Influencer Perks🎁

#2182 - Michael Malice

2024-07-30 03:03:56

The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.

Speaker 1
[00:00:01.70 - 00:00:09.52]

Joe Rogan podcast, check it out! The Joe Rogan Experience. Stream by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!

Speaker 2
[00:00:12.26 - 00:00:23.54]

Okay, I have to announce, because Netflix is making me announce this, that I have a Netflix special that's live, Saturday night, from San Antonio. Oh. So it's going to be live, all over the world.

Speaker 1
[00:00:23.66 - 00:00:24.48]

I'm going to see you tomorrow.

Speaker 2
[00:00:24.84 - 00:00:26.58]

Oh yay! Oh yeah, we're coming.

Speaker 1
[00:00:26.74 - 00:00:29.88]

Yeah, yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun. I've seen your set, it's really funny.

Speaker 2
[00:00:30.14 - 00:00:34.46]

It's tight now. Good. It's like, I'm very happy with it.

Speaker 1
[00:00:34.80 - 00:00:36.44]

How long has it been since you dropped a special?

Speaker 2
[00:00:36.68 - 00:00:37.22]

Six years.

Speaker 1
[00:00:37.84 - 00:00:38.46]

Wait, dude, seriously?

Speaker 2
[00:00:38.72 - 00:01:03.62]

Yeah, I was ready to do one in August of 2020 when the shit went down. So when the shit went down with the COVID stuff, I was preparing, so that was like March, right? I was preparing to do one in August. And then I didn't do stand-up for like eight months. And then we started doing stand-up out here again, and then I started changing a lot of bits and moving stuff around, and I'm like, I'm going to do one right now.

[00:01:04.56 - 00:01:21.26]

And I sort of just really enjoyed fucking around, and just doing comedy for doing comedy, you know, and then doing it at the club. And when the club opened, it was just so much fun. It's just such a fucking joy to be there all the time. It's like, I get anxious to get back there. I can't wait.

Speaker 1
[00:01:21.40 - 00:01:23.72]

I was there opening night.

Speaker 2
[00:01:23.72 - 00:01:24.32]


Speaker 1
[00:01:24.66 - 00:01:38.06]

And I was there with my protege, Trey. We're in the green room, and I'm very much like, okay, this isn't your house. Like, be respectful of the space, you know, because I'm not a comic. Tim Dillon's there, who I'm pals with. Ron White, oh, my God, Ron White.

[00:01:38.68 - 00:01:51.38]

Tony, you know, the crew. And then I hear the voice, and Roseanne walks in. Right? And I'm like, oh, fucking shit. And I'm like, all right, keep it cool.

[00:01:51.38 - 00:02:11.72]

And I hear her say, yeah, when you get to be my age, you either have diarrhea or you're constipated. So when I was on Tucker Carlson, my son's like, mom, you've never been more personable. I go, yeah, that's because I shit myself. And I'm sitting there. I'm like, okay, here's your opening.

[00:02:11.86 - 00:02:17.28]

And I go, you stole that line from the president. And she goes, what? No. Who said that? I had, like, her head circling around.

[00:02:17.62 - 00:02:19.02]

And then I'm talking to her.

Speaker 2
[00:02:19.30 - 00:02:19.82]

She didn't know you?

Speaker 1
[00:02:19.82 - 00:02:29.48]

Of course she didn't know me. You know, she's a boomer. Right? So I'm sitting there. And the thing is, look, you hang out with, like, part of your act.

[00:02:29.54 - 00:02:36.84]

You hang out with Elon. You hang out with, like, these major figures. Who do I get? I'm like the make-a-wish kid who's got a cold. And they're like, we can get you.

[00:02:36.84 - 00:02:43.96]

Dave Smith. Maybe Lex Friedman. Right? So I'm chatting with her. And she's going on about how.

[00:02:43.96 - 00:02:56.82]

there's the book of Esther, which is a Jewish story from the Old Testament. It's a story of Purim, which I learned when I was in Yeshiva. And she's going on about Vashti, one of the characters, is trans. And she's got a dick. And they didn't teach us this in Jewish school, I assure you.

[00:02:57.04 - 00:03:01.84]

She's like, you didn't know Vashti was trans? And I'm sitting there. I'm trying to keep up with her. I don't know what the hell she's talking about.

Speaker 2
[00:03:03.36 - 00:03:04.32]

She's off the rails.

Speaker 1
[00:03:05.24 - 00:03:07.78]

But the whole time I'm like, holy shit, Roseanne is yelling at me.

Speaker 2
[00:03:08.38 - 00:03:22.22]

One of my favorite videos from the store. You can find it on my Instagram, Jamie, of Roseanne dancing. She's smoking a cigarette and dancing while the Get It Together Bitch sign is illuminated in the background. It's such a fucking great video.

Speaker 1
[00:03:22.40 - 00:03:25.42]

I've been hanging out with her, and it's like one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me.

Speaker 2
[00:03:25.42 - 00:03:26.78]

Oh, she's such a character.

Speaker 1
[00:03:27.04 - 00:03:35.68]

Yeah, because the thing is, if I make her laugh, it's like the show. But if I don't make her laugh and she yells at me, well, Roseanne's yelling at me, which is also a win.

Speaker 2
[00:03:35.84 - 00:03:47.38]

She believes some crazy stuff, but she's open to be, like, informed. Yes. We tell her that this is actually what's going on. She doesn't, like, dig her heels in. I try to explain to her contrails.

[00:03:47.94 - 00:03:59.32]

Yeah. That they probably do spray things in the air. Sure. It probably does happen, but that's not what you're seeing all the time. What you're seeing all the time is a hot jet engine encountering condensation.

[00:03:59.96 - 00:04:14.64]

It literally creates clouds. It's a physical effect. You can recreate it over and over and over again. That doesn't mean that people don't spray shit in the sky, and it doesn't mean that they haven't experimented with things. Because they're already talking to you about experimenting with weather modification.

[00:04:15.32 - 00:04:28.62]

First of all, they have some data. And some data that they have is actually from 9-11 because of the contrails. So the contrails, when they stopped being a thing? because they shut the entire air travel system down in the United States. for how long?

[00:04:28.66 - 00:04:29.42]

Was it? a couple of days?

Speaker 1
[00:04:29.80 - 00:04:31.78]

Yeah. It was more than that, don't you think?

Speaker 2
[00:04:31.96 - 00:04:32.76]

It might have been a week.

Speaker 1
[00:04:32.92 - 00:04:35.02]

How long did they shut the air for? It was a while.

Speaker 2
[00:04:35.02 - 00:05:00.70]

So what happened was the Earth's temperature actually increased. The temperature in the United States increased by a measurable amount. So it's very small, but it's measurable. And it's because there's no clouds. So those clouds that those planes create by flying overhead all the time, those things are consistently blocking out the sun to the point where it actually changes the temperature of the Earth.

[00:05:00.70 - 00:05:08.70]

So one of the things they found out about boat travel, shipping containers, these gigantic ships, when NATO imposed...

Speaker 1
[00:05:09.42 - 00:05:09.80]

Two days.

Speaker 2
[00:05:10.08 - 00:05:43.38]

Two days, yeah. So when they imposed new, I don't know who, it was, NATO, whoever it was, imposed new environmental restrictions on these giant cargo ships. Once they did that, they found that the surface temperature of the ocean actually increased. Because they weren't blowing pollution over the ocean, so much so that it creates a foggy haze that actually measurably blocks the amount of sunlight that goes through it. So, ironically, in trying to cool the ocean by decreasing our carbon footprint, they actually increased the surface temperature of the ocean.

Speaker 1
[00:05:43.72 - 00:05:59.58]

That also gets to the whole thing about how it's not necessarily a bad thing if temperature increases, because there's more life at the equator than at the poles. And it's not necessarily bad if you're going to get things slightly warmer, and maybe it's the speed that's the issue, but they never even take that into consideration. As long as there's any change, it can only be for the worse.

Speaker 2
[00:06:00.06 - 00:06:10.36]

Well, it's also a business. This is where we have to be really careful with this stuff. because I'm very environmentally conscious. I love wilderness and earth and the ocean. I love all these things.

[00:06:10.94 - 00:06:23.14]

There's a bunch of things that we should address as human beings. The biggest one, unfortunately, is that we've decimated all fish life in the ocean. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 94 percent. Is that what it is? What's the number?

[00:06:23.24 - 00:06:36.20]

I think it's 94 percent of all big fish are missing from the ocean. The difference is between the numbers of 100 years ago versus today. It's down 94 percent.

Speaker 1
[00:06:36.36 - 00:06:38.62]

Wait, hold on. What do you mean by big fish? Do you mean like whale sharks?

Speaker 2
[00:06:38.82 - 00:06:47.16]

No, no, no. Like tuna. Fish that we eat. All the swordfish. All these different fish that we commercially capture.

[00:06:48.12 - 00:06:53.62]

Those things are decimated. Just decimated. It's a fucking disaster.

Speaker 1
[00:06:54.10 - 00:06:55.60]

And it's not a lot of these...

Speaker 2
[00:06:55.60 - 00:07:07.66]

90 percent. Wow. 90 percent of larger fish in the ocean are gone. We take through overfishing, unsustainable overfishing. So the real fear is that if we keep going like this for another 100 years, there's nothing left.

[00:07:08.18 - 00:07:16.48]

And it's very difficult to impose these restrictions on these boats that are in the middle of the ocean, that are from other countries.

Speaker 1
[00:07:16.48 - 00:07:34.56]

Well, the other issue is bycatch, where you're killing a lot of things that you didn't really want to have captured. And also you have, if you have, you remove the predators, then the prey explode in population, like with deer. And then everyone's front lawn. And that's a whole cascade effect there. That 90 percent number seems...

[00:07:34.56 - 00:07:36.72]

Because how would they have had that data 100 years ago, though?

Speaker 2
[00:07:36.84 - 00:07:49.08]

Well, fish markets. Right. So if you talk to anybody who's a sushi chef that's ever been to the famous fish markets in Tokyo, they're so amazing that I was only in Tokyo for two days. I had just flown in. We did the weigh-ins.

[00:07:49.22 - 00:07:55.18]

I was out of it. I was like, God, I should get up at 5 in the morning and go to the fish market. And I didn't do it. I'm fucking kicking myself. It's supposed to be incredible.

Speaker 1
[00:07:55.38 - 00:08:00.64]

I was just there. Like, I came here to yell at you. Oh, really? No, I'm not even kidding. No, no, no.

[00:08:00.64 - 00:08:04.06]

Like, you know the guy who goes to Japan once, and it's like, you got to go to Japan? That's me.

Speaker 2
[00:08:04.22 - 00:08:07.48]

I've been to Japan. Unfortunately, I was there very briefly.

Speaker 1
[00:08:07.78 - 00:08:08.60]

But that's not going to Japan.

Speaker 2
[00:08:09.08 - 00:08:17.18]

Yeah. It was beautiful, though. I loved it. I loved the audience. The audience at the fights were so respectful, and they were so knowledgeable.

[00:08:17.82 - 00:08:23.40]

Like, if someone passed guard, everyone would clap. I was like, wow, this is wild.

Speaker 1
[00:08:23.56 - 00:08:45.78]

I was really angry at all the misconceptions that I was taught about Japan and Japanese people. Like, I thought that everyone would be like a robot. They were great sense of humor, very friendly. And the thing that they have there that we don't have here is, like, everyone really takes pride in what they do. And, like, you, see it in just regular stores and things like that, restaurants.

[00:08:46.22 - 00:08:47.58]

Like, they love their country.

Speaker 2
[00:08:47.84 - 00:08:49.32]

Do you know who Sakuraba is?

Speaker 1
[00:08:49.48 - 00:08:50.02]

Isn't he a fighter?

Speaker 2
[00:08:50.26 - 00:09:11.28]

Yes, legendary fighter who used to smoke cigarettes and drink constantly, and he beat everybody. He was, like, one of the greatest of all time. He's an incredible, incredible fighter and mostly fought people way bigger than him, way bigger than him. He fought a lot of absolute killers. And he is, like, one of the funniest guys, like, in all of combat sports.

[00:09:11.28 - 00:09:19.84]

He's always, like, got this great sense of humor. He's always joking around with people. There's all these videos of him joking around with fighters. He's a sweetheart of a guy, and he's Japanese.

Speaker 1
[00:09:20.08 - 00:09:38.70]

Yeah, I went to Numazu, which is this little port town. And it looked like something out of Lovecraft, because it's clearly, like, declining. So you go down the main street all the way to the ocean and everything's – or the sea, rather. Everything is closed, all boarded up, because that's the world's only deep sea aquarium. And I'm not into that very much.

[00:09:38.84 - 00:09:40.58]

And I'm like, all right, we got to go to Numazu when we're there.

Speaker 2
[00:09:40.58 - 00:09:43.88]

How do they do it? How does a deep sea aquarium work? How deep does the water get?

Speaker 1
[00:09:44.46 - 00:09:55.66]

Well, the thing is the fish, I guess they're caught by catch, because the issue is the pressure, right? You bring them up, their eyes explode, their stomachs explode. I don't know how they had the things that they had in those tanks. Like, the tanks are not pressurized. It's not possible.

[00:09:56.00 - 00:09:58.94]

But they had a lot of insanely cool shit there.

Speaker 2
[00:09:59.04 - 00:10:00.56]

So do the fish adapt, do you think?

Speaker 1
[00:10:01.32 - 00:10:06.46]

Maybe these are fish that – but no, some of the batfish are, like, don't – some fish vertically migrate, right?

Speaker 2
[00:10:06.46 - 00:10:10.52]

Have you ever been to the one that's in the Mandalay Bay in Vegas?

Speaker 1
[00:10:10.76 - 00:10:11.38]

No, I don't think I have.

Speaker 2
[00:10:11.42 - 00:10:12.12]

It's fucking incredible.

Speaker 1
[00:10:12.22 - 00:10:15.04]

But it's not like this. This is the only one. This is the only one on Earth.

Speaker 2
[00:10:15.16 - 00:10:18.24]

The one in Mandalay Bay is sharks. Holy shit, look at that thing.

Speaker 1
[00:10:18.24 - 00:10:18.98]

That's a coelacanth.

Speaker 2
[00:10:19.16 - 00:10:20.96]

Yeah, that's the one that they thought was extinct.

Speaker 1
[00:10:21.10 - 00:10:28.26]

Right, for what, 65 million years. So it's just an amazing, amazing place. And the thing is, right around the corner – God, how cool is that? It was so cool.

Speaker 2
[00:10:28.90 - 00:10:34.46]

What a cool fish that is. That is an old-ass fish. That fish is from, like, the beginning of life.

Speaker 1
[00:10:34.64 - 00:10:40.16]

And they've got lobed fins. There's only two fish that still have lobed fins. What does that mean? You can see how there's, like, an –.

Speaker 2
[00:10:40.52 - 00:10:43.92]

Oh, like a – it has bones that stick out.

Speaker 1
[00:10:43.96 - 00:10:49.98]

Yeah, the fin doesn't attach directly to the body. There's, like, a lobe. Oh, I see. So them and lungfish are the only ones who have that anymore.

Speaker 2
[00:10:50.22 - 00:11:00.88]

The coelacanth, I think it has bones in there because, like, you know, there's a lot of these animals. One of the weirdest ones is, like, there was an animal that became a whale, and it was a land animal. You know about that one?

Speaker 1
[00:11:00.90 - 00:11:02.68]

Of course. It was like a hippo kind of thing.

Speaker 2
[00:11:02.76 - 00:11:05.24]

Yeah, weird, fucking looking thing. And that thing became a whale.

Speaker 1
[00:11:06.08 - 00:11:07.48]

Yeah, well, whales are carnivores.

Speaker 2
[00:11:07.66 - 00:11:12.60]

I know, which is nuts, right? But they kind of are. They're sweet about it. They only eat the little bitch-ass creatures.

Speaker 1
[00:11:12.60 - 00:11:13.42]

Not the sperm whales.

Speaker 2
[00:11:13.78 - 00:11:14.30]

What do they eat?

Speaker 1
[00:11:14.68 - 00:11:15.32]

Giant squid.

Speaker 2
[00:11:15.70 - 00:11:16.58]

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 1
[00:11:16.60 - 00:11:19.38]

And they shoot sonic waves and, like, boil the water.

Speaker 2
[00:11:19.76 - 00:11:20.06]


Speaker 1
[00:11:20.38 - 00:11:21.68]

Yeah, sperm whales –

Speaker 2
[00:11:21.68 - 00:11:23.68]

Sonic waves and they boil the water? Really?

Speaker 1
[00:11:23.74 - 00:11:30.82]

Like, a sperm whale, can kill you by just vibrating. Like, there was a diver who was with him, and they can fuck you up really bad. Wow. Yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:11:31.44 - 00:11:32.06]

No shit.

Speaker 1
[00:11:32.06 - 00:11:39.76]

Oh, yeah. Because they're, like, what, 80 feet? They're huge. Their entire, like, bulbous nose, is to have this – yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2
[00:11:40.40 - 00:11:58.12]

Whoa. Acoustic prey debilitation hypothesis, or the Big Bang Theory. The theory states that sperm whales can produce ultrasonic noises that are too high in frequency for humans to hear, and that these sounds can create shock waves that can injure prey. However, some studies have not found evidence to support this theory.

Speaker 1
[00:11:58.18 - 00:11:58.96]

There was a diver. –

Speaker 2
[00:11:58.96 - 00:12:00.08]

Can you show more, so we can find out?

Speaker 1
[00:12:00.16 - 00:12:04.36]

There was a diver who had it happen. Like, this was part of Blue Planet or one of those BBC shows.

Speaker 2
[00:12:06.60 - 00:12:09.12]

Well, I mean, it kind of makes sense.

Speaker 1
[00:12:09.42 - 00:12:09.70]


Speaker 2
[00:12:10.14 - 00:12:13.92]

I mean, especially when you look at the size of their mouth and the noises they make.

Speaker 1
[00:12:14.16 - 00:12:15.56]

Sperm whales can reach up to 200 –.

Speaker 2
[00:12:16.74 - 00:12:17.96]

How cool is that?

Speaker 1
[00:12:18.24 - 00:12:20.64]

I have a sperm whale tooth for my shaving brush.

Speaker 2
[00:12:20.78 - 00:12:28.52]

And how wild is that? That fucking thing breathes air. And that thing used to be on land, and it's like, meh, I'm gonna go hang out here and change everything.

Speaker 1
[00:12:28.52 - 00:12:51.30]

There's that meme about the fish went to the land, then you evolved to go back to the sea, but you're not as good as you were before because you don't have gills, then you become a penguin, it's a whole – you can't do either. It's a whole thing. No, but it's –. so the thing I want to talk about, Numazu, there was this little sushi place that I spent 15 minutes looking up this place because I wanted to give the guy a shout-out, called Irichi, I-R-I-I-C-H-I. It's in Japanese and Google Maps.

[00:12:51.78 - 00:13:03.74]

And it's just a dude and two tables, and he's been there for 30 years. And he goes to the fish market. He marinades the fish. It was one of the best experiences of my life. But they were having so much fun.

[00:13:03.88 - 00:13:18.82]

The waitress, you know, this – it's like him and the waitress. And she goes – and she's got her, like, broken English. She goes, every morning. he goes to fish market, serious face, serious face, and picks out the fish. And he was delighted to be like, try my food.

[00:13:18.90 - 00:13:20.40]

Like, he puts joy into his work.

Speaker 2
[00:13:20.90 - 00:13:22.34]

You saw Jiro Dreams' sushi, right?

Speaker 1
[00:13:22.34 - 00:13:26.82]

Well, I put in my phone, I like you better than Jiro. And he lost it.

Speaker 2
[00:13:28.38 - 00:13:36.50]

Well, Jiro's probably, like, the guy now where all the other, like, sort of incognito sushi places that are legendary, they're like, hey, what the fuck?

Speaker 1
[00:13:36.66 - 00:13:43.72]

I think, Jiro – the thing, Jiro, seems like it wouldn't be fun. It feels like you're taking a test.

Speaker 2
[00:13:43.82 - 00:13:44.64]

In what way? Because he's so serious about it?

Speaker 1
[00:13:44.64 - 00:13:45.82]

Because he's so serious, yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:13:45.84 - 00:13:47.84]

Yeah, I know what you're saying. So this guy was more fun.

Speaker 1
[00:13:48.10 - 00:13:57.28]

Yeah, and the thing I found is a lot of these high-end places, you should know this better than I do, they're not all stuffy. A lot of times, they know how to have a good time. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:13:57.56 - 00:13:59.42]

Do you know Wagyu Mafia?

Speaker 1
[00:13:59.68 - 00:14:00.36]

Where's that now?

Speaker 2
[00:14:00.58 - 00:14:24.64]

Okay, Wagyu Mafia is a Tokyo establishment, and they did a pop-in in Austin at Pasta Bar. So Pasta Bar, do you know Philip Franklin Lee? He's the guy that owned sushi. He started here with sushi bar, and then he branched out into his own thing, which is sushi by scratch. And he also does this other thing in town called Pasta Bar.

[00:14:25.12 - 00:14:31.32]

And at Pasta Bar, they brought in this Wagyu Mafia guy. And they put on a fucking show. But it's fun. They're smiling, right?

Speaker 1
[00:14:31.44 - 00:14:32.46]

Yeah, everyone's having a good time.

Speaker 2
[00:14:32.56 - 00:14:40.94]

Oh, my God, it was so fun. It was so silly. Yeah. Yeah, everything was silly. They feed you sometimes, and it's like they blow gold dust all over the air.

[00:14:41.14 - 00:14:46.14]

It's not stuffy at all. So he's the complete opposite of Jiro Dreams of Sushi, but insane experience.

Speaker 1
[00:14:46.30 - 00:14:49.60]

But Jiro's not with Japan. I thought Japan was going to be like Jiro, and it wasn't.

Speaker 2
[00:14:49.84 - 00:14:51.06]

Dude's making swords.

Speaker 1
[00:14:52.90 - 00:14:55.52]

Like. if I don't like the food, he just stabs himself in the stomach.

Speaker 2
[00:14:55.70 - 00:15:02.08]

No, but dude's fucking hammering out swords. That's what I think about. I think about the craftsmanship and the seriousness.

Speaker 1
[00:15:02.84 - 00:15:15.82]

But the economics of the place, I don't understand. Because they have these big office buildings like in Herald Square in New York. And it'll be like 13 floors. And each floor has like six rooms. They can take an elevator.

[00:15:16.28 - 00:15:25.60]

And it's a guy, no windows, two tables, and a bar. And I grew up on like role-playing games. It's like the guy in the armor shop. Like he's always there. Like I don't know what his life is.

[00:15:25.74 - 00:15:49.30]

But he takes pride in his cocktails. There's just room for five people. I don't know how he stays in business, but there's hundreds of them. And it's so, everyone's, the thing that angered me as a former New Yorker, you're out at night, everyone's out in the streets, everyone's plastered, everyone's having fun, and it's perfectly safe. So when you look at New York and San Fran and L.A., this is completely on purpose.

[00:15:49.72 - 00:15:52.84]

Like it does not have to be this way. It was such a great time.

Speaker 2
[00:15:53.10 - 00:16:00.08]

Is it on purpose or is it neglect that no one steps in to correct?

Speaker 1
[00:16:00.36 - 00:16:05.52]

If you're arresting someone 30 times and putting them back on the street, like that's on purpose.

Speaker 2
[00:16:05.70 - 00:16:32.08]

Right, but that's the officer that's doing that. The police department and the prosecutor and the district attorney. But then there's the politicians that are like in control of these areas, and then there's a tone that these areas have, that's being controlled by the district attorney, by how they prosecute things. And all this is all very, very political. So that part of the part, that's the part that looks like you guys want it to be like that.

[00:16:32.34 - 00:16:56.90]

Because you're not course correcting at all. But I feel like at this stage, it's gotten, it's so pervasive. Like the places where this crime and violence are so bad, and they've been that way for so fucking long. Like it would take a monumental effort that we just aren't capable of doing. Like we don't have $175 billion to fix all, oh, wait, a minute, we just gave all that money to Ukraine.

[00:16:57.30 - 00:16:58.48]

Oh wait, we could have fixed it.

Speaker 1
[00:16:58.62 - 00:16:59.66]

Yes, very easily.

Speaker 2
[00:17:00.10 - 00:17:05.70]

That's the dumbest part of the argument. And it's not a lot of the resources for it. But we have all these resources for all these other things.

Speaker 1
[00:17:05.82 - 00:17:14.44]

And it's a small percent of people. causing all the problems. Like a Pareto effect was like 20% of people, caused 80% of the problems. It's not like everyone in New York is a criminal.

Speaker 2
[00:17:14.78 - 00:17:22.10]

No, no, it's a lot of career criminals in New York. A lot of people that do the break-ins in the cars and stuff like that, they get arrested all the time.

Speaker 1
[00:17:22.18 - 00:17:35.10]

What was that guy, Jordan Neely, who, like tried to kidnap a girl, he punched an old lady in the face for no reason, broke her orbital socket, the one who was killed on the subway by that good Samaritan. It's like you punch an old lady in the face and break her orbital socket for no reason. once. That's a wrap.

Speaker 2
[00:17:35.42 - 00:17:41.40]

Yeah. That guy, he was prosecuted or he's been charged. Has he gone through the whole trial?

Speaker 1
[00:17:41.42 - 00:17:43.32]

I don't think he has at all. He should be mayor.

Speaker 2
[00:17:43.90 - 00:17:52.44]

This is the guy that choked the guy to death. Yeah. Looks like he got him in a rear, naked choke, and didn't let go. What was the cause of death? Did the guy have a heart attack?

Speaker 1
[00:17:52.96 - 00:17:53.78]

That's a good question.

Speaker 2
[00:17:53.94 - 00:17:55.26]

Because a lot of times….

Speaker 1
[00:17:55.26 - 00:17:57.62]

Rear naked is hard to kill someone. You've got to really hold on for a long time.

Speaker 2
[00:17:57.66 - 00:17:58.82]

You've got to hold on for quite a while.

Speaker 1
[00:17:58.82 - 00:17:59.34]


Speaker 2
[00:17:59.62 - 00:18:02.28]

But you can't have a heart attack if someone's choking you.

Speaker 1
[00:18:02.46 - 00:18:04.88]

And you'll feel it. The guy will get loose. You know he's out.

Speaker 2
[00:18:05.04 - 00:18:07.66]

You remember the Eric Gardner case? Of course. That one made me sick.

Speaker 1
[00:18:07.70 - 00:18:09.58]

The only person who went to jail was the photographer.

Speaker 2
[00:18:10.38 - 00:18:12.56]

Oh, that's so crazy. Why'd he go to jail?

Speaker 1
[00:18:12.92 - 00:18:19.20]

I don't remember what they got him for. But the cops had barely any consequences. The guy died for no reason.

Speaker 2
[00:18:19.96 - 00:18:21.92]

The guy was just selling loose cigarettes.

Speaker 1
[00:18:22.12 - 00:18:22.38]


Speaker 2
[00:18:22.88 - 00:18:24.08]

I knew a dude who knew him.

Speaker 1
[00:18:25.36 - 00:18:26.02]

It's horrific.

Speaker 2
[00:18:26.28 - 00:18:32.24]

It's horrific. They try to pretend that wasn't a choke. Like, come on. You know how to choke people.

Speaker 1
[00:18:32.40 - 00:18:33.36]

But even if it was….

Speaker 2
[00:18:33.36 - 00:18:34.32]

You choked him.

Speaker 1
[00:18:34.42 - 00:18:36.82]

He's selling cigarettes. Calm down. Loose cigarettes.

Speaker 2
[00:18:37.08 - 00:18:44.08]

It's nothing. And it's like, what is it? It's interfering with the business next to it where he buys his cigarettes. What are you going to do? Right.

[00:18:44.36 - 00:18:49.44]

Isn't there worse problems in this fucking world? Yes. There's some guy who's an entrepreneur. You don't have to buy the cigarettes from that guy.

Speaker 1
[00:18:49.48 - 00:18:51.46]

Right. And he wasn't in the store.

Speaker 2
[00:18:51.58 - 00:18:58.60]

He's just selling loose cigarettes. Right. Like, if somebody doesn't have enough money for a pack of cigarettes, but they have enough money for two cigarettes, this guy will sell them two cigarettes.

Speaker 1
[00:18:58.88 - 00:19:03.74]

And I also think it's insane to make cigarettes more expensive on purpose to screw with poor people.

Speaker 2
[00:19:04.40 - 00:19:04.72]

They do?

Speaker 1
[00:19:05.04 - 00:19:07.78]

That's the point. Wait a minute. They send taxes. Yes.

Speaker 2
[00:19:08.94 - 00:19:09.90]

Oh. Oh, I see.

Speaker 1
[00:19:10.02 - 00:19:13.20]

They want to make it really hard to buy cigarettes. Yeah. They want….

Speaker 2
[00:19:13.20 - 00:19:19.22]

Well, it's just. they just know that people are hooked and they can just steal money from you. That's really what it is. They know you're hooked on cigarettes.

Speaker 1
[00:19:19.24 - 00:19:24.36]

No, no, no. It's these good…. It's not the tobacco companies that are selling these prices. It's the governments. Right.

[00:19:24.36 - 00:19:31.22]

And they want it as expensive as possible, because the idea, like Bloomberg says, is so, it's harder for people to keep committed to this habit.

Speaker 2
[00:19:31.60 - 00:19:38.54]

Oh, that's interesting. I think it's…. That's a nice excuse, for, we know they are going to keep buying cigarettes. It's a good way to generate revenue.

Speaker 1
[00:19:38.54 - 00:19:40.28]

I don't think it's an excuse at all. This is the guy who banned Big Gulps.

Speaker 2
[00:19:42.44 - 00:19:45.42]

Do you think he banned Big Gulps because of insurance companies?

Speaker 1
[00:19:45.74 - 00:19:49.84]

No, I think he banned Big Gulps because he's a goody two-shoes and thinks he does best for everybody.

Speaker 2
[00:19:50.44 - 00:20:09.02]

But when I hear things like that, I'm always like, okay, what's the financial incentive behind that? Because insurance companies could be like, you know what, people are dying all the time, and one of the big causes is obesity. And one of the big problems with obesity is people drink like Big Gulps. Like, this is why they made seatbelt laws. They didn't make seatbelt laws to make us safe.

[00:20:09.42 - 00:20:11.38]

They make seatbelt laws because of insurance companies.

Speaker 1
[00:20:11.86 - 00:20:20.58]

No, I thought you meant they're going to say they made seatbelt laws because fatties can't fit into them. to wipe out the fatties. I'm like, all right, there's a eugenics thing going on here. I can see it.

Speaker 2
[00:20:21.08 - 00:20:35.64]

No, it's…. I mean, they're trying to outlaw Big Gulps. I feel like, first of all, fuck you, right? If I want a Big Gulp, I know it's bad for me. You know, if you outlaw Big Gulps, but you don't outlaw that Dunkin' Donuts Blizzard thing, you know that one?

Speaker 1
[00:20:35.68 - 00:20:37.10]

Oh God, what is it, like 1,500 calories?

Speaker 2
[00:20:37.36 - 00:20:47.14]

No, no, no. It's probably like thousands, but it's 186 grams of sugar. Is that what it is? What is the…. It's so crazy.

[00:20:47.58 - 00:20:53.82]

There's a dude who did a YouTube video and he shows the actual sugar that's in the drink. next to the drink. It's fucking half sugar, man.

Speaker 1
[00:20:53.90 - 00:20:57.96]

It's like three Big Macs. And you think because you're drinking it, it can't be that bad. That's the thing.

Speaker 2
[00:20:58.30 - 00:20:59.94]

Big Macs are way better for you.

Speaker 1
[00:20:59.96 - 00:21:00.78]

Yes, which is crazy.

Speaker 2
[00:21:00.78 - 00:21:02.60]

Big Macs are fucking like grass-fed meat.

Speaker 1
[00:21:03.48 - 00:21:05.12]

Oh my…. The thing that's insane is that….

Speaker 2
[00:21:05.12 - 00:21:05.84]

14 donuts.

Speaker 1
[00:21:06.24 - 00:21:09.04]

I've had… How's that even…?

Speaker 2
[00:21:09.04 - 00:21:13.66]

It's so crazy. They just filled it up with sugar. Jamie, see if you can find the video….

Speaker 1
[00:21:14.28 - 00:21:14.52]

1,000 calories.

Speaker 2
[00:21:15.00 - 00:21:15.86]

It's only 1,000?.

[00:21:18.08 - 00:21:30.80]

That's not the Blizzard, though, is it? The Blizzard's the big bad boy. See if you can find the video of the guy showing the sugar content in the Blizzard. There's a video of this dude who does it online. I think it's the one….

[00:21:31.56 - 00:21:41.48]

Yeah, that's it. Look at all that fucking sugar. 181 grams of sugar. Nearly three quarters of a two-liter bottle of Coke. Let's measure that.

[00:21:41.94 - 00:21:50.66]

Look at all this sugar. Look, just imagine eating all that sugar in one session. Holy fuck, that's bad for you.

Speaker 1
[00:21:51.70 - 00:21:53.06]

Holy…. It's just Vulcan.

Speaker 2
[00:21:53.28 - 00:22:04.40]

And, dude, if you don't eat that way all the time…. Like, I had a milkshake. Like, a big-ass chocolate milkshake. I don't really do that most of the time. And it was like I got hit with a tranquilizer dart.

[00:22:04.80 - 00:22:06.58]

I was like, oh my god.

Speaker 1
[00:22:06.80 - 00:22:13.86]

Well, for me, I have a big sweet tooth. But if I…. Sometimes I might go on a binge and just eat bags of gummy candy. I am wired.

Speaker 2
[00:22:14.22 - 00:22:15.32]

Wired. for how long, though?

Speaker 1
[00:22:15.46 - 00:22:17.14]

A while. It's a while.

Speaker 2
[00:22:17.14 - 00:22:18.36]

But you don't crash afterwards?

Speaker 1
[00:22:18.52 - 00:22:23.42]

Like, I go to bed. I do this for…. If I'm binging, I might as well go to bed. I don't binge during the day.

Speaker 2
[00:22:23.52 - 00:22:32.88]

I've heard people say that, like, eating a high-carb meal before bed. I've heard people talk about doing that. They eat a high-carb meal so that their insulin spikes, and then they just fucking crash afterwards.

Speaker 1
[00:22:33.14 - 00:22:35.60]

I don't have sleep issues, so I feel bad for people who do.

Speaker 2
[00:22:35.92 - 00:22:37.36]

It's a rough thing to have, man.

Speaker 1
[00:22:37.40 - 00:22:50.66]

I had Honey Smacks, cereal, and the first ingredient is sugar. And I'm thinking to myself, like, how are these being held together? Because they don't look like sugar cubes. It looks like grains. How is that even physically possible?

[00:22:50.96 - 00:22:53.90]

They used to be called Sugar Smacks. Oh, yeah. Sugar Bear was the name.

Speaker 2
[00:22:54.68 - 00:22:55.60]

They're so good.

Speaker 1
[00:22:55.62 - 00:22:57.48]

And then Sugar Golden Crisp, or whatever.

Speaker 2
[00:22:57.82 - 00:23:02.52]

Well, we used to eat Frosted Flakes, and then we would put sugar on the Frosted Flakes.

Speaker 1
[00:23:05.04 - 00:23:07.42]

I eat Lucky Charms still. They're really good.

Speaker 2
[00:23:07.66 - 00:23:10.88]

It's fucking good, man. It's good. It should be legal.

Speaker 1
[00:23:11.18 - 00:23:14.14]

And you mix it with your protein drinks. That way you get your protein.

Speaker 2
[00:23:14.14 - 00:23:28.44]

First of all, people need access to real food, primarily. But, every now and then, a fucking Blizzard from Dunkin' Donuts should be on the menu. If you want to, you should be able to. It's ridiculous. But, like, if you want to have a- You know what I love?

[00:23:28.60 - 00:23:37.92]

Tiramisu. That's my favorite dessert. Oh, I fucking love it. And if I'm stuffed, it's the end of the meal, and, you know, it's at an Italian place, and you open up the- Oh, fucking Tiramisu.

Speaker 1
[00:23:37.94 - 00:23:48.22]

But it's also kind of crazy, because, like, Tiramisu- I love Key Lime Pie. I love Key Lime Pie. I could have, like, three bags of candy. Like, it looks like, because it's cake, you think, oh, it's not that bad for you. Oh, it's filled with sugar.

[00:23:48.34 - 00:23:49.72]

It's like, it's just, it's insane.

Speaker 2
[00:23:49.98 - 00:23:50.96]

Tiramisu is so much sugar.

Speaker 1
[00:23:51.26 - 00:23:52.68]

But it's so good. Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2
[00:23:53.06 - 00:23:56.62]

Oh, my god, it's so good. Those lady fingers that are dipped in espresso.

Speaker 1
[00:23:56.62 - 00:24:03.60]

What about in those, all those steakhouses, where they're chocolate cakes, like, 1,500 calories a slice? And I'm like, how are you doing this mathematically?

Speaker 2
[00:24:05.00 - 00:24:08.72]

American steakhouses, like, they are trying to kill you.

Speaker 1
[00:24:09.60 - 00:24:11.08]

They're trying to get you-.

Speaker 2
[00:24:11.96 - 00:24:25.40]

They're trying to stuff you as much as possible. Like, if you, and I mean it in the best possible way. But if you go to, like, in town, like, say, if you go to Eddie V's. Yeah. You go to Eddie V's, and you get the lobster, mash, potatoes, and the real- You can't stop eating.

[00:24:25.72 - 00:24:26.90]

You cannot stop eating.

Speaker 1
[00:24:27.22 - 00:24:30.70]

They have the calorie counts at Eddie V's. Do they? Which is useful.

Speaker 2
[00:24:30.94 - 00:24:44.84]

Well, my, if I don't have glasses on, I can't read that shit. They make it a little tiny, little tiny numbers next to the food. Get the fuck out of here. But if, you know, if you go to another country, they don't eat like us. Like, we eat like slobs.

Speaker 1
[00:24:45.26 - 00:24:45.46]


Speaker 2
[00:24:45.64 - 00:24:47.64]

You know, we have giant ass pizzas.

Speaker 1
[00:24:47.82 - 00:24:48.98]

That's why you should go to Japan.

Speaker 2
[00:24:49.46 - 00:24:53.30]

Oh, very much more disciplined than us. I had- You don't see fat people as much.

Speaker 1
[00:24:53.36 - 00:24:54.44]

I had whale eight ways.

Speaker 2
[00:24:55.02 - 00:24:57.74]

Oh, wow. There was really whale? Whoa, that's weird.

Speaker 1
[00:24:57.84 - 00:24:59.68]

Apparently, whale is like a poor people food there.

Speaker 2
[00:25:00.04 - 00:25:02.60]

Wow. But they're our homies. Why are you eating our homies?

Speaker 1
[00:25:03.16 - 00:25:05.86]

Well, you're in Japan, you know. Gotta do as the Japanese do.

Speaker 2
[00:25:06.12 - 00:25:10.00]

I wonder how smart they really are. Because people always say that whales are super smart.

[00:25:11.60 - 00:25:23.88]

But, you know, it's just because they can communicate. And we have a weird definition of intelligence, right? Because we really favor things that can control their environment. And change their environment. Like build houses and structures.

Speaker 1
[00:25:23.94 - 00:25:25.82]

Not necessarily ants do that. We don't think ants are smart.

Speaker 2
[00:25:25.84 - 00:25:29.26]

Yeah, but we do. We do think they're smart. No, we don't. We think they're smart in a weird way.

Speaker 1
[00:25:29.38 - 00:25:30.92]

Well, they're skilled.

Speaker 2
[00:25:31.48 - 00:25:38.72]

It's not just they're skilled. They know how to make these chambers that ferment leaves. Sure. Like the leafcutter ants do?

Speaker 1
[00:25:39.22 - 00:25:44.12]

I was watching about them last night. That's pretty creepy. You brought that up? Fucking incredible. Because there's a video about how did this evolve.

[00:25:44.36 - 00:25:50.32]

Because the fungus that's in the leafcutter ant colony is not the same species any longer as the fungus that's outside.

Speaker 2
[00:25:50.58 - 00:25:59.36]

Right. So intelligence is not the right word. You're right. The right word is capable of incredible order. And they have a pattern in their mind.

[00:25:59.36 - 00:26:06.22]

they follow. Much like bees. You don't have to teach bees how to make beehives. They make beehives everywhere. All over the fucking place.

[00:26:06.36 - 00:26:09.08]

So they're making a structure.

Speaker 1
[00:26:09.76 - 00:26:19.58]

What is it? There's some animal. Is it the puffer fish, where they gave them like Ritalin? Or they gave them like Lexapro something and the patterns all changed? Oh, wow.

[00:26:19.70 - 00:26:25.68]

Like they gave them some SSRI, something, whatever it was. And it changed how they, like spiderwebs, maybe it was. And it changed how they made.

Speaker 2
[00:26:25.68 - 00:26:32.18]

Oh, yes. They definitely did that with spiderwebs. I saw them. There's a bunch of different things they did with spiderwebs. And one of them they gave it LSD.

[00:26:32.52 - 00:26:35.46]

They gave the spider LSD. The spider's like, wow.

Speaker 1
[00:26:36.14 - 00:26:38.76]

I've got eight legs and eight eyes.

Speaker 2
[00:26:39.22 - 00:26:41.82]

He remembers when he was like a shitty shopkeeper.

Speaker 1
[00:26:42.00 - 00:26:43.36]

Oh, yeah. There it is. Thank you.

Speaker 2
[00:26:43.44 - 00:26:47.88]

There. it is. So normal marijuana. Marijuana sucks. It's terrible.

[00:26:48.94 - 00:26:49.26]


Speaker 1
[00:26:49.48 - 00:26:50.24]

Is that an upper? Benzed?

Speaker 2
[00:26:51.20 - 00:26:52.28]

I don't know.

Speaker 1
[00:26:52.78 - 00:26:53.96]

That's like a 70s thing.

Speaker 2
[00:26:54.06 - 00:27:00.76]

That's not benzodiazepine, right? Benzodiazepine is Xanax. What's a benzedrine, Jamie? It's a cup. Caffeine.

[00:27:01.18 - 00:27:04.66]

Caffeine's all over the place. Chlorohydrate. Who's getting high on chlorohydrate?

Speaker 1
[00:27:04.78 - 00:27:05.30]

What is chlorohydrate?

Speaker 2
[00:27:05.44 - 00:27:06.04]

I have no idea.

[00:27:07.56 - 00:27:08.66]

What's chlorohydrate, Jamie?

Speaker 1
[00:27:10.18 - 00:27:10.82]

What's benzedrine?

Speaker 2
[00:27:10.82 - 00:27:14.70]

How weird is it that they picked chlorohydrate? Why wouldn't you pick alcohol?

Speaker 1
[00:27:15.38 - 00:27:16.76]

Well, you'd probably kill it, right?

Speaker 2
[00:27:17.14 - 00:27:17.96]

Maybe, right?

Speaker 1
[00:27:19.46 - 00:27:20.04]

Sedative. Sedative.

Speaker 2
[00:27:20.78 - 00:27:22.88]

Short-term treatment of insomnia.

Speaker 1
[00:27:23.10 - 00:27:29.04]

So is benzedrine an upper? It must be. Benzos. That's a thing from the 70s. They were all on them.

Speaker 2
[00:27:29.04 - 00:27:32.08]

Well, I think that's benzodiazepine, though. I think benzos...

Speaker 1
[00:27:32.08 - 00:27:33.04]

It's an amphetamine. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:27:35.02 - 00:27:35.38]


Speaker 1
[00:27:35.40 - 00:27:35.94]

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:27:36.12 - 00:27:38.86]

I don't think that's benzos, though. Is that a ben... What is a benzo?

Speaker 1
[00:27:38.90 - 00:27:39.76]

A benzo's an upper.

Speaker 2
[00:27:40.64 - 00:27:43.08]

Is it? I thought it was Xanax.

[00:27:46.22 - 00:27:46.94]

Because benzo...

Speaker 1
[00:27:47.38 - 00:27:54.30]

We're like school moms. Yeah, there's extra of the diases. Oh, the benzos are depressants. That's interesting. That's the Xanax.

Speaker 2
[00:27:54.72 - 00:27:57.80]

So that's benzos, and people say the term benzos?

Speaker 1
[00:27:57.80 - 00:28:02.26]

Or downers. Okay. What's a black beauty? Because that's what they used to take in the 70s.

Speaker 2
[00:28:02.90 - 00:28:03.52]

Isn't that speed?

Speaker 1
[00:28:03.82 - 00:28:04.32]

I think so.

Speaker 2
[00:28:04.36 - 00:28:09.36]

A lot of guys took speed and played pool. It was a big thing. The guys would play on amphetamines.

Speaker 1
[00:28:09.54 - 00:28:15.14]

I know, one time the Go-Go's took a bunch of downers, and they had to perform sitting down in chairs. Oh, that's what that is. Yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:28:15.60 - 00:28:16.70]

Our lips are sealed.

[00:28:19.26 - 00:28:19.90]

Black capsule.

Speaker 1
[00:28:19.90 - 00:28:20.76]

Amphetamines. Okay, uppers.

Speaker 2
[00:28:21.30 - 00:28:21.70]


[00:28:23.62 - 00:28:24.52]

Dextroamphetamine. Yeah.

Speaker 1
[00:28:25.18 - 00:28:25.50]


Speaker 2
[00:28:25.86 - 00:28:29.28]

These guys who would play pool on it, they said it makes them see angles better.

Speaker 1
[00:28:29.62 - 00:28:31.32]

Well, because it's speed. You see the edges. It's like Ritalin.

Speaker 2
[00:28:31.72 - 00:28:32.64]

I've never done Ritalin.

Speaker 1
[00:28:32.72 - 00:28:36.32]

No, or like Adderall. Excuse me. I've never done, Adderall. Neither have I. I'm scared of it.

[00:28:36.36 - 00:28:37.28]

You're crazy focused.

Speaker 2
[00:28:37.50 - 00:28:38.28]

I'm scared of that.

Speaker 1
[00:28:38.34 - 00:28:39.18]

Why are you scared of focus?

Speaker 2
[00:28:39.42 - 00:28:41.36]

Well, the same reason why I don't do it. I've never done cocaine.

Speaker 1
[00:28:41.82 - 00:28:42.74]

We've never done cocaine?

Speaker 2
[00:28:43.02 - 00:28:43.06]


Speaker 1
[00:28:44.22 - 00:28:47.12]

Haven't been to Japan. Haven't done cocaine.

Speaker 2
[00:28:47.32 - 00:28:51.60]

First of all, sir, cocaine's illegal. Son of a bitch. Second of all,

[00:28:54.00 - 00:28:55.16]

I think I'd like it.

Speaker 1
[00:28:55.54 - 00:28:56.06]

No, you wouldn't.

Speaker 2
[00:28:56.06 - 00:28:57.28]

Yeah, I'm sure I'd like it.

Speaker 1
[00:28:57.28 - 00:28:59.66]

No, you wouldn't. Not. to the extent that people ruin their lives.

Speaker 2
[00:28:59.84 - 00:29:00.92]

Oh, I wouldn't ruin my life.

Speaker 1
[00:29:01.14 - 00:29:01.60]

It's the stupidest drug.

Speaker 2
[00:29:02.14 - 00:29:08.30]

Yeah, I'm not really interested in ruining my life. But I would recognize that this is probably a lot of fun.

Speaker 1
[00:29:08.46 - 00:29:09.02]

It's not.

Speaker 2
[00:29:09.24 - 00:29:11.14]

But how come so many people say it is?

Speaker 1
[00:29:11.16 - 00:29:15.76]

I don't know. It's not fun at all. For you. It's not. It would not be fun for you.

[00:29:16.00 - 00:29:16.74]

I promise you.

Speaker 2
[00:29:16.74 - 00:29:20.90]

Have you ever heard the Buck Cherry song? Cocaine? All lit up? You know that song? No.

[00:29:20.90 - 00:29:22.42]

That song makes me want to do coke.

Speaker 1
[00:29:23.48 - 00:29:25.18]

The idea of coke is a lot.

Speaker 2
[00:29:25.18 - 00:29:25.96]

Let's play the song.

[00:29:27.86 - 00:29:29.80]

I fucking love Buck Cherry.

[00:29:31.82 - 00:29:39.48]

There was a friend of mine told me a story. He was in Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. And the dude from Buck Cherry was there.

Speaker 1
[00:29:39.78 - 00:29:39.92]


Speaker 2
[00:29:40.28 - 00:29:53.00]

And this model went on stage. And she was telling her sober stories. And she was saying, I was just doing coke and just fucking all these rock stars. And he goes, Yeah!

[00:29:55.18 - 00:30:02.82]

In the middle of an AA meeting. Now, again, this is second hand. I don't know if this is true. But I love these guys. Come on.

[00:30:02.98 - 00:30:04.24]

That makes me want to do blow.

Speaker 1
[00:30:04.62 - 00:30:16.00]

I interviewed Belinda Karler from the Go-Go's. Because she was a coke head. And I said, Explain this to me. Because if it's a rock star, who's a dude, he's having coke orgies. with all these chicks.

[00:30:16.38 - 00:30:20.52]

You're a girl. You're not having them. run. train on you. Literally, what would you do?

[00:30:20.88 - 00:30:34.50]

And she said, I would go in my hotel room, take the phone off the hook, close the blinds, and pace like an animal. And I go, Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun. She goes, Oh, yeah. It was a blast. So what I tell you, you're not going to like it.

[00:30:34.56 - 00:30:36.18]

It's like giving yourself a panic attack.

Speaker 2
[00:30:36.66 - 00:30:38.86]

Yeah. But some people love it.

Speaker 1
[00:30:39.20 - 00:30:43.80]

I know you well enough to tell you, you're not going to like it. Good.

Speaker 2
[00:30:43.86 - 00:30:44.50]

Thank you.

Speaker 1
[00:30:44.56 - 00:30:45.10]

It's not.

Speaker 2
[00:30:45.30 - 00:30:46.22]

I wasn't going to try it anyway.

Speaker 1
[00:30:47.04 - 00:30:48.88]

Not even on a bucket list thing? Nope.

Speaker 2
[00:30:49.36 - 00:30:52.78]

For the same reason why I won't try Adderall. Adderall seems much more.

Speaker 1
[00:30:52.78 - 00:30:54.98]

That's all you would like. That's the problem. Because there's upsides.

Speaker 2
[00:30:55.40 - 00:30:56.56]

Oh, okay. Yeah. The productivity part.

Speaker 1
[00:30:56.56 - 00:31:02.24]

There's a lot of upsides. Yeah. And you're like, Oh, shit. Anything, Adderall, helps you understand. I've never done it.

[00:31:02.46 - 00:31:09.96]

Helps you understand your brain better. Because you see yourself like, Oh, this is how my brain's working. And whatever. Coke is just like, you. just wait and do more Coke.

[00:31:10.16 - 00:31:13.12]

And I'm not. It's just, I don't get it.

Speaker 2
[00:31:13.28 - 00:31:17.54]

Expand on that. So, Adderall, helps. you know how your brain's working?

Speaker 1
[00:31:17.60 - 00:31:41.94]

You know how, when you're any kind of altered consciousness, you realize that your brain has a character of its own. And most people aren't introspective, just take their thoughts for granted. But people who work with psychedelics, things like that, realize, okay, there's ways I can have different perceptions, different focuses, different senses of self in relation to the world, things like that. Adderall, from my understanding, it's like that movie Limitless. It's based on Adderall.

Speaker 2
[00:31:42.26 - 00:31:45.80]

I thought that was based on that other shit.

[00:31:48.28 - 00:31:50.72]

New Vigil? Yeah. Pro Vigil and New Vigil.

Speaker 1
[00:31:50.84 - 00:32:07.28]

Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know either. Point being, when you take it, you supposedly are super focused, but you realize, okay, I can fine tune the speed of my thinking. So that's fascinating that your brain has, like a bike, has different speeds, if I'm using that metaphor correctly.

Speaker 2
[00:32:07.30 - 00:32:09.90]

I just know way too many people that enjoy it on a regular basis.

Speaker 1
[00:32:09.94 - 00:32:14.04]

Yeah, and I had a friend who got hooked on it, and she was like, this is bad.

Speaker 2
[00:32:14.36 - 00:32:18.98]

It just seems to keep them going all day. Right. High achievers. Right.

Speaker 1
[00:32:19.30 - 00:32:20.50]

Coke doesn't do that.

Speaker 2
[00:32:20.62 - 00:32:21.18]

A lot of journalists.

Speaker 1
[00:32:21.88 - 00:32:22.94]

And a lot of college kids now.

Speaker 2
[00:32:23.18 - 00:32:24.22]

A lot of college kids. Yeah.

Speaker 1
[00:32:24.80 - 00:32:27.00]

There used to be Coke heads when we were kids. Now they're on Adderall.

Speaker 2
[00:32:27.10 - 00:32:32.66]

I've asked friends who've done it and gone on stage, and they said never again. Anybody who's ever gone on stage on Adderall, they're like, no.

Speaker 1
[00:32:33.40 - 00:32:34.26]

Really, why? Yeah,

Speaker 2
[00:32:34.84 - 00:32:36.84]

not having fun. Too tense.

Speaker 1
[00:32:37.02 - 00:32:37.26]


Speaker 2
[00:32:37.50 - 00:32:38.84]

Just not silly.

Speaker 1
[00:32:39.82 - 00:32:44.76]

You're not loose. You're wired. You're clenching your jaw. Yeah, that's why I'm saying you wouldn't like Coke.

Speaker 2
[00:32:45.10 - 00:32:45.34]


Speaker 1
[00:32:45.56 - 00:32:48.22]

I'm surprised you don't want to just try everything once.

Speaker 2
[00:32:49.36 - 00:32:49.70]


Speaker 1
[00:32:50.06 - 00:32:51.00]

What was that noise?

Speaker 2
[00:32:51.32 - 00:32:51.76]

I'm busy.

Speaker 1
[00:32:52.38 - 00:32:52.86]


Speaker 2
[00:32:53.48 - 00:32:59.98]

Eh. I got a Netflix special coming up. You can't try everything once, because you'd be trying too many things. There's not that many. And then you'd have to recover.

[00:33:00.06 - 00:33:10.98]

I have responsibilities. But I do think that having all these things illegal, or having most of them illegal, is a fucking travesty.

Speaker 1
[00:33:11.42 - 00:33:18.52]

I agree with you as an anarchist, but then what happened in Portland, or wherever Seattle was, was a real problem.

Speaker 2
[00:33:18.74 - 00:33:39.40]

Yeah, but that also coincided with terrible leadership, where the mayor was saying, when they took over, a giant swath of the city, that it was the summer of love. Remember that crazy shit? Those people were retarded. That whole fucking philosophy up there is so stupid, it's a suicide cult. They legitimately are going to destroy their society.

[00:33:39.86 - 00:33:59.48]

And they're all like, yay, diversity. They'll be waving their fucking pride flags as the city sinks into the ocean. They're out of their fucking minds. So you can't look at that place, and say, this is what happens when you make drugs legal. No, that's what happens when you make drugs legal in a place run by maniacs.

[00:33:59.68 - 00:34:08.04]

A place run by people who think it's fine to have tents everywhere, and give people money to shoot up, and give them clean needles, and give them money every month to stay homeless.

Speaker 1
[00:34:08.32 - 00:34:18.96]

I hear you, but my point is, you and I both know a lot of people who are waiting for the psychedelics, right? And if psychedelics become fully legal, and corporations take over, there's going to be downsides.

Speaker 2
[00:34:19.12 - 00:34:48.74]

I think if the corporations do the psychedelics, they'll probably have a different approach to how they interact with humanity. If the CEOs and all these people realize, like, you are going to die. And if you're wasting all your time trying to squeeze as much money as humanly possible out of every person that interacts with your company, you're not living a harmonious life. And it doesn't mean that you can't make a lot of money and sell things. But you can make a lot of money and sell things with a psychedelic capitalist perspective, where you're not trying to do evil.

[00:34:48.88 - 00:34:50.64]

You're just trying to be fair about it.

Speaker 1
[00:34:50.84 - 00:34:52.56]

I agree with everything you said.

Speaker 2
[00:34:52.80 - 00:34:53.44]

Very utopian, though.

Speaker 1
[00:34:53.76 - 00:35:06.12]

But I'm saying there's plenty of people who, if they start getting on these drugs and being introspective, they're not going to like what they see, and there's going to be a lot of things that come up, and it's not going to be an easy transition toward a better person for some of them.

Speaker 2
[00:35:06.18 - 00:35:07.70]

And it'll be much harder to get a good burger.

[00:35:09.46 - 00:35:11.34]

Those dudes getting quit those jobs!

Speaker 1
[00:35:13.40 - 00:35:15.28]

I'm talking about these corporate people.

Speaker 2
[00:35:15.56 - 00:35:17.92]

I understand. And also, even the corporate people.

Speaker 1
[00:35:18.18 - 00:35:21.04]

Look what they did with Housewives and all the speed that they were on.

Speaker 2
[00:35:21.54 - 00:35:24.12]

Oh, yeah, but that's the Housewives' fault. They liked it too much.

Speaker 1
[00:35:24.24 - 00:35:26.10]

Yeah, but they were told this is a diet pill.

Speaker 2
[00:35:26.40 - 00:35:30.36]

Well, better that or lobotomy. We only had a few options back then.

Speaker 1
[00:35:31.12 - 00:35:32.06]

I don't think those were the two.

Speaker 2
[00:35:32.06 - 00:35:40.60]

Mother's Little Helper, remember? From the Rolling Stones song? I mean, they stopped doing lobotomies in 67.. They were doing lobotomies for like 50 fucking years, scrambling people's brains.

Speaker 1
[00:35:40.60 - 00:35:41.62]

They did it to Rosemary Kennedy.

Speaker 2
[00:35:42.12 - 00:35:43.94]

Didn't they do it because she was promiscuous?

Speaker 1
[00:35:44.28 - 00:35:45.68]

And also, she was kind of slow.

Speaker 2
[00:35:46.32 - 00:35:46.68]


Speaker 1
[00:35:47.08 - 00:36:01.02]

And the thing with the lobotomy, did you know about this? You have to do it when the person's conscious. Yeah. So she had to count backwards, and then she stopped being able to talk. And then they pretended she was on sabbatical for 50 years, and then they did the Special Olympics because they felt bad.

Speaker 2
[00:36:01.52 - 00:36:02.34]

Oh, my God.

Speaker 1
[00:36:02.52 - 00:36:03.30]

Evil, evil family.

Speaker 2
[00:36:03.96 - 00:36:08.18]

Well, it's an evil practice, that thing that they would do for people when they had troubles.

Speaker 1
[00:36:08.48 - 00:36:14.72]

I love the idea. It's just so insane that, like, there's no precision, really. You're stabbing them in the head.

Speaker 2
[00:36:14.94 - 00:36:15.46]

Scrambling brains.

Speaker 1
[00:36:15.56 - 00:36:17.40]

And hoping you hit the right spot. That's not a thing.

Speaker 2
[00:36:17.54 - 00:36:23.90]

I think they're going to look at that the same way they look at... the way they look at that now. They're going to look at sex change for kids in the future.

Speaker 1
[00:36:24.40 - 00:36:25.58]

Yes. Oh, yes.

Speaker 2
[00:36:25.60 - 00:36:26.48]

They're going to look at all this.

Speaker 1
[00:36:26.94 - 00:36:27.80]

Munchausen's by proxy.

Speaker 2
[00:36:30.48 - 00:36:46.12]

Also, there's clearly like a mind virus, and it is like a mind virus. I mean, that term, mind virus, it sounds like you shouldn't say that because a virus doesn't exist in the mind. It's a different kind of thing than an actual biological virus, but it has the same function. It really does.

Speaker 1
[00:36:46.32 - 00:36:57.50]

Ideas go viral. Yeah, they do, right? That's the thing. The idea is going viral. The thing is, when you and I were kids, as dinosaurs, every girl, or 90% of them, had an eating disorder because she was uncomfortable.

[00:36:57.60 - 00:37:01.80]

Her body's changing, unwanted male attention, having that sense of control. It was very common.

Speaker 2
[00:37:01.90 - 00:37:02.26]

Very common.

Speaker 1
[00:37:02.26 - 00:37:22.90]

A lot of people didn't grow out of it, but most of them did. Now, if you're uncomfortable with your body, you're going to be shifted down in this direction, in many such cases. It's really just... Carol Markowitz, who's a journalist, she was a neighbor of mine in Brooklyn. She said a majority of kids in her daughter's class were identifying as some variant of queer.

[00:37:23.46 - 00:37:25.08]

She's like, I'm out of here. I'm going to Florida.

Speaker 2
[00:37:25.50 - 00:37:26.28]

It's so strange.

Speaker 1
[00:37:26.82 - 00:37:27.96]

Strange isn't the word.

[00:37:30.20 - 00:37:31.58]

It's... The thing is...

Speaker 2
[00:37:31.58 - 00:37:32.76]

But it is also strange.

Speaker 1
[00:37:32.98 - 00:37:34.50]

With eating disorders, you can get over it.

Speaker 2
[00:37:34.96 - 00:37:37.34]

Right. This is going to cause permanent damage to people.

Speaker 1
[00:37:37.34 - 00:37:44.74]

Did you see this evil demon from the LA Times? There was a woman, a girl named Chloe Cole, who was a detransitioner.

Speaker 2
[00:37:44.80 - 00:37:45.34]

A vertebrate.

Speaker 1
[00:37:45.66 - 00:37:53.70]

They had this whole hit piece on her. Oh, no. She's become beloved by the right. This is someone telling their real... She's not unique.

[00:37:54.02 - 00:38:04.56]

Telling her story about, I wasn't old enough to make these decisions and I'm fucked for life. I'm never going to have sexual pleasure. My body's changed. I regret this enormously. I thought I wanted this and I was wrong.

[00:38:04.96 - 00:38:09.20]

It's like, oh, it's just a hatchet piece. I forgot the girl's name. It's just horrible. That's so cruel.

Speaker 2
[00:38:09.56 - 00:38:14.98]

Could you imagine, if it was instead the right that was promoting this? How the left would react?

Speaker 1
[00:38:15.00 - 00:38:20.06]

The right used to. It was a conversion therapy. This is their version.

Speaker 2
[00:38:20.48 - 00:38:28.14]

Praying the gay away. Yeah. Yeah. But not as extreme in the sense that you're not doing surgery on people, especially on children, to give them hormone blockers. Right.

[00:38:28.32 - 00:38:41.16]

But imagine if that was the right's... if the right's perspective was akin to Iran's perspective. So in Iran, you have a very high number of transsexuals. By law. Because it's illegal to be gay.

Speaker 1
[00:38:41.26 - 00:38:42.46]

Right. Now, imagine.

Speaker 2
[00:38:42.46 - 00:38:57.50]

if that was going on with the right here. They're saying, no, you can't be gay, but you can be trans and you can become a woman. Also... And so they're encouraging it and then profiting off of it and then shaming anyone that detransitions like that person. Imagine if that was all being done by the right.

[00:38:57.60 - 00:38:59.72]

Yeah. People would think it's so fucking evil.

Speaker 1
[00:38:59.98 - 00:39:06.26]

The thing that's also crazy is that everyone who questions their gender is trans. No one just has issues with their gender.

Speaker 2
[00:39:06.90 - 00:39:13.94]

Not only that, there's a lot of data that shows that if you let them just leave them alone and let them go through puberty and become an adult, they usually become gay.

Speaker 1
[00:39:14.46 - 00:39:14.68]


Speaker 2
[00:39:15.00 - 00:39:23.80]

And then a lot of gay people are like, hey, this is homophobic. This idea is homophobic. Like, this idea that these people are actually in the wrong body. Like, no, they're gay.

Speaker 1
[00:39:23.86 - 00:39:42.58]

And I also talk about this a lot. There's this complete... insane, insane pretense that taking hormones, even the hormones of your own gender, has no downside. So if a male takes testosterone, he's not going to have any bad side effects. If a female takes estrogen, there's no bad side effects.

[00:39:42.60 - 00:39:51.90]

When women are pregnant and their hormones are a mess, it's all upside. But they pretend that like, oh, if we just give this person hormones, it's only going to be a good thing. It's like... Not just hormones. There's a huge cost.

[00:39:52.22 - 00:39:54.56]

But the blockers,

Speaker 2
[00:39:54.92 - 00:40:02.42]

the blockers are the crazy thing. Because they are literally chemical castration drugs that they would use for pedophiles. It's the same drugs.

Speaker 1
[00:40:02.70 - 00:40:06.36]

But also, Joe, the lie that you can just start puberty later.

Speaker 2
[00:40:06.52 - 00:40:10.70]

It's a lie. Absolutely a lie. You will be altered forever. You will never develop.

Speaker 1
[00:40:10.94 - 00:40:22.24]

As I am proof, if your growth is stunted as a kid, you don't get to grow your full height. later. There's a window. Same thing with learning language. These kids who are feral and raised by wolves, they don't later become scholars.

[00:40:22.52 - 00:40:25.06]

They lose the capacity to speak correctly.

Speaker 2
[00:40:25.06 - 00:40:25.30]


Speaker 1
[00:40:25.68 - 00:40:31.52]

So the brazen lies of, well, you can just start puberty later, if that's what you feel like. I can't imagine this.

Speaker 2
[00:40:31.52 - 00:40:36.90]

coming from the right. Imagine. So this is why people are so weird. Because...

Speaker 1
[00:40:36.90 - 00:40:37.98]

And why is this politicized?

Speaker 2
[00:40:38.42 - 00:40:40.80]

It's crazy. Right? It is crazy. Why is it politicized?

Speaker 1
[00:40:40.80 - 00:40:45.62]

If there's kids who have mental illness of some kind, let's get them help. Right. And everyone's different.

Speaker 2
[00:40:46.06 - 00:40:54.62]

Right. Everyone's different. And the solution isn't necessarily give a girl a mastectomy when she's 14.. That seems insane.

Speaker 1
[00:40:54.86 - 00:40:56.06]

Do you know? there's... Yeah.

[00:40:57.70 - 00:41:00.60]

There's a new one called, uh, uh, neuter.

Speaker 2
[00:41:01.44 - 00:41:01.74]


Speaker 1
[00:41:02.66 - 00:41:12.40]

And they remove, make you look like a Barbie or Ken doll. Oh, God. And Joe, you know why I made that, why I winced? Because you know it's here in Austin. The clinic is here.

Speaker 2
[00:41:12.86 - 00:41:14.16]

Oh, my God.

Speaker 1
[00:41:14.60 - 00:41:18.38]

This is what happens when you're friends with Deborah, so you learn about these things. Wait a minute, really?

Speaker 2
[00:41:18.62 - 00:41:22.00]

It's called neuter? Yeah. How many people have they done this to?

Speaker 1
[00:41:22.00 - 00:41:28.20]

I don't know. I don't know. It's here in Austin. The guy's very proud of himself. Oh, my God.

[00:41:29.02 - 00:41:29.54]

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2
[00:41:29.64 - 00:41:31.16]

God, that's so weird.

Speaker 1
[00:41:31.56 - 00:41:32.42]

No, it's very normal.

[00:41:36.34 - 00:41:39.40]

Yeah. Jesus Christ. Yep.

Speaker 2
[00:41:40.10 - 00:41:51.48]

So this is like when you go to visit the Coliseum and you're like, what happened to these people? This is us. This is us. It's just. we're very fortunate to be in the middle of it and watching it all play out.

Speaker 1
[00:41:51.48 - 00:41:56.86]

There's that meme of Jesus. Yes. Matthew McConaughey smudging the asteroid. Now he gets flooded again.

Speaker 2
[00:41:57.20 - 00:42:04.96]

Oh, that's funny. I saw it sending the asteroid. I saw it the other day. I guess there's a bunch of those. Like, what the fuck, man?

Speaker 1
[00:42:05.44 - 00:42:08.90]

It's when you're dealing... The thing is, the gas lighting is what bothers me.

Speaker 2
[00:42:09.18 - 00:42:21.08]

Well, it all bothers me. It all bothers me the fragility of the human mind. You know, that we're... So everybody. forever was like, Kamala Harris is the worst vice president.

[00:42:21.08 - 00:42:36.10]

She's the least popular vice president of all time. And then, in a moment, a moment in time, all of a sudden, she's our solution. She's our hero. Everybody's with her. All these social media posts about her.

[00:42:36.54 - 00:42:40.70]

Try Googling a negative story on her. You won't find one.

Speaker 1
[00:42:41.58 - 00:42:56.46]

So... Ta-da! You've got me started, Officer Harris. So they've been doing this live for years. So in 2019, our pal Tulsi absolutely nuked her in that second debate.

[00:42:57.02 - 00:43:08.84]

And if you looked at charts at the time, she's kind of... Officer Harris is doing okay. First debate, she comes out. Joe Biden, you're a racist. The Democrats were looking for an alternative to Bernie Sanders, that wasn't Biden.

[00:43:08.96 - 00:43:18.28]

She starts going up in the polls, right? Second debate comes out. Tulsi, being a good Hawaiian, knows how to roast the pig. Just completely slams her. Not only that, she has no counterpunch.

[00:43:18.34 - 00:43:27.86]

She goes on Anderson Cooper and she's like, well, I'm a top-tier candidate, so of course, people are going to take shots at me. That's her answer. She immediately starts going down in the polls. It's that day. You can see it on the chart.

[00:43:27.86 - 00:43:44.66]

I have on my Twitter. All the articles at the time that did an autopsy on Kamala Harris's failed campaign didn't mention Tulsi. once. It was BBC, LA Times, Reuters, New Yorker. A guy from the Washington Post just did a piece looking back on her campaign.

[00:43:44.86 - 00:43:49.46]

Didn't mention Tulsi either. Isn't that wild? They completely pretend it didn't happen.

Speaker 2
[00:43:49.68 - 00:44:07.80]

Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for. Yes. Because she is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit, so she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.

[00:44:07.96 - 00:44:13.58]

Yeah. She is a person of color. She's everything you want. All those things you want, and yet you don't want her.

Speaker 1
[00:44:13.66 - 00:44:14.40]

Because she's not for war.

Speaker 2
[00:44:14.88 - 00:44:25.52]

Yes. Well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to fucking move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here.

[00:44:25.68 - 00:44:31.34]

You're going to fuck up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.

Speaker 1
[00:44:31.86 - 00:44:35.78]

Did you see that piece by Seymour Hersh that dropped over the weekend about the coup?

Speaker 2
[00:44:35.98 - 00:44:45.22]

Yes. So explain to people what. Seymour Hersh... I don't know if he's right, but he seems to be right a lot, and he was right about the Nord Stream Pipeline, right?

Speaker 1
[00:44:45.22 - 00:45:01.48]

So what I was saying, and a lot of other people were saying, is, the big issue is, how do you get Biden out of the White House? So here's Biden's case. He's like, look, I got Trump out of the White House last time. I'm only behind two or three points in the polls. Kamala's polling worse than me.

[00:45:01.48 - 00:45:12.22]

in like eight out of ten polls. I've won these delegates. Why the hell should I back down? And that's a very solid case. Jill, for the first time in her life, people care about her.

[00:45:12.34 - 00:45:19.60]

She matters. As Hunter put it, I have it exactly here, she's a selfish, silly, entitled cunt. That was how Hunter described her. Yeah, yeah, we have text.

[00:45:21.30 - 00:45:32.10]

And then all the public pressure, Biden, you got to drop out, Biden got to drop out, Biden got to drop out. Nancy Pelosi's a gangster. I wouldn't want to fuck with her. I wouldn't want to fuck with Mitch McConnell. These people don't mess around.

[00:45:32.30 - 00:45:39.94]

And everyone said, or a lot of people said, they're going to have to go to threats. Because why else would he step down? He's earned it, that presidency, and he's earned the nomination.

Speaker 2
[00:45:40.20 - 00:45:44.86]

But if there was ever a time to invoke the 25th Amendment, wouldn't you think this is the time?

Speaker 1
[00:45:45.76 - 00:46:20.14]

Sure, but I don't think they, hold on, hold on, here's the thing, let's talk about this. So, Seymour Hersh, who's been around D.C. since the 60s, I believe he wrote The Dark Side of Camelot, if I'm not mistaken. He had a thing on his sub-stack that goes, Biden got the call, and it was Obama, Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries, current House Minority Leader, Leader of the Democrats in the House, and they said, we got Camelot on board to invoke the 25th, if you don't drop the nomination, you know, that's what's going to happen. The thing is, you were saying, they're not invoking the 25th, he's still President.

Speaker 2
[00:46:20.42 - 00:46:24.76]

Right, but I'm saying, if there was a time that they were going to do that, this would be that time.

Speaker 1
[00:46:25.22 - 00:46:27.58]

It was that time four years ago.

Speaker 2
[00:46:27.80 - 00:46:28.08]


Speaker 1
[00:46:28.58 - 00:46:29.58]

It's been that time.

Speaker 2
[00:46:29.62 - 00:46:34.62]

But clearly now, right? More than ever before, it's deteriorating. Why, because it's public? No, it's deteriorating.

Speaker 1
[00:46:34.66 - 00:46:36.08]

I don't think he's gotten that much worse.

Speaker 2
[00:46:36.18 - 00:46:41.14]

Oh, he's gotten a lot worse. There's a video that compares him from 2019 to 2024, it's a marked difference.

Speaker 1
[00:46:41.14 - 00:46:49.80]

Yeah, but I don't think there's a big difference between 2022 and 2024.. There's like a two-and-a-half-hour compilation of the campaign in 2020, where he forgets Obama's name.

Speaker 2
[00:46:50.18 - 00:46:57.46]

Yeah, that's true. He had those gaffes back then, but they're constant now. He's barely hanging on.

Speaker 1
[00:46:57.74 - 00:47:00.48]

He was fine in the State of the Union. I think it's like sundowning, you know?

Speaker 2
[00:47:02.90 - 00:47:04.32]

You think he's a body double?

Speaker 1
[00:47:05.46 - 00:47:07.96]

That guy walked very differently than Biden. I saw that.

Speaker 2
[00:47:08.08 - 00:47:08.68]

He's a lot taller.

Speaker 1
[00:47:08.84 - 00:47:12.54]

It's on Scott Adams' Twitter. I saw that and I'm like, am I Alex Jones-ing today?

Speaker 2
[00:47:12.76 - 00:47:24.56]

No, he's a lot taller. Yeah. No, he's physically taller and he walks way better. Like, as someone who, like you, watch Biden walk, he had a stiffness, like death was coming for him.

Speaker 1
[00:47:24.62 - 00:47:35.88]

And before everyone freaks out, has their mousetraps and their heads go off, I think there should be more presidential body doubles, because one president almost got murdered. So if we have ways to keep them safe, let's use them.

Speaker 2
[00:47:36.40 - 00:47:56.84]

Okay, that's a good thing to say. We'll cover our ass there. And now here's another thing to say. In the interest of national security, like, let's imagine a scenario where Biden is deathly ill and Kamala is not really capable of taking over as president right now. And there is, you know, like who's next?

[00:47:56.92 - 00:47:59.52]

Speaker of the House. So Nancy Pelosi? No, who is it now?

Speaker 1
[00:47:59.66 - 00:48:00.08]

Mike Johnson.

Speaker 2
[00:48:00.16 - 00:48:17.84]

Mike Johnson, right? So that would be him next. So that's a dangerous moment in terms of national security. Even though everyone knows that Biden's, you know, really having problems and is not actually running the show, you know, I could see why they would want to use some body doubles for that. Of course.

[00:48:18.04 - 00:48:30.52]

You know, if the guy's in a hospital somewhere. But this guy, let's look at it. Because this guy, he don't walk like him. He's taller than him. It looks like he gained, like went back in time, seven or eight years.

Speaker 1
[00:48:30.62 - 00:48:32.38]

This is the Weekend at Bernie's, like prequel.

Speaker 2
[00:48:33.26 - 00:48:34.46]

Well, this is like.

[00:48:36.22 - 00:48:48.24]

master gaslighting, and propaganda is what it is. Like to show you that there's, you know, what? was it in 2000? And I forget what year it was, where I believe it was during the Obama administration. Look at the size of this guy.

Speaker 1
[00:48:49.66 - 00:48:50.56]

This isn't the cliff I saw.

Speaker 2
[00:48:50.56 - 00:48:58.76]

He's so much bigger. Look how big he is. He's so much bigger than Joe. He's so much bigger. Like he gained a legitimate six inches.

[00:48:58.88 - 00:49:03.40]

Look how tall he looks. Look at it. She's wearing heels as well.

Speaker 1
[00:49:03.40 - 00:49:08.42]

Jamie, there's one on Scott Adams' Twitter. This is from his Twitter. Oh, but let's watch. No, it's the one he's walking to the helicopter.

Speaker 2
[00:49:08.50 - 00:49:13.66]

Let's watch this again. Yeah, that's another one. Yeah, that's another one. That's a similar one too. where you see, let's see it one more time.

[00:49:13.92 - 00:49:17.36]

Let's see him walk again. So, like, look how much bigger he is than Joe.

Speaker 1
[00:49:17.80 - 00:49:18.08]

Holy shit.

Speaker 2
[00:49:18.20 - 00:49:20.48]

He towers over her. He didn't used to tower over her.

Speaker 1
[00:49:20.76 - 00:49:21.32]

before I saw the other one.

Speaker 2
[00:49:21.34 - 00:49:24.10]

And also, if you look, look at her, she's wearing high heels.

Speaker 1
[00:49:24.62 - 00:49:25.58]

See? Oh, wow. Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2
[00:49:25.60 - 00:49:35.76]

See her high heels? Okay, and he's towering over her. That is a much taller person. So maybe they hooked him up with some fucking secret sauce. that's going to keep him going and he'll be back.

[00:49:36.02 - 00:49:39.62]

Maybe they have the ability to go back like biologically.

Speaker 1
[00:49:40.04 - 00:49:40.66]

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2
[00:49:41.20 - 00:49:43.60]

Take him back a decade or two. Giant difference.

Speaker 1
[00:49:43.70 - 00:49:46.44]

Well, hold on. Is that because she could be behind him? No, listen.

Speaker 2
[00:49:46.54 - 00:49:47.80]

She also has high heels on, man.

Speaker 1
[00:49:47.90 - 00:49:49.46]

No, no, but on the left. it could be that she's standing.

Speaker 2
[00:49:49.46 - 00:49:54.66]

No, no, no, no, no, no. That's a different human. Look at the size difference of the torso.

Speaker 1
[00:49:54.88 - 00:49:57.60]

Them walking to the helicopter is the one where it looked really different.

Speaker 2
[00:49:57.60 - 00:50:02.88]

Can I say that, please? Look at the size differences in the torsos themselves. From the top of his shoulders to where-.

Speaker 1
[00:50:02.88 - 00:50:05.12]

Oh, look, how many buttons. Yeah, look at the white of the shirt.

Speaker 2
[00:50:05.30 - 00:50:20.20]

Yes. Just look at the size difference. Look how much longer that human is on the left. Now, maybe Biden, listen, they might have some wild shit that brings you back from the dead. Like, medical science is getting, like, there's some people out there working on some wild stuff.

[00:50:20.40 - 00:50:23.44]

Maybe they're just fucking jolting him up with some Wolverine juice.

Speaker 1
[00:50:25.18 - 00:50:38.98]

Wolverine juice is going to make it taller, but here's the thing. In the same way, in the 60s, if you sat on the show and said, Liberace is gay, people would yell at you because you've never seen him sucking a dick. People right now would be like, it's impossible. Why would they do a body double?

Speaker 2
[00:50:39.22 - 00:50:41.00]

No, I don't think they would be. I don't think they would be anymore.

Speaker 1
[00:50:41.34 - 00:50:41.96]

You don't think so?

Speaker 2
[00:50:42.52 - 00:50:43.08]

You don't think there's.

Speaker 1
[00:50:43.08 - 00:50:44.82]

a lot of people listening right now who think you're crazy?

Speaker 2
[00:50:44.92 - 00:50:47.18]

My parents. Like, regular people, know.

Speaker 1
[00:50:47.42 - 00:50:48.06]

Your parents don't listen to this show.

Speaker 2
[00:50:48.50 - 00:50:52.98]

No, they don't. But if they did, they're boomers. They're full on. They're full on.

Speaker 1
[00:50:53.62 - 00:50:55.76]

You've got to keep Trump out of the White House.

Speaker 2
[00:50:56.34 - 00:51:08.28]

But what you're seeing right here, it really looks like a different person. Now, why are we saying that? Because it actually does look like a different person. We're not making something up, okay? I don't do that.

[00:51:08.36 - 00:51:24.36]

I don't pretend. I don't lie. I'm not the type of person that looks at something like that and I have a propaganda thing I'm trying to push. Like, when people say, this version of Joe Biden is the best version ever. Intellectually, I'm telling you, he's on point.

[00:51:24.66 - 00:51:26.80]

That's not real, right? I don't do that.

Speaker 1
[00:51:27.28 - 00:51:32.56]

We were also told for years that these are selectively edited clips. And deep fakes.

Speaker 2
[00:51:32.74 - 00:51:34.52]

No, they call them cheap fakes.

Speaker 1
[00:51:34.60 - 00:51:35.82]

Yeah, cheap fakes. That's what she was.

Speaker 2
[00:51:35.82 - 00:51:38.20]

calling them cheap. First of all, very expensive technology.

Speaker 1
[00:51:38.40 - 00:51:39.54]

It took a lot of money.

Speaker 2
[00:51:39.54 - 00:51:40.02]

to produce.

Speaker 1
[00:51:40.30 - 00:51:53.58]

The cope with the debate, first I heard people say it was the fault of the lighting. I don't know what kind of lighting, unless it's some kind of space lasers. After his bedtime. But what kind of lighting makes you say we beat Medicare? Then people said the mic was fucked up.

[00:51:53.64 - 00:52:01.86]

Well, if your mic is fucked up, why can't you breathe? So it was amazing how all the explanations didn't explain what we all saw with our own eyes.

Speaker 2
[00:52:01.86 - 00:52:22.94]

Well, we can't gaslight. You know, we got, I know everyone's doing this, because this is how everyone's done this. I don't think you can do it this way anymore. I think this political gaslighting they do is genuinely bad for them. Not just bad for everyone and bad for the entire civilization, but genuinely bad for them.

[00:52:23.50 - 00:52:24.82]

You can't do that anymore.

Speaker 1
[00:52:25.24 - 00:52:26.96]

You can't just say it.

Speaker 2
[00:52:27.14 - 00:52:41.96]

Everyone knows, it's not true. God, so many people do and so many people your age and my age know. Yes. Alright, I think everyone who, like right now, everyone who's 40 and under is fucking super skeptical of all this. God damn, a lot of people do.

Speaker 1
[00:52:41.96 - 00:52:43.00]

A lot, but not everyone.

Speaker 2
[00:52:43.12 - 00:52:50.18]

You're right. You're right. You're right. I'm exaggerating, but there's many more than during, like, my parents' age.

Speaker 1
[00:52:50.18 - 00:52:52.16]

when they were in their 40s. Infinitely more. You know why?

Speaker 2
[00:52:52.58 - 00:52:56.48]

Yeah, social media. Elon. Elon, yes. That's a big part of it.

Speaker 1
[00:52:56.48 - 00:53:10.50]

I always make this point. You don't need a majority, you only need an alternative. As long as there's one, like that little kid who said that emperor has no clothes. Yeah. As long as there's one outlet where you could be like, this seems a little weird, then all of a sudden the truth can come out.

[00:53:10.54 - 00:53:12.16]

Or at least in good questions.

Speaker 2
[00:53:12.46 - 00:53:21.82]

The dude has literally saved free speech. Yes. And that sounds so stupid to some people that are against it. Like, oh my God, you think that Nazis and hate speech and blah, blah, blah.

[00:53:23.58 - 00:53:44.60]

Listen, it's not good that people want to type racist things. It's not good. It's not good that people target specific human beings. It's not good. It's also not good if you don't know those people exist and if people can't counter those people in those comments, and if people can't highlight how egregious some of the things they're saying are, how awful some of the things they're saying are.

[00:53:44.90 - 00:53:53.30]

And also, get real information about. Like, what's really going on in Venezuela? What's really going on in El Salvador? What's everywhere?

Speaker 1
[00:53:53.54 - 00:54:02.08]

And I'm also sitting here as a Jewish person who went to Jew school to tell you that the idea that you can't criticize George fucking Soros, who's a billionaire, because it's anti-Semitic is insane.

Speaker 2
[00:54:02.08 - 00:54:13.28]

Well, that's the old Mossad tactic, right? The Mossad, there was a guy who was a Mossad agent who talked about this. Like, what they would do if they found out that there was a journalist who was saying Israel's attacking this. You label him an anti-Semite.

Speaker 1
[00:54:13.40 - 00:54:23.62]

Yeah, but the point is they don't do this just anti-Semitism. There was racism, there was homophobia, and we're seeing it right now with Officer Harris. George Soros? No, what I'm saying is for George Soros to be anti-Semitic, you're anti-Semitic. Right.

[00:54:23.62 - 00:54:31.60]

If you're going after Officer Harris, you're either racist or sexist or ableist. Right. Ableist. Yeah, because she's a retard. She's literally retarded.

[00:54:32.90 - 00:54:44.94]

I mean, Ukraine is a country in Europe and Russia is another country and a powerful country, and Russia invaded Ukraine, and that's wrong.

Speaker 2
[00:54:45.14 - 00:54:47.92]

What's really important is what can be unburdened by what has been.

Speaker 1
[00:54:48.04 - 00:55:03.20]

I think of her as America's wine mom, because bitch seems like she's three deep by noon and she's got the three phases of wine mom. She's got happy drunk. Oh my god, this cereal's got a rabbit on it. It's so great. Cackling, cackling, cackling, cackling.

[00:55:03.56 - 00:55:25.20]

Then there is trying to drunk at work, where you're trying to make sense, but you don't. Space is around us all and unites us all and inspires us all. And then there's I'm being stern, so you don't realize how plastered I am and I'm making a point. That little girl was me. Now I'm going to go upstairs and don't knock on the door because I'm going to pass out.

[00:55:25.66 - 00:55:28.62]

So those are her three ways she talks and those are the wine mom phases.

Speaker 2
[00:55:28.74 - 00:55:38.62]

Do you think they have her medicated? Because there was a guy that was speculating that some of the things that she says, the way she's sort of disconnected sometimes and she goes on these rambles?

Speaker 1
[00:55:38.62 - 00:55:39.56]

that it's indicative.

Speaker 2
[00:55:39.56 - 00:55:43.78]

of certain anti-anxiety medication. I do not know if this is true. See if you can find that.

Speaker 1
[00:55:43.78 - 00:55:46.72]

because I really shouldn't say that about our future president.

Speaker 2
[00:55:47.50 - 00:55:48.30]

She's going to win.

Speaker 1
[00:55:48.72 - 00:55:49.18]

No, she's not.

Speaker 2
[00:55:49.32 - 00:55:49.82]

She can win.

Speaker 1
[00:55:50.72 - 00:56:00.98]

She absolutely can win. I do not think she's going to win, because the more she talks like in 2020, how bad do you have to be that you can't even make Iowa? She couldn't even compete with the mayor of South Bend.

Speaker 2
[00:56:01.08 - 00:56:23.98]

I feel like we are in this very bizarre time where people are giving in to the bullshit in a way that I never suspected people would before. And this is one. they just want no Trump, no matter what, and they're willing to gaslight themselves to think that. and, by the way, I think Hillary could win. If Hillary jumped back in.

Speaker 1
[00:56:23.98 - 00:56:24.98]

I've been saying that for months.

Speaker 2
[00:56:25.14 - 00:56:35.56]

If Hillary jumped back in. I think the problem was also the money, because there was. there was like $250 million in the campaign fund. that has to. it only works if she's on the ticket.

[00:56:35.78 - 00:56:43.10]

Right. So that's part of the problem, but I feel like Hillary could win. She won the popular vote in 2020 or in 2016 rather.

Speaker 1
[00:56:43.10 - 00:56:47.18]

I've been saying this for a year in different shows and she would have won in pretty.

Speaker 2
[00:56:47.18 - 00:56:50.18]

Michelle Obama could win too, if she wanted to do it. You don't think so?

Speaker 1
[00:56:50.42 - 00:56:54.38]

I don't. I think that's kind of this. you sound like your parents. I think that's his boomerang idea. she doesn't want it.

Speaker 2
[00:56:54.56 - 00:56:58.46]

I'm not saying that she would be awesome at it, but I think.

Speaker 1
[00:56:58.46 - 00:57:04.70]

I think anyone can win of either party, whoever the nominee is. like you, pretty even Chris Christie could have won. if he's the Republican nominee, it's possible.

Speaker 2
[00:57:05.10 - 00:57:11.10]

that Trump getting shot would like. that's it. election's over, but it's like they memory hold that so quick.

Speaker 1
[00:57:11.10 - 00:57:22.06]

you would have thought Trump getting shot would have had four years eight years of corporate journalists talking about hate speech, causing violence. to be like let's take a step back. and that went for what a week?

Speaker 2
[00:57:22.28 - 00:57:25.74]

They did take a step back for a little bit for a week and then they went right back at him.

Speaker 1
[00:57:25.74 - 00:57:34.26]

you want to talk about this memory holding? yeah with the insanity that was Elon who put it up. if you google President Donald, it says President Donald Reagan.

Speaker 2
[00:57:34.92 - 00:57:39.10]

no, I tried it. what happened? maybe they fixed it. it said President Donald Trump.

Speaker 1
[00:57:39.10 - 00:57:41.38]

okay, well, he had a screenshot, so I'm sure he would have.

Speaker 2
[00:57:41.38 - 00:57:57.90]

photoshopped. that I mean what it's based on a lot of things right? like what people are searching for. I would imagine that the assassination attempt on Trump would be the first one that you would see. yeah, assassination attempt on President, maybe Trump, because that's the most recent.

Speaker 1
[00:57:57.90 - 00:57:59.68]

yes, but it's not and most newsworthy.

Speaker 2
[00:57:59.68 - 00:58:16.66]

but it does show it. you just have to type it all in, which is interesting, because that little difference between what you can find and what you get presented immediately has a huge shift in the way people access information, and this is Robert Epstein's work.

Speaker 1
[00:58:16.66 - 00:58:18.60]

the creepy line, the documentary. I want you to watch it.

Speaker 2
[00:58:18.60 - 00:58:32.78]

yeah, and this thing is very real. and what it is is like. if you try to google certain negative stories, like negative stories on people, it will overwhelm you with positive stories. it'll take a long time before you get to the negative stories.

Speaker 1
[00:58:32.78 - 00:58:49.98]

yeah, how he explained it is if you. here's how they can tip the scale. yeah, if I google Hillary Clinton and I have it, so Google gives fairly positive stories about Hillary as the first ten results. you're not going to go to the second page. if I google Donald Trump and Google gives you seven negative stories, it's going to move the needle a little bit toward her quite a bit.

Speaker 2
[00:58:49.98 - 00:59:00.18]

quite a bit like if you're a person who's on the fence, you're like maybe Donald Trump's not a bad guy, and then you google him and then you start reading some of these like pieces that they've written about him. it'll change your perspective.

Speaker 1
[00:59:00.18 - 00:59:01.20]

you really think she's going to win?

Speaker 2
[00:59:02.02 - 00:59:10.18]

I'm not. I'm saying it because she could. I'm not saying because I think she's going to. I'm not saying because I want her to. I'm just being honest, like I could see her winning.

Speaker 1
[00:59:10.18 - 00:59:18.66]

I don't think I think she's going to lose a lot of the blackmail vote. really? that's interesting. I don't think they're going to go in the booth and pull the lever for her, like they did for Biden, who was Obama's boy.

Speaker 2
[00:59:18.66 - 00:59:32.28]

when Trump came out to 50 cent that many men wish death upon me. n-word and everything like didn't censor it out. everybody's like oh shit, he won. it was. it happened so quickly.

[00:59:32.28 - 00:59:40.24]

it's really the shift from oh my god, they shot him to fuck him again. it's like people are questioning whether or not he actually got shot because his ear healed.

Speaker 1
[00:59:40.24 - 00:59:47.10]

can I wait? I gotta tell you something else about him. he was on. who was the fox guy who just died? Stu Varney a couple years ago?

[00:59:47.10 - 01:00:07.96]

and he goes Stu, that's the n-word. you know what the n-word is, right, Stu? and Stu's like oh it goes nuclear, the nuclear word. and I was on the blaze Glenn Beck's network for midterms, and Trump calls in and he's like that's the n-word, nuclear. I'm like are we really doing this right now, like Trump's talking about the n-word?

[01:00:07.96 - 01:00:10.48]

and then he means nuclear. it was nuts.

Speaker 2
[01:00:10.48 - 01:00:19.52]

it's hilarious. what is this? Trump did not walk out to 50 cents, but rather the country. so is that fake? those videos are fake where he walks out.

[01:00:19.52 - 01:00:20.36]


[01:00:25.64 - 01:00:29.34]

those videos go around on the internet. oh so, people imposed it.

Speaker 1
[01:00:29.34 - 01:00:31.60]

I thought the guy was saying it in disbelief.

Speaker 2
[01:00:39.92 - 01:00:41.38]

that's him going out to that song.

Speaker 1
[01:00:41.38 - 01:00:46.94]

scroll down because it says under it there was an explanation in text. what does it say there? oh, it was not. it was just fake.

Speaker 2
[01:00:46.94 - 01:00:50.36]

oh, they faked it. oh, damn it. now we know.

Speaker 1
[01:00:50.36 - 01:00:51.18]

what he should do next time.

Speaker 2
[01:00:51.18 - 01:00:55.16]

he definitely should have came out to that. that's hilarious. oh my god, that would have been epic.

Speaker 1
[01:00:55.16 - 01:00:56.64]

because 50 cent was tweeting about him.

Speaker 2
[01:00:56.64 - 01:01:05.30]

50 cent had his face at his concert, so he had. like you know, he has that image of him in the back and he put Donald Trump's head over his body.

Speaker 1
[01:01:05.30 - 01:01:20.88]

but do you know? maybe that's fake too. there's a big sea change, because even three years ago, if you had said Trump kind of sucks, I don't really like him. he had no business being president. you're a Trump supporter because unless you say he's the worst thing to happen to America, you're a Trump supporter.

Speaker 2
[01:01:20.88 - 01:01:21.58]

right, right, right.

Speaker 1
[01:01:21.58 - 01:01:34.40]

so for Mark Zuckerberg to go on camera and be like this guy was kind of a badass, and that was awesome. and not to have any and to be feel safe to say that, not to have any negative consequences. that's a big deal in terms of the conversation moving.

Speaker 2
[01:01:34.40 - 01:01:44.80]

well, I do not think that Mark Zuckerberg, from my interactions with him, was very comfortable with the FBI telling them to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Speaker 1
[01:01:44.80 - 01:01:55.46]

let's talk about this because there's a lot of people who I don't blame them who think oh, boohoo, you're forcing me to do it, but he's happy to do it anyway. so you're saying that he actually it was like.

Speaker 2
[01:01:55.46 - 01:02:05.62]

well, he brought it up. I mean when I asked him. I asked him what they did with it. he told the whole story. he didn't try to hide from it at all and he said they basically reduced the ability to spread.

[01:02:05.62 - 01:02:17.82]

you could post it, you could read it, you could interact with it, but they reduced its reach by like 50% or something like that, or whatever the number was, which I don't understand. how you do that or what are you doing? I don't know. I'll let that go.

Speaker 1
[01:02:17.82 - 01:02:20.14]

you can understand, because if you on Facebook, which I

Speaker 2
[01:02:20.14 - 01:02:20.94]

but it's recommended.

Speaker 1
[01:02:20.94 - 01:02:30.18]

no, not recommended. I'm not a Facebooker for this reason. your feed, I don't see all my friends posts right, so if they just have it post 50% less, it's very easy to do.

Speaker 2
[01:02:30.18 - 01:02:32.70]

right, I think that's Instagram as well. yes,

Speaker 1
[01:02:32.70 - 01:02:33.54]

same company.

Speaker 2
[01:02:33.54 - 01:02:41.58]

same sort of deal. yeah, yeah, I mean you see that with people, that's what shadow banning is right. it's difficult for people to see your shit right. they do that on purpose.

Speaker 1
[01:02:41.58 - 01:02:43.40]

of course they do, and they can't do it by accident.

Speaker 2
[01:02:43.40 - 01:02:52.46]

no, I mean it's a real thing. I don't know if he's comfortable with the government telling them to do something that turned out to be an actual true story.

Speaker 1
[01:02:52.46 - 01:02:53.74]

is that what he said? no,

Speaker 2
[01:02:53.74 - 01:03:18.18]

I mean I have to imagine. by him saying that that's one of the most badass things that I've ever seen, he's got a reasonable perspective, because it was one of those badass things. whether you love Donald Trump or not, let's pretend he's from another country. you have no stake in the game, that guy almost getting shot and raising his fist up like that. and there's so many fucking weird things about that story, the story of the assassination itself.

[01:03:18.18 - 01:03:26.84]

you should be, everyone should be really uncomfortable with the fact that that happened and not like saying you didn't even get shot. you're missing the whole point.

Speaker 1
[01:03:26.84 - 01:03:41.96]

I tweeted this out. I wish the White House were freaking out about this as much about climate change, because this would be a big moment to be like whoa, whoa, whoa like this can never happen again. when Steve Scalise got shot, they were like and then went back to business, didn't shit happen?

Speaker 2
[01:03:41.96 - 01:03:45.90]

also, why were they streaming it? they don't stream his campaign things.

Speaker 1
[01:03:45.90 - 01:03:47.20]

they do it a lot.

Speaker 2
[01:03:47.20 - 01:03:50.56]

do they do it a lot? oh yeah, they do it a lot? oh yeah, CNN does it a lot?

Speaker 1
[01:03:50.94 - 01:03:51.46]

not CNN.

Speaker 2
[01:03:51.46 - 01:04:06.56]

CNN did this one. yeah, yeah, I kinda added some problems to this too. what'd they say? they said they were unclear on whether he was actually shot, pierced by a bullet or a fragmented portion of one. oh so, it could have been a ricochet.

Speaker 1
[01:04:06.56 - 01:04:07.30]

a shrapnel. yeah,

Speaker 2
[01:04:07.30 - 01:04:17.26]

because I know there was something that got hit. there was a video that I saw of a railing that got hit, so it might have been a piece of the bullet that hit his ear.

Speaker 1
[01:04:17.26 - 01:04:19.24]

but also how are we not seeing this kid's social media?

Speaker 2
[01:04:20.02 - 01:04:34.56]

right. also, did you read the story about the examination of his house? that it was completely scrubbed. there was no silverware. it was like spotless, like a team went over it and scrubbed it.

Speaker 1
[01:04:35.04 - 01:04:36.98]

if oh, wow, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:04:37.52 - 01:04:53.30]

also did you hear the story about how someone using ad tracking so you know they can find out where you're going just based on ad tracking, and they found that someone from a building near the FBI offices was regularly visiting this kid.

Speaker 1
[01:04:54.10 - 01:04:55.06]

back and forth? oh seriously?

Speaker 2
[01:04:55.42 - 01:05:00.08]

yes, yeah, find that, Jamie. I just got the video about the house. I'm trying to see it.

Speaker 1
[01:05:00.08 - 01:05:01.44]

we also don't even know how many of the.

Speaker 2
[01:05:01.44 - 01:05:04.28]

we'll go to the video of the house first and then we'll go to.

Speaker 1
[01:05:04.28 - 01:05:05.48]

but also just there you go.

Speaker 2
[01:05:05.48 - 01:05:14.58]

we don't know. MK Ultra was a real thing. to think they don't do that anymore. oh, come on, I believe.

Speaker 1
[01:05:14.58 - 01:05:26.86]

we had people that participated in that securing of it. there were bomb assets that we provided. Mr. Chairman, can I have 30 more seconds? yeah, yeah, I'm letting everybody count.

[01:05:26.86 - 01:05:34.22]

okay, on the night of since then, did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home?

[01:05:36.30 - 01:05:43.60]

I was briefed on. was there any silverware found in the home or trash? I have no nothing in the briefing that I was given.

Speaker 2
[01:05:44.86 - 01:05:50.90]

I guess maybe he's reporting on that report. yeah, he must be reporting on that report, so that's not. that's a very incomplete. remember the Las Vegas.

Speaker 1
[01:05:50.90 - 01:05:51.20]


Speaker 2
[01:05:51.74 - 01:05:52.84]

yeah, that's a weird one too.

Speaker 1
[01:05:52.84 - 01:05:55.90]

just stop talking about it, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:05:56.44 - 01:06:01.02]

there's a lot of those that you go. what the fuck is that? what is that? why'd they do that?

Speaker 1
[01:06:01.02 - 01:06:04.58]

the fact that we're talking about January 6th for years, and this is just like yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:06:05.82 - 01:06:09.98]

it's well. January 6th was a lot of people and the thought of it is.

Speaker 1
[01:06:09.98 - 01:06:12.04]

but this is a presidential candidate. come on, I mean.

Speaker 2
[01:06:12.04 - 01:06:24.90]

oh, it's all fucked. man, it's fucked. it's weird. the whole thing is weird. um, this kid had these devices and remote controls for detonators, like very sophisticated stuff.

[01:06:24.90 - 01:06:28.78]

he had three overseas bank accounts and crypto accounts.

Speaker 1
[01:06:28.78 - 01:06:30.38]

wait. is that true? yeah, that I didn't know.

Speaker 2
[01:06:30.38 - 01:06:35.50]

yeah, find that out. he had three encrypted accounts. I believe already. why? again?

[01:06:35.50 - 01:06:36.88]

this is stuff I read.

Speaker 1
[01:06:36.88 - 01:06:43.52]

I hear you, but the point is, I'm. this should be what CNN and Fox lead with every night. oh yeah, like this should be the scandal.

Speaker 2
[01:06:43.52 - 01:06:44.64]

right. it should be like.

Speaker 1
[01:06:44.64 - 01:06:48.34]

remember OJ? what is this? we knew about Judge. what was his name? was it Judge Alito?

[01:06:48.66 - 01:06:54.64]

yeah, we knew about Judge Alito sneakers. like they, every detail of that trial was obsessed, but here it's just right.

Speaker 2
[01:06:54.64 - 01:06:58.06]

well, we still don't know what's on the Epstein client list right.

Speaker 1
[01:06:58.06 - 01:07:02.48]

or was it 80 congress people had sexual harassment suits that under seal?

Speaker 2
[01:07:03.72 - 01:07:11.46]

how about the 51 intelligence former intelligence agents that signed off that the Hunter Hunter Biden laptop was bullshit?

Speaker 1
[01:07:11.46 - 01:07:13.70]

and zero consequences for any of that zero.

Speaker 2
[01:07:13.70 - 01:07:25.36]

the um bank account thing might not have been real. they might have backtracked on that. oh, did they? it just says that it might have been linked to an online gaming site or something that might have been a fake account. so why he has accounts?

[01:07:26.00 - 01:07:40.24]

I'm trying to. I'm trying to understand. ok, see what, see what you get. so it's hard to know what's true and what's not true, and it's hard to know what's bullshit and what's not bullshit. but what we definitely know is that they knew about this kid in advance, that he had a range finder.

[01:07:40.24 - 01:07:50.24]

they saw him walking around with a range finder, that somehow or another he got up onto that fucking roof, that they knew he was on that roof and that they saw him with a rifle and didn't shoot him.

Speaker 1
[01:07:50.92 - 01:07:51.40]


Speaker 2
[01:07:51.40 - 01:07:53.84]

and he got off three shots before they shot him.

Speaker 1
[01:07:53.84 - 01:07:55.60]

I heard he took horse paste.

Speaker 2
[01:07:56.38 - 01:08:02.24]

no way. son of a bitch. what a lunatic. oh, he's definitely a right winger. interesting.

[01:08:02.24 - 01:08:07.12]

maybe he's a never trumper, but he was registered for the republican party, which doesn't mean anything.

Speaker 1
[01:08:07.12 - 01:08:09.68]

but he donated to some left wing. yeah, left wing.

Speaker 2
[01:08:09.68 - 01:08:15.52]

oh, he donated to biden, I believe. um, the whole thing is really squirrely and it just makes you wonder.

Speaker 1
[01:08:16.20 - 01:08:20.60]

what about that whole sloped roof bullshit, that's wild. what the fuck are you talking about?

Speaker 2
[01:08:20.60 - 01:08:25.16]

that's wild. it's too dangerous to be on that sloped roof. meanwhile, they had snipers on another roof that was sloped.

Speaker 1
[01:08:25.16 - 01:08:28.48]

even if not, it's like figure it out, it's the president.

Speaker 2
[01:08:28.48 - 01:08:33.64]

yeah, I mean they had that kid. they were looking at him, they saw what he was doing.

Speaker 1
[01:08:33.64 - 01:08:34.84]

here's the thing, though.

[01:08:36.96 - 01:08:46.22]

he's going back to butler to give another rally at the same place. it'd be really funny, if you know. at this point it's kind of like what she's asking for it. you know what I mean.

Speaker 2
[01:08:47.28 - 01:08:59.44]

if they get him again in the same spot, this time they use a drone. the kid had iron sights on his rifle, which I thought was interesting. he did not have a scope, so iron sights are? you're lining it up like this

Speaker 1
[01:08:59.44 - 01:09:02.00]

oh yeah, yeah, okay, I thought you said iron sights. okay, yeah, iron sights.

Speaker 2
[01:09:02.52 - 01:09:14.12]

so he didn't have a scope, but it wasn't a long shot. it was like 150 yards and if he went center mass instead of a headshot, he probably would have killed him. I mean I don't know if trump wears a bulletproof vest.

Speaker 1
[01:09:15.12 - 01:09:18.32]

that's a good question, probably at this point. hopefully he does.

Speaker 2
[01:09:18.32 - 01:09:29.26]

hopefully he does. but if they, if that guy just shot center mass, he he'd hit him, he would have hit him. I mean you're dealing with the variance of this or variance of this right and so the.

Speaker 1
[01:09:29.26 - 01:09:30.12]

bullet trump's a big dude.

Speaker 2
[01:09:30.12 - 01:09:38.40]

if the bullet did nick his ear, it might have been a piece of shrapnel, who knows, but it definitely shot someone behind him and killed him. killed that one guy was a firefighter.

Speaker 1
[01:09:38.40 - 01:09:39.84]

did you see joanne reid?

Speaker 2
[01:09:39.84 - 01:09:40.54]

what'd she say?

Speaker 1
[01:09:40.54 - 01:09:44.94]

biden survived, covid, so it's basically kind of like the same.

Speaker 2
[01:09:44.94 - 01:09:49.94]

yeah, they, they're so gas lit up. they don't even know what the fuck they're saying. they don't even know how ridiculous.

Speaker 1
[01:09:49.94 - 01:09:53.08]

it is, and jen saki's there just nodding like uh-huh, oh yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:09:53.08 - 01:09:55.46]

same thing, basically the same thing.

Speaker 1
[01:09:55.46 - 01:10:00.40]

because she knows better. so she's just like. oh shit like. i gotta kind of play ball, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:10:00.40 - 01:10:01.78]

jory's gem.

Speaker 1
[01:10:03.52 - 01:10:08.38]

how does she have a worse hairline than joe biden? how is that fucking possible?

Speaker 2
[01:10:09.28 - 01:10:16.38]

the whole fucking online pundit thing is so strange, or, excuse me, on television pundit thing is so strange.

Speaker 1
[01:10:16.38 - 01:10:17.22]

in what way?

Speaker 2
[01:10:17.22 - 01:10:18.86]

well, it's just like it's we.

Speaker 1
[01:10:18.86 - 01:10:19.84]

it's so clear.

Speaker 2
[01:10:19.84 - 01:10:22.42]

it's contrived. it's so obviously contrived.

Speaker 1
[01:10:22.42 - 01:10:34.74]

joe, it's not obvious. when we were in the 80s, when hacksaw jim duggan got arrested with the iron sheik, people were like what they don't. he's not actually from iran, he's not a terrorist like. that was a moment, don't you remember?

Speaker 2
[01:10:34.74 - 01:10:36.22]

yes, i do remember that.

Speaker 1
[01:10:36.22 - 01:10:52.70]

so for a lot of people, if or they'll tell you you don't know that you know, this celebrity takes steroids to gain 60 pounds in three months for this movie. maybe he's just got great genetics and it's just like guys. but that's how people think. yeah, what's on their screen is they think their screen is a window right.

Speaker 2
[01:10:53.36 - 01:11:08.02]

and they've been infantilized, yes, over decades, this bullshit being pumped in their face. it's so funny how few people even know what mk ultra was that the government really did try to make assassins.

Speaker 1
[01:11:08.52 - 01:11:12.44]

and try to try to honesty on their own people. oh yeah, try them on all.

Speaker 2
[01:11:12.44 - 01:11:12.94]

kinds of people.

Speaker 1
[01:11:12.94 - 01:11:27.80]

i've said this i think, on this show, before, you can go after the president, the republicans, the democrats, the universities, journalists, whatever you want. only when you question cia, you're a crazy person. everything else is fine. it's on the table, cia. oh, you must be a crazy person.

[01:11:27.80 - 01:11:28.62]

you must be.

Speaker 2
[01:11:28.62 - 01:11:31.20]

yeah, you must be. they're looking out for your best interest.

Speaker 1
[01:11:31.20 - 01:11:37.26]

and even if you told them google mk ultra or mockingbird and they look it up themselves, it still won't permeate.

Speaker 2
[01:11:37.26 - 01:11:38.68]

well, they'll say that was then.

Speaker 1
[01:11:38.68 - 01:11:38.96]


Speaker 2
[01:11:39.88 - 01:11:44.04]

they don't do that anymore. those are 60s people are just. there's a lot of oversight now.

Speaker 1
[01:11:44.04 - 01:11:46.54]

there's racism. yes, a lot of racism, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:11:46.54 - 01:11:49.14]

there's oversight. now you can't do that anymore.

Speaker 1
[01:11:49.14 - 01:11:50.16]

it's insane, you don't have to.

Speaker 2
[01:11:50.16 - 01:11:58.06]

worry about it. yeah, i mean that's when people want to talk about what the deep state is. that's the deep state the people that can pull the strings, that aren't elected officials.

Speaker 1
[01:11:58.06 - 01:11:58.70]

jagger hoover.

Speaker 2
[01:11:58.70 - 01:11:59.22]


Speaker 1
[01:11:59.80 - 01:12:02.48]

he was more powerful. who was he accountable to? nobody.

Speaker 2
[01:12:02.48 - 01:12:05.00]

did he really wear dresses and shit.

Speaker 1
[01:12:05.00 - 01:12:12.56]

that's bullshit, bullshit, right. it's one of those things that they put out there and it's just bullshit. there's no source. this is after he died. it came out supposedly.

Speaker 2
[01:12:13.72 - 01:12:18.16]

but you would think that someone's always going after someone's secrets, who want to have a few secrets of his own.

Speaker 1
[01:12:19.10 - 01:12:20.52]

well, yeah, i'm sure he has some.

Speaker 2
[01:12:20.52 - 01:12:21.44]

especially back then.

Speaker 1
[01:12:21.44 - 01:12:22.30]

i'm sure he had some secrets.

Speaker 2
[01:12:22.30 - 01:12:24.60]

so that was the ultimate one that he really is a crossdresser.

Speaker 1
[01:12:24.60 - 01:12:29.90]

which is a good thing. you didn't put him on hormones right, or maybe it's a bad thing.

Speaker 2
[01:12:29.90 - 01:12:31.04]

maybe he would have.

Speaker 1
[01:12:31.04 - 01:12:32.44]

calmed himself down. he would be a lot nicer.

Speaker 2
[01:12:32.82 - 01:12:36.06]

maybe yeah, or maybe we got hysterical.

Speaker 1
[01:12:36.72 - 01:12:40.98]

calm down. so it's hysterical, like nixon bitch slapping him in the oval office.

Speaker 2
[01:12:44.48 - 01:12:47.54]

maybe we should start really using some of that information that he has.

Speaker 1
[01:12:47.54 - 01:12:48.92]

i want to make a plea.

Speaker 2
[01:12:48.92 - 01:12:49.50]


Speaker 1
[01:12:50.18 - 01:13:06.30]

to the president because i know he doesn't which one biden? joe biden. i know he doesn't listen to this show, but i know his staff does so. donald trump, at the libertarian convention a couple months ago, promised to free ross ulbricht if he gets elected.

Speaker 2
[01:13:06.30 - 01:13:06.74]

did he really

Speaker 1
[01:13:06.74 - 01:13:16.26]

yes, he made this. he made this commitment. so i'm saying to the biden administration now you can make a fool out of trump. you can take this issue off the table. it's probably going to be the margin.

[01:13:16.26 - 01:13:28.90]

new hampshire. there's a lot of people who are ross supporters and tech circles. you can free ross ulbricht today. you got julian assange out of jail with a lot of institutional opposition. no one has institutional opposition to ross.

[01:13:28.90 - 01:13:39.78]

yep, he's not killed anyone, not been accused of killing anyone. he's doing double life, even though he's not a violent criminal. there's no concern recidivism. so, mr. president, make an asshole out of trump.

[01:13:39.78 - 01:13:44.76]

you can say republicans promise, democrats deliver, and you could free ross ulbricht today, commute a sentence.

Speaker 2
[01:13:44.76 - 01:13:47.78]

there's a lot of weirdness in that case too right.

Speaker 1
[01:13:47.78 - 01:13:48.50]

yes, there is.

Speaker 2
[01:13:48.50 - 01:13:50.80]

there's a lot of weirdness in terms of entrapment.

Speaker 1
[01:13:50.80 - 01:14:04.54]

yes, and he's been, he's, he's. it's as if he killed a bunch of people that have double life. it's crazy. so this is something that would be very easy for him to do and get a lot of people to support, or at least stay home and not support trump. so every vote counts.

Speaker 2
[01:14:04.54 - 01:14:08.88]

silk road was a way that you could buy pretty much anything. it was like a.

Speaker 1
[01:14:08.88 - 01:14:10.54]

black market website.

Speaker 2
[01:14:10.54 - 01:14:12.38]

yeah, you could buy pretty much anything it's like.

Speaker 1
[01:14:12.38 - 01:14:14.30]

torrenting, but with drugs and weapons.

Speaker 2
[01:14:14.30 - 01:14:17.14]

and wasn't what? weren't there? murders for hire and stuff too.

Speaker 1
[01:14:17.14 - 01:14:21.12]

i think there were. yeah, yeah, he's not been accused of that or charged it certainly.

Speaker 2
[01:14:21.12 - 01:14:26.62]

was not one of the things that he had signed off on someone getting assassinated.

Speaker 1
[01:14:26.62 - 01:14:31.84]

that's one of these rumors. that's not what they charged him with at all, no, and it's like if that was the thing, why are you charging with?

Speaker 2
[01:14:31.84 - 01:14:33.06]

that what did they charge him?

Speaker 1
[01:14:33.06 - 01:14:36.04]

with. i don't even remember what was it, jamie. it was some bullshit.

Speaker 2
[01:14:37.68 - 01:15:01.24]

uh. albert was charged with engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise narcotics conspiracy, conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to commit computer hacking. on august 21st 2014, a superseding indictment added three additional charges of february 4th 2015. oprah was convicted on all counts after a jury trial that had taken place on january 15 2015.

Speaker 1
[01:15:02.44 - 01:15:05.68]

double life plus 40 years, without possible for all.

Speaker 2
[01:15:05.68 - 01:15:07.48]

two life sentences plus 40 years.

Speaker 1
[01:15:07.48 - 01:15:08.76]

nine years he's been in jail now.

Speaker 2
[01:15:08.76 - 01:15:26.34]

so just in case science comes along and they can keep him alive forever over, he's also ordered to pay about 183 million in restitution, based on the total sales of illegal drugs and counterfeit ids through silk road. wow, that's crazy. so even if he gets out, he's got to pay 183 million dollars in restitution.

Speaker 1
[01:15:27.20 - 01:15:28.96]

i don't know if he has to do that.

Speaker 2
[01:15:28.96 - 01:15:30.86]

holy fuck.

[01:15:32.88 - 01:15:48.22]

they dropped it. they dropped it. federal prosecutors allege that albert had paid 730 thousand dollars in a murder for hire deals targeting at least five people, allegedly because they threatened to reveal silk road. the silk road enterprise prosecutors believe no contracted killing actually occurred.

Speaker 1
[01:15:48.22 - 01:15:50.08]

and he was not charged, was not.

Speaker 2
[01:15:50.08 - 01:16:16.62]

charged in his trial in new york federal court with murder for hire, but evidence was introduced at trial supporting the allegations. the district court found a preponderance of the evidence that albright did commission the murders. so it seems like he did commission the evidence that albright had, according to them, had commissioned murders, where it's considered by the judge in sentencing to albright to life, and was a factor in the second circuit's decision to uphold the sentence.

Speaker 1
[01:16:18.64 - 01:16:21.16]

he wasn't charged with it. right, he's been there.

Speaker 2
[01:16:21.16 - 01:16:26.36]

crazy, though, that they don't charge him with it, be it they use it as a consideration. that's kind of crazy.

Speaker 1
[01:16:26.36 - 01:16:27.06]

that is crazy.

Speaker 2
[01:16:27.06 - 01:16:28.02]

are you allowed to do that?

Speaker 1
[01:16:28.02 - 01:16:35.84]

apparently, if you have the evidence for that, put it up and let him be tried for it. and i gotta tell you, i don't think that's gonna get you double life in any other case.

Speaker 2
[01:16:35.84 - 01:16:38.58]

and isn't he like a yoga teacher now?

Speaker 1
[01:16:38.58 - 01:16:40.18]

he teaches people how to read.

Speaker 2
[01:16:40.18 - 01:16:40.52]


Speaker 1
[01:16:40.52 - 01:16:41.98]

he's like a model prisoner.

Speaker 2
[01:16:41.98 - 01:16:43.96]

yeah, he fucked up.

Speaker 1
[01:16:44.48 - 01:16:45.18]

let him out.

Speaker 2
[01:16:45.18 - 01:16:54.56]

you know this idea of like you wanna have total freedom and we're gonna just circumvent the system and do it online. they just wanted to squash that and put as much water on that fire as humanly possible.

Speaker 1
[01:16:54.56 - 01:16:59.82]

and the points been made. yeah, so he's served his time. mr. president, please let him out right now.

Speaker 2
[01:16:59.82 - 01:17:01.96]

why do you have um the hellraiser box?

Speaker 1
[01:17:02.50 - 01:17:06.76]

oh, i wanted to give me. and um, this is from cabin the woods. you ever see cabin the woods.

Speaker 2
[01:17:06.76 - 01:17:08.14]

the movie yeah.

Speaker 1
[01:17:08.14 - 01:17:09.30]

that's pornicus's orb.

Speaker 2
[01:17:10.10 - 01:17:11.72]

oh, that's a fun movie.

Speaker 1
[01:17:11.72 - 01:17:13.60]

i have these normally in my bedroom, obviously.

Speaker 2
[01:17:13.60 - 01:17:20.28]

oh so, you put them here for your vibe. yeah, oh, no, really yeah. yeah. that's so bizarre, is it? why do you have the hellraiser box?

Speaker 1
[01:17:20.28 - 01:17:21.82]

because it goes well with the orb.

Speaker 2
[01:17:21.82 - 01:17:23.50]

is it functional? the hellraiser box.

Speaker 1
[01:17:23.50 - 01:17:24.56]

no, but this one is move around.

Speaker 2
[01:17:24.56 - 01:17:25.06]

oh, it is.

Speaker 1
[01:17:25.06 - 01:17:28.98]

dysfunctional. what does that do here? careful, though. okay, it's not cheap.

Speaker 2
[01:17:28.98 - 01:17:32.74]

what does it do? oh, it moves around, yeah, and does it open.

Speaker 1
[01:17:32.74 - 01:17:35.60]

careful, careful, you don't want to open a door. oh really.

Speaker 2
[01:17:36.66 - 01:17:37.62]

how does this work?

Speaker 1
[01:17:38.02 - 01:17:40.76]

well, you just do it. spin it around, yeah, and then doorways open.

Speaker 2
[01:17:40.76 - 01:17:42.48]

oh doorways, we don't need that.

Speaker 1
[01:17:42.48 - 01:17:43.30]

we don't need that.

Speaker 2
[01:17:43.96 - 01:17:48.46]

imagine if, like some wild shit goes down like fucking malice and rogan. they opened up the doorway.

Speaker 1
[01:17:48.46 - 01:17:51.86]

i think it would be like a fucking malice that they knew.

Speaker 2
[01:17:51.86 - 01:17:55.66]

opened up the fucking door. yeah, the hellraiser box clearly satanic.

Speaker 1
[01:17:55.66 - 01:17:57.12]

lament configuration.

Speaker 2
[01:17:57.76 - 01:17:58.40]

that's it.

Speaker 1
[01:17:58.40 - 01:17:59.00]

that's the orb.

Speaker 2
[01:17:59.00 - 01:17:59.86]

oh wow,

[01:18:01.52 - 01:18:03.50]

and it's like a conjuring type deal.

Speaker 1
[01:18:03.50 - 01:18:08.86]

well, he was the lord of bondage and pain from the movie. he's a cenobite, obviously, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:18:09.96 - 01:18:13.56]

cabinet in the woods was a fun. i love that movie. it was a fun movie.

Speaker 1
[01:18:13.56 - 01:18:16.76]

that's josh whedon, was it really? yeah, it was like a love letter to horror movies.

Speaker 2
[01:18:16.76 - 01:18:17.96]

oh, it was a good movie.

Speaker 1
[01:18:17.96 - 01:18:22.46]

sigourney weaver was excellent. i don't want to spoil it, but sigourney weaver is in and she's superb. it's also.

Speaker 2
[01:18:22.46 - 01:18:28.94]

it really straddles the line between silly and actually scary. it does really well, it's like.

Speaker 1
[01:18:29.36 - 01:18:34.46]

it's a movie for the fans. yeah, like you watch, you're like. okay, this guy's talking to me through the screen like it's.

Speaker 2
[01:18:34.96 - 01:18:38.58]

yeah, it's like you have to love horror movies to really love that.

Speaker 1
[01:18:38.58 - 01:18:44.00]

because there's so many easter eggs, you gotta sit down and be like who's this? who's that? oh, he's a cenobite. that's what that reference is.

Speaker 2
[01:18:44.00 - 01:18:46.38]

werewolves yeah, yeah, fun ass movie.

Speaker 1
[01:18:46.38 - 01:18:47.16]

yeah, i love that.

Speaker 2
[01:18:47.16 - 01:18:51.74]

so that's why you brought these things, so you always have that in front of you when you work.

Speaker 1
[01:18:51.74 - 01:18:53.02]

no, it's in my bedroom.

Speaker 2
[01:18:53.02 - 01:18:55.52]

oh okay, right where you sleep.

Speaker 1
[01:18:55.52 - 01:18:56.18]

that's where i sleep.

Speaker 2
[01:18:56.18 - 01:18:58.26]

where you rest your head. you put that on one side.

Speaker 1
[01:18:58.26 - 01:19:00.60]

that's how you do it. they're on the nightstand.

Speaker 2
[01:19:00.60 - 01:19:02.08]

the same nightstand or opposite.

Speaker 1
[01:19:02.08 - 01:19:03.02]

the same nightstand

Speaker 2
[01:19:03.60 - 01:19:05.70]

is that the one you stare at before you close your eyes.

Speaker 1
[01:19:05.70 - 01:19:07.88]

i don't when you say

Speaker 2
[01:19:07.88 - 01:19:08.52]

your spells.

[01:19:12.24 - 01:19:13.04]

my spells.

Speaker 1
[01:19:16.22 - 01:19:18.62]

and that's how i laugh and then i go to sleep.

Speaker 2
[01:19:18.62 - 01:19:25.28]

well, there's so many people online because everyone's so skeptical and because conspiracies are so fun. everyone thinks that everything is satanic.

Speaker 1
[01:19:25.28 - 01:19:27.00]

yes, you know everything.

Speaker 2
[01:19:27.00 - 01:19:39.02]

like that was what people thought about the prince charles painting, or king charles. i like the king charles painting, like someone's fucking with him, like that guy's, like that's a subtle dig on the history of the the uk empire.

Speaker 1
[01:19:39.02 - 01:19:40.76]

it looked like it was something on a hot topic.

Speaker 2
[01:19:40.76 - 01:19:41.82]

it looks crazy.

Speaker 1
[01:19:41.82 - 01:19:42.62]


Speaker 2
[01:19:42.62 - 01:19:48.44]

but, like people, try to find like baphomet in there. if you're you know, turn it upside down, wait, wait.

Speaker 1
[01:19:48.44 - 01:19:54.50]

you know how. you know the guy was fucking with him because he left his sausage fingers in there. you know how he's got really fucked up hands.

Speaker 2
[01:19:54.50 - 01:19:55.28]

he does.

Speaker 1
[01:19:55.28 - 01:19:57.88]

like jamie, pull up king charles hands. it's insane.

Speaker 2
[01:19:57.88 - 01:19:59.52]

oh, they're like inflamed.

Speaker 1
[01:19:59.52 - 01:20:03.36]

they're like sausage. it's like in that movie with, uh, everything everywhere, all at once like yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:20:03.36 - 01:20:04.16]

oh wow,

Speaker 1
[01:20:04.16 - 01:20:04.88]

yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:20:04.88 - 01:20:06.26]

that's, he's probably got a disease.

Speaker 1
[01:20:06.26 - 01:20:07.16]

yeah, you think.

Speaker 2
[01:20:07.16 - 01:20:13.44]

jesus christ, that's so inflamed. yeah god, that's so unhealthy. what's wrong with his hands?

Speaker 1
[01:20:13.44 - 01:20:16.02]

i don't know. oh, sausage fingers.

Speaker 2
[01:20:16.94 - 01:20:27.48]

wow, let's scroll up so you get a look at that. they didn't even show it. they just show a picture of him. let's see the hands. that looks fairly okay, a little swollen.

[01:20:28.04 - 01:20:37.16]

what causes swollen hands? caused by a variety of things. it's important to discuss symptoms with your doctor. um, does it show his hands down there? yeah, there you go.

[01:20:37.16 - 01:20:43.20]

okay, right there, that looks crazy. that looks crazy. that looks like you're never getting that ring off first of all.

Speaker 1
[01:20:43.20 - 01:20:45.24]

i feel bad for camilla. they can't feel nice.

Speaker 2
[01:20:45.24 - 01:20:48.66]

ew, um, you're gonna do you think they still do it?

Speaker 1
[01:20:48.66 - 01:20:50.98]

of course, don't you. they've got to be, they're all perverts.

Speaker 2
[01:20:50.98 - 01:20:51.88]

you think so?

Speaker 1
[01:20:51.88 - 01:20:53.08]

the royal family.

Speaker 2
[01:20:53.08 - 01:20:55.58]

are they all perverts? they're all perverts, really, of course.

Speaker 1
[01:20:55.58 - 01:21:03.68]

oh, this is such a thing with like aristocracy. they're all. that's why they're. they're not having sex with kids because they like it. they're having sex with kids so they can.

Speaker 2
[01:21:07.38 - 01:21:08.90]

the aristocracy has sex with kids.

Speaker 1
[01:21:08.90 - 01:21:12.52]

so we just. what's his name? prince philip was on that. was it philip? no, not prince philip.

[01:21:12.52 - 01:21:22.96]

the other one, andrew, he was on. he was buddies with epstein. we've got all the receipts. and then, when they caught him, he goes well, i don't sweat anymore, i don't sweat anymore. yeah, he said i was at the falklands and i caught something.

[01:21:22.96 - 01:21:27.66]

and now i don't sweat anymore. so there you go. look this up, jamie, i'm not making this up.

Speaker 2
[01:21:27.66 - 01:21:29.62]

wait a minute. that was his excuse. i don't sweat anymore.

Speaker 1
[01:21:29.62 - 01:21:32.40]

it was some weird thing about, like. the story can't be true, because i don't sweat, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:21:34.86 - 01:21:44.12]

huh, one of the duke of york's claims in his news night interview was that he cannot physically sweat. let's find out, bro. let's put that bitch in a sauna and see if he's a liar.

Speaker 1
[01:21:46.08 - 01:21:48.66]

yeah, so there was there you go, virginia guffrey.

Speaker 2
[01:21:48.66 - 01:22:02.46]

just tried dancing with you and you're profusely sweating and then she went on to have a bath. possibly. prince andrew replies there's a slight problem with the sweating because i have a peculiar medical condition which i don't sweat, or i didn't sweat at the time and that was.

Speaker 1
[01:22:02.46 - 01:22:06.54]

wait, can you get the clip of him saying this? because it sounds so crazy? didn't sweat at the time.

Speaker 2
[01:22:06.54 - 01:22:15.28]

because i had suffered what i would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the falklands war when i was shot at. oh, that's a good way to divert.

[01:22:17.08 - 01:22:17.82]

that's crazy.

Speaker 1
[01:22:17.82 - 01:22:25.04]

you are around. you have seen guys all the time. i couldn't be sweating. their adrenaline is through the roof because they are in a life and death situation. they all sweat.

[01:22:25.04 - 01:22:26.62]

this isn't a thing.

Speaker 2
[01:22:26.62 - 01:22:36.34]

right, but there is a medical condition where you don't, the guy who does that sculpture out there, the sea monster that you saw, he can't sweat. it's really bad.

Speaker 1
[01:22:36.34 - 01:22:37.14]

he was in the falklands.

Speaker 2
[01:22:37.14 - 01:22:39.16]

no, no, no, he just has a real condition.

Speaker 1
[01:22:39.16 - 01:22:41.48]

yeah, but that's a thing, but that's not something you develop.

Speaker 2
[01:22:41.48 - 01:22:43.50]

right. well, i don't know if you can develop.

Speaker 1
[01:22:43.50 - 01:22:46.62]

you can't develop for getting shot at joe because trump can't sweat anymore.

Speaker 2
[01:22:46.62 - 01:22:49.98]

i mean maybe it just rarely happens when someone blows a fuse.

Speaker 1
[01:22:49.98 - 01:22:50.68]

oh god.

Speaker 2
[01:22:50.68 - 01:22:54.98]

i'm not. i'm just. i'm not a doctor, i'm not like an apologist.

Speaker 1
[01:22:54.98 - 01:22:57.32]

for this sweaty mother fucker.

Speaker 2
[01:22:57.32 - 01:22:59.02]

i think he's sweating right now.

[01:23:01.34 - 01:23:08.74]

it's so simple to find out if this is true, though let's get interesting that you say that, sir, we have a sauna at 195 degrees.

Speaker 1
[01:23:08.74 - 01:23:09.72]

or we just turn up the air.

Speaker 2
[01:23:09.72 - 01:23:25.42]

according to this doctor. in this article he says okay, a physician, dr. james handman, wrote in the atlantic at the time in case of, in case, the dubious claim. the dubiousness of this claim is not already evident from its context. nested in a sea of dubious claims, this is a dubious claim.

[01:23:25.42 - 01:23:49.12]

okay, there are people who cannot sweat or who sweat very little. such a propensity to appear cool and collected while everyone else is flushed and damp has been attributed to the inevitably and inviably high status through, oh, to the inevitably high status throughout history. i'm sorry, i'm reading it while i'm thinking, but the medical condition of not producing sweat, okay, this is the stuff that my friend has.

Speaker 1
[01:23:49.12 - 01:23:49.42]

anhydrosis yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:23:49.42 - 01:24:08.04]

anhydrosis extremely undesirable. the function is vitally important, a way to cool the body down. mick vader, the guy who does all the kill, tony and mothership stuff, he has that too. so two guys. i know both guys named scott, oddly enough scott, who made the incredible artwork, and then scott, the mick vader, who does other incredible artwork.

[01:24:08.04 - 01:24:11.34]

both of those guys legitimately can't sweat, but they didn't.

Speaker 1
[01:24:11.34 - 01:24:14.42]

you can't develop it, and certainly not from adrenaline. it's a thing.

Speaker 2
[01:24:14.42 - 01:24:15.58]

it's a genetic thing.

Speaker 1
[01:24:15.58 - 01:24:17.84]

like some people, can't feel pain, which is really bad.

Speaker 2
[01:24:17.84 - 01:24:24.86]

it's not a temporary condition such as hamlin. as concludes, a temporary inability to sweat would defy medical precedent, okay.

Speaker 1
[01:24:24.86 - 01:24:27.76]

so it's bullshit. it's bullshit, pure bullshit, yes.

Speaker 2
[01:24:27.76 - 01:24:31.54]

he just wanted to make that as a nice like look. by the way, i got shot at falcon war.

Speaker 1
[01:24:31.54 - 01:24:37.92]

i couldn't have raped that girl. i was shot in the war. i don't sweat. yeah, i also don't believe he was shot at.

Speaker 2
[01:24:38.40 - 01:24:39.04]

probably wasn't.

Speaker 1
[01:24:39.04 - 01:24:41.52]

they're not going to put the prince in the line of fire in the falklands.

Speaker 2
[01:24:41.52 - 01:24:43.38]

maybe he's like that dude from nbc.

Speaker 1
[01:24:43.76 - 01:24:44.08]


Speaker 2
[01:24:44.72 - 01:24:45.36]

yeah williams.

Speaker 1
[01:24:45.36 - 01:24:47.10]

oh yeah, what about hillary?

Speaker 2
[01:24:47.10 - 01:24:48.38]

yeah, she was one too.

Speaker 1
[01:24:48.38 - 01:24:51.58]

i was on a sniper fire. yeah, the first lady is going to be on a sniper fire. yeah, okay,

Speaker 2
[01:24:52.14 - 01:24:53.98]

yeah, that was a weird one, right?

Speaker 1
[01:24:54.72 - 01:24:55.36]

yes, weird.

[01:24:56.96 - 01:25:01.20]

yeah, the first lady is going to bosnia and she's going to let people take shots at her. well, they did it to trump, so maybe they did it to her.

Speaker 2
[01:25:01.20 - 01:25:08.86]

saying you can't sweat is so crazy, because they could find out so easy. if you sweat like, it's not like a difficult thing. well, sir, did you mind sitting in the sauna?

Speaker 1
[01:25:09.56 - 01:25:20.86]

but it's also like maybe she got. let's pretend, let's just take it at face value. she could have gotten that aspect of the story wrong. doesn't mean you weren't there with her. it's like she would misremember that you were sweating.

Speaker 2
[01:25:20.86 - 01:25:21.98]

she just think you stunk.

Speaker 1
[01:25:21.98 - 01:25:22.94]

so she thought you were sweating.

Speaker 2
[01:25:22.94 - 01:25:31.40]

she said she misspoke and last week she gave a dramatic description of her arrival in bosnia 12 years ago. we're counting a landing under sniper fire.

Speaker 1
[01:25:31.40 - 01:25:34.46]

and she had to duck and run okay.

Speaker 2
[01:25:36.14 - 01:25:39.04]

she said so if i misspoke, that was just a misstatement.

Speaker 1
[01:25:39.04 - 01:25:40.14]

that's a lie.

Speaker 2
[01:25:40.14 - 01:25:51.18]

i say a lot of things, millions of words a day. so if i misspoke, that was just a misstatement. so if i make an incantation, that summons beelzebub and he rises from a crack in the earth.

Speaker 1
[01:25:51.18 - 01:25:51.90]

well, you got the.

Speaker 2
[01:25:51.90 - 01:26:00.98]

that was just a misstatement. i say millions of words a day. if you put a million chimpanzees for a million years typewriters, they'll make the works.

Speaker 1
[01:26:00.98 - 01:26:04.88]

why would beelzebub come from a crack in the earth? you know he's lord of the sky.

Speaker 2
[01:26:05.72 - 01:26:15.82]

i remember landing under sniper fire. there was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we ran with our heads down to get into vehicles to get to our base.

Speaker 1
[01:26:15.82 - 01:26:21.50]

and there is footage of her landing and they're giving her flowers and it's kids. it's not like it wasn't on video.

Speaker 2
[01:26:21.50 - 01:26:27.80]

both clintons held their heads up and did not appear rushed. so the video oh yeah.

Speaker 1
[01:26:27.80 - 01:26:29.18]

presented her with a poem yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:26:30.02 - 01:26:43.54]

eight year old bosnian girl presented her with a poem and later greeting u.s. troops. so it's just she you believe that thing about all the monkeys? you leave them alone with the typewriter for a million years. they compose all the works of shakespeare.

Speaker 1
[01:26:44.08 - 01:26:47.10]

yeah, that's mathematically definite, but what do you mean here?

Speaker 2
[01:26:47.10 - 01:26:48.00]

i don't believe it.

Speaker 1
[01:26:48.00 - 01:26:48.62]

what do you mean?

Speaker 2
[01:26:48.62 - 01:26:50.90]

i think it's gonna be all fucked up.

Speaker 1
[01:26:50.90 - 01:26:54.12]

but if you do it long enough, infinitely every person.

Speaker 2
[01:26:54.12 - 01:26:57.50]

who's gonna edit that? you'd have to find all the works of shakespeare.

Speaker 1
[01:26:57.50 - 01:26:59.96]

joe rogan, you don't edit shakespeare, you'd have to find.

Speaker 2
[01:26:59.96 - 01:27:03.40]

all those words, of those monkeys. there's no way you're gonna write those letters in that order.

Speaker 1
[01:27:03.40 - 01:27:04.84]

if it's infinite, yes,

Speaker 2
[01:27:05.36 - 01:27:05.78]


Speaker 1
[01:27:05.78 - 01:27:06.92]

right. that's the whole point.

Speaker 2
[01:27:06.92 - 01:27:13.10]

i think infinitely. it sucks infinitely, i think, unless they evolve, if it's infinite. and then the monkeys grow up to become humans and they figure out.

Speaker 1
[01:27:13.10 - 01:27:18.30]

how to write like shakespeare. if you're hitting keys at random, eventually you're gonna write out shakespeares perfectly, yes.

Speaker 2
[01:27:18.30 - 01:27:23.42]

just a time thing. yes, and yeah, it'll take trillions of years right, but one day.

Speaker 1
[01:27:23.42 - 01:27:23.94]


Speaker 2
[01:27:25.10 - 01:27:43.68]

the end period. imagine, so, imagine like, like. our proof of intelligent life is just proof of infinity, like, oh my god, we found an incredible book like a guide book for human beings. it's really just a bunch of space monkeys pounding on a typewriter for fucking billions of years.

Speaker 1
[01:27:43.68 - 01:27:46.04]

and you know, a book is called the art of the deal.

Speaker 2
[01:27:47.12 - 01:28:00.74]

it's like one space monkey figures out paper and then the other space monkey finds a typewriter that an alien civilization has dropped off there. just sort of like they do with us with spaceships when they just crash land, they just drop them off a typewriter.

Speaker 1
[01:28:00.74 - 01:28:18.10]

i just read a story of this monkey who was in a zoo, a chimp, for like 50 years. it just finally died. it was really sad, but i read the story and they said well, it was originally being raised by someone in their house and then they took it to the zoo and it's just like and they bought it at a pet store in new york. oh my god, like a chimp?

Speaker 2
[01:28:18.40 - 01:28:20.56]

yeah, i used to be able to do that. remember the lady in connecticut?

Speaker 1
[01:28:20.68 - 01:28:23.18]

yeah, that's what i was thinking about. i'm like who thinks this is a good idea?

Speaker 2
[01:28:23.46 - 01:28:56.94]

yeah, there's a lot of nutty people out there that don't understand what a chimpanzee is. there's a piece recently, jamie, where they were studying old videos of chimpanzees and they believe that some chimpanzees are capable of human words. see if you can find that this is like a very new discovery. so they were examining some older videos and they believe that some chimpanzees here old videos of chimpanzees suggest they are capable of speech. so these are some old videos that they had done.

[01:28:56.94 - 01:29:27.86]

so a small team of speech specialists and psychologists in sweden, the uk and switzerland has found, via study of old videos, that at least three chimpanzees had learned to speak human words, suggesting that the animals are capable of learning this ability given the right circumstances. the work is published in the journal scientific reports. isn't that wild? huh? so some of them know how to say some words papa or cup, mama, papa or cup but their work was discredited over the years as unethical because the chimp was taken from its natural mother.

[01:29:27.86 - 01:29:47.06]

in this new effort, the research team wondered if dismissal of these findings was done in absence of attempts to duplicate their efforts to find out that might have been the case. they searched for the video evidence of such attempts at training and found three videos showing evidence that chimpanzees can be taught to speak human words in a rudimentary way.

Speaker 1
[01:29:47.06 - 01:29:56.50]

i'm scared to hear this. it's gonna be so terrible. can you say mama, mama, is this for mama? do you love your mama? do you love?

Unknown Speaker
[01:29:56.50 - 01:29:57.22]


Speaker 1
[01:29:57.22 - 01:30:01.70]

here, sweetie, this is for you, but that's just a grunt.

Speaker 2
[01:30:01.70 - 01:30:03.58]

no, i'm saying mama dude.

Speaker 1
[01:30:03.58 - 01:30:05.82]

yeah, but it doesn't know what that means, boy, john.

Speaker 2
[01:30:05.82 - 01:30:07.84]

well, let's see it say other things. it says cup.

[01:30:09.56 - 01:30:10.94]

that sounded like

Speaker 1
[01:30:10.94 - 01:30:20.02]

it sounded like mama, but it doesn't mean the. if you can, you're a good boy, john. i love you. love you, johnny. do you like that?

[01:30:20.56 - 01:30:24.88]

is that good? you could teach huskies to say i love you too.

Speaker 2
[01:30:28.84 - 01:30:29.64]

i guess

Speaker 1
[01:30:29.64 - 01:30:30.70]

i heard you.

Speaker 2
[01:30:30.70 - 01:30:32.06]

teach them to say that noise mama.

Speaker 1
[01:30:32.06 - 01:30:34.38]

the chimp doesn't think that the other owner is its mother.

Speaker 2
[01:30:34.84 - 01:30:43.90]

right, it doesn't understand what that means. it's just saying that. yeah, absolutely right, right, right. so, even if you speak, it's saying the noise. right, right, right, it doesn't understand what it's saying.

[01:30:43.90 - 01:30:48.50]

yes, that is different. so they know that they could teach gorillas sign language, though, right.

Speaker 1
[01:30:48.50 - 01:30:59.36]

right. but the interesting about. i think with that that might be overblown, because my understanding is the gorillas never ask questions, right, so it's always a response to a cue. and gorillas are extremely intelligent. it's not a dispute.

[01:30:59.36 - 01:31:08.32]

but like what are they actually? are they mimicking? knowing gets them what they want? because i know that that was what's most famous. when coco called it's.

[01:31:08.32 - 01:31:13.06]

it was mad one. supposedly she. he was coco boy male. well, let's a.

Speaker 2
[01:31:13.06 - 01:31:14.18]

kindergarten. teacher decide.

Speaker 1
[01:31:14.18 - 01:31:27.96]

uh, and our next president and yes, and coco called her like a dirty toilet devil, and i'm like a gorilla doesn't know what a devil is. you can't teach a gorilla the concept of devil. that's not a word.

Speaker 2
[01:31:27.96 - 01:31:43.76]

right, right? yeah, that's ridiculous, that is interesting. so maybe they don't know how to express themselves, but they can crudely interact with ideas. so it's not as simple as. maybe they don't even have a sense of self to the point where they can express themselves like i'm hungry.

[01:31:43.76 - 01:31:49.16]

i'm very tired right now. i'm tired doing these tricks for you. i don't like this. i don't want to be in this cage anymore.

Speaker 1
[01:31:49.16 - 01:31:55.52]

the other thing that really blew my mind is they had a thing where they taught dogs. there's two pictures. is it a boy?

Speaker 2
[01:31:55.52 - 01:32:07.62]

sometimes use the sign for devil as an insult. she also named a parrot devil tooth after initially being frightened of it. and the famous joke the aristocrats told by coco, the gorilla coco, says devil ingrid.

Speaker 1
[01:32:07.62 - 01:32:08.14]

there's a girl.

Speaker 2
[01:32:09.08 - 01:32:13.82]

coco was a gorilla who mastered sign language and raised kittens. she died at the age of 46.

Speaker 1
[01:32:15.24 - 01:32:17.92]

you can't teach the concept of devil to an animal.

Speaker 2
[01:32:17.92 - 01:32:32.80]

imagine being trapped in a fucking building that's run by gorillas and they tell you what to do and they give you bananas and they try to get you to grunt at them and you're like oh my god, is there any fucking people around here? and how bad would that suck? well, that's how bad it sucked for coco.

Speaker 1
[01:32:32.80 - 01:32:36.56]

no, it didn't, because dogs think of us as the same thing as them.

Speaker 2
[01:32:36.56 - 01:32:41.44]

how do you know that coco does? maybe coco would have been way more happy with a bunch of gorillas.

Speaker 1
[01:32:42.50 - 01:32:47.96]

maybe i would think so probably. dogs are happy with dogs. dogs are happy with people.

Speaker 2
[01:32:47.96 - 01:32:49.36]

they're a little happier with people.

Speaker 1
[01:32:49.36 - 01:33:11.30]

dogs want to be around people? yes, so there's an experiment. they ran and i still don't understand what's going on in the dog's head, where they put up two pictures and the dogs were trained. if you see a picture of a dog, you hit this left, or if the dog's on the right hit the right and you get a treat. so they had some concept of dog, because it would be like the whole dog or the dog's head, or whatever.

[01:33:11.30 - 01:33:24.72]

so if you have two pictures like the shape of a cat and the shape of a dog or a cow, they're the same shape, but the dogs knew to choose dog and dogs look very different from each other. so that was something i thought was really fascinating.

Speaker 2
[01:33:24.72 - 01:33:35.04]

well, dogs know what a dog is versus, like marshall, hates squirrels, tries to kill squirrels, sure, but when he sees carl, he knows absolutely, even though carl's squirrel size, that carl is a dog.

Speaker 1
[01:33:35.04 - 01:33:36.16]

well, carl's, bigger than a squirrel.

Speaker 2
[01:33:36.16 - 01:33:38.22]

a lot bigger. when he was little, he wasn't okay.

Speaker 1
[01:33:38.22 - 01:33:38.88]

and he knew.

Speaker 2
[01:33:38.88 - 01:33:41.36]

how big was carl when marshall first saw him? five pounds?

Speaker 1
[01:33:41.36 - 01:33:45.04]

that could be a smell thing.

Speaker 2
[01:33:45.04 - 01:33:46.52]

i think it probably is.

Speaker 1
[01:33:46.52 - 01:33:49.20]

that's gotta be a smell. the dogs do not smell the same as rodents.

Speaker 2
[01:33:49.20 - 01:33:52.10]

it's probably also the way the dog interacts with the dog.

Speaker 1
[01:33:52.10 - 01:33:53.54]

and the motion the way they move.

Speaker 2
[01:33:53.54 - 01:33:57.34]

yeah, there's a difference. the rodents probably smell delicious.

Speaker 1
[01:33:57.34 - 01:34:00.42]

but visually, how's it gonna know that that's a dog on the screen?

Speaker 2
[01:34:00.42 - 01:34:04.36]

how's it gonna know that marshall's never seen a french bulldog? how the fuck did he know?

Speaker 1
[01:34:04.36 - 01:34:04.90]

but from smell.

Speaker 2
[01:34:05.36 - 01:34:08.92]

right, but i mean he's probably like what is this? this is a crazy thing.

Speaker 1
[01:34:08.92 - 01:34:10.74]

but he knows little things. he knows little dogs.

Speaker 2
[01:34:10.74 - 01:34:23.16]

he does. yeah, that's true. my older daughter has a chihuahua, so he's like been around little dogs. but they know that like. they know that there's a difference between all kinds like.

[01:34:23.16 - 01:34:27.34]

i had to teach him that he can't kill chickens because he's like chickens are in the fucking yard.

Speaker 1
[01:34:27.34 - 01:34:28.08]

what are these things doing?

Speaker 2
[01:34:28.08 - 01:34:41.06]

no, no, no, they are pets. i still don't trust him totally, but he doesn't chase after them and go out. but when he first saw him, he wanted to snap him like hey, no, no, no, no, these are our friends, like he's like. what the fuck are you talking about?

Speaker 1
[01:34:41.06 - 01:34:50.68]

that was in call of the wild too, was it? yeah, like the dog like killed the chickens and the owners like don't do that, and the dog was safe around them, but at that point it just showed us what the dog was. you can.

Speaker 2
[01:34:50.68 - 01:34:57.56]

teach dogs to not do that? yeah, of course, they just have to know that you'll be very upset with them if they do it and they get it in their head and they go okay, i got it.

Speaker 1
[01:34:57.56 - 01:35:02.78]

it's not just that they're upset. they know in group versus out group. so they know to be a guardian like there's something i protect, there's something i eat.

Speaker 2
[01:35:03.14 - 01:35:10.56]

yes, it's a part of the family, yeah, and he doesn't even know. like bro, you get eggs. these are awesome. eggs are good for you. don't kill them stupid.

[01:35:11.36 - 01:35:23.92]

for short term gratification, i went to the bathroom once and i just got home and opened the door. let him outside and i took a leak and then, as i closed the bathroom door and flushed, he had a squirrel in his mouth. i was like dude.

Speaker 1
[01:35:23.92 - 01:35:24.36]


Speaker 2
[01:35:24.92 - 01:35:25.60]

not anymore.

Speaker 1
[01:35:25.60 - 01:35:25.88]


Speaker 2
[01:35:25.88 - 01:35:27.16]

but he just got it.

Speaker 1
[01:35:27.16 - 01:35:31.74]

well, sometimes the dogs will bring you like a living thing that they caught. they're just mouthing it like birds or whatever.

Speaker 2
[01:35:32.18 - 01:35:34.44]

he's a golden retriever.

Speaker 1
[01:35:34.44 - 01:35:35.48]

are they really hunting?

Speaker 2
[01:35:35.78 - 01:35:39.32]

yeah, they're bird hunting dogs, retrievers. that's what retrievers are for.

Speaker 1
[01:35:39.32 - 01:35:41.00]

i thought they retrieve it after you've killed it.

Speaker 2
[01:35:41.00 - 01:35:55.82]

yes, yeah, i mean you use them in hunting to retrieve them, but they go after the animals too, like if the animals are wounded or whatever. they go, but they want to bring it to you. so his instinct is to open up the bathroom door and he's standing there with a squirrel in his mouth.

Speaker 1
[01:35:55.82 - 01:35:57.86]

he got lunch.

Speaker 2
[01:35:57.86 - 01:36:15.38]

i don't know what to tell him. i mean you can't bring it back to life. i'm not going to discourage him from this activity. they do react to videos, though, which wouldn't be smell, because i've seen carl, even like, watch a lot of stuff on, like youtube, and he started fucking freaking out. yeah, like what did he?

Speaker 1
[01:36:15.38 - 01:36:17.44]

what the fuck did he see. yeah, if you.

Speaker 2
[01:36:17.44 - 01:36:20.66]

bark in this room, carl will go crazy. is that true? yeah,

[01:36:50.66 - 01:36:52.72]

if a dog could talk, they're probably annoying.

Speaker 1
[01:36:53.28 - 01:36:54.84]

no, give me food, give me food.

Speaker 2
[01:36:54.84 - 01:36:59.32]

play with the ball and not right now. dude, i'm working. how about now?

Speaker 1
[01:37:01.16 - 01:37:04.74]

and they think you're your whole day spent going hunting for dog food.

Speaker 2
[01:37:04.74 - 01:37:05.50]


Speaker 1
[01:37:06.42 - 01:37:09.72]

they think you leave to get dog food. that's what they think you're doing all day.

Speaker 2
[01:37:09.72 - 01:37:10.48]

you kind of do.

Speaker 1
[01:37:10.48 - 01:37:11.38]

in a way.

Speaker 2
[01:37:11.38 - 01:37:26.52]

it's not all day, but in a way you have to go fund that stuff. but it's it is weird that, like our thoughts of intelligence are based on communication like. i wonder if we could decide so. they think they're going to be able to do that with ai. it's one of the more interesting things about ai.

[01:37:26.52 - 01:37:34.36]

they think they're going to be able to decipher dolphin languages because right now we know they talk, we know they have accents, we know they have dialects. we don't know what they're saying.

Speaker 1
[01:37:34.36 - 01:37:37.40]

it would be funny if they're like really racist against the killer whales. there was a bit.

Speaker 2
[01:37:37.40 - 01:37:44.52]

on that like the chapelle show. really yeah, about a dolphin that was racist, wasn't it a chapelle show? it was some.

[01:39:45.34 - 01:40:12.16]

yeah, i don't know if that's true. it's interesting. i don't know if that's why, either because sometimes hybrids hybrid vigor that's the term for it that could be something along those lines, or it could be like maybe the ones that interbred with neanderthals, like. had to become much more intelligent in order to overcome them, like we would just assume that neanderthals were brutal, but humans.

Speaker 1
[01:40:12.16 - 01:40:13.48]

were brutal, then too exactly.

Speaker 2
[01:40:13.48 - 01:40:41.28]

humans were brutal and neanderthals like. apparently they went after big game and they made weapons and tools. a lot of them had broken bones and they had much more dense bone structure than ours, which only makes sense that they were brutal if they were doing that. so they were probably ruthless in every regard and we probably had to kill them off, and we probably merged with them in some sort of a way too, but they think the merging was almost all neanderthal males and homosapien females.

Speaker 1
[01:40:42.40 - 01:40:45.54]

isn't like. virtually everyone have a big chunk of neanderthal DNA?

Speaker 2
[01:40:45.90 - 01:40:49.16]

not everyone, mostly white european people.

Speaker 1
[01:40:49.16 - 01:40:49.52]

have it.

Speaker 2
[01:40:50.44 - 01:40:52.02]

Africans generally don't.

[01:40:53.80 - 01:41:00.00]

it's just interesting that all these different kinds of human existed along with, like that, hobbit man.

Speaker 1
[01:41:00.00 - 01:41:03.32]

I was just like a dwarf?

Speaker 2
[01:41:03.62 - 01:41:05.64]

no, that was some speculation by some haters.

Speaker 1
[01:41:06.40 - 01:41:07.80]

the hobbit haters?

Speaker 2
[01:41:08.06 - 01:41:12.44]

some anthropology haters like you didn't discover this. this is bullshit.

Speaker 1
[01:41:12.44 - 01:41:13.82]

something gets shot in the.

Speaker 2
[01:41:13.82 - 01:41:21.96]

I think it's pretty much been established because of the amount of bones that they found. this is a very specific animal.

Speaker 1
[01:41:21.96 - 01:41:22.32]


Speaker 2
[01:41:22.32 - 01:41:35.62]

and they think that this very also. there's a legend of these things, and I think in Vietnam they call them the orang-pendeck and that this small hairy man has been, has been a legend forever.

Speaker 1
[01:41:35.62 - 01:41:40.94]

I thought that was supposed to be what the orangutan was based, because the orangutan was found fairly recently. it wasn't like the 1840s or something crazy?

Speaker 2
[01:41:41.40 - 01:41:43.06]

I think gorillas were found in the 1900s.

Speaker 1
[01:41:43.06 - 01:41:44.90]

yeah, something nuts.

Speaker 2
[01:41:45.76 - 01:41:52.46]

that's interesting. I think the orang-pendeck, though, is an actual little tiny person, little tiny, hairy man.

Speaker 1
[01:41:52.46 - 01:41:54.82]

I think orangutan means hairy man.

Speaker 2
[01:41:54.82 - 01:41:56.02]

of the forest interesting.

Speaker 1
[01:41:56.02 - 01:41:56.88]

I think so.

Speaker 2
[01:41:56.88 - 01:42:00.14]

maybe they're related. maybe it's just like the etymology of the words.

Speaker 1
[01:42:00.14 - 01:42:00.44]

who knows.

Speaker 2
[01:42:00.44 - 01:42:06.72]

but that that little creature, that little hairy creature, had been talked about forever and everybody thought it was just bullshit.

Speaker 1
[01:42:06.72 - 01:42:24.30]

but everyone has like elves and dwarves, dragons. yeah, you think dragons are real? I had this big argument with my friend Jesse not that long ago, because it is whenever here's the thing, when you have every culture on earth having the same kind of myth, it's like there's got to be some starting point, like something's popped this off.

Speaker 2
[01:42:24.30 - 01:42:33.82]

right, yeah, and Forrest Galante, who's an actual biologist who studies wildlife and he, actually he's done a lot of work trying to find the Tasmanian tiger.

Speaker 1
[01:42:33.82 - 01:42:36.30]

the thylacine. yes, they're over in Australia.

Speaker 2
[01:42:36.30 - 01:42:37.22]

trying to find that guy.

Speaker 1
[01:42:37.22 - 01:42:38.16]

they're trying to claw him again.

Speaker 2
[01:42:38.16 - 01:42:50.58]

I think he's somewhere else. I think they're in New Guinea or somewhere looking for live versions of it, but whatever he thinks it might be, there's a whole YouTube video of him describing it on this show that he thinks like dragons were a real thing.

Speaker 1
[01:42:50.58 - 01:42:54.26]

but what does he mean? by dragons? he obviously doesn't mean flying giant lizards, he doesn't mean.

Speaker 2
[01:42:54.26 - 01:43:03.38]

some large lizard creature, some large, you know, like probably terrifying predator that existed. maybe a hold. look, we have crocodiles.

Speaker 1
[01:43:03.38 - 01:43:04.80]

right. no, we have crocodiles.

Speaker 2
[01:43:04.80 - 01:43:10.14]

or a holdover, and I was watching this video. I'm getting this guy on the podcast soon.

[01:43:11.86 - 01:43:19.42]

but his video is about sightings in the 1800s of crocodiles in the Congo that might have been as many as 50 feet long.

Speaker 1
[01:43:19.42 - 01:43:25.32]

yeah, but it's I mean those measurements are so easy to kind of, especially if you're scared something's chasing you.

Speaker 2
[01:43:25.32 - 01:43:28.10]

sure, but they measured it up to the boat that they were on.

Speaker 1
[01:43:28.10 - 01:43:28.56]


Speaker 2
[01:43:28.56 - 01:43:40.62]

and there's been a few of them. like one of them they saw that thing was about 40 feet. they know they've found them. I think the biggest one they ever found was like 28 feet. it makes sense that those things, especially back then.

[01:43:40.62 - 01:43:44.52]

yeah, look at the size of that fucker. this is the drawing of what it looked like.

Speaker 1
[01:43:44.52 - 01:43:47.28]

yeah, because don't, crocodiles keep growing their whole lives, their whole lives, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:43:47.28 - 01:44:00.42]

and they live forever. yeah, they live forever. so they had one that died of asphyxiation. he died in captivity and I think he was 28 years long, or, excuse me, 28 feet long.

Speaker 1
[01:44:00.42 - 01:44:09.80]

but what would a dragon? how would it be like? there's no question. there were giant reptiles and they still are on earth. so what is a dragon going to literally mean?

[01:44:09.80 - 01:44:10.82]

it's not going to have wings right.

Speaker 2
[01:44:10.82 - 01:44:12.20]

who knows I mean.

Speaker 1
[01:44:12.20 - 01:44:13.02]

it's not going to breathe fire.

Speaker 2
[01:44:13.02 - 01:44:22.44]

pterodactyls had wings, it probably doesn't breathe fire. no, that doesn't make any sense, right, but if you thought about the history of large reptiles on this planet,

Speaker 1
[01:44:22.44 - 01:44:25.78]

look at the anaconda. yeah, that's no joke. that'll kill you in two seconds.

Speaker 2
[01:44:25.78 - 01:44:33.10]

Paul Rosely told me he was in the Congo or in the Amazon rather, and he wrapped his arms around them and he couldn't get his hands touching.

Speaker 1
[01:44:33.10 - 01:44:34.48]

yeah, he's like my size.

Speaker 2
[01:44:34.48 - 01:44:42.56]

he couldn't get his arms around it. think of how big that is man that's so insane, right? he couldn't get his, he couldn't touch his hands around a snake.

Speaker 1
[01:44:42.56 - 01:44:47.32]

right, and we know that the megafauna have been driven to extinction, so things used to be bigger.

Speaker 2
[01:44:47.32 - 01:45:05.16]

yeah, there's also some sightings in the Congo, back in the, I think the 1700s or the 1800s, of enormous snakes. snakes are like 100 feet long, like huge snakes. isn't there a photograph that someone took of an enormous snake? an old photograph out of an airplane?

Speaker 1
[01:45:06.16 - 01:45:10.76]

and they also just recently made forest elephants their own thing.

Speaker 2
[01:45:10.76 - 01:45:12.74]

forest elephants are different.

Speaker 1
[01:45:12.74 - 01:45:20.82]

yeah, they're a new species. they recategorize them and pygmy hippos. oh yeah, people didn't think they were real, like, oh, this hippo doesn't live in the water.

Speaker 2
[01:45:20.82 - 01:45:22.44]

so this is the photo.

Speaker 1
[01:45:22.44 - 01:45:25.04]

oh sh, but it's hard to figure out scale.

Speaker 2
[01:45:25.04 - 01:45:27.24]

yeah, this is from. what is it from?

Speaker 1
[01:45:27.24 - 01:45:29.64]

it's a fake. oh, he says it's a fake.

Speaker 2
[01:45:29.64 - 01:45:38.60]

no, it's a fake, it's a crop photo of an anaconda, probably one close to 14 to 16 feet long, maybe 200 pounds. so this is someone answered it. oh so, it's one of those.

Speaker 1
[01:45:39.24 - 01:45:40.14]

perspective things.

Speaker 2
[01:45:40.14 - 01:45:51.54]

like, also like the Loch Ness monster right, that famous photo that turned out to be horse shit and everybody shared it forever. so this is an old grainy photograph from 1950. so that's a fake. yeah, it looks kind of fake now that I'm looking at it.

Speaker 1
[01:45:51.54 - 01:45:53.94]

it looks kind of shitty. I mean it looks real, but we don't know the perspective.

Speaker 2
[01:45:53.94 - 01:45:58.98]

go look at it again, but no, the lines look too clean. the lines around it like it's too defined.

Speaker 1
[01:45:58.98 - 01:45:59.76]

I see what you're saying.

Speaker 2
[01:45:59.76 - 01:46:13.20]

the bottom of it. it's like, way too defined, like the snake's. the outline of it looks like someone drew it, like it's a tattoo. it doesn't look like an act like the ground underneath it. why would it have like shadows like that?

Speaker 1
[01:46:13.20 - 01:46:22.32]

but what else this thing is like? the colossal squid, which is like the biggest invertebrate, was only discovered in like the 70s. oh yeah, the largest spider was only discovered in like 1981.

Speaker 2
[01:46:22.32 - 01:46:28.98]

well, some of those squids, those giant squids. they didn't get photographic evidence of them until fairly recently.

Speaker 1
[01:46:28.98 - 01:46:31.64]

yeah, because they live deep. yeah, sperm whales eat them.

Speaker 2
[01:46:31.64 - 01:46:39.46]

you see that nutty one that looks like a crab that they found underneath one of those. it's like a new species that they found under a oil rig.

Speaker 1
[01:46:39.46 - 01:46:40.26]

what do you mean?

Speaker 2
[01:46:40.48 - 01:46:44.04]

they have this deep deep camera under an oil rig and this fucking thing. look at this.

Speaker 1
[01:46:44.04 - 01:46:46.36]

oh, that's a mega, oh god, what's it called.

Speaker 2
[01:46:46.36 - 01:46:47.98]

look at its fucking length.

Speaker 1
[01:46:47.98 - 01:46:48.66]

it's a squid.

Speaker 2
[01:46:49.22 - 01:46:51.14]

look, it's like crab, like tentacles.

Speaker 1
[01:46:51.14 - 01:46:54.04]

and they have the elbows. they don't know what they're for. mega panda, it's called.

Speaker 2
[01:46:54.04 - 01:46:55.94]

look at that fucking thing, man.

Speaker 1
[01:46:55.94 - 01:46:57.56]

there's better footage of them.

Speaker 2
[01:46:57.56 - 01:47:05.52]

I mean that is an alien. if that was on another planet, if there was a planet that was filled with only water and we found that we'd be freaking out like we found alien life.

Speaker 1
[01:47:05.52 - 01:47:05.80]


Speaker 2
[01:47:05.80 - 01:47:06.84]

it looks like an alien.

Speaker 1
[01:47:06.84 - 01:47:12.48]

it is yeah, they don't know why the fins are. so yeah, there it is mega panda.

Speaker 2
[01:47:13.74 - 01:47:28.20]

the wildest thing to me is octopuses. octopi are so bizarre. they're not like anything else. they can change their texture and their color to exactly match what's below them.

Speaker 1
[01:47:28.20 - 01:47:33.46]

you know, they put them on like a cuttlefish too. they put them on like a checkerboard to see what happens, yeah, and they freak out, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:47:34.26 - 01:47:35.78]

it doesn't really work, do you know?

Speaker 1
[01:47:35.78 - 01:47:42.40]

do you see? they have robot cuttlefish now and the male cuttlefish try to fuck them. whoa, of course they do, and then they change gender.

Speaker 2
[01:47:42.40 - 01:47:46.10]

the male cuttlefish are the little sneaky like male feminists.

Speaker 1
[01:47:46.10 - 01:47:52.74]

there's two, there's the alphas and then the ones who pass as female, yeah, and gets them on the side.

Speaker 2
[01:47:52.74 - 01:47:56.96]

yeah, little male feminists. yes, they sneak in. yes, they sneak into the women's room.

Speaker 1
[01:47:56.96 - 01:48:05.58]

yeah, it's like Matt Iglesias. yeah, he's one of these shit lips on the internet who's like oh, Biden's not really dementia, it's just the footage. it's like okay, buddy.

Speaker 2
[01:48:05.58 - 01:48:06.88]

shit lips are awesome.

Speaker 1
[01:48:06.88 - 01:48:07.90]

are they?

Speaker 2
[01:48:08.32 - 01:48:12.56]

they're fun. you should only take their opinion if you can go up a giant hill with them.

Speaker 1
[01:48:12.56 - 01:48:13.54]

why? to push them off?

Speaker 2
[01:48:13.66 - 01:48:15.72]

no see when you get tired and when you quit.

Speaker 1
[01:48:15.72 - 01:48:16.42]

oh yeah,

Speaker 2
[01:48:16.98 - 01:48:24.18]

what do you have? how much is your opinion worthwhile, or how much are you just a weak person, not just weak physically, weak of spirit?

Speaker 1
[01:48:24.18 - 01:48:33.16]

weak of will I. it's like toxic. that's the real toxic masculinity. it's these types with the glasses. oh, it's very toxic.

Speaker 2
[01:48:33.16 - 01:48:47.94]

because it's the kind of masculinity that attacks stronger masculinity by default. yes, there's no objective analysis of anything that's strong. there's no acknowledgements of certain merits and there's no looking at any positive. it's only negative.

Speaker 1
[01:48:47.94 - 01:48:48.54]


Speaker 2
[01:48:48.54 - 01:48:51.92]

it's negative, which gives rise to guys like Andrew Tate.

Speaker 1
[01:48:51.92 - 01:48:52.86]


Speaker 2
[01:48:52.86 - 01:48:56.64]

they're like fuck you. they just stick it in your face, suck my dick.

Speaker 1
[01:48:56.64 - 01:49:00.68]

well, this was a lot of the reasons people voted for Trump. it was just like oh, I can't vote for him. well, fuck you, I am now what.

Speaker 2
[01:49:00.68 - 01:49:15.44]

yeah, and what? this is the fear that people have of a lot of this. you know, overreach that the government has in schools and all these different things it's going to give rise to like a very hardcore conservative uprising.

Speaker 1
[01:49:15.44 - 01:49:20.68]

it's not. even I would call it right wing, not conservative. yeah, it's not conservative, radical right wing right.

Speaker 2
[01:49:20.68 - 01:49:27.90]

but that's the fear is that things always go like that if you go so far left, things are going to go so far right to overcorrect, there's going to be a movement.

Speaker 1
[01:49:28.40 - 01:49:39.54]

we've known this since time immemorial. if you tell kids you're not allowed to smoke, it's like oh now I get to smoke and be a badass. or I get you can't have a drink. I get to drink and be a badass. you tell them you can't have these ideas.

[01:49:39.54 - 01:49:41.12]

they're like oh yeah, watch me now what.

Speaker 2
[01:49:41.12 - 01:49:41.66]


Speaker 1
[01:49:41.66 - 01:49:45.28]

and it's radicalizing a lot of young people, which I think is wonderful.

Speaker 2
[01:49:45.28 - 01:50:01.04]

frankly. well, it's fascinating, because out of rebellion comes some of the coolest shit. sometimes you know, out of rebellion comes some of the coolest ideas, the coolest music. real rebellion resonates with you. it's just sad when you watch those dudes who used to be rebels.

Speaker 1
[01:50:01.60 - 01:50:02.90]

they get old.

Speaker 2
[01:50:02.90 - 01:50:04.92]

and they just fucking become conformists.

Speaker 1
[01:50:04.92 - 01:50:06.08]

they tell you go get vaccinated.

Speaker 2
[01:50:06.08 - 01:50:07.90]

yeah, those guys, yeah, so sad.

Speaker 1
[01:50:07.90 - 01:50:10.34]

real punk is going to do what Pfizer says.

Speaker 2
[01:50:10.34 - 01:50:15.84]

so sad. when you get old, though, you get scared. all these kids are going to catch that disease and I'm going to die.

Speaker 1
[01:50:15.84 - 01:50:18.52]

you know who? the worst one of this is who Stern.

[01:50:20.56 - 01:50:26.64]

I don't know anyone who's fallen as hard, as shameless as Howard Stern. he was like my guy.

Speaker 2
[01:50:26.64 - 01:50:28.56]

he believes all those things he's saying, which is crazy.

Speaker 1
[01:50:28.56 - 01:50:29.14]

you think so?

Speaker 2
[01:50:29.14 - 01:50:31.30]

yeah, he believes all the vaccine stuff.

Speaker 1
[01:50:31.30 - 01:50:32.86]

oh that he believes.

Speaker 2
[01:50:32.86 - 01:50:50.06]

he believes all those things that you're a fool to not do it. you shouldn't be a part of society. it's unfortunate because it's like I don't know who he's talking to or what conversations he has, or what he knows. you know and I'm not saying that I'm an expert in any way, shape or form, but I was very lucky that I had access to a lot of people.

Speaker 1
[01:50:50.06 - 01:50:51.14]

so you know, Sanjay Gupta.

Speaker 2
[01:50:51.14 - 01:51:02.12]

I know, Sanjay Gupta, I had access to a lot of people that explained things to me in a way that I'm like oh, oh well, I thought nope, oh so, how do they get that information, that what?

Speaker 1
[01:51:02.12 - 01:51:02.72]


Speaker 2
[01:51:02.72 - 01:51:23.00]

that's the rules, and the more you know about that stuff, the more you're going to question these things, everything in our society. if you, if there's a narrative, I guarantee you someone's making money off that narrative. whether it's green energy or whether it's pro vaccine or whatever it is, it's a money thing. it's not a public help thing, it's not. they're not really concerned about climate change.

[01:51:23.00 - 01:51:31.24]

they want to make sure that you're concerned about climate change, so you vote and so that they can get these fucking things through and they can get more and more control over you.

Speaker 1
[01:51:31.24 - 01:51:54.24]

I had Dr. Drew on my show and a big moment for him, because he's, he's not a Jill Biden doctor, he's a real doctor. he, when COVID was hitting, he was asking very basic medical questions, because there's this like instant certainty, and randos were yelling at him on twitter. and he's like I went to medical school. I'm not a tin foil hat jackass, I'm like this is just basic medical 101 stuff.

[01:51:54.24 - 01:52:09.38]

and I'm not even saying they're wrong. I'm saying how did you get to this conclusion? right like what's the is this are we certain this is the best approach? and the blowback? people already forgot how insane that blowback was and how censorious the regime was in terms of.

[01:52:09.38 - 01:52:18.86]

you know, just even just. and here's the thing. if there's an emergency like let's suppose there's an asteroid hitting the earth, let's brainstorm like let's okay, what's gonna work? let's try this. let's try that like we got.

[01:52:18.86 - 01:52:27.54]

we got an emergency. we're not gonna know right away what's gonna be the best solution. but the way they were acting was like no, no, no, this is the only way. this is insane. I don't care.

[01:52:27.54 - 01:52:35.50]

if you have a negative vaccine test, you need to have a negative COVID test. you need to have a vaccination passed that's a year old to get into this restaurant makes no sense.

Speaker 2
[01:52:35.50 - 01:52:37.56]

the whole thing was very strange.

Speaker 1
[01:52:37.56 - 01:52:40.86]

it must have been surreal for you being like the one of the targets.

Speaker 2
[01:52:40.86 - 01:52:52.04]

oh yeah, it was very weird. it was what. it was also so weird because the thing that they were targeting me on was so dumb it was. so I listed a list of things.

Speaker 1
[01:52:52.04 - 01:52:53.20]

I watched it.

Speaker 2
[01:52:53.20 - 01:52:56.54]

and they all went after this one thing. I'm like boy. that seems odd.

Speaker 1
[01:52:56.54 - 01:53:10.16]

here's the way they went. you remember how they went after it. they went after it as if Joe Rogan goes to Petco right and you wore like a Dave Smith disguise. so no one recognized you and you grabbed the horse pace and you injected yourself. injected is hilarious.

[01:53:10.16 - 01:53:16.96]

that's kind of like what the impression was, where it's like. worst case scenario, your quack doctor told you to do this.

Speaker 2
[01:53:16.96 - 01:53:29.62]

right worst case scenario. but what's really crazy is that they did it with that particular drug, right the knowing the history of that drug, the fact that the guy won the Nobel Prize on it for humans, knowing the fact that had been given to billions, billions of prescriptions had been filled.

Speaker 1
[01:53:29.62 - 01:53:39.84]

and here's the thing if they cared about being honest and saving lives, there would have been consequences, and there were no consequences for any of these people other than you, clowning.

Speaker 2
[01:53:40.76 - 01:53:50.88]

well, there's also should be an understanding of why a person got through it easy and why some people don't right. yeah, because I want, I'm not that young. wait, I gotta ask.

Speaker 1
[01:53:50.88 - 01:53:58.60]

you, I gotta ask you. I gotta ask okay, let's get our tinfoil, more tinfoil hats. do you think Biden really had COVID last week, two weeks ago?

Speaker 2
[01:53:58.60 - 01:54:02.28]

it made him grow. if you get it when you're 81, you grow.

Speaker 1
[01:54:02.28 - 01:54:03.08]

it's called grovid.

[01:54:06.14 - 01:54:08.58]

maybe I gotta get. hey, maybe we should get some of that shit.

Speaker 2
[01:54:08.58 - 01:54:20.24]

I wish I know we could use it. I don't know, I don't know what to believe anymore, I don't? it's so hard. when you saw the letter that was written, it didn't have the presidential seal on it.

Speaker 1
[01:54:20.24 - 01:54:21.38]

right and it wasn't his signature.

Speaker 2
[01:54:21.38 - 01:54:27.00]

no, so there's that and then there's no video of him saying that until far later.

Speaker 1
[01:54:27.00 - 01:54:32.74]

why would they even test him for it, like if he had symptoms like you would think it's the flu. let's treat him like the flu.

Speaker 2
[01:54:32.74 - 01:54:35.74]

it's a good thing to say say he's got COVID like oh well, shut it down.

Speaker 1
[01:54:35.74 - 01:54:36.82]

but he wasn't wearing a mask.

Speaker 2
[01:54:36.82 - 01:54:37.74]

shut it down.

Speaker 1
[01:54:37.74 - 01:54:41.24]

and this idea of COVID, where you can't go on screen, shut it down.

Speaker 2
[01:54:41.78 - 01:54:45.62]

he's got the COVID. he's gonna give it to you through the screen. well also, it's like

Speaker 1
[01:54:45.62 - 01:54:53.12]

if you're 81, you get COVID, you're not. it's not looking so good for you like I don't care if you're the president of somebody else, it's a bad seat.

Speaker 2
[01:54:53.12 - 01:55:16.00]

I read something again. reddit might not be real, but they'd given him 10 doses of pax lovid and then one of my friends, who's a doctor, was like that is way more than you're supposed to give someone like. why would they give him that? find out if that's true. here's the thing we're dealing with so much misinformation, so many trolls, so much bullshit.

[01:55:16.00 - 01:55:36.22]

it's so hard. 6 dose of pax lovid on saturday, and according to his doctor he's improving steadily. Biden 81 tested positive for covid-19 while campaigning in Las Vegas. on Wednesday he self-isolated his home in Delaware by receiving the oral antiviral pill. how many are you supposed to take of those 6 doses?

[01:55:36.22 - 01:55:40.72]

what is the side effects of pax lovid? does it have any side effects?

Speaker 1
[01:55:40.72 - 01:55:43.36]

it turns your wife into a selfish silly.

[01:56:14.38 - 01:56:15.76]

it was like misery.

[01:56:17.32 - 01:56:23.16]

she was kathy bates. oh my god, she's like. i've got you in my house. you're staying here. here's the other thing.

[01:56:23.16 - 01:56:32.42]

that's funny. how badly do you have to fuck up a debate to lose your house and your job like that is historically unprecedented. how do you lose his house? he's getting kicked out of the white house.

Speaker 2
[01:56:32.42 - 01:56:36.20]

oh yeah, he's still allowed to be there to the.

Speaker 1
[01:56:36.20 - 01:56:39.40]

end allegedly this tall guy. they're not renewing the lease.

Speaker 2
[01:56:40.10 - 01:56:53.84]

once he got taller, i think he's gonna change things. yeah, because he's got on these new drugs. he's gonna say listen, guys, give me another chance of this. this stuff that made me grow six inches like i've already got it. man, not only do i got, i think i'm better than i've ever been before.

Speaker 1
[01:56:53.84 - 01:56:59.76]

i, you know, i sent away for this drug that would grow me by six inches, and it was a fraud. i'm still at four, well you.

Speaker 2
[01:56:59.76 - 01:57:03.70]

can um get those things done where they break your leg and stretch you out?

Speaker 1
[01:57:03.70 - 01:57:07.30]

there was a guy called. what's his name? he's deleted his instagram. he was like this

Speaker 2
[01:57:09.30 - 01:57:09.74]

yeah did he.

Speaker 1
[01:57:09.74 - 01:57:10.54]

delete it, yeah.

Speaker 2
[01:57:10.54 - 01:57:11.98]

probably got tired of people shitting.

Speaker 1
[01:57:11.98 - 01:57:13.80]

on him. yeah, it was. he was a.

Speaker 2
[01:57:13.80 - 01:57:14.58]

giant guy already.

Speaker 1
[01:57:14.58 - 01:57:19.96]

yeah, he was like what 280, 62. yeah, he wanted to be 68 and he thought he was small, so he.

Speaker 2
[01:57:19.96 - 01:57:20.52]

got his legs.

Speaker 1
[01:57:20.52 - 01:57:25.00]

that's by dysmorphia, and he was away from his family for like a year. oh my god, got my knees done. was that his?

Speaker 2
[01:57:25.00 - 01:57:33.60]

yes, yes, yes, yeah, that's great. there's a lot of people that have done that. they've got their legs and even their arms. they've got their arms lengthened.

Speaker 1
[01:57:33.60 - 01:57:35.82]

well, if you're gonna get the legs, otherwise you look like a penguin.

Speaker 2
[01:57:35.82 - 01:57:39.42]

right. you look weird, unless you were a dude with like crazy long arms, isn't it?

Speaker 1
[01:57:40.22 - 01:57:42.54]

well, you can't ever walk, you can't run.

Speaker 2
[01:57:42.54 - 01:57:50.64]

anymore. no, we thought that too, but you can, there was a guy that jamie found that got it done okay, and he shows the difference, and then you see him sprinting that and.

Speaker 1
[01:57:50.64 - 01:57:53.66]

that man's name is joe biden. it's so.

Speaker 2
[01:57:53.66 - 01:58:06.58]

quick. he grew six inches in a week. this new one they have is just way better. it's just a pill, it's pax, lovett, six doses six inches. imagine if it cures covid, but you grow an inch.

[01:58:06.58 - 01:58:08.44]

guys would be like, oh, i got covid.

Speaker 1
[01:58:08.44 - 01:58:13.50]

the joe rogan experience sponsor pax lovett. it'll get you taller. forget that horse face.

Speaker 2
[01:58:13.50 - 01:58:35.64]

at the end of the fucking five seasons from now, my head scraping on the ceiling, i'll become a freak like that guy, that famous guy from the. you know that guy from the 1970s that was like a beautiful, handsome man, and then he kept injecting stuff into his face. no hold on, i'll send it, because i sent it to tom sagura. me and tom sagura send each other the most horrific shit that we can find i get.

Speaker 1
[01:58:35.64 - 01:58:36.32]

boomer memes from.

Speaker 2
[01:58:36.32 - 01:58:39.38]

you. yeah, those are fun. they are fun. boomer memes are.

Speaker 1
[01:58:39.38 - 01:58:41.76]

fun. i'm sitting here like joe rogan's, just texting me a boomer.

Speaker 2
[01:58:41.76 - 01:58:45.00]

meme. it's so fun if i can get a smile on michael malice's.

Speaker 1
[01:58:45.00 - 01:58:46.70]

face. i'm serious, i.

Speaker 2
[01:58:46.70 - 01:58:56.64]

gotta find this dude. i send tommy so much shit. we send each other so much shit. our feed is just a gross disaster. i know i said, oh, this is the old tom sagura.

[01:58:56.64 - 01:58:58.00]

hold on, i got. he's got a new phone.

Speaker 1
[01:58:58.00 - 01:59:07.94]

number the best one that i, the one of the best texts i ever got. i got a text from rosanna. she said wtf with two question marks, and i thought okay, she's a boomer. she sees something on her screen. she thinks i could see it too.

[01:59:07.94 - 01:59:12.76]

and like what do you mean? she goes. you don't call me like what's going on with you. i'm worried. it was so sweet all.

Speaker 2
[01:59:12.76 - 01:59:21.78]

right here. it is jamie, let's send it to you. um, i don't know what the fuck this guy was doing. i guess this is all, um.

[01:59:23.42 - 01:59:34.64]

why is this not there we go? um, i just sent it, jamie. so this is what he. well, i want you to see the whole thing. okay, because it starts out in 1969.

[01:59:34.64 - 01:59:54.34]

he's gorgeous man, like beautiful handsome man, and then over time, homeboy goes crazy, go full screen. so we could see like oh so, 19 days, beautiful handsome man. now. so it's getting a little weird in 88, but i think that's just age, that's 91, that's just age. yeah, just age.

[01:59:55.52 - 01:59:59.52]

now things start getting weird. oh no, this is the beginning. oh, i know this.

Speaker 1
[01:59:59.52 - 02:00:00.94]

guy 2004 yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:00:00.94 - 02:00:11.32]

now it gets crazy. look at the chin. something's going nutty. now the cheeks look. he's trying to avoid the wrinkles, so he's turning his face into a fucking balloon, and i guess it's just body dysmorphia.

[02:00:11.32 - 02:00:19.80]

now, 2010, but it gets real crazy. now he's done his lips. 2013. it starts getting real crazy. look at that.

[02:00:19.80 - 02:00:24.24]

2015, i mean. now it's just nuts. now it looks like you got attacked by.

Speaker 1
[02:00:25.32 - 02:00:27.04]

something, something look.

Speaker 2
[02:00:27.04 - 02:00:35.04]

at that. i mean jesus christ, and it gets worse. so the head keeps getting bigger. look at 2019. i mean that's just absolutely insane.

[02:00:35.04 - 02:00:48.12]

now that look at it now. if that guy just let himself age, he would just be an old, good looking guy, but instead he went nutty. because that's body dysmorphia where people can't see what they.

Speaker 1
[02:00:48.12 - 02:00:56.70]

look, yeah, i had my dysmorphia. i got it not not facially, but body, and it's gone away. you know what stopped it? i'm not even kidding. i've talked to you about this a little bit.

[02:00:56.70 - 02:01:30.22]

a few things did it, but this was like the moment where i i was like okay, this is done. i was at gold's and there was a young dude there, early 20s i'd say, who had striated delts, and i was like wow, that's so cool. and then my brain said to myself i swear to god, this is how i go. you were just at the tesla factory at 2 in the morning with joe rogan, elon musk and jordan peterson, and you go tell that kid that you think you're jealous of his striated delts and he will look at you like you're a crazy person. and that was when it clicked like holy shit.

[02:01:30.22 - 02:01:32.98]

this is fucking insane. no one cares about your fucking striated.

Speaker 2
[02:01:32.98 - 02:01:34.82]

delts, except your girlfriend.

Speaker 1
[02:01:34.82 - 02:01:36.46]

no, they don't care you.

Speaker 2
[02:01:36.46 - 02:01:37.20]

don't think so they don't.

Speaker 1
[02:01:37.20 - 02:01:39.98]

fucking care. no, they think it's gross, really yes.

Speaker 2
[02:01:39.98 - 02:01:40.60]

which girls you banging?

Speaker 1
[02:01:41.82 - 02:01:46.88]

they don't like that muscle that bodybuilder build at all. what do they like when we were at?

Speaker 2
[02:01:46.88 - 02:01:50.24]

chris helmsworth when we were thin layer of fat.

Speaker 1
[02:01:50.24 - 02:02:03.14]

over. do you know what else it was when we were at the mothership opening night, this guy came in and i've met him. since i don't remember his name. he was a bodybuilder like in his fifties the chillest dude. really nice, very friendly, no attitude.

[02:02:03.14 - 02:02:12.86]

i'm sure you know who i'm talking about. again, i don't remember his name. his name is chris. maybe immediately everyone in the room is like this guy's out group outsider. it wasn't like this guy's cool.

[02:02:12.86 - 02:02:21.96]

it was like he's not one of us and i saw the energy change. i'm like holy shit. if this was something people thought was awesome, everyone be treating him very differently. well it.

Speaker 2
[02:02:21.96 - 02:02:23.28]

depends on the group of.

Speaker 1
[02:02:23.28 - 02:02:36.34]

course it depends on the group, but this was the normal people don't look at. they look at that as freakish, not as admirable, and like when girls have those huge implants at a certain point it's not hot. it's just like there's something wrong with.

Speaker 2
[02:02:36.34 - 02:02:47.68]

right, you went crazy. you went crazy, yeah, and that's what happened. that guy's. yes, you went crazy, yeah, but isn't it interesting that there's something wrong with us where we can't see what we really look like? we can't, we can't perspective.

[02:02:47.68 - 02:02:50.66]

this is very difficult to acquire when.

Speaker 1
[02:02:50.66 - 02:02:51.52]

you when you're in the.

Speaker 2
[02:02:51.52 - 02:02:52.46]

middle of that when you.

Speaker 1
[02:02:52.46 - 02:02:56.58]

mental illness. when you realize like holy shit, my brain is lying to itself, it's very scary.

Speaker 2
[02:02:56.58 - 02:03:00.64]

oh, it must be. when you look in the mirror and you see your face, you're like oh, my god him i.

Speaker 1
[02:03:00.64 - 02:03:01.48]

don't know what does he?

Speaker 2
[02:03:01.48 - 02:03:07.44]

see who knows man, and i think, once you've got to that point like what are you going to do? you're going to get it removed.

Speaker 1
[02:03:07.44 - 02:03:11.60]

well, then it becomes your thing right. well, i don't know. you're that guy, that guy, oh god.

Speaker 2
[02:03:11.60 - 02:03:15.68]

damn, because they just got face lift, buddy, yeah.

Speaker 1
[02:03:15.68 - 02:03:17.72]

get fucking great. what's her name? just something.

Speaker 2
[02:03:17.72 - 02:03:25.06]

they're twins, so you were seeing maybe both of them during that. oh yeah, well, they both do it. they both have the same thing. they both have the same issue.

Speaker 1
[02:03:25.06 - 02:03:26.20]

what about matt gates?

Speaker 2
[02:03:27.24 - 02:03:30.52]

was matt gates the congressman? oh yeah, he did his eyebrows, not just.

Speaker 1
[02:03:30.52 - 02:03:31.92]

he got cheek. he got something with the cheek.

Speaker 2
[02:03:31.92 - 02:03:40.90]

too. oh, did he? yes, he's yeah, you can't do that if you're a public person and all sudden your eyebrows are like uh and a dude, a 45 year old, housewife it.

Speaker 1
[02:03:40.90 - 02:03:43.68]

was from. yeah, he looked like a real housewife. yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:03:43.68 - 02:03:46.82]

like miami. yeah, he's got a frozen forehead. it was no.

Speaker 1
[02:03:46.82 - 02:03:52.10]

but the cheek implants and fillers. yeah, yeah, implants are fillers, it was.

Speaker 2
[02:03:52.10 - 02:04:02.10]

something nuts. isn't it crazy to a politician? a politician like your wrinkles and your the weathered look in your face is actually good for your career? no, it isn't who you don't think. so.

[02:04:02.10 - 02:04:19.88]

no, oh, i think so. i think, if you look at a guy like rfk, the voice is a problem, but the the way he looks, the fact that he's just like intelligent, worldly guy. that's like seeing a lot, had a lot of life. you don't want a smooth-faced dude. yeah, that's crazy, that is.

Speaker 1
[02:04:19.88 - 02:04:21.04]

literally cheekbone stuff.

Speaker 2
[02:04:21.04 - 02:04:22.34]

come on. yeah, that's i think.

Speaker 1
[02:04:22.34 - 02:04:24.36]

that nose too looks well.

Speaker 2
[02:04:24.36 - 02:04:28.00]

it's tough to tell because it's a different angle, but there's definitely not a.

Speaker 1
[02:04:28.00 - 02:04:29.18]

natural nose and i should.

Speaker 2
[02:04:29.18 - 02:04:31.38]

know you might be right.

[02:04:34.38 - 02:04:37.06]

wow, but the for the forehead and the eyebrows are crazy.

Speaker 1
[02:04:38.20 - 02:04:40.30]

okay, maybe the nose is natural from that angle i.

Speaker 2
[02:04:40.30 - 02:04:44.24]

could be wrong, but that's, that is a crazy look. that's a crazy look, but the thing.

Speaker 1
[02:04:44.24 - 02:05:01.98]

is like he used to be, like the chubby kid, i'm sure in his head right. he's still always gonna be that chubby slob kid, even though like that you look fine before. yeah, but it's again with like these, but i just with these body builds it wasn't gonna get bigger. they're never happy with like dude. you hit 240, just like you're.

Speaker 2
[02:05:01.98 - 02:05:05.30]

fine, you know how we could save society we should have.

Speaker 1
[02:05:05.30 - 02:05:06.64]

by electing connell harris.

Speaker 2
[02:05:06.64 - 02:05:13.84]

yes, and then have a reality show where all the congress people have cameras that follow them all and get get to know the real them, oh.

Speaker 1
[02:05:13.84 - 02:05:14.90]

god, well, that's called deep.

Speaker 2
[02:05:14.90 - 02:05:19.38]

see you in there right, except that's not a reality show.

Speaker 1
[02:05:19.38 - 02:05:31.92]

julia louis drive has blocked me because she was saying go, go ahead and vote, and i go. you won five emmys for showing that politicians are all sociopaths. blocked, but it's yeah, but i don't blame her, but it's true, it is true, but

Speaker 2
[02:05:31.92 - 02:05:34.12]

is you don't blame her that she blocked you. i don't blame.

Speaker 1
[02:05:34.12 - 02:05:40.88]

her. really, i block people very liberally, like i'm not, i'm not. yeah, i don't see you. just block people. yes, of course, welcome.

[02:05:40.88 - 02:05:48.76]

well, i don't. i'm not there to be annoyed, right? they can disagree with me, that's fine, but if you're gonna be playing gotcha games, i don't know. i don't hear it block.

Speaker 2
[02:05:49.20 - 02:05:51.56]

blocked. that's lex. lex is a.

Speaker 1
[02:05:51.56 - 02:05:57.42]

block and pull lex lex. he's worse than me all my people like. can you get lex to block?

Speaker 2
[02:05:57.42 - 02:06:10.08]

me. i'm like he just wants positive interactions. only i, which is fine, i mean, but it's not the internet, i mean. but i guess you could cultivate a place where you only have positive influences, or or you.

Speaker 1
[02:06:10.08 - 02:06:33.22]

could have negative in the sense of respectful right, or negative in like right, but or like it it. the thing is with the internet, whenever there's a question mark, it instantly becomes like an improv show and like as any improv show, it's, it's just torture, it's just like it. like these are not funny, like everyone says the same stupid lines, it's, it's rough and the don't get me started, the boomers, my god, what do you mean?

Speaker 2
[02:06:33.22 - 02:06:35.02]

by a question mark like if i say

Speaker 1
[02:06:35.02 - 02:06:53.14]

is it just me, or is it blah, blah, blah or like? i have what, what? why is my body, at my age, still making you farts and the things that they reply something we're gonna be very funny, cuz it's farts right? some of them was just gonna be like oh my god, just relax, and so i i avoid question marks as much as.

Speaker 2
[02:06:53.14 - 02:06:56.16]

possible. there's a lot of like very angry people out there in.

Speaker 1
[02:06:56.16 - 02:06:58.24]

the world. yeah, no shit, and they.

Speaker 2
[02:06:58.24 - 02:07:05.28]

love to express themselves in this very strange way on on social media. it's a strange way to interact with people and they.

Speaker 1
[02:07:05.28 - 02:07:15.22]

love it. i do like if i go to someone's feed and all their comments are just hostility, you suck, fuck you. you've got to block those people. you don't want that energy around you, yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:07:15.22 - 02:07:19.72]

you don't want, it's not. i don't know how many of those people, even real people, there's a few.

Speaker 1
[02:07:19.72 - 02:07:21.32]

there's a lot of real people like.

Speaker 2
[02:07:21.32 - 02:07:41.16]

that come on 100%. but there's also. anytime there's a politically charged issue or a person who's engaging in politically charged issues, like you do, you're going to have a bunch of bots that are attacking you and a bunch of bots on your page, a bunch of people that aren't real people. there's a lot of them, i'm sure you're aware i.

Speaker 1
[02:07:41.16 - 02:07:47.74]

thought that that was nonsense, and it's not, and i've seen enough receipts that it's like holy shit. this really is a thing. well you.

Speaker 2
[02:07:47.74 - 02:08:16.90]

know that fbi guy, the former fbi analyst, who said that it's he estimated as somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% of all accounts on twitter were bots 80, 80, 80, holy crap. yeah, i don't know if he's right, but i know that they wouldn't. they wouldn't supply elon with the information necessary for him to find out whether or not it's more than five, which is what they were claiming they're claiming somewhere in the neighborhood. but he said that they base that on like a hundred accounts, like a random one. okay, so that's too small of a sample size, but 80.

[02:08:16.90 - 02:08:47.78]

still, fbi agent confirms elon musk claim of under counting by accounts on twitter by conducting his own research. so what his estimation was 80 percent, i believe, was it say where it says it. yeah, right there, right at the top, jamie. oh, here it goes. when i consider the volume of velocity of automation we're seeing today, the sophistication of bots that a given set of incentives is likely to attract and the relative lack of countermeasures i saw in my own research, i can only come to one conclusion all likelihood more than 80 percent of twitter accounts are actually bots.

[02:08:47.78 - 02:08:49.24]

this, of course, is my.

Speaker 1
[02:08:49.24 - 02:09:03.84]

opinion. but i mean, uh, there are bots were like if you reply something, all the replies will be like oh, check out bitcoin, blah, blah, blah, sure, but that are. then there's also those two more sophisticated bots. yeah, we're like if you're going to go after trump or after biden, they're going to swarm you and be like actually blah blah.

Speaker 2
[02:09:03.84 - 02:09:13.54]

blah. yeah, 100 and i bet all the candidates use them. i mean i bet it's just, i bet it's legal right now. i mean i don't know. i mean it was essentially propaganda right, but they.

Speaker 1
[02:09:13.54 - 02:09:21.72]

have lived bots made out of meat. you have people like brooklyn dad and was in their bots right. essentially right jojo, whatever name is. so that how does?

Speaker 2
[02:09:21.72 - 02:09:23.46]

that work? are those people paid? yes, who?

Speaker 1
[02:09:23.46 - 02:09:31.32]

pays them. uh, they see the dnc or the campaigns. we have the receipts for these people. it's not just by the way, it's not at all just the democrats, there's republican operatives as well.

Speaker 2
[02:09:31.32 - 02:09:43.82]

let's make that very well. 100. i have a friend who has a republican instagram page and he reached out to me to tell me that people were contacting him, asking him to do videos and that if he did those videos, they pay him money like.

Speaker 1
[02:09:43.82 - 02:09:49.98]

thousands of dollars. i want that like. give me that goo, like you can get that good, i'm for sale. oh good, yes, it's good.

Speaker 2
[02:09:49.98 - 02:09:53.26]

to know, because i've been talking to some people. i was going to breach this with you, but i'm glad you brought it up.

Speaker 1
[02:09:53.26 - 02:09:55.74]

on your own. perfect. yeah well, how much.

Speaker 2
[02:09:55.74 - 02:09:59.04]

do you charge to lie? oh, i'm lying, i do.

Speaker 1
[02:09:59.04 - 02:10:00.58]

for free. it costs money for to tell the.

Speaker 2
[02:10:00.58 - 02:10:09.12]

truth, but propaganda. if you want to be a bot like who would you be about for the libertarians? god are you know anarchy?

Speaker 1
[02:10:09.96 - 02:10:16.12]

who would i be about for us? oh, you know, i'd be about for who betterment i kind.

Speaker 2
[02:10:16.12 - 02:10:22.76]

of like him. i love him. i like him. now i i used to think was like donates his campaign. i just think, why is that i put a suit on?

[02:10:22.76 - 02:10:29.66]

that i realized. why don't i put a suit on? you know, i have like this fucking huge podcast and i wear hoodies. he wears hoodies. his whole point is my.

Speaker 1
[02:10:29.66 - 02:10:45.98]

people. i shouldn't be taken seriously just because i'm a senator and i got to tell you for me to say something positive. politician takes a lot the barriers so low for someone to go on public record and talk about his mental health problems. that could help a lot of people and i thought was very commendable him to do that also watching.

Speaker 2
[02:10:45.98 - 02:10:56.36]

him bounce back from his stroke. i know i thought the dude was toast. yes, we all did right, because when you stumble with words that bad, you struggle with thinking that bad. but it was just post stroke. but then we're here.

[02:10:56.36 - 02:10:59.34]

we are, Louisa, like at least how, two years later.

Speaker 1
[02:10:59.34 - 02:11:02.30]

yeah, two years after 22, yeah seems fine.

Speaker 2
[02:11:02.30 - 02:11:09.86]

and reasonable and like saying a lot of stuff that he's like i'm a progressive. this is not what i stand, though, he said.

Speaker 1
[02:11:09.86 - 02:11:11.60]

i'm not a progressive anymore, right he?

Speaker 2
[02:11:11.60 - 02:11:14.88]

used to be and he was to be. what a progressive what he thought of. yes, he.

Speaker 1
[02:11:14.88 - 02:11:24.66]

was the first one to tell menendez to resign, and now renandez is resigning from his own party, so i love him. by the way, senator federman, if you want to join with me and do a remake of twins, i'm.

Speaker 2
[02:11:24.66 - 02:11:37.74]

totally down. do you think that guy would ever run for president? i hope so. see, he's a reasonable, like he'd win in two seconds left-wing person, because he's reason he's a moderate right. but would they ever let a guy like that even get close?

[02:11:37.74 - 02:11:39.24]

like would they Tulsi gabbard him?

Speaker 1
[02:11:40.70 - 02:11:51.28]

well, Tulsi was a. it was only a congresswoman from hawaii. she didn't have a big right and she ran against, wasn't a governor? right which bernie was her guy? and she ran against a metals with warrants to the splitting.

[02:11:51.28 - 02:12:03.50]

that ticket three with that base, three ways, i think he'd have a great shot, don't you? i do, i do now. but getting past the primary would be tough because the machine wouldn't like him, because he's not reliable. biden was reliable, he's a party.

Speaker 2
[02:12:03.50 - 02:12:09.58]

hack and he would do speeches with a hoodie on. yeah, this guy is outrageous is.

Speaker 1
[02:12:09.58 - 02:12:11.60]

it outrageous. no, his whole point is we.

Speaker 2
[02:12:11.60 - 02:12:24.12]

work for you. yes, no, no, he's very reasonable. i'm shocked because i used to make fun of him. i should think like this is so crazy that this guy can't talk and he's gonna run for governor, and then he won. i was like oh well, that's, but he won against dr.

[02:12:24.18 - 02:12:30.18]

Oz, who's the worst? well, you know, the guy got brought up in front of Congress for making fake weight loss.

Speaker 1
[02:12:30.18 - 02:12:43.18]

claims you don't go from supporting jesse smollett to being a trump supporter. right, you're a complete fuck phony and a clown. and was even funnier was when oprah came out and twisted the knife and endorse federman at the last minute. do you remember that? oh, and he was her boy.

Speaker 2
[02:12:43.18 - 02:12:52.28]

oh, wow, yeah, interesting, oprah did that. oh yes, she did federman. now i wonder how many people that endorsed him back then will endorse him now that he's like.

Speaker 1
[02:12:52.28 - 02:12:56.06]

outside of the. i don't think he got many endorsements, but i mean how many people.

Speaker 2
[02:12:56.06 - 02:13:02.70]

that were like okay with him or yeah, still you know, yes, if he's speaking the way he's speaking and talking about.

Speaker 1
[02:13:02.70 - 02:13:25.06]

these issues. you know what. what could make it happen, what i, if trump wins again? there's gonna be a lot of soul-searching in the Democratic Party about like a, where we lose track, that we're losing to who they perceive as this complete putz, and that would be an opportunity for some like federal, like it was for Clinton in 92, to be like. okay, i'm going to steer this party back to where middle america is right, and we could win on that.

[02:13:25.06 - 02:13:26.64]

those terms well, if.

Speaker 2
[02:13:26.64 - 02:13:31.80]

they were going to do that when they have done that after trump's first term and said they ran with biden. well, they.

Speaker 1
[02:13:31.80 - 02:13:40.52]

could have. they didn't do that for trump's first term because, first of all, hillary got millions more votes. second of all, they were too busy losing their minds to think strategically. this would be a little different, i mean after, after.

Speaker 2
[02:13:40.52 - 02:13:47.10]

so, but after they ran with biden there was plenty of like young, enthusiastic people they could have ran with. yeah, but

Speaker 1
[02:13:47.10 - 02:13:58.50]

i think biden for them. you knew he was safe. he's a safe democratic vote. you know he's going to say he's going to play the party game and he's kind of tried and tested also he knows how.

Speaker 2
[02:13:58.50 - 02:14:00.16]

washington works. it's kind of like when.

Speaker 1
[02:14:00.16 - 02:14:08.76]

those things are it's hard to hate him. term it's hard. yeah, it's hard to hate him because he's just a sad old man in a basement. it's going to be a lot. it was a lot easier.

[02:14:08.76 - 02:14:15.96]

i don't think it would have been as easy to put over klobuchar or buddha judge. they certainly don't want sanders because he'd be a loose cannon.

Speaker 2
[02:14:16.32 - 02:14:24.20]

yeah, they didn't want sanders at all cost, but i don't believe buddha judge would work either. he says a lot of salad. that's a lot of words now that he's a.

Speaker 1
[02:14:24.20 - 02:14:33.56]

kid like you, don't go from south bend to pret. first of all, how he also raised. here's another reason why i think she's in trouble upstairs. buddha judge raised more money than her. yeah, how are you?

Speaker 2
[02:14:33.56 - 02:14:34.86]

they're all just going to get behind her.

Speaker 1
[02:14:34.86 - 02:14:49.50]

no, no, i do, but my point is how, if you, in when you're running for president in 2020, can't raise as much money as this is a senator from california, right as the mayor of south bend, indiana, your rolodex is not good, right, but that is.

Speaker 2
[02:14:49.50 - 02:14:59.98]

just trying to get through the primaries, sure, but they weaseled her in there right, shoehorned her right in, which was always the fear when biden was elected president. yeah, but hey, if anything happens to him.

Speaker 1
[02:14:59.98 - 02:15:06.00]

look, i don't think it's a given that the people are going to write the checks for her that they would have done for is it?

Speaker 2
[02:15:06.00 - 02:15:09.92]

said and done that she's going to be the candidate for president. now it's not the.

Speaker 1
[02:15:09.92 - 02:15:12.54]

convent that she has enough delegates as.

Speaker 2
[02:15:12.54 - 02:15:23.94]

of right now, but harris raised 200 million now. do you know how that works, though? here's what's interesting about that. have you, do you know what astroturfing is? yes, of course yeah, so explain to people how they do that well.

Speaker 1
[02:15:23.94 - 02:15:25.28]

after there's different ways to do.

Speaker 2
[02:15:25.28 - 02:15:30.44]

astroturfing. one of the things they do is they attribute. they attribute donations to people that didn't really.

Speaker 1
[02:15:30.44 - 02:15:44.28]

donate them. but it's not only that. it's that there's no question that a lot of these donors led thanks to james carville, who's a democratic strategist for many, many years. james carville said hold your donations if biden's a nominee. that's the only pressure you have, and they did.

[02:15:44.28 - 02:16:01.68]

the donations trickle to a zero, and that's one of the reasons pelosi and the others freaked out. once they switch, they're ready to write those checks again. the question is it's july. are you going to be able to sustain this fundraising through november? and i don't know that she will really, because she didn't last time.

[02:16:01.68 - 02:16:17.28]

okay, so there's no quite one more thing. there's no question that whoever is the nominee of either party is going to get a fuck ton of money. that's not in dispute. the question is is she going to be as good, as good as a hillary who had the rolodex, the favors? it's my turn.

[02:16:17.28 - 02:16:24.44]

she had wall street, body count. she had what wall street? she had hollywood. she had dc. she had everybody right.

[02:16:24.44 - 02:16:31.52]

kamala harris. no one likes her. that's a big difference. but then people don't like trump either. so that's a big problem for him.

[02:16:31.52 - 02:16:32.22]

so how could?

Speaker 2
[02:16:32.22 - 02:16:37.26]

it work that they would get rid of her. how would that possibly happen? uh you.

Speaker 1
[02:16:37.26 - 02:16:39.70]

mean the publicly or privately, all the.

Speaker 2
[02:16:39.70 - 02:16:41.16]

above, because it seems like privately.

Speaker 1
[02:16:41.16 - 02:16:47.90]

you'd have to black. you have to sit her down and be like here's what's going to happen if you don't drop down yourself, then we're going to do x, y & z, which is.

Speaker 2
[02:16:47.90 - 02:16:49.34]

already said she's wrong. yeah, but she.

Speaker 1
[02:16:49.34 - 02:16:51.76]

could she okay, i mean who knows what.

Speaker 2
[02:16:51.76 - 02:16:57.62]

they got on her. did you not see the phone call she had with the obama's? it was amazing. it was so candid. it definitely wasn't planned at all.

[02:16:57.62 - 02:17:02.92]

yeah, just they happen to have a camera on her while she got a phone call from the.

Speaker 1
[02:17:02.92 - 02:17:11.46]

obama's beautiful i am. i am surprised how quickly they flipped the candidate without any pretense of having some kind.

Speaker 2
[02:17:11.46 - 02:17:15.56]

of competition. i think they were feeling like they couldn't win. you know, but the.

Speaker 1
[02:17:15.56 - 02:17:18.80]

point is i'm shocked that they went immediately with her as plan b, because

Speaker 2
[02:17:18.80 - 02:17:29.22]

she is the one that is in the administration now, which means all the people that have jobs keep their jobs, so they're all very much. what that means doesn't know. she could get rid of some.

Speaker 1
[02:17:29.22 - 02:17:36.60]

of them. that's what happened with lyndon. johnson took over when george bush took over for reagan. they clean house. they bring in their own guys of.

Speaker 2
[02:17:36.60 - 02:17:38.04]

course, i think she would do that, are you?

Speaker 1
[02:17:38.04 - 02:17:48.94]

kidding, she should make it look like a benetton ad. she's not, she's. she's the nominee from netflix, like she's. she's gonna make it all. you know, dei, who could.

Speaker 2
[02:17:48.94 - 02:17:51.50]

possibly take over, like how would they?

Speaker 1
[02:17:51.50 - 02:18:02.46]

do that they would have to. they would have had to have forced her not to declare, which would have been a very tough move, because if she's not the nominee now, here's the. here's my 40 chest.

Speaker 2
[02:18:02.46 - 02:18:05.36]

okay, 4d charity chest with michael.

Speaker 1
[02:18:05.36 - 02:18:13.42]

metals biden is like all right. we put her up. we know she's gonna lose. she can't go back to the. she's not gonna governor california, she's not gonna be senator.

[02:18:13.42 - 02:18:23.02]

her career is done and that was his kind of legacy, like you know. getting rid of her once and for all, because otherwise she's gonna be the nominee, or a very strong case for it in 2028, right, but?

Speaker 2
[02:18:23.02 - 02:18:29.92]

don't you think that if she runs in 2024, that's very likely. there's a possibility, like more than 5050, that she wins? I don't.

Speaker 1
[02:18:29.92 - 02:18:34.90]

think it's more than 5050. Oh, interesting, I do. I don't think it's more than 5050 I.

Speaker 2
[02:18:34.90 - 02:18:38.02]

think there's so many people that are opposed to the idea of Trump. that's true.

Speaker 1
[02:18:38.02 - 02:18:40.46]

quiet people, quiet people, they're quiet.

Speaker 2
[02:18:40.46 - 02:19:00.76]

they're not like the Trump. people are loud like the in support of Trump. they go to the rallies they get, they fill up stadiums and so people in their head they go oh, he's more popular, but the people that are not willing to vote for him, they're on the quiet tip and they're there. they might talk amongst their friends and they might talk at work and they might, but they're not going to these.

Speaker 1
[02:19:00.76 - 02:19:12.20]

rallies. she didn't even make Iowa last time. the last time, so we got us three months of hurricane. this is a woman who cracks herself up because she sees a school bus and goes the wheels of the.

Speaker 2
[02:19:12.20 - 02:19:16.32]

bus go around and round. you know, you didn't just fall off a coconut tree you.

Speaker 1
[02:19:16.32 - 02:19:34.34]

know, yeah, her mom says that, Kamala, you did not just fall because it exists in the context of yeah. so I think this is going to be again. and here's the other thing. how is it? you're going up for that debate, and when Tulsi hits you with your record, you don't have a counterpunch ready.

[02:19:34.34 - 02:19:36.56]

that makes no sense, she didn't.

Speaker 2
[02:19:36.56 - 02:19:38.52]

have to. she knew they were gonna bury it.

Speaker 1
[02:19:38.52 - 02:19:41.08]

but she they didn't bury it and it ruined.

Speaker 2
[02:19:41.08 - 02:19:51.60]

her ruin her career, ruined her campaign. yes, I think at the time she thought they're gonna bury it. well, yeah, we're gonna bring it up that she. I mean there was a lot of people that were very high on her. they thought she was gonna be the.

Speaker 1
[02:19:51.60 - 02:19:56.14]

one. that's true, yeah, and they were wrong, but maybe they're right now, but they.

Speaker 2
[02:19:56.14 - 02:20:04.26]

thought that about Biden. to remember back in the day we got busted for plagiarism in 88 never. he was never the guy, but he was running for president.

Speaker 1
[02:20:04.26 - 02:20:06.90]

sure, but you know I mean Delaware, but

Speaker 2
[02:20:06.90 - 02:20:11.40]

again, just like they took her out. they took him out right. he came back and

Speaker 1
[02:20:11.40 - 02:20:16.54]

became president. yeah, like what 20 years later? yeah, but the time has accelerated.

Speaker 2
[02:20:17.18 - 02:20:24.34]

40 years is four years now plus. she's get the experience international experience of being the vice president of the United States and never the.

Speaker 1
[02:20:24.34 - 02:20:26.16]

borders are that never had never happened.

Speaker 2
[02:20:26.16 - 02:20:29.78]

you're crazy the fact that people say she was. the borders are newly appointed.

Speaker 1
[02:20:29.78 - 02:20:32.18]

the Republicans made that up and had a.

Speaker 2
[02:20:32.18 - 02:20:50.32]

time machine. it's a cheap fake. those are cheap fake. yeah, it's just such a wild time and most people don't even the, the average person that's going about their job and occasionally watching the news and occasionally paying attention to the newsfeed on their phone. they have no idea what's going on, how nutty it all is, yes,

Speaker 1
[02:20:50.32 - 02:21:14.04]

but the end. but until they do, it's like gradually. then suddenly, yeah, like with the Biden debate. if the corporate comedians had done like Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel and all the other Judd Stewart's other bastard children had done their job and made fun of Biden for four years about being an old fart, that debate wouldn't have landed as hard as it did. the fact that it was a complete 180, for we were being told, is what really did him in.

[02:21:14.04 - 02:21:27.56]

so the more they're trying to hype her up now. and of course she's the new nominee. she's the greatest thing that's ever happened. she's basically another Oprah. once she starts opening her mouth and once here's the thing that's gonna, I predict she's notoriously difficult to work for.

[02:21:27.56 - 02:21:38.76]

the New York Times, New York Post covered this at the time. wait until people who are trying to get her into the White House start leaking to the press. I will. what a nightmare she is to work with. that is going to undermine a lot of stuff for her to.

[02:21:39.90 - 02:21:47.32]

she's not. she's not like Hillary. everyone's. Linda was named Linda Bloodworth went to jail for Hillary. people ride or die with her.

[02:21:47.32 - 02:21:48.06]

com was a.

Speaker 2
[02:21:48.06 - 02:21:56.72]

different story. well, she had a really high turnover of her staff 90%. that's great. what's normal? I don't know, but

Speaker 1
[02:21:56.72 - 02:22:11.94]

it's not 90 in like a year, whoo? yeah, it's not just that they left us, that they left and went to the press and be like I can't. she doesn't do her homework and then she yells at me for not being prepared like they went leaked. people leave these offices all the time, but.

Speaker 2
[02:22:11.94 - 02:22:21.04]

they don't leak, but it's just so wild that the media is all behind her now. why is it wild? because it's interesting, it's just wild to see it's 180, yeah, the.

Speaker 1
[02:22:21.04 - 02:22:31.96]

shamelessness. it's wild to see, yeah, but what's even while they're seeing it through Twitter? yeah, because you see their 180 switch and then people like you guys were just saying something different two weeks ago. yeah, it's hilarious. thank you, Ilan again.

[02:22:31.96 - 02:22:33.08]

yeah, oh my.

Speaker 2
[02:22:33.08 - 02:22:51.28]

god, thank you one, because if it wasn't for him, it first of all he changes the watermark. yes, for all the other ones, the things that all the other social media companies would have blocked you for, more stuff is slipping through the cracks, right, it's less. people are getting banned, I think, and these other social media networks, because just it.

Speaker 1
[02:22:51.28 - 02:23:05.28]

highlights and and in their defense. broadly speaking, what's the point of me banning this person? if they're going to be in these other nine sites or with you into one other site, then I thought actually accomplishing the purpose is just a waste of time. you know I'm alienating potential subscribers or.

Speaker 2
[02:23:06.94 - 02:23:13.10]

users. yeah, it's wild man, it's a strange, strange time again. it's like the Coliseum people, but do you know it's?

Speaker 1
[02:23:13.10 - 02:23:24.28]

even funnier is that blue-pilled people on the left have been told and believe that Trump is scared to debate her. yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:23:24.86 - 02:23:27.40]

that's funny. they think this. you really

Speaker 1
[02:23:27.40 - 02:23:30.12]

think they think that yes, no, they don't have thoughts, but that's what they say.

Speaker 2
[02:23:30.12 - 02:23:32.28]

they think that because she's young? no,

Speaker 1
[02:23:33.00 - 02:23:45.52]

she's a. she's a prosecutor and she's tough. yeah, hashtag, girl boss. yeah, and she's a prosecutor and he's a crook, so she's gonna put him in his place and everyone will clap. that's gonna be.

Speaker 2
[02:23:45.52 - 02:23:47.30]

interesting. if they do debate, they're.

Speaker 1
[02:23:47.30 - 02:23:49.36]

gonna do debate help several if he lives.

Speaker 2
[02:23:49.98 - 02:24:06.08]

yeah, do you think they're gonna try to take him out again? yes, yeah, I do too. yes, if they did that, this is not the only time they're gonna do that and then also that one was so Lee Harvey Oswald. it was so. it was so perfect lone gunmen at a.

Speaker 1
[02:24:06.08 - 02:24:10.60]

certain point him out. if you're that sloppy, you're in on it. someone had at.

Speaker 2
[02:24:10.60 - 02:24:16.52]

least know that he was under threat or didn't care for job hair. yeah, that's the.

Speaker 1
[02:24:16.52 - 02:24:21.38]

thing. I don't think that literally they worked with this crooks kid at all. you don't think so. I don't think so what.

Speaker 2
[02:24:21.38 - 02:24:28.50]

about the data that shows that someone from the near the FBI office in DC was visiting this kid being on their radar.

Speaker 1
[02:24:28.50 - 02:24:36.48]

screen is not the same as like colluding with him. meeting with him right, I don't know that I'm checking him out is the same thing as he's working, because if he?

Speaker 2
[02:24:36.48 - 02:24:38.50]

was. why would they check him out, maybe?

Speaker 1
[02:24:38.50 - 02:24:41.84]

who knows why. there's lots of reasons. check somebody out point be working for.

Speaker 2
[02:24:41.84 - 02:24:45.94]

the government right now? yes, obviously do you already get paid? I'm aside, yeah, I.

Speaker 1
[02:24:45.94 - 02:24:49.84]

get paid my shot. yes, you did, I gave you.

Speaker 2
[02:24:49.84 - 02:24:51.56]

the briefcase. I didn't know, I didn't.

Speaker 1
[02:24:51.56 - 02:25:06.20]

know, but I was scared, point being, if you I think they just don't didn't care right, and if it's your job to protect someone's life and you don't really care right, at a certain point something's going to happen. mm-hmm the whole thing.

Speaker 2
[02:25:06.20 - 02:25:11.38]

was very strange. this is very strange. it's kids, it's also asked, and it's all.

Speaker 1
[02:25:11.38 - 02:25:21.28]

like water, commercial and yeah, and also the idea that again the media is like whatever. yeah, it's fine. yeah, well it's.

Speaker 2
[02:25:21.28 - 02:25:32.04]

also the news cycle. today. it's so rapid, it's like working on an assembly line like you don't have time to check parts. yeah, put that fucker on is another one comment, and they were talking about the.

Speaker 1
[02:25:32.04 - 02:25:37.64]

debate for weeks. mm-hmm, true, and they were not talking about this, like they were talking about the debate, do you?

Speaker 2
[02:25:37.64 - 02:25:44.72]

think that they set him up. they knew I didn't that Biden was compromised and let him debate on purpose. now you don't think, because they could have said no.

Speaker 1
[02:25:44.72 - 02:26:02.22]

debate. no, because I think, first of all, I think again he's fine, the State of the Union. he probably has good days and bad days, and even the bad days I was probably exceptionally bad, and I think he has his people, and I'm the president, Joe Biden, who's going to tell Jill. no, I think at a certain point you believe you're in bullshit, don't you, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2
[02:26:02.22 - 02:26:06.56]

could be yeah, I don't know that Trump, because it was so early though, but in.

Speaker 1
[02:26:06.56 - 02:26:22.42]

their head, Trump in their head. we're gonna put a nail in the Trump coffin once and for all the guys, Hitler and a liar and all this other nonsense that they believe. so Joe's gonna come out there. he was, listen, look at his debate history. Paul Ryan, who was no, no dummy.

[02:26:22.42 - 02:26:31.92]

he was very good against him. he was very good against Sarah Palin. no wait, he was good way against Trump in 2020, like they're just gonna nuke him. that's what.

Speaker 2
[02:26:31.92 - 02:26:34.54]

they thought I think interesting, I don't.

Speaker 1
[02:26:34.54 - 02:26:36.66]

think so. you think Jill set him up to.

Speaker 2
[02:26:36.66 - 02:26:39.90]

fail. no, no, I think she's probably delusional, like that guy with that's.

Speaker 1
[02:26:39.90 - 02:26:41.76]

what I'm saying. she's delusional, she is.

Speaker 2
[02:26:41.76 - 02:26:44.78]

yes, but I think the people behind the scenes knew exactly what was gonna.

Speaker 1
[02:26:44.78 - 02:26:59.68]

happen. I don't think that was. I think if they had a debate again, it's not 100% that it would be that bad again. that's interesting, because again, look at the State of Union, like sometimes he's bad but not that bad, but I think right but.

Speaker 2
[02:26:59.68 - 02:27:15.22]

the State of the Union was not live, and yes, it was. no. no, just see that they found out that it wasn't that they looked at his watch and his watch. no, yeah, do a State of the Union analysis Biden's watch? no way.

[02:27:15.22 - 02:27:18.44]

yeah, someone zoomed in on his watch and his watch was the wrong.

Speaker 1
[02:27:18.44 - 02:27:22.80]

time. how could that even be? well it.

Speaker 2
[02:27:22.80 - 02:27:24.72]

could be. he's blind. you can't see what.

Speaker 1
[02:27:24.72 - 02:27:28.58]

all the networks on it. I don't know what.

Speaker 2
[02:27:28.58 - 02:27:34.30]

they knew. how do you know what they knew you? just you get a feed. you know, I don't.

Speaker 1
[02:27:34.30 - 02:27:36.26]

think all the Republicans would agree to it too.

Speaker 2
[02:27:37.76 - 02:27:43.44]

who knows what they knew. they're all there live, yeah, doing it, yeah, hmm you.

Speaker 1
[02:27:43.44 - 02:27:47.82]

got Mike Johnson behind you, you got there all the audience crossing their hands. hmm, they don't like what you say.

Speaker 2
[02:27:47.82 - 02:27:56.28]

it's got to be live. let's see anything. State of the Union wasn't live. I added Biden's watch. it could be some troll shit, anything about me.

[02:27:56.28 - 02:28:04.94]

yeah, they could have got me, but there was no Biden's watch. look at Biden's watch incorrect time. State of the Union. he has never.

Speaker 1
[02:28:04.94 - 02:28:07.04]

watches a sundial. the guy's like he's.

Speaker 2
[02:28:07.96 - 02:28:18.00]

looking at the stars sextant. that's not why he has that face. no, President Biden's Oval Office address wasn't pre-recorded.

Speaker 1
[02:28:18.00 - 02:28:20.12]

a fake image of the wrong time, yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:28:20.12 - 02:28:36.04]

there's a fake image. they got me these sons of bitches. it's just amazing how much stuff is fake floating around city and put up a yes, that's a union, wasn't? that was just I'm talking after whatever went after, hadn't been seen for a few.

Speaker 1
[02:28:36.04 - 02:28:42.96]

days. well, that I believe, was pre-recorded, that I that wouldn't make a deal. what big deal one or another like if you're giving a talk and you have something to.

Speaker 2
[02:28:42.96 - 02:28:59.10]

say you go, so they use the wrong image from a different. yeah, these cocksuckers, it's just like that stuff like who's doing that stuff? and why are they doing that stuff? why are they having people talk about that and share inaccurate information? it's, I think, it's to put everything into chaos.

[02:28:59.10 - 02:29:12.06]

so you know, you have no idea what's true or what's not true, and then ultimately, you, you don't know what to trust or what not to trust, which is a great way to get things through, because then preposterous things can happen. you're like what fucking.

Speaker 1
[02:29:12.06 - 02:29:15.58]

happened, then you could honestly say there's a lot of misinformation, so we.

Speaker 2
[02:29:15.58 - 02:29:22.18]

gotta crack down on it right, and they could probably putting up some of that misinformation themselves. what they would do some stuff. that's easily.

Speaker 1
[02:29:22.18 - 02:29:39.22]

provable what they would do in eastern Germany, the Stasi. they would infiltrate, like some group right with a Stasi agent, and that Stasi agent be like we should have with other government, and everyone else would be like you're crazy. we don't want that neck. they're arrested for colluding with someone who wants to overthrow the government. oh my god he's.

Speaker 2
[02:29:39.22 - 02:29:49.88]

part of your group? yeah, well, like the Gretchen Whitmer, yeah, that one's nuts. 12 people were FBI agents out of the 14. they were gonna kidnap her, but they.

Speaker 1
[02:29:49.88 - 02:29:52.22]

still act as if it really happened. oh.

Speaker 2
[02:29:52.98 - 02:30:02.66]

so nuts man. it's so nuts. even says there's pictures of his watch with the correct time on it that were taken inside the Oval Office. yeah, these cocksuckers, they got me, but I also don't.

Speaker 1
[02:30:02.66 - 02:30:05.50]

think, why would that be a big deal if it's pre-recorded? do you know what I?

Speaker 2
[02:30:05.50 - 02:30:14.36]

mean if he's well. the idea is that if he's pretending to be live but really can't be trusted because he's so gone that they edited it this way, I don't.

Speaker 1
[02:30:14.36 - 02:30:16.22]

believe for a second he had a cold, so

Speaker 2
[02:30:16.76 - 02:30:19.12]

you think they just pulled a coup.

Speaker 1
[02:30:19.12 - 02:30:21.38]

essentially we. I don't think the coups.

Speaker 2
[02:30:21.38 - 02:30:23.50]

because of kovat or no, it's cold it.

Speaker 1
[02:30:23.50 - 02:30:40.14]

wouldn't it would, why would I? okay, one thing that I think everyone, most people could understand is these politicians are power-hungry people right? why would I, as president, step down when I do have still a decent shot of being Trump again and I beat him last time, got him out of?

Speaker 2
[02:30:40.14 - 02:30:43.84]

the Oval Office, especially when he says right.

Speaker 1
[02:30:45.42 - 02:30:49.48]

let the ring go right. so yeah, of course it was a coup.

[02:30:52.76 - 02:30:54.12]

right. am I wrong though?

[02:31:05.92 - 02:31:10.28]

don't you think they had to go to threats? yeah, I wonder what else we get.

Speaker 2
[02:31:10.28 - 02:31:18.20]

him out of there. I mean, maybe they just talk sensibly to him said look, do you remember when I kill the whole party because you don't want to step down do?

Speaker 1
[02:31:18.20 - 02:31:27.18]

you remember when Chuck Schumer told Dianne Feinstein she's got to resign and she agreed and then forgot that they had the conversation? he had to talk to her.

Speaker 2
[02:31:27.18 - 02:31:32.76]

three times. well, at the end, like she was having people behind her, tell her what.

Speaker 1
[02:31:32.76 - 02:31:36.08]

oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that was nuts they.

Speaker 2
[02:31:36.08 - 02:31:50.08]

were wheeling her around. yeah, it's like. you ever see that video of the lady in Brazil who brings a dead guy to the bank? no, she's like holding his hand, so I try to get him to sign the money over to her. you never seen that?

[02:31:50.08 - 02:31:57.50]

oh, it's amazing. this lady brought a dead guy to the bank. oh yeah, is that a person or dummy? he's dead. he's a dead guy.

[02:31:57.50 - 02:32:13.92]

he's fully dead. try to get to a secure loan. she's like no, no, it's fine, it's all good here, but put on your hand. sign this right here and they're like oh my god, look at this bitch. I mean the guy's fully dead.

[02:32:13.92 - 02:32:24.58]

bank employees eventually calls the police who arrest the woman. she could say well, he died on the way over. I didn't know he's dead. I thought he was just sleepy. Jesus just wanted to get some.

Speaker 1
[02:32:24.58 - 02:32:28.86]

money. that's our president. you have some respect. that's not our president. yes, it was.

[02:32:28.86 - 02:32:30.00]

that's a dead guy. that was literally.

Speaker 2
[02:32:30.00 - 02:32:39.38]

our president. do you think Biden's alive? yeah, and if you think he wasn't alive, you think they'd tell us if they have this body double out there running around for national security reasons. don't you think they would just keep?

Speaker 1
[02:32:39.38 - 02:32:46.78]

their mouth shut? no, because I think it would behoove them if she got to be president and then she's a stronger.

Speaker 2
[02:32:46.78 - 02:32:54.84]

nominee. so if he was dead, then they would. it would be good, because she would be the president then, and then who and then.

Speaker 1
[02:32:54.84 - 02:33:08.84]

they would. yeah, hmm, but now there were rumors going around that during this window of time where he vanished from the face of the earth which is not a thing that happens with presidents where you don't know where they are, where he was having a seizure he was like this

Speaker 2
[02:33:08.84 - 02:33:16.02]

internet stuff doctor by aliens and they grew him. that's how he's better, or be else about? the aliens came along they.

Speaker 1
[02:33:16.02 - 02:33:18.90]

used the new tech, he opened the gateway.

Speaker 2
[02:33:20.02 - 02:33:22.80]

he gained six inches spry pep in his.

Speaker 1
[02:33:22.80 - 02:33:29.10]

step I. here's the question I have. I don't know if he's going to be there. you know January through January right.

Speaker 2
[02:33:32.00 - 02:33:33.98]

right. yeah, he's got to make it and I'm.

Speaker 1
[02:33:33.98 - 02:33:48.92]

very worried about Taiwan. yeah, because if I'm China or if I'm Putin, now's the time to move right. we got a vacuum of leadership in the White House. oh, that's a scary one. you think he's going to serve out the term?

[02:33:48.92 - 02:33:52.68]

I don't know.

Speaker 2
[02:33:53.22 - 02:33:58.60]

when I see that guy that supposedly is Biden, I'm like I don't know what's going.

Speaker 1
[02:33:58.60 - 02:34:17.52]

on. now I, since we live in a simulation and I'm going to spoil the best comedy of all time deep at a certain point, V becomes president and then she's voted out, like five months later. and since officer Harris is basically Selena Meyer, just like dipped in chocolate, I don't think he's going to be president through.

Speaker 2
[02:34:17.52 - 02:34:22.92]

January? what so who becomes vice?

Speaker 1
[02:34:22.92 - 02:34:33.36]

president, she's gonna wish you gonna pick one of these governors right. she's gonna pick. it's either what Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Andy Beshear of Kentucky or Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania is. the short list is what I heard, you don't.

Speaker 2
[02:34:33.36 - 02:34:37.58]

they do. they do what, like a kind of an insecure comic, does. that's the one I was.

Speaker 1
[02:34:37.58 - 02:34:39.32]

talking about. yeah, this one, look at him.

Speaker 2
[02:34:39.32 - 02:34:44.78]

while he walks. look how tall he is, but he's towering over her, but also how.

Speaker 1
[02:34:44.78 - 02:34:47.18]

quick, quickly he's walking, yeah, he's got.

Speaker 2
[02:34:47.18 - 02:34:57.85]

he doesn't understand. he thinks he's walking like an old man because that's a 40 year old dude. very strange. he definitely is walking way better. yeah do.

Speaker 1
[02:34:58.78 - 02:34:59.90]

you have. can you put up footages of?

Speaker 2
[02:34:59.90 - 02:35:13.72]

Biden walking. there's also a kind of a power to his step, like he's trying to walk. that surely? yeah, well, there's, there's an effortlessness to the way he's walking. this is again armchair physiologist Joe Rogan.

[02:35:13.72 - 02:35:15.10]

yeah, when I'm.

Speaker 1
[02:35:15.10 - 02:35:17.56]

looking at. oh wait, look side-by-side.

Speaker 2
[02:35:17.56 - 02:35:34.38]

Wow, okay, which is the fake one? the tall one on the left. choreography acknowledging the bodies awkward on camera walks to the south on ring is halting stiff gate. well, that looks.

Speaker 1
[02:35:34.38 - 02:35:38.68]

the same as the the other one, the one on the left, does. yeah, that looks like this

Speaker 2
[02:35:38.68 - 02:35:51.00]

again. now that looks a little more effortless dude. look, he's look. he's much more casual. I mean he's walking with a little bit of stiffness to his arms, but it's much more casual with his legs.

[02:35:51.00 - 02:35:58.38]

let me see it again. I don't know I might be fucking with my own mind. he's definitely taller.

Speaker 1
[02:35:58.38 - 02:36:00.30]

though he looks taller. yeah, that's the.

Speaker 2
[02:36:00.30 - 02:36:14.78]

thing that the big one is this one, that's the big one. yeah, yeah, that one's nuts, that one freaks me out cuz, look, he's walking fine, he's walking fine, and he's so big. look how big he is like, clearly bigger. would you ever want to?

Speaker 1
[02:36:14.78 - 02:36:16.42]

get a body double. Joe Rogan bite it up.

Speaker 2
[02:36:16.42 - 02:36:35.72]

I have four of them right there. yeah, yeah, they're doing sets all over the country and open mic nights. imagine. yeah, well, the thing is about like you can find a tall thin person might probably find some short jack guys. they're gonna pretend to be nice.

[02:36:35.72 - 02:36:48.12]

yeah, you just have to, and there's enough. this plant look, especially if you're just watching video. yeah, so that's a different one. yeah, see, okay, that one's very slow, but also, that could be the end of the day, but also.

Speaker 1
[02:36:48.12 - 02:36:52.60]

look at his posture, though the heads at an angle instead of straight up right. that's the difference for me. well, it's.

Speaker 2
[02:36:52.60 - 02:37:10.74]

also easily. he looks like struggling there to walk, whereas the other one of the new guy, the recent one, he doesn't very struggling at all. so this is the look how he's going up the stairs effortless man, weird. he's going up the stairs like a regular person. yeah, not fallen.

[02:37:10.74 - 02:37:18.32]

well, he's not struggling. there's like a hitch to the gate, like what you saw at the debate when he had to step down off the platform. we had to do it.

Speaker 1
[02:37:18.32 - 02:37:22.60]

sideways. can we like remember when she was asked about the debate by Stephen?

Speaker 2
[02:37:22.60 - 02:37:39.64]

Colbert. so look at this one right now. so this is him walking in that other one. he's really struggling there, but again, that could be just like his mental ability. yeah, it could come and go, especially with that fucking juicy alien cocktail they jazzed, or it could be jet lag.

[02:37:39.64 - 02:37:47.28]

imagine if you really did grow six inches. it really is Biden. if you really do have some stuff, it rejuvenates you, but you also grow, I get.

Speaker 1
[02:37:47.28 - 02:37:50.16]

on that shit. in two minutes it'll be a.

Speaker 2
[02:37:50.16 - 02:38:03.00]

real problem why we're gonna look like the Anunnaki, like that dude with the fucking rubber in his face. I'm gonna be 10 feet tall, like maybe that's what the Anunnaki are, because the whole thing is that they're supposed to be way taller.

Speaker 1
[02:38:03.00 - 02:38:08.18]

than us. I was talking to Kurt Metzger about this. oh boy, I love Kurt. he's the.

Speaker 2
[02:38:08.18 - 02:38:18.10]

best I know. I just will go off, though he'll go off on his. his eyes get crazy and he gets to your face. he's sucking, sucking on a vape pad. it's so great and.

Speaker 1
[02:38:18.10 - 02:38:28.98]

I'm just gimme, gimme, gimme. oh, he's the best. yet he had this whole thing about the typography of the different aliens and, like these ones hate. these ones look white, and these ones look like Aryans, and Kerr believes everything he.

Speaker 2
[02:38:28.98 - 02:38:36.92]

the Jimmy Dore show wrecked him being on that show. he was normal before he started going over there. yeah, well, he was always crazy, but he was like a different.

Speaker 1
[02:38:36.92 - 02:38:42.04]

kind of crazy. yeah, but I don't think Kurt's crazy, because everything he says, I look up and there's receipts, it's.

Speaker 2
[02:38:42.04 - 02:38:49.82]

based on something I don't mean crazy, like incorrect, right, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like. I'll show you the walls of text that he sends me, I'm sure.

Speaker 1
[02:38:49.82 - 02:38:51.68]

he sends me? yes, of course, walls he lives.

Speaker 2
[02:38:51.68 - 02:39:03.78]

here now. walls of yeah, yeah, yeah, well, I talked him into moving here. yeah, good, but he's the best and he's such a funny dude too, and his his ability to like have jokes. he's like a joke machine, but for any situation that comes up there are.

Speaker 1
[02:39:03.78 - 02:39:19.68]

two things. Kurt told me that I think about like once a week, because they're so funny and I'm just like I'm in the presence of, like a comedy legend one is. he was talking to Patrice O'Neill and Kurt had just seen Fight Club. and Patrice is like Alexa's ultimate white people movie. and Kurt's like what do you mean?

[02:39:19.68 - 02:39:24.46]

goes oh, I don't have enough violence in my life. I got to go seek it out and get. I want someone to punch me in the face, I don't. that's like. he's like.

[02:39:24.46 - 02:39:46.24]

yeah, so that was one. and then Kurt did his homework on Paula Dean, who got canceled because she used the n-word once, and he looked it up and it turned out that she said it when she was getting robbed at gunpoint as a bank clerk. and he goes this is the most progressive, old, fat southern white lady ever. he goes. they should build a statue.

Speaker 2
[02:39:46.24 - 02:39:48.38]

to her. that's really when she said yes.

Speaker 1
[02:39:48.38 - 02:39:58.96]

and dads will bring their sons and the plaque will say she only said it once. look, son, this is a progressive. I didn't know. that's what happened. yes, a per per, Kurt, please double-check this, yeah, you.

Speaker 2
[02:39:58.96 - 02:40:05.38]

never know. he also told me that that plane that disappeared got sucked into a vortex. no, he did it. oh yeah, so many.

Speaker 1
[02:40:05.38 - 02:40:17.38]

videos the Malaysian. yeah, that one well remember. Don Lemon asked if it was a black hole on CNN, the dumbest man on, formerly dumbest man in television. what if it was a black hole? is it interesting?

Speaker 2
[02:40:17.38 - 02:40:20.00]

watching guys like him without the whole.

Speaker 1
[02:40:20.00 - 02:40:22.26]

production crew and Chris Cuomo yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:40:22.26 - 02:40:28.92]

yeah, Fredo. well, what Dave Smith did to him? holy shit. that was like Mike Tyson versus Marvis Frazier in the 80s. it was.

Speaker 1
[02:40:28.92 - 02:40:48.38]

a beautiful, beautiful thing, and it couldn't happen to a better guy. and it's even funnier. is you know how Greeks like Tantalus, like in the afterlife? he's always reaching for water or food, and it's always out of his reach because he served his son to the gods, his food. like when you're on CNN, like Rogan and these podcasts, even the audience is a hundred times bigger.

[02:40:48.38 - 02:41:05.60]

it's like beneath you, because they're like nothing and I'm the real guy. and now he's got to be a sidekick on Patrick by David. no disrespect to Patrick at all, and he knows that every single person at CNN, the camera, guys, the door guy, is laughing at what a nothing in their eyes he's.

Speaker 2
[02:41:05.60 - 02:41:07.60]

become it's kind of genius by Patrick to.

Speaker 1
[02:41:07.60 - 02:41:10.02]

put him on. oh yes, personal hell it's.

Speaker 2
[02:41:10.02 - 02:41:20.34]

kind of genius, because you really can't escape not just what you've said, but the tendencies you've developed and being on those broadcast network and the sneering.

Speaker 1
[02:41:20.34 - 02:41:23.44]

yeah, so condescending to Patrick it's.

Speaker 2
[02:41:23.44 - 02:41:29.10]

kind of crazy. it's hilarious. yeah, well, Elon did it too, with with lemon, with one.

Speaker 1
[02:41:29.10 - 02:41:31.50]

Joe well, lemon wanted ownership well.

Speaker 2
[02:41:32.24 - 02:41:41.72]

it's not just that the way they had the conversation. he was trying to do. CNN outside, oh yeah, that's how Elon said it yeah, and CNN outside of CNN it was, and.

Speaker 1
[02:41:41.72 - 02:41:44.62]

now bitch can't get arrested, yeah, but

Speaker 2
[02:41:45.16 - 02:41:52.72]

that's like the quality of his discourse, right. that's where he deserves to be. it's not good conversation, it's not.

Speaker 1
[02:41:52.72 - 02:41:59.44]

interesting. you know what I always say. I say the enemy class is not composed of impressive people and now the biggest alpha male on CNN is Caitlin Collins.

Speaker 2
[02:41:59.44 - 02:42:04.38]

yeah, they're all gone well, Jake Tapper.

Speaker 1
[02:42:04.38 - 02:42:07.24]

still there. yes, sure he did it keep I.

Speaker 2
[02:42:07.24 - 02:42:10.26]

Jake Tapper's, an honest guy, I think I I.

Speaker 1
[02:42:10.26 - 02:42:17.32]

and who is? who's the other woman? Martha? was it who was the the female moderator? I don't know Dana Bash.

[02:42:17.32 - 02:42:29.72]

was that her name? I and everyone else must give them credit for doing such an honest and fair job at the debate. they let them both speak. they didn't talk over them. the questions were reasonable and tough questions for both parties.

[02:42:29.72 - 02:42:48.82]

I didn't think he had it in him. so kudos to Jake Tapper, and I'm going to apologize for saying that he always looks like someone just farted. yeah, he did a great job, and he also did a great job like Chris Coons, who's head of Biden's campaign. he was holding his feet to the fire about the debate, so I didn't know where, where this came from, but I was wrong about Jake.

Speaker 2
[02:42:48.82 - 02:43:03.86]

Tapper. yeah, it's. um, I think there's a lot of people that are in media that didn't want to do the thing that they're doing now. they didn't want to do it that way, but now they're in this machine and this is what they want to do, because this they want to keep their career well.

Speaker 1
[02:43:03.86 - 02:43:10.52]

this is their only way to have status. these are mediocre people. yeah, they don't have. they're not gonna. if you're not writing for the New York Times.

[02:43:10.52 - 02:43:16.52]

no one's reading your sub stack. you're nobody. I know nothing. you're not interesting. they're not impressive or interesting people right.

[02:43:16.52 - 02:43:23.24]

look at this guy no opinion. who like he's? if you look at his photo, he looks like Jared from Subway. who exactly? who are you talking about?

[02:43:23.24 - 02:43:25.46]

no opinion, who's that he's he's.

Speaker 2
[02:43:25.46 - 02:43:29.92]

one. he's nobody. oh, is it no opinion? yes, not, Noah, no, it's not. what are you saying?

Speaker 1
[02:43:29.92 - 02:43:33.10]

Noah, I am pinion, n-o-a-h-p-i-n-i-o-n so.

Speaker 2
[02:43:33.10 - 02:43:37.32]

it's like Mike cunt, like you know, like my cunt, like it's just like that, yeah.

Speaker 1
[02:43:37.32 - 02:43:39.18]

except he would not like that has.

Speaker 2
[02:43:39.18 - 02:43:49.80]

anybody seen my cunt and no one's seen no opinion interesting. well, there's a lot of those guys right, a lot of them yeah, and then you think they're just getting paid, just like this conservative.

Speaker 1
[02:43:49.80 - 02:44:01.52]

guy that I know. I don't think it's necessary that they're getting paid. it's that, like they do not, they're violently anti-charismatic. no one wants them at the party. so all they can do is go on these other.

[02:44:01.52 - 02:44:27.26]

and I say to someone who does this a lot myself go on like social media and try to kind of make Aaron Ruppar make a name for yourself by just spouting complete nonsense. who's the best at it? best in what way? keep over right. oh, my favorite angry lesbian she's, she literally has brain damage, he's a.

Speaker 2
[02:44:27.26 - 02:44:29.26]

gift really oh yeah, what happened.

Speaker 1
[02:44:29.26 - 02:44:39.36]

traumatic brain injury from what like got hit by like a tinder block or something. whoa, look the sub, Jamie, it's, it's on his Wikipedia. oh, that makes sense. yeah, so he's, he's. he said D, did you see?

[02:44:39.36 - 02:44:50.08]

they said to be the CNN building should be burned down. oh, he said, ever, kick everyone out, burned on the building. for what? because of debate. Wow, yeah, this is not someone who's well.

[02:44:50.08 - 02:44:51.78]

so when did he?

Speaker 2
[02:44:51.78 - 02:44:53.64]

get it in the head, but I think the 80s.

Speaker 1
[02:44:53.64 - 02:45:06.84]

whoa, it's been a minute. yeah, oh man. and what's even funnier is his Twitter. he used to have a million Twitter followers and it's slowly been going down, because at a certain point, even the boomers like okay, dude, calm down, like Trump, isn't literally gonna kill you tomorrow. oh he's.

Speaker 2
[02:45:06.84 - 02:45:16.26]

amazing. yeah, he's so great, he's a gift. remember we used to do that show from his basement. oh yeah, like the resistance. yeah, you know, and any day now Donald Trump will be locked up.

[02:45:16.26 - 02:45:18.72]

so I'm just gonna shut the show down. and well, he was.

Speaker 1
[02:45:18.72 - 02:45:22.52]

right, he did get locked up eventually. yeah, they arrested him. yeah, eventually.

Speaker 2
[02:45:23.20 - 02:45:29.32]

that's a crazy one, huh, the 34 counts of felony counts that were all misdemeanors.

Speaker 1
[02:45:29.32 - 02:45:34.06]

and did you see Andrew Cuomo? yeah, came out. it's like this is bullshit? yeah, and.

Speaker 2
[02:45:34.06 - 02:45:35.68]

talked about it on Bill Maher yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1
[02:45:35.68 - 02:45:37.64]

that I was surprised that Cuomo was a.

Speaker 2
[02:45:37.64 - 02:45:41.36]

guy they shouldn't have got rid of, because that guy could have won. he could have been the president, you know.

Speaker 1
[02:45:41.36 - 02:45:43.38]

what about killing all the old people?

Speaker 2
[02:45:43.38 - 02:45:46.96]

yeah, that was a little bit of a problem. we didn't know. we didn't know when your.

Speaker 1
[02:45:46.96 - 02:45:50.12]

president is supposed to kill young people, not old people. right, not supposed.

Speaker 2
[02:45:50.12 - 02:45:58.82]

to take kovat patients thrown back in the nursing homes and then put a bunch of people on ventilators. whoops, yeah, whoopsies. but they didn't know. they thought ventilators were the way to go.

Speaker 1
[02:45:58.82 - 02:46:06.66]

but they knew. sure, but the point is, if you got something this bad wrong and tried to cover it up, it's gonna be hard to get through that White House, yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:46:06.66 - 02:46:08.85]

that's a bit of an issue. yeah, the the.

Speaker 1
[02:46:09.20 - 02:46:18.94]

nursing home and also, as as a New York Jew, that New York Italian attitude. I know that works in middle America. if you're trying to be president, you're gonna have to do something deal with.

Speaker 2
[02:46:18.94 - 02:46:23.56]

well, Chelsea Handler said she was Cuomo sexual, so that settles that Chelsea.

Speaker 1
[02:46:23.56 - 02:46:25.20]

Handler was that, but that dudes final.

Speaker 2
[02:46:25.20 - 02:46:34.70]

form was. everybody loved Cuomo when he was running New York at the beginning of the pandemic, because he seemed so reasonable and measured and leader like.

Speaker 1
[02:46:34.70 - 02:46:45.94]

well, he kind of ate his. one thing I did like about him is that he would have those daily updates. so he was doing trying to do what he could to be as visible. and you know, yeah, I have as much information as possible, the better than.

Speaker 2
[02:46:45.94 - 02:46:49.46]

the guy, the lady they have now, who says black people don't know what computers.

Speaker 1
[02:46:49.46 - 02:46:57.90]

are Kathy Hochul, Jesus Christ, get this bitch a broom and send her back where she came from. holy crap, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2
[02:46:57.90 - 02:47:00.40]

wild. they don't know what computers are.

Speaker 1
[02:47:00.40 - 02:47:10.80]

New York is a. New York is a wrap. this is why I'm here. I still might, I'm fine. oh, I want credit from your boy, Elon, would you do?

[02:47:10.80 - 02:47:15.32]

I am the first person on earth I believe learning how to drive on a.

Speaker 2
[02:47:15.32 - 02:47:19.64]

cybertruck. really yeah, you didn't know how to drive at all. I still don't.

Speaker 1
[02:47:19.64 - 02:47:28.86]

really, oh my god. my buddy Colin Robb's a professional car tester. whatever Nascar, my buddy Sky King. they rented a cybertruck. they're like all right, let's, let's do.

[02:47:28.86 - 02:47:42.98]

it's like my fourth lesson. I only clipped one window. hmm, but I was doing what would you hit? I didn't? I wasn't told, Colin, that when you're going down these narrow streets, you're supposed to hug the median instead of imagining if there's two lanes?

[02:47:42.98 - 02:47:51.70]

so I, some parked car, had a window at a mirror excuse me, Nicole, but it was fine and the window popped off the cybertruck, the mirror, and we popped it back on, oh so.

Speaker 2
[02:47:51.70 - 02:48:06.88]

just bent backwards, not even like a little just bright. yeah, well, they did give in. yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what the way they're designed. yeah, that's a crazy car to learn how to drive on. yeah, it was wide, yeah, big and also like heavy as.

Speaker 1
[02:48:06.88 - 02:48:12.62]

fuck, but I felt safe that if I got an accident, somebody else would have the consequences. that's true, which was the?

Speaker 2
[02:48:12.62 - 02:48:17.66]

fear that people have about people driving those things right, actually driving a giant steel box it's.

Speaker 1
[02:48:17.66 - 02:48:19.76]

bulletproof, and you know that puts on a.

Speaker 2
[02:48:19.76 - 02:48:22.16]

like a show. oh yeah, I'll dance for you.

Speaker 1
[02:48:22.16 - 02:48:41.44]

right. there's a laser show and there's also a megaphone. really yeah. and also he's a Simpsons fan, because when Homer Simpson designed a car for his brother and ruin his brother's company, Homer said there should be horns everywhere and they should all play La Cucaracha and you can make the horn. one of like 15 choices is La Cucaracha.

[02:48:41.44 - 02:48:44.18]

oh my god. and I know that's a Simpsons joke, that's.

Speaker 2
[02:48:44.18 - 02:48:55.52]

hilarious. he's a lot of wild things with that car, with all of his cars. it's like, though, you know, if you say you press the speak thing and say open butthole. the port opens up to charge it. yes, it does.

[02:48:55.52 - 02:49:01.40]

I'll show you it mines out here. oh my god, hilarious. you say open butthole. the port pops open. he's like 14.

[02:49:01.40 - 02:49:21.94]

there's very few humans like him that are going to be able to run a social media site like that and and also just be able to handle being attacked relentlessly and like complete Teflon. open butthole, see this. someone say open butthole, yeah, say.

Speaker 1
[02:49:21.94 - 02:49:29.02]

it hilarious, I still never. I've been around him a couple of times. I've never hung out with him, so I'm looking forward.

Speaker 2
[02:49:29.02 - 02:49:36.64]

to it. he's good dude. yeah, he's fascinating character. I mean he's handling this very bizarre position in life. I was about as good as you can.

[02:49:36.64 - 02:49:38.14]

I mean no one's gonna handle that very.

Speaker 1
[02:49:38.14 - 02:49:46.78]

well, I think he did it. he really stuck his neck out with with Twitter. I'm dead. naming it 44 billion dollars is a.

Speaker 2
[02:49:46.78 - 02:49:48.22]

big stick your neck out, cuz what's it?

Speaker 1
[02:49:48.22 - 02:49:54.78]

worth now. I don't think it's the money to stick your neck. I'd say he's a target now and that people who you used to love him for the electric cars now think he's.

Speaker 2
[02:49:54.78 - 02:50:02.56]

in the fascist in that interesting, like the people that loved him in California, and if you drove a Tesla, it was a sign that you were environmentally conscious.

Speaker 1
[02:50:02.56 - 02:50:04.10]

you read the New Yorker yeah, you're a.

Speaker 2
[02:50:04.10 - 02:50:06.12]

good person. yeah, yeah, driving a Tesla I.

Speaker 1
[02:50:06.12 - 02:50:09.42]

still think. I don't think there's a stigma to it. yet not yet they haven't.

Speaker 2
[02:50:09.42 - 02:50:11.12]

completely. they're too good, they haven't.

Speaker 1
[02:50:11.12 - 02:50:15.66]

yeah, then they haven't completely marginalized him or tried to or stigmatized him, rather, I should say it.

Speaker 2
[02:50:15.66 - 02:50:34.04]

just doesn't work, just kind of drifts off of them because there's so much support for him. you know is just most people recognize that you really, especially when the Twitter files came out, when Taibbi and Schellenberger released all those Twitter files, and you you realize like there was like a real concerted effort to hide the truth from people and.

Speaker 1
[02:50:34.04 - 02:50:38.40]

then people being gas lit to be like we knew all this or the whole time. no, no, we.

Speaker 2
[02:50:38.40 - 02:50:49.28]

didn't. it's also the stuff about Kovu, with Jay Bhattacharya and all those other people that got unfairly maligned. you know real, extra actual experts, and the government was telling them to.

Speaker 1
[02:50:49.28 - 02:51:02.62]

suppress them, which also tells me that they wouldn't be able to do it a second time. you think so because he, I think he, he's autistic enough that he dig in his heels right, and that's not a knock against him. that's a compliment, I wonder.

Speaker 2
[02:51:02.62 - 02:51:03.64]

if someone's going to try to take him.

Speaker 1
[02:51:03.64 - 02:51:05.72]

out. he's got great security and body.

Speaker 2
[02:51:05.72 - 02:51:08.20]

doubles. does your body doubles? let's get.

Speaker 1
[02:51:08.20 - 02:51:12.52]

that Chinese guy. he's got to be like a robot he's got to have like, like, like a.

Speaker 2
[02:51:12.52 - 02:51:24.40]

Lex 100 clones himself in the Chinese Elon. no, there's a guy who looks almost exactly like him, who lives in China just slightly off, like if it was like you.

Speaker 1
[02:51:24.40 - 02:51:28.24]

you spliced him. wait, you're saying there's a Chinese person who looks like.

Speaker 2
[02:51:28.24 - 02:51:44.28]

somebody else. it looks almost exactly like you on, not like a regular Chinese guy. let's, can you pull it off? I think it's real, because I'm sure I'm pull the wrong video right. yeah, he can fuck with.

Speaker 1
[02:51:44.28 - 02:51:45.70]

you know, he's just gonna pull up Jackie.

Speaker 2
[02:51:45.70 - 02:51:54.30]

Chan, Bruce Lee. look at Elon Musk. him doesn't look like a fake. oh yeah, that yeah. okay, I could see it.

[02:51:54.30 - 02:52:00.00]

I mean yeah, I think that's, I can see it. yeah, like a defective, it does look a little, that's.

Speaker 1
[02:52:00.00 - 02:52:05.04]

not how you want talks. god, that's pretty close, but the motions are correct yeah.

Speaker 2
[02:52:05.04 - 02:52:11.24]

but the thing is lips, the eyes aren't moving right. that looks fake, yeah, and.

Speaker 1
[02:52:11.24 - 02:52:12.54]

the clothes are way off that then right.

Speaker 2
[02:52:12.54 - 02:52:13.70]

at the end it looked at 1 million.

Speaker 1
[02:52:13.70 - 02:52:16.44]

followers holy crap. hmm, a lot of videos.

Speaker 2
[02:52:16.44 - 02:52:30.10]

of this guy up there. it's hard to say man, because there's something about his face. to me, I got that uncanny valley thing going on with this like it might. this looks like bullshit. oh, by the way, it's got good dimples moving here.

[02:52:30.88 - 02:52:34.56]

besides, the muscles in the face are moving pretty good, you can't the eyes.

Speaker 1
[02:52:34.56 - 02:52:36.96]

are really creepy. those are you a lot of.

Speaker 2
[02:52:36.96 - 02:52:40.32]

the weird eyes. it's so close, but he.

Speaker 1
[02:52:40.32 - 02:52:43.64]

doesn't look Asian. that's what's weird.

Speaker 2
[02:52:43.64 - 02:52:47.30]

that's you know, that really does look like you, that really does look like that.

Speaker 1
[02:52:47.30 - 02:52:50.30]

looks like yeah, that's got to be AI. there's no way. that's not AI, that's.

Speaker 2
[02:52:50.30 - 02:52:54.48]

Elon's face. Google is the Asian Elon Musk.

Speaker 1
[02:52:54.48 - 02:52:56.76]

fake, that's, that's, Elon's, that was.

Speaker 2
[02:52:56.76 - 02:53:13.78]

Elon's. yeah, the one that I saw that I remember seeing was from about two years ago and it was much less obvious. it was like close, like oh. look at, that guy looks right, just like him. Oh has been suspended.

[02:53:13.78 - 02:53:21.96]

Wow, why is he suspended? Chinese Chinese doppelganger suspended for China's tick-tock, huh.

[02:53:26.40 - 02:53:35.20]

interesting. so it's real. huh, he's been dubbed by internet. wait, I'm sorry why.

Speaker 1
[02:53:35.20 - 02:53:46.30]

are we not calling him the Chinese knockoff? that's, that's the line he did. he's the Chinese knockoff, Elon. much cheaper, shittier quality. it's been.

Speaker 2
[02:53:46.30 - 02:54:02.54]

deleted on Weibo, all but three posts are left, the Elon Musk account largely inactive as well. local reports have noticed that Elon's doppelganger was banned for violating community guidelines. see, I wonder if they're running him through a filter, though there's got to be.

Speaker 1
[02:54:02.54 - 02:54:04.58]

come on. that was really good software.

Speaker 2
[02:54:04.58 - 02:54:16.64]

engineering is just a pocket. yeah, I mean it seems like he's probably close enough and then did some right shenanigans. it's gonna be so hard to tell face swap. isn't that hard to do? not hard at all.

[02:54:16.64 - 02:54:20.92]

and in AI generated videos and images it's gonna be so hard there's been ones.

Speaker 1
[02:54:20.92 - 02:54:26.24]

of you? oh yeah, oh, did you see the one? Elon just played it. oh, did you see the one of the wires? yeah, oh, my god that's.

Speaker 2
[02:54:26.24 - 02:54:38.50]

hilarious, and you see what Gavin Newsom said to him. no, Gavin Newsom said that that you should be posting this. we're gonna make it illegal and I'm gonna sign a law. and he said professor, suck on these nuts. no, he didn't.

[02:54:38.50 - 02:54:39.06]

yes, he did.

Speaker 1
[02:54:39.06 - 02:54:41.36]

Elon said that to Gavin Newsom. yes, he.

Speaker 2
[02:54:41.36 - 02:55:01.40]

did. yeah, pull that that post up, Jamie, it's so hilarious. he said, professor sug on these nuts says it's legit and that parody is legal. holy, it was exact. quote was, I'm paraphrasing, but parody is allowed by law, which it should be.

[02:55:01.40 - 02:55:06.98]

yeah, no shit, yeah, but the fact that they're using AI to generate her saying a bunch.

Speaker 1
[02:55:06.98 - 02:55:12.02]

of stuff, but was it a? I wasn't that actually her voice, though? yeah, I thought they clipped. it wasn't AI. oh, wasn't AI.

[02:55:12.02 - 02:55:18.58]

I thought it was like sound bites that they saw stitched together, perhaps because it's not, it's choppy right, but.

Speaker 2
[02:55:18.58 - 02:55:28.96]

yeah, I don't know how they did it be the most certainly could do it with AI though that, but that would also make it seem choppy, because it doesn't really run in the cadence of a normal human speech, but.

Speaker 1
[02:55:28.96 - 02:55:34.94]

it seemed like the words were like. you know I. they just added like not, the words are not anything fancy could.

Speaker 2
[02:55:34.94 - 02:55:58.92]

remember when they did that with Reagan? no, yeah, they did that with Reagan. that was the first one they ever did, way way back in the day. they I think it was Iran, I forget which country did it, but they made some fake audio recording of Reagan and then, upon analysis and again this is in the 80s right. so the technology was very crude at the time they just audio, stitched it together and edited it.

[02:55:58.92 - 02:56:19.22]

they found bits and pieces from each one of his speeches that they had compiled this, this one thing to. but that was the first time that ever happened. Elon retweets altered Kamal Harris campaign. she says manipulative, says backup, says manipulating voices in an ad like this should be illegal. I'll be signing a bill in a matter of weeks to make sure it is.

[02:56:19.22 - 02:56:26.58]

and then he says, on a note, I checked with renowned world authority professors sug on these nuts and he said parody is legal in America.

Speaker 1
[02:56:26.58 - 02:56:30.10]

oh my god, hilarious. we don't deserve him.

Speaker 2
[02:56:30.84 - 02:56:36.82]

hilarious. what a wild dude. Wow, what a wild dude, because he's not scared of those folks, because he's the richest man.

Speaker 1
[02:56:36.82 - 02:56:39.78]

in the world would you be? it's not like it's not. would you be scared of Gavin?

Speaker 2
[02:56:39.78 - 02:56:47.22]

Newsom? no, but it's also like what Gavin Newsom represents. right? he's a part of this machine, right that you know. you attack him like that.

[02:56:47.22 - 02:56:49.38]

they're gonna attack you even if you don't find that.

Speaker 1
[02:56:49.38 - 02:56:52.40]

Reagan, even if you don't attack like that, they're gonna attack you, the Reagan.

Speaker 2
[02:56:52.40 - 02:57:00.40]

audio compilation. I forget what it was in reference to, but it was something, something I mean Reagan was saying something outrageous that he would.

Speaker 1
[02:57:00.40 - 02:57:05.40]

never say, and they have that, for like I ran, they have a bunch of people saying whatever you want them to say, but this.

Speaker 2
[02:57:05.40 - 02:57:26.46]

was back in a day and then they put it on television on the news, showing all the different pieces of different speeches, of him wearing different suits, of all the things that he had actually said and how they had pieced it together. this is like very early on indication that you got to be careful with technology. this was very rudimentary technology relatively speaking.

Speaker 1
[02:57:26.46 - 02:57:29.78]

did he say. I'm trying to find it a.

Speaker 2
[02:57:29.78 - 02:57:40.66]

couple more minutes. they took a bunch of Ronald Reagan speeches and they spliced them together to make an an inaccurate.

[02:57:44.32 - 02:57:49.26]

fake. make him say something he never really said, but I remember was on the news. it was like a big deal, I remember.

Speaker 1
[02:57:49.26 - 02:57:51.22]

this at all? yeah, like a Reagan, I don't.

Speaker 2
[02:57:51.22 - 02:57:53.58]

remember it. maybe it's one of those um.

Speaker 1
[02:57:53.58 - 02:58:10.12]

Mandela effect. yeah, I I'm having something with that right now with what my friend Michael Wolfe. he's a strength coach here in Austin. he's got a great dog named chops and I remember very distinctly that chops looks like he's mostly great Dane. he's got the color.

[02:58:10.12 - 02:58:31.28]

the coat color is big and I remember distinctly Michael telling me oh, we did the DNA test, he's actually not great Dane at all. he's something something else and has some Rhodesian Ridgeback and I'm hanging out with him and chops and I go to him. I go, it's just so funny that there's no great Dane in him. he's so and he goes what are you talking about? and I go you, the test goes, never did this and I don't know any other dog where this could be.

[02:58:31.28 - 02:58:48.04]

so I'm paying for him to do the DNA test to see if this is a Mandela effect thing, because I remember very specifically that conversation. that's bizarre. yeah, you think the simulation is real. yes, I know it's real, because it keeps winking. you've had a wink to you all the time.

[02:58:48.04 - 02:59:03.10]

I'm sure I was. I was with you at the green room and I go, Joe, like, like all these things are happening. legs that ever get normally goes, none, you go. no, no, no, just gonna have to go with it like this. like I talked to Jordan Peterson about this, he goes at a certain point.

[02:59:03.10 - 02:59:07.42]

you wake up and you're like oh, the president's yelling me today and he's like. you just have to accept this is what your reality.

Speaker 2
[02:59:07.42 - 02:59:10.76]

is yeah, when it happens to me, I just hear that Queens of the Stone Age song go.

Speaker 1
[02:59:10.76 - 02:59:17.94]

with the flow. yeah, it's like all right. this is this. so yeah, Roseanne's texting me now. okay, I guess this is my life this.

Speaker 2
[02:59:17.94 - 02:59:19.64]

is what we're doing? yes, yeah, of course.

Speaker 1
[02:59:19.64 - 02:59:23.60]

we're in a simulation. you don't think that this is a 3d projection of a 4d?

Speaker 2
[02:59:23.60 - 02:59:26.82]

world. mmm who's running it? I don't did.

Speaker 1
[02:59:26.82 - 02:59:30.48]

machine elves right, that's more likely.

Speaker 2
[02:59:30.48 - 02:59:33.64]

yes, yeah, tricksters, yes, that's why it's.

Speaker 1
[02:59:33.64 - 02:59:40.14]

so silly. that's why it's so fun for me right, and for you and any comedian right. a real comedian, yeah, if you really.

Speaker 2
[02:59:40.14 - 02:59:44.20]

embrace the chaos? yeah, not. if you're just a double mask and right, tell people.

Speaker 1
[02:59:44.20 - 02:59:54.14]

how to vote yes and put on a song and dance for Pfizer. yes, good lord, good lord, even Colbert priest must be, but he.

Speaker 2
[02:59:54.14 - 02:59:57.84]

wasn't really comedian. Colbert was never stand-up, yeah, but

Speaker 1
[02:59:57.84 - 03:00:02.80]

strangers. candy was on the greatest shows of all time. it was one of the most transgressive shows of all time and now.

Speaker 2
[03:00:02.80 - 03:00:09.82]

I don't know what strangers with candy is. I never watched. I only knew him from the Colbert report. okay, I'm being on the.

Speaker 1
[03:00:09.82 - 03:00:31.50]

daily show strangers candy is one of the greatest shows of all time. really, I'll tell you what it's about. it's about starring Amy Sedaris Davis, Harris's sister. it's about a woman named Jerry blank who returns to high school picking up her life, where she left it off as a teenage runaway and she became a user abuser and a loser. so she's this 47 year old ex-junkie.

[03:00:31.50 - 03:00:38.42]

prostitute areas, yeah, and Colbert. Colbert was her teacher like 99, yeah, Wow.

Speaker 2
[03:00:38.42 - 03:00:48.94]

well, Colbert was amazing as that character. yes, and then, when you see him, but he'll the his actual show, you like. hey, is that really you like? who are you?

Speaker 1
[03:00:48.94 - 03:01:04.84]

he knows better. that's why he's not off the hook. in my book, mr. novel, it was the teacher. yeah, hmm, Jerry, I know that you know we have our tough times and you think that I hate you, but I want you to know that I hate you, like I hate you too.

[03:01:04.84 - 03:01:06.84]

mr. goblet, we probably shouldn't hug I.

Speaker 2
[03:01:07.52 - 03:01:09.48]

want to check that show how many seasons.

Speaker 1
[03:01:09.48 - 03:01:13.70]

did it go? when I went on, a rider was in the last episode. no, Kim, they got went.

Speaker 2
[03:01:13.70 - 03:01:15.70]

on writer on TV. I'm so weird that I.

Speaker 1
[03:01:15.70 - 03:01:38.16]

never heard of the pilot episode. maybe I didn't have forgot the pilot episode. they try to get Jerry to spy in her locker mate because they suspect her locker mate might be retarded and they're like well, why do you want me to? uh, you know, turn her in and he's like well, you've got those braces and they tend to be attracted to. you know, shiny objects, oh my god.

[03:01:38.16 - 03:01:39.54]

so that was the pilot episode.

Speaker 2
[03:01:40.46 - 03:01:44.36]

Wow, had three seasons. it was only on TV for like a year and a half. no, no, it's.

Speaker 1
[03:01:44.36 - 03:01:46.30]

three years. it wasn't a year. that's what.

Speaker 2
[03:01:46.30 - 03:01:55.02]

this says I'm looking at the Wikipedia it says like season three started in July 2000 and ended October 2000, when it's season one start April 99 and the July.

Speaker 1
[03:01:55.02 - 03:01:56.74]

Wow, dude, they were that quick for there.

Speaker 2
[03:01:56.74 - 03:01:59.22]

like the others six seasons. it was there.

Speaker 1
[03:01:59.68 - 03:02:16.80]

was one episode I have. I have it on Comedy Central. oh okay, I have in my living reframed because I wrote to her. she's hooking up with the football player and she's like don't worry about getting me pregnant, my ovaries are diseased. so I have my ovaries to Michael.

[03:02:16.80 - 03:02:28.74]

my ovaries diseased. Jerry Blank, signed by Amy. that's awesome, it's a great. so he was on this show and, like him and the other teacher, giving to the blowjob in the bathroom, like that kind of humor. and now look at him.

[03:02:28.74 - 03:02:30.00]

you know, remember.

Speaker 2
[03:02:30.82 - 03:02:44.16]

when he was dancing with Chuck Schumer and he high-fives him there. see that? no, oh yeah, they're all wearing masks and they're dancing around outside and he's dancing Chuck Schumer and he dances over and high-fives Chuck Schumer. I hope it's.

Speaker 1
[03:02:44.16 - 03:02:45.64]

worth it for him, however much money they.

Speaker 2
[03:02:45.64 - 03:02:47.40]

give him yes, let's just see, they're all.

Speaker 1
[03:02:47.40 - 03:02:52.14]

dancing look, no, no, no, yeah, no, look at.

Speaker 2
[03:02:52.14 - 03:03:00.84]

all these people are masks on outside delhi's double masking. but he's not wearing a mask. of course he's a rebel. he's from strangers with candy. it's a wild man.

[03:03:00.84 - 03:03:13.66]

look at him well, he probably recently got vaccinated or something ridiculous, the mass days. even when I look at videos and I see people wearing masks, I can't believe that's real. can't believe that was just a couple of years.

Speaker 1
[03:03:13.66 - 03:03:15.20]

ago. what about you still see them in the?

Speaker 2
[03:03:15.20 - 03:03:18.04]

airports. yeah, goofy people. well, I was.

Speaker 1
[03:03:18.04 - 03:03:19.08]

assumed now that they have like some.

Speaker 2
[03:03:19.08 - 03:03:25.92]

disease. it's a good thing to assume. I used to assume they're from another country. yeah, yeah, people from other countries would wear masks all the time.

Speaker 1
[03:03:25.92 - 03:03:27.04]

there are. a lot of masters are being.

Speaker 2
[03:03:27.04 - 03:03:30.90]

polite. they're just being polite. don't spit on you. yeah, these people over here.

Speaker 1
[03:03:30.90 - 03:03:33.10]

just nuts. you got to go to Japan, dude I.

Speaker 2
[03:03:33.10 - 03:03:38.54]

will go. Michael Malice, you're the fucking man. I appreciate you very much. it's always fun hanging out with you. thank you so much, sir.

[03:03:38.54 - 03:03:41.20]

my pleasure brother, let's hang out. yep, okay, bye everybody.

Unknown Speaker
[03:03:53.90 - 03:03:54.38]

