Cardi B Attacks Me Over Sonya Massey Shooting | Candace Ep 32

2024-07-26 00:56:11

This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.

Speaker 1
[00:00.00 - 00:23.52]

All right guys, coming at you, live once again. So guess what happened? It happened again. Cardi B Rapper has come for me, this time regarding my statements pertaining to Sonya Massey my perfectly acceptable statements pertaining to Sonya Massey. So I should say that she came for me over statements that she thought that I made, or, I guess, statements that she Misunderstood that I made.

[00:23.52 - 00:32.60]

the point is is that she went live on X spaces audio and she was extremely upset with me, and I want you guys to take a brief listen to some of her thoughts.

Speaker 2
[00:32.60 - 00:38.30]

Candace, always because she made like such a it's that girl. Why are you always up, girl?

Speaker 1
[00:39.18 - 00:49.86]

Yeah, I'm gonna give you guys my response to that very shortly. Plus, we've got JD Vance. He's in the hot seat for suggesting that we should not have a government that is run by childless cat. ladies. Spoiler alert.

[00:49.94 - 01:08.18]

I agree, and Elon Musk is under fire for suggesting that anyone who boycotts BB net and Yahoo Is anti-semitic? Spoiler alert, I disagree. And yeah, that means Elon Musk is about to make me defend AOC. So I'm deeply upset with him today. But that's what we have coming up on, Candace.

[01:22.56 - 01:53.08]

Okay, so let me jog your memory very briefly. I'm sure you guys have been paying attention, since all the politicians are now speaking about Sonia Massey. So she was a black woman who was shot and killed in her home in Springfield, Illinois, After she phones 9-1-1 and signaled that there was potentially a prowler At her house, so I will. basically, we're not going to show you the clip again, But you can tell when you're watching a clip that she's out of it. The best way that I would describe it is that she looks to me like she's having an adverse reaction to medicine.

[01:53.08 - 02:36.82]

You sort of hear these stories of people when they're on Ambien and they do sort of weird things, and that's kind of the best Way that I could illustrate what I was watching in this clip, And I said in response to it that I did not deem the shooting to be justified whatsoever. I also said that the police officer would likely get into trouble since he signaled that he was going to shoot her in the head, and I then concluded that it is suspicious that these stories and these videos Seem to conveniently be dropped to black America every election cycle, like we went from George Floyd, and right when it's election cycle, suddenly They start looking. it's like they just send out an email. Like if you've got any videos that could upset black America that would allow us to sort of bang on this race narrative. Please send them, and immediately I point to the fact that Joe Biden was tweeting about this, like where was he the last four years In office?

[02:36.82 - 03:07.84]

did no other black people or white people Die at the hands of a police officer. No, of course not, but they would like the illusion of peace while they're in office and then, when they want a Radical sea change or if they want to stop somebody else from winning, they like to again drum up the race narrative. Totally sensible comments. I did not say anything that could have been deemed controversial, but Cardi B found it to be controversial. or she thinks that she found it to be controversial, because I think that she Receives a lot of her information on the internet.

[03:07.84 - 03:20.88]

So she may have saw a portion of my remarks taken out of context, because that's what happens. You've got to let the internet internet and she was upset. She was very upset. So let's take a listen right now to what Cardi B thinks she disagrees with. take a listen.

Speaker 2
[03:20.88 - 03:34.34]

So the other person that I'm gonna call out is candid, can't Keep me standing. Candace Owens, because she made like such a. it's like girl. Why are you always up, girl? Like seriously, why are you always?

[03:34.92 - 04:06.84]

Why you was up, you know, I've been seeing clips of different things that she has said About different topics and some of the things I'd be like, okay, You know, I would never give you a 10 because I don't like you. I'm never gonna give you a 10 because I don't like you. I Give you a 8 or 7 to certain things that she have said. You know, in the past year or something She had been saying, a lot of things that is like it, kind of makes sense, kind of don't, kind of make sense, Kind of don't, but yeah, but today she says something so disturbing about the arm.

[04:09.20 - 04:10.88]

Sorry, I'm choking a little bit. it's okay.

[04:12.48 - 04:43.82]

She says something so disturbing, Disturbing, about the Sonya Macy Case. and it's just like yo, why you always gotta it up, Why you always gotta get up like why you always gotta take it there like it's like it's like You always gotta take it there and it's like why you, why you gotta take it there And for you to stay here and say that it's like, oh, we cannot blame everything on on racial. Not everything is it's racial. I know that this is sad, but this is not. but this is not something racial.

[04:43.82 - 05:01.56]

There's more white people that killed by the cops and and it's like girl Shut up. You don't feel one one little bit of empathy, one little bit of sympathy of how this woman died. There was no argument. There was no conflict, There was no raise the voice and she got shot.

Speaker 1
[05:02.58 - 05:31.50]

so that's a good place to stop before I let her keep speaking, because, again, what tends to happen in these circumstances is Black America is routinely taught to just be upset and to be angry and to do exactly what Cardi B is doing. And this is why I always use her as an example, because she has a massive platform and she's saying things She has no idea what she's talking about. She obviously did not listen to my full show. She did not listen to the full context, and yet she's leading people to believe that I've somehow Justified the shooting of Sonia Massey, right? Because if you just listen to what she said, you would go.

[05:31.64 - 06:02.30]

Oh my gosh, Candace's effin ish up again. Candace must have gone on her show and been like listen, guys. This is not about race. This is totally fine and just showed no empathy toward the situation, and that is why people would deem her to be a useful idiot. That's why I say that they like to platform people that they suspect don't have enough education To research things on their own and will therefore just believe a headline or believe a short clip, and again, We'll not do any deeper research to see what exactly it is that that person said in their full context.

[06:02.30 - 06:33.04]

So I'm just gonna give Cardi B a portion of what I said that she definitively did not see, because I saw the same Clip which was edited intentionally, or I should say miss, edited intentionally, clipped intentionally in a way that tried to make it seem as though I was just out there Defending what had happened to Sonia Massey. here are my actual remarks, Which oddly sounds suspiciously a lot like what Cardi B was just saying there at the end. Take a listen Now. when this first was spoken about, we were told that, I don't know, there was some sort of a threat with the boiling water. Sure.

[06:33.24 - 07:08.74]

Yes, She's acting erratically and there is a situation in which she could have thrown the boiling water at the police officers, But they were nowhere near her. and then they shoot her, which to me, Given the context, the fact that you knew that this woman was not mentally there, and Even if she did throw boiling water at you, I don't see how saying She said I will rebuke you, I think she said in the name of the Lord, and then he says no, you will not, because I will shoot you. I mean that is like very extreme, very aggressive, and he then proceeds to. she says I will shoot you in the face. I mean, that's just like what are you even talking about?

[07:09.10 - 07:32.52]

Oh, over a woman with boiling water. in my Opinion, he should have simply used his taser if he felt threatened by the steaming water or if he felt that he absolutely had to Use his gun. Why didn't he shoot her in the foot or or somewhere lower? This just did not seem like an appropriate response to me whatsoever. Now, parking that aside, of course, as I have said since the beginning of time, we can get out of this.

[07:32.52 - 08:05.04]

So you can very, very much see what I said there, and it certainly does not sound like I was trying to justify What happened. but what she's taking issue with, and the reason why they clipped me out was that I again Made it obvious to black America because a lot of black Americans now watch this podcast And they're starting to see me in my full context that you can start to just notice this sort of behavior. You'll start to see these trends. ahead of an election season, There's going to be a story in which where they want black people to do is to respond radically, Irrationally, to be angry, to turn against each other, to burn down your own neighborhoods. And I said don't let that be the circumstance.

[08:05.04 - 08:26.94]

Do not allow people who have big platforms to convince you that this needs to be your issue, that you need to go out and scream about. instead, You know, vote according to things that are going to actually matter. that's that's essentially what I said to black America, and Cardi B then decides to be an example of exactly what I was warning against. to take a listen, and then is that okay?

Speaker 2
[08:28.66 - 08:49.04]

Mmm, he didn't say nothing racial, right? He didn't say nothing like a rate of racial slur and everything. But one thing for sure is that we definitely know That he knew in the back of his head, because she was a black woman, That he was going to get away with it. Now. Okay, let's pause that right there.

Speaker 1
[08:49.04 - 09:20.00]

So that is a nonsense, right to say. one thing that we definitely know is that he knew in the back of his head That she was a black woman and he was there for going to get away with it. It's just such a nonsense which flies in the face of everything that we have seen since the dawn of BLM. to the contrary, you have police officers that are facing time in prison, like the Asian police officer and the Derek Chauvin, who had nothing to do with anything who lost his entire life. He was basically new on the scene and happened to be there as they tried to apprehend George Floyd's.

[09:20.00 - 09:46.68]

the exact opposite, Actually, so the idea that this guy, that we have some shred of proof that this was racially motivated, is ridiculous. that is again the Media trying to convince and Cardi B getting in line with the media and trying to convince black people to see a race issue Where it is not, and again, the only reason they're doing this, right? You don't see any example throughout the last four years of them since George Floyd really kind of hitting at this. Hey black America, this shouldn't have happened. You should be angry.

[09:46.78 - 09:59.92]

The only reason they are doing this is because we're an election cycle. I am pointing out that because it is just so obvious. What a ridiculous thing It's. the one thing we definitely know is what was in the back of his head. That's what Cardi B is saying, But let's hear her keep going.

Speaker 2
[09:59.92 - 10:24.12]

That he was going to get away with it. Not only did he think that The the department thought that because they didn't saw her son or her father, that a that a cop shot her. So they definitely thought that it was gonna get away from it, And it had everything to do with the fact that because it was because she was black. So nobody has to say a racial slur, but you don't know that it was racially motivated.

[10:26.00 - 10:37.32]

Like come on now, and then it's just like yo, hot, wait, how old is Candace Owens? How old is Candace Owens? How old is? Candace Owens. She gotta be around my age.

[10:40.86 - 10:42.10]

Oh Owens.

[10:47.62 - 11:00.48]

She's 35 years old. Candace Owens, you're 35 years old. Sonia was 36 years old. Yeah, I practically have the same Body frame. Oh, yeah, I practically got the same body frame.

[11:00.60 - 11:05.94]

Yeah, both slim. Yeah, What you, you one. you're younger than her. She's a mother. You're a mother.

[11:06.18 - 11:07.66]

She's a daughter. You're a daughter.

[11:09.68 - 11:15.00]

She has father. they care about her. you got a father. they care about her. bitch, this could be you one day.

[11:16.00 - 11:27.16]

No, and and it could be actually worse, because you the type of person that if a cop stopped you, You will get real sassy at the mouth. And as soon as you get sassy at the mouth, the mother will shoot your ass.

Speaker 1
[11:27.16 - 11:28.86]

this day didn't even.

Speaker 2
[11:29.42 - 11:44.68]

Got loud, didn't got, didn't curse, didn't, didn't raise her voice. Didn't? there was no confrontation. She got shot for no reason. and now you sit here and be like, oh, It's very convenient that it comes out when the Joe Biden Kamala and Trump thing going on.

[11:44.68 - 11:51.74]

to be honest with you, when, when I saw that video, the last people on my head and the last thing on my head was Joe Biden Kamala or.

Speaker 1
[11:52.26 - 12:10.90]

Okay, we can get out of this. So pointedly ridiculous again. How is it the last person that's on your head? Specifically given the fact that Joe Biden actually made a statement on Twitter They issued? they all were issuing remarks on Twitter regarding the shooting, Which is why I was, of course, preempting black America to be wary of this again.

[12:11.12 - 12:20.52]

Why are they not drumming this B? Why aren't they beating this drum all throughout the time that they are in office? Why is it always an election year? now? I just really want to back up and try to understand her logic.

[12:20.52 - 12:24.64]

there She's trying to tell me that this could be me because she googled my age.

[12:26.28 - 12:39.28]

Which I actually thought those pretty fine that she like live googled. and then she phonetically said Oh, when, how old is this B? and she found out that I'm 35 and she said well, Sonia's also in the same age frame. She said Sonia was 36.. I actually don't know if that's true.

[12:39.70 - 12:55.04]

That's when he was 36.. She said you guys are both also slim. Okay, so we're slim and we both also have fathers that loved us. So that could be me. okay, that is about the level of stupidity that I Believe.

[12:55.04 - 13:16.00]

the left and the media just wants all black people to be operating at like. that is what I say over and over again. They essentially want to say you look like this person And so, unless you react, this is literally going to be you tomorrow. now I didn't have a reaction. I did not cover the Sonia Massey shooting because of the color of her skin or because of her body frame or because of some Fear that this could not be me.

[13:16.00 - 14:16.22]

I reacted to it because it was very similar to look at the shooting and to simply say what is true and what I Felt. and what I feel is true is that that woman did not need to die that day. She just didn't, and I said that and I'm a person that I am radically pro-police I think they have the toughest job and that is part of the reason why I felt compelled to comment on this is because we Want to show that, as people who are radically pro-police, we are sensible, and there was no reason again in my conclusion, what I said instantly that Sonia Massey had to die, and I knew that it was going to be used as an opportunity to Delude black Americans into thinking you're nothing more than the color of your skin and so you must be reactive every time something goes wrong, so, Cardi, I Have to say I will always hold a candle out for you. I really wish that the media would cover the things that I say about you. actually, on the show, It's only every time, every time that we have Some sort of a back-forth or we disagree on something, that the media tries to make it look like.

[14:16.22 - 14:40.50]

I hate you, far from it. I feel badly that you keep being used by the media because they think that you're nothing but a stripper. Genuinely I have said this over and over again is that you don't even realize that you are a pawn in a game That is much more severe and much more sinister than you could possibly imagine. And I think that when you respond to these situations, Cardi, you're being genuine. I sense that genuinity in you.

[14:40.50 - 15:02.48]

I say over and over again that when I saw you in love and hip-hop, It was clear that you were a star, and it was because of this perceived Authenticity, this off, this authentic factor that you have, and then it became clear to me very quickly thereafter that you were being used. You are still being used. You don't even know you're being used. You think you're coming at this heartfelt and you're not. Actually, you're.

[15:02.48 - 15:28.86]

you might, your heart might be in the right place, But your emotions are being manipulated by people, or people who are far more nefarious than you. and the irony, Absolute irony that you would choose this week to come for me, Actually, and obviously I Anticipated there will be a lot of headlines regarding my sit-down tomorrow. that will be airing tomorrow with Amber Rose. But you came up, actually, you came up a discussion about you and where you are at.

[15:30.76 - 15:34.50]

Developed between me and Amber Rose, and I just want you to see a little tidbit of.

Speaker 2
[15:35.12 - 15:49.10]

That conversation right now. Take a listen. I can look at Cardi and she reminds me of myself. I Know I can watch what she posts. I I've seen other things that she said and I'm like, that's me all day, every day.

[15:49.10 - 16:07.12]

She's done Ellen. She's done all these like Late night talk shows, and I've seen them. They're like so you were a stripper. She's like I'm an international Superstar, you know, and like. that's the first thing they go to.

[16:07.12 - 16:30.98]

they do the same exact thing to me And, and I can tell in her voice. I've been there. Yeah, I promise you, I've been there so many times and once I set myself free and and Now I'm just able to just be who I want to be, whatever that is even moving forward. She'll, she'll eventually get there. I.

Speaker 1
[16:30.98 - 16:54.50]

Do. I still have hope that you will eventually get there and that you will set yourself free Cardi from the industry, Which is using you outside of what you can even comprehend, because they don't view you as someone who was educated. and that is all That I'm going to say on that topic. But speaking of education, you guys, I am. I'm so proud To have Grand Canyon University as a sponsor of the show because they are a private Christian University.

[16:54.50 - 17:26.86]

That's based in beautiful, Phoenix, Arizona. They believe that they were endowed by our Creator with certain Unalienable, unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. GCU's mission is to empower virtuous action through higher education. by honoring your career, Calling your impact, your family, your friends and your community, You can change the world for good by putting others before yourself to glorify God. Whether your pursuit involves a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, GCU's online, on-campus and hybrid learning environment are designed to help you achieve your unique academic, personal and professional goals.

[17:26.86 - 17:40.92]

The pursuit to serve others is yours. So find your purpose at Grand Canyon University. Private, Christian, affordable visit GCU dot edu. All right, guys, we have a lot of stories to get into today. I I don't know.

[17:40.92 - 17:58.78]

the political scene has just been insane. Of course, we are, I guess, just a very short way away from Election Day. So that is the reason that they are just looking for narratives everywhere, and it seems like the left and the right are each other's throats. But I'm kind of I'm starting to develop this perspective. But actually the left and the right, depending on who you speak to, are the same.

[17:58.78 - 18:33.58]

maybe it's because so much of the conservative movement has been taken over by neocons, and neocons have a lot of power and Virtually kind of what they want is the same when you actually think about it, but I'll save that rant for another day. So JD Vance, I have said I'm not entirely sure about him, But I'm very open to him on the basis of how he has voted in the Senate. Well, he is under fire, Of course. now they're crawling through everything that JD Vance has ever said and they found something the left struck gold. They found a clip of JD Vance from July of 2021 saying that the Democratic Party is being run by childless cat.

[18:33.58 - 19:03.32]

ladies, Take a listen to what he had to say. What I was basically saying is that we're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, be it via our corporate oligarchs, By a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, And so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. And it's just a basic fact. You look Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. and how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it?

[19:03.32 - 19:32.70]

and he is Totally correct. But, like I said, you don't want to get in the way of a left who can seize on that and go Oh my gosh, how could he say this? and how can we get voters to be emotional? because, at the end of the game? Okay, well, now we need to appeal to childish, child, childless women and, of course, go out to our Hollywood stars, who love the left, love the Democrats and are really just exist now to do their bidding and get them to say something emotional about these comments, which remained in 2021, and nobody cared when he said them, but Take it away.

[19:32.74 - 19:42.12]

Jennifer Aniston. She wrote this in an Instagram story post. She wrote. I truly can't believe this is coming from a potential VP of the United States. All I can say is mr Vance.

[19:42.12 - 19:58.82]

I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option, because you are trying to take that away from her, too. Did I sell it? did I do it the way Jennifer Aniston would have done it? maybe in friends?

[19:59.00 - 20:11.18]

I don't know. I hope I did. I hope you guys are now realizing that you Obviously can't vote for Janie Vance, because what she, what she's clearly meaning, is that if we struggle to have children, doesn't want you running. No, of course. nobody with a brain cell, nobody that's sensible.

[20:11.18 - 20:43.24]

nobody that's honest believes that that is what he is implying. of course, he is saying something that is much more important, which is that we have a bunch of people who are creating policies, passing through policies shaping the future of this country for the people who will inherit this country, which are Somebody's children, my children. Maybe it's your children, Maybe it's your brother's children, and they don't think in that capacity that he's not, of course, referring to people that are struggling to conceive, Because that would. well, that would imply that they wanted to have a family, right? So if you are trying to have a family.

[20:43.24 - 21:01.70]

it implies that your mindset is set in that direction. Of course, your mindset is going. Okay. Well, I want to have a family, So, of course, I'm going to vote according to those sorts of values. I'm hoping that one day my children will be able to benefit from those values in which I am voting toward Voting for now.

[21:01.70 - 21:11.36]

Blake Masters. I think, actually said this perfectly on Twitter. He wrote this in defense of JD Vance. political leaders should have children. Certainly, they should at least be married.

[21:11.36 - 21:47.82]

if you aren't running or can't run a household of your own, How can you relate to a constituency of families or govern wisely with respect to future generations? Skin in the game matters, and I so agree with that, and and you could Actually say a lot more there in terms of having a skin in the game. That's why I believe also that we need to have term limits, because if they think that they're going to get kicked out of DC In four years, then suddenly they have skin in the game of the American people, right? They're not getting money from lobbyists. They're gonna have to go back and live like the American people and they will perhaps pass through policies that will benefit the American people And not just make their lobbyists happy.

[21:47.82 - 22:08.14]

So yes, it does make sense when we are seeing the sorts of policies that are getting pushed through. It is one of the reasons why you should consider, when you are voting for any person if they don't have a wife and they don't Have any kids, What does that entail to you? What does that mean that their priorities are going to be? Well, even if you decide, okay, I'm just not getting married. I'm gonna be all by myself.

[22:08.14 - 22:30.92]

I would imagine that over time, what develops is a selfish mentality. This is why they say you can get stuck in your own ways if you don't get married by. I don't know certain Timeframe, let's say, like, you know, You don't get married until you're 60, Probably going to be harder for that relationship to be successful because you've spent your whole life being by yourself, not having to compromise on Having to share. I mean you can even see this with only child syndrome. It's the same exact thing, right?

[22:30.92 - 22:54.64]

only child syndrome. or referring to our kids, They get into college and they have to share a dorm, and they're like, what the heck? I've never had to share anything in my life. They actually become quite selfish. I even noticed, because you know My firstborn son and he was used to the attention always being on him, and I thought, thank goodness We had a child quickly behind because we had to sort of get that out of him In the first couple of months once my daughter was born, because he was just so used to being the star.

[22:54.64 - 23:30.88]

And so I totally agree with that. sentiment is not something that I hope JD Vance walks back. I hope it's not something that the Trump campaign asks him to walk back. I think it is something that needs to be heard and rather than Kowtowing to the left rather than kowtowing to Jennifer Aniston and her emotions are trying to pretend this is about IVF or about infertility, we need to stand firm on what it is that we believe in as conservatives and, Speaking of which I am sure, I am certain that all of you saw just like I did and I didn't even know what it Was the left freaking out about project 2025 right. so much so that Trump came out and said I don't even know what product 2025 is.

[23:30.88 - 23:52.44]

I don't even know. I don't know if he disavowed it explicitly, but he essentially said I have nothing to do with project 2025, and that may be true, He, it is something that was put together by the Heritage Foundation, but I was quite shocked to see it trending over on X. I'm going what? what is product 2025? and So then I did just a little dabble and I will tell you the the document that they put together.

[23:52.44 - 24:14.30]

It's about a thousand pages I certainly have not read at all. But as I just read the first couple of pages and my sister told me that she read a hundred and three pages of it And she said, you know, Candace, I'm not really sure what's what's wrong with 2025, the project 2025. And I went. really, you haven't come across anything. She's like no, It's sort of saying everything that we feel about DEI initiatives and things of that nature, and I went.

[24:14.30 - 24:39.88]

Oh, is this one of those things where? Conservatives are acting like cowards, because we're allowing the left to take to seize the narrative? I call it the game of disavow, where they essentially just create a field of peer pressure and a bunch of us are asking you about something that you don't even really know what it is, or what the person has said, or what the Thing or the pamphlet says, but you're just like ah, I disavow it. I don't even I disavow. Please, just stop.

[24:39.88 - 24:51.24]

I just don't want to be under this attack. That is not the right response whatsoever. It's not the right response. rather. We should put them make, make them say actually, you tell me what is project 2025?

[24:51.24 - 25:06.10]

And I'll tell you whether or not I support it or I don't support it. Let's go through it point by point, put them on their toes. So I'm gonna tell you by the way, these are just a couple of bullets and this is available on Wikipedia. So, you know, Wikipedia is where it's. it's so run by the left and run by the ADL.

[25:06.10 - 25:46.08]

But they're gonna try to say the absolute worst things that they can about project 2025, because they hate us. They hate conservatives, and I read through and I went. there's nothing in this Wikipedia entry that I disagree with. So, under a worst-case Wikipedia scenario, here is what they've got here. The philosophical outlook the main project 2025 document outlines four main aims Restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life, dismantling the administrative state, defending the nation's sovereignty and borders and Securing what they believe to be a key to a good life, which is found primarily in family, marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners and the like.

[25:46.08 - 26:20.78]

the person who wrote this writes and Above-all in religious devotion and spirituality. What am I supposed to dislike about this? I have any conservative said this. by the way, I haven't been paying attention had there been conservatives that have said project 2025 is bad, because maybe you should Ask yourself whether or not they are conservatives. It goes on and says that inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths continue to escalate and children Suffer from the toxic normalization of transgenderism, with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries again.

[26:21.58 - 26:48.52]

Is this not, I don't know, exemplary of our conservative positions? It goes on to say that climate change is something that project 2025 advises a future Republican president to go further than merely nullifying President Biden's executive orders on climate change. proposes Abandoning strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are responsible for climate change. Yeah, because it's a scam. That is a conservative perspective.

[26:48.70 - 27:19.02]

The climate change is a scam. They are taking your tax dollars, telling you that they're going to reduce carbon in the air, and they're lying through and over and over again that the IPCC is a hack organization, and They basically pretend, like we can have an impact on the environment, But through through means like the Paris Accord, which doesn't even include the biggest contributor to carbon emissions, which is China. It's all a nonsense. It's all a lie. It's all about making you emotional and agreeing to give the government more power and to give the government more money.

[27:19.02 - 27:40.44]

Oh gosh, it gets crazier. It says that under foreign policy tab that project 2025 favors neither interventionism nor isolationism. instead, Emphasizes that all decisions related to foreign policy must prioritize national interests. The horror, the horror. now, I see why people had to walk it back and say that we.

[27:40.44 - 27:43.20]

how could we support this? That would make us.

[27:45.16 - 27:49.38]

conservative. I Mean, I just don't get it. I mean I sent a tweet. I'm like guys. I'm sort of looking into this.

[27:49.44 - 28:01.66]

It. can somebody Express to me why we're supposed to be pretending that this document is wrong? And Mike Sernovich offered that you'll keep looking into it. It may be a Trojan horse. It may be more neoconny.

[28:01.66 - 28:23.64]

I'm a topic of foreign policy and I Promised that I will look further into the foreign policy aspects of this document. But I can tell you by just having a brief look here project 2025 sounds pretty good to me. So if I run for president, I want you guys to know in the future, and they step to me and they say do you? I'm gonna look me straight in the face. I'm gonna say, yes, all of it.

[28:23.80 - 28:41.20]

That's what we're gonna do. We are, we are going to be doing projects out in 25.. We're going to restore families, We're going to restore faith. and unless you can explicitly point to me what, in this document, you are, you find problematic? I'm not gonna fall for your system of do you disavow and trying to make me fearful to?

[28:41.46 - 29:20.26]

Stand by what I deem to be conservative principles, speaking of which you guys, I do. Before we talk about Elon Musk and how he's going to force me to defend AOC today. I do want to To recommend to you guys that if you are struggling in the same way that many families are struggling to support themselves Right now, in this economic moment, and you feel as though you are taking a step back every month instead of moving forward, Please call my friends in American financing. They are there to help when the bills are higher than what you bring in every month and you have to swipe that credit Card to cover the difference, and you feel like the debt just keeps adding up. Well, if you own a home, American financing can certainly help you break free from that cycle.

[29:20.26 - 29:42.84]

American financing is saving people just like you an average of $854 a month. think about what you could do with an extra $800 every month and not having to worry about those minimum monthly payments. and even better, It costs nothing to find out how much you can save. All it takes is a quick call to American financing, and if you start today, you may be able to delay to mortgage payments. So call American financing today and start your journey towards being credit card debt-free.

[29:42.94 - 30:09.88]

The number is 800, seven, nine, five, twelve, ten. That's eight hundred seven, nine, five, twelve, ten, or you can visit American financing dot net, slash Owens. Okay, Elon Musk woke up. Elon Musk was trending, by the way, I love that up. one thing you would say about Elon Musk is he really must believe in free speech, because the fact that grok had a whole statement about how people are questioning Elon Musk and you know Grok is the AI that sums up what the controversy.

[30:09.88 - 30:49.74]

controversy is, and I don't know what happened. I kind of miss it. I woke up and then saw that he was trending over statements that he made about Antisemitism, and people were essentially saying this is not the Elon Musk that I invested in, this is not the Elon Musk that I believed in, and So I will tell you, I guess, one snippet of what went down because it was. it was hard to follow all of it, But AOC tweeted this yesterday regarding Bibi Netanyahu's speech, in which, by the way, Elon Musk Attended which I'm not sure what drove him to attend it. Maybe it's because he met Bibi Netanyahu recently, But he was one of the people that was in the audience, offering him, I guess, more than 50 standing ovations to what Bibi Netanyahu got.

[30:49.74 - 30:52.54]

but AOC's tweets reads

[30:54.62 - 31:15.88]

Just so we are clear. Netanyahu has lost so many people that he is addressing just a fraction of Congress. When this happens, They fill the seats with non members, like what they do at award ceremonies, in order to project the appearance of full attendance and support. So that's a factual statement there. There's nothing there that she said that I guess we should be too upset with.

[31:15.88 - 31:38.72]

I covered that yesterday. I'm a show that a ton of People in Congress were declining to attend, Thomas Massey being one of them, who has been my favorite congressman for years. Check, you can check the tapes. I have had him on my show way before October 7th, saying that he was an ideal congressman because He really stands by the American people and always votes against every single dollar going overseas. more people in Congress should be like him.

[31:38.72 - 32:04.38]

But Elon Musk responded this to AOC. He wrote The democratic party has become openly and boldly anti-semitic. So hard to garner whether he's saying her tweet itself is anti-semitic, which I certainly hope he's not Saying. implying that by her telling us that they are creating an illusion that what you are seeing is a show. And that happens over and over again, honestly, the world has become a stage.

[32:04.38 - 32:34.04]

It really has become a stage and she's letting you know that you're seeing this as if it was warish applause, and that That your congress agrees with him, but the reality is they basically had to get in actors in there. Maybe they were like, yeah, You're an intern, you fill this seat, you'll fill this week, because we want to create the illusion That he has the full support of congress when he doesn't. that, frankly, shouldn't be allowed, but you're telling us that it is. Maybe what he meant was that the people that are Boycotting this event, All of the congressmen who are boycotting it, are anti-semitic. because why else would you boycott?

[32:34.62 - 32:49.68]

Okay, that still doesn't make any sense to me. Does that make any sense to you? because then he would be essentially saying that thomas massey Is anti-semitic, And I have some strong feelings about that. I think most of you guys understand how I feel about thomas massey. I think he should be president united states.

[32:49.80 - 33:20.04]

I would crawl over broken glass to vote for thomas Massey for president united states. So if elon musk is going to come for thomas massey, Then elon musk is coming for me. If the implication is that thomas massey cannot represent the american people by saying i'm not showing up to this war show, That's what it is. It's about promoting war with iran, Because that's what bb netanyahu wants. if that makes him anti-semitic and makes him an enemy of elon musk because I guess Him and bb are friends then I guess me and elon musk.

[33:20.18 - 33:37.50]

We ain't, we ain't on the friendly side. That's how I feel. that is how strongly I feel about the work that thomas massey has done. He is exemplary of every thing, every bit of character that Every single person that we send to dc should have. And yet we don't have that.

[33:37.98 - 33:55.10]

And this brings me to the next question. What is anti-semitism? because i'm going to tell you, guys, I'm getting real tired of what is so obvious. I'll tell you what it is. The definition of antisemitism is everyone in the world Is allowed to critique bb netanyahu, just not you americans.

[33:55.64 - 34:23.20]

I think that's where we're at right now. That's today's definition. Don't forget that I once spoke to a rabbi extensively, and he told me that the definition mutates so they can drop it and change it every day. But I would say officially, as of yesterday, the definition became that everyone in the world is allowed to critique israel And allowed to critique bb netanyahu, except for the americans who are funding him. if americans do it, We get to call them anti-semitic and try to ruin their lives, and i'm going to show you an example of that people Who have openly critiqued bb netanyahu and have not been called anti-semitic.

[34:23.20 - 34:41.00]

and I think the greatest example of that would be aria manuel. I would argue that aria manuel is, from a business perspective, one of the most powerful jews in america. That's, I think that's an absolute fact. He owns endeavor. They own a ton of companies that are Under the endeavor brand, the ufc being one of them.

[34:41.00 - 35:02.10]

aria manuel notoriously Got kanye west blacklisted from hollywood by writing a letter. after he wrote that letter, kanye west, who's One of the most famous people in the world, was dropped from adidas, dropped from gap Okay, over his anti-semitism. Listen to aria manuel speak about bb netanyahu. This was taken, I believe, in may, just a couple of months ago. Take a listen.

Speaker 2
[35:02.66 - 35:13.26]

Netanyahu doesn't want a peaceful solution, And it's become clear that getting to a political solution and yet now remaining in power Are irreconcilable paths.

Speaker 1
[35:14.22 - 35:16.36]

Jews are not selfish people.

Speaker 2
[35:17.18 - 35:45.88]

We are a people whose bible tells us to treat the stranger like one of our own. Who should turn the sides of the corners of the field for the orphan and the widow? Who should help? we are the ones that helped during the civil rights movement in this country, like when andrew goodman and michael schwerner Gave up their lives for their cause in mississippi on june 24th 1964. We're charitable people, But bb netanyahu is fundamentally selfish.

[35:46.50 - 36:03.68]

The cost of giving this man what he wants has become far too great for far too many people. Reputations can be ruined a lot more quickly and easily than they can be repaired, And netanyahu has tarnished the legacy That does not belong to him.

Speaker 1
[36:09.50 - 36:33.82]

By the way, You should go pursue that speech in its entirety, because i'm pretty sure it's been What people like me have been saying for a very long time? That everything that he has done has been a disaster. and for everybody who thinks it's the rise of anti-semitism in america, Maybe you should try to see it through a lens of. it's the rise of people Who are standing up to bb netanyahu are getting tired of his thuggery, and I want to be clear. I believe that it is thuggery that he is doing.

[36:33.82 - 36:56.42]

i'm going to show you A clip of bb netanyahu in a moment, But first I want you to watch this video, because again, Apparently, if you say it and you're black and american, that makes you in semi. Ari emmanuel said it. I will wait. by the way, journalists, I watch every minute of this show for you guys to do what you do to me to ari emmanuel, I better see like articles going crazy tomorrow about him being a raging anti-semite jew hater. I think that's the right language.

[36:56.42 - 37:09.86]

But here's another video. This one is from back in 2002, a woman named shulamit aloni alani I might be saying her name wrong. She's was an israeli politician. She founded the rots party. She was also a leader of the moretz party.

[37:09.86 - 37:27.92]

She served as the minister of education for a year. in 2002, She was awarded the israel prize, which is the country's highest honor for culture. Here's what she said in a radio interview from 2002.. Take a listen. Yours is a voice of criticism.

[37:28.04 - 37:46.70]

We don't often hear in the united states. um, often, when there is dissent expressed in the united states against policies of the israeli government, um, uh, People here are called anti-semitic. What is your response to that as an israeli? Well, it's a trick.

Speaker 2
[37:46.70 - 38:18.84]

We always use it. when, from europe, somebody is criticizing israel, Then we bring up the holocaust. when, in this country, people are criticizing israel, Then there are anti-semitic, And the organization is strong and has a lot of money, and the. the ties between Israel and the american Jewish establishment Are very strong, and they are strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which It's okay.

[38:19.00 - 38:51.82]

They are talented people and they have power, money and media and other things. And their attitude is israel, my country, right or wrong, the identification Fiction, And they are not ready to hear criticism. and it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the israeli government As anti-semitics and to bring up the holocaust and the suffering of the jewish people, And that's that justify everything we do to the palestinian.

Speaker 1
[38:52.63 - 39:22.60]

So, to be clear, those are her remarks, not mine. So if you want to attack the media, wants to attack her, that's totally fine with me. I'm, just trying to figure out what his definition of anti-semitism, because i'm pretty sure That everything she just said would be categorized as anti-semitic because she's criticizing the government that she served. to be clear She was a far left politician, or at least that's how she's described online, is that she was a far left politician, But, as I said, she was the minister of education for a year. So that means that jewish americans are allowed to critique bb, net and yahoo.

[39:22.60 - 39:42.14]

We have this woman who served in the israeli government is allowed to critique israel In case you're missing it, since our media never tells you this and they pretend it's just an american issue or it's happening in the uk. There are protests, non-stop protests in israel against bb net and yahoo. right now. Here's a headline here. I could have showed you a video, but i'm just showing you here a picture.

[39:42.14 - 40:08.44]

israel protests, thousands rally against net and yahoo immunity. Okay, so everyone is, I guess, apparently allowed to criticize israel, To rally against net and yahoo's immunity, so long as they are not a tax paying american, I guess, because we're allowed to critique our own government. We're allowed to critique Biden, we're allowed to critique trump. this, for whatever reason, is a no-go zone. They will try to ruin your entire life.

[40:08.52 - 40:30.18]

The media will come after you and she alleges that that they have power in media. I'm, not alleging that, but I can say that I definitely am seeing a concerted attack on me, as if there's a hit on me In the media, for simply not agreeing with bb net and yahoo, And I will tell you the reasons why I don't. i've been very explicit about this. I don't like his thuggery. I don't like the way he speaks about america.

[40:30.18 - 41:02.76]

I think it is absolute trash that you have people on the right that pretend that they care about free speech, They care about national sovereignty, that they care about the conservative movement, And then they will completely ignore the things that bb net and yahoo is on record saying about americans Pretending like he just got us in the bag, Like we have no say in what's happening in our government, threatening if they boycott us. Well, they will themselves be boycotted. We're passing laws in america. I'm going to show you a scope of bb net and yahoo, and then I will tell you what it says in english Plus show you a tweet to follow it. But um, let's just play it first.

[41:02.76 - 41:05.02]

first and foremost. It's it's here in hebrew.

Unknown Speaker
[41:21.08 - 41:21.52]


Speaker 1
[41:22.54 - 41:40.84]

You can see that was shared on his twitter feed and you their language was underwritten. in case you're listening to spotify, He says, and he sounds a bit like a thug. And the way that he's moving. whoever boycotts us will themselves get boycotted. in the last few years We have promoted in the usa and there are now laws in most states here that anyone who boycotts israel will themselves be punished.

[41:40.84 - 41:58.76]

So it won't help them. We don't care and we are fighting it, and that was backed up by the official israel accounts, tweets prime minister Benjamin netanyahu, And then they restate what he says whoever boycotts us will be boycotted. The un human rights council is a biased body that is devoid of influence. not for nothing. I have already ordered the severing of ties with it.

[41:58.76 - 42:17.84]

It was also not for nothing that the american administration has taken this step together with us. in recent years. We have promoted laws In most states which determine that strong action is to be taken against whoever tries to boycott israel. So why would israel be allowed to promote laws in the united states of america? Help me out, conservatives, You guys are all so fearful.

[42:17.84 - 42:32.24]

you're a bunch of scaredy cats. I can't stand it and it makes me sick because the majority of people are men, And that's what we're dealing with right now. We're dealing with men that are terrified of being canceled, like that's the man. like a couple of generations ago, Men were willing to go die for their country. Now you have men that don't even have the nerve to tweet.

[42:32.24 - 42:40.10]

to say this is not acceptable. I don't care What country is. I don't care for celenski? I don't care for netanyahu. I don't care if it's whoever's running the taliban at this moment.

[42:40.50 - 42:50.38]

No leader of a foreign country should speak like that about laws in america. That's what it means to have sovereignty. That is what it means. We want sovereignty. Okay, anti-semitism.

[42:50.60 - 43:08.26]

It's not jew hatred, It's. I demand sovereignty. and for every leader, every commentator who can't say that can't make that statement. step aside, Genuinely, I just I have. I reserve Such anger and frustration for the wimps that I see on a day-to-day basis.

[43:08.26 - 43:20.40]

I'm just scared. I don't know, I don't want to get canceled. I'm just. you're just just a bunch of, I don't even want to say women, I, I just A little girls, you know, and I can't even snack because my little girl's tough. You guys are pathetic.

[43:21.20 - 43:22.66]

You guys are pathetic.

[43:24.34 - 43:41.60]

And further to the point of how pathetic we've all become. it's like watching What is so clear to me to be federal agitators. you guys remember this I said Yesterday when these protests were going on, and just conveniently, you know, everybody. you have got neocons. Oh my god, look at this.

[43:42.12 - 44:11.54]

Netanyahu speaking and this person's burning an american flag, you know, I guess this means that People from the middle east are evil and backwards, and it's just. it's per, it's a perfect narrative. I saw that video and i'm going to show it to you right right here. This, these, these two people, not even wearing a mask, not covering their faces, just boldly Holding a palestinian flag, dancing and setting it on fire. And I thought how odd, How odd is this video that a person wouldn't even cover their face and would do this.

[44:11.54 - 44:20.04]

I don't care. I know there's crazy people on the left. I know there could be really crazy people on the far right as well. Okay, there's like the horseshoe theory that anything too far. They just kind of become the same.

[44:20.04 - 44:55.88]

But that would. that takes some courage, like you don't even care, your face is not covered, You're dancing, you're holding this flag and you know that news cameras are trained on you Post january 6th, when you saw people locked up for doing way less. I don't buy this. So I did something that i've done a few times and i've always been successful. I just say hey, any information regarding this person, Please send it to me, not because i'm going to try to get this individual arrested Look at this person right here But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an american and this is not a federal agitator of some description That is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw in january 6, just like we saw with ray epps.

[44:55.88 - 45:17.78]

Okay, who is this person? wearing sunglasses and dancing around? and would you would you believe it if I told you that that post? Got 15 million views and not a single person Was able to confirm who that individual was? not a single person has been able to confirm Who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the capitol building.

[45:18.44 - 45:29.46]

So so we got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking. Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. now. I guess whatever bb net and yahoo wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it.

[45:29.56 - 45:36.16]

So wow, that's that's lucky, by the way. question I don't know. here. I am going down with my common sense. Why are they burning an american flag as opposed to an israeli one?

[45:37.18 - 45:48.78]

Oh, it's because we're trying to get americans on our side, right? The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing americans right now. That's that's true? We are being played. the world is a stage.

[45:48.88 - 46:02.80]

All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find those individuals are so until somebody identifies who this person is dancing holding a palestinian flag. Then i'm gonna go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator.

[46:02.80 - 46:20.18]

And what are they trying to agitate? the situation of americans being gung-ho about going to war with iran? I've been saying this to you for years, And now you had bb net and yahoo, who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, That you know, they tried to kill trump. and if they're successful in killing trump, He really said this. guys, if they're successful in killing trump.

[46:20.34 - 46:34.94]

I hope you guys will respond to iran. Uh, Now, trump shared this on truth social, and I thought I don't know trump. that kind of sounds like a threat. I don't know, and i'm not liking that language. if they're successful next time in killing trump.

[46:35.04 - 46:53.54]

I I hope that americans Will go to war with iran. Wake up donald trump, that doesn't? that doesn't sit right with me that he would say that that's very strange, that they Saying that iran tried to kill you. that seems like a very strange thing for iran to try to do in butler, Pennsylvania, ahead of your election. Okay, so i'll put our thinking caps on.

[46:54.10 - 47:15.68]

I've been saying for years they want to go to war and they will do anything for it. And, by the way, but in case you're not keeping score For all the reasons, they're telling you that you must support bb net and yahoo. It does tend to be the circumstance that every time bb net and yahoo shows up in america And suggests that we need to go to war with a country. We instantly go to war with the country. Take a look at this compilation.

Speaker 2
[47:16.44 - 47:38.30]

If you take away the soviet union and its chief proxy, the plo International, terrorism would collapse. if you take out saddam Saddam's regime. I guarantee That it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. Obviously, we'd like to see a regime change at least I would in iran, just as I would like to see in iraq. The question now is a practical question.

[47:38.62 - 47:56.70]

What is the best place to proceed? It's not a question of whether iraq's regime should be taken out, but when should it be taken out? It's not a question of whether you'd like to see a regime change in iran, But how do any other nations that you would recommend that the united states launch preemptive attacks upon? at this point? The answer is categorically.

[47:56.94 - 48:19.98]

Yes, the The two nations that are vying competing with each other. who will be the first to achieve nuclear weapons Is iraq and iran, but a third nation, by the way, is libya as well. Libya is Trying very rapidly to build An atomic bomb capability. so you have here now three all stand together to stop iran's march of conquest, subjugation and terror.

Speaker 1
[48:21.62 - 48:42.82]

iraq, Libya, syria, he says it, we do it, and now he's saying that iran Might kill president trump, and if he does, then we better, We just better. all say we're going to war right now and not not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something right now something happens to president trump. I'm going to have a lot of further questions and i'm going to make this statement To the american people, please. Listen to me.

[48:43.38 - 49:08.34]

Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Okay, do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. okay, Stop letting these elite oligarchs very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars.

[49:08.34 - 49:29.70]

Allow you to be diluted Into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single american daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. make that commitment Genuinely. make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here.

[49:29.70 - 49:46.32]

Let me jump into the the chat, the live chat here and see what you guys have going on. Do you guys agree with me? Um, here is what we have. this person says crisis king. Thank you, sorry for The tip, and also thank you to all of you guys who went over to club canis and purchased stand as cops for those of you That are supporting the show on locals.

[49:46.32 - 50:08.50]

If you're not, please go to literally, You can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free, so that we can say what we want, So that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to, Because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying of the press. Okay, jumping back into the comments again. We have tones. He writes.

[50:08.50 - 50:23.32]

the left criticizes amber rose, now that she's a trump supporter, Questioning her credibility due to her past actions, like a forehead tattoo and a slut walk. They ignore that she did this as a leftist. Yeah, I think it was so ridiculous. I mean, she wasn't up there saying she's a christian. She wasn't up there saying that she was running for office.

[50:23.32 - 50:55.20]

She was just saying that she had that moment, And I had that moment many years ago where she woke up to the fact That she was being lied to, and that is where you want people to get to. we want everyone to get to that moment, And when they do get to that moment, let's not punish them straight in the face by calling them sluts. Okay, because i'm totally fine if a slut wakes up one day and changes their mind. I'd have no problem with every only fan model in the world Woke up one day and realized the media was lying to them and deluding them that awakening happens for different people at a different time. Talia says thank you so much for discussing project 25, a woman that stands on her word.

[50:55.20 - 51:08.36]

Yep, I wish we just had a few more men in politics that could do that. But maybe politics attracts a specific kind of man. Maybe there's that This person. f6 aim writes candace. any thoughts on the work or influence of bertrand russell?

[51:08.36 - 51:23.28]

curious about your opinion? I'm 18 and have a tendency to be self-conscious and meek. How do you deal with that? I would say that the best way to deal with that is to just continue reading and knowing that it's okay to Explore your ideas. You don't need to know right from wrong immediately when you're 18 years old.

[51:23.28 - 51:38.14]

But having the courage to be who you are, I think, is important because I think the world is constantly trying to make people, Uh, self-conscious, like just to subscribe to group think. what does the group think about me? What does the group think? Oh, the group says that feminism is good. So I better not go against feminism.

[51:38.14 - 51:53.24]

I hate that. so it's it's the fact that you're even asking questions and watching the show. You're probably um on the right track. This person says I know this sounds crazy, but i'll be the one to run in 2028, 2020, 2032 or 2036. Is it a coincidence that my name is donald?

[51:53.24 - 52:03.60]

No, bro says defund, hollywood, the mainstream music industry and the corrupt news stations pushing the agenda on the overall lies. Thank you for what you do. Candace. Christ is king. By the way, you guys.

[52:03.72 - 52:19.98]

Um, minect is blowing up. You guys know that. you can find me if you want to ask me a question and I can, um answer you On voice audio, you can just find me on That's like m-i-n-n-e-c-t Dot com. this person says why would you give cardi b?

[52:20.06 - 52:38.82]

This is smoky any attention? She is a dancer. She only knows how to sell herself. Unfortunately, people idolize that over intelligence. I disagree and for the reasons that I just said about amber rose, I think that cardi b is somebody that ended up wound up in an industry that is incredibly satanic and that she, her soul, is fighting to survive right now.

[52:38.82 - 53:04.74]

and I Just sense in her that there is this element that is genuine, and she's genuine even when she's being wrong. And so if we can start with people that are just genuine, even in being wrong, Then we probably have a chance to redeem them or to change their minds. I don't think we should just give up on everybody who gets it wrong, because I once got it wrong. There's that too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I Came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger Grant brown writes.

[53:04.82 - 53:28.60]

I feel like I watched two different versions of the biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on Other channels. anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny, because somebody emailed me and I didn't pull it yet, But they said candace, they changed the speech thereafter. Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, But maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective, But I think we all agreed that, as you're asking grant.

[53:28.60 - 53:39.36]

It just seemed very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre this person. Thank you, Shiley, for the compliment this person writes. I would love to see a candace owens times. Trevor.

[53:39.46 - 53:44.90]

Noah interview. possibly even dr Umar. trevor. Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud.

[53:45.02 - 53:53.12]

He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from me. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. his whole story About how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table.

[53:53.12 - 54:03.20]

You should ask trevor. Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his, his family. I would, I would dig into that if I were you. Um, this person says mitt romney, the potential vp for kamala, thoughts.

[54:03.30 - 54:16.18]

I think he's a committed leftist. Why not? I? I think it's a great ticket, romney, kamala, you know, to people that are going to tear this nation up This person. lastly, chelsea writes candace, please interview liz crokin.

[54:16.18 - 54:38.32]

She opened the case on pizzagate and gets into the hillary obama and podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking and maria abramovic. abramovic, I would love to see you do a piece on this. maria abramovic is utterly satanic and every celebrity that wants anything to do With someone like that is someone that I would not trust. Um, I, I never looked into pizzagate, but I did see those emails and they were extremely weird.

[54:38.32 - 54:54.86]

Uh, and that was what I think one of the reasons that um Julian, assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public and people that are just waking up. You should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant. I I have no idea.

[54:54.86 - 55:17.38]

But, um, i'm always looking for people to interview on this show, by the way, you guys, you know, we did the uh, Hot wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew, Because I promised people on locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew With hot sauce, because that's what somebody who's loving does. they try to kill their crew? So if we're not here tomorrow, It's because we died.

[55:17.58 - 55:35.50]

I'm, just kidding. We'll be having the amber rose episode air tomorrow again. Head to support us and our independence, or head to and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition And it, of course, you know my favorite expression that andrew tate says. can you run that expression?

[55:36.02 - 55:40.70]

Do you have that sky? Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's run it. Don't care. built different.

[55:40.84 - 55:41.52]

Don't care.

[55:43.06 - 55:51.94]

Don't care, built different. that's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. don't care, built different. We're going to ask all the questions you guys.

[55:51.94 - 55:55.42]

tomorrow again. We will have amber rose and I will see you guys then.

Unknown Speaker
[56:08.60 - 56:09.08]

