2024-07-24 01:23:29
The most-listened to podcast by women. Alex Cooper’s Call Her Daddy has been creating conversation since 2018. Cooper cuts through the BS with topics and guests - asking the burning questions you want the answers to. There will be laughter, there will be tears. There will be everything in between. New episodes drop on Wednesday and Sunday. Want more? Join the Daddy Gang @callherdaddy
What is up, daddy gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with Call Her Daddy.
Rob, welcome to Call Her, Daddy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Um, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob.
I feel like so many women around the world right now have so many feelings and emotions towards you. So today we're going to really peel back the onion and we're going.
to get into it. That's good. That's good. Good luck. Okay.
So you just got off the plane from Fiji. You came directly here after getting eliminated. How has it been like acclimating to the real world? It's really, really strange. One of the.
big things is like neon isn't on everything. Like neon signs, like the lights there. I got really used to just seeing that every day. I got to my hotel room and I was like, it's so dark in.
here. I had to like pause. I didn't know what you were fucking saying. You're saying like the way.
the villa looks is so bright. You get used to it. You get used to like just being around, like, literally there's a neon sign on every surface. Like it's like lights up. Right.
And I got out and I was like, it's so dark out here. Okay. That's not kind of what I was asking, though.
I just, I don't know when you got your phone back. Oh, right. How did you like handle all of it? Like, what did you first do when you got your phone? I called my family.
You called your.
family? I called my family. They gave me my phone on the way to the airport and I knew I wasn't going to have service. So I called my family in like a group chat, FaceTime, you know? Yeah.
Immediately. I saw all their faces and I was really nervous because I was like, I was either worried that they were going to be like, Robert, how are you? But they were all like, Hey, like. they were so happy to see me. And they seemed like, they're like, we're so proud of you.
Like you did so good. You were yourself the whole time. And I was like, Oh, what a relief.
Because you thought there was a chance they were going to be like, you ruined her family's reputation. You dragged our name through the rough. I just didn't know. Like, I didn't know.
because, like it's a TV show, right? Yeah. I know what happened. I was there. Yeah.
I knew that I was authentic the whole time. Right. But it can get clipped and it can get edited and like, yeah.
Have you checked your DMs yet?
Um, mm, hmm.
What's going on in there, Rob?
It's honestly like at this point, like too much to even, it's just a refresh and then it's like a new page. Do you have any like celebs in there? Um, I had a really good conversation with Noah from Stranger Things.
That's so random.
You want to hear what I said to him? I said the funniest thing back. I think it went over his head, but it was so funny. And then we just talked about the show. Like he was just a big fan.
I just talked to him about it. Oh, wait, should I not say it? Well, he just said, he just, it was fine. He said, I love you on Unlove Island. You stole my heart.
And I said, um, thank you so much. I love Stranger Things. Thank you, Noah Schnapp from the hit TV show, Stranger Things. I just gave him like a bot response. I thought it'd be really funny.
And he just said, thanks, Rob. You and Leah should have won. And then we just talked about the show for a while.
Is that like, so surreal that, like, you, have someone like that in your DMs?
Yeah, it was also worse that, like, I just didn't even think about it. And I was talking to him. And then my sister was like, what are you doing? I was like, I'm actually having just a casual conversation with the guy from Stranger Things right now. But it was funny.
Have any women slid in?
A few, I'm pretty sure. Yeah.
Any that you're like?
Well, I think right now, at this point in time, I'm, I'm pretty like, emotionally drained. I don't know if I'm ready for it.
You're not ready.
But like, good to know they're there.
Whatever you want to call it.
I saw that everyone was like, up in arms on the internet about, you got out of the villa and you followed Leah. And then eventually you followed all of the rest and Andrea and all of them.
But is it freak you out that, like, all, everyone, is like, seeing everything you're doing? Or do you love the attention? Come on, Rob, look what you're wearing. You love the attention.
I had to wear them. Okay. Don't come for the overalls. I had to wear them. I saw the memes and everything.
And I was like, bro, I was like, you know, might as well.
Okay. First talk to me about the overalls for a second. So you did bring other clothes, obviously, but like, was this the first thing you packed?
No, I didn't even plan on wearing these. So I brought these. So, Love Island, usually the intro is you're like doing your job and you get a text and you're like, Oh, time to go to the villa. So I was that, that's what these were for.
Oh, do you wear these when you wrangle the snakes?
Sometimes. Yeah. Often. Sometimes. Yeah.
So, so, yeah, so I brought them for that part. Okay. And then I was like, Oh, fuck it. So I just threw them in the villa bag that goes in. And then I wore them and I was like, dude, this is the move, because BG is really hot, right?
And I didn't have to wear a shirt. basically. It was like pants, a little bib, but it's very breathable. It was comfortable.
But were you feeling yourself in it too? Like, did you think the ladies were going to love the overalls? No. No.
Definitely not. They didn't like them there. Like, it wasn't a no.
Are you currently doing D on D?
Currently? I'm not D on D.
And what is D on D to people that maybe didn't watch the season of Love Island?
D on D is dick on denim.
And can you talk about that? Cause it feels a little bit masochistic. It feels a little bit like rug burn. Do you know what I mean?
No, no, no. It's not like that. You should, well, you can't try it, but I would encourage anyone out there to try D on D. It's, uh, yeah, you're penisless, so it's not going to work for you, but it's breathable and like, it's just nice.
Why did you choose to wear underwear today?
Well, I'm wearing my lucky underwear. I thought I might need it.
What is your lucky underwear? You don't need to show me.
Okay, so that kind of sounds like a little bit of a kink. Like you, like your dick on denim. What is some like weird shit that you like in the bedroom. that's maybe a little like unexpected?
I'm not going to tell you that.
Yeah, you have to.
Oh, okay. I didn't know that.
Yeah, that's what call her, daddy is. You have to tell me. What's something like, a little like off the beaten path that you like in the bedroom?
Off the beaten path? What? Come on. Come on.
These are, this is what the ladies want to know.
But you, everyone in America knows you. You, you just met me. I know you. You don't. You think you know me.
I know you.
You know my story. You know my name and my story, but you don't know me.
No, no. I saw you in the heart rate challenge. I've seen you in your cowboy outfit. I know you're getting up some kinky shit in there.
I mean, you're not lying. But like, I don't really want to talk about it.
Okay, give me like a little hint.
I like to have sex.
I like sex.
Didn't in the beginning of the villa, you, I think it was Andrea, you looked at her and you were like, I'm sorry, like I haven't ejaculated in a really long time. Like I'm having a hard time.
That, you don't understand. I saw a clip of that and I think that really was a part of why I was so emotional. Going into Love Island is crazy. You don't understand it. You're on no sleep.
Yeah. You have no alone time, which is huge for me, because that's how I process my emotions. I have to be alone. Okay. So I couldn't figure my shit out.
And also I was horny as fuck.
Well, you eventually came. We'll talk about that. Um, okay. Are you enjoying the attention or is it freaking you out?
It's freaking me out.
Okay. What is the biggest turnoff to you?
Bad breath.
Did someone have bad breath in the villa?
I'm not, yeah, I'm not telling you.
No. And did everyone know about it?
Only you?
No, it wasn't in the villa. Fuck. I can't say it anymore. Okay, moving on. All right.
Um, how do you think the women, obviously like everyone's having feelings about you as you've gotten your phone, how do you think the women are feeling about you in America?
Um, okay. Basically I'm a toxic gas lighter, but I'm hot enough that it doesn't matter. That's like the, that's it. That's the consensus I've gotten. I've seen so many TikToks of like, this man is a red flag.
He's terrible. I hate him. I can't stop looking at him. I love him so much. It's like, just weird.
How does it make you feel?
I feel like it's not true, but it's kind of true. I'm not, I don't feel like I gas. I don't feel like.
I don't feel like I do, but maybe I do. I don't know.
That's exactly how I feel. I haven't processed it yet. Like, did I do everything right? Absolutely not. Did I make mistakes?
A hundred percent. Do I regret things I did? I think every decision I made, I would have eventually made. I think I was put in these like small timeframes, where my issue was my communication. And it partly was because I didn't know how I was feeling.
Okay. To your credit, I will say to you, I feel like you were upfront at all times with everyone. And maybe you weren't like the most articulate in like long form sentences about it, but you did tell people upfront how you were feeling in moments. Definitely. Even if it upset people, which I feel like there were other people in the villa that would skirt around the truth because they knew it was going to hurt someone.
Really. It's like, just tell people the fucking truth. So you don't look like a piece of shit, because all of this is on camera. Right. You know what I mean?
Okay. I agree with you on the conflicted thing. I think people are like, I'm in love with him, but I feel like he'd break my heart slash. maybe he's a little bit of a red flag. What is it like to date you, Rob?
Take us through the journey. Like, what do you think it's like to date you?
I don't love people. Okay. I'm not a people person. Um, but I love my friends.
How do I get into this? Okay. Let's say, all right, let's say we're going to go on a date.
Let's just say first date. Okay. I would like prefer to do something where it's just the two of us and like quiet. We get to know each other. Like, I'm not like a big concert guy.
I don't like going to the club. I'll go to a bar, but even then I'm like, there's too many people here.
Uh-huh. So what's your ideal first date?
I would say like a picnic.
I like a good picnic.
Go to the creek, go to the river, go to the beach. Okay. Bodies of water are typically good for picnics.
Okay. I find. Okay. Okay. I guess, if all of your exes were in this room right now, what would they say about you?
I think the, my last girlfriend would have a lot of good things to say and a lot of bad things to say. The one before that, same. I think. same. I think, I think with my last relationship, I mean, I don't want to talk too much because that's her business too.
But I think the wheels kind of fell off at the end and it went longer than it should have. And I think that was really, it came down to communication and I think it was hugely on me. And it's one of my biggest regrets. It's like putting her through the months of the end of our relationship.
Yeah. Cause I did love her, and I fully believe she loved me too. And it was like, just knowing you did that to someone that you care about what you just.
like, weren't communicating with her, how you were feeling.
I just was like depressed.
And that's not an excuse. when you care about somebody, you still have to like figure that out. But like, I, I didn't know how I felt about myself and I just couldn't give her what she needed. And I just sort of walked away way sooner.
How long was that relationship?
It was about two years.
On and off. Like we broke up, we got back together.
What was one of those?
It wasn't a lot. I think we broke up twice. But like, yeah, it wasn't like back and forth.
How long has been your longest relationship? That. Okay. So it was communication.
Okay. We'll get back to that. This was not your first time on Love Island. You were in Casa Amor last season, but you didn't make it out of the villa. Why did you want to go back to the show?
They called me, they said, what are you doing? And I was literally saving a turtle crossing the road. I was in a great mood. I was on my way to Arkansas to go catch a bunch of snakes. I was wearing these overalls, like true story.
I was wearing these overalls. I just got a copperhead. I was on cloud nine. I was having a great day. And someone called me.
They're like, Hey, Rob, what are you doing? You single? I said, why are you interested? And, uh, and they're like, no, you want to come back to Love Island? I was like, I thought about it.
And I was like, you know what? Like, my plan for the summer was just to catch snakes all summer and just like make videos and stuff. And I was just like, fuck it. Like, I'm not really doing anything. Might as well.
I'd love to find a girlfriend. Didn't work out.
So you were looking for a girlfriend. Were you looking for a wife or do you not? You think you're there yet?
I'm looking for a girlfriend that I would marry. Okay. Like I do. I do. I'm like dating to marry at this point.
Okay. And that's why I'm not wasting anyone's time. Like I'm not going to get into something that I, if at any point I don't see that future progressing to that, like I'm going to get out.
How many times have you been in love?
I think once. I told two of my girlfriends that I loved them. And I think I met it with the girl. Yeah. But then I, I realized I really met it with a lot.
Yeah. Do you think that your ex-girlfriend watched the season of a lion?
No, definitely not. But she definitely saw stuff.
Okay. It's time to relive it. Let's go through it. Let's go through love Island. Let's don't look so sad.
I like this candle.
If, for sure. Do we have a lighter?
You don't need.
Oh, I don't know if you can do how. I don't think it will work. I don't think, I don't think so. Oh, okay.
You're trying to set the vibe so you can like be calm. Yeah. I'm just calling. Are you anxious right now?
Um, it just, I'm just uncomfortable.
I don't know. I like you, though. Okay.
I like you too. Do you want to like, no, take your shoes off? No. Or do you want like a blanket? Um, do you want anything to make you cozier?
Don't be anxious. I promise you, you're doing great.
Oh, thanks. You're doing really good.
We've got a blankie.
No, it's okay. I don't know. I don't need a blanket. No.
Why are you uncomfortable?
I just, I just, um, I'm not uncomfortable.
I'm, I lied. Okay. I'm fine.
So you are a liar. I'm just kidding. Um, okay. But you're just uncomfortable, because this is a lot for you. It's like new.
It's very fresh. And, like I said, like it takes me a while to process.
My emotions and how I feel about everything. And right now I think some of the things I'm not really, like, I'm not, I haven't processed it. So like, this is, I mean, I just got back from Fiji. I just left.
And so like right now it's, it makes me nervous to talk about these things, because like emotions are kind of high and like, I just don't want to like,
Okay. Well, I think it's, yeah, I think it's fair that we can say for everyone watching, like to clarify again, like you literally got on a plane, you got your phone on your way to the airport. You got on the plane, you landed here and we're doing this. Like this is not like a month later or even like a week later. Like you have barely had time to like even see all the fan edits on TikTok.
You know what I mean? Yeah. Like this is fresh. So I think that's good to clarify. And like, when we're talking about this, it's almost like you're still on the island and I'm sure if I interviewed you a month from now, you're going to have a complete different perspective.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. For sure. Like that, makes me nervous.
We'll do a follow-up.
So we'll compare notes from now to a month from now or a year from now. Where will Rob be in a year from now? We'll talk about it. Um, okay. You get into the villa.
You're an original cast member. And the first person that you are coupled up with on day one is Leah. What was your first impression of her?
I really liked her a lot. I felt like, I think it's pretty obvious that I'm a bit odd and I can be hard to read. And I think it's hard for people to understand me, especially my humor. She got it right away. And I loved that.
I loved that. And I also thought she was really funny. And obviously she's gorgeous. Um, but seriously, from the first night, when I walked in there, we just kept like locking eyes. And I was like, man, I really hope that we get coupled up tonight.
And we did.
And how long were you guys in the villa alone together before Andrea came in?
Two days? Well, like, yeah, technically, like it felt like a week, but it wasn't because Liv came in and stole me first.
But that was like, I mean, like I was with, like, there was never a moment where I thought I was going to go with Liv instead of Leah. Like it kind of got clipped that way. But like I was telling Leah the whole time, I was like, you have nothing to worry about. Because I was shocked when Liv picked me. Like we all were.
We all were so sure she was going to pick Kendall.
Yes, I agree. I was pretty shocked too. And then you were like, you and Leah were pretty upset. Like you wanted to make your way back to each other, kind of. And like, we could feel that in the beginning.
I think we could all feel like you guys really liked each other. And you guys shared a brain cell. Can you fucking explain what that means?
I don't, I don't remember how that went down. I just know that it was a thing and that we would give it to each other when we were talking, because we were like, it was a lot. I mean, like we didn't sleep the first night. Like we were. like, it's insane.
I'm telling you, it's an insane experience. that's like built to get your emotions up.
Which is like, it's good. That's how it works. It's like putting a relationship in a microwave. Like you know someone for a week, you feel like you've known her for a month. Like it's crazy.
Well, then Andrea comes in. And I remember you're sitting at the fire pit and you're like, oh my God, that is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life.
Did I say that actually?
Yeah, you said that. You were at the fire pit, you turned to the guys, you're like, that's the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life. You also told-.
They put in the whole clip because it was that. I said, I hope she has a terrible personality.
You did say, you did. Yes. And then, but you also told Leah that you weren't attracted to blondes.
I don't like blondes.
So then what was different about-.
She's not a blonde. She's brunette. She has blonde hair, but she's not a blonde.
Okay. Yeah.
She's got brown eyes, dark features. She's not a blonde.
But she's currently a blonde.
Yeah, but it doesn't have, come on, it's not the hair. That's not what makes you blonde or brunette to me. Okay.
I was just curious because obviously Leah was like, what the fuck? He said he wasn't into blondes, and then we have Liv and then we have Andrea.
Well, also, I don't follow a rubric of. she has blonde hair, done. When people ask me, I say I don't have a type. Okay. But I do typically like brunettes more.
Okay. My track record, definitely more into brunettes.
So, when Andrea comes in, what was your first impression during your first conversations with her?
First conversation, it was nice, but it wasn't romantic. I didn't feel, I enjoyed talking to her. We apparently talked for a really long time. Yes. And I didn't realize that we were talking that long.
So it went really well. But it wasn't like, I was still pretty all in on Leah at that point.
Okay. You can imagine how that's confusing, though, because you were spending a lot of time with her.
Well, we literally just had that one convo.
That was it?
Yeah. Before the next day, she took me on a date, but that night we just had one conversation.
And so you decided to be upfront with Leah that you were kind of feeling Andrea in that moment, which I do think everyone appreciated, that you were upfront about it. You were like, I'm really still feeling you, Leah, but I do want to get to know her, and I'd be lying if I didn't. Were you afraid to have that conversation with Leah?
Of course, because I didn't want to hurt her. I still really liked her.
That's something I think that people don't understand. There was never a point where I stopped liking, Leah. Well, I guess we'll get to that, but yeah.
Okay. But as you can imagine, from Leah's perspective, that sucks to be like, I'm going to get to know someone and it's like, oh fuck, I'm not good enough that you want to go try something different, obviously. Were you worried that you would lose her?
Yeah, definitely. It was stressing me out. It was stressing me out because I told myself that I was going to get to know every girl and I was going to try to figure out who was going to be my best match, no matter how much I liked the girl I was with.
Because that's what the love is, that's what you're supposed to do. Yep. And that's what they tell you. And I'm like, yeah, I'm going to do that. And so I was like, I got it.
And it was like a good enough conversation where I was like, I'm giving this a chance. Like, I'm just going to see where it goes.
The love island experience is odd. Like it's not normal. Like in the real world, when you're single.
You would never do that.
But are you usually at least talking to like a couple people at once? Like, do you have like a little roster?
Not really. I'm not really like, I don't like talking to people that much. So like it's usually...
Are you bad texter?
Yeah, I'm terrible on the phone. Yeah.
So how do you communicate with your girlfriends?
Calling, FaceTime is usually much better.
Are you a FaceTimer or a caller?
I'm a caller, but I will FaceTime.
Okay. Because, yeah. Okay. So, in real life, though, you don't usually have like a couple women. Are people going to come forward and be like, what are you talking about?
I mean, yeah, like it's definitely, it's definitely happened. Like I've definitely been, but I mean, that's when you're single. Like, yeah, you're going to get to know multiple people at a time. But like, it's not, like, I've never, like, dated multiple women.
Would you consider yourself a romantic person?
Yeah, I'm a romantic art, for sure.
What is the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
Probably took her to catch turtles at 2am.
Do you think that was your dream or her dream?
I don't know. It seemed pretty special to me. The moon was out and it was like, it was really nice. I enjoyed it a lot. It's quiet.
It's kind of scary. She's like, wants to be close. And it's like, I don't know. Turtles are cute.
They are cute. Yeah. That's cute.
I don't know. Most romantic thing. I can't think of that. It's on my head. I used to, I like making things a lot.
Okay. Like what?
Um, I made a emerald necklace for my first girlfriend from an emerald that I mined in North Carolina, I think.
Wow. That's romantic. Yeah.
I like making stuff. I'm, I'm crafty like that.
Okay. Yeah. That's a good answer.
Um, back to Love Island.
The love triangle was clearly short-lived. and can you walk me through the infamous conversation with Leah, where she goes to basically confront you and is like, Hey, what the fuck? Like, I feel like you're spending time with her, and then it blows up. And the whole thing just, it was basically like the last conversation that ended your guys' relationship romantically. Yeah.
Oh wait. Oh, the one where I jumped in the pool.
That was kind of like the breaking point. Okay. Take me to that conversation.
It wasn't for me at all. If it seemed that way, that's not how it was really. It was like, I don't know. I haven't seen it, so I don't know, but I've seen clips, obviously like on TikTok and stuff. Um, I feel like it was condensed down to like, I don't know how long, but like it was a pretty long conversation that slowly got worse and worse, and worse and worse.
And it was kind of like Leah was coming at me, like saying what she was saying, which I thought was like perfectly valid. And I kept telling her that I was like, I get where you're coming from. And like, I'm trying to see from your perspective, because I get that this is hurting you. It would hurt me too if I was in your shoes. And then, every time I tried to talk, she kept like cutting me off and she wouldn't let me speak.
And, and then it started, I started getting emotional and then I was like, I just need to step away. And then I started crying and I was like, bro, what the fuck are you doing? And I think just crying induced like a panic attack. Like I was just, I was, I was fully freaking out. I was fully freaking out.
And then I kind of got it together. I went back down and sat with her and she just started talking again, like saying the same things and, and just didn't like act like what, what set me off was. she just didn't ask me like how I felt, which I think that triggered a lot of people. They were like, it matters more what she feels in that moment. And a hundred percent, I was the one causing this situation.
Yeah. And I was taking responsibility for that. I was trying to, but also like, I just needed someone just to check on me in that, in that moment. And I, and for me up until that moment, she was that person and I kind of felt like, just that she didn't care at all, which isn't true. It was just, she was really upset and she rightfully so.
I feel like that was like a classic, like you both were so hurt. And when you were both speaking to each other, you both needed the other one to validate the other one. And you both were so hurt that, like, you couldn't do that because you needed the person to be like, no, you're right. And neither of you could give that because you were so upset. Yeah.
But why do you think you had a panic attack? Like, what was it that was causing you so much angst?
It was everything. It was, it was knowing that I was going to have to choose between these two girls. One that I just met, but I was really like, want to give a chance. And I liked, and then, Leah, that I've just been. so, it's been great the whole time.
And, honestly, like, I had no idea what I was going to do. I really like, I like, and I didn't know it's very short windows of time where you have to make decisions and stuff. And like, I knew Leah wasn't going anywhere. Yeah. So I don't know.
I fucked up. I was just like, I think, honestly, had that not happened, I probably would have stayed with Leah. I think. Cause that was after that happened. I was like, I was like, well, that was terrible.
And then at that point, like my head was, I feel like after that, my gut was telling me, like, like, you should just go with Andrea. But my head was still like, you really get on with Leah. Like it's really good, but I was hurt. And I should, I wish I could have just something I needed to hear in that moment. that I wish someone would have come up into me and said was advice that I gave.
everyone else later down the road was you need to just take yourself out of love Island for like 10 minutes and just realize you just met these girls. It's not that big of a deal. Why are you so emotional? Like, really like, pick it apart, because I didn't know I was like, why am I crying so much? And I thought that, but I didn't take myself out of it completely.
And I think if I had done that, I think it would have been a lot different.
Okay. But to your guys credit, like, it's like, you guys are in this like experiment box and like, you can't take yourself out of it. That's the beauty and the hard part of it. Like, I get it. You're like, wait, if I had gotten to just like go home for five minutes and like talk to my family and hung out, I would have come back in and been like, listen, ladies, like let's all get to know each other.
It's not that deep. Whoever picks who, like. we're all still here. Let's just keep hanging. Like we've known each other for 24 hours.
But in the moment, it's so intense, because it's also fucking with people's, like time while you're there. And can someone almost get sent home? Like, it's so many dynamics that, like it, is heightened. You made a pretty fucked comment in that conversation about how there was no sexual connection.
I did not say that.
I did not say there's no sexual connection.
You weren't feeling the sexual connection between you and Leah.
Did I say those words? Yes. That's exactly what I said.
You said, I mean, we can look it up. You said basically like you were not feeling the sexual relationship.
Yeah, it was. I felt like we weren't like. we didn't know what each other wanted. Like. it was kind of like a weird thing.
Because you guys, like you, had made out, right?
Yeah, we made out like a couple of times and it was good. It wasn't bad. I was just like, I don't know why that came up. But yeah, I was just letting her know, like I'm in, that there, like you, said, anything you don't say to somebody is wasting their time. And like, I felt like I needed to be as transparent with everyone as I could.
And so what were you feeling? Because you clearly have a sexual connection with her, no? Or no?
Yeah, but it wasn't like, I feel like we didn't click sexually. Does that make sense? Found her really attractive, everything. But when we kissed and stuff, it was like, it felt like she was holding back. She told me and she said she was.
She said, oh, that's because she said it was because the first night when we had our first kiss, I said, please be gentle. I was joking before we kissed. And she said, that's why. She said that from then on, she would like hesitate, like kissing me and stuff. And she said that was why.
And do you think, if that?
I was like, well, that makes sense. Because that's what it felt like. It felt like I couldn't tell if she wanted to kiss me whenever we make out. And I'm like, does she want to stop? I couldn't tell.
He was really weird. And I'm glad I told her, because, well, I don't think we made out again after that. But I told her that and she was like, oh, yeah, I was holding back because you said that the first time we kissed. I was like, that was a joke.
Because I think, obviously, like that, sucked to see, because I, on her side, just like as a girl, you're like, fuck, like there's no rebuttal. It's like saying you have no chemistry with someone.
Yeah, but am I wrong for like telling her that? No, no.
Yeah. And I think she, understandably, was so upset by that comment. And then she slept outside that night because I think she went to Serena after that and was like, I literally feel like, what the fuck? Like, I feel like gross. Like, I'm like, oh, my God, am I not sexually attractive to him?
But that's not what you were saying.
Not at all. And I told her that. OK. You gotta understand, these conversations, they're like max five minutes long.
Short end, yeah.
That was at least an hour. Yeah. At the very least. It was probably more of us talking up there.
In that moment, when I was watching, and you can clarify, it felt also like you were saying that. And I could be wrong, but I feel like the viewers kind of felt this way. And you, when you shared that with her, you use that an example of like why you basically were going to maybe like, try and make things work with Andrea.
I mean, maybe, but no, like it was more of just telling her everything about us, like on the table. So if that did happen, like, she understands where I'm at. Like, I didn't want, I don't want to blindside anyone. And I feel like I ended up blindsiding her because I didn't get the chance to talk to her before the recoupling thing. That was like.
that's. one of my biggest regrets is I should have insisted because I wasn't able to get to her and I should have been like, no, we're not. I need to talk to Leah before this, like, because I knew it was going to happen.
But yeah. Can you explain that you weren't able to get to her? Like, do they? they physically put you in different rooms and you can't see people? Oh, are you not allowed to say that?
I can't talk about it.
Really? I think everyone knows that. OK, so I'm going to.
OK, I'll just assume that you guys are like it separated.
I wasn't able to talk to her. That's all I can say. Like, I didn't get the, I didn't get the chance. OK. I didn't get the chance to talk to her.
And can we just like finish the conversation on how everyone thought that you were potentially crying to manipulate the situation? I think a lot of people looked at the situation like, wow, he's in a position of power. He's getting to pick between these two women. If anyone's crying, and he's crying, like Leah should be crying if anyone's crying. But she didn't, obviously.
And so people were struggling to know if the tears were genuine or if they were like a manipulation tactic to like make it look kind of like, oh, I'm, this sucks for me to and like, kind of get you out unscathed. What do you say to that?
That's completely not true. And you can ask anyone that I would never, never want to cry like. No, definitely not. That was completely genuine.
Unfortunately, I wish it didn't happen at all.
The pool. Was there nowhere else to go?
So this is one of those things I should. So in my head, I wasn't planning on going to the pool, but I saw it. I walked down the stairs, saw it. I was like, oh, I had noticed earlier that day you could go up onto the deck and there's no cameras, no mics. I just wanted to be alone.
I was like, fuck this shit. And I was like, all right, I'm going in there. And so I took my clothes off. I jumped in. I went in there and then I got in there and I was like, they probably think I'm killing myself or something.
I was like, this is a terrible idea. This was an awful idea. So then I got out and then I just walked out. And that's what I should have done. I should have walked out because I needed to be alone.
That's what I needed. But I knew they were going to stop me. I knew if I walked out, they're going to stop me, whatever. I knew. there.
I get in the pool. What are they going to do? Fish me out? But yeah, it was. yeah.
Hindsight, not the best choice.
What do you think your biggest flaw is when it comes to dating?
Probably my biggest flaw? It's hard to pick one.
Oh, okay. Let's list a couple. We're here.
I think I definitely learned from this that I have an issue with letting people in and letting my walls down. I think I also struggle with communication. I struggle with, I think I procrastinate my feelings. I think I'm feeling them, but I don't process them in my brain until I have to. And that is probably one of the biggest things.
That's what I think happened with the Leah and Andre situation, where I think if I had just like, but then again, I was never alone and I have to be alone to do that kind of thing. And I think if I was able to do that, it could have been so much better. I could have communicated with Leah a lot better, because something about it is like you can recouple, but it doesn't mean it's over. And I still had those feelings for Leah. And I think if I could have talked to her about it, I don't know what would happen, but like it would have been different.
Why do you think you have such a hard time with letting people in?
Probably just the way I grew up. Okay. Probably, just like. Share? Kind of.
Well, like. I'm a family, I'm one of four, and I was just always more of the quiet one kept to myself. Didn't really. I was like the middle child. There's four of us, but I was like, you know what I mean?
Like. I just was like kind of independent.
And I think a lot of times I just felt like people didn't care. So like, I just didn't ever. And I still feel like that. I feel like people don't care because they don't like. realistically, most people don't give a shit.
Like they'll ask you, but they don't really care. So I just don't waste my time in telling people. Like usually I just kind of like, keep on going until I feel like it's something that matters, I guess. Yeah. You know, that's why I think it's only in one-on-one conversation that I can like, actually let my walls down and talk.
Because I think I gave every girl a chance and I tried my best, but I like looking back, I was like, damn, especially like after the Andre and Leah thing, it just like tightened me up even more. Because I hurt them and I knew that and it wasn't my fault. Yeah. I fucked up.
And I just, it was hard for me to like keep going after that.
I think people felt that you kind of like shut off after all that happened. Do you, are your parents still together?
They got divorced like two years ago.
Oh, I'm sorry. What is your relationship like with your mom?
It's really good.
And your dad?
It's good.
It's good. Yeah. My mom is a lot like me. She's like, very witty and funny. She's hilarious.
You would love her. And then my dad is, he's really artistic and he's very handsome. And that's like his thing.
He's really handsome. Yeah. And that's his thing.
You should. Yeah. Yeah, he is. But we'll know. And being an artist, he's an artist.
So you kind of got like a little bit of.
I did. I got both. I got both those things. So that's good. I got, I got some of their best traits and I got both of their worst traits.
What are the worst traits? My mom is really emotional and sometimes says, like, says and like, thinks things emotionally sometimes, which I do, which I've really worked on. Like, I think. And then, um, yeah, I got some stuff from my dad too.
You're like, I don't want to say what I got from my dad moving on. That's fine. I respect it. Um, is there a theme? I know you kind of talk about communication, but I want to know a little bit more.
Like, is there a theme of why every relationship you've had has ended?
Yeah, I think, I think there is. I don't, this is really going to be sad, but it's just, I don't think that I can. I've, I've been able to let someone all the way in.
And what do you feel when you like start, like someone starts to get.
I feel like I reach a point and they keep going and I can't.
Why do you think that is?
I don't know.
I didn't know this was gonna be that deep. Also, I need to turn my phone off.
Turn it off. You're not allowed to look at your phone when I ask you a deep question.
Go ahead. Why do I think that is? I think I have, gosh, this is really, I thought this was gonna be a moral fun. Um, I don't know.
It'll be good.
It'll get fun. I think I, I think I need therapy.
To be honest, more therapy. Yeah.
I think that's a good answer.
Yeah. I think I don't love me and I really don't give a shit what people say about me, because mostly time I'm saying it to myself already. Like when I got out, I saw all the horrible things people were saying about me and I was like, huh, beat you to the punch. Like I've been saying that shit this whole time. So I think I need to get over that before I can like really, and I've, I'm a lot better.
I'm way better than I used to be. I used to be like really bad. Like I'm my number one, I'm just hard on myself. And I think that comes with being an artist. I consider myself an artist.
I love creating things. I love making things. And I think that's just part of the mentality is like, you can always be better. Like it's never perfect, which is not a good mentality to have. Like you can't be perfect.
It's literally impossible.
Um, but I know I'm very far from perfect and I'm starting to accept it more and more. And I think, like, I don't know, I've, I've like hurt people in the past. Like I, like I said, with my last girlfriend, like I fucking hurt her. And it still tears me up. Like, and it's completely my fault.
There's no one to blame but me. There's no good excuse for it. And it's just like, fuck. I just carried it around. Yeah.
I appreciate, though. And I think a lot of people watching this will appreciate, Rob that you're like, you do take accountability in what you're, you're saying. You're like, I know I fucked up. I know I'm the one that fucked up. I, I want to like figure out my shit.
There's so many people, one of your friends, that we saw this season, that like doesn't take accountability and is like acting like, no, I didn't do that. Like, what are you talking about? I didn't do that. Like, you're like, no, I did that. And I fucked up and I don't know why the fuck I did that.
Like, I think that's progress. I think that's like the first step to actually like understanding why the fuck you make certain decisions. Yeah. Right?
I, I try to be a good person. I really do. Do. I think I'm a good person? Yeah.
Actually, yeah, I do think I'm a good person. I, I, I think of others often and I try, but I'm not perfect and I mess up and I want to be better, I guess is what I'm saying. Like, I, I've never been in a point in my life where I'm like, this is as good as it gets. I'm like this, but no, I always want to keep getting better. And I think I have.
Do you think that this process made you realize more, that you want to keep working on yourself?
A hundred percent. I mean, like I was working on myself before it, but like that, that's one of the valuable things I got from this is I was able to look at myself in conflict. Like, how do I react? And like when I'm angry, how do I act when I'm really hurt? Like I'm, I can literally go and watch it.
Like, um, and that's like super valuable. It really is because you can see, and that's something that Leah got from this too, because Leah was, I mean, she says some awful things about me and claimed to never have said them. when she told, talked to me. Like what? That she said, that was a little bitch and that I gave her the ick because of it.
And like, just like some crazy shit that I've seen. I mean, I've seen some clips, but she never admitted to that once until movie night. Like she's, she said she didn't say that. And then at one point she was like, I may have said some things. And I was like, but I fully, fully believe Leah didn't.
She didn't. Like, I think she says things that when she gets emotional and then it just never happened. Like she doesn't actually feel it. She didn't say it. I think that kind of happens with her.
At least, I don't know, in that, in that regard.
I feel like your thing this season was like, you run when things get a little hard. Like you physically run under the pool. You would like walk away from things. You would go to soul ties by yourself and like stand there. And like, I think you, do, you do that in your real life?
Like, do you kind of like remove yourself when things are getting a little complicated or heightened?
I would say, yeah, at times, but also I would say I have to do that sometimes. Because, like I said, I, I'm serious. If you were just sitting in a room with me, I wouldn't be able to think about my feelings. It's really weird. I'd really need to be alone to process how I'm feeling.
And journaling helps a lot. And I couldn't do either of those things.
Oh, you couldn't journal?
You can't. No, because Beach Hut is your journal. Sorry, I'm not supposed to talk about that.
Oh, okay.
It's like the cutaway. Right.
Oh, it's like your confessional is your journal. But staring into a camera is a little.
Also, like the amount of things I've written in my journal that I don't mean. You just say it to get it out. And then I'm like, okay, I don't feel that way. Move on. Like, you know what I'm saying?
Like, that's just how I process.
So you then couple up with Andrea. And you were together for four days.
And obviously, like, you, went from being with Leah to then being with Andrea. Like, what did you feel like, was the core difference in those two relationships that you experienced?
So after, like everything that happened with Leah, I was like, Okay, I made the right decision. Like, I. just that's just the way I saw it. I was like, I was like, this was nuts. Like this, we've not known each other that long.
We had this whole thing, which, we've been together for so long. It was mostly my fault. Yeah. Like, I feel like it was mostly my fault that it happened that way. But I mean, I mean she'll admit some fault in it as well, but I feel like it was mostly my fault, but it just didn't work.
and I thought it was like, okay, our communication styles, whatever. I was like, I was like, okay, well, I made the right choice. Like things with Dre are really great, and it was, it was an amazing four days we had. Like. I was like smitten, like I really was, like I was having a great time and you can tell.
You seemed it.
You can tell. Um, I just thought she was like so much, like just good. Like, I don't know. I like talking to her, and I loved the way she talked about her family and it just felt really romantic. Like it just felt romantic.
This like the best way I could put it. I felt romantic when I was with her.
In the moment of those four days. And I want to clarify, cause. I feel like a lot of people are like, you fucking knew each other for four days. Like four days seems like what in Love Island time?
That's like a month. Like a week. A week is like a month. It seriously is. Like.
it feels like you've known them forever, because literally you're with, like. usually you date a girl, you may go on a date, you'll see her maybe next week or in a couple of days, or, and you're like, you'll text the whole time, whatever it, but like there you are with them at any opportunity you can. And you have to talk about how you feel, about everything. You're immediately talking about how many kids you want. And then, if, so, if you like them, that progresses really, really fast.
That's a good point too. Like women, think about this, if you're listening, like you get upset after a fourth date, if a guy ghosts you and you're, cause, you're like, well, we went on our fourth date, fourth date, fourth day for you for almost 24 hours of basically hanging out and sleeping together.
Oh, it's like our 20th date. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. So it got super emotional. And then, obviously, when elimination came around, the girls decided to send Andrea home and the world was fucking shocked. Like people online were like, this is the craziest episode that we've ever seen in Love Island history.
Like what the fuck? Yeah. And obviously you were shocked. What do you remember feeling when you heard her name called?
At first I was just mad. I was like, this makes no sense. This makes no sense. We had the strongest connection of most of the people in the villa at the time. Like, let alone who was up for elimination.
And I was like, I was just baffled. I was baffled. I was like, how does this make sense?
And then I was like, fuck it, I'm leaving.
Yeah. So you immediately stood up and you were like, now you're sending three home like-.
Well, it wasn't immediate. That's longer as well. Okay. But it was edited? Like, we're sitting there, we're talking.
Like there's a back and forth between the girls and the guys, blah, blah, blah. And then finally, like, I'm sitting there and I'm like, all right, yeah, nah. And Aaron's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And I got up and I was like, yeah, I'm leaving.
So you say you're leaving and then you don't leave. I understand your reasoning, like explain your reasoning to maybe people that forget why you didn't leave.
All right. So, once again, that was a three hour process of me wanting to leave and like having conversations with people and they're like, no, you shouldn't.
So it wasn't 30 minutes?
No. Okay. No, she did have 30 minutes back and I had that conversation with her. But after she left, I was like, no, fucking, no. Like.
I had a conversation and they were like, no, you should stay, blah, blah, blah. Like, it's so dumb. You only know her for four days. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, okay, fair enough.
But then, right after that, I was like, no, I'm leaving. Like, I'm like, no, like, I'm actually leaving. And I just had a lot of conversations, blah, blah, blah, and they convinced me to stay the night. And then, the next day, I calmed down and I was like, okay, yeah, like. I came here to find the best connection.
It was going amazing with her. And I think, like, you know, like the honeymoon stage of a relationship. We were at that. We were at that point where I was like, this girl could do no wrong. I was just like, so keen.
Like I was just happy.
Gone. And I was like, fuck, like, I don't know, like it was just a bad time. Like it, literally the next day I could have been like, oh, like, I don't know about this. You don't know. But, but I, I was like, who knows who else might come in here?
Like, you know, cause it was still early days. And so I was like, I mean, yeah, it does. I don't want to get out of here, get with her. It doesn't work out, which statistically very high probability that we would not work out. And then I'm like, damn, what could have been?
Do you regret the way that you responded, though, in that moment? Because you obviously got Andrea's hopes up.
Yeah. A hundred percent. I regret it. I wish I wouldn't have said it. But in that moment, that's what I was doing.
Like. I was set on leaving like I, and for a while after that, I was set on leaving even the next day. But yeah, of course you don't see any of that.
Had she not got sent home, do you think that you guys would have gone to the finale together?
I don't know. I don't, I don't know. I don't know if it would have worked out. I really don't. Like.
it was really, really great, but like it was still early days. Yeah. Like, we had a lot to learn about each other and you know.
Have you seen the TikTok? that's trending, that like you sat up there and you thought, like you said, oh, you're sending three home. Now you're fucking in your overalls.
What now, bitch? Yeah. I've seen that.
Okay. It's kind of iconic.
No. Yeah. No, Leah's hilarious. Like I love, like Leah's great.
She's amazing. Yeah. So, after the elimination of Andrea, she's gone, and Leah basically told you that she took a backseat in that decision of the process of sending Andrea home. And this caused so much fucking drama between you and Leah. You called her a liar.
It caused drama between Leah and all the women. Yeah. Now, looking back, what do you actually believe happened?
I think it was a lot of miscommunication from the girls to me, from me to Leah. And so, so, first of all, I did not think Leah was capable of lying to me. I really thought that we had, I thought we had something special, and I did not think she was lying to me at all until that conversation that she had with me. It was up on the upstairs thing. She was, she told me like, and once again, I haven't watched it.
I don't remember exactly what she said, but she basically said, like, she didn't talk shit about me and Andrea. She didn't talk shit about me or like shit like that. And I knew that wasn't true. And I was like, damn. And then she said, I took a backseat in the decision.
And I was like, interesting. And the point of that conversation was not about that at all. For me, it was more about, is this girl lying to me? Because, like, I still had feelings for her and I like, I was thinking at this point, I was like, okay, maybe I should give this another shot. That's what the point.
You remember when I pulled Liv in? Kayla. Yeah. I was not trying to like.
You can't even remember Kayla's name. Kayla.
Sorry. I can't remember Kayla's name. Kayla, I love you so much. You're like a sister to me. No, no, you're fine.
You're fine. I'm interested to talk to you about all that.
But yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, yeah. When I pulled them, the only reason I did that is because I didn't want to like, I knew Liv was going to get upset and I just didn't want to have the conversation at all.
If they were like, oh no, she did. I'd have been like, okay, cool. And I would have dropped it. The only reason I pulled them is because I just wanted all the facts. I wanted to know the truth before I went into it.
Also, if she had been lying to me, I knew she was going to lie. And she did kind of deny everything when we started the conversation. And I was like, oh, okay. And then I just kind of felt lied to. And then they just kept yelling at each other and I was like, I don't even want to be a part of this anymore.
That's not what I want at all. Also, people were saying that we teamed up on her. I talked to Leah by myself and she called Liv over. She kind of, I think she kind of thought Liv was going to be on her side and then she just wasn't at all. And then it was like bad.
I hated that moment because it was just like Leah was just in between two people that disagreed with her, and it just wasn't fair for her at all.
No, I agree. I think, like. understandably, Leah, when she called Liv over, thought that Liv was going to be like, oh yeah, we got your back, girl. And then Liv was like, no, I'm going to be real. This is how I feel about it.
This is what happened.
And then in that moment, it should have been like, okay, I didn't know that. So, Liv, you and Leah need to have a conversation alone. Let's you and I finish our conversation. Because I agree, it became ganging up, but then it was also tough, because it's like, yeah, but you asked Liv and Liv's telling you what.
Yeah, exactly. She asked for that. Yeah. And she was trying to team up on me. But I wanted the conversation to be really calm.
I was trying to be really, really calm. And then she just kept like saying these things and I was like, this is not true. And that's when I lost my shit. And I was like, can you just wake the fuck up? Just be real with me.
It's interesting, because this isn't even a question for you. It's a question for production. And I think everyone on the internet is feeling it. It's like, why will they not just air the clip? Just air the clip of the girls in the huddle.
And they never did.
They never did.
Oh, I thought I would get to see it.
No, we've never seen it. No one ever aired it. And I think a lot of people have a conspiracy that, like Leah, was getting a bad edit. So maybe it completely clears her name and they don't want to put it up or like, I don't know what the fuck happened in that huddle, but, like, they never aired it.
Based on what the girls have told me, I don't think it does that. I don't think it clears her name.
No. But that's, once again, he said, she said, which I don't want to talk about that in a negative way towards anybody, because I don't like talking bad about people at all.
No, but I get it. Like you're in the middle of this drama and everyone, it's like this one thing, everyone's like, what the fuck was the decision? And understandably, everyone's going to like, say, their piece, but I just wish, show us the fucking footage. Just show us the footage. Yeah.
Just play. And I thought we were going to get that on movie night and we didn't. We're like, just play, clear, clear everyone's names. Get the truth. I don't know, production.
I would have loved to see that as well. I heard, I heard, like, I heard what was said.
You heard what was said?
Yeah. Did they ever air that? No. I was told like specifically what she was saying.
Why not? After that. Share it with the class.
I don't want to, cause. I don't know if it's true.
Who told you?
I don't want to say that either. Okay. But you got, it's just drama. You got specific. To me, that's drama.
I like to know facts. And if I know facts, I will call you out on it and I'll like, be like, Hey, let's talk about this. But I'm not going to like start something over, something I don't know is true or not. Like that's ridiculous to me.
No, that whole thing just became so much bigger than it was meant to be.
And it became about the decision that I wasn't, I was just trying to like talk about, like how honest she had been with me. Yeah. And I feel like the way she reacted made me feel like she wasn't being honest at all.
Well, also, at the end of the day, no matter what Leah said, in that circle, there were three, what? Three or four girls making that decision.
No, a hundred percent. It wasn't all on her. So. And I, and I, I didn't care about that. Like, she made the decision, the, what she just like, you know, I just wanted to know if she was being honest about taking a back seat.
I think that's what it became about. It was never about that. Even if she was full, like we need to get Andre out of here, I wouldn't have been mad at her. Like, I would have just liked to know if that was the truth. I just wanted honesty.
Okay. That's all I wanted. I wanted to know that I could trust her.
And you don't feel like you got that?
No, I didn't. I didn't. I felt like I did. I couldn't trust her. at that time.
I was like, and like now, like looking back, I don't know, cause. I think it was really getting twisted around. I agree. By everyone. Yeah.
But myself included. I think that I didn't remember things right from our first conversation, but like, I think everybody involved in that had a different narrative and then there was the truth and none of us were on it. I don't think.
I know. Play the fucking clip, Peacock.
But no one knows.
They should air that as like a bonus episode and it's like a two second clip.
Or it'd be like $2.
. Right, right. They'd make so much money. Like an OnlyFans link for that clip.
I would fucking pay for it. In the real world, do you have an easy time, trusting partners?
In the real world, do you have an easy time, trusting partners?
When I first start something with someone, I fully trust them. That's like, I'm not going to date you if I don't. And that's why I was like, okay, well, I guess I'm not going to date Leah.
Have you ever gone through someone's phone?
Yeah, once. Well, like my first, so my first college girlfriend, that was the most toxic relationship I've ever been in.
On both sides. I was toxic. She was toxic. We could not stay away from each other to save. our lives.
Broke up a million times. Got together, back together a million times. Of course. Craziest things. Also, we're drinking all the time because it's college.
So, like, that's the most toxic relationship I've ever been in. It was, it was crazy. But yeah, I went through her phone for sure. She went through my phone too. I would wake up and she'd have my phone.
She'd be like, you, motherfucker. Nope. Like, like the crazy, we have, I have the craziest stories of like between us, but.
Did you find anything incriminating?
Yes. I know.
So have you been cheated on?
I mean, we weren't together at the time.
Right. It was the toxic college thing where it's like, ugh.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Do you want to share a funny, crazy story with us?
No, no, no. Why? Because she's, she's a good girl and I wish her the best. And we both grew up, you know, people can change and I don't want people to be like, you did this. You know what I'm saying?
Do you think people will know who she is?
Yeah, definitely.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Everyone from my hometown will know who she is.
Oh, and then it will come out. Yeah.
Yeah. But I wish her the best. I think she's about to get married. Oh my God.
Yeah. Definitely don't share the story.