some of these trainers weren't exactly just trainers. According to retired Spanish Army Colonel Pedro Beños, he stated that there was an attack on Odessa in which at least 18 members of the British Special Air Service were killed. And, according to the Colonel, another 25 members of the British Special Air Service were injured. And they tell me that the French soldiers died. These are not mercenaries who are French, no.

[03:11.08 - 03:33.66]

These are soldiers of the French Army. Now, what do you think they're trying to do? What do you think is really going on in the Ukraine? It is not Western NATO trainers over there, no. It is an actual fight.

[03:34.10 - 03:55.98]

It is no longer a proxy war. It hasn't been a proxy war for a very long time. But now we are learning that there are casualties, and the casualties come directly from the armies of these nations, in this case, France and the UK. These aren't trainers. These aren't mercenaries.

[03:56.30 - 04:29.08]

This is not some foreign legion. These are actual special services. Those people in the British Special Air Service that were killed and injured, it's essentially as though somebody hit the Navy SEALs or the Rangers or Delta, well, maybe not Delta Force. But you get how dangerous these people can be. And you also now know how dangerous this escalation could subsequently become in the next six months.

[04:29.30 - 05:15.92]

And I say six months because it's a long time to Inauguration Day, which is when the rubber really hits the road. Moving along, the Olympics, it has finally opened up and we saw a massive display of hedonism and narcissism, and also gluttony. For those of you that didn't watch it, let me paint you the picture. It started off with an effigy to Marie Antoinette and how this was played out. There was a beheaded French aristocrat and there was a litany of red streamers pouring from the castle that the scene opened up on, representing various pools of blood.

[05:16.88 - 05:54.12]

Then there was a miraculous expanse of dancers that were all gesticulating in the fashion that we now know to be performance art. And then the light was slowly faded and darkened across all of the performers, representing death whilst they were on a stream of red, which can only be interpreted as either lava. Maybe they're playing the hot lava game or blood. My opinion goes toward the second. Then we come across a scene.

[05:54.30 - 06:23.64]

We see a massive covered plate and people at a table. What could this be? The top of the plate is lifted and we now see a blue-colored individual, a rather large individual in Greco-Roman style. So a wreath, and it's all being covered, you know, sort of, just barely. And we now see everybody around the table.

[06:23.88 - 06:53.10]

And if we take a closer look, what do we observe? Ah, yes! Everyone seated is part of the lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, and the rest of the alphabet community that we have all known and love for the rest of our lives. So how does this play out overall? And what is the real symbolism behind this?

[06:53.10 - 07:34.02]

It is something that we should all be well aware of. Anybody that decided to criticize this performance and call it out for what it really is, and this is a ritual, I will get to it and I will tell you who they are observing and why they are observing this. We have the Digital Millennium Copyright Act coming into the fore. Now on X, if you're over on that platform, everybody that decided to post any of the videos from this performance, they were given a notice that your account has been locked. Why?

[07:34.46 - 08:24.76]

Because, now you can find posts of this all across the area, your account has been locked because X received a complaint, Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice for content posted to your account. Under the DMCA, copyright owners can notify X claiming that a user has infringed their copyrighted works. Upon receipt of a valid DMCA notice, X will remove the identified material. This then forced all of these accounts to self-censor, and, just like that, you now can control social media on the fly. All of these individuals, all of these major accounts, on the conservative side, unfortunately, many of them caved and acquiesced.

[08:25.02 - 09:15.26]

They did make everyone aware of it, however, this is the true situation that we all face. Now, there was a lot of hedonism in the performance itself. Not only did we have a giant blue character in Greco-Roman motif, but we had everybody from the LGBT community surrounding said blue character, including a child and someone else, an individual. If you find this picture, it is quite nauseating, but I'll tell you about it. There is a gentleman in black, I guess, boy, shorts or swim trunks, you know, very, very revealing and revealing emphasis on that, because it turns out that his genitalia decided to flop out.

[09:15.90 - 09:38.32]

We don't know if this is on purpose or not. A few feet away from said individual that can't control his unmentionables is a child. That's right. There is a child involved in all of this, the host of the dinner. And, by the way, for those of you that don't know, it is a mockery of The Last Supper.

[09:38.58 - 10:17.16]

You know that painting that we're all talking about. It is a mockery of it. It is intended to create an acceptable, a more tolerant version of this. So what we're seeing here is blasphemy, and what we're seeing here is anti-Christian propaganda. The individual that replaced Jesus Christ in The Last Supper dinner is named DJ Barbara Butch, not Bush, and she proudly declares in Yahoo Life from June of 2023, I am a fat Jewish, queer, lesbian, and I'm really proud.

[10:17.62 - 10:45.98]

Well, great. What better person to replace Jesus Christ? Also, a little motif that not a lot of people would probably pick up on is the mere fact that she is wearing a seven pointed crown. Now, the seven pointed crown is representative of the goddess, Diana. You see many, many people with that, or many, a lot of symbolism associated with that.

[10:45.98 - 11:11.42]

Diana being a fertility goddess, also a moon goddess. Now let's go back to the blue individual strewn across the table that opens up the party. The symbolism behind that is the blue individual represents Dionysus. He's the god of winemaking, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility. Ah, there we go.

[11:11.42 - 11:37.74]

Also. festivity, also insanity and ritual madness, religious ecstasy and theater. Yes, that is what we're watching. Now, bear in mind what I've told you and the diners at the table, part of the LGBTQ community. A little known fact, there is in Greco-Roman mythology, a gentleman, I should say it this way, a boy by the name of Ampelos.

[11:38.42 - 12:17.32]

Ampelos is known for being the personification of the grapevine and also the male boy lover of Dionysus. In some instances he's known as a satyr. Now we all know what satyrs are all about, and that is essentially hedonism and uncontrolled primal urges. In other words, a lot of fornication. Dionysus had many, many cults back then and it was generally seen as a time of revelry, when everyone came out to celebrate.

[12:18.14 - 12:59.04]

You can go back to Dionysia, and this was one of the festivities that began in Attica and it celebrated the cultivation of the vines. And what they did in the urban centers back then was that they celebrated more closely to fall, with various rituals, including a wooden statue of Dionysus, sacrificing bulls and ornately dressed choruses that would gallivant throughout the city. One of the other festivals that was celebrated in the name of Dionysus was Anthastrea. Anthastrea,

[13:00.68 - 13:05.26]

oh, there we go, Anthastrea. You know what? I can't pronounce. all of these things. You'll have to excuse me.

[13:05.66 - 13:29.12]

Generally celebrated in the spring. It was said, the dead arose from the underworld during the span of the festival, along with the souls of the dead. The Kyries, and, for those of you that don't know, the Kyries were female death spirits. There were goddesses who personified violent death. The Kyries wandered the city and had to be banished.

[13:29.60 - 14:54.70]

On the first day, wine vats were opened and everyone went berserk. On the second day, a solemn ritual for Dionysus occurred, along with the drinking, people dressed up. and on the last day of the dedicated rituals for Dionysus, we find out that it is a dedication to the dead and some poured libations on the tombs of those that have passed. Not only is this part of the hedonistic aspects of Dionysus, but there was another festival, because Dionysus is related to Bacchus, and there was the Bacchanalia festival. Bacchanalia, basically, was celebrated about three times a year and it was known for its drunken, disheartened men and women of all ages and social classes cavorting in a sexual free-for-all, and this is part of what is being represented here at the Olympics, because, as we know, the LGBTQ culture, maybe not the LGB part, but the T and the Q culture and what we see in the pride month and the pride festivals, for all intents and purposes, it is not celebrating the heroes that happen to be gay or lesbian or trans.

[14:55.28 - 16:03.32]

It is a hedonistic display of nothing more than narcissism out there, and in order to combat this, you have to be aware of what's going on and aware of the symbolism, which is why we need to have the internal strength and the ability to perform a ritual for ourselves, and that is to be the penultimate version, well, not the penultimate, that's the second best, but the ultimate version of the moral pillar of society. and you can go over to find out how to do this. You can go over to the America Outloud shop, you can go to the bookstore, find Prodigal Daughter, A Journey to Home, to Identity by Cynthia Garrett. Candid, real, raw and challenging, you will never find a more honest look at how identity gets lost in today's modern world than in this book. TV personality and evangelist, Cynthia Garrett shares an incredible, red carpeted, celebrity-filled journey through her life, while teaching lessons that only experience applied to the word of God can teach.

[16:03.84 - 16:07.30]

So maybe we should be brushing up on Ms. Garrett's book.

[16:46.32 - 17:14.22]

Is your gut a mess? Two-thirds of Americans suffer because of gastrointestinal issues, and I was one of them. That is why we created a three-step, doctor-formulated, completely natural gut reboot system that you can do at home in just minutes a day. Go to ChemicalFreeBody.com forward, slash Outloud today, get the Malcolm Healthy Gut Bundle, reboot your gut and your energy and save 20% on your first order.

[17:21.36 - 17:36.46]

Unleash the political news hour on the America Outloud Network. I am Chris Michaels. Peter Stroke and lover Paramore, Lisa Page, has now been awarded millions of dollars.

[17:42.20 - 18:21.20]

The another $800,000 to Ms. Page, for, well, they have had their anti-Trump text messages released. Remember this, you need to go back to the Russiagate fiasco and the bizarre performance Mr. Stroke decided to regale us with whilst he was on the stands, smirking, pursing his lips, giving bizarre, demonic smiles to all of us out there. And this is how the Democrat FBI is going to pay these people off.

[18:21.34 - 19:02.88]

They did their job in Operation Crossfire Hurricane to stymie any effort that Donald Trump tried to do during his presidency. And this is how all of this gets taken care of in the swamp. They will create book deals. They will, despite the fact that these people have more than likely done something extremely illegal, like trying to steal an election or deny election results and texting each other items like, don't worry, I've got this covered and we won't let Trump win, and so on. This is how the swamp always wins.

[19:03.26 - 20:40.46]

This is how the swamp will pay back its people, because, in other words, they know that these people have done something that is remarkably abusive of their positions in office, and they need to make sure they're on the same side. Director Ray of the FBI, dubious individual at best, he said that it was unclear that, and this is whilst he was in front of Congress, that Trump was hit, possibly by shrapnel or glass, and it took Donald Trump to make a post on his Truth Social platform to essentially say, no, it was really a bullet, and I have the doctor's note to prove it. If we're going to go down this road, well, this forced the FBI to release a statement that said what struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject's rifle. Now this is how far the lunatics on the left side, I almost said maniacal, on the left, this is just a display of how they are going to try to control the narrative. They are going to essentially lie, like they always do, like they have been lying about Donald Trump for the past eight years.

[20:41.10 - 22:01.96]

There were many people out there that said Donald Trump faked this whole thing, and the reason why the Secret Service operated the way it did was because Donald Trump was coordinating with them, and when he ducked behind the podium, what he did was he took fake blood and rubbed it on his ear, and that is the only explanation as to why Donald Trump has any ear left. Now these people who decided to come out and say anybody that does not trust Dr. Fauci is a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, they are now declaring that a bullet that hit the president is fake, is fake. They have been trying to corral this narrative in so many ways and notice how the mainstream media basically has let the whole thing drop, thanks to Kamala Harris getting into the race and many other items like Barack Obama forcing his hand to endorse Kamala Harris, and so on. Never mind the fact that James O'Keefe, formerly from Project Veritas, is doing excellent work when it comes to displaying how the Democrats are performing money laundering and engaging in fraud over with Act Blue.

[22:02.30 - 22:49.28]

Act Blue, for those of you that don't remember, is the financial arm of, essentially, Black Lives Matter and any other Democrat organization. When you donated to Black Lives Matter, you thought you were giving to the Black Lives and you were doing all that you possibly could to virtue signal your support. You had the NFL going in there, you had Bank of America donating, and so on and so forth. The only thing this did was it allowed the Democrats to get a massive amount of cash in 2020 that would normally not be allowed under the current campaign financing laws. So what did Act Blue do?

[22:49.46 - 23:27.96]

It took all of that money and donated it to the various Democrat candidates, however, the Democrat Party leadership wanted those donations be made. It turned out that Bernie Sanders and Joseph Biden got the lion's share of the Black Lives Matter Act Blue funding. Same thing is going on now. They had discovered that there was a Swedish billionaire that donated tens of millions of dollars. once Kamala Harris got out there and Act Blue suddenly went to work.

[23:28.80 - 23:40.48]

James O'Keefe spoke with some of the individuals that Act Blue said donated. Now these people that he, I was going to say, interrogated, that he spoke with,

[23:42.20 - 24:18.80]

they aren't exactly wealthy individuals. These people are regular run-of-the-mill people that you know. they probably don't have a lot to spare, but during an election cycle, probably during a presidential election cycle, they made some kind of donation to a Democrat. Now this is how the game works. This individual could have made an original donation of about 30 bucks, 20 bucks, 15 dollars, but their name, address, and contact information is now on file with Act Blue.

[24:19.20 - 25:11.64]

Act Blue then takes the larger donations, like from said billionaire, and redistributes that donation amongst everyone on its contact lists, and they then show that these individuals, like the poor individual that I'm referencing here, would subsequently donate to Act Blue tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of times, in very, very small increments, but the total donations would $100,000, $200,000.. Now, if you go to these people on the Act Blue donor list and speak to them, as James O'Keefe has found out, no, I don't have this money. This isn't like me. I would never donate 10,000 times a day. I don't have $200,000 to spare.

[25:11.82 - 25:37.84]

I don't have $20 to spare, never mind tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. The Democrat party is engaging in fraud and money laundering. This isn't something new. They've been doing it for at least eight years, and it has to stop. If the Republicans had any sort of fortitude, they would go after Act Blue in the worst kind of way.

[25:38.26 - 26:03.82]

They would make sure that Act Blue is completely liquidated and broken up, to make sure that these donations will never, ever, ever happen again. and this is part of the problem here, because you have the left that is more than willing to break the law and engage in all kinds of illegalities and, I would suspect, including assassination attempts.

[26:05.98 - 26:51.26]

but as long as it is to get Trump, then it will be glossed over, covered up, not spoken about if we're referencing the mainstream media, not heard of. if we're talking about the judicial system, where the judges just refuse to take the cases, even though there is plenty of evidence to suggest that there is some kind of illegality taking place. on behalf of the Democrats. The left is abhorrent and they are more than happy to display their neuroticism. There is a professor over at NYU that is engaging in such kind of rhetoric.

[26:51.40 - 27:33.32]

Historian Ruth Ben Gyatt wrote in The Conversation that assassination attempts can cause a wave of sympathy for leaders that can boost their personality cults. Oh really? And with each failed attempt, the personality cult themes about the leader's macho toughness, resilience, and invincibility gain credence among his followers. This was certainly the case with Castro and Mussolini, and it has been the case so far with President Trump. From Mussolini and Hitler onwards, strongmen have posed as victims of internal and external enemies, as well as protectors of the nation.

[27:34.20 - 28:24.46]

Ah so here we go, here we go. This is all about trying to reignite the rhetoric here that Trump is Hitler. The effects of the assassination attempt on Trump are so far in line with their authoritarian history she wrote, and chief among its after effects is a boost to Trump's victimhood persona. The end result of all of this that she is going to say is that Trump, even though he's the victim of an assassination attempt, is, once he gets into power, going to engage in a purge and kill all of his enemies. This is the type of rhetoric that must stop.

[28:25.36 - 29:10.88]

This is the same kind of population that we saw during COVID that would wear one mask, two masks, a face shield, and then wrap themselves in plastic because of a virus that had dubious effects at best. Now we're going to believe them all of a sudden about the dangers of Donald Trump. Despite all of the rhetoric that we've heard over the past eight years. Now, could you imagine if this type of t-shirt that I'm going to mention was pointed towards somebody like Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama. There's a t-shirt on Amazon, the only good Trump is a dead one.

[29:11.46 - 29:29.26]

Talk about hate speech. How is this possible? How could they even do this? How could Amazon even allow this to happen? Meanwhile, Amazon is more than happy to ban any kind of book that is critical of Dr.

[29:29.34 - 29:54.52]

Fauci, Deborah Birx, and on and on. The overarching theme here is that the World Economic Forum and the Democrats are aligned hand in hand. They do not ever want to see a narrative that is counter to theirs. And if you get in their way, like Donald Trump has,

[29:56.08 - 30:27.60]

nothing is off the table. It doesn't matter if it's a bullet or otherwise, shrapnel, glass, what have you. They need to get Donald Trump out of the way and they will not stop at anything. Donald Trump, ironically, greeted Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago and he warned Netanyahu that they could see a third world war. If we win, it will be very simple, Trump said.

[30:27.76 - 30:53.48]

It's all going to work out, and very quickly. If we don't, you're going to end up with major wars in the Middle East and maybe a third world war. As I mentioned earlier, you are closer to a third world war right now than at any time since the second world war. You've never been so close because we have incompetent people running our country. This is a very salient point.

[30:54.60 - 31:28.00]

These people aren't incompetent. They know exactly what they're doing and they want a confrontation. You have a death cult style mentality amongst the Western elites that do not care about its populations. If they did, then why would they be allowing so many items that permeate society, that shorten the lifespans of its citizens? Why would they be allowing things like replacement theory to take place?

[31:28.84 - 31:59.08]

Sidebar, if you don't know what replacement theory is, the Western populations are declining, for whatever reason. The prevalence of the LGBTQ culture, right? Nature doesn't allow individuals that love someone of the same sex to reproduce. naturally. The abortion issue, wars, microplastics, reducing the ability to have children in men and women.

[32:00.10 - 32:22.60]

Then you have also the mRNA shots, which have proven to be very, very dangerous to reproduction. What do you do? You import more people from the global South. And that's exactly what you're seeing. You're looking at very, very, very top down political structures.

[32:22.60 - 32:43.28]

You're looking at a plan on the macro level. And I mean that in the extreme sense, it is the macro level that you're looking at here. This is why we need somebody like Donald Trump in there. We can't handle another Kamala Harris. And for all intents and purposes, she was the border czar.

[32:43.78 - 33:19.14]

Don't let the mainstream leftist media convince you that she wasn't the border czar. She was the border czar. There was even a recognition of that in Congress that came out years ago. So for us to say, oh no, don't believe your lying eyes. It is extremely disturbing that we are living in this 1984 style society, because there was another stat that Kamala Harris was in fact the most liberal politician ever amongst her peers.

[33:19.56 - 33:32.07]

She doesn't, she's not more liberal than most. She's not more liberal than some. She's not more liberal than one. She's more liberal than all. And if you read between the, You might as well just say Bolshevik.

[33:32.97 - 34:12.41]

Isn't that true? She wants to abolish ICE and made a comparison to them as the KKK. Well, she should know, being that she is a Democrat and most KKK members and their founding was being instituted by Democrats. She is also for letting criminals like the Boston Marathon bomber and rapists vote. She wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling, massive proponent of defunding the police and providing subsidized healthcare to illegals.

[34:12.71 - 34:52.65]

This is how dangerous this person is. And if she is elected, she is not going to stop at all with furthering this massive woke agenda that we are being forced to endure. It will, for all intent and purposes, be a consolidation of wealth and redistributed amongst her Democrat allies. And then maybe, just maybe, people like you and me can scrape by and pick up some of the crumbs of this destroyed country we know as the United States of America.

[34:59.28 - 35:03.71]

Many voices, one freedom, united in the First Amendment.

[35:05.27 - 35:18.63]

Our goal is to herald the voice of genuine liberty at America Out Loud dot news, a place where you'll find the naked truth expressed with a patriotic heart.

[35:24.93 - 35:34.69]

Now is our time, my fellow Americans. America, Out Loud talk, radio. Liberty and justice for all.

Speaker 2
[35:44.71 - 35:55.41]

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[36:56.55 - 36:58.69]

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Speaker 1
[37:05.35 - 37:16.91]

Up. next, I speak to investigative journalist George Webb, where he is on the ground in Butler investigating what really happened with the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

Speaker 2
[37:17.93 - 37:38.85]

Yeah, well, I do national intelligence a lot. I was five years in D.C. walking, you know, the Capitol and every day down to the White House. Basically, Pennsylvania Avenue was my bead and covered the State Department and so forth. But then I started, I've always traveled a lot and we have these gatherings of our research groups.

[37:38.93 - 38:14.91]

So I invested a lot of our effort into developing international researchers and this idea of citizen journalism. So we've had 40 different, now 41, different gatherings of journalists, 10 to 12 journalists, 10 to 12 days where we, you know, go in depth on a certain topic. So this one we just completed, we were a week in Butler and then with six or seven journalists, and then we were a week in Pittsburgh, because the story kind of pivoted to Pittsburgh. So that's kind of what we do. It's been seven, eight years now that I've been doing that and that's kind of what I'm up to.

[38:15.43 - 38:36.67]

I'm an investigative journalist, but I really think of myself more as leading a large international and national group of citizen journalists. Again, they didn't talk about a paraffin test for Crooks. And again, he's in the spotter position. I'm not saying he wasn't on the roof, but he's in the spotter position about 20 feet. Some people say it's 10 feet.

[38:36.81 - 39:02.97]

Some people say it's 12 feet, but he's a distance from the rifle. And if you look at the TMZ video, the one where the woman is screaming, he's on the edge of the roof, meaning in the corner. And we all know from the body cameras, he's shot in a very different place. And the shots are going off when the woman is screaming in the TMZ video. So he either is not completely exonerated from the TMZ video or the TMZ video is a hoax.

[39:03.83 - 39:26.57]

So it just seems like, make up your mind, what's the story going to be? Is he on the roof or is he in the center of the roof? Did he fire the shots or did he not fire the shots? And we have a whole bunch of evidence that says he was a spotter. And he was a part of a detail, a volunteer detail, part of the Butler Emergency Services Unit or another township.

[39:26.71 - 39:50.29]

I went to Butler Township and they said there was another township there. We believe it's Clareton Township or Pittsburgh Police. And they had volunteer spotters. And the reason why you have volunteer spotters is the sniper looking through a scope, it's sort of tunnel vision. And the monocle that they look through with the range finder is a much bigger envelope or aperture.

[39:51.01 - 40:24.95]

So that's why they work hand in glove together. And you're supposed to be finding unfriendlies, the spotter. And then sometimes even the monocle is tied together with the scope. And they're supposed to then help the sniper and hone in on the threats. And everything, with the range finder, him being intercepted three times, and then having the credentials to go through the checking, everything lines up with the fact that he was supposed to be there, his droning beforehand, et cetera, moving the ladders in place, moving all these things in and out of this camper van.

[40:25.89 - 40:36.35]

Everything lines up with him supposed to be there as some sort of volunteer to a township police department covering that roof.

Speaker 1
[40:38.09 - 41:02.31]

So I was wondering if you could set the stage right before the shot started to be fired. What are the main differences between the mainstream media and what you've found out on the ground? So who was where? Are there multiple shooters? I mean, my conjecture is that there were multiple shooters, one probably near or below Crooks himself, maybe somebody on the water tower.

[41:02.63 - 41:06.73]

We hear reports of people running through the woods. What's the main difference?

Speaker 2
[41:06.73 - 41:07.55]

that you've discovered?

[41:09.61 - 41:33.53]

Well, I call it the double Dutch brothers or the double Dutch bus or the double Dutch bus. But I mean, and I said this to the ABC reporter, and she used to work for Brian Ross. Brian Ross has left ABC. But I said, look, if a bullet goes through me and then the bullet goes through you, we don't get to conjecture where the bullet came from. What we need to do is buy a roll of string.

[41:33.63 - 41:40.33]

And I bought a roll of string for the FBI, $6 roll of string. And I need to pull it through the bullet.

[41:41.97 - 41:55.59]

I did. I did. I bought a $6 roll of string because they need to use some string. I mean, they can get us the autolight or a laser if they need it. But I hope you get the Egyptian for it.

[41:55.89 - 42:13.27]

Yeah, it's from the same. It's from the same Home Depot where Crooks bought the ladder, supposedly. But anyway, I bought the string. I bought the string for them and said, look, just, you know, just draw the string. Here's point one.

[42:13.37 - 42:25.15]

There's point two. David Dutch is wounded. You can see he's wounded. And then the same bullet wounds Coperhaven behind him. And also the bullet hits the railing and and atomizes.

[42:25.29 - 42:28.79]

So it's that's the line. Like I said, you don't get to choose this.

[42:30.31 - 42:43.23]

You. this is the hand you're dealt. And if you, if you take that string and line it up, it's about 20 degrees, sort of behind the water tower, to the right of the water tower. That's the. that's the woods, if you will.

[42:44.45 - 43:11.05]

It's all there is to it. You know, if you look at the acoustic evidence, it's four hundred and forty five feet for the first three shots. Then there's some other muffled echo shots that seem to come from 700 feet or so, or 750 feet in the woods, for five, six or four through eight. And then there's the final kill shot that takes out, you know, Crooks. So, you know, the.

[43:12.69 - 43:29.49]

Acoustic evidence says two shooters, the forensic evidence says two shooters, the linear evidence says two shooters, the line of fire evidence is two shooters. It's two shooters, you know, and but there you could see Ray yesterday saying the investigation, no two shooters.

[43:31.11 - 43:49.63]

She said Crooks, Crooks, Crooks. And it's the same sort of thing that they did with Oswald. It's the same sort of pigeonholing they did with Oswald. Any, you know, within two hours, I was a little kid at the time, but within two hours of Oswald being caught, they said there's no conspiracy. They figured it out, there was no conspiracy.

[43:50.37 - 44:15.09]

And then the difference, the difference here is we're not having to wait 14 years for, you know, Geraldo Rivera to show that it was a printer film. We're not having to wait until the 90s for the House Committee on Assassinations. We're because of all the cell phones and because all the citizen journalists, it's all happening right now, you know, within the first two weeks. And that's the exciting part of.

Speaker 1
[44:15.09 - 44:24.27]

all this. Did you see that quote? I believe it was from Eric Prince, where he said there was a shot that took place at 488 meters.

[44:25.81 - 44:42.33]

Now, did you come across anything? He said meters, or at least the quote that I read was meters. Now, they could have been feet. The only reason why I bring that up is if it's 488 meters, it kind of leads us in the direction of the water. I got to correct you.

[44:42.37 - 44:49.17]

It's 488 yards. I just pulled it yards. So I guess my main question is, did you find anything?

Speaker 2
[44:49.89 - 44:51.61]

suspicious around the water tower?

[44:53.67 - 45:15.25]

Well, you know, I thought the suspicious thing was that there wasn't somebody on the water tower. You know, we've all seen these old prison movies where there's a guard on the watchtower and he's got one gun. You only have one gun to guard the whole prison yard, right? Because he can see everything and anybody goes toward the wire, you know, they whack them. There should have certainly have been a sniper on the water tower.

[45:15.25 - 45:30.35]

The omission here is the big story. 488 yards to me would be St. John's. You go by the sheets, there's a good graphic. 488 yards is a long way.

[45:31.71 - 45:57.87]

A mile is 1760.. I actually saw the assassination happening live with a shooter, a master sniper from the army, and he said he could shoot up to a mile. So it's not out of the realm of possibility that you could shoot 488 yards. It's just the acoustic evidence, isn't there. There's a supersonic crack, right?

[45:59.03 - 46:28.43]

330 feet per second. for the supersonic crack. You get the boom, echo or the, you know, sound hitting. after that, and by timing the difference between the crack and the boom, you can calculate the distance. And all the ones I've seen is 400 and some feet, you know, 420, 430, which would be about 140 yards, the crook's position or the crook's end shooter position.

[46:29.03 - 46:51.29]

And then I've seen the water tower at 688.. So you might be right. The water tower might be in there. But if you take the linear evidence of the wounding of the two Dutch, the Dutchman, it puts you out into the, you know, puts you out into the forest a little bit more, like 20 degrees more. I'm not saying it's not the water tower, but it just seems amazing that they wouldn't cover that off.

[46:51.57 - 47:04.17]

Such an obvious sniper position. It's just hard to believe. But of course, we've seen every other, you know, short porch for a shooting perch. So I guess, yes, the water tower could have been left open. It's just, I don't have that.

[47:05.87 - 47:26.27]

Well, let me take it from the time of the droning, and I'll just walk straight through it. He says the droning, Ray said the droning happened between 350 and 401, 11 minutes. And he's 200 yards back. OK. And what they do, Clareton Township, I believe, is, is the township he worked for.

[47:26.37 - 47:44.97]

He's a volunteer with the Clareton Township. He was a Crooks, was a member of the Clareton Gun Club, like this other guy, Antifa guy named Yurik, which is going to become important later. Yurik is going to become important. So the idea is, hey, we have this threat from Iran. We have a standing threat from Iran to kill Trump.

[47:45.05 - 48:06.99]

But now we have a specific threat three weeks, three days before Trump appears. And the two shooter or three shooter or multiple shooter scenario. is this the the foreign national assassin team model that they're not just going to send one guy. They're going to do the triangulation JFK type thing. OK, well, now that means I have to do a site survey.

[48:07.23 - 48:34.79]

I have to figure out where weapons might be cached. I have, to, you know, do an overview and overflight. And so Crooks coming onto the field with his drone out of his white van makes total sense when you send that off. And again, Christopher Wray said he was live streaming, meaning he's sending this to other people. They go, well, there's a potential place where you could catch a weapon there, behind the tree between the buildings.

[48:34.79 - 48:59.27]

And there's a place over there and there's a place over there. That makes total sense. then that he would get a bike or an e-bike or even a motorcycle out of the van and then go physically to all the locations and physically check all the locations to make sure there's no weapon cache there. Again, he's on the bike and everyone says, how could he have possibly gotten a bike? Well, this would be a standard protocol.

[48:59.27 - 49:11.19]

after you do the overflight. Then you go to the locations and you look in the bushes and make sure there's no guns there. You make sure there's no footprints there and so forth. Right. So then the bike, that explains him.

[49:11.19 - 49:22.89]

on the bike. He's being intercepted three different times. We don't have the body camera from him being intercepted the three different times. I don't know why. If we have the body camera from the guys going on the roof and guys climbing the ladder, why don't we have that?

[49:24.17 - 49:49.43]

But let's say he goes through that pattern. Now he takes his position, which is to cover the roof. OK. And his position there is, hey, don't let anybody come up on the roof. If anybody does come up on the roof, you see the window behind him and the building behind him where Greg is, quote unquote, you know, Greg, he's supposed to alert them and say, hey, shooter on the roof, shooter on the roof.

[49:49.53 - 50:07.77]

This guy shouldn't be on the roof. So he's there, stationed in the lower right hand corner. Not my video. It's the TMZ video. And if you look at the low angle, looking up at the roof, 11 foot roof, 12 foot roof, you cannot see somebody in the middle of the roof from that low angle.

[50:08.55 - 50:26.19]

If you're at an orthogonal position, 45 degrees, you can see it. But if you're where the gal was in that video, you can't see it. And it's even worse because she was ahead of the peak of the roof. So she's looking at the angle. The only way she could see him is down and to the right.

[50:26.47 - 50:37.03]

There it is. Yeah. See how she's at a low angle. So there's no way where he's standing right there or where he's supposedly positioned. That cannot be the middle of the roof.

[50:37.21 - 50:52.17]

And I can prove this with string. This is why I bought the FBI the string. There's no way you can take a person at that low angle. Let's say she's, let's say, 100 feet out. There's no way you can draw a string between where he was.

[50:53.41 - 51:12.77]

Those beams are about 16 inches on center and there's about 20 of those beams. So he's, you know, a good 40 feet into the roof. There's no possible way she can stand there and actually see him at that angle. He has to be at almost the edge of the roof, right? Which means he's covering the roof.

[51:13.17 - 51:17.39]

He's the guy who's been stationed there to cover the roof. Now, my,

[51:19.13 - 51:38.11]

again, my theory is we start with the guys who are in Pittsburgh, who've done anti-Trump things before, who've done assassinations, who've organized people in Washington, D.C., trying to blow up the Capitol and blow up buildings. They've done Antifa. They did the Chazz and the Chop. They've done things in Los Angeles. They've done things in Minnesota.

[51:38.11 - 52:00.41]

They're all these, they've been arrested for, you know, assassination and so forth. They're a part of a known group. He's a known on the watch list as an Antifa sniper, right? And so those are the people that I'm looking for, not people who don't have a record. This kid looks like he's watching the roof from the lower right corner.

[52:01.07 - 52:15.73]

So my point is, is that there's a 12 foot ladder that you'll see later when the guys run up the ladder. Let's say it's a 10.. Right. So my point is, is the ladder is in place already for the shooter. OK.

[52:15.97 - 52:41.39]

And Crooks supposedly buys a five foot ladder, but this 12 foot ladder is already in place. So the narrative was that Crooks went to the morning of and he has the bloody receipt. This is testimony by Christopher Ray. He has the bloody receipt for the ladder in his pocket. But the problem with that story, he's trying to say he bought it in the morning of and he brought the ladder with him.

[52:41.79 - 53:19.51]

But the problem is, is that Senator Johnson released this metadata of these 19 locations where somebody who had been to the Crooks house and been to the Crooks place of business and had been to the, a lot of the Crooks Allegheny Gun Club and so forth. One of the two of the visits were July 4th to Butler and July 8th to Butler. And the July 8th visit was to the Home Depot for the five foot ladder. So the whole story here has been. Crooks got up on the five foot ladder and jumped on top of a six, eight air conditioning system and then got on the roof.

[53:20.43 - 53:43.83]

Well, oops. What do we see in this video? The 12 foot ladder is already there, right? Meaning that someone else has already ascended the roof and could have ascended the roof in the shooter position and popped off three shots or popped off all eight shots, with Crooks acting as the spotter, right? Which is what he's supposed to do, right?

[53:43.91 - 53:57.55]

And so he could leave the gun there. There could be eight shell casings there. I don't think this is what happened, but I'm just saying this could have happened. The shooter says, I'll be right back. I've got to go, tell everybody else where the threat is.

[53:58.25 - 54:15.85]

And then he just takes off. Remember, there's a white van that leaves all by itself. If Crooks is dead, he can't drive the white van away from the shooting scene. So how does the white van go away? You know, you have to have somebody leaving the roof.

[54:16.05 - 54:39.43]

It must be someone leaving the roof in order for the white van to disappear. And I looked all over for the FBI supposedly towing the white van. I heard all these stories about somebody towing white van, that one they found the explosives in. So we know that Christopher Wray is talking about the white van, right? And saying it exists and saying that's Crooks' vehicle.

[54:39.99 - 55:09.37]

Then how does it leave? I looked all over and still I'm looking for any witnesses that can see the Arizona plates, can see the white van being towed away. So it's a ghost driver. There had to be, in order for that van to leave, there had to be somebody descending the ladder. And that means that person who's descending the ladder and leaving with the white van is probably the most likely person who took the shots, because they're going to leave the other guy holding the bag.

[55:10.53 - 55:32.71]

Right? So if you work your way backwards from the van to the ladder, to the gun, it makes perfect sense why Crooks is 20 feet away from the gun because he's the spotter. He's in the spotter position. 2016,. I didn't really, I wasn't really doing investigative journalism until a friend of mine or a coworker of mine got involved in the DNC hack.

[55:33.03 - 55:54.47]

That wasn't until, you know, June, July of 2016.. But we've been following URIC for Antifa events. I was following various congressmen that were funding Antifa. There was Keith Ellison in Congress. It was about five or six folks in Congress funding Antifa.

[55:54.99 - 56:30.87]

These were for counter free speech activities in 2016.. And one of the counter free speech activities was URIC, you know, getting like 500 people outside of the convention center in Pittsburgh. And they waited until these Trump people came out of a Trump meeting and they waited until they came down an escalator and they all attacked them, because in an escalator you're only, you know, a single file. And they caused a big pileup of all these Trump people at the bottom of this escalator and they attacked them. URIC was arrested.

[56:31.35 - 56:55.03]

This other guy was arrested. And this gal was arrested. There was about 17 total arrested, but he's the only one, along with this other guy that did time along with this woman. So there's three of them that did time. So we looked at URIC as a agitator, but not just an agitator, very violent groomer and coach.

[56:55.65 - 57:15.55]

So we found him again at the Chazz in the Chop, if you remember that. He's suspected to be in Minnesota with that whole thing, with George Floyd and the riots there. He's in with the Wisconsin, with the kid with the gun shooting and the gun. I can't remember. Rittenhouse.

[57:16.27 - 57:28.63]

He's in Kyle Rittenhouse. He's in Santa Monica. when they break all the windows on Third Street Promenade. He's trying to get people to go on January 6th. Remember, with Sullivan, they're going to burn this shit down.

[57:28.87 - 57:38.55]

How's this guy? show up everywhere? Because he's, that's his job. You know, his job is to go burn shit down, you know, and to do so. What originally put him?

Speaker 1
[57:38.55 - 57:42.53]

on your radar, though? Was it that first event or was there something else that you had already?

Speaker 2
[57:42.53 - 57:47.31]

suspected? It was the first event because we were trying to tie the people on Capitol Hill.

[57:48.97 - 58:00.31]

You know, there was five or six people that were carrying these encrypted Blackberries. We're trying to figure out how they're getting the funding. So we were looking at who are these key people. Well, you're didn't come on my radar again. recently.

[58:01.03 - 58:15.39]

I mean, I had a couple of events in Santa Monica and West Hollywood that Antifa threatened me and said, if you come here, just like they did today, I got another threat from Antifa. If you keep, if you keep talking about Antifa, you're going to die. You know, I got a death threat today. Charlie. Yeah.

[58:15.89 - 58:30.09]

So so this is the story, though. It's an anti free speech. It's not ideologically driven about let's get homes for the homeless or anything like that. It just shut down free speech of the opposition. And so I wasn't.

[58:30.09 - 58:55.37]

he wasn't on my radar till Roger Stone, after the thing, tweeted out. Roger, who I know kind of a little bit, but my associate Peter Dukes, really pretty good friends with Roger and Dick, talks to him all the time. Roger said Yurik did it. And Roger's really pretty connected. And when Roger said Yurik did it, I said, OK, that's enough for me to go look and see if Yurik did it.
