2024-07-05 00:30:30
Welcome to America This Week, with Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn, the national news wrap-up so true, we recommend you stow all sharp objects before reading. <br/><br/><a href="https://www.racket.news/s/america-this-week?utm_medium=podcast">www.racket.news</a>
All right, welcome to the special 4th of July edition of America. This Week. I'm Matt Taibbi.
And I'm Walter Kern.
Walter, how's it going? Crazy week, huh?
Oh, yeah. It's a crazy week outside of Montana and inside. See, inside Montana, while the rest of the world goes to heck, we only have a week to capture the tourist dollar. And so we are having a 100th anniversary rodeo celebration in the town I live in, Livingston, that is the Western Rocky Mountain equivalent of Mardi Gras. So I've got endless distractions here from the Mardi Gras that's going on in the rest of the country.
sort of masked nonstop party and bad behavior fest. that's happening in Washington.
And but let's dip into that. I mean, I've had enough bucking Bronx and popcorn and cotton candy. I'm ready.
I mean, it sounds. it sounds actually more interesting than well, this is actually interesting. I would say this is this has been an interesting week, legitimately.
Oh, it's interesting, because it's it's structurally such a an X ray of how things work. You know, see, when you're between big lies, like we are now, you get to see the apparatus. And it's fascinating. You know, we're, we're between the big lie that Joe's okay, and everything that shows him not to be okay is a cheap fake. And whatever the next one is going to be about the Messiah that will replace him.
So, you know, right now, I was saying before the show, the press reminds me, especially the press of a showgirl Las Vegas showgirl kind of aging, who married a rich guy, and then he divorced her. And now she's trying to get her virginity back so she can get the next rich guy. And,
you know, I'm watching, I'm watching journalist after journalist, try to restore their, you know, stained honor, or, you know, or run, you know, run history backwards, to the point where they were, you know, before they started lying about this.
Yeah, it that that's exactly the right metaphor.
It's pretty, it's pretty hard to imagine a situation where anyone's going to buy it. But they're really trying hard. And some of these efforts have been, I think, kind of heroic in their goal, you know, right?
The first. the first thing, and this is more of a humor thing than anything else, but I just want to talk about a certain tweet that came out yesterday, and we're recording this on Wednesday because of the holiday.
But, Walter, did you see this by Brian Stelter, the inimitable Brian Stelter?
I saw it once you, once you brought attention to it, and I laughed at least as hard as you.
did, probably. I mean, I don't know if I can read it out without laughing. So he's pushing back. the sheer amount of conspiracy thinking on the left at this moment is deeply unhealthy. Example, all the people who seem convinced that CNN and other media orgs are trying to ruin Biden and reelect Trump.
In reality, news outlets are merely trying to report the news. Which is, and then, as if you can see, he actually ends up taking lots of fire from Democrats saying, why are you bringing this up at all?
Which is also amazing, but my question to you, do you think he believes that or?
OK, so that is a great question. There's a thing in philosophy called a theory of mind. You have to have a theory of how other minds work in order to analyze them properly. You must proceed from some basic assumption. And having a theory of mind about a person like Brian Stelter is really hard, because you just don't know what, you don't know, what proportion of stupidity, calculation,
just sort of inertia, where they, they follow orders and they've emptied their own minds and and maybe don't have a head of their own anymore. And they've sort of achieved a new state.
That's my theory. But go ahead.
Yeah. Well, let's go forward on that theory then.
So I think this is 100 percent. the whole thing about, you know, if you see a flock, a herd of deer, they'll stay in place until exactly 50 percent of them decide to move, and then they all go. Right. And you can watch that phenomenon in nature over and over again, schools of fish, whatever it is. That is 100 percent what the press corps is, I think, because once they go, they all go.
Right. And they never go anywhere alone, which is kind of the problem.
And Stelter isn't one of those who goes early. OK.
Right. He is. he is the exact measure of the 50 percent mark, you know, you know, he won't be. he won't be in the last, you know, quintile. He won't be in the first quintile.
He will be at exactly that moment.
He's on the 50th percentile. Yeah.
It's like watching the deciding vote, though.
Yeah. It's like watching water freeze. You know, he's one of the molecules that just absolutely measures the trend, the phase transition. But what's amazing is to see his how offended he is. That others might accuse him of something other than innocent, in other words, his theory of mind or his theory of his own soul, at least, is that he's got a lot of integrity.
He completely doesn't catch that he's a weathervane. He thinks that. He somehow mistakes his reactiveness for her, for volition. And he came, you know. Something was triggered in him a few days ago, which he thinks is integrity.
Right. Right. Yes. But from the outside is obviously just a kind of, you know, completely mechanical state that is induced when 50 percent of things change.
Yeah, it's. it's like a Hasbro toy or something like that. It's, it's. you know, it's got two little gears inside. I mean, it's.
it's so obvious what's going on with these folks, and it's been popping up everywhere. And we'll get into more, the more serious aspects of what, what this all means in the post debate, fallout and everything.
But there has been a remarkable series of developments. just in the first couple of days of this week. We've seen high profile Democrats, Lloyd Doggett, being the first, I think, elected Democrat to suggest that Biden drop out. Then you had Nancy Pelosi, who's been saying for a year that, you know, experience is an advantage. And then she, then she, adds a new clause saying, well, but is it a condition, maybe, and not just age?
So that's she's now opened the door to examining the question of whether or not, you know, he's disabled. And as to that question, I actually want to play two clips in succession. This is these are both from the White House daily briefing on July 2nd. Now, Karine Jean-Pierre has. Taken a lot of these questions over over the course of the last six months or seven months.
But she has a. she has a tendency, she's. she's mostly kept her cool in these exchanges. But yesterday, an interesting thing happened. Now, I want to show you first an exchange she had.
I think I'm trying to remember who the who the reporter was. It was from some conservative outlet. Let's, let's just play on and we'll see what happens here.
Karine, I want to go back to that question that Pelosi raised earlier today.
Pelosi asked, it. is Pelosi said it's a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or is this is a condition.
Which one is it?
Well, what I can tell you is that he had a cold and a bad night. I would not see this as an episode. I would see this as what it was and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. And he did. on top of that, he had a cold.
And that is the reality of the situation. That is the reality of what happened that night.
You've certainly seen the reporting out there that this is not just a standalone instance, that other people are saying that this has happened before. One, do you see these as legitimate questions?
And also, are you being straight with the American people?
I think I see it, as I see it, as a legitimate question. I do. And I and I have said it is a fair question to ask. The president sees it as a legitimate question. And I think also the president saying I am not a young man.
I'm not as a smooth, smooth talker as I used to be. I don't walk as easily as I used to be. I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. I mean, the president is admitting and saying and this is not the first time.
Right. He's talked about his age. He's joked about his age many times before. And so you heard that directly. We are acknowledging what, what people are saying.
But we do believe this was a in in this instance, it was a bad night. No, no. And let me let me finish with your colleague, please. And I know. But shouting out.
Come on. You know better. You know better.
Just just one final question.
So that's kind of at the start of this. And that was Newsmax. OK. And then James Rosen popped in at the end there. So that whole, come on, you know better.
You see that the way the press pool works is. there's kind of an unwritten rule. Like she gave him something at the beginning of that speech. You know, we're admitting he's a little slower. We're admitting, you know, you're not supposed to take more.
Right. What are you guys doing?
You're taking more. You see that calculation happen in her head instantaneously. And that was closer to the beginning of of this press advisory. And it suddenly got worse. I want to show you exactly how bad it was in a second.
But what do you think about that admission, first of all? Or do you have any other comment about that?
Well, what's interesting is now that the big lie has shattered. The lie conditioned everybody's behavior. You know, two weeks ago, she was telling us about cheap, cheap fakes.
Three weeks ago, she yeah, she was talking about that. Maybe now it's every man for himself. Right. So everybody is now reverting to their actual personalities as they try to try to reconstitute a position. And she basically resents having to be press secretary.
She resents being challenged. She can't believe that it happened. It just happened. And it's been so long that came as an offense. I think she's really envying Jen Pisaki right now.
How how dare that person get to go off from this, you know, complete prostitute job and get a kind of respectable position on a network? And I'm still stuck here having to lie. Where's my seat?
And I don't and I don't blame her, frankly. I mean, Matt, as this whole turns, our audience is going to see, is going to see that I'm such a contrarian that I'm perfectly capable of coming to the defense of people who I used to have total contempt for.
And in her defense, the these people have not. these people have been going along with the B.S. for so long, except for a couple of them. How dare they suddenly act, all, you know, like reporters? Right.
I wanted to just say, listen, you've been eating my oatmeal, for, you know, and calling it filet mignon for a year or two. right now. Suddenly, you're scared for your own reputations. And you're acting like you're reporters. You know, the stories I could tell on you, people, you know, about you coming to me afterward and saying, hey, can you teach us a better way to lie about this?
And then I do. And they say, thank you. And now you're acting like adversaries. Where do you people come off?
I was going to say the oatmeal thing. I was going to say exactly that. This isn't, it's an agricultural job, or it was up until recently. You wake up in the morning, you go out with a big bucket. You throw it to the animals, right?
They go, oink, oink, oink. Exactly. A few of them might buck and, you know, jump up on their hind legs. But that's, you know, that's part of the job.
A few of them work for places where they have to pretend to be, you know, probing and hostile, and so on. Right. How do you go back, respectively, to Fox or Newsmax afterwards? But, you know, the rest of them, and here they are acting like big Mr. Journalists now.
So that was the whole hour plus long gang up. And she has not had to deal with something like that.
Like. I say, I'd be pissed if I were her, too. How dare they change the game like this? You know, you, docile sheep, suddenly trying to act like badgers so that you can keep your jobs.
You know what we haven't seen yet, which we might, is the Biden administration starting to burn these people and saying, you know, listen, Anderson Cooper saw, I'm making this up, Anderson Cooper saw him fall to the floor and have a seizure, you know, and be taken away on a stretcher. And, you know, he didn't say a damn thing. And we've got pictures of it, frankly.
That's right. That's right.
Anderson Cooper saw Biden address a potted plant instead of him on air.
It'll be something like that, right? I mean, because, and this is going to come out. See, this is the thing I was trying to say about Pelosi. Pelosi has given the same answer over and over and over again for a year about, about Biden's health. Oh, age is, you know, experience is a plus.
He's younger than I am. You know, Donald Trump is the really demented one. And then suddenly, you know, now suddenly it's, yeah, but now that tape is going to be out there for every single Democrat all the way down the ticket. And this is the problem. This is, this is why this whole thing is snowballing, because the Republicans have begun to run this as a down ticket issue for every single candidate, and they're going to have something on basically every single person who has come out and made statements to that effect, which is now going to increase the pressure for the Democrats to remove him so that people down the ticket can win.
I just think, I don't see how the momentum on this thing stops, but it's, it's fascinating to watch just from kind of a zoological point of view.
But, but also, also from a deep, not just partisan, political point of view, it's interesting because they have a very tricky task to accomplish here. They have to admit that he's not in good shape, but they have to pretend he's in good enough shape to be the commander in chief, you know, because, frankly, from one, from one perspective, every day that they expose us to the reality of a president who, at least part of the day they've even admitted isn't there, they also expose us to maximum danger. And, and, and should we be attacked, or, you know, should something happen that one imagines is taking advantage of his compromised state? It's really on them. It really is.
So this is serious. And they're trying to keep it a political, who's, you know, who's going to be the best candidate question, because they want to distract America from the, oh my God, there's no commander in chief, at least a lot of the day or certain days of the week.
Because if, if they don't, if they don't distract us from that question, then we ask the other question, which is quite obviously, there are other people standing in. I mean, we hope, we pray, and, and I'm pretty sure-.
Well, but even that's kind of an open question, which is kind of the scary part, isn't it? Right? I mean, and everybody's, I think this is what everybody's struggling with is, who? Who is that person? You know?
Well, see, see, I think that the story that's underneath this story is that we're being introduced to the sort of reality based, mature understanding that the presidency really doesn't have to do with the president. And, and that, you know, he is just a figurehead. See, but that's a problem, because they're going to try to have a presidential election in which it really matters who wins, you know, in which they're going to make a candidate seem like it's all important that we vote for them. At the same time, they're degrading the very notion that it matters who's sitting there by the fact that they're telling us a dementia patient can do the job.
Right. Right, exactly. And this is, this is the point that you made in a tweet over the weekend, right? Trying to find the exact words. Actually, I'll just put it up on screen here.
That we are being subtly introduced, right? Hang on, to...
Sorry. We're being subtly introduced to the idea that the presidency is a diffuse, impersonal office and that the buck stops nowhere. that is immediately conventionally identifiable. I mean, they are, that's exactly what they're saying.
Even in that press conference with Jean-Pierre, there's a moment where she, kind of, she, comes out and she says, we are not turning the page on age, which was, I think, was meant to be the big soundbite of the day. But she goes on to say, but we want to, we want to continue to deliver, you know, this great presidency, the, you know, the terrific performance and the record, this administration. Well, who's, who's we? This idea that the presidency is now this thing that doesn't have a face and... To pull it, Burrow.
Right, yeah, it's, it's right. It's the Supreme Soviet. Right.
And that is a very strange concept. to kind of foist on the public. I mean, they've been doing it, but to come out and jump on that concept with both feet is, is really amazing.
But it's inconsistent with the illusion that's generated every four years that everything matters in terms of the individual who holds the office, you know. Right. They're between a rock and a hard place, you know. Is the president, you know, a vigorous, decisive individual, or are they merely Jean-Pierre writ large, a spokesperson for a committee?
Right, right. And they've also been saying everything, the fact that Donald Trump, the individual, is going to occupy the office is cardinally important because this individual, his, his moral fiber, his character, all these things are so, you know, central and so at issue. But that contradicts kind of what they've been saying, what they're now saying, which is that the presidency is, is really a big bureaucracy. The executive branch is, is a thing that kind of moves forward and, you know, whoever, it doesn't matter who the face of it is. It's, it's the general intention of the thing.
Now, they could run against Trump similarly, using that logic, saying we think that the agencies under his command would, would go in the wrong direction compared to ours. But they're not making that same argument. They're saying the individual is bad over here, but here on our side, we're, we are an unknown, faceless collective.
Well, in a way, what I think they're doing is, or they might do, because they could reverse this strategy at any time, remember?
Consistency doesn't matter. But I think they're equating the kind of president that Donald Trump wants to be, which is the kind of president that America traditionally understood as president.
A passionate individual who moves things by force of personality, they're equating that with dictatorship.
And, and as the alternative to dictatorship is this sort of deep state, you know, they may as well, just, they may as well just give up the masquerade that there's no deep state now, right? Because everything that's happening requires a deep state.
Making the government function has obviously not been something that Biden alone could oversee, or his, you know, the executive branch function. And we now are in some process, as some politicians have caused, have called it, of shifting him out. But who's making those decisions? Are someone other than him? The party brass?
Is that it? Really? Or is it something else?
And I think what we're seeing, you know, I even saw a story about, and it was in Politico or something like that, about the oligarchs will decide, you know, that there's a certain.
group of the oligarchs.
No, no, they're owning the word oligarchs.
Oh, so it'll be like, Tim Cook, and, you know.
I don't know.
These names keep coming up of sort of faceless finance types that I've never heard of, who people say are, you know, really the power behind Biden. And it's the first time I've heard their names, you know, as a non-wonk. But somebody is making a decision about Biden's fitness. that's not by, who is it?
Yeah, and then, not to interrupt, I'm sorry, but that's why this story. So this is Ken Delanian from MSNBC saying, this popped up sort of late in the day on Tuesday. Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Biden and his top aides this week at the White House. Four people familiar with the matter tell my colleagues who are told the reaction from some senior White House staff has been, what the hell is happening? So, you know, Ken Delanian, how do I phrase this, has a lot of sources in the intelligence community.
And so what is that report all about?
Okay, that was a weird tweet, right? He put up a quote that isn't attributed to any one individual. Right. In other words, in quotation marks, what the hell is happening is apparently verbatim, what a bunch of people are saying, or a composite of what they're saying.
Yeah, it's like a composite. Yeah.
And he didn't say they told me, he said they told my colleagues. Which colleagues? What's he talking about at NBC?
Which colleagues, yeah.
It's a kind of weird, fuzzy way of reporting gossip, basically.
But a particular kind.
But a particular kind of gossip, an authorized sort of gossip. And what it shows me and some other stories have, too, is that Biden's own staff is starting to sell him out. Because, you know, these are young career politico types who want to be in whatever happens next. And that's the real telltale sign of mortality.
Because what's going to happen now is that there are going to be people who are going to try to guess. It's going to be like musical chairs, maybe. I don't know. What's the metaphor here? Everyone's going to try to figure out which is going to be the safe spot to stand on so that I can continue to be in the mix going forward.
Is it going to be in the vice president's office? Is it going to be, you know, continue to be in Biden's camp with, you know, sort of jail at the helm?
If this were a mafia story, which it is. Which it is.
But the move for the aide is to be the one who can deliver the killer anecdote to the enemies of the boss. You know, in other words, the person who says, I happen to know that he goes to meet his mistress at 3.20 p.m., you know, at New York Tower's apartment building. I'm just saying. I hope nothing happens to him during that time, but he always goes.
You know, so, yeah, that aide will survive, OK? Merely because they will have shown an aptness for betrayal and so on. that will get them into the next job at which they will be assassinated and someone will come say, people like you have no loyalty. Thanks for delivering it. But, you know.
Yeah, and the next. the next shot is Derek and the Dominoes playing in the background, Layla, right? And it pans down to Joe in the front seat of a purple Cadillac, right?
but, you know, the feast was added to by this immunity decision because at the same time, we found out that our president isn't, you know, isn't confident and isn't there, we are also told by the, you know, sophists on the left that he has infinite power.
Man, does that suck?
To find out your president's retarded at just the moment. the Supreme Court hands him the power to do anything.
Like he could be. he could be organizing, you know, huge Biden squads that are rolling out in tanks now.