2024-07-16 00:20:40
This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.
left President Trump, he had survived an assassination attempt. Like I said, I thought he was going to be super chill, so I was traveling today. I'm in Los Angeles, and then I literally look up on the plane, and after taking a little 10-minute nap this morning, there's a guy watching Fox News, and I see, breaking news, you know, the judge drops the case against Trump. I'm like, goodness, what else, what more could happen? Breaking news, Donald Trump to announce who his VP is.
And so Trump has announced that the Vice President, and there were a lot of rumors that this was going to be the case. I think, for whatever reason, which still confuses me, it was between J.D. Vance and also Burgum, I hope that was very strange, and also Homeboy from Florida, Marco Rubio, I thought that was pretty strange.
And then he very quickly decided, after having survived the assassination attempt, to go with J.
D. Vance. So people have a lot of feelings online. People are not exactly thrilled about this. online.
I am seeing a lot of people claim that he's a neocon, J.
D. Vance is a neocon, and a lot of people are digging up his old articles and his old rhetoric and saying, look it, he was a never-Trumper, and he is making, I'm referring to Trump now, Trump is making the same mistakes. And this has been a fear of a lot of people, so I want to just, first and foremost, acknowledge that fear, that we think that we could get Trump over the finish line, and then he's going to surround himself with a class of neocons and a class of people who are beholden to foreign countries, foreign nations, and he's not actually going to get much done for the American First Party, so to speak. People that do not want to hear a president get up on stage and opine about what's happening in Ukraine, people that don't really want to hear our president get up on stage and talk about what's happening in Israel, or talk about how we need to send money overseas, but actually is going to address what is happening to Americans. And so when you see something like J.D.
Vance, you see something like J.
D. Vance, and you can look back and see all of his rhetoric and you wonder, okay, did he really do a complete 180, as he said he's done, and suddenly he supports Trump, and Trump endorsed him for the Senate, and then he won his Senate seat. Now, if you guys are not clear on who J.D. Vance is, he is a senator that is from Ohio, and he has a great backstory. People who have read his book, I'm not one of them, but I do know that his backstory that he's told, essentially, he grew up in a tough situation.
His parents were divorced. His mother or father, I think it was his mother, was a drug addict. So he's had a hard knock life. He's been through the school of hard knocks, but through hard work, and also obviously, his own brilliance, wound up attending Yale and has now kind of jumped into the political scene. So here's what I'm going to say.
Typically, I have some intel on people from behind the scenes, and I'll tell you I don't like this person or this person acts this way. What I can say about J.D. Vance is I personally have not dealt with him, but I trust the people who trust J.D. Vance. Now, you may say you shouldn't trust somebody third party.
No, it means something. when Tucker Carlson, who has been a warrior for America, who has taken a ton of figurative bullets for America, who has lost his job for taking a stance that we should be America first, and because he refused to toe the line, whether it be on vaccines or whether it be on Ukraine. It means a lot. when Tucker Carlson says, I like this guy and this guy is well suited to be the Vice President of the United States. I know some other concerns people have is they're saying, well, Peter Thiel funded his way through the Senate.
I'm not clear on what the issue is there with Peter Thiel having funded his way through the Senate. Peter Thiel has funded actually a lot of very American first projects, very American first organizations. I'm just not clear on why people are pointing that out. He's a part of the billionaire class. I think Peter Thiel has asserted himself as, yes, he has money.
Yes, he is a billionaire, but he certainly has not been, I would say, towing the typical billionaire class line. If your concerns are that J.D. Vance is doing the thing that a lot of people have done where they were anti-Trump, and then they realized Trump was in office and so they said some things and then supported him, and your concern is that he's going to do a complete 180, I would say you can calm down only because my viewpoint is the individuals that have done that, those suspicious individuals, we already know who they are because they went for Ron DeSantis. In my view, and I hate to say this, I don't have an issue with Ron DeSantis, but I will say neocons loved Ron DeSantis. That's a fact.
Okay. So if you were going to do the fake, I'm okay with Trump for four years and then suddenly break away from Trump, he would have done it by joining Ron DeSantis and getting behind Ron DeSantis. And don't forget, a lot of people were tired of Trump or tired of the rhetoric, wanted something different. And it was like, woof, explosion. Everybody support Ron DeSantis.
He's going to be Trump without the drama. So any person that instantly got behind Trump without the drama and put a gator in their profile, you could say would be a suspicious pick for vice president. Um, I think the reality is, is that Trump needed to elect somebody who was assassination proof. What I mean by that is that if Donald Trump had elected somebody who was like a Tim Scott, like a Nikki Haley, like a neocon class individual, they would have taken him out. There's still a plausibility, by the way, that they're going to try to assassinate Donald Trump again, but there's less of a plausibility now that he has made his VP pick because they are now realizing, okay, well then, we're going to have to deal with Jadie Vant.
And in terms of the way that he's been voting, I don't, I'm not reading neocon, right? He didn't vote for the anti-speech bill. He hasn't voted to. actually, he was one of the lone people who did not when it came down to an emergency vote, and money got sent recently, a huge aid package over to Israel and Ukraine, JD Vance didn't support it. Right?
So if you actually look at how he has been voting and not his rhetoric from 2016, which I am going to say is okay, only because I wouldn't exist. If you guys judge me by that same measure, don't forget in 2016, I was not a Trumper, you know, I was watching the election. I didn't vote against him, but I, I think everybody in 2015 had the same feeling where, and JD Vance has been outspoken and said, I didn't think he would be a good president. I think that's fair. Okay.
This is the guy that was saying you're fired on TV. You know, nobody actually will. Some people really did have the vision and we're like, this guy's going all the way, and Trump is, is my guy. But I think it's fair that many people had hangups back in 2016.. I generally think it's fair to people hangups in 2016..
I'm hopeful about JD Vance, right? And I think that the people that are holding out rightfully so. again, I, I don't want to make you guys feel like you're crazy for being suspicious. We just watched president Trump get shot at on TV. So, of course, we are now looking at everybody as suspicious, but I do think that JD Vance has proven, proven himself over the years, because if he was going to break for Trump, he would have gone with Juan DeSantis.
That would have been his opportunity. He didn't do it. Now, switching to something even more important guys, maybe more important. The FBI has come out and that they, for whatever reason, are not going to be able to access this loan and shooters phone guys. Nope.
They can't do it. Nope. You know, the FBI, the NSA, the people that you speak a sentence, you're like, Hey, I like those pair of jeans. And then suddenly the pair of jeans appears on your phone and you're going, that's my phone listening to me. Yeah.
The FBI, who, uh, and the NSA, all of the intelligence agencies, which were quickly established after nine 11, because they were going to rescue us from terrorists. No, in reality, they were the terrorists. They are the terrorists. I think we are. So now the intelligence agencies are the terrorists.
What they actually want to do is have more access and more data than ever before. You know, the, the same agencies that now, for whatever reason, I don't know if you guys have flown recently, they want to take a picture of you every time you fly. And this was obviously to make us more safe. They need more information all the time. They need to know what you're doing, minute by minute.
This is how they were able to track down every single grandma on January 6th, that FBI, those intelligent agencies. Well, you're not going to believe who got them. It wasn't Al Qaeda. It wasn't Taliban. It was this dweeby looking black rock, sponsored potentially, at least we know that he was in, I should be more clear here.
Obviously, we know the shooter was featured in a black rock ad, which is immediately suspicious, but this guy, who doesn't even look like he can grow facial hair, has somehow baffled the FBI. Yeah. Doesn't even let you get a little stubble on his chin, but he has somehow baffled the FBI. They are going, we cannot get into this phone. Now, if I were a conspiracy theorist, and I'm not, not a conspiracy theorist.
Some people might be thinking, though, those conspiracy theorists might be thinking like, maybe it's because the FBI did it.
Maybe the FBI doesn't want to get into the phone that connects the kid to the deep state. Have you guys also seen, by the way, since we're talking about this, please tell me you saw this, that both of his parents are behavioral psychologists. I mean, seriously, bury me, guys, just bury me. I can't do this anymore. Everything that I have been talking to you about this year, when I have been demanding that you all read that book, chaos, Charles Manson, the CIA and the nine and the secret history of the sixties is what it's called.
That entire book makes it abundantly evident that the CIA, the FBI, our intelligent energies, have been running psychological operations, and they have been running these operations on random individuals. A lot of people that are in the system. So Charles Manson was somebody who spent a lot of time in prison, and Charles Manson then became a federal asset. And his, he was tasked with brainwashing people into doing things, right? Brainwashing people into committing crimes.
The FBI, Charles Manson, factually speaking, was an MK ultra federal asset. Okay. So, once you, we arrive at that understanding, everything else becomes plausible. Once you recognize that the our intelligence agencies are crooked, they are murderers, they shot a sitting president and who was driving down the street in Dallas with his wife waving. And they do these things and then send their little media operation, mockingbirds to delude the public.
And some of the public bites this, they go, no, maybe it really is that difficult to get into this iPhone that they, that they can't buy this information. But once you accept that, you start to look at these situations, when you see that the two parents and I'm not accusing them of anything, but I have questions, I'd like to know more about these parents who only gave a statement to CNN and then said they were going to deal with the agencies and you're a behavioral psychologist. What kind of a behavioral psychologist would produce a child that's capable of doing this? Okay. It's looking more and more suspicious to me.
And for those of you that do not think it is plausible that our intelligence agencies are hat and have been since the sixties, uh, creating Manchurian candidates. For those of you that are not familiar with that movie, quite literally psychologically getting people to respond to a trigger. Maybe you say a word, maybe you say catcher in the rye. I think catcher in the rye was actually the trigger for the individual who shot John Lennon, who was a Manchurian candidate. And I'm not saying any of this, you guys, as a conspiracy.
These, these are verifiable facts. You can look this up on your own. The CIA agents, the CIA agent that was the doorman the night that John Lennon got shot from Cuba. He was like, like literally it's unbelievable. And once you, once you comprehend that Manchurian candidates are real at the FBI, um, that the CIA has run programs trying in the sixties is when they began really leveling up, trying to create Manchurian candidates.
And when you see these people that are described as lone shooters, lone shooters who were, he was somehow able to know which rooftop, how do you even get up there? How do you even scale the rooftop? And you're telling me they're going to give us no other information there. They're not going to tell us like, did you find a diary to find anything? Did you go into his house and, and see, was he looking at the venue ahead of time?
This kid's now like what an expert house scaler, climber. And he did that and no one saw him unload his rifle and throw it onto his back. No one saw that. Not even the secret service, whose job it literally was to see that. I just want to know who's buying it.
Just like a show of hands right now, a show. who's buying this crap is buying it. Okay. So I just, I just, I really need to know that all around the world, people are waking up to the fact that the deep state is real. Okay.
When we say the deep state, we are referring to intelligence agencies that are actually all the same. So let me say the CIA, we can call them where you want, you know, the CIA, the Mossad, it's all globalists. Now they're all working together. There's a very small group of oligarchs who are, are working together, uh, with the mission to enslave the world. Okay.
And they do this through various means. I believe it is my belief. I believe this to be true that these individuals have been selecting presidents for a very long time. How long? I don't know.
I would say, since they shot the last Catholic president, and I'm not talking about, obviously, Joe Biden, I'm talking about JFK. I think that is when the American government got overrun. That's my viewpoint. So I don't know if you guys agree with that. I'm going to take some of your, uh, comments here, uh, and just to see what you guys are thinking about JD Vance.
I was just very surprised, by the way, to see so many people react that way to him. online. People seem very upset. I don't know who they wanted to pick to be probably the vague. It would have been a great pick.
Some people said Tucker, Carlson. guys, we got to get realistic. Okay. Tucker does not want to be the vice president. United States has been very clear about the fact that he just wants to produce his show, and we need Tucker where he's at.
We need him disrupting the media. Right? Then, the same way, people say to me, I want you to go to office. I would much rather be out here talking to you guys about your need to go read a book called chaos. So you understand what we are up against.
Okay. Because these people are psychopathic. They are satanic. They have killed presidents, many presidents beyond presidents, even people that they view to be a risk coming up in politics. They have murdered people, a murdered MLK.
This is the same group that murdered MLK. They are now after Donald Trump. He did the right thing by immediately announcing, for his own safety, that he had a VP pick. And I very much hope that he is getting, um, his own private security. By the way, I just want to say this, this, uh, doing these sorts of lives.
I have so many advertisers that I want to shut out, because they're the reason that I get to keep this show going. You guys being the number one people. So many of you guys send up at locals.com to support the show. gold co is another one of my big sponsors that have not backed down at all. Uh, you've heard me grip about them, but they are the precious metals company.
They have tons of five-star reviews. for those of you that are looking for, you know, something physical, you're worried about your savings. This is the way to do it. You should definitely go to Candace likes gold.com. They've helped me buy precious metals.
They made the process extremely easy. All you have to do is make a minimum $15,000 cash purchase, and you'll get a 5% instant match in bonus to silver, possibly the easiest 5% that you will ever make. So if you're watching this live, go to Candace likes gold.com. You're looking for somewhere to put your money. Um, I think that's probably a good bet.
You can also call them, by the way, 8, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2 gold. So you can go to Candace likes gold.com if that's easier, or call 8, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2 gold. All right. Let me see what you guys are saying here. You guys are saying JFK 2.0..
Yes. By the way, is there anybody in this chat that believes that JFK was shot by Russia? Cause? I'd actually would like to know, like, if there's anybody that actually buys that, like JFK after a classified eight years later, Russia has something to do with it, because whoever you are, you are going to get hustled your whole life if you do not wake up to it. Um, if somebody is talking about thing, nobody believes that.
Thank you for saying my shirt is cute. Thank you for saying I look beautiful. I've actually, I just got my makeup done. That's why I look, I look so nice because I'm headed over to Nick Cannons. I'm going to do Nick Cannons podcast.
And, of course, like I said, I wasn't supposed to do a show today, but I just have to respond to the JD Vance thing. And I'm just want you guys to consider where Trump is, at, what, what emotions he must be going through. Oh, by the way, tomorrow on the show, I, when I'm actually able to pull in clips, somebody predicted this, this guy, who said he had dreams and, I don't know, saw spirits, predicted. He said he saw Trump get shots in his ear and said that it like it, it, um, he injured his eardrum is what he said. He saw in the vision, and that Trump would survive it and that it would radically transform him and that he would actually be saved, that he would become a Christian, like a real Christian because of this, which is why I saw this.
I was like, Oh my gosh, if this guy predicted this, that he saw this actually, maybe he's a suspect. I should go really find out who this guy is. I'm going to show you that clip, though, tomorrow. Not only did he predict that and then said that this would be like a radical conversion for Trump to faith. Um, but I have to show the clip.
It's just absolutely astounding that someone would have predicted that or seen that in a vision. And he says that Trump wins the election. Listen, I'm not a person that believes in pronostications, and I, I put nothing past the Democrats and the left. I shouldn't even say the Democrats. I believe that many people now are awake.
I don't want to, I don't want to isolate people by saying like, you know, Democrats, I think, even are sensible enough not to want Trump dead. Right. Uh, but it's just incredible. Like his, his vision, him having seen that, as he said, and then having exactly that happen totally freaks me out. I'm going to show you guys that tomorrow.
I'm also going to make sure we dedicate time speaking about the man who lost his life that day. Cause we don't talk enough about that. And, um, he only followed 60 people on Twitter and I went back and saw how he was engaged with me on Twitter. And I mean, he just seemed like a real one, you know, like very awake to the government, as many of us are. Um, anyways, a couple of questions I'm going to take real quick.
Uh, okay. This moves pretty quickly.
Okay. Actually it moves way too quickly. So I cannot, actually cannot answer any questions here, but, uh, okay. We've got some super chats. actually.
Let me see.
These are good. I love you. You have my daughter, someone smart and positive, modest and beautiful to look up to. Thank you so much. Max powers.
That's so kind of you to say. PE Phillips is just giving us a super chat and doesn't even have a question. Luna says, thanks, Candace, for coming on for what is another missed a day off. Candace, thanks for just your worthy journalism, praying for you. Always a big for press speaker, numerous idea, a sweater that says conspiracy.
There's great idea, numerous drop. That is right. You guys, because we are now retiring the standards cop at the end of this week, because we hit 2 million subs. And again, thank you guys that have been, um, supporting us at locals.com. You can head over there and you can become a monthly supporter at any price point that you can.
Or, as I say, you guys just pray for us because we all need it. We all need prayers right now in America, but I'm going to end this live and because I'm not supposed to be on it, but I absolutely had to respond. I think JD Vance is good. in summation. I think JD Vance is a good pick.
I think he is assassination proof. I don't think that he wants forever wars, and that's who they always want to kill. At the end of the day, we are fighting the industrial complex and I do not see JD Vance as a member of it. I also think he is brilliant. I think that he will do the necessary deep dives, um, on a lot of the bills that Trump perhaps will not have the time to do.
And I think that the deep state would not want JD Vance to be the president. So all of these are good things. The FBI is still crooked AF and they are absolutely lying about accessing his phone. He is not a lone shooter. This was a coordinated attack.
And I would, again, love to see more about what the shooter's family is involved in, in their behavioral psychology. All right, guys, I will see you tomorrow for an official show. Bye.