Candace Owens + Alex Jones: Who Wanted To Kill Trump? | Candace Ep 27

2024-07-17 01:06:02

This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.

Speaker 2
[00:00:00.00 - 00:00:26.62]

All right, I'll let you guys in on a little secret. when you get into politics, There's like one rule that everybody tells you they say you don't want to do too much with Alex Jones because he's a quote-unquote Conspiracy theorist. everybody knows Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist. the media mainstream media makes sure That the world does not listen to Alex Jones, but here's the thing. It's getting kind of weird because when you look back on the stuff that he said, Alex Jones has been right a lot of times.

[00:00:26.62 - 00:00:31.76]

Take, for example, this clip of him Dating all the way back to 2002.

Speaker 1
[00:00:32.86 - 00:00:41.72]

Facts and common sense are in. yes, there have been corrupt empires. Yes, they manipulate. Yes, there are secret societies. Yes, there have been oligarchies throughout history.

[00:00:41.78 - 00:01:12.40]

And yes, today, in 2002, There is a tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order, pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society, Open borders, total and complete tyranny, Where human beings are absolutely worthless. There's six and a quarter plus billion of us, and the globalists have said it many times. There's too many of us. We're causing a problem. We need to be cold, at the tune of 80%.

[00:01:12.40 - 00:02:04.00]

It's an amazing to talk about that, but it's the globalists, the UN, their own public statements, and they've convinced a lot of liberals and elitist conservatives and others That, by going along with this, that we're intelligent members of society. It's the ultimate Malthus worldview. It is this radical, virulent form of social Darwinism, it's the excuse of tyrants. and By creating open borders where there's no national sovereignty and only global bodies that control all the resources, By centralizing and socializing health care, the state becomes God, basically when it comes to your health, and then, by releasing diseases and viruses and plagues Upon us. We then basically get shoved into their system.

Speaker 2
[00:02:04.00 - 00:02:13.98]

That's Alex Jones 22 years ago, my friends, And it's going to get even more bizarre because here's what he had to say about vaccines way back in 2009.

[00:02:14.48 - 00:02:14.88]

. Take a listen.

Speaker 1
[00:02:14.88 - 00:02:43.80]

There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, Namely vaccines. we're seeing a medical tyranny being set up not just in the United States, But worldwide, under the UN and the World Health Organization. who's behind all this? the Bilderberg group. They want a planetary dictatorship So they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda, and they want to do it through the medical system, And that's why vaccines are so important.

[00:02:43.80 - 00:02:52.48]

We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions, that this is being done by design. They kill you slowly over time.

Speaker 2
[00:02:52.48 - 00:03:03.44]

Well saying that in 2009, He sounded like a crazy person. fast forward to today and everybody post COVID is going. Wait a minute. What's going on? I can tell you officially, today.

[00:03:03.50 - 00:03:16.44]

I do not vax any of my children and Also, today I'm going to break another rule by speaking to Alex Jones for a whole hour. you guys, This is not a conversation. You are going to want to miss. welcome to Candace.

[00:03:31.40 - 00:03:33.88]

Alex Jones, welcome to the show.

Speaker 1
[00:03:33.88 - 00:03:39.44]

Candace, it's good to be here with you, but we are definitely living in the most dangerous times in American history.

Speaker 2
[00:03:40.20 - 00:03:53.18]

We actually are living in the most dangerous times, and I'm so excited to have you, because you know You're one of those voices. I read a comment. It never left me. I thought it was hilarious. They said, you know Alex Jones sounds like he's peddling conspiracy theories, but he's telling you the truth.

[00:03:53.18 - 00:04:29.60]

and Rachel Maddow sounds like she's telling you the truth and she's Actually peddling conspiracy theories, like they have the same person reverse, and that never left me. And so I just showed my audience some clips of you and the things that you have predicted over the years that have actually been Proven to be true, but at the time they sounded crazy. and so now I wanted to bring you on the show, because I want to know what your take is on the Trump assassination attempt, Because, no matter how crazy it sounds, I think you have been the person that has been accurately predicting that all this was going to happen. So, Alex, first and foremost, where were you when Donald J? Trump was shot at and fortunately survived, and what is your take on that situation?

Speaker 1
[00:04:30.28 - 00:04:51.72]

I was landing In Santa Rosa. We had internet on the plane, but I hadn't been. I was taking like an hour break from Twitter and the news, Just playing a board game with my seven-year-old daughter, And then my producer that came with me, Rob Deuce, said Trump's been shot. Looks like he survived. They just took him off the stage.

[00:04:52.68 - 00:05:10.16]

I Quite, frankly, had tears started coming out my eyes. my wife started crying. I couldn't help it the magnitude of knowing what this meant. the deep state had actually Tried to conduct a coup, and I was so emotional that hoping he had survived. So we immediately found out that he had lived that in Grace's ear.

Speaker 2
[00:05:13.04 - 00:05:14.00]

and I.

Speaker 1
[00:05:14.00 - 00:06:00.44]

Was just Just absolutely so much knowledge was rushing through my mind and the different scenarios that would come out of this and how the deep state is gonna. absolutely you'll have to kill him now. and then, just immediately Immediately, we got to the Airbnb, set up our computers and looked at the evidence of that big metal roof Where the police had their command center? It was a perfect place to station their people and it was 450 feet Because they already had maps up and models online on X, and it was just a hundred percent clear that there had been a Secret Service stand down by Mayorkas and That agency that he controls, just like this, but a stand down At the border and then a facilitation of the human smuggling. and then I immediately saw the news for the next eight hours.

[00:06:00.44 - 00:06:21.98]

Forbes, CNN, others saying Oh, Trump fell down. There were some noises and Them trying to play down. that was an assassination attempt until that blew up in their face, And so they had all the pieces and elements there. Then I instantly remembered the Lincoln Project repeatedly saying we need to put a bullet in Trump this year and last year. Those videos are all up on my real Alex Jones X account.

[00:06:22.34 - 00:06:24.06]

Then I remembered mud the former.

[00:06:25.76 - 00:07:01.22]

Subdirector of the CIA and clandestine assassination operations, saying the government's gonna kill this guy, the CIA is gonna kill this guy. and so I Saw the pre-programming, everything they've done, and then of course, it's it's the perfect lone gunman who we now know is on the building. 26 minutes. We saw the videos that day of two or three minutes of people say there's a guy with a gun on the roof and the police Running away and police on their radios and the counter sniper team on the other slope roof over by Trump On their radios, clearly saying we've got the shot, we've got the shot. and they're like this because they're being told don't take the shot.

[00:07:01.22 - 00:07:31.56]

and then, after they Fire at least five bullets at Trump, one literally pierces his ear just a few degrees off. it would have gone through and hit him in the back of the brain or would have Saturday in his Temple and turn him into a vegetable or killed him. So we're talking to less than a half-inch here and just the magnitude of all of that evidence coming together and then their spin machine saying that it was no big deal. and then to learn it was 26 minutes. the Secret Service admits that of the director of the Secret Service.

[00:07:31.78 - 00:07:42.54]

She just says, hey, We thought slant roofs are a safety issue. You know, the agents could fall off. Well, Everybody see movies about the Secret Service, but I know the Secret Service. I follow their protocols. It's well known.

[00:07:42.54 - 00:08:08.14]

you've had a congressman Like Mills that have been sniper commanders and run thousands of operations for diplomatic groups and for presidents abroad. saying on CNN By Sunday, he said, no, this is an inside group that did this and and the man had help. He said this is impossible. and then, seeing it was, how dare you, how dare you say it's Joe Biden? He said I didn't say it's Joe Biden, but this was an organized group.

[00:08:08.14 - 00:08:12.80]

Well, who is in control? the Secret Service? who's in control? the advanced team? who was in control?

[00:08:13.38 - 00:08:50.06]

to try to carry out the administrative murder of President Trump. I mean if you leave your baby in a baby chair by the oven or by the Stovetop and put a big thing of grease on there and turn it on high and then drive and leave your house, You administratively know that's gonna cause a huge fire and it's gonna burn up the house And it's gonna burn up your baby and the police would charge you with premeditated murder one. So it's the same thing putting the baby in the baby chair, setting over by the stove, putting the grease on, turning on high and then going out for a pack of cigarettes. and That's what they did here. Ladies and gentlemen.

[00:08:51.40 - 00:09:25.74]

They administratively set this up bare minimum, And now we know they were helping the shooter and they brought him in and they let him sit up there when he had a range Finder aiming it at Trump, and he obviously got cold feet. So he's wandering around up there literally 450 feet. Perfect spot to put him, very professional, where they sent him. all of it was advised and then he goes ahead and takes his shots Because Trump is moving around so much by the grace of God. They they missing and and I've been hunting many times and shot elk at 800 yards and things And and you know gear at 200, 300 yards, wall hogs.

[00:09:25.74 - 00:09:56.86]

I've always been a big hunter and I'm an excellent shot. I mean I've shot things at 400 yards, but wind, All sorts of things come into it, and If you're there and you, even if you're a great shot and somebody's moving, I can't tell you how many times I pull the trigger on a white-tailed deer at 300 yards, but it just last moment jumps or moves or lowers its head and You miss. and so that's what happened by the grace of God here. The fact that five bullets missed him are incredible. You're gonna have, of course, the firefighter shielding his wife and daughter.

[00:09:57.40 - 00:10:14.34]

He died. another woman was shot and notice, you've seen no media coverage about them except in local news. Nobody trying to interview them. So the corporate media could split out the lie that this didn't happen and this was a hoax. You see, and it's okay to question.

Speaker 2
[00:10:15.78 - 00:10:39.04]

Actually, you're absolutely right, and one of the things I showed on this show was the how ridiculous it was, because we are now at The point in American society where they're telling people not to believe their own eyes. and when Biden gave his I'm, I'm gonna call it A speech his comment, the two-minute comment that he gave that night, He said we don't know if it was an assassination attempt. We don't know if it's an assassination attempt. What the hell else would it be? we just watched on live television for a president I say it's getting shot at.

[00:10:39.04 - 00:11:07.50]

I do want to slow this down, because you're speaking About the deep state and my audience is, I think, now Up today. I'm what it is You're speaking about, because when I first got into politics and you were speaking of deep state, I really didn't know what you were talking about, and much has changed now. I've studied the CIA, I've looked at the declassified documents. I've looked at, I brought to my audience speaking to them about Operation Mockingbird, which is what we saw that night, And I've spoken to them about MK ultra. and, in particular, there is a book that I have been telling every person they must read.

[00:11:07.50 - 00:11:53.18]

It's basically required summer reading to watch this podcast, Which is called chaos, and it's about, you know, MK ultra, the 60s, and it brings in JFK and him getting shot, and you realize that they have Psychological programs. This is not a conspiracy theory, that the government was obsessed with creating Manchurian candidates and trying to Psychologically, via drugs, convince people to kill people, insert false memories inside of people. They, MK ultra, Jacob Rubinstein, the guy who shot the guy who allegedly shot JFK, Which I I actually don't believe that Lee, Lee Harvey Oswald shot him. but parking all that aside, What is it specifically? when you're talking about the deep state, What is it that you mean?

[00:11:53.18 - 00:12:00.76]

because they've made that sound like a conspiracy theory for so long and it's not a conspiracy theory. So so could you spell out who and what the deep state is?

Speaker 1
[00:12:02.38 - 00:12:51.98]

Well, There's always been secret societies and cliques, and organizations and governments going back thousands of years, different power groups. But the classic American deep state, or what you call Europe, the NATO Interpol deep state, is the permanent bureaucracy that doesn't ever go away and then hands down power to the next generation and then consolidates Control, so a lot of people call it the permanent state. But this has been for 50, 60 years in mainline PhD best-selling books and things. but, and there's been congressional hearings and the senator Frank Church committee hearings in the 70s. and So when you bring up something like MK ultra, that is the more exotic, flashy edge of this and It's declassified the CIA under Jolly and West and Ewing Cameron.

[00:12:53.58 - 00:13:14.82]

Kidnapped. a lot of families actually hand their kids over more than 10,000 children for the classic MK ultra drugging electroshock Programs to actually erase memories, create a person that's basically like a zombie and will carry out any task you want, whether it's sex operations, that's the most common or whether it is assassinations, but.

Speaker 2
[00:13:14.82 - 00:13:27.24]

I don't want to slow this down. So, Jolly West, that is correct. Jolly West is a doctor who was working at the behest of the CIA, and this is what you will find in that book chaos. These are declassified documents. what Alex shown to saying to you right now is not a conspiracy theory.

[00:13:27.24 - 00:13:30.96]

they were, they were also experimenting on American troops and.

Speaker 1
[00:13:32.00 - 00:13:41.60]

Trying to doctor was from the time. He was arrested in Oklahoma until the day. He was executed. He would visit him monthly. his doctor was Jolly and West.

[00:13:41.60 - 00:13:53.88]

now. Yes. They're talking about the Unabomber. Well, no, And the Unabomber also, Theodore Kaczynski, also, was an MK ultra LA Times Associated Press. That's another subsection.

[00:13:53.88 - 00:13:58.72]

No, no, I'm saying Timothy McVeigh's doctor was Jolly West, Wow.

Speaker 2
[00:13:58.72 - 00:14:28.14]

So yeah, it's a very important for my listeners right now, because I I want to make sure that we're not speaking over them, because I've done The due diligence and some people haven't. and when you read that book chaos, You will realize Jolly West is plausibly one of the most evil people that's ever existed. and when I was on a few weeks ago in the media took me out of context and I was saying That we learn in school that the experiments the Nazi scientists did were so bad We brought them over here and we have conducted way worse experiments. and Jolly Who has conducted experiments? Basically what they're describing?

[00:14:28.14 - 00:15:00.52]

she was lone shooters, and lone crazy people are not lone crazy people. There are people that have been intentionally Experimented on, sent out into the public to commit heinous crimes, while the CIA Watched and allowed these crimes to take place. Charles Manson was in fact a federal asset, and they were experimenting with LSD Experimenting, trying to get people to commit murders, and they were successful. So these experiments were successful. So when you hear Alex, I want to ask you that it's a lone shooter, What is the first thing that you think?

Speaker 1
[00:15:02.14 - 00:15:53.30]

Well, You're totally right about MK, ultra, MK, Naomi, and there's a lot of other projects, all of it partially Declassified and and most of these projects now are done by private corporations about 80% of it. and So the deep state of the National Security Act of 47 that made the CIA and other intelligence agencies secret and above the law. since then they've transferred most of power into private corporations, and So they even have more secrecy and more plausible Deniability, and all major governments have worked on this, but they really don't need that. now, with the Internet and computers, what they've moved to is profiling, and then they've got psychological experts that can go out and interface with large groups of mentally disturbed people, and then they are called wind-ups, and Then you simply tell them. Hey, you're part of a secret group.

[00:15:53.32 - 00:16:05.72]

You're right. You're a hero. Since you're already suicidal, you want to go out with a bang. This is gonna mean you're really gonna mean something. You know, you're part of a secret new government agency now, which they are, and then they profile them.

[00:16:05.80 - 00:16:21.52]

They handle them, They manage them, they insert them, not because they're under mind control, But because they're under media mind control and the culture that Trump must die. He's Hitler. He's gonna arrest everybody. He's gonna kill everybody, you know, could you go back in a time machine and kill Hitler? Well, here's your chance to go.

[00:16:21.52 - 00:16:44.58]

get in a time machine now and stop the next Hitler. and that is what they normally do. The FBI has been caught Thousands of times. they call it the FBI terror factory. Got the governor Whitmer case, where the entire leadership of the supposed in Michigan Militia were quasi and homeless, mentally ill potheads Who've never even been around firearms.

[00:16:44.58 - 00:17:06.16]

and over a year the FBI comes in giving him tens of thousands of dollars a month, Buying their meals, Never getting him an apartment. So they're secure a job, but Airbnbs, and then they're recording them. That's why, if two of the trials, they had to let him go. So I had a third trial in a jury, you know Went along with, you know Convicting some innocent people, and they're on the tapes and the transcripts going. I just want a hamburger.

[00:17:06.16 - 00:17:18.28]

I don't want to hurt anybody. they go, do the drill and talk about how you're gonna go kidnap her. You don't have to, and I will give you another Ounce of weed and I will give you $200 for pizza and cheeseburgers now.

Speaker 2
[00:17:18.28 - 00:17:43.52]

Just just to slow that down, because I didn't cover that case extensively on the show. What he's referring to is you may have seen in the headlines the plot to assassinate or to kidnap governor Whitmer of Michigan. Did the crazy looking Botox out of her mind? Governor of Michigan and that was in fact proven to be an FBI plot. They found people, they targeted these people and they were trying to induce these people to commit a crime, and then the FBI got caught Red-handed.

[00:17:44.14 - 00:18:35.64]

So again, it's very important for my listeners we have to be brought up to speed here on reality, because the government is growing increasingly more erratic, increasingly more sinister and Obviously. now we just watched them try to assassinate President Trump while he was speaking. You need to understand these programs that Alex Jones is talking about, that are being implemented It many of them, by the way, even within the classroom of the public school system. and I and I want to get to Something that I was concerned about with this particular assassination plot when they announced Alex hat that the lone shooter quote-unquote lone shooter both of his parents are behavioral Psychologists or behavioral counselors therapists. behavioral therapists, I think Instantly, because as soon as this happened, I said I want to know what's in this kids medicine cabinet, having been aware of all of the things that Was doing?

[00:18:35.64 - 00:18:37.78]

exactly what, what who?

Speaker 1
[00:18:37.78 - 00:18:56.88]

It gets worse than that. it gets worse than that in the thing that happened in Connecticut, Where the mom buys him the gun and all that, the terrible shooting that did happen in Connecticut. He was given the gun by his mother legally and then he was on SSRIs and he was an intern at the CIA. again, Adam Lanza, It's major, Yes.

Speaker 2
[00:18:58.32 - 00:19:01.48]

What Adam Lanza was an intern at the CIA?

Speaker 1
[00:19:02.82 - 00:19:03.84]

He had been approached.

Speaker 2
[00:19:04.46 - 00:19:12.12]

Hmm, are you sure? I'm from Connecticut. So I had never heard this. Yes. Let me tell you, they tried to hide it.

Speaker 1
[00:19:12.12 - 00:19:36.96]

They admit he was visited by the FBI and CIA because he was supposedly hacking into computers. He was autistic and super smart on computers and then he was quote talking to them about interning. But listen, the Unabomber CIA volunteer for MK, ultra, LA Times, Associated Press. There's a crowd the number two CIA mind-control doctor in congressional testimony, Jolly and Wes. he died.

[00:19:37.02 - 00:19:55.50]

I guess, like ten years ago, but he was Tim McVeigh's doctor while he was in Terre Haute, Indiana. but that's where he got executed. and Then you've also. I mean just goes through all of them, sir. He had sir hand was drugged up and given amnesiacs, and then they confirmed he shot the gun.

[00:19:55.50 - 00:20:04.54]

But it it's not the one that hit Rfk. he was shot from behind by again a skunk works worker with the CIA. It was brought into augment security.

Speaker 2
[00:20:04.54 - 00:20:19.48]

So the same story there and I could go through everyone for John Lennon. John Lennon also on the list. the guy holding the catcher in the rye, Genuinely a Manchurian candidate. They found that he was near a CIA base where they were conducting these experiments. It's it's very scary.

Speaker 1
[00:20:20.10 - 00:20:38.24]

Jr. John Hinckley, jr. The family were quote best friends with the Bush's and it was in the Denver Post that four days before John Hinckley shot Reagan with a 22 in DC that they were all having a private dinner together in Colorado and.

Speaker 2
[00:20:39.56 - 00:21:03.60]

And this goes back way further in American history, And I do try to slow it down, because I know that so many people are just waking up to this, and it's overwhelming. You know, it is like an avalanche. I always say that you kind of go through this period of cognitive dissonance where you just go. how could I have believed that things were happening and it was just this exceptional evil thing that took place, and Never considered that this could be being led by our government. Now.

[00:21:03.66 - 00:21:04.74]

Let me ask you this question.

[00:21:06.30 - 00:21:26.62]

Why does the government do these sorts of things? So I I learned in that chaos book about the Charles Manson murders. I very much believe that the reason for that was they wanted to end the hippie generation because they were very Anti-war and our government wanted to go to war. and so by conducting this, this hippie commune Conducted these terrible murders in Beverly Hills. suddenly people were buying locks and people were scared again.

[00:21:26.62 - 00:21:51.42]

It wasn't like the love dream and the hippie love generation suddenly came to an abrupt end. What is their issue? With Trump? explain why they would, if we are alleging and I actually very much believe our our state was involved in this, I think you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe that it was a just a remarkable Intelligence failure. I think that the crazy people are the ones that actually believe that this just happened by accident.

[00:21:52.32 - 00:21:56.02]

Why would they try to assassinate Donald Trump?

Speaker 1
[00:21:56.80 - 00:22:06.54]

Well, that really is the 64 trillion dollar answer, and I don't know how much time we have it. I would love to tell people exactly why they want Trump dead, but I just briefly just say something here.

Speaker 2
[00:22:06.54 - 00:22:16.92]

You know what? You know what. pause before you give us your answer. I just want to cut really quickly, because I were getting into this conversation To to one of our sponsors. the people have stood by us as we have had these incredible conversations.

[00:22:17.50 - 00:22:33.74]

So one of the things that Alex Jones believes is that we are being poisoned. The food that we are eating is not high-quality food, and that, I think, is something that we all can agree with, and we have To change that around. What is this? It's even actually meat that we're consuming. They're pushing that we shouldn't even want to eat meat.

[00:22:33.74 - 00:22:54.26]

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[00:22:54.26 - 00:23:28.20]

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[00:23:28.20 - 00:23:57.14]

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[00:23:57.14 - 00:24:14.26]

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[00:24:14.38 - 00:24:24.30]

Just subscribe to unlock $150 in savings. good ranchers, calm. American meat delivered. All right guys, we're back. Alright, Alex.

[00:24:24.36 - 00:24:29.44]

Give us your answer. Why would they try to assassinate Donald Trump?

Speaker 1
[00:24:29.44 - 00:24:34.18]

All right, well, and I just want to be clear. I did. I got interested in all of this when I was a kid.

[00:24:35.90 - 00:25:07.82]

because my Mother's brother was a army special operations officer and was in the CIA high level in Iran contra and other operations, and he was involved in other operations in Vietnam that he became a Christian later and Repented of, and before he died ten years ago. you know, he basically told me a lot of this stuff and then, of course, back in the time of Humet, before Everything was digital, The u.s. Had large stand-up armies of clandestine muscle, mainly army and marine.

[00:25:09.36 - 00:25:45.70]

Supposedly retirees, but that's like a whole secret army operation. and I later learned that a lot of my family were actually army officers, you know, in place and when you go to their funeral and then there'd be like a, You know, special operations, colonel, get up and talk about, be appreciate us. 27 years service after he left the army for the army and And then so so I Grew up with these books all over the house and all this stuff going on, and you know People coming over the house and you know, close the door and, like, you know, people in briefcases coming out and stuff. So I was never brought into any of it. I just was seeing it.

[00:25:45.88 - 00:26:05.92]

So I was obviously attracted to it. Does that make sense? So so that's why I, just as a layperson, have been reading about this since I was like eight years old. Okay, because these books and things were just all over the house manuals, you name it maps, you know, just data everywhere, just books all over the place. and it was like that, you know, my other family house.

[00:26:05.92 - 00:26:34.66]

and so I was immersed on the edge of of the permanent state, of the deep state of The stuff that was going on, and so that's kind of seeped into me and I understand people tune into this. They hear me rattling all this off and it sounds crazy. You can take any little piece of what we said, search it, look it up and it's even mainstream news. so That's what's so crazy and, like most of each state, is not just mind control and assassin teams and stuff. The deep state is 30 years ago.

[00:26:34.82 - 00:26:57.22]

They have these facilities all over the country that classified a few years ago with cows That can grow up humanoid clones in them. They actually harvest organs. from now you can type in. Human-animal hybrids are gestating on ranches across the US. that was in MIT Quarterly and wired magazine about eight.

[00:26:57.22 - 00:27:13.10]

nine years ago. People said Alex Jones is right. It was all it was in the medical literature about the humanoid clones. They just, it's something they don't parade around. So when you talk about the deep state, folks, that's The people who the deep state is as guys coming to kill you.

[00:27:13.10 - 00:27:34.68]

that is seen. and their top scientists said this back in the 60s. Julian Huxley Was actually the head of the UN program running this. his brother was Aldous Huxley and Huxley wrote brave new world revisited When said the future is not 1984 guns and black boots and you know, boot on the face. It's turning humans into cyborgs.

[00:27:34.74 - 00:27:43.86]

It's genetically engineering. you, it's, it's. it's. it's drugging your food and water until Everyone is mind-controlled. and she said so, brave new world, but he wrote in 32.

[00:27:44.60 - 00:27:54.08]

Which now is that? come through today? He said, is really a execution manual. now, moving away from that to your most important question, I appreciate you. Let me say that, Candace.

[00:27:54.74 - 00:28:01.36]

I'm just giving folks some other big rabbit holes to go down. They'll be blown away by an instantly. see, I'm telling the truth multiple watch ago. That's not true. I've said about humanoid clones.

[00:28:01.46 - 00:28:17.15]

They're just gonna pull it up. It's great MIT magazine. You'll be reading it. So I Mean a. 35 years ago They had goats that are part spider, that create body armor in their milk for the military and their secret Programs, where it's, like, you know, millimeter thick and bullets just bounce off.

[00:28:17.35 - 00:28:29.47]

It's like literally spider-man. So Google spider-guts. So This is why they hate Trump. He's never been read in told the secret stuff. He's not part of the scientific mad scientist cult.

[00:28:29.65 - 00:28:55.51]

They want deindustrialization. They want a post-industrial world. They want to cut the resources off and use that to subjugate people with a global social credit score. Trump wants hotels and golf courses and casinos, and good times, baby. and Trump is happy with how humanity operates and likes his wife and likes his kids, likes his grandkids, And it's really a very smart in ways, but also very old-fashioned family, was very old-fashioned.

[00:28:55.65 - 00:29:12.57]

He's just very Americana, very straightforward, and He sees all this destructiveness and is now learning about what's happening. And so now he knows a lot more. I'd say 10,000 times what he knew just six, seven years ago. So now he gets the deep state. now He understands how this stuff's operating.

[00:29:12.85 - 00:29:29.03]

I mean, I would tell Trump seven years ago Hey, you got to get there six years ago. You got to get Fiona Hill and McMaster out. They both work for Soros. Here's the evidence and you'd see a headline two days later. General Kelly's main job is keeping Trump away from him for words, And then so they would completely ain't.

[00:29:29.03 - 00:29:56.59]

not even so much for what I was saying on air. But when I was giving Robert Stone and I was talking to Trump and I had law firms preparing briefings for him top law firms mean top ones in the country and Getting him that information in, because you can't give me a report on that. So I got Trump quite a few reports, and that's when they flipped out. So so and I'm not talking about myself here, I'm saying they're scared of this growing process from. he now knows how the deep state operates.

[00:29:56.59 - 00:30:53.83]

He knows how Obama left stay behind networks through the Defense Authorization Act of 2017, Inside the government, with billions of dollars of funding to oppose him. That's what they called him a Russian, publicly because they were using that designation as him being a foreign asset to then unleash all these clandestine operations on him and his supporters. and they did it through the countering foreign disinformation Propaganda Act and a bunch of other things nested in the Defense Authorization Act that Obama signed before he left office in early January of 2017. and so they know That Trump has a whole nother plan To expand all sorts of economic operations around the world to basically tear down Totalitarian walls just through success, and so he will destroy their entire world government system. and you've all know, Harari came out.

Speaker 2
[00:30:53.83 - 00:31:00.35]

Spokesperson. Yeah. Well, let me push back. Let me push back here. So if I'm Trying to debate you on that, I would say okay.

[00:31:00.35 - 00:31:14.89]

But else, why not just let him be president for four years and then implement your World War government system. You know thereafter how much. how okay. just wait four years before you can implement it. How much damage can Trump do if that's your ultimate goal, if you just let him be president for four years?

[00:31:15.81 - 00:31:18.77]

Atlantic, my way to kill him. Yeah, well.

Speaker 1
[00:31:19.35 - 00:31:30.35]

Because they can't. the whole world's turning against him. Ggp Broke with Obama ten years ago, and he's not working with the globalist like he was. he's a totalitarian and terrible, But he's his own system. Now.

[00:31:30.43 - 00:31:43.75]

Russia is broken with the globalist. The EU is falling apart. There's a global political awakening, a realignment, and they say that's why they want war. That's why they want war. They need war to prop up their anglo-american establishment.

[00:31:43.75 - 00:32:11.05]

and for new viewers. I'm not bashing white people when Putin calls the West the anglo-americans. That's the ancient name of the group, it's passed on power From William the Conqueror on through the British Empire, British Empire, merging with the US Empire. Winston Churchill called it the Anglo-American Empire in his three volume set history of the English-speaking people. So Putin Addresses them in the ancient tongue.

[00:32:11.05 - 00:32:49.97]

because I mean if there's a real political level, it's like doing the houses. they they talk about all the old scores, and that's why Putin, with with Tucker, spoke like an hour About the history of Russia and stuff, because that's what really matters to those people and they understand how long these wars with the anglo-americans Have been going. so the anglo-american Empire is falling apart and Macron has said it, the Financial Times has said it, Atlantic Monthly said it, although Harari said it Sunday. He said I played the clip of my show yesterday. he said if we don't take out Trump and if he becomes the president, the new world order system is going to collapse and In our world government is going to fail.

Speaker 2
[00:32:50.57 - 00:33:18.57]

Okay, so, basically and I actually think I can see your perspective on this It does feel like they're growing increasingly erratic, and you do See and you feel this awakening happen like these topics that you and I are talking about right now. you could not speak about this six years ago without just being completely canceled and called a crazy person. and now people are seeing how Sinister the government is. and so there does seem to be this desperation, and they realize they don't really have four years before The whole world was awakened to what they're doing and their death. They're desperate.

[00:33:18.73 - 00:33:26.75]

These people are psychopaths. They will do anything to hold on to power. And that's why I've been saying to my audience. I'm saying this for years They want war with Russia and Iran. They want what they're.

[00:33:26.75 - 00:33:38.85]

they're going to figure out how to get to war with Russia and Iran. the next thing You know, you got the Ukraine thing happening. You've got the Iran yesterday. Oh, they were gonna try to sell to us a CNN headline that, oh the assassination. They, this they had.

[00:33:38.85 - 00:33:48.53]

they figured out that Iran was gonna try to assassinate Trump. I'd like, this is a nonsense. This is the deep state. They want war because wars allow them to reset. right, you plunder.

[00:33:48.53 - 00:33:58.23]

It makes a good old-fashioned reset. you plunder, you take. you get to do whatever you want. You decide who the boss is. That's what happens after wars, and I showed and gotten a lot of trouble for this in the mainstream media.

[00:33:58.23 - 00:34:19.49]

I showed the American audience is what we did to the German speaking civilians. post-world War two Like this is. this is about you can plunder and steal and take and reset. That is why they love war. So Alex Jones believes that the government wants to keep us Struggling while the elites at the top get to enjoy a prosperous state.

[00:34:19.49 - 00:34:49.47]

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[00:35:24.03 - 00:35:27.63]

Let's get back to the conversation. two wrongs. Don't make it right, and.

Speaker 1
[00:35:28.69 - 00:35:39.15]

The Nazis were terrible. You've said that many times. but It is true that that Eisenhower and the Allies because Europe was destroyed. there wasn't a lot of food. people were dying disease everywhere.

[00:35:39.93 - 00:36:01.17]

He did just pin up men, women and children In large open air. He put them actually in the work camps, starved about two million Germans. And that's a BBC reports. you've covered it and all you're saying is, America did that, the Native Americans? So Hitler's bad for for us to then say but but we've done bad stuff too, and we're capable of evil.

[00:36:01.17 - 00:36:02.47]

That's not endorsing Hitler.

Speaker 2
[00:36:03.57 - 00:36:21.85]

They know it's not endorsing him, But they pretend it is, because, again, that's a part of the process of the awakening, right? So a lot of people were shocked when I showed in that old BBC documentary, you know, Stalin. people don't even know about the Bolshevik Revolution. I mean Americans are. we are so polluted, We are so propagandized in the classroom and we have no concept of history.

[00:36:21.85 - 00:36:44.73]

this, this was why they did not want that Tucker and Putin interview to take place, because Americans have a. We're basically like goldfish. We don't have a memory of anything, and they want to keep us like that. They want to keep us back or dumb and polluted with drugs, so they can tell us what the narrative is. This is why they don't want kids being able to read, because then they will tell us what history is, and in each scenario We defeated the bad guys.

[00:36:44.73 - 00:36:57.13]

we never were the bad guys, I mean, so it's basically a fairy tale, And so all it takes is the injection of one drop of truth, right? And for me, it was that BBC documentary and I went. what the heck is going on. How did I not know about this? How did I know that we had done this?

[00:36:57.13 - 00:37:21.81]

and then you start realizing you've never really known your country and who has been running this Country and I've been showing to my audience. They are literal Satanists. Like we're not saying this in the ha. ha, You're devilish. I mean literally These programs, a lot of these, like I did an episode on NASA, like Satanic origins, like literally every time they were establishing the ACL.

[00:37:22.33 - 00:37:42.01]

Yes, Jack Parsons, with a literal Aleister Crowley, philemic Satanist. they, I mean, Said that he met the devil, like he had done some chant. They were having sexual rituals, and when you were speaking about this stuff a long time ago. It sounded crazy, Alex, I'm not gonna lie. And now I show people.

[00:37:42.01 - 00:37:54.09]

this is on Wikipedia. You don't even use it. on some deep reddit feed you can go read about how they established the jet propulsion program via Jack Parsons And what faith he believed in. he believed in Satan. He worshipped the devil.

[00:37:54.09 - 00:38:15.63]

He was having sexual rituals, trying to get impregnate a woman via sexual ritual, black Magic to create a moon child. even saying it sounds crazy, but it's just available on Wikipedia. That's a scary Reckoning for those of us who have been asleep for a very long time. It's scary. No, I recognize that Alex Jones was right.

[00:38:15.73 - 00:38:29.85]

That's a scary thing, By the way, Alex Jones was right. It's a scary thing to say, you know, because then you go. Whoa Who's running America? What's actually happening in this society? These people have power and they've always had power.

[00:38:30.85 - 00:38:31.55]

That's scary.

Speaker 1
[00:38:32.21 - 00:38:43.71]

Absolutely. And just to finish up on the big question you asked, is that really is a big one? We can sit here and and debate them all day. there was a stand down. We know the deep state did this stand down is at every level.

[00:38:43.71 - 00:38:59.59]

and the ridiculous response of the Secret Service director, Who's under the direction of Mayorkas? She's a master, Lex Luthor in real life villain. and Then they say oh, it's a slanted roof. We can't put people up there, It's not safe. and then the counter sniper team is on the side of roof next door.

[00:38:59.87 - 00:39:10.39]

That's even more slanted. I mean, this is barely even a sign of roof. It's perfect to be on as the command base. You don't have the police in the command center Which the shooter shot from the roof of. you have them on top the damn roof.

[00:39:10.39 - 00:39:25.03]

at any presidential event I've ever been to, they're all over the roof. and when the president's speaking, I've seen him with stinger missiles on top the White House. And I've seen with stinger missiles in Dallas when I saw Reagan speak in the mid 1980s. So here's the bottom line. We know they did it.

[00:39:25.07 - 00:39:38.75]

They're behind it. They said they wanted to kill him. It's all out there on record. The intelligence agencies have six ways for Sonny to get even with you. as Schumer said, We need to get those videos up on X and post in the next hour to real Alex Jones.

[00:39:38.75 - 00:39:53.45]

I hope you guys share them. and I've got all these CIA guys saying we're gonna kill Trump, The CIA is gonna kill Trump. And of course, they run the CIA and the Justice Department. So nobody's gonna be. go grab them and take them in for very serious interrogation, because this is the time for serious interrogation.

[00:39:53.45 - 00:40:05.33]

But you but they control the high ground. They control the government. They control the agency. So that's why they have this incredible Arrogance. and Trump has gotten a lot of this knowledge.

[00:40:05.33 - 00:40:33.31]

now He's not as naive as he used to be, And he and and I know he's got people around him now that actually know what's going on, And I'm just gonna leave it at that. Okay, let's just say some of my acolytes, people that have been listening to me for Decades have, are now very close to Trump, and I've been meeting with some of these folks. when I say very close, I mean, you know, if something happens to Trump, this person's the president that close, and they told me no, We know decades listening. We understand you got the blueprint. We want to work with you.

[00:40:33.31 - 00:40:41.47]

We want to understand the battle plan, how to defeat them. Well, that's that's happening, but there's not a need for me to even talk to him on the phone. They're watching, the chiefs of staff for watching. They all get it. now.

[00:40:41.55 - 00:40:51.15]

We're like, well, this guy isn't crazy. No, no, folks, I'm not crazy. I have so much knowledge. It makes me my head burn, Because I can sit here for 10 hours and give you evidence. You could go, look it up.

[00:40:51.17 - 00:41:05.27]

It's all open. Okay, like I tell you, there's animal human clones all over the place. It's, it's, it's declassified. It's public, But it's kept in these industrial reservations, walled off. but the fact of its existence is there.

[00:41:05.27 - 00:41:17.93]

and That's what I'm saying is the deep state is so much deeper. So they have to kill Trump now. They have nothing to lose. They are, their backs are against the wall. Trump is riding a wave of a global political realignment.

[00:41:17.97 - 00:41:35.01]

They're gonna try to blow up his airplane. They're trying to poison. They're gonna try to roll a truck bomb into Mar-a-Lago. So there better be barriers a mile away. and They are going to even set off a low-yield one megaton, two megaton atomic bomb.

[00:41:35.57 - 00:42:15.75]

They might use a neutron bomb, Which again, they can detonate a small neutron bomb at a thousand feet above Mar-a-Lago and it would kill everyone in a Quarter mile, half mile range, even if they're in a bunker, and it would not damage any of the infrastructure. It just sends a high-powered Wave of radiation through you and depending on how close you are. You die within minutes to hours. So, just to be microwave, and so I know the enemy, I guarantee you they're already following Trump around with a neutron bomb or a tactical nuke. If they think that he's about to figure something out or make a move against them.

[00:42:16.57 - 00:42:30.25]

They're only gauging right now, but they make a deal with him and the double-crossing. Can they back off and then try to infiltrate? Once he's in or during the 79 days when he's president-elect is when they're gonna try to poison him?

Speaker 2
[00:42:32.47 - 00:42:53.91]

Yeah, it does seem like they're getting sloppy, you know, and what happened? obviously, by the grace of God, Trump survived this and Now everyone's paying attention. Everybody's watching, and that's not good for them. I do want to ask you this question What would have happened if they had successfully Assassinated Trump on that stage? before you answer that, I do want to cut to a brief message from our sponsors.

[00:42:54.51 - 00:43:24.57]

All right, you guys, I'm so sorry to interrupt this conversation because me and Alex Jones, We are talking purely, which is why I want to take a brief moment to talk to you about pure talk, zero censorship, Also a great sponsor of this show, and we're gonna let you guys in on a little wireless hack here that will cut your cell phone bill in half Every single month. rise in AT&T, you've got T-Mobile. They want you to believe that you need unlimited data, and the truth is that they're only telling you that because they want to overcharge You. the fact is that most of you are buying way more data than you will ever need. You know that.

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There's no contract. There's no activation fee. You can even keep your phone and your phone number again. That's pure talk, dot-com slash Owens, and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month. pure talk, All right, Alex, yes, let's say, let's run the the dark scenario here.

[00:44:15.65 - 00:44:20.55]

Trump got assassinated on that stage. What would have happened thereafter?

Speaker 1
[00:44:21.57 - 00:44:35.65]

Well, I've run these scenarios and just briefly back to what I was saying. Why would the Russians want all these nukes to defeat and take over America? Why would America want that? for defense or to take over country? They can take over America and keep their coup and their power if they kill Trump.

[00:44:35.65 - 00:45:07.53]

So I'm saying they will do anything and then say the Iranians that it. I said that Saturday. I said they'll roll a truck bomb into Mar-a-Lago or they'll stinger missile Trump's plane and then claim that Iran got it and They're going to start saying Iran's gonna kill Trump the next day. They came out Iran's gonna kill Trump because it's simple deduction. There they want to hit Iran next and so you just come out and say Iran has killed Trump And then everybody gets patriotic and we go blow up Iran, that's why I had to get it running.

Speaker 2
[00:45:07.53 - 00:45:17.49]

They're running 9-11 again. They're running the 9-11 strategy again, but American people are too awake to that. No one bit on the Iran bullet, so to speak. So so let me tell you, I'm gonna work. Absolutely.

Speaker 1
[00:45:17.49 - 00:45:36.29]

So I just do deduction all the different scenarios and the combinations of scenarios. So so Here's the. here's the answer to your dark scenario. if, by the grace of God, you know, he survived, but if he'd have been killed and I've war game, this on my show. So I'm not giving you this my opinion now.

[00:45:36.87 - 00:46:19.61]

I'm War game in the different scenarios. They, if they killed Trump at that event, they were then planning to truck bomb the White House and Say that Iran did it, or that a Trump supporter did it, or a group affiliated with Russia did it? Or they might even do a tactical dupe on the White House. And then, and the hysteria cut the internet off and then you're hearing announcement I ran, said us, and then Israel in the United States hit Iran with nuclear weapons. Then they've, the globalists would set off a few more tactical nukes, and then they've already brought in hundreds of thousands of Hamas and Hezbollah Operatives into the United States.

[00:46:19.61 - 00:46:28.35]

They would be more active. They would be activated by Iran. That wouldn't be a false flag. they would then go on top high-rises and dump.

[00:46:30.23 - 00:46:45.01]

Jump Mixtures that would create chlorine gas into the buildings. They would then sabotage and blow up dams. They would then attack the major capitals and government buildings and military bases, And so the United States would have been on fire right now.

Speaker 2
[00:46:46.01 - 00:46:57.63]

I want to. I want to just enter interject there, because I have been covering. Obviously, the CIA is allowing our borders to be porous and it's been interesting to see which countries these people are coming from. it's not Mexico anymore. It's Kazakhstan.

[00:46:58.07 - 00:47:16.27]

It's, I mean China Chinese men coming over the border. They're aware that this is happening and I feel very much that they want an attack to happen on American soil. So in my viewpoint, there, I mean, there's just no way that they're allowing these people into the country unchecked. It's like they want an attack to happen so that they can.

Speaker 1
[00:47:17.51 - 00:47:21.69]

Entry. you're absolutely right. This is all deduction. They kill Trump. They kill Biden.

[00:47:21.75 - 00:47:28.39]

They get rid of both things at the same time. They blame Iran. They then hit Iran. a nuclear war. Iran then activates sleeper cells.

[00:47:28.51 - 00:47:46.53]

That's just how the dominoes go, And that's just that's one scenario. I can go through about 20, but I was. they're already pre-programming the scenarios I predicted, and that doesn't mean they're gonna do each scenario. They've got to warm these things up and get them in operational mode. But right now it's like the Death Star powering up the global planet.

[00:47:47.07 - 00:48:04.29]

They're You initiate primary ignition. They're powering it up Right now, and so I'm seeing all the signs of this being powered up right now. For them to blow his plane out of the air, you name it. And then they're going for broke because they're going to World War three with the Russians. They think they can win a nuclear war.

[00:48:04.29 - 00:48:34.99]

they intend this. these are psychotics, and that's why I'm telling people the worst scenario here. Because only admitting this Can have enough of a global awakening and enough heat on the globalist that when they pull all of this, No one is gonna buy it, as you just said earlier. So that's why information warfare is critical. to exposing them, They sent in the Justice Department, Controlled people six weeks ago to my office with no court order and tried to bluff the private security company I've had for like seven, eight years to close the place.

[00:48:35.23 - 00:48:45.83]

I threatened to call the police. the security company agreed. So this is wrong. They tried the next day to come and do it. They later admitted in court and to my lawyers the US trustee appointed by the judge.

[00:48:45.83 - 00:49:14.51]

the judge didn't do this. He blocked it, fired him. But the US trustee appointed and the CRO appointed said we were ordered By the lawyers and the families and it's the Justice Department running it and by the Justice Department to shut you down six weeks ago. I'm not that important. Why would the Justice Department get so vigilante that they would come try to close the office without a court order and a Judge totally fired him and kicked him off and and now is standing up to him because I said when that happened I had Laura Logan on the show.

[00:49:15.13 - 00:49:40.71]

That's the show. You'll find that like six weeks ago And and I said this isn't about me. They're getting ready to kill Trump. That's the only reason, because they understand that I have done the research and I will lay out Blueprints for any researcher, any government, people who haven't focused on this can instantly. any analyst, Any mainline historian can do this, but you've got to have a lot of your different Anthropology and understanding.

[00:49:40.71 - 00:49:59.49]

you've got a military understanding. You've got to have energy and supply chain understanding, historical, you know background Understanding. but I've got all of these pieces and there are a lot of people that are smart as I am, or smarter, who also Have these backgrounds. They just got to admit this is happening. This is fifth generational Warfare for the entire future of the planet.

[00:49:59.53 - 00:50:12.81]

They've already got a life extension technologies. They've already got free energy and they know that Russia and China are about to get up to. and then, once earth gets free Energy, which has already been proven. It's over. The wars are over unlimited expansion.

[00:50:12.81 - 00:50:32.99]

Our biggest problem is going to be deciding whether we want to quote virtual machines and pretend we're immortal and you know You'll be a new creature. You'll be a new species, but will you be what we were? This is really childhood's end. We're having to decide the whole future of our destiny and the globals don't want a big public debate about that. That's but but.

[00:50:32.99 - 00:50:43.03]

but Elon Musk has told him at the World Government Forum last year. Oh, world government forum He's remember that didn't exist. I was out in the open. He said your system will fail. You can't have a centralized system.

[00:50:43.03 - 00:51:13.43]

You're the real threat to humanity, Not us, and we've got to empower humanity and we've got to let people have decisions about this. So must, and I've interviewed him and talked to him quite a bit and he's on the same page And he understands this now and it's saying I'm with you, I don't want to be part of the technocracy, even though he's heavily in it. He's saying people will have the opportunity to do this stuff They want. we're not going to make people do it and we're sure it's all not going to cut the resources off and cut off The fossil fuels and all the rest of it. So he said that'll kill billions of people, which it will.

[00:51:13.43 - 00:51:28.59]

so You know people must listen to me, and he has these pieces is obviously smaller than I am, you know, that's true. I told him a month ago with Tucker Carlson. I said they're going to try to kill you. next, you're just as important as Trump. I said they're going to try to kill Trump.

[00:51:28.77 - 00:51:45.15]

So we don't put that clips on my show. I said they're going to try to kill Trump and they're going to try to kill Elon Musk and both of them better up their security and better watch their back. and Elon Musk, retweeted, said I think you're right, I am going to Up my security. So I'm just saying listen, folks. This is real.

[00:51:45.23 - 00:52:04.29]

I'm not being alarmist. I know this sounds like science fiction, because you're in the year 2024 and the technology the globalists have suppressed is in 2050. All right, 2050 at least. they're at least 25 years Ahead of what you're being shown. and they are they've decided it's too dangerous.

[00:52:04.29 - 00:52:24.59]

that's another reason I want to depopulate. is they are they actually have decided AI is too dangerous and That it's gonna get out of control. So they want to have a new dark age, basically where they keep technology sequestered for themselves but then the general public isn't given any of it and then like a Reservation. the globalists have bragged about this. Jeff Bezos and others have been honest about it.

[00:52:25.23 - 00:52:54.41]

Earth is going to be like a National Park or a nature preserve. That'll have some small settlements of humans, so the globalists can come down from their, from their space bases, and they can come see us and Go be in a village for a month and see the primitive humans and live like that If they want, and then they're gonna go back up to their space bases And they're also gonna have some city-states, big command bases that are all walled off. So, and you know, well, that's Hunger Games. Well, they're not copying Hunger Games. Hunger Games is a reflection of pulling this down.

[00:52:54.41 - 00:53:13.99]

The research is actually telling you a predict programming, what their plan is. They actually are going to build the Hunger Games that you read the UN World Government plans. Their futurists are saying they have agreed on a Hunger Games plan, But it's not like where there's just, you know, the districts in America. Well, why are there just districts here? because they've nuked everybody else, killed everybody.

[00:53:14.49 - 00:53:16.31]

Okay, so I mean I.

Speaker 2
[00:53:16.31 - 00:53:49.93]

Actually very much subscribe to the depopulation and I believe that there is a agenda to depopulate, and you predicted that as well. I'm doing a quick break here to cut to one of our sponsors, because then I want to talk to you about vaccination. I do not back to my children and you were kind of early on to speaking about the harms and the ills of vaccination. Just a quick message from our sponsor. Okay guys, for years Alex Jones has been speaking about a depopulation agenda and there is at least one organization That we can all admit contributes to that agenda, and that is planned Parenthood.

[00:53:49.93 - 00:54:13.65]

according to a recent report, planned parenthood continues to rake in billions despite dwindling clients. Biggest takeaway is that they're generating vast profits, including millions of dollars in our tax paying Funding, and the only solution to that is going to be pre-born, you know, they're a great sponsor of this show. pre-born is you? it's me. We actively have an opportunity to steal their clientele, Which are the babies that they work to kill every single day.

[00:54:13.65 - 00:54:32.25]

pre-born operates on a very slim budget. They rescue over 200 babies lives every single day with zero government funding, and their network of clinics are situated in the darkest Corners of the nation. they compete head-to-head with these abortion giants. They need our help more than ever. All you have to do is donate just twenty eight dollars.

[00:54:32.25 - 00:55:19.79]

with just twenty eight dollars given to pre-born, You are offering a free ultrasound to an expectant mother That's caught in a crisis, because the reality is is that when she hears that heartbeat for the first time on the monitor, She is inclined to choose life, that precious moment when you hear and you realize no, This is a a true life and a life that I must protect, because this is my child, the baby's chance that life doubles. with that opportunity. if you just give $28 to sponsor a precious baby's life today, your tax tax book, It will go directly toward saving that baby's life. All you have to do is dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby, that's pound 250, baby. or, if you're a person that prefers the internet, go to pre-born Comm, a slash Candace again, that's pre-born comm, slash Candace.

[00:55:19.79 - 00:55:30.47]

now back to our conversation. Okay, Alex, so I went down. fortunately, actually, I was back to injured when I was 20, woke me up to vaccines. I realized they're lying about everything. Everyone thinks.

[00:55:30.47 - 00:55:52.59]

it began with kovat and I Produced a series to wake people up and let them know that Changing diagnostic definitions, what they told you? the belief that everybody was going to die unless you gave them your bodily autonomy. Well, people saw that during kovat. They saw the government lie in real time. They saw people get injured with myocarditis and teenagers, and they saw the media try to pretend that all this was normal.

[00:55:52.59 - 00:56:10.77]

And so people are awake now to that conversation about vaccines. And so I will ask you because you spoke about this, I think in 2002.. I mean unbelievably, We're talking about a vaccine depopulation, depopulation agenda. Can you tell me where you got that information, way back when and what you think about that now?

Speaker 1
[00:56:11.61 - 00:56:36.41]

Well again, Candace, 99% of this is all public information. there was a book on my parents bookshelf. there were a bunch of books about the population bomb and books by Paul Ehrlich, books by a whole bunch of globalists, and I just grew up seeing these books. I became a really avid reader by the five or six, or reading adult books by eight, nine, ten. And so I read Paul Ehrlich's books.

[00:56:37.09 - 00:56:58.53]

And in the books he says we're gonna put chemicals in the vaccines that attack the fertility. It won't sterilize a hundred percent of people, so folks won't notice it first and we'll just increase the amount of toxins in it. He talked about fluoride was reducing fertility and lowering IQ and causing cancer. how great that was. and then he wrote the.

[00:57:00.11 - 00:57:18.27]

Ecoscience plan that was later adopted As the official plan for depopulation. With John P. Holdren, who later became the White House. science are for Obama, But he wrote in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. He's still around and John Stossel just exposed him and Elon Musk retweeted it.

[00:57:18.27 - 00:57:38.29]

so he got like 100 million views. and in that He's right there saying in 1978 We're gonna put images on TV, Undermine the family and making all men look dumb and make it look like women are in charge not to help able to break down Society. and he goes no, we're gonna, you know, and so he's just over. Yeah, we're gonna put chemicals in there and sterilize you. and it's not just him.

[00:57:38.43 - 00:57:41.81]

It's Bertrand Russell. I read his books. He says that.

[00:57:43.57 - 00:57:53.15]

Brave New World revisited. it's nonfiction. all the sucks, like 1961 says that. and then you actually Go read the UN plans. I mean, it's like replacement migration.

[00:57:53.15 - 00:58:09.87]

It's an official UN world plan through UNESCO and through the Office of Resettlement, and it's an official treaty To flood the West with 680 million people by 2050, here at five hundred and Fifty million in Europe by 2050.

[00:58:10.17 - 00:58:23.63]

. It's an official plan And then you talk about it. the ADL said you're a Nazi. Okay, so what I'm telling you is I know all this because I've read their books. I mean people gonna watch my film in game In game blueprint for global enslavement.

[00:58:23.89 - 00:58:33.31]

It's, it's two and a half hours long. It's free. It had like a hundred million views till he took it down off a Google video and then off YouTube. But there's copies of it here and there. it's a fan dot video on my website.

[00:58:33.31 - 00:59:00.71]

It's I posted on X when I first got back on. it got a few million views there in game blueprint for global enslavement. But I show them saying we're gonna have world government and we're going to sterilize you And we're gonna do it to you and we're gonna spray a little dioxide in the air and we're gonna control the weather. So it's like you're at Thanksgiving and over at the big adult table. They're talking about, you know, all this adult stuff and we're like over at the little kid table eating our macaroni and cheese.

[00:59:01.35 - 00:59:10.41]

And but I come over the adult table. That's actually what I did when I was about, you know, six, seven years old. I'm like, what are these adults talking about? This is really interesting. I thought I'm interested in this.

[00:59:10.41 - 00:59:21.55]

I'm not interested in acting cool or eat comic books. I mean, I still like sports and girls definitely. But I mean I was all about how to nuclear reactors work. How do atomic weapons work? How do hydrogen bombs work?

[00:59:21.57 - 00:59:25.63]

How does energy work? How does physics work? Well, what are these agencies? who are these groups? and I read?

[00:59:26.31 - 00:59:39.55]

Probably 200 books on World War two and I read Mein Kampf. I read, I read the writings of Julius Caesar and the Battle for Gaul and I Read Aristotle and Plato, and I and I got the sense of me. Plato said

[00:59:41.07 - 01:00:09.87]

2200-plus years ago In his Republic. He said we need to kill all the dumb people and only have smart people breed. They're crushing the breast of mother nature. and then Plato goes along Into other Malthusians that he spawned, like Malthus. it was around, you know, 300 years ago and then out of him 180 years ago, comes Francis Galton, and Francis Galton's entire worldview of depopulation is an adopted by the British Empire as their official policy.

[01:00:09.87 - 01:00:36.41]

This is developed systems and technologies to control the public. They said discover what makes up the cells, discover how to control people. They said we want you to invent computers, We want you to invent biometrics. We want devices that can scan someone and then tell us who they are and where they went. and and so Galton and the top scientists in England Said we're going to envision a thing, things called computers and things called biometrics, and things called You know all of this.

[01:00:36.41 - 01:01:04.83]

and then they, just like the British Was a 400 years ago. I'm not gonna exact date said we'll pay the equivalent of like 10 billion dollars. I forget what their prize was some huge amount, you know, however, many pounds of silver, Tons of it. We will pay you tons of silver if you can invent a a Clock that is accurate down to a few seconds and it can be stored and operate on a ship. and a year later They had it and they said now, if you can make it even smaller, We'll give you the money.

[01:01:04.83 - 01:01:24.81]

and so they just learned with scientists. if they just gave a money They could, they could invent anything, because that's how powerful humans are. And so now you've just got trillions going into cloning and weapons and free energy. But now the globalists have all these giant underground warehouses of just all this incredibly fabulous stuff. and you know Beyond, you know science fiction.

[01:01:24.81 - 01:01:41.77]

and they're like, we're not gonna give this to all these people. We're just gonna kill him. and and so that's what they decided to do it like. and if we get a Trump in there And he says he's gonna declassify a bunch of stuff and he's trying to find out about himself, They're like, we're not gonna get the public back. And and so that's what this is.

Speaker 2
[01:01:42.39 - 01:02:09.17]

And I do want to say so what you're talking about is basically the independent pursuit of knowledge. because and I've recently also Been using my platform to speak out against birth control because it's all right there. So the problem is is that what's running parallel to what they're trying to do? scientifically is what they're doing psychologically. and so you, they have a Permanent class of people sitting six hours a day and they are, by the time they come out of public, the public school system.

[01:02:09.17 - 01:02:25.25]

They are so deluded and they believe everything that they learned as a token of their education, you know, birth control is good. I mean I showed on my show they were never lying about their intentions with birth control. I mean they even named it birth control. I mean this was all about eugenicism. It was all about making sure that people were infertile.

[01:02:25.33 - 01:02:35.39]

They were experimenting on Africans. I used real sources to show them every birth control does it? No, it's not like there's one that was good. They never changed the medicine. They knew it was causing cancer, breast cancer.

[01:02:35.39 - 01:02:54.17]

It's right there on the inserts today. and yet the majority of women, if you talk to them, Well, we'll think that birth control has no side effects, simply because they have been so severely propagandized in the classroom that, coming to that awakening, They just can't even process it. and now I'm of the age where women are struggling to have babies, struggling to have one. They have to turn to the government. They got to turn to IVF.

[01:02:54.17 - 01:03:13.89]

I mean, it's insane. and you and I, you really start to see this Futuristic, humanistic agenda that you're speaking about like in the future, We will control who was born and who will die. And so to disrupt that narrative, you must read Independent sources. you actually just it's all. once you know what you're looking for, It's very easy to find it.

[01:03:13.97 - 01:03:23.03]

Like you said you just, you just Google it. You know, you just Google all the women that were being forced to that. They could experiment on with birth control because they were.

Speaker 1
[01:03:25.07 - 01:03:42.91]

Most women in major studies that took the shot, Their menstrual cycle never went back to normal, that they've been fried. My mother, even though she's smart, got a Dalkon shield And I was the only child she could have. they adopted my sister and they admitted that that Dalkon shield Sterilized her and was designed to do it.

Speaker 2
[01:03:42.91 - 01:03:54.15]

So design. these things were designed to sterilize, and that's what I tell women I'm like. once you look into the history of each of these things, it's shocking, and they just somehow were allowed to get these things approved, obviously because the Grandmother.

Speaker 1
[01:03:55.43 - 01:04:08.47]

My grandmother doctor told her in the mid 50s She got polio from the vaccine. her doctor told her that. so so my grandmother died in a wheelchair. She was in a wheelchair from the time. My mother was five years old, So she died at 92.

[01:04:08.47 - 01:04:29.69]

great lady, Beautiful woman, life wrecked and ruined by a live vaccine that gave her polio. And then my mother is sterilized by the government because she believed him and one of my dad to finish medical school. So thought okay, I'll wait to get pregnant, and then and then and she was, it's just so sad She never got over on having more children. I love your show, Candace. It's so good to be on.

[01:04:29.79 - 01:04:40.97]

Please call mine soon. I've got to go do mine at three minutes, and I know I'm kind of burnt out and frazzled today. I would love to come back, prepared sometime in studio, and really knock it out of the park with you. And they've lied about you. They've twisted things about you.

[01:04:41.13 - 01:04:50.31]

You've done nothing wrong. You are a powerful, smart, informed, beautiful woman, and they are scared of your strength, And that's why they're attacking you and lying about you, and I love you.

Speaker 2
[01:04:50.69 - 01:05:08.07]

Thank you so much, Alex. We will definitely do this in person in the future. ladies and gentlemen, Thank you to Alex Jones for joining today, and there's so many more topics. if anything sounds crazy to you, I'm telling you do your independent research, and you will be shocked to see that it is not so. everything You've learned is an intentional lie meant to psychologically convince you that the government is your friend.

[01:05:08.09 - 01:05:28.47]

It is not, Alex. Thank you so much for all the time. All right guys, that's all the time that we have for today. first and foremost, Thank you, guys, for allowing me to be independent, because, I promise you, I do not think I would have been able to have that Conversation any other way. so if you would like to continue to support this independent pursuit, you guys can head to and Donate to this show.

[01:05:28.47 - 01:05:45.73]

keep us free to be a monthly donor, a one-time donor, and also, of course, you can go to club Candice. calm, get yourself some merch, because what do we believe here in radical free speech? We believe that you can take this information, Digest it yourself and decide whether to take it or leave it. We'll see you guys tomorrow.
